Thông tư 56/2019/TT-BGTVT

Circular No. 56/2019/TT-BGTVT dated December 31, 2019 criteria for supervision and inspection of results of performance-based aviation infrastructure asset maintenance, policies and procedures for aviation infrastructure asset maintenance

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 56/2019/TT-BGTVT criter for asset maintenance for aviation infrastructure asset maintenance


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 56/2019/TT-BGTVT

Hanoi, December 31, 2019




Pursuant to Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation No. 66/2006/QH11 dated June 29, 2006 and Law on amendments to a number of Articles of Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation No. 61/2014/QH13 dated November 21, 2014;

Pursuant to Law on Management and Use of Public Property No. 15/2017/QH14 dated June 21, 2017;

Pursuant to Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP dated May 12, 2015 of the Government on quality control and maintenance of construction works;

Pursuant to Decree No. 102/2015/ND-CP of Government dated October 20, 2015 on management and operation of airports and aerodromes;

Pursuant to Decree No. 12/2017/ND-CP dated February 10, 2017 of Government on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of Ministry of Transport;

Pursuant to Decree No. 44/2018/ND-CP dated March 13, 2018 of Government on management, use and utilization of aviation infrastructure assets;

At the request of Director General of Transport Infrastructure Department and Director General of Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam;

Minister of Transport promulgates Circular on criteria for supervision and inspection of results of performance-based aviation infrastructure asset maintenance, policies and procedures for aviation infrastructure asset maintenance.

Article 1. Scope

This Circular prescribes criteria for supervision and inspection of results of performance-based aviation infrastructure asset maintenance; policies and procedures for aviation infrastructure asset maintenance.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to organizations and individuals related to maintenance of aviation infrastructure assets.

Article 3. Adoption of methods of aviation infrastructure asset maintenance

1. Aviation infrastructure asset maintenance shall be carried out in either of 2 methods: performance-based maintenance and method based maintenance as specified in Clause 2 Article 8 Decree No. 44/2018/ND-CP.

2. Performance-based maintenance shall be adopted to examine and maintain aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems if following conditions are simultaneously satisfied:

a) The aviation light signals and the ILS/DME systems are invested for construction satisfactory to operation standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); and

b) The aviation light signals and the ILS/DME systems are funded to carry out examination and maintenance according to technical standards, technical regulations and economic and technical norms; and

c) Fixed expenditure on examination and maintenance of the aviation light signals and the ILS/DME systems is approved by competent individuals.

3. Except for aviation infrastructure assets subject to performance-based maintenance method when all conditions specified in Clause 2 of this Article are simultaneously satisfied, aviation infrastructure assets shall be subject to method based maintenance.

4. The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall decide whether to adopt performance-based maintenance or method based maintenance. When choosing to adopt performance-based maintenance to examine and maintain aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems, comply with Article 4 of this Circular.

Article 4. Criteria for supervision and inspection of results of performance-based aviation infrastructure asset maintenance

Criteria for supervision and inspection of results of performance-based aviation infrastructure asset maintenance include:

1. Requirements for performance-based examination and maintenance of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems are specified under Annex 1 attached to this Circular.

2. Criteria for supervision of performance-based examination and maintenance of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems are specified under Annex 2 attached to this Circular.

3. Criteria for inspection of results of performance-based examination and maintenance of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems are specified under Annex 3 attached to this Circular.

Article 5. Policies of aviation infrastructure asset maintenance

1. Aviation infrastructure asset examination:

a) Examinations can be done visually or by specialized equipment;

b) Examinations shall be done according to approved technical standards, technical regulations and maintenance procedures; regular examinations, periodic examinations and irregular examinations to detect signs of deterioration and damage of assets that serve as the basis for asset maintenance.

2. Aviation infrastructure asset maintenance shall be conducted according to approved annual maintenance plans and maintenance procedures.

3. Aviation infrastructure asset repair:

a) Repair refers to activities conducted to recover damage of assets detected during operation and use period to ensure regular and safe working conditions of the assets;

b) Repair includes periodic repair and irregular repair as specified in Clause 4 Article 40 of Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP .

4. Aviation infrastructure asset assessment:

a) Assessment refers to examination and evaluation of quality or damage cause, value, useful life and other technical specifications of assets by carrying out monitor and tests in combination with calculation and analysis;

b) Assessment shall be conducted as specified in Clause 5 Article 40 of Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP .

5. Aviation infrastructure asset monitor:

a) Monitor refers to gradual observation, record and acknowledgement of changes in shapes, deformation, displacement and other technical specifications of assets and surroundings;

b) Requirements and list of assets compelled to be monitored are specified in Article 6 of Circular No. 48/2016/TT-BGTVT of Minister of Transport.

Article 6. Procedures for aviation infrastructure asset maintenance

1. Regulations on maintenance procedures are specified in Clause 1 Article 38 of Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP .

2. Maintenance procedures shall be prepared and transferred to investors by contractors during execution of investment projects for constructions as specified in Points a, b and c Clause 2 Article 38 of Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP .

3. Responsibilities to prepare and approve maintenance procedures shall comply with Point d Clause 2 Article 38 of Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP .

4. In case aviation infrastructure assets lack maintenance procedures, entities and enterprises assigned to use and operate said aviation infrastructure assets shall prepare approve asset maintenance procedures as specified in Point dd Clause 2 Article 38 of Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP .

Article 7. Entry into force

1. This Circular comes into force from February 25, 2020.

2. If documents referred to in this Circular are amended or replaced, the new documents will prevail.

Article 8. Implementation

The Chief of the Ministry Office, the ministerial Chief Inspectors, directors, directors general of Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, heads of agencies, relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Circular./.




Le Anh Tuan



(Attached to Circular No. 56/2019/TT-BGTVT dated December 31, 2019 of Ministry of Transport)

1. Requirements for performance-based examination of aviation light signals: examine execution of tasks within the approved procedures for aviation light signal maintenance:

a) Examine electricity and digital components of aviation light signals;

b) Examine technical and construction structure of aviation light signals;

c) Examine optically with respect to aviation light signals;

d) Examine working capacity of aviation light signals: examine specifications and working status;

dd) Examine security, safety, fire and explosion prevention, ground for lightning arrester at computer rooms of constant current regulator and working areas;

e) Examine working conditions and environment of computer rooms of constant current regulator and working areas: hygiene and working conditions of air conditioners, dehumidifier and lightings;

g) Examine power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

h) Examine adequate storage of examine results in records and schedules to ensure timely preparation of evaluation reports, propositions and requests for maintenance, repair and replacement (if any) with respect to work items that have been examined.

2. Requirements for performance-based examination of ILS/DME systems: examine execution of tasks within the approved procedures for ILS/DME system maintenance:

a) Examine electricity and digital components of ILS/DME systems;

b) Examine technical and construction structure of ILS/DME systems;

c) Examine reflective surfaces of GP and LLZ antennas;

d) Examine interference conditions of reflective surfaces due to overgrown grass or inundation, etc.;

dd) Examine working capacity of ILS/DME systems: examine specifications, working status of light signals on surfaces of devices, remote monitor and control systems;

e) Examine security, safety, fire and explosion prevention, ground for lightning arrester;

g) Examine working conditions and environment of computer rooms and working areas;

h) Examine power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

i) Examine adequate storage of examine results in records and schedules to ensure timely preparation of evaluation reports, propositions and requests for maintenance, repair and replacement (if any) with respect to work items that have been examined.

3. Requirements for performance-based maintenance of aviation light signals: ensure adequate execution of maintenance tasks in compliance with approved maintenance procedures:

a) Maintain power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

b) Maintain constant current regulator;

c) Maintain control boards;

d) Maintain aviation light signals;

dd) Maintain technical and construction structures;

e) Maintain ground and lightning arrester systems;

g) Maintain air conditioning and dehumidifier systems in computer rooms;

h) Ensure adequate storage of maintenance activities in records and schedules.

4. Requirements for performance-based maintenance of ILS/DME systems: ensure adequate execution of maintenance tasks in compliance with approved maintenance procedures:

a) Maintain power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

b) Maintain ILS/DME systems;

c) Maintain ground and lightning arrester systems;

d) Maintain air conditioning and dehumidifier systems in computer rooms;

dd) Maintain reflective surfaces of GP and LLZ antennas;

e) Ensure adequate storage of maintenance activities in records and schedules.



(Attached to Circular No. 56/2019/TT-BGTVT dated December 31, 2019 of Ministry of Transport)

1. Criteria for supervision of performance-based examination of aviation light signals:

a) Examination:

Examine overall technical conditions of all equipment of aviation light signals;

Examine electricity and digital components of aviation light signals: voltage, conditions of power line, ground wire, insulation layer, power supply (both primary and backup power supply), control sections, etc.;

Examine technical and construction structures with respect to aviation light signals: protective paints, rust and damage (if any);

Examine optically with respect to aviation light signals;

Examine working capacity of aviation light signals: specifications must be within prescribed threshold;

Examine security, safety, fire and explosion prevention, ground of lightning arrester at server rooms of constant current regulator and working areas;

Examine working conditions and environment of computer rooms of constant current regulator and working areas to ensure working conditions of equipment: examine working status of air conditioners; ensure temperature and humidity in computer rooms; examine lighting of computer rooms;

Examine power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

Examine storage in records and schedules of each type of devices.

b) Personnel, equipment and period of examination:

Personnel must retain license and qualifications for operation and maintenance of aviation light signals issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam or certifications of equipment providers;

Equipment serving examination must be fully specified in terms of specifications and categories according to operation procedures of equipment;

Period and frequency of examination shall comply with operation procedures applied to each approved type of equipment.

2. Criteria for supervision of performance-based examination of ILS/DME systems:

a) Examination:

Examine overall technical conditions of all equipment of ILS/DME systems;

Examine electricity and digital components of ILS/DME systems: voltage, conditions of power line, ground wire, insulation layer, power supply (both primary and backup power supply), control sections, and maintenance of power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

Examine technical and construction structures with respect to ILS/DME systems: protective paints, rust and damage (if any);

Examine reflective surfaces of GP and LLZ antennas;

Examine interference conditions of reflective surfaces due to overgrown grass or inundation, etc.;

Examine working capacity of ILS/DME systems: technical specifications, primary monitor figures of systems during operation must be within prescribed range, light signals on surfaces of devices, remote monitor and control systems in normal conditions;

Examine security, safety, fire and explosion prevention, ground for lightning arrester;

Examine working conditions and environment of computer rooms and working areas to ensure working conditions of equipment: examine working status of air conditioners and dehumidifiers; ensure temperature and humidity in computer rooms; examine lighting of computer rooms and hygiene;

Examine power supply (both primary and backup power supply);

Examine storage in records and schedules of each type of devices.

b) Personnel, equipment and period of examination

Personnel must retain license and qualifications for operation and maintenance of ILS/DME systems issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam or certifications of equipment providers;

Equipment serving examination must be fully specified in terms of specifications and categories according to operation procedures of equipment;

Period and frequency of examination shall comply with operation procedures applied to each approved type of equipment.

3. Criteria for supervision of performance-based maintenance of aviation light signals:

a) Maintenance:

Maintain on a periodic basis equipment of aviation light signals to keep within prescribed range;

Maintain power supply (both primary and secondary power supply) according to approved maintenance documents;

Maintain constant current regulator according to approved maintenance documents;

Maintain control boards according to approved maintenance documents;

Maintain aviation light signals: industrial sanitizing, tightening contact points;

Maintain technical and construction structures: applying maintenance coatings, tightening bolts, etc;

Maintain grounding and lightning arrester systems;

Maintain air conditioning systems and ensure temperature inside computer rooms satisfactory to technical documents of manufacturers;

Maintenance activities must be stored in records and schedules depending on types of equipment.

b) Personnel, equipment and period of maintenance:

Personnel must retain license and qualifications for operation and maintenance of aviation light signals issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam or certifications of equipment providers;

Equipment and materials serving maintenance must be appropriate in terms of specifications and types according to maintenance procedures of each equipment type. Measurement devices must be within inspection period;

Period and frequency of maintenance shall comply with maintenance procedures applied to each approved type of equipment;

Adopt measures to ensure occupational safety for humans and equipment during maintenance process.

4. Criteria for supervision of performance-based maintenance of ILS/DME systems:

a) Maintenance:

Maintain on a periodic basis equipment of ILS/DME systems to keep within prescribed range;

Maintain power supply (both primary and secondary power supply) according to approved maintenance documents;

Maintain ILS/DME systems (LLZ/GP/DME stations) according to approved maintenance procedures: periodic maintenance and technical seasonal maintenance;

Maintain grounding and lightning arrester systems;

Maintain air conditioning systems and ensure temperature inside computer rooms satisfactory to technical documents of manufacturers;

Maintain reflective surfaces of GP and LLZ antennas;

Maintenance activities must be stored in records and schedules depending on types of equipment.

b) Personnel, equipment and period of maintenance:

Personnel must retain license and qualifications for operation and maintenance of ILS/DME systems issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam or certifications of equipment providers;

Equipment and materials serving maintenance must be appropriate in terms of specifications and types according to maintenance procedures of each equipment type in flight areas. Measurement devices must be within inspection period;

Period and frequency of maintenance shall comply with maintenance procedures applied to each approved type of equipment;

Adopt measures to ensure occupational safety for humans and equipment during maintenance process.

5. Responsibilities for supervision:

Comply with Article 41 of Decree No.46/2015/ND-CP.



(Attached to Circular No. 56/2019/TT-BGTVT dated December 31, 2019 of Ministry of Transport)

1. Criteria for result inspection of performance-based examination of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems


Level of satisfaction

Assessment (maximum score)

Aviation light signals

Complete electrical examination


Complete digital, optical, transmission and control examinations.


Complete technical examination.


Technical specifications of the systems during operation remain unchanged or exhibit fluctuation within permissible range according to periodic eligible flights to calibrate the equipment.


Complete examinations of working conditions and environment of computer rooms of constant current regulator and working areas: ensure temperature and humidity in computer rooms to be satisfactory to technical documents of manufacturers.


Complete examinations of adoption of safety, security, fire and explosion prevention, grounding, lightning protection and electrical safety measures.


Fully update and store dossiers and documents on examination results.


Total score


ILS/DME systems

Complete electrical examination


Complete digital, transmission, control and reflective surface examinations.


Complete technical examination.


Technical specifications of the systems during operation remain unchanged or exhibit fluctuation within permissible range according to periodic eligible flights to calibrate the equipment.


Complete examination of working conditions and environment of server rooms and working areas.


Complete examinations of adoption of safety, security, fire and explosion prevention, grounding, lightning protection and electrical safety measures.


Fully update and store dossiers and documents on examination results.


Total score


2. Criteria for result inspection of performance-based maintenance of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems


Level of satisfaction

Assessment (maximum score)

Aviation light signals

Complete satisfactory electrical maintenance.


Complete satisfactory digital, optical, transmission and control maintenance.


Complete satisfactory technical maintenance.


Technical specifications of the systems during operation remain unchanged or exhibit fluctuation within permissible range according to periodic eligible flights to calibrate the equipment.


Complete maintenance of working conditions and environment of computer rooms and working areas: ensure temperature and humidity in computer rooms to be satisfactory to technical documents of manufacturers.


Complete adoption of safety, security, fire and explosion prevention, grounding, lightning protection and electrical safety measures.


Maintenance activities must be fully stored in records and schedules as per the law.


Total score


ILS/DME systems

Complete satisfactory electrical maintenance.


Complete satisfactory digital, transmission, control and reflective surface maintenance.


Complete satisfactory technical maintenance.


Technical specifications of the systems during operation remain unchanged or exhibit fluctuation within permissible range according to periodic eligible flights to calibrate the equipment.


Complete maintenance of working conditions and environment of computer rooms and working areas: ensure temperature and humidity in computer rooms to be satisfactory to technical documents of manufacturers.


Complete adoption of safety, security, fire and explosion prevention, grounding, lightning protection and electrical safety measures.


Maintenance activities must be fully stored in records and schedules as per the law.


Total score


3. Results of inspection of performance-based examination of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems


Total score


Aviation light signals

From 81 to 100 scores

Examination satisfies technical requirements: qualified.

Less than 81 scores

Examination does not satisfy technical requirements: unqualified.

ILS/DME systems

From 81 to 100 scores

Examination satisfies technical requirements: qualified.

Less than 81 scores

Examination does not satisfy technical requirements: unqualified.

If the results are assessed to be “unqualified”, within 10 days, entities carrying out maintenance are responsible for remediating drawbacks so as to be assessed and inspected again.

4. Results of inspection of performance-based maintenance of aviation light signals and ILS/DME systems


Total score


Aviation light signals

From 81 to 100 scores

Maintenance satisfies technical requirements: qualified.

Less than 81 scores

Maintenance does not satisfy technical requirements: unqualified.

ILS/DME systems

From 81 to 100 scores

Maintenance satisfies technical requirements: qualified.

Less than 81 scores

Maintenance does not satisfy technical requirements: unqualified.

If the results are “unqualified”, within 10 days, entities carrying out maintenance are responsible for remediating drawbacks so as to be assessed and inspected again.

5. Responsibilities for maintenance

Comply with Article 41 of Decree No.46/2015/ND-CP.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Circular 56/2019/TT-BGTVT criter for asset maintenance for aviation infrastructure asset maintenance
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