Thông tư 03/2016/TT-BXD

Circular No. 03/2016/TT-BXD dated March 10, 2016, regulations on classification of construction works and instructions on application to construction management

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 03/2016/TT-BXD classification construction works instructions application construction management


Independence – Freedom - Happiness


No. 03/2016/TT-BXD

Hanoi, March 10, 2016




Pursuant to the Law on Construction No. 50/2014/QH13 dated June 18, 2014;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP dated May 12, 2015 on quality control and maintenance of construction works (hereinafter referred to as “The Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP);

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 59/2015/ND-CP dated June 18, 2015 on construction project management (hereinafter referred to as “The Decree No. 59/2015/ND-CP);

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 62/2013/ND-CP dated June 25, 2013 providing for functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;

At the request of general director of Construction Quality Inspectorate;

The Minister of Construction has promulgated the Circular providing for classification of construction works and instructions on the application to construction management activities

Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. Governing scope:

This Circular details the classification of construction works and  instructions on application to construction management activities as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 8 of the Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP.

2. Regulated entities:

This Circular applies to investment deciders, investors, owners, managers and users of the works, contractors at home and abroad, state administration agencies for construction, other organizations and individuals engaged in construction investment activities within the territory of Vietnam.

Article 2. Principles of classification

1. Classes of construction works (herein ‘construction classes’) as prescribed hereof shall be determined in following criteria:

a) Capacity, level of importance: applied to individual works or technology lines, complexes of works as prescribed in Clause 3, this Article, determined according to Annex 1 enclosed herewith; Any works not being listed in Annex 1 enclosed herewith shall be classified on the basis of structure scale as prescribed in Point b, this Clause.

b) Structure: applied to individual works belonging to construction investment projects, determined according to Annex 2 enclosed herewith.

2. Class of an independent work is the highest one determined on the basis of criteria stated in Clause 1, this Article.

3. Construction investment projects may include one, several independent major works or major technology lines, complexes of interconnected works forming overall scale and function of the project.

4. Classes of national defense and security works are determined according to this Circular. For national defense and security works of specific characteristics, the classification shall be decided by the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security.

Article 3. Application of construction classes to constructions activities

1. Application of construction classes aimed at determining authority of construction authorities in verifying construction designs, inspecting acceptance testing during the construction and completion of a construction work is instructed as follows:

a) In case a construction work includes only one independent major work, apply construction classes determined according to Clause 2, Article hereof;

b) In case an investment project includes several major works independent from one another, apply construction class of the work of highest class as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 2 hereof;

a) In case a construction work includes major technology lines, major complexes of construction works, apply construction classes as prescribed in Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof;

d) Other cases

2. Apart from determination of authority of construction authorities as prescribed in Clause 1, this Article, construction classes shall serve as foundations for managing following activities as prescribed in Clause 3, this Article:

a) Classify construction qualifications of organizations and individuals to issue certificates of qualification, practice certificates and publish information about construction qualifications;

b) Classify authorities to issue construction licenses;

c) Determine the works that require selection of architectural designs as prescribed in Points a, d, Clause 1, Article 15 of the Decree No. 59/2015/ND-CP;

d) Determine the works that require formulation of technical instructions;

dd) Determine the works having influence on community safety;

e) Determine the works that require professional liability insurance;

g) Determine the works that require safety assessment during the operation and use;

h) Classify incidents to the works and authority to handle the incidents;

i) Manage construction investment costs;

k) Determine duration and costs of maintenance of the works;

l) Determine the works that require a maintenance process;

3. Principles of applying construction classes to construction activities as prescribed in Clause 2, this Article:

a) In case construction is carried out for the entire construction work, apply classification as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 2 hereof;

a) In case construction is carried out for the entire technology line, complex of main construction works, apply classification as prescribed in Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof;

d) Other cases as prescribed in relevant documents;

Article 4. Transitional provisions

1. Any work belonging to the investment projects approved before the effective date of this Circular shall be classified in accordance with the regulations at the time of approval.

2. Any work as stated in Clause 1, this Article with the construction design being adjusted after the effective date of this Circular:

a) Shall be classified in accordance with Clause 1, this Article (In case the adjustments made to the construction design do not change capacity and structure as prescribed hereof);

a) Shall be classified in accordance with provisions of this Circular (In case the adjustments made to the construction design do change capacity and structure as prescribed hereof);

Article 5. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect since May 15, 2016 and supersedes provisions of Article 7, Annex 1 enclosed with the Ministry of Construction’s Circular No. 10/2013/TT-BXD dated July 25, 2013 detailing a number of articles concerning construction quality management and Clauses 4, 6, Article 1 of the Circular No. 09/2014/TT-BXD dated July 10, 2014 amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Circular providing instructions on the Decree No. 15/2013/ND-CP on construction quality management.

2. Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Construction for consideration and handling./.




Le Quang Hung




(Enclosed with the Ministry of Construction’s Circular No. 03/2016/TT-BXD)

Table 1.1 Classification of civil works


Type of works

Classification criteria

Construction classes







Education-related works Kindergartens, nursery schools

Total number of children/school




< 100 Primary schools

Total number of students/school



≥ 700

< 700 Lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, multi-level upper secondary schools

Total number of students/school



≥ 1,350

< 1,350 Universities, colleges; professional secondary schools, technical workers’ schools (vocational-technical schools), professional training schools

Total number of students/school


> 8,000

5,000 ÷ 8,000

< 5,000



Health-related works General hospitals, local, central specialty hospitals (central hospitals not below class I)

Total number of beds/hospital

> 1,000

500 ÷ 1,000

250 ÷ < 500

< 250 Biosafety testing centers (level of biosafety is determined on the basis of health sector’s regulations)

Level of biosafety


Level 4

Level 3

Level 1 and 2



Sports-related works Outdoor stadiums, outdoor sports facilities with grandstands (National stadiums, national sport facilities not below class I)

Grandstand capacity (0,000 seats)

> 40

> 20 ÷ 40

5 ÷ 20

< 5 Sports stadiums with grandstands (National sports stadiums not below class I)

Grandstand capacity (0,000 seats)

> 7.5

5 ÷ 7.5

2 ÷ < 5

< 2 Golf courts

Number of holes




< 18 Swimming pools, outdoor sport stadiums

Level of importance




Reaching national standards for sport competitions

For sport movements


Cultural works Conference centers, theaters, cultural houses, clubs, cinemas, circuses, discos and cultural works attracting crowds (National conference centers not below class I)

Total accommodation capacity (1,000 persons)

> 3

> 1.2 ÷ 3

> 0.3 ÷ 1.2

0.3 Museums, libraries, exhibitions, showrooms

Level of importance



Provincial, sectoral

Other cases




Number of stalls




> 400

≤ 400




Airport terminals (main terminals)

Turn of passengers (million passengers/year)

≥ 10

< 10





Head offices of state agencies and political organizations


Head offices of National Assembly, Government, State President, Head offices of Ministries, Departments, People’s Committees and affiliated agencies at all levels; Head offices of political organizations, socio-political organizations

Level of importance

National Assembly Building, Presidential Palace, Head Office of the Government, the Central Communist Party and other works of particular importance

Head offices of provincial party committee, people’s councils, people’s committees of provinces, ministries, directorates and similar levels 

Head offices of rural district party committee, people's councils, people's committees of rural districts; departments and similar levels

Head offices of party committees, people's councils, people's committees of communes and similar levels












- Any work not listed in the Table 1.1 shall be classified according to the Table 1.1 if its type is found in conformity with types of works as stated therein.

- Any work not listed in the Table 1.1 and its type not in conformity with types of works as stated therein shall be classified according to type and structure (Annex 2);

- Religious works (head offices of religious organizations, pagodas, churches, chapels, cathedrals, oratories, Buddhist temples, religious education schools, religious statues…): construction classes are determined according to type and structure (Annex 2) but not below class III;

- Refer to examples of determination of classes of civil works in Annex 3;

Table 1.2. Classification of industrial works


Types of industrial works

Classification criteria

Construction classes







Production of building materials Mining works exploiting raw materials for production of building materials

Total capacity (million m3/year)



≥ 3

< 3 Cement production factories

Total capacity (million tonnes /year)


> 1

0.5 ÷ 1

< 0.5 Cement grinding stations

Total capacity (million tonnes /year)


> 1.5

0.5 ÷ 1.5

< 0.5 Concrete product & component production factories; cement aggregate production factories

Total capacity (thousand cubic meters of components/year



> 150

≤ 150 Centrifugal concrete component, prestressed concrete production factories

Total capacity (thousand cubic meters of components/year


> 150

30 ÷ 150

< 30 Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) component production factories

Total capacity (thousand cubic meters of components/year


> 200

100 ÷ 200

< 100 Baked brick production factories

(million pieces/year)


> 60

20 ÷ 60

< 20 Tiling production factories

Total capacity (million m2/year)


> 15

5 ÷ 15

< 5 Ceramic sanitary ware production factories

Total capacity (million products/year)


> 1

0.3 ÷ 1

< 0.3 Construction glass production factories

Total capacity (million m2 of glass/year)


> 20

5 ÷ 20

< 5 Manufacturers of glass-based products (tempered glass, glass boxes, multi-layer glass…)

Total capacity (million m2 of glass/year)



≥ 200

< 200



Metallurgy and fabrication mechanical engineering Metallurgical plants

a) Color metallurgical plants

Total capacity (million products/year)


> 0.5

0.1 ÷ 0.5

< 0.1


b) Steel refining and rolling plants

Total capacity (million products/year)


> 1

0.5 ÷ 1

< 0.5 Metallurgical complexes

Level of importance

Any scale

 Engine and agricultural machinery production factories

Total capacity (thousand products/year)


> 5

2.5 ÷ 5

< 2.5 Machines and industrial equipment production factories

Total capacity (thousand products/year)


> 1

0.5 ÷ 1

< 0.5 Overhead lifting equipment production factories

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 200

≤ 200 Construction machinery production factories

a) Bulldozer, excavator production and assembling factories

Total capacity (products/year)


> 250

≤ 250



b) Static and vibrating roller production and assembling factories

Total capacity (products/year)


> 130

≤ 130



c) Self-erecting crane production and assembling factories

Total capacity (products/year)


> 40

≤ 40 Overall equipment production factories

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of equipment/year)


> 10

5 ÷ 10

< 5 Transport vehicle production and assembling factories

a) Automobile production and assembling factories

Total capacity (thousand cars/year)


> 10

5 ÷ 10

< 5


b) Motorbike production and assembling factories

Total capacity (thousand bikes/year)


> 500

≤ 500



c) Locomotive production and assembling factories

Total capacity (thousand locomotives/year)


> 1

0.5 ÷ 1

< 0.5



Mining and mineral processing Coal pit mines

Total capacity (million tonnes of coal/year)


> 1

0.3 ÷ 1

< 0.3 Ore pit mines

Total capacity (million tonnes of ore/year)


> 3

1 ÷ 3

< 1 Open-pit coal mines

Total capacity (million tonnes of coal/year)



≥ 2

< 2 Open-pit ore mines

Total capacity (million tonnes of ore/year)



≥ 2

< 2 Coal preparation plants

Total capacity (million tonnes/year)


> 5

2 ÷ 5

< 2 Ore preparation/enrichment plants (including bauxite preparation)

Total capacity (million tonnes/year)


> 7

3 ÷ 7

< 3 Alumina production plants

Level of importance

Class I at any scale


Oil and gas Off-shore platforms

Level of importance

Class I at any scale Oil refinery works

Total capacity (million tonnes/year)

≥ 10

< 10
 Gas processing works

Total capacity (million m3 of gas/year)

≥ 10

< 10
 Biofuel production works

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)

> 500

200 ÷ 500

< 200 Petroleum storage

Total capacity (thousand cubic meters)

> 100

5 ÷ 100

0.21 ÷ < 5

< 0.21 LPG storage and filling stations

Total capacity (thousand cubic meters)

> 100

5 ÷ 100

< 5 Petroleum, oil, LPG retailing stations

Level of importance

Class III at any scale


Energy Thermo-electrical plants

Total capacity (MW)

> 2,000

600 ÷ 2,000

50 ÷ < 600

< 50 Nuclear power plants

Level of importance

Special class at any scale Hydro-electrical plants

Total capacity (MW)

> 1,000

> 50 ÷ 1,000

> 30 ÷ 50

≤ 30 Wind power plants

Total capacity (MW)


> 30

10 ÷ 30

< 10 Solar power plants

Total capacity (MW)


> 30

10 ÷ 30

< 10 Geothermal-electrical plants

Total capacity (MW)


> 10

5 ÷ 10

< 5 Tidal power plants

Total capacity (MW)


> 50

30 ÷ 50

< 30 Waste-based power plants

Total capacity (MW)

> 70

> 15 ÷ 70

5 ÷ 15

< 5 Biomass-fuelled power plants

Total capacity (MW)


> 30

10 ÷ 30

< 10 Biogas-based power plants

Total capacity (MW)


> 15

5 ÷ 15

< 5 Transmission lines and transformers

Voltage (kV)

≥ 500




< 35


Chemicals Fertilizer and plant protection chemical production plants

a) Urea, DAP, MPA, SA, NPK mixed fertilizer production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 500

200 ÷ 500

< 200


b) Phosphate fertilizer production plants (superphosphate, calcined phosphate fertilizer)

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 500

300 ÷ 500

< 300


c) NPK mixed fertilizer, biofertilizer production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)



≥ 300

< 300


d) Plant protection chemical production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 15

10 ÷ 15

< 10 Basic chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical chemical, cosmetics and other chemical production works

a) Ammonia, acid, soda production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)

> 200

100 ÷ 200

40 ÷ < 100

< 40


b) Soda production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 300

200 ÷ 300

< 200


c) Inorganic salt, oxide production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)



≥ 20

< 20


d) Pure inorganic chemical production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 20

10 ÷ 20

< 10


dd) Petrochemical product production (PP, PE, PVC, PS, PET, SV, fiber, DOP, Polystyrene, LAB, synthetic rubber and other products)

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)

> 500

200 ÷ 500

< 200



e) Pharmaceutical chemical production plants

Level of importance

Class I with any scale

g) Cosmetics production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)



> 5

≤ 5


h) Hazardous, toxic chemical production plants

Level of importance

Class I with any scale Chemical power source production works

a) Cell production plants

Total capacity (million pieces/year)



> 150

15 ÷ 150

< 15

b) Battery production plants

Total capacity (thousand kWh/year)


> 450

150 ÷ 450

< 150


c) Welding electrode production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)




≥ 3

< 3 Industrial gas production plants

Total capacity (thousand cubic meters of gas/hour)



≥ 8.5

< 8.5 Rubber production works:

a) Automobile tire, inner tube production plants

Total capacity (million pieces/year)


> 1

0.5 ÷ 1

< 0.5


b) Bike tire, inner tube production plants

Total capacity (million pieces/year)



> 5

1 ÷ 5

< 1

c) Belt conveyor production plants

Total capacity (thousand products/year)



> 500

200 ÷ 500

< 200

d) Technical rubber production plants

Total capacity (million products/year)



> 1.5

0.5 ÷ 1.5

< 0.5 Cleaning product production plants (washing cream, washing powder, shampoo, cleansing liquid, detergents…)

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)



> 15

5 ÷ 15

< 5 Paint, ink production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)



> 20

5 ÷ 20

< 5 Alkyd, acrylic resin production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)



> 20

5 ÷ 20

< 5 Chemical mine production plants (apatite ore preparation)

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 600

350 ÷ 600

< 350 Explosive, explosive precursors production and storage works Explosive, explosive precursors production and storage works

Level of importance

Special class at any scale

b) Industrial explosive warehouses


Underground warehouses

Level of importance

Class I at any scale

Fixed floating and half-underground warehouses

Capacity (tonnes)


> 10

≤ 10



Mobile warehouses

Level of importance

Class II at any scale

c) Explosive precursor warehouses


Underground warehouses

Level of importance

Class I at any scale

Fixed floating and half-underground warehouses

Capacity (tonnes)


> 50

≤ 50



Mobile warehouses

Level of importance

Class II at any scale


Light industries Food industry

a) Dairy plants

Total capacity (million liters/year)


> 100

30 ÷ 100

< 30


b) Confectionery, instant noodle production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 25

5 ÷ 25

< 5


c) Cooking oil, aromatic spice production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 150

50 ÷ 150

< 50


d) Alcohol, beer and beverage production plants

Total capacity (million liters/year)


> 100

25 ÷ 100

< 25 Consumer goods industries

a) Fiber plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 75

30 ÷ 75

< 30


b) Textile plants

Total capacity (million square meters of products/year)


> 25

5 ÷ 25

< 5


c) Printing, dying plants (textile and apparel)

Total capacity (million square meters of products/year)


> 35

10 ÷ 35

< 10


d) Garment factories

Total capacity (million products/year)


> 10

2 ÷ 10

< 2


dd) Leather production plants

Total capacity (million products/year)


> 12

1 ÷ 12

< 1


d) Plastic products factories

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 15

2 ÷ 15

< 2


g) Porcelain, glass production plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 25

3 ÷ 25

< 3


h) Paper pulp and paper plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 100

60 ÷ 100

< 60


i) Tobacco production factories

Total capacity (million packs/year)


> 200

50 ÷ 200

< 50


k) Electronic assembling factories (TV, computers and similar products), refrigeration (air conditioners, refrigerators and similar products)

Total capacity (thousand products/year)


> 300

100 ÷ 300

< 100


m) Electronic, communications accessories, spare part production factories (printed circuit board, IC and similar products)

Total capacity (million products/year)


> 400

300 ÷ 400

< 300


n) Money printing factories

Level of importance

Special class at any scale Agricultural, fishery and seafood product processing industries

a) Fishery, seafood processing plants

Total capacity (tonnes of raw materials/day)


> 300

100 ÷ 300

< 100


b) Canned product processing plants

Total capacity (tonnes of raw materials/day)



≥ 100

< 100


c) Rice husking and polishing plants

Total capacity (thousand tonnes of products/year)


> 200

100 ÷ 200

1 ÷ < 100

< 1











- Any industrial work with types in conformity with the types of works as stated in the Table 1.2 shall be classified according to the table, even though it is not listed in the table above; Any industrial work with its type is found not in conformity with the table shall be classified on the basis of type and structure (Annex 2);

- Refer to examples of determination of classes of industrial works in Annex 3;

Table 1.3. Classification of infrastructural works


Type of works

Classification criteria

Construction classes







Water supply Water plants, clean water treatment works (including sludge treatment plants)

Total capacity (thousand m3/day and night)


≥ 30

10 ÷ < 30

< 10 Raw water, clean water pumping stations (including a reservoir if any)

Total capacity (thousand m3/day and night)


≥ 40

12 ÷ < 40

< 12



Water drainage Detention basin

Area (ha)


≥ 20

15 ÷ < 20

1 ÷ < 15

< 1 Water pumping stations (including a reservoir if any)

Total capacity (m3/s)


≥ 25

10 ÷ < 25

< 10 Wastewater treatment plants

Total capacity (thousand m3/day and night)


≥ 20

10 ÷ < 20

< 10 Wastewater pumping stations (including a reservoir if any)

Total capacity (m3/s)


≥ 1.200

700 ÷ < 1,200

< 700 Sludge treatment works

Total capacity (thousand m3/day and night)


≥ 1,000

200 ÷ < 1,000

< 200



Solid waste treatment Normal solid waste treatment facilities







a) Transshipment stations

Total capacity (tonnes/day and night)


≥ 500

200 ÷ < 500

100 ÷ < 200

< 100

b) Solid waste treatment facilities

Total capacity (tonnes/day and night)

≥ 500

200 ÷ < 500

50 ÷ < 200

< 50 Hazardous solid waste treatment facilities

Total capacity (tonnes/day and night)


> 100

20 ÷ 100

< 20



Public lighting system

Public lighting works are classified in accordance with classes of lighted works and no greater than class II.


Green tree parks

Area (ha)


> 20

10 ÷ 20

5 ÷ < 10

< 5



Area (ha)


> 60

30 ÷ 60

10 ÷ < 30

< 10

Level of importance

National graveyard: class I at any scale


Funeral parlors

Level of importance

National funeral parlors: class I, other cases: class II



Level of importance

Class II with any scale


Automobile parking house; yards for parking, machinery and equipment Underground automobile parking house *

Number of parking spaces


≥ 500

300 ÷ < 500

< 300 Floating automobile parking houses *


≥ 1,000

500 ÷ <1,000

100 ÷ < 500

< 100 Yards for parking, machinery and equipment (not covered)

Total area (ha)




> 2.5

≤ 2.5


-: (*) Intended for automobiles with a maximum of 9 seats or trucks below 3,500kg.  In case of a mixed parking house (including motorbikes), one space for an automobile shall be converted into six spaces for motorbikes;

- Any technical infrastructural work with types in conformity with the types of works as stated in the Table 1.3 shall be classified according to the table, even though it is not listed in the table above.

- Any work not listed in the Table 1.3 and its type not in conformity with the types of works as stated therein shall be classified according to type and structure (Annex 2);

Refer to examples of determination of classes of infrastructural works in Annex 3;

Table 1.4. Classification of traffic works


Type of works

Classification criteria

Construction classes







Roads High-speed roads for automobiles

Design speed (km/h)

> 100

> 80 ÷ 100

60 ÷ 80 Roads for automobiles

Flows (thousand cars/day and night)

> 30


10 ÷ 30


3 ÷< 10


0,3 ÷ < 3


< 0,3



Design speed (km/h)

> 100

> 80 ÷ 100

60 ÷ 80

40 ÷ < 60

< 40 Urban roads:

a) Urban high-speed roads; urban main roads;

Design speed (km/h)

≥ 80

60 ÷ < 80




b) Inter-regional roads

Design speed (km/h)






c) Regional main roads; regional roads

Design speed (km/h)




40 ÷ 50


d) Subdivision roads, internal roads…

Design speed (km/h)





20 ÷ 30

dd) Roads for bicycles, pedestrians






Any scale Intersections







a) At-grade intersections

Design speed (km/h)

> 100

> 80 ÷ 100

60 ÷ 80

< 60


b) Interchanges

Flows (thousand cars/day and night)

≥ 30

10 ÷ < 30

3 ÷ < 10

< 3 Rural roads






Any scale


Railway  High-speed railways, urban railways (Overhead railways, metros)

Level of importance

Special class at any scale National railways (track gauge: 1,435mm)

Design speed (km/h)


120 ÷ 150

70 ÷ < 120

< 70 National railways (track gauge 1,000mm), dual gauge (1,435 – 1,000)mm


100 ÷ 120

60 ÷ < 100

< 60 Specialized railways, local railways

Design speed (km/h)



≥ 70

< 70



Bridges Floating bridges

Flows (cars/day and night)


> 3,000

1,000 ÷ 3,000

700 ÷ < 1,000

500 ÷ < 700



Metro tunnels

Level of importance

Special class at any scale


Inland waterways Inland watercraft repairing and building works (wharves, docks…)

Watercraft’s loading capacity (DWT)


> 30,000

10,000 ÷ 30,000

5,000 ÷ < 10,000

< 5,000 Ports, inland wharves:

a) Quays

Ship’s loading capacity (DWT)

> 5,000

3,000 ÷ 5,000

1,500 ÷ < 3,000

750 ÷ < 1,500

< 750

b) Wharves

Vehicles of largest sizes (seats)

> 500

300 ÷ 500

100 ÷ < 300

50 ÷ < 100

< 50 Ferry terminals

Flows (vehicles/day and night)

> 1,500

700 ÷ 1.500

400 ÷ < 700

200 ÷ < 400

< 200 Locks

Ship’s loading capacity (DWT)

> 3,000

1,500 ÷ 3,000

750 ÷ < 1,500

200 ÷ < 750

< 200 Waterways with width (B) and depth (H) of navigable waters:

a) On rivers, lakes, bays and navigable channels leading to islands

Width B (m) and depth (m) of navigable waters

B > 120

H> 5

B = 90 ÷ < 120

H = 4 ÷ 5

B = 70 ÷ < 90

H = 3 ÷ < 4

B = 50 ÷ < 70

H = 2 ÷ < 3

B < 50

H < 2

b) On canals

Width B (m) and depth (m) of navigable waters

B > 70

H> 5

B = 50 ÷ < 70

H = 4 ÷ 5

B = 40 ÷ < 50

H = 3 ÷ < 4

B = 30 ÷ < 40

H = 2 ÷ < 3

B < 30

H < 2


Marine Seaports; areas for anchorage, transshipment and avoidance of storms

Ship’s loading capacity (DWT)

> 70,000

30,000 ÷ 70,000

10,000 ÷ < 30,000

5,000 ÷ < 10,000

< 5,000 Ship, floating docks, locks repairing and building works

Ship’s loading capacity (DWT)

> 70,000

30,000 ÷ 70,000

10,000 ÷ < 30,000

5,000 ÷ < 10,000

< 5,000 One-lane navigable channels:

a) Navigable channels on estuaries, open bays, sea;

b) Navigable channels on rivers, closed bays, lagoons, canals…

Width B (m) and depth H(m)


B > 190

Hct ≥ 16

140 < B ≤ 190

14 ≤ Hct < 16

80 < B ≤ 140

8 ≤ Hct < 14

50 < B ≤ 80

5 ≤ Hct < 8

B ≤ 50

Hct < 5 Other marine works:

a) Signaling buoy on rivers, seas

(Hmn (m)- Maximum depth at the position of buoys)

Diameter of buoy D(m) or length of chain Ldx (m)

D > 5


Ldx ≥ 3Hmn

3.5 < D ≤ 5


2.5Hmn ≤ Ldx < 3Hmn

2.5 < D ≤ 3.5


2Hmn ≤ Ldx < 2.5Hmn

2 < D ≤ 2.5


1.5Hmn ≤ Ldx < 2Hmn

D ≤ 2


Ldx < 1.5Hmn

b) Light houses

Effective range R (nautical mile)

R 10

8 ≤ R < 10

6 ≤ R< 8

4 ≤ R< 6

R < 4

c) Beacons

Effective range R (nautical mile)

R ≥ 6

4 ≤ R < 6

2.5 ≤ R < 4

1 ≤ R < 2.5

R < 1


Aviation Fly zone

Classification is instructed by ICAO

Airfields from 4E and over

Airfields below 4E
 Air navigation works (excluding Section and Section

Level of importance

International airports

Domestic airports, airfields
 Aircraft hangars

Level of importance

Class I at any scale













- Any traffic work with types in conformity with the types of works as stated in the Table 1.4 shall be classified according to the table, even though it is not listed in the table above.

- Any traffic work not listed in the Table 1.4 and its type not in conformity with the types of works as stated therein shall be classified according to type and structure (Annex 2);

- Refer to examples of determination of classes of traffic works in Annex 3;

Table 1.5. Classification of agriculture and rural development works


Type of works

Classification criteria

Construction classes







Irrigation works Water supply or drainage works

Area (thousand ha)


> 50

> 10 ÷ 50

> 2 ÷ 10

≤ 2 Reservoirs corresponding to normal rising levels

Volume (million m3)

> 1,000

> 200 ÷ 1,000

> 20 ÷ 200

> 3 ÷ 20

< 3 Supply of untreated water to other branches

Flow (m3/s)

> 20

> 10 ÷ 20

> 2 ÷ 10

≤ 2



Dyke works: The classification is instructed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development authorized by the Government in Clause 2, Article 2 of the Government's Decree No. 113/2007/ND-CP dated June 28, 2007 providing instructions on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Dykes.


- Any agricultural work with types in conformity with the types of works as stated in the Table 1.5 shall be classified according to the table, even though it is not listed in the table above;

- Any agricultural work not listed in the Table 1.5 and its type not in conformity with the types of works as stated therein shall be classified according to type and structure (Annex 2);

- For livestock and crop production, forestry, salt production, fishery, rural development construction and other agricultural works that normally include other works such as civil, industrial, traffic, irrigation and technical infrastructural works... due to its specific characteristics, the classification shall be based on specific cases to ensure accordance with classification principles as prescribed hereof;

- Refer to examples of determination of classes of agricultural works in Annex 3;




(Enclosed with the Ministry of Construction’s Circular No. 03/2016/TT-BXD)

Table 2. Classification of construction works according to structure


Types of structure

Classification criteria

Construction classes







2.1.1. House, house-shaped structures

(Villas not below class III)

2.1.2. Multi-story works (not including structures in Section 2.2)

2.1.3. Frame-shaped large span structures (not including structures in sections 2.3 and 2.5)


a) Height (m)

> 200

> 75 ÷ 200

> 28 ÷ 75

> 6 ÷ 28

≤ 6

b) Number of stories

> 50

> 20 ÷ 50

8 ÷ 20

2 ÷ 7


c) Total floor area (thousand m2)


> 20

> 10 ÷ 20

1 ÷ 10

< 1

d) Largest span (m)

> 200

100 ÷ 200

50 ÷ < 100

15 ÷ < 50

< 15

dd) Underground depth (m)


> 18

6 ÷ 18

< 6


e) Number of underground stories


≥ 5

2 ÷ 4




2.2.1. Column, pier, tower shaped structures in civil, industrial and traffic constructions

Height of structure (m)

> 200

> 75 ÷ 200

> 28 ÷ 75

>6 ÷ 28

≤ 6

2.2.2. Column, pier, tower shaped structures in infrastructural works 

Height of structure (m)

≥ 300

150 ÷ < 300

75 ÷ < 150

> 45 ÷ < 75

≤ 45


Cable car system

a) Height of support columns (m) or height from ground, water level (m)

> 200

> 75 ÷ 200

> 28 ÷ 75

> 6 ÷ 28

≤ 6

b) Maximum distance between two support columns (m)

≥ 1,000

500 ÷ < 1,000

200 ÷ < 500

50 ÷ < 200

< 50


Reservoir, silo - shaped structures (swimming pools, containers of liquid, gas, silos, water towers and other similar structures)

Structures of containers of harmful substances (likely to impose danger on human, animal and plant health) shall be increased a level after being classified according to this table but no special class.

a) Volume (thousand m3)


> 15

5 ÷ 15

1 ÷ < 5

< 1

b) Height of structures (m)


≥ 75

> 28 ÷ < 75

6 ÷ 28

< 6

c) Underground depth (m)


> 18

> 6 ÷ 18

> 3 ÷ 6

≤ 3


Bridges (in traffic constructions)

2.5.1. Road bridges: according to criteria (a, b);

2.5.2. Railway bridges: according to criteria (b, c)

Bridges with application of new construction technologies (main structure construction technologies applied in Vietnam for the first time) shall be increased one level after being classified according to this table.

d) Largest span (m)

> 150

> 100 ÷ 150

> 42 ÷ 100

> 25 ÷ 42

≤ 25

b) Height of bridge support columns (m)

> 50

30 ÷ 50

15 ÷ < 30

6 ÷ < 15

< 6

d) Largest span (m)

> 100

50 ÷ 100

25 ÷ < 50

< 25


2.5.3. pedestrian overpasses; suspension bridges for pedestrians, livestocks, bicycles, motorbikes and other non-motorized vehicles; one-span rope bridges on rural roads (maximum span of 3.5m)

d) Largest span (m)



> 50

25 ÷ 50

< 25

b) Height of support columns or height from bottom of bridge beam to ground/water level (m)



> 30

15 ÷ 30

< 15


Tunnels (Road, railway tunnels; irrigation, hydroelectric tunnels...)

Not including metro tunnels, technical tunnels in factories (Section 2.10.4.b) and natural resources and mineral mines

a) Total length of tunnel (m)

> 1,500

500 ÷ 1,500

100÷ < 500

< 100


b) Cross section area according to carpet area of the tunnel (m2)


≥ 100

30 ÷ < 100

< 30


c) Structure of tunnel shell



With the structure

Without the structure



Barrier walls

Barrier walls used for political works under Sections 2.11 and 2.12 shall be reviewed in combination with structure criteria in this Section.

a) Stone ground

Height (m)


> 25 ÷ 40

> 15 ÷ 25

> 8 ÷ 15

≤ 8

b) Ground made of sand, soil, coarse soil, clay in hard and semi-hard state



> 12 ÷ 20

> 5 ÷ 12

≤ 5

c) Ground made of water saturated clay in soft state



> 10 ÷ 15

> 4 ÷ 10

≤ 4


Dams and other pressure irrigation and hydroelectric works

2.8.1. Earth dams, earth-stone dams of all kinds

a) Stone ground

Height of dam (m)

> 100

> 70 ÷ 100

> 25 ÷ 70

> 10 ÷ 25

≤ 10

b) Ground made of sand, soil, coarse soil, clay in hard and semi-hard state


> 35 ÷ 75

> 15 ÷ 35

> 8 ÷ 15

≤ 8

c) Ground made of water saturated clay in soft state



> 15 ÷ 25

> 5 ÷ 15

≤ 5

2.8.2. Concrete dams, reinforced concrete dams of all kinds and other pressure irrigation and hydroelectric works

a) Stone ground

Height of dam (m)

> 100

> 60 ÷ 100

> 25 ÷ 60

> 10 ÷ 25

≤ 10

b) Ground made of sand, soil, coarse soil, clay in hard and semi-hard state


> 25 ÷ 50

> 10 ÷ 25

> 5 ÷ 10

≤ 5

c) Ground made of water saturated clay in soft state



> 10 ÷ 20

> 5 ÷ 10

≤ 5


Reinforced structure of slope surface (Brick/stone-lined, concrete-cast except structure of barrier walls in Section 2.7)

Height from footing to top of slope




> 30

≤ 30


Pipe/sewage lines

Pipe/sewage lines with total length ≤ 1000 m shall be reduced one level after being classified according to this Table.

2.10.1. Water supply pipelines (raw water or clean water)

Diameter of pipes (mm)


≥ 800

400 ÷ < 800

150 ÷ < 400

< 150

2.10.2. Rainwater sewer lines


≥ 2,000

1,500 ÷ <2,000

600 ÷ < 1,500

< 600

2.10.3. Wastewater sewer lines


≥ 1,000

600 ÷ < 1,000

200 ÷ < 600

< 200

2.10.4. Cable ducts, trenches, tunnels (in information & communication works, technical tunnels in factories)

a) Technical trenches, cable ducts

Clearance width (m)




> 0.7

≤ 0.7

b) Technical tunnels

(Technical tunnels in factories are not higher than class I)

Clearance width (m)

> 7

> 3 ÷ 7

≤ 3



2.10.5. Oil, gas pipelines

Inner diameter of pipes (mm)


≥ 200

< 200




b) Construction site


Under sea

Under river

On mainland




2.11.1. Coastal works: Seaports; areas for anchorage, transshipment and avoidance of storms; wharves.

a) Height of structures or depth of water (m)


> 20

> 15 ÷ 20

> 10 ÷ 15

> 5 ÷ 10

≤ 5

b) Area of structure surface (thousand m2)


≥ 20

10 ÷ < 20

1 ÷ 10

< 1

2.11.2. Estuary, coastal training structures (breakwaters, drift dikes, embankments…)

2.11.3. Ferry terminals, ports and wharves at islands, specialized ports constructed on sea (floating docks, hydro-pneumatic dikes, multi-function floating ports...)

Maximum height of structures (m) or depth of water (m)


> 16

> 12 ÷ 16

> 8 ÷ 12

> 5 ÷ 8

≤ 5


Inland waterway ports







2.12.1. Ports, quays, wharves;

2.12.2. River training structures

a) Height of structures or depth of water (m)



> 8

> 5 ÷ 8

> 3 ÷ 5

≤ 3


b) Area of structure surface (thousand m2)


≥ 10

5 ÷ < 10

1 ÷ < 5

< 1



Depth of water

> 20

> 15 ÷ 20

> 10 ÷ 15

> 5 ÷ 10

≤ 5


Other small-sized structures







2.14.1. Fences, walls; protection handrails and other similar structures

Height (m)




> 6

≤ 6

2.14.2. Parterres, tombstones, observatories (on mainland)…and other small-sized structures (constructed of brick/stone/concrete blocks): Class IV











1. Determination of construction classes based on structures is instructed as follows:

a) Based on characteristics of the works, determine types of structures according to sections in Table 2;

b) Determine construction classes according to classification criteria for types of structures determined in Point a. Take determined highest class as the class of the works.

2. A number of glossaries used in Table 2’s classification criteria is construed as follows:

a) House, house-shaped structures mean cube-shaped works constructed on the ground, with or without load bearing, covering structures, and roof.

b) Determine height of structures:

- For construction works/structures in Section 2.1, height is calculated from ground elevation of the work/structure to its highest point (including attic floors or slope roof). For construction works/structures constructed on the ground with difference  For construction works/structures with different ground elevations, height shall be calculated from the lowest ground elevation. If top of the structure accommodates technical equipment such as antenna columns, lightning-arresting columns, solar energy equipment, metal water tanks…, height of such equipment shall not included in the structure height;

- For structures in Section 2.2: Structure height shall be calculated from ground elevations to its highest point of the structure. For construction works/structures with different ground elevations, height shall be calculated from the lowest ground elevations.

Structure height in some separate cases is instructed as follows:

+ For pier, tower, support column structures in Section 2.2.1, structure height is calculated as total height of equipment support pier, tower and equipment placed thereon;

+ For structures installed on existing constructions in Section 2.2.2, structure height is calculated from footing to top of the installed structure.

- For structures in Section 2.3, height of a support column is the distance from the upper face of column foundation to its top; height over ground, water level is the distance from the cable to ground or water level (average annual water level).

- For structures in Section 2.4: height of storage structures is determined the same as Section 2.1.

- For structures in Section 2.5, height of piers is the distance from the upper face of pier foundation to its top;

- For barrier wall structures in Section 2.7, height of barrier walls is calculated from lower ground level to its top;

- For dam structures in Section 2.8.2, height is calculated from bottom of the lowest cut-off walls to the crest;

- For dam structures in Section 2.8.2, height is calculated from the lowest foundation surface to the crest.

d) Number of floors of a building/construction work: Include all floors on the ground including technical floors, mezzanine floors, attic floors or semi-underground floors.

d) Number of underground floors of a building/construction work include all the floors underground excluding semi-underground floors.

c) Underground depth is the depth calculated from ground elevation down to upper face of the deepest basement floor..

g) Largest structural span of a building/construction work is the maximum distance between two adjacent piers (columns, walls) used to support horizontal structures. Particularly for console structures, span distance is equal to 50% of the value as prescribed in Table 2.

h) Total floor area of a building/construction work is the total area of all the floors including basement floors, semi-underground floors, technical floors and attic floors. Floor area of a floor is the construction area of such floor including outer walls (or shared portion of the walls belonging to the structure) and area of logia, balcony, staircases, lift wells, technical boxes and chimneys./.

3. For open water drainage channels (infrastructural works), the classification is based on reinforced structures of channel embankments or roof (choose types that are appropriate for Section 2.9)

4. Refer to examples of determination of construction classes according to structures in Annex 3;




(Enclosed with the Ministry of Construction’s Circular No. 03/2016/TT-BXD dated March 10, 2016)

3.1. Example 1: Civil works – Upper Secondary School A

The project on investment and construction of the Upper Secondary School A for 1,500 students. The project includes following works:

- Building A1 (School headquarters): 8 floors, total floor area: 4,000 m2;

- Building A2 (Classrooms): 6 floors, total floor area: 4,650 m2;

- Building A3 (Classrooms): 4 floors, total floor area: 4,000 m2;

- Building A4 (Classrooms): 5 floors, total floor area: 5,000 m2;

- Building A5 (indoor multi-functional sports facilities with a grandstand) Besides, this building shall be used as a place for school meetings, conferences (one floor (12m), 300-seat grandstand, total floor area 5,200m2, largest structural span 40m, total accommodation for an event 1,250 persons);

- Building A6 (dorm): 5 floors, total floor area: 3,000 m2;

- Garden yard: 2 ha;

- Internal road system for pedestrians, bicycles, motorbikes, automobiles at speed < 20 km/h;

- Lighting system for garden yard and internal roads;

- Fence: 3 meters high;

- Security house: one floor, floor area 12 m2;

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The Upper Secondary School A has a complex of major constructions (including buildings from A1 – A5). According to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, and Section, Table 1.1, Annex 1, the Upper Secondary School A is classified as class II (according to capacity).

b) Classification of individual works belonging to the Upper Secondary School A:

- Building A1: not listed in the Table 1.1, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.1 and is classified as class III (area-based), class I (number of floors-based). Class of the Building A1: class II (highest class determined).

- Building A2: Classification is the same as Building A1. Class of the Building A2: class III.

- Building A3: Classification is the same as Building A1. Class of the Building A3: class III.

- Building A4: Classification is the same as Building A1. Class of the Building A4: class III.

- Building A4: this work has separate capacity and is classified according to Clause 2, Article 2 hereof as follows:

+ Capacity-based classification corresponding to Section, Table 1.1, Annex 1 (Sports works) (Class III), to Section, Table 1.1, Annex 1 (works attracting crowds) (Class II). Capacity-based highest class of the work: Class II;

+ Structure-based classification corresponds to Section 2.1.1, Table 2, Annex 2; area-based classification: class III, structural span-based classification: class III. Structure- based highest class of the work: Class II;

Hence, the Building A5 is classified as class II (highest class determined on the basis of capacity and structure)

- Garden yard corresponds to Section 1.3.5, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and classified as class IV according to area.

- Lighting for Garden Yard and internal roads corresponds to Section 1.3.4, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and classified as class IV (based on class of lighted works, garden yard and internal roads classified as class IV above);

- Internal roads corresponds to Section and, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and classified as class IV.

- Protection fence: not listed in the Table 1.1, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.14.1; height-based classification: class IV.

- Security House: Classification is the same as Building A1. Class of the Security House: class IV.

3.2. Example 2: Civil works – General Hospital Q

The project on investment and construction of the General Hospital Q for 450 beds. The project includes following works:

- Building Q1 (Working offices, training and research centers): 9 floors, total floor area 8,000 m2;

- Building Q2 (Medical examination and diagnosis centers): 3 floors, total floor area 2,500 m2;

- Building Q3 (Emergency and surgery): 2 floors, total floor area: 2,000 m2;

- Building Q4 (Specialties, post-surgery treatment): 22 floors, total floor area: 22,000 m2;

- Building Q5 (Food preparation): 2 floors, total floor area 1,000 m2:

- Building A6 (Canteen): 2 floors, total floor area: 600 m2:

- Building A7 (Mortuary): 1 floor, total floor area: 500 m2;

- Building A8 (funeral parlor): 1 floor, total floor area: 600 m2;

- Q9 (Wastewater treatment plant): 1,500 m3/day and night;

- Q10 (Solid waste treatment plant): capacity 5 tonnes/day;

- Garden yard;

- Outdoor parking lot: 5,000 m2;

- Internal road system for bicycles, motorbikes, automobiles at speed < 20 km/h;

- Fence: 4.5 m high;

- Security House (4 houses): each house is one floor high with a area of 12 m2;

- Electrodynamic system: lines and transformers, voltage < 35 kV;

- Lighting system for garden yard and internal roads;

- Water supply system (Reservoir and pumps): capacity 1,500 m3/day and night;

- Wastewater drainage sewer: inner diameter and length of the pipe is 450 mm and 900m respectively.

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The General Hospital Q has a complex of major works (including Building Q1, Q2, Q3...). According to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof and Section, the hospital is classified as class II according to capacity.

b) Classification of works belonging to the General Hospital Q

- Building Q1: not listed in the Table 1.1, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.1 and classified as class II.

- Building Q2: Classification is the same as Building Q1. Class of the Building Q2: class III.

- Building Q3: Classification is the same as Building Q1. Class of the Building Q3: class III.

- Building Q4: Classification is the same as Building Q1. Class of the Building Q4: class I.

- Building Q5: Classification is the same as Building Q1. Class of the Building Q5: class III.

- Building Q6: Classification is the same as Building Q1. Class of the Building Q6: class III.

- Building Q7: Classification is the same as Building Q1. Class of the Building Q7: class IV.

- Building Q8 (funeral parlor) is the work listed in Table 1.3, Annex 1 and classified according to level of importance. In this case, the classification according to Clause 2, Article 2 hereof is as follows:

+ Importance-based classification corresponds to Section 1.3.7, Table 1.3, Annex 1 (class II)

+ Structure-based classification corresponds to Section 2.1.1, Table 2, Annex 2 (class IV);

Hence, the Building A8 is classified as class II (highest class determined on the basis of importance and structure);

- Wastewater treatment plant corresponds to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and is classified as class III.

- Solid waste treatment plant corresponds to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and is classified as class III.

- Outdoor parking lot corresponds to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and is classified as class IV.

- Water supply system (reservoir and pumps) corresponds to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1 and is classified as class III.

- Wastewater drainage sewers: not listed in the Table 1.3, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.10.8 and is classified as class III (according to pipe diameter) but reduced one level to class IV due to total length of pipe being less than 1,000 m.

- Electrodynamic system corresponds to Section, Table 1.2, Annex 1, and is classified as class IV.

- Classification of garden yard, lighting system, internal roads, fence, security house, refer to Example 1.

3.3. Example 3: Civil works – Apartment House X

The project on investment and construction of the Apartment House X on a land parcel A belonging to an urban area with completed technical infrastructural system. The apartment house includes following works:

- Building XI (Apartment house): 15 floors, 60 m high, total floor area 12,000 m2;

- Building X2 (Apartment house): 18 floors, 72 m high, total floor area 15,000 m2;;

- Building X3 (Apartment house): 25 floors, 100 m high, total floor area 22,000 m2;;

- Garden yard in the middle of the buildings: 1,000 m2;

- Lighting for garden yard.

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The apartment house X has several independent major works (Building X1, X2 and X3). In this case, to determine authority of construction authorities as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 3 hereof, highest class of the work (class I) (class of Building X3) shall be used.

b) Classification of works belonging to the apartment house X:

- Building X1: not listed in the Table 1.1, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.1 and IS classified as class II.

- Building X2: the classification is the same as Building XI (Class II).

- Building X3: the classification is the same as Building XI (Class I).  

- Classification of garden yard, lighting system, internal roads, refer to Example 1.

3.5. Example 5 – Industrial works – hydropower plant B

The project on investment and construction of the hydropower plant, capacity of 100 MW. The project includes following works:

- Dam: 50 m high, concrete structure placed on stone foundation;

- Reservoir: 10 million m3 corresponding to normal rising water level;

- Plant: capacity 100 MW;

- Transmission lines and transformers: voltage 110 kV;

- Control House: floor area 2,000 m2, 4 floors without underground floors;

- Tenement house;

- Internal roads for automobiles at speed < 30 km/h;

Other works such as intake gate, pressure tunnel, spillway…

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The project has a major technology line. According to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof and Section, Table 1.2, Annex 1, the plant is classified as class I according to capacity.

b) Classification of the works belonging to the plant.

- Reservoir corresponds to Section, Table 1.5, Annex 1 and is classified as class III.

- Dam: not listed in the Table 1.5, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.8.2.a and is classified as class II.

- Classification of industrial works within the plant shall be based on Clause 2, Article 2 hereof if such works are listed in (or with types found appropriate to) Table 1.2, Annex 1. Otherwise, the works shall be classified according to structure (refer to Table 2, Annex 2 hereof).

- Such works as intake gate, pressure tunnel, spillway…: not listed in the classification tables in Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification is based on structures;

- Transformers and transmission lines correspond to Section, Table 1.2, Annex 1 and classified as class II.

- Classification of civil works such as Control house, tenement house and other works, see Example 1 and Example 2.

- Classification of internal roads, see Example 1.

3.6. Example 6: Industrial works – Mechanical engineering plant C

The project on investment and construction the mechanical engineering plant with the aim of manufacturing small mechanical products as ordered by other enterprises. Products from this plant normally vary and depend on customers’ orders, hence, it is impossible to determine type and quantity of products at the time of feasibility study. The project includes following works:

- Warehouse: One floor, largest structural span 24m, total floor area 6,000 m2, total height from outdoor ground level to its top 12 m;

- Main production house (equipment and production lines: lathes, presses, welders...): industrial house-shaped, one floor, 3 spans, largest span 60 m, total floor area 10,000 m2, height 18 m (from outdoor ground level to the top)

- Office building (offices, canteen, rest areas for workers…)

- Yards (concrete yards used for placement of materials, machinery): 1 ha;

Other works such as security house, fence and transformers…

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The project has one major work (main production house). In this case, to determine authority of construction authorities as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 3 hereof, class of the major work (class II) shall be used.

b) Classification of works belonging to the mechanical engineering plant C:

- Warehouse: not listed in the classification tables, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.1 and is classified as class III (height-based), class IV (based on number of floors), class III (area-based) and class III (structural span-based). Warehouse is classified as class III (highest class determined)

- Main production house: not listed in the Table 1.2, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.1 and is classified as class III (height-based), class IV (based on number of floors), class II (area-based) and class II (structural span-based). The main production house is classified as class II (highest class determined).

- Classification of office building, yards, security house, fence, transformers, see examples from 1 – 4.

3.7. Example 7: Technical infrastructural works – Television tower HN

The project on construction of the 600 m- high TV tower. The project includes following works:

- Main tower: 600 m high;

- P1 (Outdoor parking lot): 1 ha;

- P2 (Green tree garden): 5 ha;

- P3 (Lighting system): for green tree garden, walkways.

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The project has one major work: Main tower. In this case, to determine authority of construction authorities as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 3 hereof, class of the major work (special class) shall be used.

b) Classification of the works belonging to the TV tower HN:

- Main tower: not listed in the Table 1.3, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.2.2 and is classified as special class (height-based).

- P1 is classified as class IV (see Example 1)

- P2 is classified as class III (see Example 1)

- P3 is classified as class III (see Example 1)

3.8. Example 8: Technical infrastructural works – Water Plant A

The project “Water Plant A” has a capacity of 50,000 m3/day and night. The project includes following works:

- A1 (Pipeline of raw water from its source): Inner diameter 1,000 mm and length 5 km;

- A2 (Water containing and treating reservoir): volume 12,000 m, placed half-underground (underground depth 5 m, height 3 m from ground level);

- A3 (Provisional clean water reservoir): volume 3,000 m, placed half-underground (underground depth 5 m, height 3 m from ground level);

- A4 (Clean water pump station): capacity 70,000 m3/day and night placed in a one-floor, 8-meter height house, total floor area 1,000 m2;

- A5 (Main water pipeline): inner diameter 800 mm, length 10 km;

- A6 (branch water pipeline): inner diameter 600 mm, length 15 km;

- A7 (Water distribution pipeline): diameter 125 mm;

Other works;

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The project has one main technology line. According to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof and Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1, the plant is classified as class I according to capacity.

b) Classification of the works belonging to the water plant A:

- A1: not listed in the Table 1.3, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.10.1 and is classified as class I.

- A2: not listed in the Table 1.3, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.4 and is classified as class I (volume-based), class III (underground depth-based) and class IV (height-based). A2 is classified as class II (maximum class determined);

- A3: Classification is the same as A2 (class III).

- A4: this work has separate capacity and is classified according to Clause 2, Article 2 hereof as follows:

+ Capacity-based classification corresponding to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1 (class IV);

+ Structure-based classification corresponding to Section 2.1.1, Table 2, Annex 2; class IV (based on the number of floors), class III (height-based) and class III (based on total floor area). Highest class (structured-based): Class II;

Hence, A4 is classified as class I (highest class determined on the basis of capacity and structure);

- A5: Classification is the same as A1 (class I).

- A6: Classification is the same as A1 (class II).

- A7: Classification is the same as A1 (class IV).

3.9. Example 9. Technical infrastructural works – Auto parking house/lot

a) Parking house A (Underground):

The work includes three underground floors at a depth of 18 m (from ground level down to floor of third basement), total floor area 5,000 m2, number of parking spaces: 400 automobiles. The classification is instructed as follows:

- + Capacity-based classification corresponding to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1; classification according to the number of parking spaces (class II);

- + Structure-based classification corresponding to Section 2.1.1, Table 2, Annex 2; class II (based on number of underground floors), class II (underground depth-based) and class III (based on total floor area). Highest class (structure-based): Class II;

According to Clause 2, Article 2 hereof, the parking house A is classified as class II (highest class determined on the basis of capacity and structure).

b)Parking house B (half-underground)

Half-underground parking house (2 basement floors and 3 floors on the ground) with total floor area 12,000 m2 (underground area: 4,500 m2, on-the-ground area: 7,500 m2), number of parking spaces 400 (150 spaces underground and 250 on the ground). The specification is instructed as follows::

- Capacity-based classification corresponding to Sections and, Table 1.3, Annex 1; classification based on the number of underground parking spaces (class III), based on on-the-ground parking spaces (class III) and based on capacity (class III);

- Structure-based classification corresponding to Section 2.1.1, Table 2, Annex 2 (class II);

According to Clause 2, Article 2 hereof, the parking house B is classified as class II (highest class determined on the basis of capacity and structure).

c) Parking lot C

The parking lot C: ferro-concrete ground of 10,000 m2 and not covered. Classification corresponding to Section, Table 1.3, Annex 1; area-based classification: class IV.

3.10. Example 10. Traffic works – High-speed auto route A

The project “High-speed auto route A”, 200 km long, design speed 120 km/h. This project includes following works:

- A1 (High-speed auto road): design speed 120 km/h;

- A2 (Road bridge): 4 spans, largest span 40 m, pier height 20 m;

- A3 (Road tunnel): tunnel running through mountains with ferro-concrete shell, 300 m long, cross-section area of the tunnel 200 m2;

- A4 (Toll-booth): frame structures, roof, height from ground to top 15 m, largest span 40 m;;

And other small structures such as sign posts, sign frames, welfare tunnels, road railings.

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The project has several major works (A1, A2 and A3). In this case, to determine authority of construction authorities as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 3 hereof, highest class of the work (special class) shall be used.

b) Classification of the works belonging to "High-speed auto route A".

- A1 corresponds to Section, Table 1.4, Annex 1 and is classified as special class according to design speed.

- A2: not listed in the Table 1.4, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.5.1 and is classified as class II.

- A3: not listed in the Table 1.4, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.6, Table 2, Annex 2 and is classified as class I.

- A4: not listed in the Table 1.4, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.3, Table 2, Annex 2 and is classified as class III.

- Other small structures (sign posts, sign frames, welfare tunnels, road railings…) shall be classified on the basis of structure (use Table 2, Annex) if such structures are not listed in (or their types are not appropriate to) the Table 1.4.

3.11. Example 11: Traffic works – Lighthouse M

“Lighthouse M” is constructed on an island, 50 meters high over outdoor ground level. Effective range (8 nautical miles) The specification is instructed as follows:

- Capacity-based classification corresponding to Section, Table 1.4, Annex 1: class I;

- Structure-based classification corresponding to Section 2.2.1, Table 2, Annex 2; height-based classification:class II;

According to Clause 2, Article 2 hereof, the lighthouse M is classified as class I (highest class determined on the basis of capacity and structure).

3.12. Example 12 – Agricultural works – Farm A.

“Farm A” with an area of 30 ha includes following works:

- A1: Water supply system for watering an area of 25 ha;

- A2: Drainage system for an area of 29.5 ha;

- A3 (cultivar greenhouse): One floor, 12 m high, largest span 30 m, total area 4,000 m2;;

Other works: Working places, residence for workers, internal roads, transformers and transmission lines, tap water supply system (reservoir and pipelines); domestic wastewater drainage system; warehouses, yards, fence.

The classification is instructed as follows:

a) The project has several major works (A1, A2 and A3). In this case, to determine authority of construction authorities as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 3 hereof, highest class of the work (class III) shall be used.

b) Classification of the works belonging to Farm ;

- A1 corresponds to Section, Table 1.5, Annex 1 and classified as class IV (according to irrigation area).

- A2 corresponds to Section, Table 1.5, Annex 1 and classified as class IV (according to drainage area).

- A3: not listed in the Table 1.5, Annex 1, hence, according to Point a, Clause 1, Article 2 hereof, the classification shall be based on structure. According to Table 2, Annex 2, this work corresponds to Section 2.1.1 and is classified as class III.

- For classification of other works, see the examples in this Annex./.

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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