Thông tư 22/2014/TT-BTTTT

Circular No. 22/2014/TT-BTTTT dated December 22, 2014, telecommunications number storages

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 22/2014/TT-BTTTT telecommunications number storages


Independence – Freedom – Happiness


No.: 22/2014/TT-BTTTT

Ha Noi, 22 December 2014




Pursuant to Telecommunications Law dated 23 November 2009;

Pursuant governmental Decree No. 25/201/NĐ-CP dated 6 April 2011 detailing and giving guidance on the implementation of a number of articles defined in the Telecommunications Law;

Pursuant governmental Decree No. 132/2013/NĐ-CP dated 16 October 2013 regulating the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Information and Communications;

As proposed by the Director of Vietnam Telecommunications Authority,

The Minister of Information and Communications hereby issues this Circular promulgating the Planning for telecommunications number storages.

Article 1. Attached with this Circular are the Planning for telecommunications number storages and the following tables: National destination code Table (attached Appendix 1); Subscriber number planning Table (attached Table 2); Service number, code planning Table (attached Appendix 3); Technical routing code planning Table (attached Appendix 4).

Article 2. This Circular takes effect as of 01 March 2015.

Decision No. 52/2006/QĐ-BBCVT dated 15 December 2006 issued by the Minister of Vietnam Telecommunication Authority promulgating the Planning for national telephone numbering and Decision No. 53/2006/QĐ-BBCVT dated 15 December 2006 issued by the said Minister regarding the allocation and use of telecommunication numbers, codes shall be superseded by this Circular since its validity date.

Article 3. Chief of Office, Directors General of Telecommunications, Heads of agencies, units under the Ministry of Information and Communications, directors of the Departments of Information and Communications of provinces, cities under Central management and related organizations, individuals shall implement this Circular./.




Nguyen Bac Son



(Attached with Circular No. 22/2014/TT-BTTTT dated 22 December 2014 issued by the Minister of Information and Communications)

Chapter I


Article 1. Governing scope

1. The planning for national telecommunications number storages is applied for numbering the following telecommunications networks:

a) Public telecommunications networks: Terrestrial fixed networks; satellite fixed networks; terrestrial mobile networks.

b) Dedicated telecommunication networks: for Communist Party, State agencies; for Ministry of Public Security; for Ministry of National Defense and other dedicated telecommunication networks.

2. Terminal devices of satellite mobile networks shall conform to the numbering plans of the companies operating satellite mobile communication systems.

Article 2. Regulated subjects

All organizations, individuals that manage, allocate, operate and use the codes, numbers of the telecommunications number storages shall adhere to the regulations of this Planning.

Article 3. Definition of terminology

The terms herein and hereunder are interpreted as follows:

1. Numbered zone means the zone specified in accordance with administrative geographical area of a Central-affiliated province or city, typical for the unified numbering of terrestrial fixed networks.

2. Destination network means the telecommunications network to which the calls are connected when being dialed.

3. National destination code means a typical digit or a group of typical digits planned synchronously nation-wide to identify a numbered zone or destination network to which a call is connected. When dialing a numbered zone, the national destination code is called the Area Code (AC) – subject to geographical codes. When dialing a destination network, the national destination code is called the Network Code (NC) – not subject to geographical codes.

4. A subscriber number means a group of digits dialed (directly or following the national destination code) to connect to another subscriber number and planned synchronously (within the numbered zone or the entire network).

5. Servicing number means a group of digits dialed by a subscriber of a telecommunications network to reach a service provided on such network.

6. Shared number means the number shared between agencies, organizations, companies in differently numbered zones for providing one same service.

7. Servicing code means a group of digits dialed by a telecommunications subscriber from the network of such subscriber to a service I another network.

8. Telecommunications service provider code means a group of digits used to access a local or international long-distance fixed telecommunication service of a specific telecommunication company.

9. Technical routing code means a group of digits dialed by a telecommunication company to route calls, news or identify a network, network elements including mobile network code (MNC), Data Network Identification Code (DNIC); International Signaling Point Code (ISPC); National Signaling Point Code (NSPC) and other technical routing codes as regulated by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

10. Inter-zone service means a telecommunications service, applied telecommunications service provided in the terrestrial fixed network, accessible by the service users within a numbered zone to use the service with the same code and/or number shared. Code, number used in the above case is called the inter-zone servicing code, number.

11. National service means a telecommunications service, applied telecommunications service provided in the terrestrial fixed network, accessible by the service users nation-wide to use the service with the same code and/or number shared. Code, number used in the above case is called the national servicing code, number.

12. Obligatory service means the telecommunications service compulsorily provided by a telecommunications company to its service user as regulated by law, including emergency telecommunication services (police, fire fighting, medical emergency, search and rescue); compulsory customer support services (local, international call registration services through operators; support service to search for landline numbers; support service for problematic landline numbers; support service for mobile phone subscribers) and other compulsory services as regulated by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

13. Collect call service means a telecommunication service whereby an overseas service provider shall pay the call charge to the local telecommunication service provider in Vietnam for an international call made by a service user from Vietnam.

14. Toll free service means a telephone service on the terrestrial fixed network used by an agency, organization, company to provide information-related service and the charge of the call made by the service user shall be paid by such agency, organization, company to the related telecommunication company.

15. Premium service means a telephone service on the terrestrial fixed network used by an agency, organization, company to provide an information-related service and the service user is requested to pay an additional amount for receiving such typical high-valued information in addition to the call cost at the regulated telecommunication charge rates.

16. Enquiry service means a telephone service on the terrestrial fixed network used by an agency, organization, company to provide a network-based information-related service to give guidance, present, respond, consult the enquiries from the service users on general, common issues related to culture, economics, society, etc.

17. Short text message service (hereafter referred to as “short message service”) means the text message service on mobile communication network used by an agency, organization, company to provide an applied communication service.

18. Testing service means a service in terrestrial fixed network used to notify, check, evaluate quality of equipment or connection lines, including: alarming, ringing self-testing and other testing services.

19. Provisional codes, numbers mean the telecommunication codes, numbers to be used as particular codes, numbers in the future based on the demand of the servicing market from time to time, the length and structure of which shall conform to related regulations issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Chapter II


Article 4. International numbers

1. An international number (IN) is a digit or group of digits dialed after an international prefix (IP) to connect to a service subscriber abroad. An international number includes a Country Code (CC) and National Significant Number (NSN).

International number = Country code + National significant number

2. Maximum length of an international number conforming to ITU-T E.164 recommendation made by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is 15 digits.

Article 5. International prefixes

An international prefix (IN) is a digit or group of digits dialed by a calling subscriber, then followed by an international number to place an international call to a called subscriber abroad. In Vietnam, the international prefix is regulated to be 00.

Article 6. National codes

A national code is a digit or a group of digits dialed following an international prefix, typical for recognizing the country or territory to which the call is routed. As designated by ITU, the country code of Vietnam is 84.

Article 7. National significant numbers

1. A national significant number (NSN) is a digit or group of digits dialed after a National Prefix (NP) to connect to a local service subscriber. A national significant number includes a National Destination Code (NDC) and a Subscriber Number (SN).

National significant number = Country destination code + Subscriber number

National prefix

National destination code

Subscriber number


National significant number

2. Maximum length of a national significant number shall conform to ITU-T E.164 recommendation made by ITU as follows:

Maximum length of a national significant number = 15 – Length of national code

Article 8. National prefixes

A national prefix is a digit or group of digits dialed by a calling subscriber, then followed by a national significant number to place a call to a local called subscriber located in a different numbered zone or another destination network. In Vietnam, the national prefix is regulated to be 0.

Chapter III


Article 9. National destination codes

1. Area codes are planned under the following principles:

An area code is 2 or 3 digits long and structured as 2A (B), of which: A, B are any digits from 0 to 9;

Every numbered zone is fixed with an area code.

2. Network codes are planned as follows:

a) A network code is 2 digits long and structured as 1A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9A; of which: A is any digit from 0 to 9;

b) Every destination network is fixed with one or more network codes (multi-code).

Article 10. Subscriber numbers

1. Subscriber numbers of a terrestrial fixed network are planned under the following principles:

a) 7, 8 digits long depending on the specific numbered zone;

b) Starting with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 followed by any digits starting from 0 to 9.

2. Subscriber numbers of a satellite fixed network are planned under the following principles:

a) 7 digits long;

b) Starting with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 followed by any digits starting from 0 to 9.

3. Subscriber numbers of a terrestrial mobile network used for human subscribers are planned under the following principles:

a) 7 digits long;

b) Starting with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 followed by any digits starting from 0 to 9.

4. Subscriber numbers of a terrestrial mobile network, used for subscribers which are equipment, are planned under the following principles:

a) 8 digits long;

b) Starting with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 followed by any digits starting from 0 to 9.

5. Internet telephone subscriber numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 10 digits long including the code of the internet telephone network;

b) Structured as 65ABCDEFGH; of which: A indicates a telecommunications service provider, numbered from 1 to 9; B, C, D, E, F, G, H are any digits from 0 to 9;

c) In front of an internet telephone subscriber number, neither telecommunications service provider code nor area code is preceded.

6. Subscriber numbers of a dedicated telecommunication network are planned under the following principles:

a) With regard to the dedicated telecommunication network of a Communist Party, State agency; Ministry of National Defense; Ministry of Public Security, a subscriber number is 5, 6 or 7 digits long depending on the scale of the network and operation time.

With regard to other dedicated telecommunication networks, a subscriber number’s length depends on the scale of the network and operation time but is not longer than 7 digits.

b) It starts with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 followed by any digits starting from 0 to 9.

7. Number of subscribers of a terrestrial fixed network shall be increased by lengthening the subscriber numbers (adding one or some digits to the beginning or end of an existing subscriber number) applicable to all numbered zones with similar length of subscriber numbers.

Number of subscribers of a terrestrial fixed network shall be decreased by shortening the subscriber numbers (deleting one or some digits at the beginning or end of an existing subscriber number) applicable to all numbered zones with similar length of subscriber numbers.

8. Number of subscribers of a terrestrial mobile network or satellite fixed network shall be increased by additional new network codes and the length of existing subscriber numbers remains unchanged. In case additional new network codes are unfeasible, the length of existing subscriber numbers shall be lengthened (adding one or some digits to the beginning or end of existing subscriber numbers) applicable to all terrestrial mobile networks and satellite fixed networks.

Number of subscribers of a terrestrial mobile network or satellite fixed network shall be decreased by revoking the existing network codes and existing subscriber numbers. In case existing network codes are unfeasibly revoked, the length of existing subscriber numbers shall be shortened (deleting one or some digits at the beginning or end of existing subscriber numbers) applicable to all terrestrial mobile networks and satellite fixed networks.

9. Neither 0 nor 1 is used to start a subscriber number of a terrestrial fixed network and satelite fixed network. Neither 2 nor 9 is used to start a service code, number of a terrestrial fixed network.

10. 0 shall not be used to start a subscriber number of a terrestrial mobile network.

Chapter IV


Article 11. Servicing codes of a terrestrial fixed network.

1. The codes for collect international calls are planned under the following principles:

a) 3 digits long;

b) Starting with 12A, of which: A is any digit starting from 0 to 1.

2. The codes for data transmission are planned under the following principles:

a) 4 digits long;

b) Structured as 124A, 125A, of which: A is any digit starting from 0 to 9.

3. VoIP service codes are planned under the following principles:

a) 3 digits long;

b) Structured as 126, 127, 128, 129, 13A and 17A, of which: A is any digit starting from 1 to 9.

A VoIP service code is dialed as follows:

If a subscriber calls another subscriber to register a local service but in a different numbered zone, using VoIP of a telecommunication service provider, the dialing shall be as follows:

VoIP code + (B) + 0 + National significant number

If a subscriber calls another subscriber to register a service overseas, using VoIP of a telecommunication service provider, the dialing shall be as follows:

VoIP code + (B) + 00 + International number

Of which: B (if any) is a digit from 1 to 9 to select the wanted service. In the above case, after dialing B, the service user may dial one and/or more codes (digits) (regulated by the telecommunication service provider) to select an appropriate language, confirm his/her service use right (personal code, account number, etc.) before dialing 0 and the national significant number to place a local call or 00 and an international number to place an international call.

Article 12. Codes of telecommunication service providers

1. The codes of telecommunication service providers are planned under the following principles:

a) 3 digits long;

b) Structured as 16A, of which: A is any digit starting from 1 to 9.

2. The code of a telecommunication service provider is dialed as follows:

a) Select a telecommunication service provider for the call by dialing the corresponding code of such service provider, as shown below:

If a subscriber calls another subscriber to register a local service but in a different numbered zone, through a telecommunication service provider, the dialing shall be made as follows:

16A + (B) + 0 + National significant number

If a subscriber calls another subscriber to register a service overseas, through a telecommunication service provider, the dialing shall be made as follows:

16A + (B) + 00 + International number

Of which: B (if any) is a digit from 1 to 9 to select the wanted service. In the above case, after dialing B, the service user may dial one and/or more codes (digits) (regulated by the telecommunication service provider) to select an appropriate language, confirm his/her service use right (personal code, account number, etc.) before dialing 0 and the national significant number to place a local call or 00 and an international number to place an international call.

b) Fixed selection of a telecommunication service provider as previously agreed between the user and such service provider. In such case, local or international long-distance calls, without the code of the telecommunication service provider (the user only dials the national or international prefix), shall be routed to the network of the selected telecommunication service provider, as shown below:

If a subscriber calls another subscriber to register a local service but in a different numbered zone, not through or through a selected telecommunication service provider, the dialing shall be made as follows:

0 + National significant number

If a subscriber calls another subscriber to register a service overseas, through or not through a selected telecommunication service provider, the dialing shall be made as follows:

00 + International number

Article 13. Servicing numbers of a terrestrial fixed network

1. Emergency numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 3 digits long;

b) Structured as follows: 112 is the number for search, rescue services; 113 for Police service; 114 for Fire fighting service; 115 for Medical emergency service;

c) Emergency numbers are nationally applied.

2. Obligatory customer service numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 3 digits long;

b) Structured as follows: 101 is the number to register a local long-distance call with an operator; 110 to register an international call with an operator; 116 to search for a subscriber number of a terrestrial fixed network; 119 to report on a problem with a landline number;

c) Obligatory customer service numbers are shared numbers.

3. Testing numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 6 digits long;

b) Starting with 1001 and structured as 1001AB, of which: A is any digit from 0 to 1, B is any digit from 0 to 9, specifically, 100117 is time-telling number; 100118 the ringing testing number;

c) Testing numbers are shared numbers.

4. Toll free service numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 10 digits long;

b) Starting with 1800 and structured as 1800ABCDEF; of which: A indicates a telecommunications service provider; A, B, C, D, E, F are any digits from 0 to 9;

c) Toll free service numbers are nationally applied.

5. High-cost service numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 10 digits long;

b) Starting with 1900 and structured as 1900ABCDEF; of which: A indicates a telecommunications service provider; A, B, C, D, E, F are any digits from 0 to 9;

c) High-cost service numbers are nationally applied.

6. Enquiry numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 4 to 5 digits long;

b) Starting with 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 and structured as 102A, 103A, 104A, 105A, 106A, 107A, 108A, 109A, 140AB, 141AB, 142AB, 143AB, 144AB, 145AB, 146AB, 147AB, 148AB, 149AB, of which: A, B are any digits starting from 0 to 9.

c) Enquiry numbers are inter-zone service numbers.

Article 14. Servicing numbers of a terrestrial mobile network

1. Subscriber support numbers of a terrestrial mobile network (hereafter referred to as “mobile subscriber support number”) are planned under the following principles:

a) 3 digits long;

b) Being 118;

c) Mobile subscriber support numbers are shared numbers.

2. Short text message service numbers are planned under the following principles:

a) 4 to 5 digits long;

b) Starting with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and structured as 1ABC, 2ABCD, 3ABCD, 4ABCD, 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC, 8ABC, 9ABC, of which: A, B, C, D, E are any digits starting from 0 to 9.

Article 15. Usage of '*' and '#' symbols

1. Telecommunications companies providing telecommunication services with network infrastructures, after being allocated with subscriber numbers, shall be entitled to use ‘*’ and ‘#’ combined with other digits for their added services (one-touch dialing, call transfer, call waiting, car barring, caller’s number display, telephone bill payment, account checking, service package change, etc.) provided to the users.

2. Usage of ‘*’ and ‘#’ combined with other digits to provide added services shall not be conflictual with the numbering principles defined herein and not breach the Regulations on telecommunications number storage management and use.

Chapter V


Article 16. The codes to identify a terrestrial mobile network

1. The mobile country code (MCC) assigned to Vietnam by ITU is 452, conforming to ITU-T E.212 recommendation.

2. The code of terrestrial mobile network is 2 digits long and numbered from 01 to 99. This code is used for recognizing the terrestrial mobile network and/or local and international call connections of their subscribers, whereby zone transfer is required.

Article 17. The codes to identify a data network

The code to identify a data network assigned to Vietnam by ITU is 452X (X is the network code, ranging from 0 to 9), conforming to ITU-T X.121 recommendation. This code is used to identify a data network of a country.

Article 18. International signaling point code

1. The Signaling Area Network Code (SANC) assigned to Vietnam by ITU conforms to ITU-T Q.708 recommendation.

2. International signaling point code is based on the signaling area network code under the standard structure of ITU-T Q.708 recommendation. This code is used to recognize a signaling point (SP) of the international signaling network, following signaling system No. 7 (SS7).

Article 19. National signaling point code

The national signaling point code conforming to ITU-T Q.708 recommendation is valued from 1 to 16384 based on the decimal system. This code is used to recognize a signaling point in the national signaling network, following signalizing system No. 7.

Chapter VI


Article 20. Responsibilities of the Authority of Communications

1. Managing, allocating, revoking telecommunication codes, numbers in accordance with the Planning herein and the Regulation on telecommunications number storages management and use.

2. Developing the implementation plan for the telecommunications number storage Planning, based on the said Planning, to submit to the Minister of Information and Communications for approval and organizing the enforcement.

3. Giving instructions, guidance to telecommunication companies on the implementation of the telecommunications number storage Planning and the action plan of the said Planning.

4. Publicizing yearly the allocated telecommunication codes, numbers and their use.

5. Inspecting, checking, handling administrative offences related to the management, allocation, provision, revocation, returning of telecommunication codes, numbers in accordance with the telecommunications number storage Planning and the Regulation on the management and use of telecommunications number storages.

Article 21. Responsibilities of the Department of Information and Communications

Inspecting, checking, handling administrative offences against and reporting, as requested by the Ministry of Information and Communications, the provision, change, revocation, use of telecommunication codes, numbers of telecommunication companies and organizations and/or individuals in their area in accordance with the telecommunications number storage Planning and the Regulation on the management and use of telecommunications number storages.

Article 22. Responsibilities of telecommunication companies

1. Developing, issuing and organizing the implementation of the network and service numbering plan applied to telecommunication companies, based on the telecommunications number storage Planning.

2. Developing the implementation plan for the telecommunications number storage Planning approved by the Minister of Information and Communications.

3. Issuing, exchanging, revoking, returning the allocated telecommunication codes, numbers in accordance with the telecommunications number storage Planning and the Regulation on the management and use of telecommunications number storages.

4. Managing, operating, using telecommunication codes, numbers timely, economically and efficiently.

Article 23. Responsibilities of organizations, individuals allocated or provided with telecommunication service numbers, subscriber numbers

1. Operating, using the allocated telecommunication service and/or subscriber numbers for proper purposes, economically and efficiently.

2. Returning unused telecommunication service and/or subscriber numbers to the authorities in charge of telecommunications number storages or the telecommunication companies from where the numbers are allocated or provided.

Article 24. Implementation

During the implementation, in case of any entanglements, related organizations and/or individuals are requested to report timely to the Ministry of Information and Communications for consideration, guidance and resolution./.



(attached with Circular No. 22/2014/TT-BTTTT dated 22 December 2014 issued by the Minister of Information and Communications)

Appendix 1: National destination code planning table

Appendix 2: Subscriber number planning table

Appendix 3: Service code, number planning table

Appendix 4: Technical routing code planning table





Use purpose

Code length



Codes of terrestrial mobile network (M2M)



10 - 19

Codes of terrestrial mobile network, from machine to machine (M2M)

2 digits long



Area code (AC)
















Quang Ninh

Bac Giang

Lang Son

Cao Bang

Tuyen Quang

Thai Nguyen

Bac Can

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

New AC

New AC

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 33 to 203

Changed from existing AC of 240 to 204

Changed from existing AC of 25 to 205

Changed from existing AC of 26 to 206

Changed from existing AC of 27 to 207

Changed from existing AC of 280 to 208

Changed from existing AC of 281 to 209





Phu Tho

Vinh Phuc

Son La

Lai Chau

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long



Changed from existing AC of 22 to 212

Changed from existing AC of 231 to 213







Lao Cai

Dien Bien

Yen Bai


Hoa Binh

Bac Giang

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 20 to 214

Changed from existing AC of 230 to 215

Changed from existing AC of 29 to 216

New AC













Hai Duong

Hung Yen

Bac Ninh



Hai Phong

Ha Nam

Thai Binh

Nam Dinh

Ninh Binh

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 320 to 220

Changed from existing AC of 321 to 221

Changed from existing AC of 241 to 222

New AC

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 31 to 225

Changed from existing AC of 351 to 226

Changed from existing AC of 36 to 227

Changed from existing AC of 350 to 228

Changed from existing AC of 30 to 229








Quang Binh

Quang Tri

Thua Thien - Hue

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

New AC

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 52 to 232

Changed from existing AC of 53 to 233

Changed from existing AC of 54 to 234






Quang Nam

Da Nang

Thanh Hoa

Nghe An

Ha Tinh

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 510 to 235

Changed from existing AC of 511 to 236

Changed from existing AC of 37 to 237

Changed from existing AC of 38 to 238

Changed from existing AC of 39 to 239


Ha Noi

2 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 4 to 24












Dong Nai

Binh Thuan


Ba Ria – Vung Tau

Quang Ngai

Binh Dinh

Phu Yen

Khanh Hoa

Ninh Thuan

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 61 to 251

Changed from existing AC of 62 to 252

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 64 to 254

Changed from existing AC of 55 to 255

Changed from existing AC of 56 to 256

Changed from existing AC of 57 to 257

Changed from existing AC of 58 to 258

Changed from existing AC of 68 to 259





Kon Tum

Dak Nong

Dak Lak

Lam Dong

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 60 to 260

Changed from existing AC of 501 to 261

Changed from existing AC of 500 to 262

Changed from existing AC of 63 to 263












Gia Lai

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

New AC

New AC

New AC

New AC

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 59 to 269











Vinh Long

Binh Phuoc

Long An

Tien Giang

Binh Duong

Ben Tre

Tay Ninh

Dong Thap



3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 70 to 270

Changed from existing AC of 651 to 271

Changed from existing AC of 72 to 272

Changed from existing AC of 73 to 273

Changed from existing AC of 650 to 274

Changed from existing AC of 75 to 275

Changed from existing AC of 66 to 276

Changed from existing AC of 67 to 277

New AC

New AC


Hochiminh City

2 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 8 to 28




Ca Mau

Bac Lieu

Can Tho

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 780 to 290

Changed from existing AC of 781 to 291

Changed from existing AC of 710 to 292








Hau Giang

Tra Vinh


Bac Giang

Kien Giang


Soc Trang

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 711 to 293

Changed from existing AC of 74 to 294

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 76 to 296

Changed from existing AC of 77 to 297

New AC

Changed from existing AC of 79 to 299

3 - 5

Codes of terrestrial mobile network (H2H)



30 59

Codes of terrestrial mobile network, from human to human (H2H)

2 digits long



Codes of satellite fixed network, dedicated use, Internet



60 64


2 digits long



Codes of internet telephone network

2 digits long



Codes of dedicated networks of Communist Party, State agencies

2 digits long

Changed from existing AC of 80 to 66


Codes of terrestrial fixed network

2 digits long




2 digits long



Codes of dedicated networks of Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security

2 digits long


7 - 9

Codes of terrestrial mobile network (H2H)



70 99

Codes of terrestrial mobile network, from human to human (H2H)

2 digits long






Use purpose

Number length


1000000 - 9999999

Subscriber number of terrestrial mobile network, used for human subscribers

7 digits long

Following terrestrial mobile network code

10000000 - 99999999

Subscriber number of terrestrial mobile network, used for machine subscribers

8 digits long


Following terrestrial mobile network code

2000000(0) - 9999999(9)

Subscriber number of terrestrial fixed network

7 to 8 digits long

Following area code

2000000 - 9999999

Subscriber number of satellite fixed network

7 digits long

Following 67

20000(0)(0) - 99999(9)(9)

20000(0)(0) - 49999(9)(9)

500000(0) - 999999(9)

Subscriber number of a dedicated network of a Communist Party, State agency

Subscriber number of a dedicated network of Ministry of Public Security

Subscriber number of a dedicated network of Ministry of National Defense

5 to 7 digits long

5 to 7 digits long

6 to 7 digits long

Following 66

Following 69

Following 69

10000000 - 99999999

Suscriber number of internet telephone network

8 digits long

Following 65




1. Terrestrial fixed network

Code, number

Use purpose

Code, number length


10000 - 10009




100100 100116




Provisional for testing services

Time-telling number

Ringing testing number

Provisional for testing services

6 digits long

6 digits long

6 digits long

6 digits long

Shared numbers,
testing services

Shared numbers,
testing services

Shared numbers,
testing services

Shared numbers,
testing services






Local call registration number through operator

3 digits long

Shared numbers, obligatory services

1020 1099

Enquiry numbers

4 digits long

Inter-zone services


International call registration number through operator

3 digits long

Shared numbers, obligatory services









Search, rescue number

Police number

Fire fighting number

Medical emergency number

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

3 digits long

Shared numbers,
nation-wide services, emergency services

Shared numbers,
nation-wide services, emergency services

Shared numbers,
nation-wide services, emergency services

Shared numbers,
nation-wide services, emergency services


Support service number to search for a landline number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, obligatory services

117 - 118





Support service number to report a problematic landline number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, obligatory services

120 121

Code of collect call service

3 digits long


122 - 123





Data transmission service code

4 digits long


126 - 129

VoIP code

3 digits long






131 139

VoIP code

3 digits long


14000 - 14999

Enquiry numbers

5 digits long

Inter-zone services

150 -159








161 169

Codes of telecommunication service providers

3 digits long






171 179

VoIP code

3 digits long


1800000000 - 1800999999

Toll free number

10 digits long

Nation-wide services









1900000000 - 1900999999

High-cost service numbers

10 digits long

Nation-wide services

1901 - 1909




191 - 199




2. Terrestrial mobile networks

2.1. Short text messages


Use purpose

Number length


1000 - 1399

Short message number

4 digits long


1400 1409

Short message number through national humanity portal

4 digits long


1410 1999

Short message number

4 digits long


20000 - 49999

Short message number

5 digits long


5000 9999

Short message number

4 digits long


2.2. Voiced numbers

Code, number

Use purpose

Code, number length


100 - 111





Search, rescue number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, nation-wide services, emergency services


Police number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, nation-wide services, emergency services


Fire fighting number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, nation-wide services, emergency services


Medical emergency number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, nation-wide services, emergency services

116 - 117





Mobile subscriber support number

3 digits long

Shared numbers, obligatory services

119 - 199








Use purpose

Code length



National codes

3 digits long



Codes to identify a terrestrial mobile network

2 digits long



Codes to identify a data network

4 digits long





International signaling point code






National signaling point code





This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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            Circular No. 22/2014/TT-BTTTT telecommunications number storages
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                    Lịch sử hiệu lực Circular No. 22/2014/TT-BTTTT telecommunications number storages

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                    • 01/03/2015

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