Thông tư 28/2016/TT-BGDDT

Circular No. 28/2016/TT-BGDDT dated December 30, 2016 on amendments to preschool education curriculum issued together with Circular No. 17/2009/TT-BGDDT

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 28/2016/TT-BGDDT amendments to preschool education curriculum 17/2009/TT-BGDDT


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 28/2016/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, December 30, 2016




Pursuant to the Law on Education dated June 14, 2005; the Law on amendments to the Law on Education dated November 25, 2009;

Pursuant to Government's Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP dated September 1, 2016 on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of Ministries and ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19, 2008 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 2, 2006 providing guidance on the implementation of certain articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 31/2011/NĐ-CP dated May 11, 2011 on the amendments to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/NĐ-CP dated August 02, 2006 providing guidance on the implementation of certain articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 07/2013/ND-CP dated January 9, 2013 on amendments to Point b Clause 13 Article 1 of the Government's Decree No. 31/2011/NĐ-CP dated May 11, 2011 on the amendments to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/NĐ-CP dated August 02, 2006 providing guidance on the implementation of certain articles of the Law on Education;

Pursuant to appraisal meeting minutes dated December 2, 2016 of National Council for Appraisal of amendments to preschool education curriculum issued together with Circular No. 17/2009/TT-BGDDT dated July 25, 2009 of the Minister of Education and Training;

At the request of Director of Department of Preschool Education;

The Minister of Education and Training promulgates a Circular on amendments to preschool education curriculum issued together with Circular No. 17/2009/TT-BGDDT dated July 25, 2009 of the Minister of Education and Training.

Article 1. Certain contents of preschool education curriculum issued together with Circular No. 17/2009/TT-BGDDT dated July 25, 2009 of the Minister of Education and Training shall be amended as follows:

1. Part Two of Nursery education curriculum shall be amended as follows:

a) The text of 4th dash, Subsection IV, Section A shall be amended as follows:

 "- Enjoying singing, singing and moving to music; like drawing, tearing and pasting, doing jigsaw puzzles; enjoying listening to poetries and storytelling, etc.";

b) Clauses 1, 2 and 3 Subsection II Section B shall be amended as follows:

 “1. Babies from 3 to 12 months

 Babies from 3 to 6 months

- Sucking.

- Sleeping: 3 times.




20 – 30 min

Pick up

80 – 90 min


20 – 30 min


50 – 60 min


110 – 120 min


20 – 30 min


50 – 60 min


80 – 90 min


20 – 30 min


50 – 60 min


 Babies from 6 to 12 months

- Sucking and additional 2 – 3 meals.

- Sleeping: 2 – 3 times.




20 – 30 min

Pick up

80 – 90 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


20 – 30 min


110 – 120 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


80 – 90 min

Young babies sleep/Older babies play/Return

2.  Toddlers from 12 to 24 months

 Toddlers from 12 to 18 months

- Eating 2 meals plus 1 snack a day.

- Sleeping: 2 times.




20 – 30 min

Pick up

50 – 60 min


80 – 90 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


20 – 30 min


110 – 120 min


50 – 60 min


80 – 90 min


 Toddlers from 18 to 24 months

- Eating 2 meals plus 1 snack a day.

- Sleeping: 1 nap.




50 – 60 min

Pick up

110 - 120 min


50 – 60 min


140 – 150 min


20 – 30 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


3.  Toddlers from 24 to 36 months

- Eating 2 meals plus 1 snack a day.

- Sleeping: 1 nap.




50 – 60 min

Pick up

110 – 120 min


50 – 60 min


140 – 150 min


20 – 30 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


50 – 60 min


c) Clause 1, Subsection I, Section C shall be amended as follows:

“1. Food

- Formulate regimen and portion sizes in conformity with ages.

Age group


Recommended daily calorie needs per baby/toddler

Recommended daily calorie needs per baby/toddler at preschool education institution (accounting for 60 – 70% of entire day needs)

3 – 6 months

(179 days)

Breast milk

500 – 550 Kcal

330 – 350 Kcal

6 – 12 months

Breast-milk + powder

600 – 700 Kcal

420 Kcal

12 – 18 months

Congee + breast milk

930 – 1000 Kcal

600 – 651 Kcal

18 – 24 months

Broken rice + Breast-milk

24 – 36 months


- Number of meals at preschool education institution: Two meals and one snack.

+ Energy distributed in meals: Lunch meal provides 30% to 35% of energy all day. Evening meal provides 25% to 30% of energy all day. Snack provides 5% to 10% of energy all day.

+ Proportion of energy supplies recommended:

Protein providing 13% - 20% of portion energy.

Lipid providing 30% - 40% of portion energy.

Carbohydrate providing 47% - 50% of portion energy.

- Potable water: Approximately 0.8 litters – 1.6 litters per day (including water in food).

- Build daily, weekly, and seasonal menus.”;

d) The texts of 4th and 5th dashes are added to the column 12 – 24 months and the text of 5th dash is added to the column 24 - 36 months of criterion "1. Practice and coordinate senses: Sight, sounding, touch, smell, and taste in the Table of age-based education at Point b, Clause 2, Subsection II, Section C as follows:

“ From 12 to 24 months

- Smell familiar and close flowers and fruit.

- Taste some fruit and food. "

“ From 24 to 36 months

- Taste some food and fruit (sweet - salty - sour). ";

dd) The texts of 2nd dash at Point c, Clause 4, Subsection II, Section C and 2nd dash of criterion “3. Development of aesthetic sense” in the Table of age-based education at Point c, Clause 4, Subsection II, Section C shall be amended as follows:

"- Drawing, modeling, tearing and pasting, doing jigsaw puzzles, enjoying pictures.";

e) The word "nặn” (“model") is added after the phrase “di màu” ("color") at the text of 3rd dash in column 24-36 months of criterion 3. Development of aesthetic sense " in the Table of aged-based education at Point c, Clause 4, Subsection II, Section C as follows:

"- Draw different lines, color, model, tear, crumple, do jigsaw puzzles.";

g) The phrase “có tính mở” ("openly") is added after the phrase “linh hoạt” ("flexibly”) at the text of 4th dash at Point a, Clause 1, Subsection IV, Section E as follows:

"- Areas are arranged suitably, flexibly, openly, enabling children to select and use objects, toys, engage in play angles, and concurrently facilitate the teacher observation.";

h) Section G shall be amended as follows:


Assessing the development of a child is a systematic process of collecting information about the child and analyzing it according to the objectives of the preschool education curriculum, assessing the development of the child for subsequent adjustment of care and education of children appropriately.


1. Purposes

Assessment to promptly adjust the plan of daily care and education activities.

2. Contents

- The condition of the child's health.

- Emotional state, attitude and behavior.

- Knowledge and skills of children.

3. Methods

Use one or more of the following methods to assess a child:

- Observe.

- Talk, communicate with children.

- Analyze children's activity.

- Talking to parent/caregiver.

Every day, teachers monitor and document the major changes of children and what they need to do to make timely adjustments to their care and education plans.


1. Purposes

Determine the level of achievement of children in every stage’s development, on which to adjust the plan for care and education for the next stage.

2. Contents

Assess the stage of development of the child in terms of physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social and aesthetic skills.

3. Methods

Use one or more of the following methods to assess a child:

- Observe.

- Talk, communicate with children.

- Analyze children's activity.

- Use case study.

- Talking to a parent / caregiver.

Assessment results are kept by the teacher in the child's personal record.

4. Time and basis for evaluation

- End-of-age assessments (6, 12, 18, 24, 36 months) based on expected results.

- Assess the level of physical development of the child to use additional indicators of weight, height at the end of the age. "

2. Part Three of Nursery education curriculum shall be amended as follows:

a) The following text is added after the 1st dash at Subsection, Section A:

 "- There are some athletic qualities: agility, power, skill and persistence.";

b) The phrase ”có ý thức giữ gìn và bảo vệ cái đẹp” ("have a sense of preserving and protecting beauty") is added after the phrase ”Yêu thích, hào hứng tham gia vào các hoạt động nghệ thuật" ("enjoy and enthusiastically participate in artistic activities") at the text of 3rd dash in Subsection V, Section A as follows:

”- Enjoy and enthusiastically participate in artistic activities; have a sense of preserving and protecting beauty.”;

c) Amend and supplement the time of sleeping activities in the Regular schedule for kindergarten children in Subsection II of Section B as follows:



140 -150 min


d) Clause 1, Subsection I, section C shall be amended as follows:

“1. Food

- Formulate regimen and portion sizes in conformity with ages:

+ Recommended daily calorie need for a baby/toddler: 1230 – 1330 Kcal

+ Recommended daily calorie need for a baby/toddler at school accounting for 50 – 55% of entire day need: 665 – 676 Kcal.

- Number of meals at preschool education institution: Two meals and one snack.

+ Calories distributed in meals: Lunch meal provides 25% to 35% of energy all day. Snack provides 10% to 15% of energy all day.

+ Proportion of energy supplies:

Protein providing 15% - 25% of portion energy.

Lipid providing 25% - 35% of portion energy.

Carbohydrate providing 45% - 52% of portion energy.

- Potable water: Approximately 1.6 litter – 2.0 litters per day (including water in food).

- Build daily, weekly, and seasonal menus.”;

dd) The following text is added after 2nd dash at column 5 – 6 years of criterion ”Gather, number, ordinal numbers and count” in the Point b of Table of age-based education at Clause 2, Subsection I, Section C:

"- Combine/split groups of objects in different ways and count.";

e) The text of 7th dash at the column 3 – 4 years of criterion”2. Speak " in the Table of aged-based education at Clause 3, Subsection II, Section C is amended as follows:

"- Re-tell some of the details of the story heard.";

g) The text of 4th dash at the column 4 – 5 years and 5 - 6 years of criterion ”2. Some skills in music activities (listening, singing, moving to music) and shaping activities (drawing, modeling, cutting, tearing, doing jigsaw puzzles) "in the Table of age-based education in Clause 5, Subsection II, Section C is amended as follows:

“4-5 years

- Using the percussion instruments. "

“5-6 years

- Using the percussion instruments. ";

h) The word "được” is added after the phrase “Sử dụng” at the column 4 - 5 years and 5 - 6 years of expected result "3. Comparison of two objects” in the Table at Point b, Subsection II, Section D as follows:

“4 - 5 years

Be able to use tools to measure the length, capacity of two objects, say the measurement and comparison results. "

“5-6 years

Be able to use tools to measure and compare, say the result.”;

i) The text of 1.2 at column 3 - 4 years, 4 - 5 years, and 5 - 6 years of expected result "1. Feel and express emotions before the beauty of nature, life and works of art (music, shaping)” in the table at Subsection V, Section D as follows:

“3-4 years

1.2. Listen to, like singing along, clap, dance, swing by songs, music; like listening to poetries, folk songs, proverbs; like listening to storytelling. ";

“4-5 years

1.2. Listen to, enjoy (singing along, clapping, dancing, swinging) by songs, music; listening to poetries, folk songs, proverbs; like listening to storytelling. ";

“5-6 years

1.2. Listen to and express emotions (sing along, dance, sway, show appropriate illustrations) by songs; like listening to and reading poetries, folk songs, proverbs; like listening and telling stories. ";

k) The phrase "nội dung” is added after the phrase “phù hợp với” of the 1st dash at Point a, Clause 1, Subsection IV, Section E as follows:

"- Classroom decoration is aesthetically pleasing, friendly and suitable for educational content and theme.";

l) Section G shall be amended as follows:


Assessing the development of a child is a systematic process of collecting information about the child and analyzing it according to the objectives of the preschool education curriculum, assessing the development of the child for subsequent adjustment of care and education of children appropriately.


1. Purposes

Assessment to promptly adjust the plan of daily care and education activities.

2. Contents

- The condition of the child's health.

- Emotional state, attitude and behavior.

- Knowledge and skills of children.

3. Methods

Use one or more of the following methods to assess a child:

- Observe.

- Talk, communicate with children.

- Use case study.

- Analyze children's activity.

- Talking to parents/caregiver.

Every day, teachers monitor and document the major changes of children and what they need to do to make timely adjustments to their care and education plans.


1. Purposes

Determine the level of achievement of children in every stage’s development (at the end of topic or age), on which to adjust the plan for care and education for the next stage.

2. Contents

Assess the stage of development of the child in terms of physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social and aesthetic skills.

3. Methods

Use one or more of the following methods to assess a child:

- Observe.

- Talk.

- Analyze children's activity.

- Use case study or exercises/objective tests.

- Talking to a parent / caregiver.

Assessment results are kept by the teacher in the child's personal record.

4. Time and basis for evaluation

- Conduct assessment at the end of stage according to monthly topic, expected results at the end of age.

- - Assess the level of physical development of the child to use additional indicators of weight, height at the end of the age. "

3. Certain texts of part four Guidelines for curriculum shall be amended as follows:

a) Clause 1 shall be amended as follows:

“1. Pursuant to preschool education curriculum promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, the Departments of Education and Training and Divisions of Education and Training shall guide pre-school education institutions to make academic year plans and implement them; develop a preschool program that is appropriate to the culture, local conditions, school, ability and needs of children. ";

b) Clause 5 shall be amended as follows:

"5. Detect and facilitate the development of the child's gift; early detect children with developmental difficulties, early intervene and provide inclusive education for children with disabilities. "

Article 2. Annulment and replacement

1. The following words and phrases in Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum and Part Three of Nursery education curriculum shall be annulled:

a) The phrase “Thời gian cho từng hoạt động có thể linh hoạt 5 - 10 phút” (“The time for each activity can be flexible for 5 - 10 minutes" in Subsection II, Section B, Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum;

b) The word “Tập” and phrase “Tập luyện” (“Practice”) at the dashes of Point a Clause 1 and criteria 1, 2, 3 in Point a Table of age-based education at Clause 1, Subsection II, Section C, Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum; or at the dashes of Point a Clause 1 and criteria 1, 2, 3 in Point a of Table of age-based education at Clause 1, Subsection II, Section C, Part Three of Nursery education curriculum;

c) The phrases ““tên gọi, chức năng” (“name, function"), “tên gọi, đặc điểm nổi bật, công dụng và cách sử dụng” (“name, prominent characteristics, use and instructions of use"), “tên gọi và đặc điểm nổi bật của” ("name and characteristics of"), “(đỏ, vàng, xanh)” ("red, yellow, blue”), “(to - nhỏ)” (“big – small”), “(tròn, vuông)” (“round, square”), “(một - nhiều)” (“one – many”), “(trên - dưới, trước - sau)” (“on - under, before – after”) at dashes of Point b, Clause 2, Subsection II, Section C, Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum;

d) The phrase “bằng cử chỉ, lời nói” (“by gesture, speech”) in the 2 columns Expected results in the table in Subsection D, Section II, Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum;

dd) The phrase ”Nhận biết” ("Recognize") at the text of 2nd dash at columns 3 - 4 years, 4 - 5 years, and 5 – 6 years in the criterion "1. Gather, number and order numbers and count" in the table of Point b of the Table of age-based education in Clause 2, Subsection II, Section C, Part Three of Nursery education curriculum;

e) The texts of the 3rd and 4th dashes at columns 5 – 6 years in the criterion "1. Gather, number and order numbers and count" in the table of Point b of the Table of age-based education in Clause 2, Subsection II, Section C, Part Three of Nursery education curriculum;

g) The phrase “(âm nhạc, tạo hình)” "(music, shaping)" in the name of the criterion 1 and phrase “(nghe, hát, vận động theo nhạc)”"(listening, singing, moving to music)", “(vẽ, nặn, cắt, xé dán, xếp hình)” ("drawing, modeling, cutting, tearing and pasting, doing jigsaw puzzles") in the content name 2 in the Table of age-based education in Section 5, Subsection II, Section C, Part Three of Nursery education curriculum;

h) The word “như:” and dashes at columns  3 – 4 years, 4 - 5 years and 5 - 6 years of the Expected results “3. Demonstrate understanding of the subject in different ways" in the table at Point a, Subsection II, Section D, Part Three of Nursery education curriculum;

i) The phrase “(âm nhạc, tạo hình)” "(music, shaping) " in the name of Expected Result 1 and phrase “(hát, vận động theo nhạc)” "(singing, moving to music)", “(vẽ, nặn, cắt, xé dán, xếp hình)” "(drawing, modeling, cutting, tearing and pasting, doing jigsaw puzzles)” in Expected Result 2 in the table in Subsection V, Section D, Part Three, Nursery education curriculum;

k) The phrase “Giáo viên” at Clause 4 of Part four, Guidelines for curriculum.

2. The following words and phrases in Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum and Part Three of Nursery education curriculum shall be replaced:

a) The phrase “tham gia vào các góc chơi” (“engage in play corners”) will be replaced with tham gia vào hoạt động” (“engage in activities”) at the text of 4th dash of Point a, Clause 1k, Subsection IV, Section E, Part Two of kindergarten education curriculum;

b) The phrase “đóng mở phéc mơ tuya” is replaced with the phrase “kéo khóa (phéc mơ tuya)” ("do and undo a zip") at 5th dash "3.2. Coordinated movement of hands, fingers and eyes in some activities "at column 5-6 years of Expected Results" 3. Perform and coordinate the movements of the hands, fingers and eyes "in the table at Point a, Subsection I, Section D, Part Three of Nursery education curriculum;

c) The word “nhiều” ("many") is replaced with “một số” ("some") in item 2.4 in column 5 - 6 of Expected Results "2. Using speech in daily life "in the table in Subsection III, Section D, Part III of Nursery education curriculum.

Article 3. Implementation

The Chief officers, Director of Department of Preschool Education, heads of units affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training, the Presidents of People’s Committees of cities and central-affiliated cities, Directors of Department of Education and Training shall implement this Circular.

Article 4. Entry in force

This Circular comes into force as of February 15, 2017





Nguyen Thi Nghia



This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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        Circular 28/2016/TT-BGDDT amendments to preschool education curriculum 17/2009/TT-BGDDT
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                • 30/12/2016

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                • 15/02/2017

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