Thông tư 04/2017/TT-BGDDT

Circular No. 04/2017/TT-BGDDT dated January 25 2017 issuing the regulation on the national high school graduation examination and high school graduation consideration

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 04/2017/TT-BGDDT issuing the regulation on the national high school graduation examination


Independence – Freedom - Happiness

No: 04/2017/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, January 25 2017




Pursuant to Law on Education dated June 14 2005 and the Law on amendments thereto dated November 25 2009;

Pursuant to Law on Higher education dated June 18 2012;

Pursuant to Decree No.123/2016/ND-CP dated September 01 2016 by the Government defining the function, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries and ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to Decree No.32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19 2008 by the Government defining the function, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006, elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 on the amendments to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006, elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 07/2013/ND-CP dated January 09, 2013 on amendments to Point b Clause 13 Article 1 of Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the Director of Education Quality Control Authority;

The Minister of Education and Training promulgates a Circular on the regulation on national high school graduation examination.

Article 1. Promulgating this Circular together with the regulation on national high school graduation examination.

Article 2. This Circular takes effect on March 10 2017.

This Circular replaces the Circular No.02/2015/TT-BGDDT dated February 02 2015 by the Minister of Education and Training on promulgating the regulation on national high school examination and Circular No.02/2016/TT-BGDDT dated March 10 2016 on amendments to a number of articles in the regulation on national high school examination prescribed in Circular No.02/2015/TT-BGDDT.

Article 3. Chief of Office, director of Education Quality Control Authority, heads of relevant units affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training, Chairmen of People’s Committees in provincial and central-affiliated cities, Chief of the General Staff, directors of education and training departments, Director of Department of School – Ministry of Defense, Director of Internal Political Security Authority - Ministry of Public Security, directors of institutes and academies, principals of universities and colleges with pedagogy training lines; headmasters of ethnic boarding high schools affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training are responsible for implementation of this Circular.





Bui Van Ga



(promulgated together with Circular 04/2017/TT-BGDDT dated January 20 2017 by Minister of Education and Training)

Chapter I.


Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. This regulation establishes the rules of the national high school graduation examination (hereinafter referred to as regulation) in: preparation, candidates and conditions of enrolment; enrolment, responsibilities of candidates; exam question creation, invigilation, grading, regarding and review process, graduation recognition; process of reporting and storing, inspecting, awarding, handling unexpected situations and violations.

2. This regulation applies to high schools, continuing education centers and other education centers which apply the high school education program or the continuing education program at high school level (referred to as “high school”); Departments of Education and Training of provinces; universities, institutes, colleges that provide pedagogy training (referred to as “university and college”); organizations and individuals participating in the national high school graduation exams.

Article 2. Purpose and request

1. The National High School Graduation Examination (NHSGE) result is used for considering a student’s graduation of high school, assessment of secondary education quality, and enrolling in higher education institutions.

2. The NHSGE must ensure formality, objectivity and fairness.

Article 3. Tests

The NHSGE consists of 5 tests, including 3 independent tests: Mathematics, Literature, Foreign languages and 2 combined tests of natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and social sciences (History, Geography and Character education for students who follow the high school program; History and Geography for students who follow the continuing education program at high school level).

1. To be eligible for high school graduation, high school students must take 4 tests, including 3 independent tests of Math, Literature, Foreign languages and and one of the combined tests; continuing education students must take 3 tests, including 2 independent tests of Math, Literature and one of the combined tests. Candidates are allowed to take both combined tests and the one with higher scores will be chosen for graduation recognition.

2. To be eligible for university and college enrolment, high school graduates must take relevant independent tests, combined tests or components of combined tests to the combined tests, subjects of training lines set by universities, colleges.

Article 4. Time, focus, schedule, form and duration of exams

1. The NHSGE (referred to as “the exam”) is held annually. The time, content, schedule, form and duration of the exam are prescribed in the MoET guidance of conducting the exam per annum.

2. Content of exams: In 2017, the content was on grade 12; in 2018, the content was on grade 11 and 12; from 2019 onwards, the content will be within the high school programs.

Chapter II.


Article 5. Examination clusters

An examination cluster shall be held at each province, central-affiliated city and will be chaired by Department of Education and Training for students who take part in the exams at their localities. MoET shall appoint officers, lecturers of universities, colleges to assist in the preparation in the provinces.

Article 6. The National Steering Committee for the NHSGE

1. Minister of Education and Training shall establish the National Steering Committee for the NHSGE ( hereinafter referred to as “the National Steering Committee”)

The manager : Minister of Education and Training

b) Vice managers: Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education and Training, director of Education Quality Control Authority, Higher education Department, Secondary education Department, Continuing education Department; Deputy Minister of MoET shall hold the position of standing vice manager of the Steering Committee.

c) Members: heads of affiliated units to MoET and Director of Internal Political Security Authority, Minister of Public Security

c) Secretary: officials of relevant units affiliated to MoET .

2. Tasks and entitlements of the National Steering Committee:

Assist the Minister of Education and Training in directing NHSGE

- Direct, inspect the implementation of steering committees in provinces, examination centers, other units under the management of examination centers and test sites; handle any incidents in the process of examination.

- Report the NHSGE situations to the Minister of Education and Training and competent authorities.

b) If any serious violations in the exams are detected, propose the Minister of Education and Training to handle with one of the following solutions:

- Temporarily suspend the exams activities or organize a retake in the examination center with violations or nationwide;

- Suspend and take disciplinary actions against the head and members of the examination center with violations.

c) Propose the Minister of Education and Training for establishing the review committee, inspection teams.

3. No members of the Steering Committees shall conduct inspection of the examination center on which their parents, children, brothers, sisters and parents, children, brothers, sister of their spouse (referred to as relatives) take part in/sit during the year of the exams.

Article 7. The provincial Steering Committee

1. Chairman of provincial People’s Committee shall establish the provincial steering committee, including:

The manager : Chairman of provincial People’s Committee

b) Deputy managers: Directors of Education and Training departments, principals of cooperated universities, colleges; directors of provincial public security; heads of other affiliated units; Directors of Education and Training departments shall hold the position of standing deputy managers.

c) Members: heads of affiliated units to Education and Training departments, provinces; principals and heads of departments of cooperated universities and colleges;

c) Secretary: officials of Education and Training Departments.

2. Tasks and entitlements of the provincial Steering Committee:

Direct, inspect the implementation of relevant units; direct the cooperation of education establishments to support the activities of examination centers; handle the proposal of the chairperson of examination center.

b) Report the situation of the exams to the National Steering Committee and Chairman of provincial People’s Committee and propose solutions to handle any incidents in the process of the exams.

c) Propose Chairman of provincial People’s Committee, Minister of Education and Training, heads of competent authority for rewarding those who have achievements and enforcing discipline on those with violations.

d) Implement any relevant decisions from the National Steering Committee;

dd) Those who have relatives taking part in the exams at the same locality during the year of examination shall not be in the provincial steering committee.

Article 8. Examination centers

1. Director of Education and Training Department shall establish the examination center and its boards, along with assign heads of boards to conduct the exams. Boards of an examination center consist of: secretariat, copy-printing questions, transport and handover questions, invigilation, header preparation, grading, regarding; other boards’ unit establishment shall be decided by the manager of examination center.

Members of an examination center

- The manager: Director of Education and Training Department or Deputy Director authorized by the Director;

- Deputy Managers: Deputy Directors of Education and Training Department, principals of cooperated universities, colleges. In special cases, heads of offices of Education and Training Department shall hold the position of deputy directors.

- c) Members: heads of departments of Education and Training Department; heads of departments of cooperated universities and colleges; the head of Examination department of Education and Training Department shall hold the position of standing member.

Those who have relatives taking part in the exams at the same locality during the year of examination shall not hold the position of manager, members of the examination center and its boards.

b) Tasks and entitlements of Examination center

- Receive the original questions from the National Steering Committee; organize the process of printing, storing, headers removing, grading, regrading as prescribed in this regulation; handle any related feedbacks and complaints; review assigned tasks; reward and enforce discipline members as prescribed hereof; report and transfer the exams data to the Ministry of Education and Training on time;

- Direct, handle any problems of the boards in accordance with the regulation;

- b) Report the situation of the exams to the National Steering Committee and consult for resolving any issues beyond its authority.

- Examination center shall use the seal of Education and Training Department on its documents;

b) Tasks and entitlements of the Examination center’s manager

- Announce, guide, direct the process of exams;

- Decide and have responsibility for conducting exams at the assigned examination center;

- Direct the boards to perform task as prescribed in the regulation;

- Report the organization of examination center to the National Steering Committee; propose the provincial steering committee for solutions to ensure the operation of examination center;

- Receive and handle information, evidence of violations under Article 47 of this regulation.

d) Deputy Managers shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of examination center and deal with work on behalf of the manager when being authorized.

dd) Members shall perform tasks assigned by the heads of examination center.

2. Secretariat of examination center


- The manager : the position shall be held by the standing member of examination center;

- Deputy managers: heads of departments of Education and Training Department, and heads of high schools.

- Members: officials of departments and information officers of Education and Training Department, heads and teachers of high schools.

b) Tasks and entitlements of the Secretariat of Examination center

- Receive the exams data from the Ministry of Education and Training, issue the candidates’ numbers , and set the list of candidates in examination rooms;

- Receive and store the written papers and multiple-choice answer sheets from the Invigilation board.

- Send the written papers to the Header preparation board;

- Receive and store the written papers without header sent by the Header preparation board;

- Send the written papers without header and multiple-choice answer sheets to the grading board and perform relevant tasks;

- Manage relevant documents to written papers and multiple-choice answer sheets. Issue a record on grading of written exam papers (if any)

- Perform other tasks assigned by the Examination center’s manager

c) The manager of secretariat board shall take responsibilities to the manager of examination center for the performance of the board.

d) Deputy managers of the secretariat board shall assist the manager of the board in performing duties and deal with work on behalf of the manager when being authorized.

dd) Members of the secretariat board shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of the board;

e) The Secretariat board only performs tasks related to exams papers with the presence of at least two or more members of the board.

3. Header preparation board


- The manager : the position shall be hold by the manager of examination center;

- Deputy managers: heads of departments of Education and Training Department, and heads of high schools.

- Members: officials of departments and information officers of Education and Training Department, heads and teachers of high schools, security guards, police, medical, service officers.

b) Tasks and entitlements of Header preparation board

- Remove the headers from the exam papers in accordance with the regulation;

- Send the exam papers without header to the secretariat board and perform relevant tasks;

- Perform other tasks assigned by the Examination center’s manager

c) The manager of header preparation board shall take responsibilities to the manager of examination center for the performance of the board.

d) Deputy managers of the header preparation board shall assist the manager of the board in performing duties and deal with work on behalf of the manager when being authorized.

dd) Members of the header preparation board shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of the board;

e) The header preparation board works independently and under the direction of the manager of examination center; only performs tasks related to exams papers with the presence of at least two or more members of the board. Those in the header preparation board shall not be in the grading, regarding board.

Article 9. Issue of the candidate numbers, arrangement of examination rooms;

1. Issue of the candidates’ numbers

Each examination center has a unique code nationwide. The issuance of candidates’ numbers in each examination center is conducted as follows:

- List all the name of the candidates in alphabetical order and assign numbers.

- List all the name of the candidates in alphabetical order according to their registration of individual tests or component tests of the natural sciences or social sciences combined tests to set the list of candidates in examination rooms.

Each candidate has only one candidate number. The candidate’s number consists of 2 digit of examination center’s code and the next 6 digits are issued in ascending order from 000001 to the end of the candidates' list to ensure that each candidate has only one unique number.

2. Arrangement of examination rooms

Examination rooms shall be rearrange after each test. The maximum number of candidates in each room is 24; the minimum horizontal distance between two candidates is 1.2 meters. Candidates taking different languages tests can be arranged in the last examination room but their exam papers must be collected separately.

Free candidates shall be arranged in separated room at one or several examination center decided by the Director of Education and Training Department. Continuing education candidates shall be arranged in separated room when taking social sciences exams.

b) The number of examination rooms in each examination center shall be numbered in ascending order;

c) Each room is provided a list of candidates and their photos;

d) The list of candidates in each room and the regulations to be complied with by candidates prescribed in Article 14 of this Regulation must be posted in front of each examination room's doors.

Article 10. Application of information technology and communication devices

1. Use the exams management application provided by the Ministry of Education and Training; establish the system of exchanging updated and accurate information between high schools and Education and Training Department, between Education and Training Department and Ministry of Education and Training; strictly follow the process, structure, deadline of data processing and report system as prescribed in the MoET’s guidance of conducting national high school graduation exams per annum.

2. Each examination center shall have its own unit responsible for using computers and exam management application; the examination center’s email and phone number shall be registered with the Ministry of Education and Training.

3. One (01) fixed phone shall be set up in each examination center for communication; one (01) mobile phone shall be set up in the board room of examination center in case of no landline. Every call in examination time shall be on speaker mode and taken in public. If necessary, computers can be set up in the board room of examination center and only online when sending quick reports to the examination center.

4. Recording and/or transmission devices are not allowed in the invigilation, grading and regrading areas (except for devices prescribed in Clause 3 of this article).

Article 11. Exams data management and use

1. Examination centers announce the exams results after sending the data of exams results to the Ministry of Education and Training and completing the comparison between the data sent to the Ministry of Education and Training and the one stored in examination centers.

2. The Ministry of Education and Training takes responsibility for the management of candidates’ results data; Education and Training departments use this data for graduation admission, universities and colleges use this data for enrolment.

Chapter III


Article 12. Candidates and conditions of enrolment

1. Candidates

Students who have finished the high school program or the continuing education program at high school level (referred to as high school program) in the year of examination.

b) Those that had finished the high school program but has yet taken or did not pass the high school graduation exams of previous years; those who graduated from high school; those who graduated from intermediate schools and others that are allowed to take the exams by the Ministry of Education and Training (referred to as free candidates).

2. Conditions of taking the exam

To take the exam, a candidate must register, fully and punctually submit the required documents, and must not be banned from the examination.

b) Candidates prescribed in point a clause 1 of this article must also meet the requirements of conduct and learning capacity assessed and classified in grade 12: conduct must be classified as medium grade and above and learning capacity must not be classified as poor grade. The classification of conduct is not required for continuing education learners in guided self-study mode and learners with no requirements of conduct classification

c) In addition to the criteria prescribed at Point a Clause 2 of this Article, a free candidate must also meets the requirements below:

- He/she has graduated from lower secondary school;

- A person who is disqualified from the previous year’s NHSGE due to poor academic performance in grade 12 must take the final exams at the school in which they went to grade 12 or at the registered examination center for any subjects with GPA below 5.0 and the new GPA is qualified as prescribed in point b clause 2 of this article;

- A person who is disqualified from the previous year’s NHSGE due to poor conduct in grade 12 shall obtain a confirmation that he/she is law-abiding by the People’s Committee of the commune in which he/she resides.

3. Headmasters of high schools, directors of continuing education centers (referred to as “headmasters”) or heads of examination centers at which candidates registered shall organize the processing of applications; publish the list of disqualified candidates in accordance with clause 2 of this article at least 20 days before the exams.

Article 13. Organizing candidate registration

1. Places

Candidates prescribed in Point a Clause 1 Article 12 of this regulation shall register at high schools at which they are learning grade 12.

b) Free candidates shall register at places appointed by Education and Training departments. Schools and units at which the candidates register shall perform the duties prescribed in Article 54 of this regulation

2. Candidates’ registration

Headmasters of high schools and heads of units at which candidates submit the registration papers shall be responsible for the process of providing guidance on registration, receiving registration papers, inputting candidates’ information, managing registered candidates’ files and sending files, data of registration to Education and Training Departments.

b) Education and Training Departments shall manage and send candidates’ data to the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) The Ministry of Education and Training shall manage national candidates’ data;

3. Registration files of the candidate without high school graduation certificate

a) An application of the candidate prescribed in Point a Clause 1 Article 12 of this regulation consists of:

- 02 copies of Registration forms;

- High school record; school record or evaluation report of continuing education candidates in self-study mode

- Documents proving the candidate’s eligibility for privileges (if any). To enjoy the regional privileges, candidates must have the copy of their permanent residence books;

- 02 4x6cm photos, 02 envelopes with stamps, address and phone number of the candidate;

c) In addition to the documents prescribed at Point a clause 3 of this Article, a free candidate must add the documents below to his/her application:

- A copy of the birth certificate;

- If the candidate was disqualified for the previous year’s exam due to poor conduct, the confirmation of the content prescribed at Point c clause 2 Article 12 of this regulation provided by the People’s Committee of the commune in which the candidate resides is required.

- If the candidate was disqualified for the previous year’s exam due to poor academic performance as mentioned in Point c clause 2 Article 12, the confirmation of learning capacity provided by the high school at which candidate studied for grade 12 or by the units of registration is required.

- A copy of certificate of lower secondary or intermediate graduation;

- Study suspension document (if any) confirmed by the headmaster of high school where candidate took the exam in the previous year.

4. An application of the free candidate that has graduated from high school consists of:

02 copies of Registration forms;

A copy of certificate of high school or intermediate graduation;

02 4x6cm photos, 02 envelopes with stamps, address and phone number of the candidate;

5. Time for submitting the registration paper is stipulated in the guidance of organizing the national high school exams by the Ministry of Education and Training;

If any mistake is found after the submission deadline, candidates must promptly inform the headmaster of high school, head of units or the leader of examination venue at which they registered for the exam on the day of filling in examination procedures for correction.

6. Candidates complete the application of high school graduation admission and submit it in accordance with the guidance of organizing the exams per annum by MOET.

Article 14. Responsibility of Candidates

Every candidate has the responsibility to:

1. Register for the exam in accordance with Article 13 of this regulation and other provision prescribed in the guidance of organizing the exams per annum by MOET.

2. Every candidate shall be present at the examination room on time as specified in the Examination notice to complete the exams procedures, and:

Present the ID card either conventional or new format and receive the candidate card;

b) If the first name, middle name, last name, date of birth or eligibility for privileges is found incorrect, the candidate must promptly inform the officers of examination center for correction.

c) In case the ID card or another necessary document is lost, the candidate must immediately inform the leader of examination venue for consideration, handling.

3. In each examination session, candidates shall present at the examination room on time, follow the instructions of invigilation board and invigilators. Candidates arriving later than 15 minutes after the commencement of a test will not be allow to take the test.

4. When entering the examination room, candidates must follow these rules:

Present the candidate card to the invigilators;

b) Only bring the following items to the examination room: pen, pencil, drawing compass, eraser, ruler, scientific calculator without text composing function and memory stick (as specified in the guidance of organizing the exam by MOET per annum); Geographic atlas of Vietnam for Geography test (published by Vietnam Education Publishing House, in which has no signs or notes), recording and transmitting devices that have the function of information recording only and only receive and transmit audio, visual signals with the support of other devices;

c) Do not bring weapons, explosives, inflammable materials, alcohol drinks, carbon papers, correction pen, handouts, information transmission or storage devices that can be used for cheating in the process of examination and grading.

5. When sitting in the examination room, candidates must follow these rules:

Sit in the assigned position that matches the candidate number;

b) Before doing the test, write the candidate number on questions sheet, the exam paper or the multiple-choice answer sheet, drafts;

c) When receiving the question sheet, carefully check the number of pages and the printing quality. In case of missing, torn or blurry pages, inform the invigilators immediately within 10 minutes after receiving the question sheet.

d) Do not talk with other candidates, peek at others’ papers, attempt to cheat and cause disturbances; Raise one hand to ask for permission before saying/asking. When allowed to speak, stand up and openly present their opinions;

dd) Do not write or draw any sign or symbol on the exam papers, do not use pencils except for drawing circles with compass and filling in circles on the multiple-choice answer sheets; the answers must be written in one ink color (red ink is prohibited);

e) When the end of the test time is announced, candidates shall stop writing immediately;

g) The papers of candidates shall be intact. If detect any signs of others’ violation on their paper, candidates shall inform the invigilators for handling;

h) When handing in the written papers, candidates shall write the number of submitted pages and sign on the note of collecting papers. Candidates who fail to do the tests still have to hand in their answer papers (of the written tests), multiple-choice answer sheets.

Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room when taking the multiple-choice tests. When taking written exams, candidates are allowed to leave the examination room until two thirds of the examination time has elapsed and shall submit all their answers, question and draft papers before leaving.

If necessary, candidates shall only leave the examination room with invigilators’ permission and must be accompanied by a supervisor; in case of medical emergency, the leave of candidates shall be decided by the leader of the examination venue.

6. c) When taking the multiple-choice tests, in addition to the rules prescribed at clause 5 of this Article, candidates must follow these rules below:

a) Candidates must fill in their answers on the multiple-choice answer sheets printed in the format of the Ministry of Education and Training. Candidates shall only fill in the circles of candidate number, questions code and answers with black shade pencils. In case of changing answers, candidates shall clean all the pencil shade of the old circle and fill in the new one.

b) Fill in correctly all required fields printed on the multiple-choice answer sheet; for the candidate number field, all digits must be written and filled in (even “0” digits at the beginning); write the question papers code correctly on the two lists of collecting papers.

c) When receiving questions papers, candidate shall notice that the codes of the component tests in the natural sciences or social sciences combined test are the same as each other; in case of receiving different codes, candidates shall promptly inform the invigilators within no more than 10 minutes after receiving question papers. Candidates shall put the question papers under the multiple-choice answer sheet and only read the question papers after the invigilator has given permission to do so.

d) Candidates must check the papers to make sure that their papers have enough questions as stated in the beginning of papers and all pages of the papers have the same question code.

dd) Candidates shall not submit their papers before the end of the session. At the end of the session, candidate shall hand in the multiple-choice answer sheet to the invigilators and sign in two notes of the collecting papers.

e) After the invigilators check the number of received multiple-choice answer sheets and permit to leave, candidates are allowed to leave the examination room.

7. In case of unexpected situations, candidates shall follow the instruction of invigilators.

Chapter IV.


Article 15. Requirements of questions

1. The questions of the national high school graduation exams must meet the following requirements:

a) The content of questions shall match the provision specified in Clause 2 Article 4 of this regulation ;

b) To classify the learning capacity of candidates for the purpose of high school graduation and universities, colleges enrolment

c) Guarantee the precision in knowledge and educational purposes; the clarity in the content and expression of questions;

d) Point for each question shall be printed in the written papers; scores of the written tests and the multiple-choice tests are converted into a 0-10 point scale for the whole tests and the same scale applied to the component tests;

dd) Test papers shall have the word “HẾT" at the end of the papers and state the number of pages (in case of having 02 pages and above)

2. Each questions paper has one official version and backup version that meet the requirements prescribed in clause 1 of this Article; each version shall have grading instruction and answers.

Article 16. Exams question creation area and security requirements

1. Unpublished questions paper, grading instruction, answers, scale are listed as first decree top secret” in the list of state secrets. The unused backup written questions will be declassified after the end of the exams.

2. The process of creating questions, copy-printing questions (referred to as questions creation) shall be conducted at a safe, separated area which will be guarded from the stage of questions creation to the end of the final session of the exams and equipped with fire safety and security equipment.

3. Members of the questions creation board shall be in total isolation status. In necessary case approved in document by the manager of board of question creators or the manager of printing board, members are allowed to make contact with people from outside using fixed phone on speaker mode and under the surveillance of guards, police.

The information of members in the questions creation board shall be remained confidential before, during and after the exams. Those who work in the isolated area shall wear their name tags and only work in the assigned areas, only leave their assigned places after the end of the final session of the exams. In special case approved in document by the manager of question creation board or the manager of printing board, members are allowed to leave the isolated area under the surveillance of police.

4. The bag for storing, receiving, transferring questions papers from the printing area to examination center shall be made of dark-colored paper with good durability, density, securely taped on its edge , labeled and stamped with seals The content printed on the bag must follow the guidance of MoET.

5. The process of receiving and transporting the questions shall be monitored by police; the questions bags must be safely stored in locked containers and sealed during the process of receiving and transporting.

6. Machines and equipment in the questions creating area whether unused, broken shall only be taken out of the area after the end of the final session.

Article 17. Board of exam question creators

1. Minister of Education and Training shall establish the Board of questions creators for the NHSGE( hereinafter referred to as the Board of question creators)

2. Members of the Board of question creators

The President of the Board: Director of Education Quality Control Authority;

b) Vice presidents: Deputy director of Education Quality Control Authority, heads of units affiliated to MoET and heads of department affiliated to the Education Quality Control Authority;

c) Members, secretaries: officials of units affiliated to MoET; technical officers who manage the questions bank and assist the questions creator boards on software and computers in the isolation area, the position of standing member shall be held by officials of the Education Quality Control Authority;

d) Members of question creating and reviewing team shall be lecturers of universities, colleges, researchers of institutes, high school teachers. A question creation team of a leader and members with relevant credentials shall be established for each subject.

dd) Security team: officials assigned by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Education and Training

dd) Those who have relatives taking part in the exams during the year of examination shall not be in the Board of question creators.

3. The principles of the Board of question creators:

Question creation teams and members of the Board of question creators shall work independently, report directly with the President of the Board and take responsibility for their own assigned works;

b) Each member of the Board shall be responsible for the content, confidentiality and safety of the questions according to their responsibilities and the principles of protecting state secrets.

4. b) Tasks and entitlements of Board of question creators

Creating, appraising, and adjusting the questions, answers, grading instruction of official questions and backup questions;

b) Printing the questions in the format and quantity requested by the National Steering Committee, packaging, storing and transferring the questions to the National Steering Committee;

c) Remain the confidentiality and safety of the questions and grading instruction in the question creation area from the creating stage to the end of the final session of the exam.

5. c) Responsibilities of the President of the Board

Monitor the procedure of question creation and transferring the questions to the National Steering Committee, be responsible to the Minister of Education and Training for the performance of the Board.

b) Handle any incidents in the process of creating, printing and transferring the questions;

c) Propose the Minister of Education and Training for rewarding, enforcing discipline (if any) members of the Boards.

6. Members of the Board of question creators shall follow the assignment of the President of the Board.

7. Question creation process

Proposed questions (for written tests) and multiple-choice questions from the standardized question bank are the importance sources of reference for the Board of question creators;

b) Proposed questions are questions created by scientists, lecturers, teachers with good pedagogical and scientific credentials from higher education institutions and high schools at the request of MoET. The proposed questions and information of the creators shall be treated as strictly confidential.

c) Creators shall seal the bag of proposed questions by themselves and send to the address on the request;

d) Creation, appraisal, review of questions: each question creating team shall create questions, appraise and adjust the questions, answers, grading instruction for official and backup version of each subject. Requirements for the process of creating, appraising, adjusting the questions, answers, grading instruction are specified in Article 15 of this regulation;

dd) Exam question review:

- Question sheets shall be reviewed;. Reviewers shall try to answer the questions and assess the questions in accordance with the requirements in Article 15 of this document; propose necessary adjustments or corrections;

- Comments of reviewers are a basis for the President of the Board of question creators to decide whether to approve the questions.

e) Multiple-choice questions process:

- Officials of the Board of question creators choose question sheets from the question bank;

- Question creation team leaders shall assign their members to appraise each question sheet in accordant with Article 15 of this regulation;

- Members of each question creation team shall work together, adjust each question and put together a question sheet. After the final adjustment is made, the team leader shall sign the question sheet and send it to the President of the Board of question creators.

- Members of the Board of question creators shall mix the questions to create multiple versions of question sheets;

- The question creation team shall examine each version, answers and grading instructions thereof, and sign on every version;

Members of the Board of question creators shall keep the confidentiality of the proposed questions and multiple-choice questions,

Article 18. Procedures of printing, transferring and receiving question sheets in examination centers

1. Printing questions

Members of the Board of printing:

- The manager : the position shall be hold by the manager of examination center;

- Deputy managers: heads of Education and Training Department or heads of units affiliated to Education and Training Department.

- c)Members and secretaries: officials of units affiliated to Education and Training Departments and high school teachers;

- dd) Security team: police officers, guards.

b) Members of the printing board shall work together and will be isolated from the time of opening the question bags until the end of the final session of the exam.

c) The manager of printing board shall take personal responsibilities to the manager of examination center and to the law for the following tasks:

- Receiving the original question sheets, monitoring the printing process, storing and sending the printed question sheets to the manager of transferring board with the observation of the examination center’s secretariat, assigned police officers;

- Propose the manager of examination center for rewarding, enforcing discipline (if any) members of the printing board.

d) Procedures of the questions printing:

- The printing board shall proofread the original question sheets, revise the proofs and compare with the original before printing. In case of detecting mistakes or unclear contents in the original question sheets, the printing board shall inform the manager of examination center to receive instruction from the National Steering Committee;

- Check the exact number on the list of candidates of each room, each subject, each examination center to distribute the question sheets; write the name of examination center, examination room number, name of subject and the number of question sheets on each questions bag as prescribed in clause 4 Article 16 of this regulation before packaging;

- Each subject shall be printed separately: after printing the required number of sheets, seal and package up the questions for each examination room, clean up and repeat the process with other subjects. In the process of printing, the quality of the copies must be checked, the proofs and unusable copies shall be kept and stored as confidential documents;

- The printing board shall pack the right number of question sheets for the subject written in the questions bag, distribute the sufficient amount of sheets to each examination center, each room. Examination center shall has 01 bag of backup sheets for each subject, each code of multiple-choice tests. After packaging the question sheets for each subject, the manager of the printing board manages both of the question bags and redundant, unusable copies.

2. Transporting and receiving question sheets

The position of the head of transporting and receiving board shall be held by the head of examination center, the members of the board and monitoring police officers are assigned by the manager of examination center.

b) The transporting and receiving board shall receive the question bags from the printing board, store, transfer and distribute the question bags to examination centers.

c) The question bags shall be stored in locked and sealed boxes, cabinets, containers. These containers shall be guarded 24 hours/day and their keys shall be kept by the head of the transporting and receiving board.

d) The transporting and receiving process conducted by the printing board to the transporting and receiving board and from the former to the heads of examination center shall be recorded in writing.

Article 19. Storage and use of question sheets at examination centers

1. c) The question bags shall be stored in locked and sealed boxes, cabinets, containers by the leader of the examination venue . These containers shall be guarded 24 hours/day and their keys shall be kept by the head of the examination center.

2. The area where the question sheets, written papers, multiple-choice answer sheets are stored shall be guarded 24hrs/day by the police and ensured fire safety.

3. The question bags for each subject shall be opened for distribution to candidates at examination rooms on time in accordance with the MOET guidance of conducting the exam per annum.

4. The backup questions are only used for unexpected incidents specified in Article 46 of this regulation.

Chapter V.


Article 20. Invigilation board

1. Members of the Invigilation board:

The manager : the position shall be held by the head of examination center;

Deputy managers: heads of Education and Training Department, heads of cooperated universities, colleges. In special cases, heads of units affiliated to Education and Training Department, headmasters of high schools, heads of departments of cooperated universities, colleges shall hold the position of deputy manager. The position of standing deputy manager shall be held by the heads of Department or the manager of the Examination department thereof.

c)Members and secretaries: head, specialists of units affiliated to Education and Training Departments, high school teachers; heads, specialists of departments of cooperated universities and colleges;

c)Invigilators: two invigilators shall be assigned for each examination room; the first one is the local high school or lower secondary school teacher, the second one is lecturer, specialist of cooperated universities, colleges;

dd) Supervisors, medical staff, support staff, police officers (soldiers if necessary);

e) The number of registered candidates and the condition of facilities and staff are the basis for the manager of examination center to decide the establishment of examination venues at high schools and other educational facilities that are qualified to conduct the exam. The manager of examination center shall assign the position of the leader, the vice-leader and the secretary of examination venue to manage the invigilation process; the position of standing vice-leader shall be held by officials of the cooperated universities, colleges. Invigilators who have relatives are candidates of the examination venue shall not perform their tasks at the same place.

2. The manager of the invigilation board shall manage the process of invigilation of examination center and handle any incidents during the exam.

3. Deputy managers, leaders shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of invigilation board.; vice-leaders shall perform task assigned by leaders.

4. Invigilators, supervisors and other members of the invigilation board shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of the board and follow provisions in accordance with the regulation; follow the management of leaders when performing tasks at examination venues.

Article 21. Complete exam procedures

1. Based on the data of registered candidates, the Secretariat board shall create the list of candidates for each examination room (including the list of candidates’ photos); create candidate cards; arrange places for candidates to complete the exam procedures.

2. On the day of completing exam procedures, the leader of the examination venue shall arrange staff to instruct candidates to complete exam procedures and inform candidates about the regulation; record any mistakes about candidates’ name, priorities, permanent residence area and transfer this information to the Secretariat board of examination center for updates on the exam management application.

Article 22. Responsibilities of invigilators and other members of the invigilation board

1. Invigilators

Present at the examination venue on time. During the exam time, invigilators shall not bring any information transferring and/or receiving devices, smoke, consume alcoholic drinks; and pay attention to only the exam process.

b) When entry time is announced, the first invigilator shall call the name of candidates, the second invigilator shall check the candidate cards with the list of candidates’ photos to confirm the candidates' identity; make sure that candidates sit on the right place and check their belongings to remove any prohibited documents and equipment as prescribed in Article 14 of this regulation;

c) When the next stage is announced, the first invigilator shall receive the question bags, the second invigilator shall remind candidates to follow the exam regulation, write his or her full name on the candidates’ answer and draft papers and sign them based on the number of candidates present; guide candidates to fold their answer papers correctly and check whether they have written their names, numbers and other required fields before taking the test.

d) When hearing the announcement, the first invigilator shall show the question bags in front of candidates to let them see that the front and the back seals remain intact and ask two of them to sign the record confirming the condition of question bags as witnesses; open the question bags and check the number of question sheets. In case of extra, missing sheets or mixed with other subjects' sheets, the first invigilator shall inform the leader of examination venue for handling; give the question sheets to each candidate;

dd) When candidates start writing, the first invigilator shall compare the photo attached on candidate card to the one in the list of candidates and their photos for recognition, write his or her full name on the candidates’ answer, drafts and sign them; the second invigilator shall watch the whole room. During the session, one invigilator shall watch from the front to the back of examination room and the other shall watch in the opposite pattern ; invigilators shall not stand close to candidates and help them cheating by any means, only answer candidates' questions in public and provide answers within the scope of the regulation.

Extra answer sheets and scratch papers shall be provided to candidates as prescribed in point c, dd clause 1 of this Article;

e) Invigilators shall remain the number of the question sheets in the examination room during the exam session. After 15 minutes from the start of the session is announced, invigilators shall transfer the sealed bag of extra question sheets to the staff member assigned by the leader of examination venue.

g) Invigilators shall allow candidates to leave the examination room until two thirds of the examination time has elapsed (in written sessions) and after candidates have submitted all their answers, question and scratch papers before leaving. In case of candidates' temporary leaving, invigilators shall inform supervisors for support;

h) In case of candidates' violations, invigilators shall issue a record in accordance with the regulation. In case of incidents, invigilators shall promptly inform the leader of the examination venue;

Before the end of the session 15 minutes, invigilators shall announce the remaining time for candidates;

j) When the end of the session is announced, the first invigilator shall ask candidates to stop writing and collect their answer sheets, even to the sheets of candidates with records; the second invigilator shall remain the examination conditions; the first invigilator shall call the name of candidates and receive their answer papers. When receiving papers, the first invigilator shall count the number of submitted papers, ask candidates to write the number of submitted papers and sign the notes of collecting papers. Invigilators shall ensure that all the papers have been collected before allowing candidates to leave the room

l) Invigilators shall put the papers in the increased order of candidates’ numbers. Record (if any) shall be attached to the candidate’s paper. The first invigilator shall take the answers bag and deliver it to the secretary of examination venue with the presence of the second invigilator. Each answers bag shall be examined and compared the actual number of papers and pages with the number written on the list of collecting papers in public, as well as records and evidence (if any);

m) After receiving the answers bags, the answers bags and the list of collecting papers of each examination room shall be sealed by the secretary of examination venue and the two invigilators. One seal shall be put on at the middle of the left, right and middle edges of the bag. Two invigilators shall sign on the edge between the seal and the bag. The secretary of the examination venue and two invigilators shall write their full name and sign the delivery record.

n) When invigilating the multiple-choice tests, in addition to those provisions prescribed in this article, invigilators shall perform the following tasks:

- Receive and sign the multiple-choice answer sheets;

- Distribute the multiple-choice answer sheet and instruct candidates to fill in required fields.

- Each candidate shall receive questions with different codes; in case of component tests of the natural sciences and social sciences combined tests, candidates shall receive tests with the same code for each subject. When distributing the questions, invigilators shall ask candidates to check the codes of the question papers then put the papers under the multiple-choice answer sheet and only read the questions after the invigilator has given permission to do so. When the last candidate has received the questions, invigilators shall allow candidates to turn up the question sheets, write and fill up the question code field in the answer sheet and write the received question code on two list of collecting papers.

- In case of combined tests, one multiple-choice answer sheet is for all component subjects. The questions for the component tests are distributed based on the subjects’ schedule: each component test shall be completed in the given time; right after the end of each subject, invigilators shall collect the questions and scratch papers of candidates who take exam on that subject and distribute the papers of the following subject as scheduled. Invigilators shall not collect the candidates’ question sheet and scratch papers of the final subject of combined tests and those from candidate who only take exam in few components of the whole test.

- dd) Invigilators shall not collect candidates’ papers before the end of the exam. When collecting the candidates’ answers sheets, invigilators shall ensure that the question code written and filled in on candidate’s paper and the list of collecting papers must be the same with the printed code on the question sheets distributed to candidate;

- Invigilators shall deliver the answers bag with all sheets organized in the increased order of candidates’ numbers and one list of collecting papers containing all candidates’ signatures and distributed question codes to the leader or the person assigned by the leader of examination venue. The other list of collecting papers shall be attached outside of the answers bag and will be delivered to the leader of exam venue.

2. Exam supervision

The leader of the exam venue shall arrange the number of supervisors, each supervisor shall not oversee more than 7 examination rooms. In case of rooms for candidates taking only 1 or 2 subjects of the combined tests, each supervisor shall not oversee more than 3 examination rooms.

b) Officials of Education and Training Department; officials, lecturers of universities, colleges, officials, teacher of high school who have experience in conducting exams and implementing regulations.

c) Responsibilities of supervisors:

- Supervise the performance of invigilators and other staff members at the assigned area; supervise the candidate that receives permission from invigilators to go out of examination room;

- Remind invigilators, police officers, medical staff of their duties and issue records if they violate the regulation;

- Propose the leader of the exam venue to suspend or change invigilators, police officers, and medical staff if they violate the regulation;

- Ask invigilators to issue a record of candidate who have violated the regulation (if any);

- Work with inspection team on inspecting and handling violations.

3. Controllers, police officers (soldiers – if any, hereinafter referred to as security members)

Those who assigned to protect any area shall protect the assigned one;

b) Security members shall not allow unauthorized persons to enter the assigned area. Members shall not leave the position, and shall only pay attention to the assigned task. Security members shall not enter the examination room and shall not communicate with candidates;

c) Security members shall report to the leader of examination venue about incidents during the examination time for competent handling;

d) Police officers sent to support the examination center shall have the additional duty of escorting and protecting the safety of exam papers.

4. Medical staff

Medical staff shall be ready at all times in the assigned area by the examination center to handle candidates' sickness / emergencies;

b) When the leader of the exam venue informs cases of candidates with sickness, medical staff shall provide treatment or if necessary, organize to transfer sick candidates to hospitals with the escort of supervisors and police officers;

c) Medical staff shall not take advantage of the situation to aid cheating candidates .

Chapter VI.


Article 23. Grading area

1. The grading process of each examination center is conducted in an assigned area. The grading area consists of grading place, regrading place, multiple-choice answer sheets processing place and a place for storing answer sheets. These places shall be placed near each other, under the surveillance of guards 24hrs/day and equipped with fire safety system.

2. The rooms with cabinets, boxes, cabinets in which exam papers are stored shall be locked and sealed; the keys of exam papers storage rooms shall be held by the manager of secretariat board; these rooms shall be opened and closed in the presence of police officers and members of the secretariat

3. Members of the grading board shall not bring any devices for information recording and transmission, copying documents; any personal papers, correction pen, pencil and other types of pen that are not allowed by the grading board in the grading area.

Article 24. Grading board

1. Composition of the Grading board:

The manager : the position shall be hold by the head of examination center;

c) Deputy managers: head of Education and Training Department, heads of departments affiliated to Education and Training Department; heads of departments of cooperated universities and colleges, heads of high schools; the head of the Department or Examination department thereof shall hold the position of standing member.

b) Members: leader of the grading team for each subject and grading members who are officials, teachers at high school and lecturers of universities, colleges (if necessary) A grading team shall have at least 3 grading members.

Grading members shall be teachers that are teaching the same subject. Lecturers, teachers serving their internship and members of secretariat, header preparation board of the examination center shall not participate in the grading board.

d) Police officers, guards, medical and support staff

2. c) The manager of grading board shall take responsibilities to the manager of examination center for the grading quality and punctuality.

3. Deputy managers of the grading board shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of the board.

4. c) The leader of grading team shall take responsibilities to the manager of grading board and the manager of examination center for grading quality and performance of the following tasks:

Plan the grading schedule; receive exam papers and assign tasks to grading members;

b) Before grading, the leader of the grading team shall work with the members to inform and discuss the application of grading instruction, answers and scales. During the grading process, b) After grading process, the leader shall hold a review of the team’s performance.

c) Propose the manager of grading board to change or suspend members that are irresponsible, violate the regulation or make multiple mistakes during performing their tasks.

5. Members of the grading board shall perform tasks assigned by the manager of the board and comply with provisions in this regulation; grading members shall comply with requests of their leaders.

Article 25. Grading written paper

1. Grading members shall follow the grading instruction, answers and scales of the Ministry of Education and Training; Written paper is graded on scale 0-10, counted up to 0,25 ; no round up of final score.

2. Grading procedure

The Secretariat board will deliver the bag of written answers with headers removed and the record of scores to the leader of grading team.

The leader of grading team shall gather all the members of the team to announce the grading regulation, discuss the grading instruction, and grade at least 10 written papers of the subject together to settle the application of the instruction; then organize the team to grade individually in two separated rooms.

First grading:

- The leader shall let the grading members to take random numbers printed on the exam paper bags and give them the bags with chosen numbers.

- Before grading, grading members (hereinafter referred to as examiners) shall check the number of pages, headers to make sure that they have received sufficient amount as written on the bag and cross out any blanks left on the paper. Examiners shall only grade answers written on papers that are specified for answering the exam questions. In case of missing pages, headers, answers written on scratch papers or unspecified papers, papers with handwriting of two people, answers written in two different colors and more or in red color, answers written in pencil or any note, drawing that have no related meaning to the exam, torn or intentional marking, examiners shall transfer these papers to the leader for handling;

- In the first grading, except for the cross out strokes in blank areas, examiners shall not write anything on the candidates’ papers and the answer bags. Scores for each question, total score and comments (if any) shall be written on the record of scores for each written paper. On the record, examiners shall write and sign their full name.

- After finishing grading one bag, examiners shall bring that graded bag to the leader for delivering to the secretariat of the examination center.

b) Second grading:

- After receiving answers bags from the first grading, members of the secretariat shall take the records of scores out of candidates' papers and bring back to the leader of grading team for organizing the second grading. The second grading examiners shall choose the numbers randomly but not the ones of the first grading.

- The second grading examiners shall grade directly onto the candidates’ papers and write the result on the record of scores. Scores for each part of an answer shall be written in the margin next to the graded part , then the total score for each answer and for the whole paper shall be written in the scores areas. Examiners shall write their full name and sign at all required areas in all candidates’ pages.

After finishing one bag, examiners shall bring that bag to the leader for delivering to the secretariat of the examination center.

3. The final result

Members of the secretariat, the leader of grading team, grading officials of the examination centers shall compare the scores and give the final result as follows:

The final result after two times of grading



The difference in two total scores or in the component scores (except the case of miscalculating total scores):

- Less than 1.0 point with Literature paper.

Two examiners shall discuss to provide the final result and write the result, examiners' full names and sign on all answer papers of the candidate.

The difference in two total scores or in the component scores (except the case of miscalculating total scores):

- From 1.0 to 1.5 points with Literature paper.

Two examiners shall discuss and issue a record to inform the leader of grading team the final result (the results on the records of scores or the total score part on the paper shall not be changed), write the final result and examiners’ full names, sign on all answer papers of the candidate. If two examiners cannot reach to an agreement on the final score, the leader of grading team will be the one to provide the final result, write the score and sign on the papers.

The difference in two total scores or in the component scores (except the case of miscalculating total scores):

- More than 1.5 point with Literature paper.

The leader of grading team shall organize the third grading with the evaluation written directly on the papers in different color.

The final result after three times of grading



If the results of two in three times are the same

The leader of grading team shall take the same result of two times grading as the final one, write the final result and examiners’ full names, sign on all answer papers of the candidate.

If the differences in the results of three times are varied:

- Up to 2.5 points with Literature paper.

The leader of grading team shall take the average of the three results as the final one, write the final result and examiners’ full names, sign on all answer papers of the candidate.

If the differences in the results of three times are varied:

- More than 2.5 point with Literature paper.

The grading board shall work together for the final decision. Examiners and the leader of grading team shall write the result, examiners' full names and sign on all answer papers of candidate. The score of this grading is the official scores of the paper.

Article 26. Grading multiple-choice answer sheets

1. The manager of examination center shall establish 01 team of processing the answer sheets (referred to as “the processing team”), this team shall be under the management of the manager of grading board.

2. Composition of the processing team: the manager of grading board shall be the leader of the team; members of the team shall be officials and technicians, the members of the supervisor group are police officers assigned by the manager of examination center and inspectors.

3. Candidates’ answer sheets shall be graded by machines and software provided by the Ministry of Education and Training.

4. The supervisor group shall directly and continuously supervise the process of grading from the time of breaking seals on answer sheets bags to the end of grading. Members of processing team must not bring pencils and erasers in the grading rooms; must not change anything on the candidates' answer sheets for any reason. Any suspicion shall be promptly reported to the supervision group and the team leader. After scanning, all candidates' answer sheets and the list of collecting papers shall be sealed and stored at Education and Training Department;

5. After scanning, members of the team shall check the result and fix issues (if any) during the scanning process.

6. Scanning data exported from software in format required by MoET shall be copied to 02 CDs and sealed in the presence of inspectors and police officers. 01 CD shall be held by the manager of examination center, 01 CD shall be sent by express to MoET (specifically to the Education Quality Control Authority) after no more than 15 days of the final session.

Only after sending the CD of scanning data to the Education Quality Control Authority, the processing team shall break the seal of the other CD in the presence of police officers and inspectors to begin the grading process.

7. The processing team shall grade the answer sheets of each subject and convert the score from 1 to 10; the final score shall be rounded to the nearest one hundredth. The codes of question sheets and subjects in the files of MoET shall be uniformly used.

8. As soon as the grading is completed, the official files and test results (exported from the software in the format required by the Ministry of Education and Training) shall be copied to 02 CDs/DVDs, which shall be sealed under supervision of the supervision team and the police. 01 disc shall be held by the chairperson of the examination center and 01 disc shall be sent by express to the Education Quality Control Authority.

Article 27. Grading assessment

1. The manager of the grading board shall establish the assessment team. The assessment team shall consist of:

The manager : the position shall be hold by the manager of grading board; During the exam, the assessment team leader shall not concurrently hold the position of the grading or regrading board manager;

b) Members : leaders of the assessment team for each subject and examiners.

Members of the secretariat board and grading team shall not participate in the assessment team.

2. 2) Tasks and entitlements of assessment team

Evaluate at least 5% of the amount of graded written answers according to the progress of grading each subject, the process of evaluation shall be conducted as specified in Article 25 of this regulation;

b) At the end of the evaluation session or if necessary, the evaluation leader shall gather the result and report to the manager of the grading board for suitable adjustments in the grading process.

c) The assessment team only works directly with grading teams and other relevant examiners by the request of the manager of the grading board and the approval of the manager of the examination center. The session result shall be recorded in writing.

3. The meeting of grading and assessment team shall be arranged by the manager of the examination center.

Article 28. Scores management and publishing

1. After the grading of all subjects is completed, the chairperson of the examination center shall approve the result, report and send all exam data to the Education Quality Control Authority for storage and comparison. The official files and test results shall be copied to 02 CDs/DVDs, which shall be sealed under supervision of the supervision team and the police and the process shall be recorded in writing. 01 disc shall be held by the chairperson of the examination center and 01 disc shall be sent by express to the Education Quality Control Authority.

2. After approving and sending the result to MoET, the chairperson of the examination center shall manage the secretariat board in printing score certificates of candidates (in the format designed by MoET), signing and sending those certificates to high schools or venues at which candidates registered to take the exam.

Each candidate shall receive 01 score certificate with one unique code.

3. Any documents related to the scores shall be sealed and stored by the chairperson of the examination center.

Chapter VII


Article 29. Regrading board

1. Composition of regarding board (if any):

The manager : the position shall be hold by a head of examination center. During the exam, the manager of regarding board shall not concurrently hold the same position of the grading board or evaluation board;

b) Deputy managers: head of Education and Training Department, heads of departments affiliated to Education and Training Department or high schools; the head of the Department or Examination department thereof shall hold the position of standing member.

c) Members: Regrading members shall be qualified teachers that are teaching the same subject.

Teachers serving their internship and members of the Secretariat must not participate in the regrade board.. A person must not regrade the exam paper he/she previously graded.

2. Regrading board shall find mistakes such as incorrect scoring, regrade the exam papers as requested by candidates, submit the regraded exam papers to the chairperson of the examination center for decision.

incorrect scoring;

b) regrade the exam papers as requested by candidates

c) submit the regraded exam papers to the chairperson of the examination center for decision

Article 30. Regrading procedures

1. Candidates can request for regrading by sending regrading application to the registered examination venue.

2. The high school at which a candidate registered shall receive that candidate’s regrading application within 10 days from the day of scores announcement. After receiving regrading request, the application of the requesting candidate shall be transferred to the examination center. Within 15 days from the deadline of submitting regrading application, the examination center shall post and send the regraded result to the candidate.

3. Regrading procedures

The manager of regarding board shall directly manage the regrading procedures

b) Before sending the requested papers to the regrading board, the secretariat board shall perform these following tasks:

- Sort out the candidate’s numbers to find the number written on matching headers. Take out the papers with matching headers, compare with the list of collecting papers to check the number of pages of the regrading answer.

- Collect all the regrading papers of a subject and put them into one or several bags, write the number of answers and the number of answers’ pages on each bag and deliver those bags to the regrading board. The transferring process of regrading written answers between the secretariat and the regrading board shall be conducted in accordance with Article 25 of this regulation;

- Regrading tasks shall be performed in the presence of at least two people. The connection between the candidate numbers and header numbers must be strictly kept confidential and the headers shall not be reattached to the answer papers.

4. Regrading written answers procedures:

The regrading of each written answer shall be conducted by two examiners in accordance with Article 25 of this regulation; the ink shade for regrading shall be in different color of the previous one.

b) The regrading result of written answers shall be decided by the secretariat as follows:

- If the results of the two regrading examiners are the same, the agreed result will be the regrading score and the examiners shall sign on the regraded papers.

- If the results of the two regrading examiners are not the same, the paper shall be transferred to the third examiner to regrade directly with different ink color.

- If the results of the two in three regrading examiners are the same, the agreed result will be the regrading score. If the results of all three regrading examiners are not the same, the manager of regrading board shall take the average of the results and round to the nearest one hundredth as the final score; the examiners shall sign on the regarded papers.

- If the difference in the regrading score and the grading one is 0.25 points, the final score will be the regrading one. In case the difference is from 0.5 points and above, the secretariat shall arrange a meeting of grading and regrading examiners; the result of the meeting shall be recorded. Any violation shall be handled in accordance with the regulation;

- The regraded scores approved by the regrade board manager shall be the official scores of the candidates

5. Regrading multiple-choice answer sheets

The composition of the regrade multiple-choice answer sheets board is the same as the one of the processing team;

b) The regarded scores of the regrade board shall be the official scores of the candidates.

6. Reporting regarded scores

Regraded scores shall be submitted by the regrade board manager to the chairperson of the examination center for decision. The chairperson of the examination center shall update the regraded scores on the examination management software in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. The chairperson of the examination center shall report, send data to MoET send the regraded result to the candidate.

Data is saved and sent in accordance with Article 28 of this regulation.

Article 31. Grading review

1. In case of necessity, Minister of Education and Training shall establish a review board to grade all or some of the graded exam papers, or examine the regraded result of one or several examination centers.

2. The Director of Education Quality Control Authority shall hold the position of the manager; deputy directors of units affiliated to MoET shall hold the position of deputy managers; members, secretaries of this board are heads, specialists of units affiliated to MoET and qualified officials, lecturers and teachers.

3. The review score of the review board shall be the official score for the reviewed paper.

4. The review board of MoET shall use the seal of the Education Quality Control Authority.

5. The meeting of grading, regrading and review teams shall be arranged by Minister of Education and Training.

Chapter VIII


Article 32. Cases of tests exemption in graduation recognition

1. Exemption from Foreign language tests

Candidates with one of these conditions below shall be exempted from foreign language tests:

- Those who are chosen to become members in the national team for the International Olympiad of Foreign languages in accordance with the decision of Minister of Education and Training.

- Those who have required certificates in accordance with the requirements of MoET.

b) Candidates with exemption from foreign language tests shall be graded with 10 points for the relevant component in calculating the total score of graduation recognition.

c) Those who choose not to be exempted from foreign language tests shall take the test and his/her result will be used for the graduation recognition in the same way of non-exempt candidate’s case.

d) The use of the exemption result in the university enrolment shall be decided by headmasters of universities, colleges.

2. Exemption from all tests of the exam

Cases of exemption

- People suffering from particularly serious impairments and those suffering from serious impairments as prescribed in clause 1, clause 2 Article 3 of the Government’s Decree No. 28/2012/ND-CP dated April 10 2012.

- Revolutionary activists infected with chemical toxins with the working capacity loss from 61% and above;

- Offspring of revolutionary activists infected with chemical toxins with their working capacity loss from 61% and above;

b) Conditions for exemption

- In the case of disabled students who follow the general education program:

Students must finish the high school program and meet the requirements as prescribed in clause 2 Article 12 of this regulation to take the exam;

Students shall have the certificate of disability issued by the competent authority.

- In the case of disabled students who do not meet the requirements of the general education program:

Students shall have the certificate of the implementation of the individual education plan each year at high school level approved by the headmaster of the school at which they studied.

Student shall have the certificate of disability issued by a competent authority.

- In the case of revolutionary activists and their children infected with chemical toxins;

Candidates must finish the high school program and meet the requirements as prescribed in clause 2 Article 12 of this regulation to take the exam ;

Candidates shall have the certificate of infection with chemical toxins with the working capacity loss from 61% and above issued by a competent authority;

Article 33. Cases of exemption from taking all the tests in graduation recognition

1. Candidates taking the exam for national teams participating in international or regional science Olympiad competitions shall be exempted from taking all the tests of the national high school graduation exam if they meet the following requirements:

To be called in the national team at the second semester of grade 12;

b) Good academic performance and good conduct in grade 12;

c) Named in the MoET’s list of exemption .

2. Candidates taking the exam for national teams participating in international or regional science and engineering, sports, culture and arts Olympiad competitions shall be exempted from taking all the tests of the national high school graduation exam if they meet the following requirements:

To be called in the national team at the second semester of grade 12;

b) Academic performance and conduct shall be classified as medium and above in grade 12;

c) Have their names in the dispatch of exemption and attendance in training sessions confirmation documents which is sent by the selection agency to the Education and Training Department before the day of the exam.

Article 34. Cases of exception in graduation recognition

1. Regulated entity and conditions:

Candidates who meet the requirements prescribed in Article 12 of this regulation may be granted an exception of graduation recognition in the following cases:

Those who have an accident, get sick or get into unexpected situations during 10 days before the exam or being unable to take the exam because of the mentioned reasons at the first day of exam.

- b) Conditions for granting exception: Academic performance and conduct in grade 12 shall be classified as good and above;

- Application:

The admission and discharge notes of hospital of district level and above are required in the case of sickness and having an accident; records for unexpected situations verified by the local People’s Committee are required in the case of getting into unexpected situations.

Proposal record of exception in graduation recognition of the high school at which the candidate registered for the exam.

b) Those who have an accident, get sick or get into unexpected situations after taking at least one test and being unable to take the rest of the exam or volunteering for taking the rest of the exam after their recovery.

- b) Conditions for granting exception

Scores of the taken tests required for graduation recognition shall be 5.0 and above;

b) Academic performance and conduct in grade 12 shall be classified as medium for the former and good for the latter;

- Application:

The candidate’s proposal note of granting exception;

The admission and discharge notes of hospital of district level and above are required in the case of sickness and having an accident; records of unexpected situations verified by the local People’s Committee are required in the case of getting into unexpected situations.

2. Procedures:

Candidates shall submit the application of granting exception to the head of units at which candidates registered for the exam in no more than 7 days after the end of the final rest. The head of the unit shall receive and transfer candidates’ applications of granting exception to Education and Training department;

b) The council of graduation recognition shall consider and grant exception for qualified candidates prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article;

Article 35. Retained scores

1. Candidates' scores are retained as follows:

Candidates who took all required tests in the last year exam but have not been qualified to graduate and have no record of score disposal can reuse any score that was graded from 5.0 and above for the relevant subject in the following year exam to be qualified for graduation recognition

2. c) Those who chooses not to use the retained score shall take all tests and his/her results will be used for the graduation recognition in the same way for candidates without retained scores .

3. d) The use of the retained scores in the university enrolment shall be decided by headmasters of universities, colleges.

Article 36. Bonus points

1. Bonus points

The bonus points policy is applied to three groups of candidates, in which Group 1 consists of normal candidates with no bonus points. Candidates in Group 2 and 3 shall receive the amount of bonus points as follows:

Group 2 : Candidates shall receive 0.25 points as bonus if they are one of the following subjects:

- Continuing education candidates who are war invalids, sick soldiers, those receiving the same benefits as war invalids, sick soldiers with the working capacity loss under 81%

- Children of war invalids, sick soldiers; those who are receiving the same benefits as war invalids, sick soldiers with the working capacity loss under 81% , Hero of the People’s Armed Force, Hero of Labor; children of Vietnamese Heroic Mother, Hero of the People’s Armed Force, Hero of Labor;

- Ethnic minority candidates;

- Kinh ethnic people, foreigners who has registered of permanent residency for 3 years and above (up to the date of the exam) and live in extremely disadvantaged communes, border communes, former revolution bases under the cover of program 135, extremely disadvantaged communes in coastal areas and islands specified in current regulation by the Prime Minister; live in extremely disadvantaged communes in Zone I,II,III of mountainous areas and highlands specified in current regulation by the Committee of Ethnic Minority Affairs; study at high schools located outside the urban districts area of central-affiliated cities for at least two thirds of high school time.

- Those who are infected with dioxin, children of those infected with dioxin, children of revolutionary activists infected with chemical toxins, those who have deformities, malformations, working capacity loss as a result of exposing to chemical toxins certified by competent authorities;

- Continuing education candidates whose age is 35 and above at the time of the exam.

Group 3 : Candidates shall receive 0,5 points as bonus if they are one of the following subjects:

- Minority ethnics people who live in extremely disadvantaged communes, border communes, former revolution bases under the cover of program 135, extremely disadvantaged communes in coastal areas and islands specified in current regulation by the Prime Minister; live in extremely disadvantaged communes in Zone I,II,III of mountainous areas and highlands specified in current regulation by the Committee of Ethnic Minority Affairs; study at high schools located outside the urban districts area of central-affiliated cities for at least two thirds of high school time.

- Continuing education candidates who are war invalids, sick soldiers; those who are receiving the same benefits as war invalids, sick soldiers with the working capacity loss from 81% and above

- Children of war invalids, sick soldiers; those who are receiving the same benefits as war invalids, sick soldiers with the working capacity loss from 81% and above

c) Candidates with more than one benefit shall only enjoy the most beneficial one.

d) Bonus point policy for other beneficiaries specified in current law will be decided by the Minister of Education and Training.

2. Extra points

Students participating in contests and other activities shall receive the amount of extra points as follows:

Get individual prizes in the contest of sciences for excellent twelfth-graders.

- Win first, second, third prize in the national contests or first prize in provincial contests : +2.0 points;

- Get consolation prize in the national contests or second prize in provincial contests : +1.5 points;

- Get third prize in provincial contests : +1.0 points;

b) Get individual or team prizes in practical contests of Physics, Chemistry, Biology; arts, sports contests, exhibitions of national defense education, science and engineering contests, international letter-writing competitions held by education units cooperating with other relevant units from provincial level and above for high school students.

- Individual prizes:

Win first, second, third prize in the national contests , first prize in provincial contests or gold medal : +2.0 points;

Get consolation prize in the national contests, second prize in provincial contests or silver medal : +1.5 points;

Bronze medal : + 1.0 point;

- Team prizes:

Extra points only awarded to candidates with team prizes at national level;

The number of players, athletes, actors in the team shall be from 02 up to 22 persons in accordance with the rules provided by each prize’s organizers.

The amount of extra points awarded for individuals in a team prize shall be the same with the individual prize specified in this point;

- Candidates with prizes from several contests shall only receive the highest extra score for the highest prize.

c) High school students, continuing education students who have to undergo conduct assessment, continuing education students who are following a program that combines both intermediate vocational training and secondary education and have the vocational training certificate issued by the Department of Education and Training, educational institutions and vocational training institutions shall be eligible for extra points according to the classification of their vocational training certificates

- “Very good” classification : + 2.0 points;

- “Good” classification : + 1.5 points;

- “Ordinary” classification: +1.0 point.

d) Continuing education students who have foreign language and/or informatics certificates in accordance with regulations by MoET during high school: +1.0 point for each certificate.

dd) In case of having several certificates qualified for getting bonus as prescribed in this clause, the maximum amount that candidates can receive is 4.0 bonus points.

e) If bonus points specified in point a, b, c of this clause were gained during high school time, they shall be retained and added later to the final score for graduation recognition.

Article 37. Grade-point average for graduation recognition

1. Grade-point average for graduation recognition consists of scores of 4 subjects chosen by candidates in accordance with clause 1 Article 3 of this regulation, extra points, bonus points (if any) and the grade-point average of grade 12, score of each subject will be converted into scale 1-10.

The grade-point average (GPA) for high school students is calculated as follows:


GPA for graduation recognition =

Total score of 4 tests + Total extra score (if any)


GPA of grade 12




Bonus point (if any)





b) The graduate point average (GPA) for continuing education students is calculated as follows:


GPA for graduation recognition =

Total score of 3 tests



Total extra score (if any)


GPA of grade 12




Bonus point (if any)






2. Grade-point average for graduation recognition shall be rounded to the nearest one hundredth by examination software.

Article 38. Requirements of graduation recognition

1. Candidates who meet the requirements of taking the exam, have no discipline record at the level of score disposal and above, have no subject within the chosen 4 tests scored graded with 1 point in scale 1-10 and have the grade-point average for graduation recognition from 5 and above are qualified to be recognized as graduates.

2. Candidates who meet the requirements of taking the exam and have the grant of exemption from all of tests as prescribed in clause 2 Article 32 of this regulation shall be recognized as graduates.

3. Candidates who meet the requirements of taking the exam and have the grant of exemption from all of tests as prescribed in Article 33 of this regulation shall be recognized as graduates.

Article 39. Board of graduation recognition

1. Director of Department of Education and Training shall establish the Board of graduation recognition with the following composition:

The President of the Board: head of Department of Education and Training;

b) Vice presidents: the managers of Examination, Secondary Education and Continuing education departments

c)Members: heads, specialists, employees of units affiliated to Department of Education and Training, heads of high schools;

2. The Board of graduation recognition shall organize the graduation recognition process for qualified candidates in accordance with this chapter.

Article 40. Graduation recognition result approval

1. Application of approving the graduation recognition result:

Posts of information used for graduation recognition;

b) List of qualified candidates for approval;

c) List and applications of candidates with exception, exemption or graduated after regrading or adjusting candidates’ information.

CD with exam data;

dd) Other related documents;

e) Other documents in accordance with MoET guidance per annum.

2. Procedures of graduation recognition approval

Director of Department of Education and Training shall approve the recognition result and be responsible for his/her approval to MoET.

b) After reporting to MoET, directors of Department of Education and Training shall announce the graduation result on websites and inform high school to post the list of graduated candidates and issue the temporary certificate of high school graduation;

c) The temporary certificate of high school graduation shall be signed by the headmaster of high school and its validity is remained until the candidate receives the official one.

d) Departments of Education and Training shall send the list of graduates to MoET after the end of the exam for management.

Article 41. The issuance and management of high school degree

1. Candidate specified in clause 1 Article 12 of this regulation shall receive the high school degree if he/she meets the requirements of graduation.

2. The format and the regulation of issuance, retrieval and revocation of high school degree shall be under the management of MoET.

3. Director of Department of Education and Training shall direct and manage the issuance of high school degree and its copies, other documents related to the bonus points, privileges or study suspension in accordance with the regulation of MoET.

Chapter IX.


Article 42. Report

1. Each Department of Education and Training shall assign a group to gather information, statistics before, during and after the exam, prepare necessary documents and report in accordance with regulations. Officials who manage landline shall always be present at the board room.

2. The report procedure is stipulated in the guidance of organizing the national high school exams by the Ministry of Education and Training;

Article 43. Storage of exam data

Units of education management shall preserve the exam data after the end of the exam. The preservation time limit of exam data is counted from the final day of the exam and shall be specifically applied for each type of documents as follows:

1. b) The list of recognized graduates from Departments of Education and Training shall be preserved permanently by MoET.

2. Departments of Education and Training

Permanent preservation:

- Posts of exam scores;

- Posts of information used for graduation recognition;

- List of candidates recognized as graduated;

- Books of issued certificates

b) One-year preservation:

- Documents of establishing the provincial steering committee, examination center and other relevant boards;

- Summary report and statistics of the exam;

- Records of the examination center;

- Other documents that is relevant to the exam;

- Regrade application (if any): documents of establishing the regrading board, summary report, the list of scores after regrading and other relevant documents;

- Discipline report (if any)

- e) Other documents in accordance with MoET guidance per annum.

b) Two-year preservation:

- Candidates’ papers and relevant grading portfolios.

- c) List and application of candidates with exception, exemption or graduated after regrading or adjusting candidates’ information.

2. Candidates’ registration application shall be preserved one year at registered high school.

The original study transcripts and other certificates attached in registration application shall be returned to candidates by high school after the announcement of graduation result.

Chapter X.


Article 44. Exam inspection

1. Minister of Education and Training shall decide the establishment of inspectorates that will inspect the preparation and organization of the examinations, regrade and recognition of high school graduation at all Department of Education and Training.

2. Directors of Departments of Education and Training shall decide the establishment of inspectorates that will inspect the preparation and organization of the examinations, regrade and recognition of high school graduation at their localities.

3. Inspecting procedures shall be conducted in accordance with law on inspection and MoET guidance.

4. dd) An inspector who has relatives taking part in the exams during the year of examination shall not perform inspecting tasks at the relatives’ examination center.

Article 45. Rewarding

1. Officials, lecturers, teachers, students and staff with excellent performances during the exam shall be rewarded.

2. Forms of rewarding

Those with good performances in the exam shall be commended in the meeting of Board of question creators or examination center and the units where they work or study will be informed about their performances;

b) Those with good performances in the exam shall receive certificates of merit awarded by director of Department of Education and Training, headmasters of universities;

c) Those with good performances in the exam shall receive certificates of merit awarded by the Minister of Education and Training, Chairman of local provincial People’s Committee, Chief of the General Staff.

3. Application and procedures:

Board of question creators and Board of examination center shall consider and decide to grant rewards within their authorities or propose higher competent authorities to reward officials, lecturers, teachers, students and staff with excellent performance during the exam.

4. Funds for rewards shall be covered by the fund of organizing the exam.

Article 46. Handle unexpected situations

1. In case of mistakes in question papers

If detect any mistakes in question papers during the process of printing and invigilating, the manager of the examination center shall promptly report to the National Steering Committee for handling.

2. In case of questions disclosure

Only the National Steering Committee shall have the authority to conclude that the question for the exam is disclosed. If the official question of a subject is leaked, the National Steering Board shall suspend the session of that subject. Sessions of other subjects shall be conducted as scheduled. The session for the subject of which questions were disclosed will be held after the final scheduled session of the exam. Backup questions shall be used in this session.

3. Any unexpected situation shall be reported to the Steering Committees at levels for consideration and handling.

Article 47. Receive and handle information, evidence of violations.

1. Information, evidence of violations shall be sent to :

The National Steering Committee, provincial steering committees;

b) Heads of examination center, leader of the exam venue;

c) Education inspectors at all levels

2. Verified information, evidence shall be use as the basis to handle violations.

3. Procedures of transferring information, evidence of violations:

Candidates, members of examination centers and citizens are encouraged to detect and report any violations of the exam regulation.

b) Those who detect any violation shall promptly report to the competent authorities specified in clause 1 of this article for handling.

c) Those who have evidence of violations shall promptly report to the competent authorities specified in clause 1 of this article for handling. The process of receiving and handling information, evidence of violations shall be conducted as prescribe in law of complaints.

d) Those who provide information, evidence of violations shall be responsible to the law for the authenticity of the provided ones and have no intention of exploiting the violations to affect the exam.

4. Organizations, individuals receiving information, evidence of violations shall perform the following tasks:

Receive the information, evidence in accordance with the regulation; protect the evidence and verify the authenticity of received ones.

b) Promptly prevent any violations of the exam regulation according to the provided information.

c) Handle violations in authority or report the situation to competent agencies for handling and announce the result of handling any individual, organization who caused exam violations.

d) Remain the information and identification of the providers confidential.

Article 48. Handle officials and other individuals involving in violations

1. If the violation of an officials of the exam is discovered during or after the exam, he/she will be suspended from performing tasks and disciplined by his/her unit in accordance with law on cadres as follows:

Reprimand is issued with those who commit violation for the first time of which severity below the ones specified in point b, c, and d

b) Warning is issued for those who commit one of the following violations:

- Allow candidates to cheat, bring handouts and prohibited items specified in point c, clause 4 Article 14 of this regulation;

- Not follow the grading instruction when grading papers or make multiple mistakes in calculating scores;

- Create questions which content beyond the content of high school program.

- Send data in wrong format, wrong deadline or not follow the regulation of MoET on sending data

b) Depending on the seriousness of the violation, demotion, downgrading, dismissal or transferral is issued for those who commit one of the following violations:

- Create wrong questions and answers;

- Write the answers for candidates or instruct students to answer during the exam;

- Take one candidate’s papers to another candidate;

- Cheat at grading, not follow the grading instruction, boost or lessen scores of a candidate.

d) Dismissal or request for prosecution is issued for those who commit one of the following violations:

- Bring the questions out of the examination area or bring the answers from outside to the examination room during the exam;

- Leak out, buy or sell the exam questions;

- Leak out the number of headers;

- Alter candidates’ papers.

- Alter the written scores on papers, grading reports or list of scores;

- Swap candidates’ papers, headers or scores;

- Alter candidates’ academic transcripts, applications.

dd) Those who lose the papers of candidates during the process of gathering, transporting and storing, grading or commit other violations during the organization of the exam shall be disciplined in the corresponding form of punishments specified in this article according to the severity of their violations.

2. Officials who do not participate in the organization of the exam but commit one of the following violations: take the exam for the candidate, bring the questions out of the exam room and provide candidates with answers, spreading falsified information about the exam, cause disturbances within the examination area shall face administrative sanction and request of dismissal.

3. If a person who takes part in the organization of the exam or relevant processes is not an official and commit one of the violations specified in point b, c, d clause 1 of this article during or after the exam, he/she shall face administrative sanction from the competent authority and being handled in accordance with law on labor; suspension of study or retention in case of students.

4. The application of the forms of handling mentioned at clause 1, 2 ,3 of this article shall be decided by the competent authority in accordance with regulations. In addition to the forms of handling mentioned above, competent authorities may ban those who commit violations from performing tasks relevant to the exam in 1-5 years.

Article 49. Handle candidates who commit violations

Any exam violation of a candidate shall be recorded, handled and the final result of handling will be informed to him/her;

1. Reprimand for those who commit these violations for the first time: peek at others' papers or communicate with other candidates. This form of handling shall be recorded in writing.

2. b) Warning is issued for those who commit one of the following violations:

Have been reprimanded for the first time but still continue to peek at others' papers or communicate with other candidates.

b) Exchange papers or drafts with other candidates;

c) Copy other candidate’s works or allow others to copy their own answers;

This form of handling and evidence (if any) shall be recorded in writing .

3. Suspension is issued for those who commit one of the following violations:

Have been warned for the first time but still commit violations at reprimand or warning level;

Bring prohibited items specified in Article 14 of this regulation into the examination room.

Bring the questions out of the examination area or bring the answers from outside to the examination room during the exam;

d) Write or draw on the answer paper any content that has no relevance to the exam;

dd) Threaten officials or other candidates;

Invigilators shall issue a record, confiscate evidence (if any) and report the situation to the leader of examination venue for decision of handling. In case of disagreement in handling, the situation shall be report to the manager of invigilation for final decision.

Suspended candidate shall hand in the question papers, answer sheets and drafts to invigilators and leave the exam room immediately after the suspension is announced. Suspended candidates are allowed to leave the examination area until two thirds of the examination time has elapsed and after the end of the multiple-choice test.

4. Score deduction

Candidates who are reprimanded during the exam will be deducted 25% of the total score of the subject.

b) Candidates who are warned during the exam will be deducted 50% of the total score of the subject.

c) Papers with marking will be deducted 50% of the total score.

d) Papers will be graded with 0 (zero) in the following cases:

- Candidate’s answer is copied from any unauthorized handouts;

- Candidate hands in two answers for one test or one component test;

- Answer is written in two different styles of handwriting and above.

- Answer is written on drafts or other kind of paper that is not in the format specified by MoET    

dd) Candidate who is suspended shall be graded 0 (zero) for the suspended test and not allowed to continue taking the exam; his/her result will not be used for graduation recognition and university enrolment.

e) The application of score deducting specified in point c and d clause 4 of this article shall be approved by the manager of grading board on the basis of report sent by the leader of grading team.

5. Score disposal is issued in the following cases:

- Candidate who has two tests with 0 (zero) as the result of committing violations specified in point d clause 4 of this article;

- Write or draw on the answer paper any content that has no relevance to the exam;

- Candidates who let other take the exam or take the exam for other by any means, alter the answer after handing in, use other’s papers as his/her own papers to hand in.

Director of Department of Education and Training is responsible for the decision of score disposal on the basis of report sent by the manager of examination center.

6. Candidate who commits one of the following violations shall be expelled or prohibited from taking the exam in the next two years:

a) Forge documents to enjoy privileges.

b) Submit invalid documents;

c) Let other take the exam or take the exam for other by any means

dd) Cause disturbances ; threaten officials or other candidates;

dd) Submit the invalid score certificate;

e) Have the evidence of violation but not handle as prescribed in point b, c, and d of Article 47 of this regulation.

Decision of expulsion and ban from taking the exam shall be made by Director of Department of Education and Training.

7. In case of violations with criminal signs, education management units shall request competent authorities for prosecution in accordance with law; in other cases, depending on the nature and extend of the violation, corresponding form of handling specified in this article shall be applied.

Article 50. Verify and handle complaints of violations after the disbandment of examination center

The process of verifying and handling complaints of violations after the disbandment of examination center is conducted in accordance with law on complaints.

Chapter XI.


Article 51. Responsibilities of Departments of Education and Training

1. Direct and inspect the process of teaching and classifying students’ academic performance and conduct at high schools.

2. Propose the Chairman of People’s Committee of locality to establish the provincial steering committee:

3. Advise the provincial steering committee to organize the local examination clusters in accordance with the regulation and guidance of MoET.

4. Organize the process of exam registration, manage candidates’ applications, and prepare necessary facilities for the exam.

5. Establish, direct and manage the performance of examination center and its boards; conduct training for examination staff; direct education establishments to prepare necessary facilities for the exam. Cooperate with universities, colleges in organizing the exam.

6. Report to the provincial steering committee on the .process of conducting the exam and any unexpected situation during the exam

7. Direct the process of printing, signing and delivering the scores certificate of candidates to high schools.

8. Promptly reward or enforce discipline examination staff or candidates according to the granted authority; propose competent authorities to reward or enforce discipline examination staff in accordance with the exam regulation and law; store the data of the exam in accordance with regulation.

9. Ensure the budget of organizing the exam, pay the remuneration to those performing tasks of the exam prescribed in the MOET guidance of conducting the exam per annum.

Article 52. Responsibility of Training Department (Ministry of National Defense)

1. The Training Department shall bear the same responsibility as a department of education and training; be responsible for the organization and management of the national high school graduation exam in military schools and report the situation of the exam to the General Staff.

2. Director of the Training Department shall have the same responsibility as a director of a department of education and training in organization and management of the national high school graduation exam in military schools.

Article 53. Responsibility of universities, colleges

1. Register with MoET to use the candidates’ result as a basis for enrolment; use the candidates' data transferred by MoET to conduct enrolment as prescribed in the regulation of universities, colleges.

2. Establish the delegation of officials and lecturers to cooperate in organizing the exam at local examination center as appointed by MoET and pay the remuneration to them in accordance with regulation.

Article 54. Responsibility of high schools

1. Complete teaching the high school program as appointed by the local department of education and training, conduct reviews for students, instruct students to get their ID cards in no later than the first semester of grade 12.

2. Examine and classify the academic performance of self-study candidates appointed by the department of education and training.

3. Receive candidates’ registration, regrading application; verify the applications of the school's students;

4. Complete the list of registered candidates and send the data to the local department of education and training; print, sign and send examination notices to candidates;

5. Train and inform the exam regulation to staff, teachers, students ; provide facilities in good condition to support the examination center in case being chosen as an examination venue.

6. Manage the candidates’ applications of registration.

7. Receive the regrading request of candidates, form the list of regrading requests and send to the department of education and training.

8. Send the scores certificate to candidates who registered to take the exam at the same place; store the data of the exam in accordance with the regulation.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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