Thông tư 21/2019/TT-BXD

Circular No. 21/2019/TT-BXD dated December 31, 2019 on National Technical Regulations on apartment buildings

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 21/2019/TT-BXD National Technical Regulations on apartment buildings


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 21/2019/TT-BXD

Hanoi, December 31, 2019




Pursuant to Decree No. 81/2017/ND-CP dated July 17, 2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;

Pursuant to Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 of the Government on elaboration to a number of Articles of the Law on Technical Standards and Regulations;

Pursuant to Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP dated May 16, 2018 of Government on amendments to a number of Articles of Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 1, 2007 of Government on elaborating to the Law on Technical Standards and Regulations;

At the request of Director General of the Department of Science Technology and Environment,

Minister of Construction promulgates Circular on National Technical Regulations on apartment buildings, No. 04:2019/BXD.

Article 1. Attached to this Circular are the National Technical Regulations on apartment buildings, No. QCVN 04:2019/BXD.

Article 2. This Circular comes into force from July 1, 2020.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, Chairmen of the Provincial People’s Committees, and relevant organizations, individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Circular./.




Nguyen Van Sinh


QCVN 04:2019/BXD



QCVN 04:2019/BXD is prepared by the Institute for Building Science and Technology, approved by the Department of Science Technology and Environment, appraised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and issued by the Ministry of Construction together with Circular No. 21/2019/TT-BXD dated December 31, 2019 of the Ministry of Science and Technology.




1.1 Scope

1.1.1 These Regulations prescribe technical requirements to be applied upon constructing anew or reconstructing apartment buildings that are up to 150 m in height or having up to 3 basements, including apartment buildings constructed for residential purpose and mixed purposes.

1.1.2 With respect to apartment buildings that are taller than 150 m or having 4 basements or more, apart from these Regulations, technical requirements and solutions in terms of organization and technical construction satisfactory to fire prevention and fight requirements of said apartment buildings on the basis of standard documents applicable as per the law must be added. The requirements and solutions mentioned above must be approved by competent specialized agencies.

1.2 Regulated entities

These Regulations apply to organizations and individuals related to investment, construction, management and use of apartment buildings.

1.3 Reference documents

Reference documents below are necessary for adoption of these regulations. If the referred documents are revised or replaced, the latest version shall prevail.

QCVN 01:2019/BXD, National Technical Regulation on construction planning.

QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT, National Technical Regulations on quality of water for daily activities.

QCVN 02:2009/BXD, National Technical Regulations on figures and natural conditions to be accounted for in construction.

QCVN 02:2011/BLDTBXH, National Technical Regulations on occupational safety in electric-powered elevators.

QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD, National Technical Regulations on houses and public structures – life and health safety.

QCVN 06:2019/BXD, National Technical Regulations on fire safety for houses and work items.

QCVN 09:2017/BXD, National Technical Regulations on energy efficient buildings.

QCVN 10:2014/BXD, National Technical Regulations on construction for access of the disabled to buildings and facilities.

QCVN 12:2014/BXD, National Technical Regulations on electrical grids of houses and public structures.

QCVN 13:2018/BXD, National Technical Regulations on automobile garages.

QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT, National Technical Regulations on noises.

QCVN QTD 8:2010/BXD, National Technical Regulations on electrical engineering. Section 8: Technical Regulations on low voltage electricity.

QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT, National Technical Regulations on domestic wastewater.

Regulations on water supply and drainage systems in houses and buildings issued by Ministry of Construction together with Decision No. 47/1999/QD-BXD dated December 21, 1999.

Regulations on electric equipment issued by Ministry of Industry together with Decision No. 19/2006/QD-BCN dated July 11, 2006.

TCVN 6396-72:2010, Safety requirements of elevator structure and installation. Applied separately to passenger elevators and freight elevators. Section 72: Fire service elevators.

TCVN 6396-73:2010, Safety requirements of elevator structure and installation. Applied separately to passenger elevators and freight elevators. Section 73: Elevator status in case of fire.

1.4 Definitions

In these Regulations, terms below are construed as follows:



Refers to a building with 2 storeys or more, having many flats, shared passages and staircases, private property, shared property and infrastructure systems shared by all households, individuals and organizations, can be classified into an apartment for residential purpose and an apartment for mixed purposes.

NOTE: An apartment for mixed purposes is hereinafter referred to as “a mixed-used apartment”.


Apartment complex

Refers to a group of 2 or more apartments constructed according to approved plans and project dossiers approved by competent authorities.


Mixed-use apartment

Refers to an apartment designed and constructed to serve residential purpose and other purposes namely office, services, commerce, etc.


Residential portion of a mixed-use apartment

Refers to the portion of a mixed-use apartment where flats are located and constructed according to plans and project dossiers approved by competent authorities.



Refers to a self-contained housing unit meeting daily needs of a family, an individual or a group of individuals. A flat may have one or multiple spaces with different purposes namely: Living room – common daily routines; Places to work and study; Places to worship ancestors; Bedrooms; Dining room; Kitchen; Sanitary or hygiene sections; Places for laundering; Balcony or loggia; Storage.


Apartment flat

Refers to a flat located in a residential apartment or a mixed-use apartment to house a family, an individual or a group of individuals.


Portions for other purposes

Refers to the portions of a mixed-use apartment that are used for other purposes, including: offices, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, condotels, officetels and other services.



Refers to a flat located in a mixed-use apartment which people can rent and live in and is furnished with necessary equipment and services to enable self-catering of the tenants during the stay.



Refers to a section of a mixed-used apartment which is furnished with necessary equipment and services to enable one or many individuals to work and reside at the same time.


Building height

Refers to the height from ground level of the building according to approved plans to the highest point thereof (including pitched roof and rooftop access). If a structure has many ground levels, the lowest ground level according to approved plans shall prevail.

NOET: Technical equipment installed on the roof: antennas, lightning arresters, equipment utilizing solar power, metal water reservoirs, chimneys, air vents and decorative structure details shall be exclude from the building height.


Clearance height

Refers to the height from the floor to the lowest point of the roof structural elements or technical systems.


Building height for fire service

Refers to the height from ground level of a road accessible by fire trucks to the lowest point of a window on the outer wall of the topmost level.

NOTE 1: If there are no windows available, half of the height from floor to roof of the topmost level shall be taken into account for calculation.

NOTE 2: If a mechanical floor occupies the topmost level, the immediate level below thereof shall be taken into account for calculation.


Usable area of a flat

Floor area of a flat shall equal carpet area thereof: Including floor area taking into account inner walls and area of loggias and balconies; Floor area where supporting columns/walls, technical boxes, outer walls and walls separating with other flats occupy is excluded.

NOTE Carpet area is the area that reaches up to the inner layer of wall and balcony finish (furnishing articles namely baseboards, etc.).  With respect to balconies and loggias, calculate the entire floor area and inner area of party walls if any.


Number of storey

Total number of storey of a building includes all above-ground levels (including mechanical floors and levels where roof entrance access is located) and basements/semi-basements, attics are not included.

NOTE 1: A level where roof entrance access is located shall not be counted towards total storey of a building primary use thereof is to cover stairwell/elevator shaft and shelter technical equipment of the building (if any) and ceiling area of that level must not exceed 30% of rooftop area.

NOTE 2: A mezzanine whose area is no more than 10% of area of the floor immediate below it, total area is not exceeding 300 m2 and use is for technical purposes (pool maintenance and operation, placement of generators or other technical equipment of the building) shall not be counted towards the total storey of the building.

NOTE 3: If a building has many ground levels, the lowest ground level according to approved plans shall prevail.



Refers to a level situated in the space directly beneath the pitched roof or portions of vertical surfaces thereof are created by roof pitches or gables, whose surrounding walls (if any) are not taller than 1.5 m.


Above-ground floor

Refers to a level whose elevation is equal or higher than ground level on which the building is located according to approved plans.



Refers to a level with more than half the height thereof situated below ground level on which the building is located according to approved plans.



Refers to a level whose height is half situated at or above ground level on which the building is located according to approved plans.


Mechanical floor

Refers to a floor whose partial or total area is for placement of technical rooms or technical equipment of the building. The mechanical floor can be the basement, semi-basement, attic, the topmost floor or any floor in-between.


Technical room

Refers to a room where technical equipment of the building or floor is stored. Multiple technical rooms may occupy the mechanical floor partially or totally.



Refers to a room in a flat that serves one or many functions. Dwellings include bedrooms and other rooms for daily activities.



Refers to a space protruding from outer walls of an apartment and protected by guardrails.



Refers to a space concaving compared to outer walls of an apartment and protected by guardrails.


Community space

Refers to a space for organization of common activities participated by inhabitants of the apartment or apartment complex namely: neighborhood meeting, other cultural, recreational and community activities.


Elevator hall

Refers to the empty space in front of entrances to the elevators.


Smoke compartment

Refers to a space between 2 doorways which prevents infiltration of smoke and other gas into the building, stairwell or other rooms.


Fire compartment

Refers to a section of the building that is separated with other sections by class 1 fire rated walls and floors.


Fire emergency holding area

Refers to an area located on a refuge floor for temporary evacuation in case of fire.


Refuge floor

Refers to a level for temporary evacuation that is located in a building that is taller than 100m. A refuge floor may have one or many fire emergency holding areas.


Fire protection system

Includes: Smoke control system, indoor fire hydrant systems, outdoor water supply for fire fighting, automatic fire alarms, automatic fire suppression systems, public fire alarms and sirens, emergency and exit lighting systems, fire service elevators, aid and rescue equipment, structure solution, rescue solution, smoke prevention solution and fire spread prevention.


Design lifespan

Refers to life expectancy of a building according to the design to calculate structural components (foundation included) to ensure bearing capacity and normal use conditions during period of using and operating the building without any major repair or reinforcement of load-bearing structures.


Standards selected and applied

Refer to national technical standards, international standards, regional standards or foreign standards that are selected and applied to the project according to applicable law.


Standard documents

Refer to documents that prescribe rules, instructions, features or results of certain activities, including: technical regulations, technical standards and regulations, and implementation regulations.


2.1 General requirements

2.1.1 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must satisfy requirements for stable load bearing and design lifespan. Construction shall not be conducted on areas with geological hazards (debris flow, landslide, etc.) and areas regularly susceptible to flash floods and flood unless technical measures are adopted to ensure construction safety.

2.1.2 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must satisfy fire safety requirements according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD and relevant law provisions. Provision, placement, examination and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting equipment, rescue and evacuation equipment shall comply with applicable regulations and law.

NOTE: In special cases, some of fire prevention and fighting requirements specified in these Regulations for specific structures may be omitted if propositions stating alternative measures which are approved by Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue are submitted to Ministry of Construction.

2.1.3 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must ensure accessibility and use for persons with old age and persons with disabilities according to QCVN 10:2014/BXD.

2.1.4 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must be designed and constructed in a manner that satisfies energy efficiency requirements according to QCVN 09:2017/BXD.

2.1.5 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must comply with regulations on life and health safety according to QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD. Termite prevention requirements imposed on apartments shall comply with technical standards selected and applied.

2.1.6 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must be maintained according to procedures.

2.1.7 Residential portions in mixed-use apartments must have independent entries and exits (emergency staircases are not included).

2.1.8 Portions for other purposes namely offices, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, condotels, officetels and other services in mixed-use apartments must be assigned with distinct locations according to approved plans and managed operationally as per the law.

2.2 Planning – architecture requirements

2.2.1 Land use of apartments and mixed-use apartments must satisfy land use purpose and efficient land use.

2.2.2 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must be designed and constructed according to plans and construction planning approved by competent agencies.

2.2.3 Population of apartments and mixed-use apartments must be taken into account while preparing design dossiers as per the law and satisfactory to population quota approved by competent authorities.

2.2.4 Apartment flats An apartment flat must have at least 1 dwelling and 1 sanitary or hygiene section. Minimum usable area of an apartment flat must not be lower than 25 m2. With respect to commercial property projects, total number of apartment flats whose area is less than 45 m2 must not exceed 25 % total number of apartment flats of the projects. Apartments flats must receive natural light. In case of a flat with 2 dwellings or more, 1 of the dwellings may not receive natural light. Bedrooms must be airy and open to natural light. Usable area of a bedroom in an apartment flat must not be lower than 9 m2.

2.2.5 Condotel Usable area of a condotel must not be lower than 25 m2. Other requirements according to selected and applied condotel standards.

2.2.6 Officetels Usable area of an officetel must not be lower than 25 m2, in which, area of working space must be at least 9 m2. Kitchens must not be situated in officetels. Other requirements according to selected and applied standards of officetel design.

2.2.7 Community space

a) Apartments and residential portions in mixed-use apartments must assign community space whose average usable area must be at least 0.8 m2/flat, which include appropriate space for organization of inhabitant meetings.

b) An apartment complex in a construction project that fails to assign community space in each building may merge community spaces of buildings at a separate location with total area for reduced up to 30%; in that case, distance from lobbies of the buildings to the community space must not exceed 300 m and must be calculated and explained to ensure convenience for the inhabitants.

2.2.8 Portions for other purposes namely offices, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, condotels, officetels and other services in mixed-use apartments must be designed in accordance with applicable regulations and law, and selected and applied standards.

2.2.9 Apartments and apartment flats in mixed-use apartments must have space to dry clothes in a manner that ensures aesthetics of the buildings.

2.2.10 In an apartment or mixed-used apartment:

- Clearance height of dwellings must not be lower than 2.6 m;

- Clearance height of kitchens and sanitary sections must not be lower than 2.3 m;

- Clearance height of basements, semi-basements and mechanical floors must not be lower than 2.0 m;

- Clearance height of fire emergency holding areas must not be lower than 2.6 m;

- In case of space inside of pitched roofs utilized as bedrooms or common rooms, clearance height of half of the rooms’ area must not be lower than 2.1 m;

- Clearance height of rooms and areas for other purposes (other than residential purpose) must not be lower than 2.6 m.

2.2.11 Windows of apartments and mixed-used apartments:

- Only slide windows and awning window with …………… are permitted. Location of lock mechanisms must comply with QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD.

- In case of a flat that does not have balconies or loggias, install at least a window on outer wall sized no smaller than 600 x 600 mm for evacuation and rescue purposes.

2.2.12 With respect to guard rails of balconies and loggias in apartments and mixed-use apartments, height from the lowest point of an opening/window must not be lower than 1.4 m. Other positions shall comply with QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD.

2.2.13 Staircases of apartments and mixed-used apartments must be designed and positioned in a manner that satisfies use and emergency exit requirements according to QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD, QCVN 10:2014/BXD and QCVN 06:2019/BXD.

2.2.14 Ramps in apartments and mixed-used apartments:

- Ramps in automobile garages must satisfy requirements specified in QCVN 13:2018/BXD;

- Ramps for pedestrians must ensure accessibility for persons with old age and persons with disabilities according to QCVN 10:2014/BXD.

2.2.15 Exit routes, paths and emergency exits in apartments and mixed-use apartments must comply with QCVN 06:2019/BXD and QCVN 10:2014/BXD.

2.2.16 Roads for fire trucks and premises – space of apartments and mixed-use apartments must comply with QCVN 06:2019/BXD and Article 2.9 hereof.

2.2.17 Parking lot (including automobiles, motorcycles (electric motorcycles) and bicycles). Parking lots of apartments and residential portions of mixed-use apartment must satisfy all following categories:

a) The parking lots must be included in the area of approved projects; parking lots for automobiles must be separated from parking lots for motorcycles and bicycles.

b) Parking space (roads inside parking garages/lots included) must not be lower than 25 m2 for every 4 apartment flats and not be lower than 20 m2 for every 100 m2 of usable area of apartment flats, in which at least 6 m2 of parking space for motorcycles and bicycles per apartment flat must be guaranteed.

c) Social housing, relocation houses and low income houses: parking space may equal 60% of the amount prescribed in Point b of this Article while maintaining 6m2 of parking space for motorcycles and bicycles per apartment flat.

d) With respect to mechanical and automated parking garages (hereinafter referred to as “mechanical parking garages”), at least 12 m2 of parking space must be guaranteed for every 100 m2 of usable area of apartment flats (in case of multistorey mechanical parking garages, the parking space shall be multiplied with the number of storey thereof). Roads that lead to mechanical garages must satisfy technology of the mechanical garages and applicable regulations and law. With respect to condotels and officetels in mixed-use apartments, parking space (roads inside parking garages/lots included) must not be lower than 20 m2 for every 160 m2 usable area of the condotels and officetels; the parking space must be included in the area of approved projects. Apartments and mixed-use apartments must provide disabled parking. Location and number of parking spaces for persons with disabilities shall comply with QCVN 10:2014/BXD.

2.2.18 Apartments and residential portions in mixed-use apartments must provide from 5 m2/person to 6 m2/person of space for flat managers, parking security and technicians.

2.3 Structural requirements

2.3.1 Structure of apartments and mixed-use apartments during construction and operation must satisfy all following requirements:

a) Bearing safety: apartments and mixed-use apartments must be designed and constructed in a manner that ensures durability, stability and endures disadvantageous load and load combinations, including dead load and environmental load related to natural conditions of Vietnam (storms, strong breeze, earthquakes, lightning and flood) according to QCVN 02:2009/BXD.

b) Normal operation capacity: apartments and mixed-use apartments must maintain normal operation conditions without being disfigured and having other properties reduced lower than the limit specified in selected and applied standards.

c) Fire resistance; Structure and structural materials must satisfy fire resistance and fire hazard requirements according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD and provisions under Article 2.9 of these Regulations.

d) Design lifespan:

+ Apartments and mixed-use apartments must ensure a design lifespan of at least 50 years (except for other cases decided by investors/developers that are suitable for period of operation).

+ The buildings’ structures must provide durability corresponding to the design lifespan.

+ Design lifespan of a building must be state clearly in design dossiers and other documents of the building as per the law. Upon reaching expiry date according to the structure design (design lifespan), project developers/investors shall issue notice and conduct construction quality assessment and evaluation to take measures to prolong use period or other measure as per the law.

2.3.2 Apartments and residential portions of mixed-use apartment must satisfy all following categories:

a) Swaying at the top and relative swaying between levels of buildings must not exceed the limited value specified in selected and applied standards.

b) Maximum lateral acceleration at the top of buildings due to wind load must not exceed the limited value specified in selected and applied standards.

2.3.3 Foundation and structure thereof, basement structure and underground technical systems of buildings must be calculated and designed based on characteristics of soil, topographic and hydrographic conditions, level of infiltration of soil and groundwater at construction locations in a manner that:

- Ensures load bearing safety and stability; and

- Ensures subsidence and displacement to be within permissible limit according to designed objectives and selected and applied standards; and

- Ensures safety of the constructions and adjacent constructions during foundation and basement operation.

2.3.4 Apartments and mixed-use apartments during construction and use must not damage technical infrastructure and adjacent structures.

2.3.5 While renovating apartments and mixed-use apartments, current structures and conditions thereof must be taken into account.

2.4 Elevator requirements

2.4.1 Apartments and mixed-use apartments from 5 storeys or higher must be installed with at least 1 elevator and 2 elevators for apartments and mixed-use apartments from 10 storeys or higher while ensuring capacity according to selected and applied standards.

NOTE: With respect to apartments and mixed-use apartments having elevators, at least 1 specialized elevator whose cabin usable area is enough to allow medical transportation with stretchers must be installed.

2.4.2 At least 1 elevator must be installed for every 200 inhabitants of the buildings excluding inhabitants living on ground floors. In case of calculating per flat, at least 1 elevator must be installed for every 70 flats. Load capacity of an elevator must not be lower than 400 kg. In case of a building with only 1 elevator, the minimum load capacity of the elevator must not be lower than 600 kg.

2.4.3 With respect to apartments and mixed-use apartments whose building height for fire service exceeds 50 m, at least 1 elevator capable of transporting fire brigade and fire fighting, evacuation and rescue equipment according to TCVN 6396-72:2010 and TCVN 6396-73:2010 must be installed in each fire compartment of the buildings.

2.4.4 Width of passenger elevators must satisfy selected and applied standards.

2.4.5 Elevators must be installed with devices preventing door jamming, auto first aid kits and emergency phone system inside the cabin. The elevators shall only operate when all doors are closed.

2.4.6 Load capacity and speed of elevators must satisfy selected and applied standards.

2.4.7 Elevators must be guaranteed in term of safety according to QCVN 02:2011/BLDTBXH and inspected for safety before bringing into operation after:

- Installation;

- Major repair;

- Serious accidents or incidents which have been remediated;

- Expiring or at request of regulatory agencies on occupational safety.

2.4.8 Rooms for placement of elevator engine and equipment must have convenient and safe entry and exit and must not be positioned directly above any flats. Elevator shafts must satisfy soundproofing requirements according to QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD and noise-resistance requirements according to QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT.

2.4.9 Water tanks must not be installed directly above elevator shafts; water pipes, heat pipes and gas pipes must not be installed across the elevator shafts.

2.4.10 Elevators must ensure accessibility and use for persons with old age and persons with disabilities according to QCVN 10:2014/BXD.

2.5 Water supply and drainage system requirements

2.5.1 Domestic water supply and drainage system must satisfy water supply and drainage systems specified in QCVN 01:2019/BXD, technical requirements in the Regulations on water supply and drainage systems of constructions and buildings and selected and applied standards.

2.5.2 Water supply must satisfy hygiene standards according to QCVN 1-1:2018/BYT and use demands according to selected and applied standards.

2.5.3 Indoor fire hydrant systems and outdoor water supply for fire fighting must satisfy all following requirements:

- If outdoor water supply for fire fighting is not available or water flow and pressure for fire fighting (of total head) are not guaranteed, backup water supply providing indoor fire hydrant systems with adequate water flow for fire fighting in at least 3 hours;

- Buildings whose height for fire service exceeds 50 m must install fire hydrant on every level in a manner that doors of the furthest flats on a level must be within 45 m from the installed fire hydrant (following corridors rather than making a beeline). The fire hydrants must be placed in fire resistant compartments (smoke compartments of smokeproof enclosure or smoke compartments of fire service access elevators). Fire hydrant systems supplying water for fire brigade must be installed with outdoor fire brigade boosters to receive water from fire trucks or water pumps and connected with indoor water supply for fire fighting. Hydrants and fire brigade boosters must satisfy applicable regulations and law;

- Indoor fire hydrants must be installed in accessible areas. Necessary flow of indoor fire hydrant systems shall comply with selected and applied technical standards; with respect to buildings whose height for fire service exceeds 50 m and floor area of each level exceeds 1500 m2, sufficient water for at least 4 streams with 2.5 L/s flow rate each during at least 1 hour must be guaranteed on each residential floor. Each spot on each floor must be simultaneously covered by 2 fire hydrants;

- Supplying water for fire fighting systems must comply with applicable regulations and standards on fire fighting and prevention.

2.5.4 Water drainage system must satisfy with selected and applied standards.

2.5.5 Roof drainage systems must be able to drain rainwater in all weather conditions. Rainwater downpipes must not leak and must be connected to water drainage system of the buildings which later must be connected to area water drainage systems.

2.5.6 Wastewater drainage system of the buildings must be connected with area wastewater drainage systems for joint treatment or treated in a manner that satisfies QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT before releasing to area water drainage systems.

2.5.7 Wastewater treatment tank of the buildings must be placed in advantageous positions, capable of processing, receiving, releasing water, ensuring load bearing, prevented from seeping, leaking and affecting the environment during operation.

2.6 Ventilation and air conditioning requirements

2.6.1 Flats and spaces outside of flats in apartments and mixed-use apartments must be installed with natural or forced ventilation systems. Local ventilation for kitchen, bathrooms and sanitary areas must be installed.

2.6.2 Rate of fresh air provided for each flat must not be lower than 30m3/h/person or not lower than total exhaust emitted from kitchen, bathrooms and sanitary areas of the flat.

2.6.3 Kitchens must be installed with ventilation systems that expels exhaust and circulates air.

2.6.4 Air change rate of emergency exits and main corridors of buildings must not be lower than 4 times/hour according to volume of the corridors.

NOTE: Air change rate of emergency exits and main corridors of buildings that are not naturally ventilated (enclosed, without windows) must not be lower than 4 times/hour according to volume of the corridors if air conditioners are not available and not lower than 1 m3/h.m2 in case of air conditioners.

2.6.5 Air change rate of parking garages must not be lower than 6 times/h during normal ventilation mode and not lower than 9 times/h during smoke extraction mode.

2.6.6 While using forced ventilation systems, air conditioners must satisfy following requirements:

- Outdoor climate indices serving designing of ventilation and air conditioning systems shall comply with QCVN 02:2009/BXD and selected and applied standards;

- Only eco-friendly refrigerants shall be used according to applicable regulations and law;

- Extracted exhausts must not irritate or harm other people or surrounding property;

- Noise generated during operation must not exceed permissible limit;

- Rooms where toxic substances are present must be installed with independent air extraction, treatment and supply systems; Fresh air must be supplied directly into the rooms with such flow that is not lower than 90 % of the extracted air flow.

2.6.7 Waste collection systems in sanitary and hygiene sections of apartments and mixed-use apartments must not leak gas or smell that impacts health of persons in the apartments and mixed-use apartments.

2.6.8 Smoke extraction, suction and protection systems installed in emergency exits and fire-resistance rating of air ducts and channels must satisfy QCVN 06:2019/BXD.

2.7 Garbage collection system requirements

2.7.1 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must be installed with garbage collection systems satisfactory to fire prevention and fighting and environmental hygiene.

2.7.2 Garbage collection systems in apartments and mixed-use apartments may be implemented in garbage chute method or refuse rooms on each level. Such system must collect all domestic waste and garbage and store for no more than 1 day.

2.7.3 Garbage chute method must satisfy following requirements:

- The opening of the chutes must be placed at garbage collection rooms on each level. Each garbage collection room must be an enclosed space that receives natural or forced ventilation and must not spread odor to neighboring areas;

- Entry to each garbage collection room on each floor must traverse a fire compartment. Garbage collection rooms and fire compartments must be installed with automatic fire alarms or automatic fire suppression systems;

- Pipes and trapdoors of garbage chutes, partitions, valves and doors of garbage collection rooms must be made of anti-corrosive and non-flammable materials (according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD). Components mentioned above must be soundproofed if they are located next to bedrooms;

- Trapdoors of garbage chutes must be class 1 fire rated doors that are airtight, capable of confining odor and installed with automatic smoke partitions;

- The top of a garbage chute must be installed with an exhaust pipe that protrudes from the roof no less than 0.7 m, cross-sectional area must not be smaller than 0.05 m2, caps to prevent rain fall and nets to prevent insects and rodents from intruding;

- Garbage rooms must be located immediately below garbage chutes of the first levels above-ground, semi-basements or the first basements (in case of no semi-basements); Garbage rooms must have clearance height no less than 2.5 m with doors opening outwards; Garbage rooms must be installed with doors made of solid brick that separate them from the buildings and be separated with other sections of the buildings with firewall (fire-resistance rating no lower than REI 60); Ventilation systems must be installed; Automatic fire alarms and automatic fire suppression systems must be installed;

- Garbage rooms must be installed with pipes that lead wastewater to building wastewater drainage systems and separate entries serving garbage transportation.

2.7.4 Refuse rooms on each level must satisfy following requirements:

- Garbage dumpsters must be place in separate rooms on each level in manner that does not obstruct evacuation and rescue;

- Each refuse room must be installed with dumpsters for organic, biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes;

- Refuse rooms must be separated with other areas with fire resistant components and installed with ventilation systems, automatic fire alarms and fire suppression systems;

- Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed, capable of confining odor, leak-proof and must not leave debris during transportation.  Transportation of dumpster from all levels must be conducted within the day;

- Types of garbage that may explode or spread disease must not be put in garbage dumpsters.

2.8 Electrical grids, lightning arrester, lighting, noise resistance and communication system requirements

2.8.1 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must satisfy design, installation and operation requirements of electrical equipment, lightning arrester and communication systems according to QCVN 12:2014/BXD, QCVN QTD 08:2010/BCT, QCVN 09:2017/BXD, Regulations on electrical equipment and applicable regulations and law.

2.8.2 Indoor transformers must satisfy following requirements:

a) Comply with Section III – Regulations on electrical equipment.

b) Transformer rooms must not be located directly beneath, above or next to rooms with more than 50 people. Transformer rooms must be separated with other sections of the buildings by firewall with fire-resistance rating no less than REI 120 and fire resistant floor with fire-resistance rating no less than REI 90.

c) Transformer rooms must be installed with automatic fire alarms and suppression systems.

2.8.3 Electrical rooms must be positioned in dry location, installed with outward opening doors and locks, and ensured that electricity examination and cut shall be done with ease. Pipes carrying combustible gas; pipes carrying flammable substances; water pipes for technical purposes; lids, valves, flanges and openings of pipes and technical boxes must not traverse the electrical rooms.

2.8.4 Buildings whose height for fire service is 28 m or higher must be installed with backup generators with minimum capacity capable of powering prioritized power grids: electricity powering pumping of domestic water, water for fire fighting, automatic fire alarms, smoke protection, fire service elevators, public lightings, fire alarm devices, surveillance cameras, fire sirens, emergency instructions and other work items according to applicable design regulations.

NOTE: Buildings whose height for fire service is lower than 28 m must prepare backup power supply to provide electricity for automatic fire suppression and smoke protection systems in case of installation according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD.

2.8.5 Diesel generators and fuel storage may be positioned on the first levels, semi-basements or the first basements when following requirements are met:

a) Diesel generator rooms and fuel storage must not be positioned immediately beneath or next to dwellings and must be separate with other sections of the buildings with firewall whose fire-resistance rating is not lower than REI 120 and fire resistant floors with fire-resistance rating no lower than REI 90.

b) Fuel storage capable of powering 3 hours of operation may be positioned adjacent to the diesel generator rooms and must be separated with the diesel generator rooms by class 1 firewall and class 1 doors that close automatically and resists heat according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD. Fuel tanks capable of powering more than 3 hours of operation must be positioned outside of the buildings.

c) Diesel generator rooms and fuel storage must have devices that collect and contain oil that spills due to accidents, automatic fire alarms and suppression systems and separate smoke extraction systems whose exhaust pipes must not affect inhabitants of floors above.

2.8.6 Apartments and residential sections of mixed-use apartments must meet noise resistance design according to QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT and selected and applied standards.

2.9 Fire safety requirements

2.9.1 Apartments and mixed-use apartments must satisfy fire safety requirements according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD and following requirements: Walls and partitions between units and separating main corridors (outside of flats) from other rooms must have fire-resistance rating no less than El 60. Non-load bearing walls and partitions between flats must have fire-resistance rating no less than El 40 and grade K0 fire hazard. Guardrails of loggias and balconies located at the 3rd level or higher must be made of non-flammable materials. Rooms serving public purposes must be separated with dwellings by class 1 fire resistant partitions and class 3 fire resistant floors; in case of buildings with grade I fire resistance, separate with class 2 fire resistant floors. Buildings that have 2 or 3 basements shall have grade I fire resistance.

2.9.2 Buildings whose height ranges from 75 m to 100 m, apart from complying with regulations under Article 2.9.1, must satisfy following requirements: Fire resistance grade of the buildings shall be grade I, fire resistance requirement of building structure and components shall comply with QCVN 06:2019/BXD. The buildings must be vertically split into fire compartments whose height must not exceed 50 m. The fire compartments must be separated with each other by fire resistant floors whose fire-resistance rating must not be lower than REI 150 or a mechanical floor designed with horizontal load bearing structures (floors and ceilings) whose fire-resistance rating must not be lower than REI 90. Maximum allowed area of a level within one fire compartment must comply with QCVN 06:2019/BXD. Measures to prevent fire spread past fire resistant components must be implemented at junctions between fire resistant floor and fire resistant components with sheltering structures of the buildings. Each vertical fire compartment must have independent fire protection systems (fire hydrant, smoke extraction, emergency lighting, automatic fire alarms and suppression). Fire compartments may utilize the same water pump stations, fire hydrants, smoke extraction fans and central fire alarm control panels. On top of exits of garages on the 1st level, eaves made from fire resistant materials with width no smaller than 1 m must be installed in a manner that the distance from the eaves to the lowest point of windows above is no less than 4 m. Minimum distance allowed from entrances of flats to the nearest emergency exits (stairwells or outside passages) must comply with QCVN 06:2019/BXD. Clearance width of treads and landings of class N1 stairwells in residential portions of buildings must not be lower than 1.20 m and no lower than 1.05 m for class N2 stairwells and clearance distance between 2 treads must not be lower than 100 mm. All smoke-free stairwells must have treads leading to the roof through class 2 fire doors. Doors separating flats from corridors must be class 1 fire doors. Portions for other purposes (including technical rooms and auxiliary rooms serving flats) must be separated with residential portions of the buildings by solid firewall with fire-resistance rating of REI 150 and class 1 fire resistant floor and installed with separate emergency exits. Elevator shafts of residential portions must not be connected with remaining sections of the buildings. Shafts of technical systems (including garbage chutes) in residential portions and other portions of the buildings must be separate. Heat insulation layers (if any) of outer walls of the buildings must be made of non-flammable materials. Heat insulation layers made from materials listed under fire categories Ch1 and Ch2 (according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD) may be used if they are protected from all sides by concrete or plaster with no less than 50 mm in thickness. Outer walls where windows and doors are installed must be covered with concrete (plaster) with no less than 30 mm in thickness. Windows and glass sections of balconies and loggias must be made from non-flammable or low flammability materials (Ch1). Fire doors must satisfy following conditional requirements:

a) Fire doors on walls and floors separating fire compartments must have fire-resistance rating not lower than El 90.

b) Fire door in following cases must be class 1: doors inside of smoke-free stairwells and elevator halls, doors leading from flats to main corridors, doors on structures sheltering technical rooms, rooms storing highly flammable equipment or materials, technical shafts and rooms.

c) Fire doors in following cases shall be class 2: door leading from smoke compartments to smoke-free stairwells, to elevator halls and to rooms where garbage chutes are located.

d) Doors leading from elevator shafts to elevator halls (elevator doors) must be smoke protection doors.

NOTE: Elevator doors are doors designed to be installed in elevator shafts where the elevators will stop to allow passengers to enter and exit from the cars. Finish of ceilings, walls and floors along emergency exits, in elevator halls, main corridors and mechanical floor must be non-flammable materials. Sound insulation for rooms and heat insulation for technical equipment and pipelines must be made from non-flammable materials. Pipelines of technical system (water drainage pipes, rainwater pipes, hot and cold water pipes and garbage chutes) must be made from non-flammable materials. Water supply pipes within vicinity of 1 flat (except vertical ones) may be made from materials listed under categories Ch1 and Ch2.

NOTE: In case of using pipes made from UPVC or materials under categories Ch1 or Ch2 to supply or drain water, such pipes must be placed in technical encasement satisfactory to fire spread prevention requirements according to QCVN 06:2019/BXD in addition to technical requirements under selected and applied standards. Smoke protection in buildings, automatic fire alarms and suppression shall comply with QCVN 06:2019/BXD and regulations below:

a) Sprinklers must be installed in all non-flat rooms (garages, auxiliary rooms, technical rooms, public spaces, garbage rooms, etc.) and garbage chutes (except for electrical and electronic rooms where fire gaseous fire suppression systems or equipment is required).

b) Sprinklers connecting to water supply for fire fighting via relays must be installed above doors leading to the flats.

c) Automatic fire alarms must specify address of each flat. Smoke detectors must be installed in all rooms of a flat, all corridors on a level and elevator halls. Speakers providing emergency exit instruction must be installed in each flat in a manner that every person in the flat can listen clearly to the notice and instructions in case of accidents.

d) Automatic fire alarm and fire suppression equipment must be installed in electric and communication technical shafts and channels, and other technical shafts prone to fire.

e) Power supply powering fire protection systems including: elevator transporting fire brigade and fire fighting equipment; smoke protection systems; automatic fire alarm and suppression systems; must be provided by independent electrical panels or separate boards with different colors. Electrical wires and cables of transmitting electricity prioritized for fire fighting equipment in a fire compartment must be placed in metal cases or tubes, shafts and channels made from non-flammable materials with fire-resistance rating no less than REI 90 or no less than REI 150 when located outside of fire compartment.

2.9.3 All basements in buildings with 2 or 3 basements must be installed with two-way emergency communication systems from fire prevention control room to:

- Equipment rooms related to fire fighting systems, especially rooms containing pumps of sprinkler systems, rooms containing pumps supplying water in vertical pipes systems, switch rooms, generator rooms and elevator machine rooms.

- All rooms where equipment operating smoke control systems is installed;

- Fire service elevators;

- All fire emergency holding areas;

- Ventilation system control room.

2.9.4 Buildings whose height ranges from 100 m to 150 m must assign refuge floors and fire emergency holding areas satisfying following requirements in additions to comply with Articles 2.9.1 and 2.9.2:

a) A refuge floor must not be more than 20 levels away from another refuge floor. Flats or partial flats, offices are not allowed to be positioned on refuge floors. Commercial activities are not allowed on refuge floors.

NOTE 1: Mechanical floors can be utilized entirely or partially as fire emergency holding areas if regulations under Clauses b), c), d), e), f), g) and h) of Article 2.9.4 are satisfied.

b) Fire emergency holding areas assigned on refuge floor must be protected by fire resistant components with fire-resistance rating no less than REI 150.

c) Fire emergency holding areas must have standard area of 0.3 m2/person and must be capable of holding following number of people:

- Number of people on floors where fire emergency holding areas are present;

- Half of total people on all levels above from the refuge floors to the immediate next refuge floors; half of total people on all levels above from the refuge floors in case of the topmost refuge floor;

- Half of total people on all levels below from the refuge floors to the immediate next refuge floors; half of total people on all levels below from the refuge floors in case of the lowest refuge floor.

d) Fire emergency holding areas must be naturally ventilated via fixed holes on outer walls (ventilation holes) satisfactory to following requirements:

- Total area of all ventilation holes must equal 25% of area of fire emergency holding area or higher;

- Height of a ventilation hole (from the lowest point to the highest point) must not be lower than 1.2m;

- Ventilation holes in an fire emergency holding area must be positioned at least 1.5 m horizontally and 3.0 m vertically above from other unprotected holes on the walls.  If ventilation holes in an fire emergency holding area have total area less than 50% total area of the fire emergency holding area, the vertical distance may be reduced down to 1.5 m.

e) All equipment and tools in fire emergency holding areas must be made of non-flammable materials.

f) Fire emergency holding areas must have doors leading to smoke-free stairwells and doors leading to fire service elevators.

g) Fire emergency holding areas must be installed with separate fire fighting equipment including: indoor fire hydrants, automatic sprinkler systems, emergency lightings, means of communicating with outside and sound transmission system instructing exit, Etc.

h) Install notice panels specifying "GIAN LÁNH NẠN/FIRE EMEGENCY HOLDING AREA” inside emergency exit stairwells and on walls on the outside of emergency exit stairwells at a height of 1,500 mm from finished surface of landings or floors of refuge floor Height of the letter on the notice panels must not be smaller than 50 mm.

NOTE In addition to presentation in Vietnamese and English, the panel may be presented in other languages depending on popular inhabitants of the buildings.


3.1 New construction specified in Section 1.1 must comply with technical regulations in these Regulations.

3.2 Application of these Regulations in renovating old apartments is recommended.

3.3 Transition conditions:

- Apartment and mixed-use apartment design and construction dossiers appraised before the effective date hereof shall be implemented according to appraised design dossiers.

- Apartment and mixed-use apartment design and construction dossiers appraised after the effective date hereof must comply with regulations in these Regulations.


4.1 Organizations and individuals upon participating in activities related to construction of apartments and mixed-use apartments including preparation, appraisal, approval, implementation, management and development of national standards, base standards and local technical regulations related to apartment buildings must comply with these Regulations.

4.2 People’s Committees of provinces/cities shall specify methods of determining population of apartments and mixed-use apartments satisfactory to current conditions regarding population, technical infrastructure and social infrastructure for application and management within their competence.

4.3 During the implementation of these Regulations, any difficulties should be directed to Department of Science Technology and Environment (Ministry of Construction).


5.1 Ministry of Construction is responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on implementation of these Regulations for relevant entities.

5.2 Local regulatory construction agencies are responsible for examining compliance with these Regulations in preparing, appraising, approving and managing construction of apartments and mixed-use apartments within their competence.



1 General provisions

1.1 Scope

1.2 Regulated entities

1.3 Reference documents

1.4 Definitions

2 Technical regulations

2.1 General requirements

2.2 Planning – architecture requirements

2.3 Structural requirements

2.4 Elevator requirements

2.5 Water supply and drainage system requirements

2.6 Ventilation and air conditioning requirements

2.7 Garbage collection system requirements

2.8 Electrical grids, lightning arrester, lighting, noise resistance and communication system requirements

2.9 Fire safety requirements

3 Management regulations

4 Responsibilities of organizations and individuals

5 Implementation

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Circular 21/2019/TT-BXD National Technical Regulations on apartment buildings
                Loại văn bảnThông tư
                Số hiệu21/2019/TT-BXD
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                            • 31/12/2019

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