Thông tư 42/2016/TT-BGTVT

Circular No. 42/2016/TT-BGTVT dated December 19, 2016, on national technical regulations on urban railway operation and maintenance

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 42/2016/TT-BGTVT national technical regulations urban railway operation and maintenance


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 42/2016/TT-BGTVT

Hanoi, December 19, 2016




Pursuant to the Law on Technical Standards and Regulations dated June 29, 2006;

Pursuant to the Law on Rail transport dated June 14, 2005;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 14/2015/NĐ-CP dated February 13, 2015 elaborating and providing guidance on some articles of the Law on Rail transport;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/NĐ-CP dated August 01, 2007 elaborating and providing guidance on some articles of the Law on Technical Standards and Regulations;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 107/2012/NĐ-CP dated December 20, 2012 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

At the request of the Director of Science - Technology Department and Director of Vietnam Railway Administration;

The Minister of Transport promulgates a Circular on national technical regulations on urban railway operation and maintenance.

Article 1. “National technical regulations on urban railway operation and maintenance” - Number. QCVN 93:2016/BGTVT is promulgated together with this Circular.

Article 2. This Circular comes into force from January 15, 2017.

Article 3. Chief of the Ministry Office, Chief of Ministry Inspectorate, General Directors, Directors of Vietnam Railway Administration, heads of relevant organizations and individuals shall be responsible for implementing this Circular./.


Truong Quang Nghia


QCVN 93 : 2016/BGTVT



QCVN 93:2016/BGTVT  is compiled by Vietnam Railway Administration and promulgated together with the Circular No. 42/2016/TT-BGTVT dated December 19, 2016 by the Science - Technology Department.




1.1. Scope

1.1.1. The national technical regulations on urban railway operation and maintenance (hereinafter referred to as “Regulation”) deals with basic technical requirements for urban railway operation and maintenance, which ensures that urban railway transport is provided in a safe and continuous manner, thereby creating favorable conditions for passengers and minimizing negative impacts on the community.

1.1.2. This Regulation shall not apply to monorails and tramways.

1.2. Regulated entities

This Regulation shall apply to organizations and individuals involved in urban railway operation and maintenance.

1.3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:

1.3.1. “maintenance” is a set of tasks aimed at ensuring and maintaining normal and safe operation of urban railway works, vehicles and equipment in accordance with design or manufacturer's regulations during use. The contents of maintenance include one, several or all of the following tasks: inspection, monitoring, quality control, maintenance and repair, but exclude activities that change the capability or scale of works, vehicles and equipment.

1.3.2. “inspection cycle” is the maximum period or maximum mileage that must undergo an inspection depending on which one reaches the maximum first

1.3.3. “urban railway work” is a work that is built to serve urban railway transport and includes: railway superstructure (rails, ties, fishplates, device connecting rails and ties, device connecting rails and switches, baseplate pad, ballast, sub-ballast layer - if any); building structure (roadbed; bridges; culverts; tunnels; embankments; sewerage systems without sewerage equipment; railway stations and depots without equipment, other structures); train control equipment; power supply system and other railway works and equipment

1.3.4. “train” is coaches and a series of coaches with motive power or without motive power and satisfy all necessary conditions for operation of trains in accordance with the transport plan approved by a competent authority

1.3.5. “train timetable” is a timetable which specifies arrival and departure time and route of all trains in one (01) day

1.3.6. “main line” is the railway on which the train runs and provides services in accordance with the timetable.

1.3.7. “feeder line” is the railway that is not main line and includes layovers.

1.3.8. “railway station” is where trains stop to load or unload passengers; provides necessary services and facility for passengers and where equipment and machinery are installed to operate trains.

1.3.9. “inspection” is the visual inspection or specialized technical equipment used to evaluate the current conditions of works, vehicles and equipment, thereby detecting signs of deterioration or degradation and remedial measures must be promptly taken this to ensure train operation safety.

1.3.10. “periodic inspection date” is the date set to determine the time for carrying out an inspection of each railway equipment or its parts and is calculated according to the characteristics of equipment and the capability to withstand the impact of weather conditions and surrounding environment. The periodic inspection date shall apply to railway equipment, construction works, equipment for supplying power and equipment for ensuring train operation safety.

1.3.11. “permissible time deviation” is the deviation period before or after the date of periodic inspection and is arranged in conformity with the frequency of periodic inspection to ensure that the inspection is carried out, even in restrictive conditions due to the impact of weather, construction of works on railway or other interruptions.<>The permissible time deviation shall apply to railway equipment, construction works, equipment for supplying power and equipment for ensuring train operation safety.

1.3.12. “rail section” is the railway sections that connects two adjacent stations

1.3.13. “train dispatcher” is a person who directs the movement of trains according to the timetable, commands the resolution to the issues affecting the train operation, issues the speed warrant to relevant units and suspends train on the railway which he/she is in charge of in case threats to train operation are found

1.3.14. “train control equipment” is information and signaling equipment used to control trains.

1.3.15. “railway signal” is the indication of operating conditions given to the train driver and relevant railway workers during train operation Railway signal includes: signals order and signs.

1.3.16. “patrol” is the periodic inspection carried out along the routes in order to be alert to the state of the maintenance of the route and any changes in the surrounding environment along the route, thereby ensuring the route ensures train operation safety.

1.3.17. Automatic Train Control

The ATC (Automatic Train Control) system includes the following subsystems:

- Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system;

- Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) system;

- Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system.


2.1. Train operation

2.1.1. The maximum number of coaches allowed to be coupled

The maximum number of coaches that are coupled together into a train must conform to function, composition and traction of the coach and the design of the railway works.

2.1.2. Train braking

a) A train must run the braking system connected to all coaches and ensure automatic braking when the unit coach is separated.

For the incidents of the braking system, the enterprises in charge of management and operation of urban railway shall, pursuant to relevant legal documents, formulate and unveil plans for handling such incidents.

b) The braking system must undergo a periodic inspection according to the manufacturer’s regulations and when the coaches are coupled together to operate trains.

c) The brake force must satisfy all necessary conditions corresponding to the slope of the route and the speed of the train.

d) The brake force must be determined according to percentage (%) of axle braking and axle load. Such percentage must conform to the manufacturer’s regulations.

2.1.3. Operation of trains on the main line in rail section

Only coaches that satisfy all conditions are allowed to run on the main line in rail section (except coach shunting).

2.1.4. Train schedule

a) Train schedule is notice board specifying the opening and closing time of routes and time when trains times when trains reach the station during the day.

b)  The train schedule must be prepared according to the running schedule of each route approved by a competent authority.

c) When the running time of the train is different from the time specified train schedule, it must be adjusted in line with the train schedule of each route approved by the competent authority.

2.1.5. Prevention of accidents upon departure of train

A train is only allowed to depart when its doors are fully closed and the safety of passengers and train is confirmed.

2.1.6. Measures for ensuring train operation safety

a) In order to ensure train operation safety, the following measures must be taken:

(1) Use equipment for ensuring safety of trains, allow trains to stop or reduce the speed automatically by keeping close control of the distance between trains or the conditions of routes.

(2) Use the alternative safety equipment in case of failure to take the measure mentioned in (1).

(3) Rely on the train driver’s observability in case of failure to take measures mentioned in (1) and (2). Based on the instructions of the train dispatcher, the driver operates the train at restricted speed so that it stops within the distance seen to be clear from the nearest train.

b) In case of operation of rescue train, if such train has been subject to specific safety measures, regulations specified in Point a of this Clause shall not be complied with.

2.1.7. Control position of train driver

In the cab of the first coach, the train driver must operate train in the operating direction, except the following cases:

a) The train driver operates train under the order from the staff in the cab of the first coach.

b) The whistle and braking system is controlled by another train driver (the second driver) in the cab of the first coach.

2.1.8. Train operating speed limits

Train must run below the speed limits applied to each train and rail section, which must ensure the conformity to the condition of the railway and contact line, functions of coaches, operating mode and railway signaling.

2.1.9. Train reversed

Trains must not be reversed in the opposite operating direction, unless the train is reversed under the instructions of the train dispatcher in case of incidents or accidents.

2.1.10. Emergency measures for stopping the approaching train

a) In the cases where the train has to stop due to obstacles, in consideration of  the distance to urgently brake the approaching train, the stop signal must be given and all necessary measures must be taken to stop another approaching train.0}

b) The cases in which protective measures must be taken:

- Train derailment obstructing other trains running on the adjacent route.

- Incidents on railway and contact line requiring train to stop immediately.

- Other cases according to regulations of relevant legislative documents.

c)  The units in charge of operation of urban railway shall introduce protective measures when trains stop.

2.1.11. Blockade of rail sections

When a section of railway that needs blocking for execution of construction or maintenance, measures shall be taken under the guidance of a train dispatcher or relevant workers in order to prevent the train from entering the rail section (except the train used for execution of construction or maintenance).

2.1.12. Prevention of risks during train operation

The unit in charge of operation of urban railway shall:

a) Formulate a response plan in case bad weather or other natural phenomena threaten the safety of the train.

b) Formulate timely response measures in case fires break out in the underground station or on a train running underground to ensure the safety of passengers and timely evacuation.

c) Introduce response measures against other risks posed by human during train operation.

2.1.13. Shunting

a) Coach shunting (including train shunting) must be carried out according to one of the following methods:

(1) Method of using signals;

(2) Method of using orders;

(3) Method of using signs;

(4) Method of using automatic coach control equipment.

b) Coach shunting must not obstruct train operation.

c) The unit in charge of operation of urban railway shall specify the shunting speed.

2.1.14. Parking and stopping of coaches

Upon the parking or stopping of coaches, necessary measures must be taken to prevent coaches from automatically running or dropping due to external impacts.

2.1.15. Conditions for operating trains in ATO mode

The operation of trains in ATO mode must satisfy the following conditions:

a) The railway shall be designed to prevent unauthorized people or animals from entering the railway and ensure that dangerous situations obstructing the route of the train do not arise; a train stop shall be installed on trains in case of obstacles on the railway; measures for ensuring train operation safety shall be taken.

b) The railway shall be designed to prevent risks posed by the adjacent railways; onboard workers responsible for taking emergency measures for train protection must be available on train; a train stop shall be installed on trains in case of obstacles on the adjacent railways.

c) The railway shall be designed to facilitate evacuation of passengers in case of emergency.

d) Appropriate measures for ensuring safety of passengers on platforms shall be available.

dd) The ATO equipment must satisfy all following conditions:

- Do not allow a train to depart without the confirmation of the safety of passengers getting on or getting off the train.

- Be able to set the train speed below the speed shown on the track gauge and control train speed in a smooth manner, thereby ensuring train operation safety.

- Allow a train to stop in a smooth manner and at a position where passengers get on or get off the train without any obstacles.

e) In case there are no railway workers on the train, the equipment allowing passengers to contact the dispatch center must be installed in the passenger car, or other measures must be taken to ensure the safety of passengers in case of emergency.

2.2. Railway signal

2.2.1. Connection between railroad signal and train operation

The signaling device shall ensure that train operation and shunting is carried out in a timely, accurate and safe manner and to improve the train operation efficiency.

2.2.2. Stop signal

a) In case the stop signal is given, the train must stop in front of the designated position.  In case the stop signal is given too late in order for the train to stop at the required position or the required position is not signaled, the train must be brought to an emergency stop.

b) The train that must stop as prescribed in Point a of this Clause must not keep running until a continuation signal or an instruction on granting permission to keep running is given (except the use of the operating method mentioned in Section 3, Point a, Clause 2.1.6 of this Regulation.).

2.2.3. Incorrect indication of signals

Upon receipt of different signals at the same time or unclear signals, the safest signal shall be complied with.

2.2.4. Conditions for giving signals for train to run

The signal for train to run shall only be given if there are no obstacles on the route of the train.

2.2.5. Other contents related to provision of signals

Apart from the regulations mentioned in Clause 2.2.1 and Clause 2.2.3 of this Regulation, types of signals and method of provision of signals must be specified in advance.

2.2.6. Prevention of obstacles from the route in case of signal for train to run

When the signal for train to run is given, the route of the train must not be obstructed.

2.2.7. Orders and signs

Types and method of indication of orders and signs must be specified in advance to ensure train operation safety.

2.3. Workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway

2.3.1. Titles of workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway

a) Titles of workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway are as follows:

- Train dispatcher;

- Train driver;

- Worker serving operation of trains at the station;

- Onboard safety staff.

b) The workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway must meet the standards according to regulations of relevant legislative documents.

c) For the urban railway routes that have been put into operation recently apply the technology used in Vietnam for the first time, the workers involved in operation of trains on such urban railway routes shall apply the standards in technology applied to the urban railway route through training and technology transfer.

d) For the driver operating trains on urban railway routes that have been put into operation recently and apply the technology used in Vietnam for the first time, the competent authority shall organize driving tests and issue the train driving license after these urban railway routes complete trial operation according to regulations of the Ministry of Transport.

2.3.2. Provision of training for the workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway

The unit in charge of operation of urban railway shall provide training for all workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway and ensure that such workers acquire necessary knowledge and skills.

2.3.3.  Assurance about train operation safety

a) The workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway must comply with train operation process and other relevant regulations, ensure train operation safety by making full use of their knowledge and skills and operating equipment.

b) The unit in charge of operation of urban railway shall not assign tasks to the workers serving operation of trains on urban railway until they certify that such workers have characteristics, skills and knowledge necessary for performance of their tasks.

c) Railway workers involved in operation of trains on urban railway must not perform their tasks if there is alcohol content or other banned stimulants in their blood or breath.

d) The driver must have a train driving license prescribed in relevant legislative documents, except the trainee driver who is allowed to drive train and has an instruction on train driving license. 


3.1. Rules for maintenance of railway works

3.1.1. Railway works shall be maintained in line with a process in order to ensure train is operated according to the plan, ensure safety of passengers and people nearby and avoid damage caused to property and environment.

3.1.2. Urban railway works serving train operation shall be maintained in a good condition to ensure safety.

3.1.3. If the main line fails to maintain the condition mentioned in Point b), train speed must be restricted or other necessary measures must be taken to ensure train operation safety. Such main line requires close monitoring.

3.1.4. Equipment for ensuring train operation safety shall be maintained to be able to always operate accurately.

3.2. Inspection and trial operation of new, renovated or repaired works

3.2.1. Before being put into operation, the urban railway works must be tested and commissioned according to relevant regulations of law, except the minor repair or the feeder line that does not affect the main line.

3.2.2. In case of impact of natural disasters or incidents or no operation carried out for a certain period of time, the railway work must undergo an inspection before being put into operation. Where necessary, it must be tested before being put into operation.

3.3. Patrol of railway works

3.3.1. Urban railway works on the main line shall be patrolled, depending on the conditions of the route and train operation. Frequency, time and method of patrol shall be specified in accordance with the maintenance process and actual situations.

3.3.2. When carrying out patrol, if a threat to train operation safety is found, appropriate measures must be immediately taken to ensure safety and resolve the issue.

3.3.3. In case the occurrence of natural disasters is found threatening the safety of operation of train on the main line, close monitoring of such main line is required, train speed must be restricted or train on the main line or relevant section must be stopped.

3.4. Inspection of superstructure

3.4.1. Patrol of railway superstructure

The patrol of railway superstructure shall be carried out by walking or using specialized equipment at least once every five (05) days on the main line railway and at least once every two (02) weeks on the feeder line.3.4.2. Cycle of periodic inspection of superstructure

a) Periodic inspection of railway superstructure includes inspection of condition and structural elements of the railway superstructure. The cycle, method and items of inspection shall be prescribed in accordance with types, design and condition of superstructure of each railway route.

b) Periodic inspection of superstructure on the railway shall be carried out at least once a year, from the date of the previous periodic inspection, the inspection shall be carried out within the month, one month earlier or later.

c) In consideration of the current design of superstructure of the railway, in case the inspection cycle mentioned in Point b of this Clause needs shortening, a new inspection cycle shall be specified and inspection shall be carried out according to such cycle. In this case, the permissible deviation time shall be set to conform to the new inspection cycle.

d) In case of execution of large-scale works that replace all parts of works or installed equipment, the date of periodical inspection mentioned in Points b and c of this Clause applied to the post-execution works shall be re-specified.

dd) Inspection must be suspended in the following cases:

(1) The occurrence of thunderstorms, natural disasters, accidents or accidents.

(2) Priority given to the handling of aftermaths of natural disasters, accidents or accidents at other locations.

3.4.3. Criteria and remedial measures

The assessment of structure of railway shall be carried out according to the criteria specified in the maintenance process and conform to the standards in maintenance.

In case the assessment results show that the railway fails to satisfy the requirements, depending on the level of non-satisfaction, one or a combination of the following measures shall be taken:

(1) Repair;

(2) Monitoring;

(3) Limited use.

3.5. Inspection of building structure

3.5.1. Methods of inspection

The inspection of building structure includes:

- Initial inspection;

- Periodic inspection;

- Unscheduled inspection;

3.5.2. Initial inspection

The initial inspection shall be applied to the new building structure before it is put into operation for the purpose of determining the initial technical conditions. The building structure shall also undergo an initial inspection after the large-scale repair and upgrade.

3.5.3. Periodic inspection

a) The cycle, items and method of periodic inspection of building structure shall be prescribed in accordance with types, design and condition of the work.

b) The building structure must undergo a periodic inspection at least once every two (02) years, from the date of previous periodic inspection, the inspection shall be carried out within the month, one month earlier or later.

c) The abovementioned date of periodic inspection shall be changed upon the large-scale upgrade and renovation, with the same or higher level of inspection, the periodic inspection shall be carried out within the cycle of initial inspection of each work or its elements.

d) In consideration of the work condition and other conditions, in case the inspection cycle mentioned in Point b of this Clause needs shortening, a new inspection cycle shall be specified and inspection shall be carried out according to such cycle. In this case, the permissible deviation time shall be set to conform to the new inspection cycle.

dd) For the bridge, a periodic visual inspection shall be carried out. After a certain period of time, another periodic visual inspection shall be carried out in a thorough manner.

e) Periodic inspections of tunnels shall be carried out by walking along the tunnel in lighting condition for visual inspection, a hammer shall be used for inspection in some sections of the tunnel, or other similar measures should be taken. After every twenty (20) years, a detailed periodic inspection shall be carried out in a thorough manner.

f) Inspection must be suspended in the following cases:

(1) The occurrence of thunderstorms, natural disasters, accidents or accidents.

(2) Priority given to the handling of aftermaths of natural disasters, accidents or accidents at other locations.

3.5.4. Unscheduled inspection

An unscheduled inspection shall be carried out where necessary to identify the risk of damage or deterioration of the building structure compared to the design standard.

3.5.5. Remedial measures applicable to building structure

Remedial measures applicable to building structure such as monitoring, repair, fortification, limited use, renovation and replacement shall be taken according to the assessment results.

3.6. Inspection of traction power network

3.6.1. Patrol of traction power network

The patrol of traction power network shall be carried out according to the condition of rail section and train operation. The patrol of overhead contact system and third rail system shall be carried out at least once every seven (07) days and once every fourteen (14) days respectively.

In the event the manufacturer specifies a cycle of inspection that is carried out on a smaller scale, the manufacturer's regulation shall be applied.

3.6.2. Periodic inspection of traction power network

a) The cycle, items and method of periodic inspection of traction power network shall be prescribed in accordance with types, design, and condition of the equipment.

b) The traction power network shall undergo the periodic inspection according to the cycle provided in Table 1 below. The inspection shall be carried within the month, one month earlier or later with the permissible time deviation specified in Table 1.

Table 1. Inspection cycle and permissible time deviation applied to periodic inspection of traction power network

Types of equipment

Inspection cycle

Permissible time deviation

Electric current collectors, traction motors, transmission lines, traction transformers, equipment for protecting transformers and power cords, etc. in case of extraordinary incidents and other important power supplies.

1 year

1 month

Other types of power supplies

2 years

1 month

In the event the manufacturer specifies a cycle of inspection that is carried out on a smaller scale, the manufacturer's regulation shall be applied.

c) The abovementioned date of periodic inspection shall be changed in case of the large-scale upgrade and renovation of power supplies or similar issues, with the same or higher level of inspection, the periodic inspection shall be carried out within the cycle of initial inspection of each work or its elements.

d) Inspection must be suspended in the following cases:

(1) The occurrence of thunderstorms, natural disasters, accidents or accidents.

(2) Priority given to the handling of aftermaths of natural disasters, accidents or accidents at other locations.

3.6.3. Voltage of the contact circuit

a) For the routes running the 750 VDC or 1500 VDC traction power network, voltage of the contact circuit is specified in Table 2.

Table 2. Voltage of the contact circuit

Rated value, V

Maximum value, V

Minimum value, V







b) For the routes running other traction power networks, specific regulations approved by competent authorities shall be applied.

3.6.4. Remedial measures taken in case extraordinary incidents are found

Upon inspection, if extraordinary incidents that may affect the accuracy and stability of the equipment are found, the measures such as restoration, servicing, replacement and suspension of use of equipment must be taken.

3.7. Inspection of train control equipment

3.7.1. Periodic inspection of train control equipment

a) The cycle, items and method of periodic inspection of train control equipment shall be prescribed in accordance with types, design, and condition of the equipment.

b) The train control equipment shall undergo a periodic inspection according to a cycle, the inspection shall be carried out within the month, one month earlier or later, with the permissible time deviation specified in Table 3.

Table 3. Types, inspection cycle and permissible time deviation of train control equipment

Types of equipment

Inspection cycle

Permissible time deviation

Block equipment, track gauges, signals, interlocking, automatic train control equipment and other important train control equipment.

1 year

1 month

Train control equipment other than those mentioned above

2 years

1 month

In the event the manufacturer specifies a cycle of inspection that is carried out on a smaller scale, the manufacturer's regulation shall be applied.

c) The abovementioned date of periodic inspection shall be changed in case of the large-scale upgrade and renovation of train control equipment or similar issues, with the same or higher level of inspection, the periodic inspection shall be carried out within the cycle of initial inspection of train control equipment.

d) In consideration of the work condition and other conditions, in case the inspection cycle mentioned in Point b of this Clause needs shortening, a new inspection cycle shall be specified and inspection shall be carried out according to such cycle. In this case, the permissible deviation time shall be set to conform to the new inspection cycle.

dd) Depending on each equipment or part of equipment, a new cycle (including inspection cycle and permissible time deviation) shall be longer than the cycle mentioned in Point b) and carry out an inspection of the following equipment according to such cycle:

(1) Train control equipment that has the ability to automatically start the standby equipment in case of incidents or imminent incidents.

(2) Electronic equipment or welded equipment, or equipment that is replaced on a periodic basis to ensure its function.

Function of such equipment shall be ensured for a longer period of time than the inspection cycle mentioned in Point b).

e) Inspection must be suspended in the following cases:

(1) The occurrence of thunderstorms, natural disasters, accidents or accidents.

(2) Priority given to the handling of aftermaths of natural disasters, accidents or accidents at other locations.

3.7.2. Remedial measures taken in case extraordinary incidents are found

Upon inspection, if extraordinary incidents that may affect the accuracy and stability of the equipment are found, the measures such as restoration, servicing, replacement and suspension of use of equipment must be taken.

3.8. Inspection of other works and equipment

The cycle, items and method of periodic inspection of other works and equipment shall be prescribed in accordance with types, design and condition of the work.

3.9. Document retention

3.9.1. The inspection, construction, upgrade or repair of railway works shall be recorded.

3.9.2. Documents about periodic inspection, construction, upgrade or repair of railway works shall be retained as prescribed.


4.1. Maintenance of coaches

.1.1. Maintenance of coaches

A coach is only allowed to be put into operation after the maintenance and fulfillment of safety conditions according to the manufacturer’s regulations.

4.1.2.  Assurance about safety of coaches

The function of coaches shall undergo periodic inspection and repaired or replace where necessary in order to ensure operation safety according to the manufacturer’s regulations.

4.2. Inspection and trial operation of newly made or recently repaired coaches

4.2.1. The newly made, new, recently upgraded or repaired shall undergo inspection and tested before being put into operation according to regulations of relevant legislative documents. In case only renovation and minor repair are carried out, trial operation may not require.

4.2.2. In case a coach derails or is involved in other incidents or has not been operated for a certain period of time, it must undergo an inspection or, if necessary, must be tested before being put into operation.

4.3. Inspection and remedial measures applied to coaches

4.3.1. Contents of inspection of coaches

a) Main components of the coach must undergo periodic inspection, depending on types and conditions according to manufacturer’s regulations, including: bogies, power plant, electric current collectors, traction motors, control equipment; main transformers and accompanying equipment; brake equipment; auxiliary power supplies and auxiliary engines; relays, solenoid valves and wires; gas compressors and accompanying equipment; coach body and passenger cars; signals, detonators and devices for contact; display equipment; measuring instrument coupling.

In case the coaches are coupled together into a train, the function of the synchronous braking system, condition of machinery and equipment and power consumption shall be inspected. For the coach that is monitored by coach monitoring equipment, inspection of train may be carried out with this equipment.

b) In case of failure to carry out inspection due to the occurrence of natural disasters or incidents, the inspection of train may be suspended and continued whenever possible.

c) The unit in charge of operation of urban railway shall specify the contents and time of inspection according to the condition, design method, management method and transport of trains.

4.3.2. Cycle of inspection of coaches

a) The coach must undergo a periodic inspection according a cycle corresponding to each type, design and condition of each coaches according to manufacturer's regulations. This regulation shall not apply to components of coaches with high wear resistance and durability to ensure the function is maintained for a longer period of time than the specified cycle.

b) In case of failure to carry out inspection due to the occurrence of natural disasters or incidients, the inspection of train may be suspended and continued whenever possible.

4.3.3. Contents and methods of overall inspection and trial operation of coaches

Depending on design, function and condition of coaches, these items must be inspected: operating system, brake equipment, common power supply, common gas compressor, car body, passenger car and other equipment according to regulations specified in Table 4.

Table 4. Contents and methods of overall inspection and trial operation of coaches

Contents of inspection

Methods of inspection

I. Overall inspection


(a) Installation of each part of equipment


(b) Equipment for cleaning railway tracks and the height of the mouth of sand blowing nozzle

(b) Measurement

(c) Control function of electric current collectors


(c) Control and protection functions of control circuit equipment


(dd) Insulating property of the circuit (except circuits using batteries, semiconductors, etc.)

(dd) Insulation resistance testing and dielectric withstand testing

(2) Operational functions of brake equipment

(f) Compressed air leaks of the wind brake control equipment and other gas equipment

(f) Measurement

(g) Capacity of the gas compressor and functions of accompanying equipment (including pressure regulator and safety valve)

(g) Measurement

(h) Coach body tilt

(h) Measurement

(i) Operational functions of automatic door closer.


(j) Lighting function of lighting equipment


(k) Operational functions of signals, detonators and devices for contact


(l) Operational functions of each display equipment


(m) Height of connecting coupler

(m) Measurement

(n) Properties and operational functions of ATC, ATP, ATS and ATO systems

(n) Measurement

(o) Management of static wheel load


(p) Boxes


(q) Air conditioning and ventilation systems


(r) The coupling system for the connection of electricity and gas between coaches


II. Trial operation

(a) Capacity upon startup, acceleration and deceleration

(b) Main functions of brake equipment

(c) Strange noise and vibration

(d) Display of measuring instruments

(dd) Functions of automatic train operation equipment

(e) Condition of the equipment after trial operation

(f) Condition of bearings of traction motors

(g) Condition of main circuit equipment

(h) Heat generation, oil leaks from the ball bearing in axles

(i) Operational functions of the device for recording train operation data


4.3.4. Remedial measures

In case the inspection results show that train and coaches fail to serve necessary functions according to regulations, the measures such as servicing, repair, replacement and suspension must be taken.

4.3.5. Retention of documents about inspection

a) The inspection, upgrade or repair of coaches carried out according to the abovementioned regulation must be recorded.

b) Documents about a periodic inspection of coaches shall be retained until the end of the completion.


5.1. The Vietnam Railway Administration shall take charge and cooperate with Science - Technology Department and other authorities in inspecting the nationwide implementation of this Regulation.

5.2. The units in charge of management and operation of urban railway shall disseminate and guide affiliated units, organizations and individuals involved in urban railway activities to implement this Regulation.

5.3. People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities which the urban railways pass through shall establish and approve the procedures for operation and maintenance of urban railways in accordance with regulations of law and this Regulation, which must ensure the conformity to each route and shall cooperate with relevant authorities in inspecting the implementation of this Regulation.

5.4. Difficulties that arise during implementation should be reported to the Ministry of Transport.





1.1. Scope

1.2. Regulated entities

1.3. Definitions

1.3.1. Maintenance

1.3.2. Inspection cycle

1.3.3. Urban railway works

1.3.4. Train

1.3.5. Train timetable

1.3.6. Main line

1.3.7. Feeder line

1.3.8. Station

1.3.9. Inspection

1.3.10. Periodic inspection date

1.3.11. Permissible time deviation

1.3.12. Rail section

1.3.13. Train dispatcher

1.3.14. Train control equipment

1.3.15. Railway signal

1.3.16. Patrol

1.3.17. Automatic Train Control


2.1. Train operation

2.1.1. The maximum number of coaches allowed to be coupled

2.1.2. Train braking

2.1.3. Operation of trains on the main line in rail section

2.1.4. Timetable

2.1.5. Prevention of accidents upon departure of trains

2.1.6.  Measures for ensuring train operation safety

2.1.7. Control position of train driver

2.1.8. Train operating speed

2.1.9. Train reversed

2.1.10. Emergency measures for stopping the approaching train

2.1.11. Blockade of rail sections

2.1.12. Prevention of risks during train operation

2.1.13. Shunting

2.1.14. Parking and stopping of coaches

2.1.15. Conditions for operating trains in Automatic Train Operation (ATO) mode

2.2. Railway signal

2.2.1. Connection between railroad signal and train operation

2.2.2. Stop signal

2.2.3. Incorrect indication of signals

2.2.4. Conditions for giving signals for train to run

2.2.5. Other contents related to provision of signals

2.2.6. Prevention of obstacles from the route in case of signals for train to run

2.2.7. Orders and signs

2.3. Workers involved in operation of trains on urban railways

2.3.1. Title of workers involved in operation of trains on urban railways

2.3.2. Provision of training for the workers involved in operation of trains on urban railways

2.3.3.  Assurance about train operation safety


3.1. Rules for maintenance of railway works

3.2. Inspection and trial operation of new, renovated or repaired works

3.3. Patrol of railway works

3.4. Inspection of superstructure

3.4.1. Patrol of railway superstructure

3.4.2. Cycle of periodic inspection of superstructure

3.4.3. Criteria and remedial measures

3.5. Inspection of building structure

3.5.1. Methods of inspection

3.5.2. Initial inspection

3.5.3. Periodic inspection

3.5.4. Unscheduled inspection

3.5.5. Remedial measures applied to building structure

3.6. Inspection of traction power network

3.6.1. Patrol of traction power network

3.6.2. Periodic inspection of traction power network

3.6.3. Voltage of the contact circuit

3.6.4. Remedial measures taken in case extraordinary incidents are found

3.7. Inspection of train control equipment

3.7.1. Periodic inspection of train control equipment

3.7.2. Remedial measures taken in case extraordinary incidents are found

3.8. Inspection of other works and equipment

3.9. Recordkeeping


4.1. Maintenance of coaches

4.1.1. Maintenance of coaches

4.1.2.  Assurance about safety of coaches

4.2. Inspection and trial operation of newly made or recently repaired coaches

4.3. Inspection and remedial measures applied to coaches

4.3.1. Contents of inspection of coaches

4.3.2. Cycle of inspection of coaches

4.3.3. Contents and methods of overall inspection and trial operation of coaches

4.3.4. Remedial measures

4.3.5. Retention of documents about inspection


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            Circular 42/2016/TT-BGTVT national technical regulations urban railway operation and maintenance
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            Số hiệu42/2016/TT-BGTVT
            Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Giao thông vận tải
            Người kýTrương Quang Nghĩa
            Ngày ban hành19/12/2016
            Ngày hiệu lực15/01/2017
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                    Văn bản gốc Circular 42/2016/TT-BGTVT national technical regulations urban railway operation and maintenance

                    Lịch sử hiệu lực Circular 42/2016/TT-BGTVT national technical regulations urban railway operation and maintenance

                    • 19/12/2016

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                    • 15/01/2017

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