Thông tư 20/2009/TT-BKHCN

Circular No. 20/2009/TT-BKHCN of September 30, 2009, on promulgation and implementation of “national technical regulations on gasoline, diesel fuel oils and biofuels”

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 20/2009/TT-BKHCN on promulgation and implementation of “national


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

NO.: 20/2009/TT-BKHCN

Hanoi, September 30, 2009




Pursuant to the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations dated 29/6/2006 and Decree No.127/2007/ND-CP dated 01/8/2007 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations;
Pursuant to the Decree No.28/2008/ND-CP dated 14/3/2008 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
At the proposal of General Director of the Derectorate For Standards, Metrology and Quality;

The Minister of Science and Technology stipulates:

Article 1. Issue together with this Circular “the national technical regulations on gasoline, diesel fuel oils and biofuels”.

Article 2. This Circular takes effect after 06 months since the signing date to issue and replaces the Decision No.16/2007/QD-BKHCN dated 27/8/2007 of the Minister of Science and Technology promulgating “the national technical regulations on gasoline and diesel fuel oils”.

Article 3. General Director of the Derectorate For Standards, Metrology and Quality, Heads of relevant agencies, organizations, individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Circular./.





Tran Quoc Thang












QCVN 1: 2009/BKHCN















QCVN 1: 2009/BKHCN replaces QCVN 1: 2007/BKHCN.

QCVN 1: 2009/BKHCN drafted by < span="">drafting board < span="">the Derectorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality submits for approval and issued under Circular No.20/2009/TT-BKHCN dated September 30, 2009 of the Minister of Science and Technology.





1.1. Scope of governing

This technical regulation provides for limits to technical cretiaria relating to safety, health, environment and requirement on quality management of gasoline, diesel fuel oils and biofuels, including:

- Unleaded gasoline and gasoline E5;

- Diesel fuel oils and diesel fuel B5;

- Biodiesel fuel B100 used for mixing diesel fuel;

- Denatured fuel ethanol for mixing gasoline.

1.2. Subjects of application

This technical regulation , organizations < span="">, production, processing, preparation, distribution , .

1.3. Interpretation of terms

In this the below terms are construed as follows:

1.3.1. Unleaded gasoline

Volatile mixture , usually containing small amounts of appropriate additives, but unleaded, used as fuel for internal combustion engines.

1.3.2. Gasoline E5

Being mixture of % , .

1.3.3. Diesel fuel oils 

The middle < span="">is suitable for use as fuel for diesel engines work on the principle of ignition due to < span="">high pressure in the cylinder, denoted as

1.3.4. Diesel fuel oils B5

Being mixture of < span="">< span="">FAME) % % , as .

1.3.5. Biodiesel fuel oils

Fuels derived from vegetable oils ), with alkyl , , < span="">engines, denoted as B100.

1.3.6. Denatured fuel ethanol

Ethanol (C2H5OH) was added with denatured substances, for use preparing fuel for gasoline engines and not to be used for beverage processing.

1.3.7. Denatured substance used for fuel ethanol

Being unleaded gasoline or , < span="">, used to add to ethanol, making< span=""> to be


2.1. Unleaded gasoline, gaoline E5

2.1.1. value RON) : < span="">relevant .

2.1.2. The basic technical criteria of unleaded gasoline and gasoline E5 must conform to provisions in the following table:

Criteria name

Level, not more than

Test methods

1. Lead content, g/l


TCVN 7143 (ASTM D 3237)

2. Sulfur content, mg/kg


TCVN 6701 (ASTM D 2622) or TCVN 7760 (ASTM D 5453)

3. Benzene content, % volume


TCVN 3166 (ASTM D 5580)

4. Aromatic

hydrocarbon content, % volume


TCVN 7330 (ASTM D 1319)

5. Olefin content, % volume


TCVN 7330 (ASTM D 1319)

6. Oxygene content, % volume


TCVN 7332 (ASTM D 4815)

7. Ethanol content, % volume


TCVN 7332 (ASTM D 4815)

8. Metal content (Fe, Mn), mg/l


TCVN 7331 (ASTM D 3831)

2.1.3. fuel used mix must conform < span="">.

2.2. Diesel fuel oils and diesel fuel B5

2.2.1. basic < span="">< span="">< span="">< span="">:

Criteria name


Test methods

1. Sulfur content, mg/kg, not more than

- For type 0,05 S

- For type 0,25 S 1)



2 500

TCVN 6701 (ASTM D 2622)

or TCVN 7760 (ASTM D 5453)

2. Xetan, not less than

- Xetan value, or

- Xetan index 2)





TCVN 7630 (ASTM D 613)

TCVN 3180 (ASTM D 4737)

3. Distillate Temperature

at 9% volume 3), oC, not more than


TCVN 2698 (ASTM D 86)

4. Density at 15oC 3), kg/m3

820 - 860

TCVN 6594 (ASTM D 1298)

5. Kinematic viscosity at 40oC 3), mm2/s

2 - 4,5

TCVN 3171 (ASTM D 445)


1) Not applying oils B5 road machanical means of transport.

2) Not applying B5.

3) Applying to< span=""> fuel oils used for road machanical means of transport.

2.2.2. For fuel B5, other than technical criteria as provided in point 2.2.1 clause 2.2 Item 2, < span="">the regulations :

Criteria name


Test methods

1. Fatty acid

methyl ester content (FAME), % volume

4 - 5

TCVN 8147 (EN 14078)

2. Oxidation stability, mg/100ml, not more than


TCVN 8146 (ASTM D 2274)

3. Water conten, mg/kg, not more than


TCVN 3182 (ASTM D 6304)

2.2.3. biodiesel used < span="">< span="">, item .

2.3. biodiesel fuel

The basis technical criteria of obiodiesel fuel < span="">the regulations in the following table:

Criteria name


Test Methods

1. Fatty acid

FAME),% volume, not less


TCVN 7868 (EN 14103)

2. Water and sediment,% volume, not more than


TCVN 7757 (ASTM D 2709)

3. Kinematic viscosity at 40 oC, mm2/s

1,9 - 6,0

TCVN 3171 (ASTM D 445)

4. Sulphate ash,% volume, not more than


TCVN 2689 (ASTM D 874)

5. Sulfur, % volume, not more than


TCVN 7760 (ASTM D 5453)

6. Xetan value, not less than


TCVN 7630 (ASTM D 613)

7. Acid value, mg KOH/g, not more than


TCVN 6325 (ASTM D 664)

8. Oxidatition stability at 110 ° C, h, not less than


TCVN 7895 (EN 14112)

9. Free glycerin,% volume, not more than


TCVN 7867 (ASTM D 6584)

10. Total glycerin,% volume, not more than


TCVN 7867 (ASTM D 6584)

11. Phospho, % volume, not more than


TCVN 7866 (ASTM D 4951)

2.4. fuel ethanol

2.4.1. The basis technical criteria of d fuel ethanol < span="">the regulations in the following table:

Criteria name


Test Methods

1. Ethenol content, % volume, not less than


TCVN 7864 (ASTM D 5501)

2. Methanol content,% volume, not more than


TCVN 7894 (EN 14110)

3. Water content, % volume, not more than


TCVN 7893 (ASTM E 1064)

4. Acidity (calculated ),% volume, not more


TCVN 7892 (ASTM D 1613)

5. Inorganic chloride content, mg/kg, not more than


TCVN 7716 (ASTM D 4806) (Annex A)

2.4.2. , Clause , Item 2 denatured substance with % % . substance in < span="">is controlled through the production process.

2.5. Additives

2.5.1. additives used for mixing unleaded gasoline, gasoline E5, diesel fuel oils and diesel fuel B5 must ensure in compliance with regulations on safety, health, environment and not causing to engine  system.

2.5.2. < span="">uncommon for the production, processing and mixing of unleaded gasoline, gasoline E5, diesel fuel oils and diesel fuel B5 must be registered and approved under the provisions of Circular 15/2009/TT- BKHCN dated 02/6/2009 of the Minister of Science and Technology on guiding the order and procedures of registration of using uncommon additives for the production, processing, mixing gasoline and diesel fuel.


3.1. Taking samples

Samples < span="">< span="">< span="">< span="">< span="">< span="">< span="">< span="">taking < span="">< span="">the < span="">< span="">For Standards, Metrology and Quality.

3.2. Test methods

3.2.1. Criteria unleaded gasoline, gasoline E5 specified in Clause 2.1 of Item 2 of this technical regulation is defined by the following methods:

- TCVN 2703: 2007 (ASTM D 2699 – 06a) of oc< span=""> for ignition engine fuel research.

- TCVN 7143: 2006 (ASTM D 3237 – 02) Method of determining < span="">

 - TCVN 6701: 2007 (ASTM 2622 – 05) < span="">Method of determining -ray

< span="">- TCVN 7760: 2008 (ASTM D 5453 – 06) Hydrocacbon, < span="">fuel, diesel engine fuel and engine oils - Method of determining sulfur by ultraviolet fluorescence spectrum.

- TCVN 3166: 2008 (ASTM D 5580 – 02) < span="">determining benzene, toluene, etylbenzen, p/m-xylene, o-xylene, the aromatics C9 and heavier and total aromatics in finished gasoline by gas chromatography.

- TCVN 7330: 2007 (ASTM D 1319 – 02a) petroleum products - Method of determining hydrocarbons by fluorescent indicator adsorption.

- TCVN 7332: 2006 (ASTM D 4815 – 04) ETBE, TAME, DIPE, tert-amyl alcohol and alcohol from C1 to C4 by gas chromatography method.

- TCVN 7331: 2008 (ASTM D 3831 – 06) < span="">determining manganese content by atomic absorption spectrum.

3.2.2. Criteria diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5 specified in clause 2.2, Item 2 of this technical regulation are defined according to the following methods:

- TCVN 6701: 2007 (ASTM 2622 – 05) < span="">determining sulfur by X-ray scattering fluorescence spectrum.

- TCVN 7760: 2008 (ASTM D 5453 – 06) light Hydrocacbon, engine fuel, diesel engine fuel and engine oils - Methods of determining total sulfur by ultraviolet fluorescence spectrum.

- TCVN 7630: 2007 (ASTM D 613 – 05) fuel oils - Methods of determining xetan value.

- TCVN 3180: 2007 (ASTM D 4737 – 04) fuel oils< span="">calculating xetan index by equation of

- TCVN 2698: 2007 (ASTM D 86 – 05) < span="">- Methods of determining components in the atmospheric pressure.

- TCVN 6594: 2007 (ASTM D 1298 – 05) < span="">and liquid petroleum products - Determination of density, relative density, or API volume - hydrometer method.

- TCVN 3171: 2007 (ASTM D 445 – 06) and non-transparent liquid oil - Methods of determining kinematic viscosity (and calculating ).

- TCVN 8147: 2009 (EN 14078: 2003) petroleum products - Determination of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in middle distillates - ultraviolet spectrum method.

- TCVN 8146: 2009 (ASTM D 2274 – 08) fuels - Methods of determining oxidation stability (quick method).

- TCVN 3182: 2008 (ASTM D 6304 – 04a) < span="">lubricants oils < span="">- Determination of water by Karl Fischer electricity titration.

3.2.3. criteria < span="">:

- TCVN 7868: 2008 (EN 14103: 2003) and oil derivatives - fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) - Determination of ester and linolenic acid methyl ester content.

- TCVN 7757: 2007 (ASTM D 2709 – 06) distillate fuel Identify water and sediment by centrifugal method.

- TCVN 3171: 2007 (ASTM D 445 – 06) and non-transparent liquid oil - Methods of determining kinematic viscosity (and calculating ).

- TCVN 2689: 2007 (ASTM D 874 – 06) < span="">- Lubricants and additives - Determination of sulphate ash.

- TCVN 7760: 2008 (ASTM D 5453 – 06) light Hydrocacbon, engine fuel, diesel engine fuel and engine oil - Methods of determining total sulfur by ultraviolet fluorescence.

- determining xetan value.

- TCVN 6325: 2007 (ASTM D 664 – 06a) < span="">- Determination of acid value - potential titration method.

- TCVN 7895: 2008 (EN 14112: 2003) and oil derivatives - fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) - Determination of oxidation stability (rapid oxidation test).

- TCVN 7867: 2008 (ASTM D 6584 – 07) methyl ester biodiesel B100 - Determination of free glycerin and total glycerin - Gas chromatographic method.

- TCVN 7866: 2008 (ASTM D 4951 – 06) - Determination of additive elements content emission spectrum (ICP).

3.2.4. The criteria of denatured fuel ethanol specified in clause 2.4 Item 2 of this technical regulation is defined by the following methods:

- TCVN 7864: 2008 (ASTM D 5501 – 04) denatured fuel ethanol – Determination of ethanol content – chromatographic method.

- TCVN 7894: 2008 (EN 14110: 2003) and oil derivatives methyl esters (FAME) – Determination of ethanol content.

- TCVN 7893: 2008 (ASTM E 1064 – 05) oragnic liquid – of water by Karl Fischer electricity titration.

- TCVN 7892: 2008 (ASTM D 1613 – 06) and intermediate chemicals used in , , finishing

- TCVN 7716: 2007 (ASTM D 4806 – 06c) Denatured fuel ethanol used for mixing gasoline as fuel for ignition engine – Technical requirement (Annex A).

3.3. Handling of test result

The handling of test result for gasoline, diesel fuel oils, and boifuel to value the suitableness is implemented according to TCVN 6702: 2007 (ASTM D 3244) handling test result to determine the suitableness with technical requirement.


4.1. , diesel fuel oils and imported or domestic produced biofuels must be evaluated certification of conformity with the relevant provisions in Item 2 of this Technical Regulation before sending out for circulation in the market.

4.2. evaluation of certification of conformity with regulations by the expertise organization or certification organization assigned or admitted to perform by the competent state management agencies.

4.3. method of evaluation of certification of conformity and the principle applying to gasoline, diesel fuel oils and biofuel are specified in Annex II of the Regulation on certification of conformity with standards, certification of conformity with regulations and publication of conformity with standards, publication of conformity with regulation, issued together with Decision No.24/2007/QD-BKHCN dated 28/09/2007 of the Minister of Science and Technology, specifically:

a) < span="">, gasoline diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel imported, produced, processed, prepared in domestic must be subject to the evaluation of certification of conformity with regulation according to Method 5 "typical pattern experiment and evaluation of the manufacturing process; monitoring through samples test taken at the factory or on the market combined with the evaluation of process of production" or Method 7 " representative sample test, valuating the suitability of lots of products, goods”;

b) < span="">gasoline E5, diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel produced, processed, prepared in domestic after being certified conformity with regulation must publicize conformity with regulation as stipulated in Decision No.24/2007/QD-BKHCN dated September 28, 2007 of the Minister of Science and Technology.

, gasoline diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel imported after being certified conformity with regulation must register quality at the inspection agencies according to provision in the Circular 17/2009/TT-BKHCN dated June 18, 2009 of the Minister of Science and Technology.

4.4. < span="">, gasoline diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel sold on the market must ensure its quality in comformity with this technical regulation.

4.5. < span="">, gasoline diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel imported, produced, processed, prepared and sold on the market must submit the state inspection on quality according to law regulations.


5.1. Organizations, individuals to produce, process, prepare and import < span="">, gasoline diesel fuel oils, diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel must implement application standard publication with content not contrary to this technical regulation, ensuring quality in conformity with provision in this technical regulation and according to published to apply standards.

5.2. Organizations, individuals to produce, process, prepare and import < span="">, gasoline diesel fuel oils; diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original biodiesel fuel must implement the certification of conformity with regulation, publication of conformity with regulation according to provision in this technical regulation.

5.3. and individuals to distribute and retail unleaded petrol, E5 gasoline, gasoline diesel fuel oils; diesel fuel B5, denatured fuel ethanol and original fuel must ensure quality in accordance with the provisions of this technical regulation.

5.4. stations or fuel business shops or other facilities, retailers must specify the type of gasoline and/or diesel fuel with the following information:

- Octane value for unleaded gasoline;

- Octane value and denoted as E5 for gasoline E5;

- Sulfur content for diesel fuel oils;

- Sulfur content and denoted as B5 for diesel fuel B5.


6.1. The Derectorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality is responsible for guidance and coordination with the concerned function agencies to organize the implement of this technical regulation.

Based on , Derectorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality < span="">proposing to < span="">contents of this < span="">

6.2. the reference standards or guidelines prescribed in this technical regulation , supplement or are < span="">be ./.

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Circular No. 20/2009/TT-BKHCN on promulgation and implementation of “national
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              Số hiệu20/2009/TT-BKHCN
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