Quyết định 113/2001/QD-TTg

Decision No. 113/2001/QD-TTg of July 30, 2001 promulgated by The Prime Minister of Government, approving the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city in the period 2001-2010 (readjusted).

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 113/2001/QD-TTg of July 30, 2001 promulgated by The Prime Minister of Government, approving the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city in the period 2001-2010 (readjusted).


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 113/2001/QD-TTg

Hanoi, July 30, 2001





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
At the proposal of the president of the People’s Committee of Da Nang city in Report No. 125/TT-UB of January 16, 2001;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Official Dispatch No. 1627/BKH/VPTD of March 21, 2001,


Article 1.- To approve the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city up to 2010 (readjusted) with the following main contents:

1. Objective: To build Da Nang city into one of the major economic-cultural centers of Central Vietnam and the whole country, with its fundamental functions of an industrial, commercial, tourist and service center of Central Vietnam; a port city, an important communication hub (sea, air, rail and land) for intermediate transport and transport in the whole country and with the world; a postal, telecommunications, financial and banking center; and one of the cultural, sport, education, training, scientific and technological centers of Central Vietnam; Da Nang is also one of the geographical areas holding an important strategic position in national defense and security for Southern Central Vietnam, the Central Highlands and the whole country.

2. Orientation for socio-economic development of Da Nang city

- To build Da Nang city into a modern and civilized one with a healthy cultural and social environment, developing in stable and sustainable conditions and holding the role of a center of the whole Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands with an economic structure composed of industry, trade, service, tourism, aquatic resources service, agriculture and forestry in its relations with the whole country and with the East-West Corridor and ASEAN.

- To effect an economic restructuring along the line of industrialization and modernization. To increase the industrial growth rate by strongly developing the processing industry, the production of export-led consumer goods, construction materials and chemicals, and step by step increase the service and tourism ratios.

- To develop the economy in association with protecting the ecological environment aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the city, the protection of health and raising the quality of life of the population.

- To link economic growth with social progress and justice. To create many jobs for the laborers, to raise the intellectual level of the people. To increase investment in public utility works in the rural, mountain and remote areas aimed at continually raising the living standard of all strata of the population.

- To develop the integrated strength of all economic sectors; to diversify the forms of production and business; to develop well the internal force and create a favorable and investment environment in order to attract capital and new technology from outside, to increase economic interflow with the localities in the country and the world.

- To develop and raise the quality of the manpower source in order to meet the needs of development; to raise the standard of the contingent of leading cadres and policy counseling cadres, enterprise managers and technical workers, to adopt policies for development and use of talents. To attach importance to the application of scientific and technological advances. To promote the traditions of culture, courage and hardworking of the people of Da Nang and to integrate with the other major cities in the country and in the region.

- To carry out sustainable socio-economic development in close association with national defense and maintenance of political security and social safety.

3. A number of main targets:

+ Increase of GDP by 13%/year in the period 2001-2005; by 14%/year in the period 2006-2010; by 13.5%/year in the whole period 2001-2010.

+ GDP per capita in 2010: USD 2,000.

+ Export turnover shall increase 21-23%/year in the period 2001-2010 to reach USD 1,720 million by 2010.

+ Population growth rate of under 1.2% by 2010.

+ Rate of child malnutrition shall drop to under 10% by 2010; supply of electricity to 100% and clean water to 95% of households by 2010.

+ Provision of jobs for 22,000 - 25,000 more persons annually.

+ Economic structure: until 2010 still in the direction of Industry- Service - Agriculture:

- Industry + construction : 46.7%.

- Service: 50.1%.

- Aquatic products, agriculture, forestry: 3.2%.

4. Development of social- economic services and domains:

1. Industry:

- To strive for an average growth rate of 16.62% in the period 2001- 2005 and 15.5% in the period 2006-2010, and 16.1%/year for the whole period 2001-2010.

- To quickly develop key industries by bringing into play the advantages and consolidating equipment and advanced and modern technology to create competitive products on the market: processing industry for aquatic products, software industry, sea-going ship building and repair, port industry in service of maritime economy and export-led industries.

-To begin the construction and to adopt an appropriate managerial mechanism for the Lien Chieu - Hoa Khanh and Da Nang Industrial Parks. To strongly promote domestic and foreign investment to develop industry. To develop groups of satellite industries, processing industries and service industries in the rural areas. To relocate polluting industrial establishments from the inner city under the industrial development plan of the city.

2. Trade:

- To build Da Nang city into a hub for transit transport and goods interflow and service of Central Vietnam; to fulfill well the function of trade as the link between production and consumption. To promote marketing in order to expand the export market of the city, to link domestic trade with export, step by step conduct the exportation of services and create the motive force to accelerate socio-economic industrialization and modernization.

- To develop the entrep�t, to speedily build and form trade centers and an integrated commercial service center and an international fair and exposition center.

3. Tourism:

- To strive to raise the ratio of tourism to 13.3% of GDP by 2006 and 16.5% by 2010.

- To build Da Nang into a tourist center, to diversify the forms of tourism, such as vacation, sea bathing, ecological tourism, sightseeing, attached importance to both international and domestic tourism, to contribute to expanding international relations and investment cooperation.

- To plan tourist development from Ba Na zone to Son Tra peninsula and on both banks of Han river. To develop tourism in Da Nang in association with the overall tourism of Hue - Da Nang - Quang Nam the Central Highlands, at the same time to develop tourism of Da Nang in the national relations and in the relations with Southeast Asia.

4. Service:

To strongly develop service activities directed toward serving socio-economic development of the port city, such as: seaport, airport, warehouses, transport, insurance, finance, banking, information on marketing...

5. Aquatic products, agriculture, forestry and rural development:

To adopt the mode of integrated business. To build fleets for offshore fishing equipped with modern technical means and logistic establishments to ensure long-term fishing on the sea.

To develop aquaculture. To form fishing villages composed of households of fishermen who also engage in tourist service and farming.

To build the Thuan Phuoc fishing port, the Tho Quang - Nai Hien Dong dock along with rearranging, transforming and upgrading the shipbuilding yards and fishing service establishments.

To develop a clean agriculture through diversification. At the same time to quickly expand food crops, vegetables, leguminous plants, fruit trees, flower plants, ornamental trees, livestock breeding..., with an ever higher rate of agricultural merchandise to meet the consumption and export demands.

To strongly develop livestock and poultry breeding, paying importance to the quality of the breeds. To expand the raising of hybrid calves, milch cows, lean pigs and chicken raising by industrial method to raise the efficacy of livestock breeding and meeting the taste of consumers.

To develop sideline occupations and services in the countryside.

To protect, restore natural forests, to develop afforestation on bare land and hills, to plant trees against sand encroachment and landscape forests along the coast by combining forest trees with industrial trees, fruit trees, herbal plants, big stock raising, etc. To build and protect the Ba Na and South Hai Van forests and the Son Tra nature reserve.

6. Development of the technical infrastructure system:

a/ Communications:

To transform, upgrade and build Tien Sa port, Song Han port, Lien Chieu port, the Da Nang international airport, the system of inner city roads, road 14B from Tien Sa port to Tuyen Son bridge, the Lien Chieu - Thuan Phuoc road, the coastal road from Son Tra to Non Nuoc, to develop the traffic system from the city to its industrial parks, tourist park and the countryside, Tuyen Son bridge, Cam Le bridge and Nam O bridge.

b/ Water supply:

To upgrade and build a number of new water plants such as Cau Do, Cam Dai, Lien Chieu and the Son Tra water supply station. To continue investing in carrying out the rural clean water program till 2010 when 95% of the households will have clean water.

c/ Electricity supply:

To transform and upgrade the transformer stations and the electric grid in order to meet the development of industry and tourism and the needs of daily life in the city.

To electrify the whole city so that by 2010 electricity will reach 100% of the rural communes and 100% of the households.

d/ Post and telecommunications:

To develop the post and telecommunications service along the modernization line so that it may become really the postal and telecommunication center of Central Vietnam. To develop the Internet, to build the international telecommunications technical center, to strive to install 38 telephones for every 100 persons by 2010.

e/ Technical infrastructure network to protect the environment:

To strive to complete fundamentally the inner city drainage system by 2010. To study to step by step separate the drainage of surface water from that of waste and dirty water and discharge the latter into sewers and the treatment center before discharging it into the common canal.

To build an incinerator for hospital waste, to build a crematory and the Dam Rong waste water treatment station and a new garbage dump at the foot of Dai La pass.

7. Education, science, healthcare, culture and social affairs:

To raise the quality of education and training, to ensure the source of manpower commensurate with the trade and service structure, the level of economic development and the national defense and security requirements of the city. To develop the system of job-training schools so that by 2010 about 45% of the labor force shall have received job training.

To give priority to renewing technology in the key economic branches of the city, to create favorable conditions and encourage the production establishments to conduct scientific research and develop technology. To upgrade the Scientific and Technological Data Information Center of the city, to establish a network of scientific and technological service as basis for the development of the scientific and technological market and the gray matter market. To build the Da Nang software technology center.

To build a rational and modern system of disease prevention and treatment establishments with compatible manpower and material bases to meet the need of the people in medical examination and treatment. To strive for a reduction by 2010 to the lowest level possible of Vitamin A deficiency diseases, tuberculosis, malnutrition, iodine deficiency disorders and also to the lowest level possible the rate of HIV/AIDS infection. To build a new polyclinic with modern equipment to care for the population of Da Nang and the whole region.

To develop and raise the quality of the cultural and information activities, to build a healthy cultural lifestyle aimed at preserving and promoting the national cultural identity. To modernize the radio and television system and step up the socialization of physical culture and sports. To concentrate investment in developing a number of spearhead sports such as soccer, athletics, swimming, martial arts, chess, Chinese chess... to train athletes with high performances at national and international tournaments.

8. Urban and rural development:

To build Da Nang city under the planning in order to develop its role as the central city of the whole Central Vietnam region.

To develop the urban space in the West-Northwest direction along Cu De river to Truong Dinh and in the West-Southwest direction along National Highways 1A and 14B to Hoa Tho and Hoa Phat communes.

The inner city of Da Nang shall be divided into five quarters: the central sector quarter (Hai Chau and Thanh Khe districts); Lien Chieu district, Son Tra district, Ngu Hanh Son district and the newly developed area (including Khue Trung ward, Hoa Phat and Hoa Tho communes).

To form urban population centers near the district capitals industrial parks, and a system of satellite towns in order to reduce the pressure in population and infrastructure on the central towns.

To plan the transformation of the rural areas combined with the formation and development of the centers of communal clusters.

To carry out the task of restoring order in the management of urban designing and construction, to take the initiative in controlling urban development according to the planning, plan, and law.

In the immediate future, it is necessary to focus guidance on the detailed planning of the use of land and to enhance the management of land use according to the current regulations.

Article 2.- The People�s Committee of Da Nang has the tasks:

+ To assume the prime responsibility and with the support of the related ministries and branches, study the elaboration of the strategy and programs of socio-economic development, work out detailed plans and formulate target programs and investment projects suited to the planning already approved by the competent authorities; at the same time to propose synchronous solutions aimed at making the maximum use of the resources in service of the development of the city.

+ To study and propose to the Prime Minister concrete policies and mechanisms suited to the conditions of the city aimed at encouraging all economic sectors to invest in production, expanding the market, developing the manpower resource, and protect the environment in order to materialize the targets of socio-economic development already set.

+ To renovate the organization, management and carry out administrative reforms and create a favorable environment to encourage domestic and foreign investments.

+ To direct the investment to key areas in order to quickly bring about practical effects; to give priority to investment in building the technical and social infrastructure and create the motive force for the development of a number of spearhead economic branches of the city.

Article 3.- The ministries and central branches shall have to coordinate with and assist Da Nang city in the course of implementing this plan in order to achieve the set targets. The planning for the development of the economic, technical and social branches must be concretized on the territory of the city through plans, target programs, and specific investment projects in each period. In the course of implementation, the president of the People�s Committee of Da Nang city shall have to inspect and monitor the implementation in order to take timely measures of readjustment.

Article 4.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing, replacing Decision No. 903/1997/QD-TTg of October 23, 1997 of the Prime Minister ratifying the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city up to the year 2000.

The president of the People’s Committee of Da Nang city, the ministers, the heads of ministerial-level agencies and the heads of the agencies attached to the Government shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai


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Số hiệu113/2001/QD-TTg
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Ngày ban hành30/07/2001
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Lược đồ Decision No. 113/2001/QD-TTg of July 30, 2001 promulgated by The Prime Minister of Government, approving the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city in the period 2001-2010 (readjusted).

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          Decision No. 113/2001/QD-TTg of July 30, 2001 promulgated by The Prime Minister of Government, approving the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city in the period 2001-2010 (readjusted).
          Loại văn bảnQuyết định
          Số hiệu113/2001/QD-TTg
          Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
          Người kýPhan Văn Khải
          Ngày ban hành30/07/2001
          Ngày hiệu lực14/08/2001
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                      Văn bản gốc Decision No. 113/2001/QD-TTg of July 30, 2001 promulgated by The Prime Minister of Government, approving the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city in the period 2001-2010 (readjusted).

                      Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No. 113/2001/QD-TTg of July 30, 2001 promulgated by The Prime Minister of Government, approving the overall plan for socio-economic development of Da Nang city in the period 2001-2010 (readjusted).

                      • 30/07/2001

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                        Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực

                      • 14/08/2001

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                        Trạng thái: Có hiệu lực