Nghị quyết 31/2009/QH12

Resolution No. 31/2009/QH12 of June 17, 2009, adopting the 2010 law- and ordinance-making program and supplementing the law-and ordinance-making program of the XIIth National Assembly (2007-2011)

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution No. 31/2009/QH12 of June 17, 2009, adopting the 2010 law- and ordinance-making program and supplementing the law-and ordinance-making program of the XIIth National Assembly (2007-2011)


SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 31/2009/QH12

Hanoi,  June 17, 2009





Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/NQ-QH10 bổ sung điều của Hiến pháp nước cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam năm 1992">51/2001/QH10;
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the National Assembly and the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents;
After examining the National Assembly Standing Committee's Report No. 221/TTr-UBTVQH12 of May 9, 2009, on the tentative 2010 law- and ordinance-making program, and considering opinions of National Assembly deputies,


Article 1. To add to the law- and ordinance-making program of the XII1'1 National Assembly (2007-2010) the following bills:


2. The Bill on Organization of the National Assembly (amended)

Article 2. To adopt the 2010 law- and ordinance-making program as follows:

A. Official program I. Bills

1. At the 7th session of the XIIth National Assembly

a/ To be submitted to the National Assembly for passage: 12 bills

1. The Bill on the State Bank of Vietnam (amended);

2. The Bill on Credit Institutions (amended):

3. The Bill on Housing and Land Tax;

4. The Bill on Child Adoption;

5. The Bill on Enforcement of Criminal Judgments;

6. The Bill on Commercial Arbitration;

7. The Bill on Vietnam's Seas;

8. The Bill on Post;

9. The Bill on Assess to Information;

10. The Bill on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy;

11. The Bill on Food Safety;

12. The Bill on People with Disabilities.

b/ To be submitted to the National Assembly for comment: 10 bills:

1. The Bill on Environmental Protection Tax;

2. The Bill Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Cooperative Law;

3. The Bill on Inspection (amended):

4. The Bill Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Civil Procedure Code;

5. The Bill on Administrative Procedures;

6. The Bill on the Trade Union (amended);

7. The Bill on Public Employees;

8. The Labor Code (amended, covering issues of minimum wage and employment);

9. The Bill on Protection of Consumer Interests;

10. The Bill on Minerals (amended).

2. At the 8lh session of the XIIth National Assembly

a/ To be submitted to the National Assembly for passage: 10 bills

1. The Bill on Environmental Protection Tax;

2. The Bill Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Cooperative Law;

3. The Bill on Inspection (amended);

4. The Bill Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Civil Procedure Code;

5. The Bill on Administrative Procedures;

6. The Bill on the Trade Union (amended);

7. The Bill on Public Employees;

8. The Labor Code (amended, covering issues of minimum wage and employment);

9. The Bill on Protection of Consumer Interests;

10. The Bill on Minerals (amended).

b/ To be submitted to the National Assembly for comment: 9 bills

1. The Bill on Securities (amended)

2. The Bill on Insurance Business (amended)

3. The Bill on Independent Audit

4. The Bill on Complaints

5. The Bill on Denunciations

6. The Bill on Measurement

7. The Bill against Human Trafficking

8. The Bill on Archive

9. The Bill on Foreigners' Entry into. Exit from, and Residence in, Vietnam


1. The Ordinance on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Support Tools B. Preparatory program, covering 20 bills

1. The Bill on the State Budget (amended)

2. The Land Bill (amended)

3. The Bill on Insurance Deposit

4. The Bill on Handling of Administrative Violations

5. The Bill on the Capital

6. The Bill on Election of Deputies to People's Councils (amended)

7. The Bill on Election of Deputies to the National Assembly (amended)

8. The Bill on Organization of People's Councils and People's Committees (amended)

9. The Bill on Organization of the Government (amended)

10. The Bill on Organization of the National Assembly (amended)

11. The Bill on Organization of People's Procuracies (amended)

12. The Bill on Organization of People's Courts (amended)

13. The Bill on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly (amended)

14. The Criminal Procedure Code (amended)

15. The Bill on Organization of Criminal Investigative Agencies

16. The Bill Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Civil Code (parts concerning property ownership and contracts)

17. The Bill on Law Dissemination and Education

18. The Bill on Water Resources (amended)

19. The Bill against Tobacco Harms

20. The Bill against Terrorism.

Article 3.

1. To assign the National Assembly Standing Committee to direct the implementation of the 2010 law- and ordinance-making program. The program may only be adjusted in case of extreme necessity under the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.

2. The Government shall spend adequate time on directing the legislative work, discussing and making decision by majority vote on bills falling under its submitting competence; early assign agencies to draft bills newly added to the program, consolidate drafting boards already set up and ensure funds and other necessary conditions for the study, survey and preliminary review of realities as well as drafting and verification of bills and draft ordinances.

3. Law- and ordinance-submitting agencies, law- and ordinance-drafting agencies and concerned agencies shall enhance their responsibilities and closely coordinate with verifying agencies and strictly observe laws in the process of preparing bills and draft ordinances so as to carefully prepare for bills and draft ordinances submitted to the National Assembly or National Assembly Standing Committees in terms of content and wording, minimize general regulations; ensure the time limits for preparing bills, draft ordinances and relevant documents and sending them to verifying agencies, the National Assembly Standing Committee and the National Assembly; participate in the examination and assimilation of suggestions of National Assembly deputies, the National Assembly Standing Committee and concerned agencies and organizations for revision and finalization of bills and draft ordinances.

4. The Council for Ethnic Minorities and Committees of the National Assembly shall, within the scope of their tasks and powers, take the initiative in coordinating with drafting agencies and submitting agencies in the drafting, verification of, study and revision of bills and draft ordinances.

National Assembly delegations and deputies shall spend adequate time on studying, consulting experts, discussing and commenting on bills and draft ordinances for their finalization.

This Resolution was adopted on June 17, 2009, by the XIth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 5th session.-




Nguyen Phu Trong


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Lược đồ Resolution No. 31/2009/QH12 of June 17, 2009, adopting the 2010 law- and ordinance-making program and supplementing the law-and ordinance-making program of the XIIth National Assembly (2007-2011)

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Resolution No. 31/2009/QH12 of June 17, 2009, adopting the 2010 law- and ordinance-making program and supplementing the law-and ordinance-making program of the XIIth National Assembly (2007-2011)
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