Thông tư 04/2015/TT-BCA

Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA dated January 05, 2015, regulations on specimen papers concerning foreigners entering, leaving and residing in Vietnam

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA specimen papers concerning foreigners entering leaving residing in Vietnam


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 04/2015/TT-BCA

Hanoi, January 05, 2015




Pursuant to the Law on entry, exit and residence in Vietnam by foreigners;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 106/2014/NĐ-CP dated November 17, 2014 defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security;

At the request of General Director of General Department of Public Security,

The Minister of Public Security promulgates the Circular regulating specimen papers concerning foreigners entering, leaving and residing In Vietnam.

Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. This Circular regulates and provides guidance on employment and management of specimen papers concerning foreigners entering, leaving and residing In Vietnam according to the Law on entry, exit and residence in Vietnam by foreigners.

2. This Circular applies to foreigners entering, leaving and residing in Vietnam and relevant agencies, organizations and individuals.

Article 2. Specimen papers for agencies, organizations and individuals that invites and sponsors foreigners entering, leaving and residing in Vietnam

1. Vietnamese Visa Application Form (NA1).

2. Official Request for examining and approving foreigners entering the country (NA2).

3. Vietnamese Visa application form for relatives as foreigners (NA3),

4. Request by telegraph (NA4).

5. Application form for Vietnamese visa and temporary residence extension (NA5).

6. Written request for issuance of temporary resident card (NA6).

7. Application form for issuance of temporary resident card (NA7).

8. Application form for issuance of temporary resident card for foreigners (NA8).

9. Application form for issuance, re-issuance of visa-free entry (NA9).

10. List of persons requesting issuance of visa-free entry (NA10).

11. Sponsorship form for permanent residence in Vietnam by foreigners (NA11).

12. Application form for permanent residence (NA12).

13. Application form for replacement, re-issuance of permanent resident card (NA13).

14. Written request for permission to get entrance into restricted zones or border zones (NA14).

15. Application form for entrance into restricted zones or border zones by relatives (NA15)

16. Written introduction of legal seal and signature of competent persons of the organization (NA16)

17. Declaration of temporary residence by foreigners (NA17)

18. List of foreigners subject to declaration of temporary residence (NA18)

Article 3. Specimen papers used by immigration agencies

1. Official dispatch in reply to proposal for approval of foreigners entering the country (NB1).

2. Official dispatch in reply to proposal for examination of foreigners entering the country (NB2).

3. Official dispatch in reply to proposal for issuance of visa at international border gate (NB3).

4. An official request to Vietnam’s representative bodies overseas for issuance of visa to applicants (NB4).

5. Official dispatch in reply to applicants’ proposal for issuance of visa-free entry (NB5).

6. Written notice about foreigners applying for permanent residence (NB6)

7. Receipt of documentation concerning entry, exit and residence in Vietnam submitted by applicants as foreigners (NB7).

Article 4. Specimen papers for foreigners entering, leaving and residing in Vietnam

1. Sticker visa (NC1).

2. Separate visa (NC2).

3. Sticker temporary resident card (NC3A).

4. Separate temporary resident card (NC3B, NC3C)

5. Sticker visa-free entry (NC4).

6. Separate visa-free entry (NC5).

7. Seal verifying country entry and exit (NC6).

8. Seal confirming temporary residence (NC7).

9. Seal for extension of temporary residence (NC8).

10. Permanent resident card (NC9).

11. Permit to get entrance into restricted zones or border zones (NC10).

12. Written records of temporary suspension of exit/enforcement of exit/entry not yet approved (NC11).

13. Decision to enforce exit (NC12)

Article 5. Printing, using and managing specimen papers

1. White printed forms (visas, temporary resident cards, permanent resident cards and visa-free entry:

a. Immigration Administration shall be responsible for contracting with professional technical document research and production organization affiliated to General Department of Logistics, General Department of Technology under the Ministry of Public Security for early supply of white printed forms to competent agencies issuing visas, temporary resident cards, permanent resident cards and visa-free entry.

b. Competent agencies that issue visas, temporary and permanent resident cards, visa-free entries must manage white printed forms under confidentiality regime; issue them to right persons according to the provisions of law.

c. Before November 15 annually, competent agencies that issue visas, temporary and permanent resident cards, visa-free entries must plan and register with Immigration Administration for the quantity of white printed forms needed for the following year. Manner of registration is as follows: Vietnam’s representative bodies overseas and agencies affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall register with the Consular Department – Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs; units controlling entry and exit at the international border gates (under the Ministry of Defence) shall register with Department of Border Gate affiliated to Vietnam Border Defense Force; Immigration Office – Public Security of the central-affiliated provinces and cities shall register directly with Immigration Administration.

2. When used, specimen papers used by immigration authority as mentioned in Article 3 hereof shall be printed on A4 size paper and not be modified in any way.

3. Specimen papers used by agencies, organizations, and individuals as mentioned in Article 2 hereof may be obtained via the portals of immigration authority, overseas visa-issuing authority of Vietnam. When used, specimen papers shall not be modified and must be filled up with adequate information as instructed.

Article 6. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect since February 25, 2015.

This Circular shall replace Article 1 of the Circular No. 01/2012/TTLT/BCA-BNG dated January 03, 2012 amending and supplementing the Joint Circular No. 04/2002/TTLT dated January 29, 2012 and the Joint Circular No. 05/2009/TTLT/BCA-BNG dated May 12, 2009 of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on entry and exit; Article 2 of the Circular No. 02/2012/TT-BCA dated January 05, 2013 on the promulgation and guidance on employment and management of specimen papers concerning entry and exit; the Circular No. 25/2013/TT-BCA dated June 12, 2014 amending and supplementing Article 2 of the Circular No. 02/2012/TT-BCA.

2. Any entry/exit/residence permit issued to foreigners in Vietnam before this Circular is effective shall be treated as valid until the expiration date stated on that permit.

Article 7. Implementation

1. General Department of Public Security shall be responsible for presiding over and cooperating with local police and other relevant organizations in instructing and inspecting the implementation of this Circular.

2. General Directors, head of agencies affiliated to the Ministries, Director of Public Security, the Fire department of central-affiliated provinces and cities shall be responsible for executing this Circular.

Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry (via Immigration Administration – General Department of Public Security) for early instruction./.




Top-ranking General Tran Dai Quang



Form NA2

(Annexed to the Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA dated January 5, 2015)


Office address:



Re. Foreigners’ entry

………., date:………..



………………………. (1) applies for the Immigration Department’s approval of entry for the following foreigners:   


Full name (written in all capital letters)


Birth date


Passport number and type

Job title or profession











Qualifying for ……entry(ies) into Vietnam, valid from date:………to date:…………

For the purpose of:..................................................................................................

Schedule of activities that take place at different localities: .......................................



Temporary residence address:..................................................................................


Reception or regulatory body or entity: .....................................................................

Requests the Immigration Department: (2)

- Inform Vietnamese missions grant visas.

- Allow the above-mentioned foreigners to receive visas at the port of entry ……………. for the following reasons:           


- Others (3) ..............................................................................................................


Sent to:

Head of the body/ entity

(signature, full name, title and stamp)


(1) Name of the body or entity

(2) Write (/) onto blank fields.

(3) In the case of visa exemption, please write "foreigner eligible for exemption of visa upon arrival in Vietnam”.



Form NA16

(Annexed to the Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA dated January 5, 2015)


Office address:


Re. introducing the stamp and signature

………., date:………..


To: …………………………………….. (2)

……………(3)……………….established under ……...(4)..........issued on date:...............

Hereby introduce the stamp of……(5)………and signature of the authorized person for the purpose of completing statutory procedures regarding recognition as the sponsor of foreigners that enter, exit or stay at the entity, specifically including:

1- Stamp imprint for registration:






2. Legal representative of Mr. (Mrs.): ........................................................................

- Nationality:……………………………ID/PP No.:.........................................................

- Temporary/permanent residence address: ...............................................................

- Signature drawing for registration:






The given information as shown above would help your cooperation with us./.



Head of the body/ entity

(signature, full name, title and stamp)


(1) (3) (5) Name of the body or entity.

(2) The Immigration Department or the Immigration Office – the Department of Public Security of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces.

(4) Specify any permit or decision granted by competent authorities with respect to establishment of an entity, enclosing authenticated copies thereof.


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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        Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA specimen papers concerning foreigners entering leaving residing in Vietnam
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