Thông tư 37/2020/TT-BGDDT

Circular No. 37/2020/TT-BGDDT dated October 5, 2020 on operation and use of e-mail and website in education and training departments, education and training agencies, preschool education facilities, formal education facilities and continuous education facilities

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 37/2020/TT-BGDDT operation and use of e-mail and website in education and training departments


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 37/2020/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, October 5, 2020




Pursuant to Law on E-Transactions dated November 29, 2005;

Pursuant to the Law on Information Technology dated June 29, 2006;

Pursuant to Decree 69/2017/ND-CP dated May 25, 2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to Decree No. 64/2007/ND-CP dated April 10, 2007 of the Government on information technology application in state agencies operations;

Pursuant to Decree No. 43/2011/ND-CP dated June 13, 2011 of the Government on online provision of information and public services on websites or web portals of regulatory agencies;

Pursuant to Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP dated July 15, 2013 of the Government on management, provision and use of internet services and online information; Pursuant to Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP on amendments to Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP dated July 15, 2013 of the Government on management, provision and use of internet services and online information;

Pursuant to Directive No. 34/2008/CT-TTg dated December 3, 2008 on increasing the use of e-mail in operations of regulatory agencies;

At request of Director General of Agency of Information and Technology,

Minister of Education and Training promulgates Circular on operation and use of e-mail and website in education and training departments, education and training agencies, preschool education facilities, formal education facilities and continuous education facilities

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. This Circular prescribes operation and use of e-mail and web portals or websites (hereinafter referred to as “websites “) in Education and Training Departments, Department of Education – Science and Technology of Bac Lieu Province (hereinafter referred to as “departments of education and training”), agencies of education and training, preschool education facilities, formal education facilities and continuous education facilities.

2. This Circular applies to departments of education and training, agencies of education and training (hereinafter referred to as “education authorities”) kindergartens, independent kindergartens, preschools, independent preschools; primary schools, lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, universal schools, continuous education centers, vocational education – continuous education facilities, community education centers, other centers providing continuous education (hereinafter referred to as “education facilities”) and relevant organizations and individuals.

Article 2. Term interpretation

In this document, terms below are construed as follows:

1. “website” is a single access point of an education authority or education facility on the internet which links and integrates information channels, services and applications through which users can use.

2. “presiding entity of e-mail and website” refers to any of the education authorities and education facilities specified under Clause 2 Article 1 of this Circular (hereinafter referred to as “presiding entity”)

3. “head” refers to director of a department of education and training, manager of an agency of education and training, principal or head of an education facility.

4. “domain name” of education authorities and education facilities refers to registered name of said entities on the internet; domain is used to establish and access e-mail and websites as per the law.

5. “e-mail group” refers to a group of e-mail addresses merged as a single e-mail address where all member addresses can receive information send to that e-mail.

Article 3. General requirements of e-mails and websites

1. Implementation of e-mails and websites must satisfy following requirements:

a) Compliant with technical standards on applying information technology specified under Circular No. 39/2017/TT-BTTTT dated December 15, 2017 of Ministry of Information and Communications on list of technical standards on application of information technology in regulatory authorities;

b) Domain name to access e-mails and websites of education authorities and education institutions shall conform to applicable regulations and law; use second level domain in the form of “” depending on specific conditions;

c) Education authorities shall provide member websites to affiliated education facilities depending on practical conditions.

2. Methods of implementing e-mails and websites

a) Self investment in development;

b) Hiring of information technology services;

c) Use of provided information technology services.

3. Management requirements of e-mails and websites

a) Developing mechanisms for managing, operating and using e-mails and websites;

b) Having plans for upgrading and maintaining that satisfy information management, safety and use demand requirements.

4. Heads shall operate e-mails and websites, ensures safety for information and personal information; be responsible for information uploaded on the websites.

Chapter II


Article 4. Provision, management, operation and use of e-mails

1. E-mail is a method for exchanging information electronically to serve operations in education authorities and education facilities.

2. Education authorities and education facilities must publicize e-mails (including on the websites) to receive information and complaints of organizations and individuals.

3. Heads are responsible for providing e-mails for officials, public employees, workers and departments thereof for free; Providing affiliated entities depending on practical conditions and demands.

4. Heads shall promulgate regulations on management, operation and use of e-mails consisting of following basic details:

a) Regulations on provision and administration of e-mails;

b) Regulations on use of e-mails in operation and business;

c) Regulations on operating via e-mails (including examining and processing daily information);

c) Regulations on responsibilities of entities and individuals in establishing, maintaining, using and securing private e-mail accounts and entity e-mail accounts.

5. Heads shall assign contact official to take charge implementing e-mails.

Article 5. E-mail group

1. Ministry of Education and Training shall establish e-mail group to send information to departments of education and training, including:

a) E-mail group of directors of departments of education and training;

[email protected].

b) E-mail group for documents of departments of education and training;

[email protected].

2. Departments of education and training shall register with Ministry of Education and Training (via e-mail of Department of Information and Technology [email protected]) to update e-mail address of directors and document departments of departments of education and training and e-mail groups specified under Clause 1 of this Article.

3. Education authorities shall establish common e-mail groups serving operations depending on practical conditions and demands.

Chapter III


Article 6. Roles of websites

1. Websites of education authorities and education facilities shall be websites where education information, online public service information and public services within their competence are integrated.

2. Information uploaded on websites of education authorities and education facilities must be official, adequate, accurate and timely information.

Article 7. Principles of information provision

1. Information provided on websites of education authorities and education facilities must be compliant with policies of the Communist Party, regulations and law of the Government.

2. Information provided on websites of education authorities and education facilities must be compliant with regulations and law on safety, cyber safety, protection of government secret, intellectual property and information management on the internet.

3. Uploading, excerpting and recycling information on websites of education authorities and education facilities must specify authors, information sources and comply with applicable regulations and law on extracting information.

Article 8. Primary information on websites of education authorities

1. Introductory information:

a) Information on graphs, organizational structure, functions, tasks and powers of affiliated agencies; full name, title, e-mail addresses and assignment of heads of education authorities;

b) Contact information between education authorities and the general public.

2. News and events on activities and issues under management of education authorities.

3. Documents related to operations of education authorities.

4. Information on administrative procedures and public services, including:

a) Information on provision of online public services shall conform to Decree No. 43/2011/ND-CP dated June 13, 2011 of the Government on provision of information and online public services on information pages or websites of regulatory agencies and Circular No. 32/2017/TT-BTTTT dated November 15, 2017 of Ministry of Information and Communications on provision of online public services and assurance of convenient access for information pages and websites of regulatory agencies;

b) List of online services and online public services;

c) Procedures, applications, recipients, name and business information of individuals directly processing applications, deadline for following up, fees and charges (if any); online service procedures for entrance examination and admission of the beginning of an education level (including online application, form filling and result notice).

5. Publicized information and information guiding implementation of policies, regulations and law.

6. Sections for collecting feedback of organizations and individuals consisting of: List of issues requiring feedback; details of issues requiring feedback; address and e-mail to receive feedback and deadline for receiving feedback.

7. Data specifically assisting search, exchange and sharing of information, ensuring connection and integration of systems and technological compatibility.

8. Record of the latest 5 years (at least) consisting of statistical figures on schools, classes, students and facilities of education facilities under management.

9. Pages of digital resources (including digital learning materials, eLearning lectures, digital textbooks, software) shared and commonly used by education managers, teachers and students in the area; resource pages containing links from resource libraries of education authorities to resource library of Ministry of Education and Training.

10. Information on accreditation and universalization of education.

11. Information on score and examination results (including gifted examination, formal vocational education examination and final examination of all education levels).

12. Information on management of issuance of certificates and degrees.

13. Information on projects, investment, bidding and public procurement.

14. Information on web conference system of Ministry of Education and Training. Education authorities are responsible for contacting Ministry of Education and Training (via Department of Information Technology) for guidelines, assistance and implementation.

15. Introductory information, contact information and online public service information related to foreigners as specified in this Article in English.

16. Information related to foreign language centers and computer centers according to Clause 3 Article 27 of Regulations on organization and operation of foreign language centers and computer centers on websites of departments of education and training attached to Circular No. 21/2018/TT-BGDDT dated August 24, 2018 of Ministry of Education and Training.

Article 9. Primary information on websites of education facilities

1. Introductory information

a) Information on graphs, organizational structure, functions, tasks and powers; summary of establishment and development processes; full name, title, e-mail addresses and assignment of heads of education facilities;

b) Contact information between education facilities and the general public.

2. News and events on activities and issues under management of education facilities.

3. Documents related to operations of education facilities.

4. Online service information on admission at the beginning of an education level (including online application, form filling and result notice).

5. Sections for collecting feedback of organizations and individuals consisting of: List of issues requiring feedback; details of issues requiring feedback; address and e-mail to receive feedback and deadline for receiving feedback.

6. Data specifically assisting search, exchange and sharing of information, ensuring connection and integration of systems and technological compatibility.

7. Publicized information for education facilities and deadline for posting information conforming to Circular No. 36/2017/TT-BGDDT dated December 28, 2017 of Ministry of Education and Training on Regulations on publicizing information for education facilities affiliated to national education system.

8. Enrolment information consisting of enrolment plan, notice (including information on enrollment subjects, quotas, methods, eligibility, application, examination location and data), list of participants.

9. Record of the latest 5 years (at least) consisting of statistical figures on schools, classes, students and facilities of education facilities.

10. Pages of digital resources (including digital learning materials, eLearning lectures, digital textbooks, software) shared and commonly used by education managers, teachers and students; resource pages containing links to resource libraries of education authorities.

11. Online school management system (if any). Which consists of modules for managing documents, studying results of students, managing teachers, equipment libraries, enrollment and examination.

Article 10. Other information

Apart from information under Articles 8 and 9 of this Circular, education authorities and education facilities shall provide other information depending on practical conditions and demands, including:

1. Websites of departments of education and training creating links to websites of Ministry of Education and Training, departments of education and training and affiliated education facilities; websites of education and training connecting with websites of presiding departments of education and training and affiliated education facilities.

2. Information on Elearning, digital conference and advertisements of conference web pages.

3. Information on organizations affiliated to the Communist Party, Youth Union and other entities.

4. Press notice, interview and official statements of education authorities and education facilities and relevant issues.

5. Solutions for relevant issues of teachers, students and students’ parents.

6. Scholarship, credit, career counseling and other assisting services for students.

7. Opinion polling sections.

Article 11. Management, operation and use of websites

1. Heads shall form Board of website editors (operating in a part-time manner); assign a high-ranking individual as the Chief.

2. Heads shall issue Regulations on management, operation and use of websites which must at least specify following categories:

a) Uploaded contents on websites;

b) Procedures for receiving, processing, editing, updating and dealing with information updated on websites;

c) Deadline for providing and updating information on websites;

d) Responsibilities of entities and individuals in providing, consolidating, appraising and approving information uploaded on websites;

dd) Regulations on responsibilities for managing and operating websites technically;

e) Working regimes of members of Board of editors.

3. Heads shall assign a standing department and contact official to be responsible for cooperating with service providers or performing and operating technically to ensure stability and information safety of websites (by registering and managing domain, adjusting interface, managing servers, decentralizing, creating accounts, passwords, implementing information safety measures and technical measures).

Article 12. Use of technology and adoption of technical standards

Websites of education authorities and education facilities shall adopt following technologies and technical solutions:

1. Vietnamese Unicode according to TCVN 6909:2001 standards in storing data and exchanging information on websites in Vietnamese version.

2. Technical solutions assisting users in accessing websites from mobile devices.

3. Solutions for assisting people with disabilities in accessing information.

4. Solutions for providing search tools.

5. Solutions for sharing RSS contents.

6. Data specifically assisting search, exchange and sharing of information, ensuring connection and integration of systems and technological compatibility.

7. Ipv6 and DNSSEC Internet address suitable for roadmap for application of IPv6.

Chapter IV


Article 13. Responsibilities of departments of education and training

1. Departments of education and training are responsible for guiding and implementing use of e-mails and websites in departments, agencies of education and training, education facilities in local areas according to this Circular.

2. Integrating development, upgrading, management and operation of e-mails and websites in annual working plans.

3. Reporting on results of implementing and using e-mails and websites of departments and agencies of education and training, education facilities in local areas to Ministry of Education and Training (via Department of Information Technology) at request.

Article 14.Trách. Responsibilities of agencies of education and training

1. Agencies of education and training are responsible for guiding and implementing use of e-mails and websites in agencies of education and training and affiliated education facilities according to this Circular.

2. Integrating development, upgrading, management and operation of e-mails and websites in annual working plans.

3. Reporting on implementation and use of e-mails and websites at request of departments of education and training.

Article 15. Responsibilities of education facilities

1. Education facilities are responsible for implementing and using e-mails and websites to guarantee operation, connection, sharing and publicizing of information on the internet as specified under this Circular.

2. Integrating development, upgrading, management and operation of e-mails and websites in annual working plans.

3. Reporting on implementation and use of e-mails and websites at request of education authorities.

Article 16. Inspection and assessment of operation of e-mails and websites of education authorities and education facilities

1. E-mails and websites of education authorities and education facilities shall be inspected, assessed and ranked on a regular or irregular basis at request of competent authorities,

2. Inspected and assessed categories shall include compliance and satisfaction level of this Circular and relevant legislative documents.

3. Ministry of Education and Training shall inspect, assess and rank operation of e-mails and websites of departments of education and training and publicize results on website of the Ministry.

4. Departments of education and training shall inspect, assess and rank operation of e-mails and websites of agencies of education and training and affiliated education facilities; publicize results on websites of the departments.

5. Agencies of education and training shall inspect, assess and rank operation of e-mails and websites affiliated education facilities; publicize results on websites of the agencies.

Article 17. Entry into force

1. This Circular comes into force from November 20, 2020.

2. This Circular replaces Circular No. 53/2012/TT-BGDDT dated December 20, 2012 of Minister of Education and Training on operation and use of e-mail and website in education and training departments, education and training agencies, preschool education facilities, formal education facilities and continuous education facilities

Article 18. Responsibilities for implementation

Chief of Office, Director General of Department of Information Technology, heads of relevant entities affiliated to Ministry of Education and Training; directors of agencies of education and training, managers of agencies of education and training and heads of education facilities are responsible for implementation of this Circular./.




Nguyen Van Phuc


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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