Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 27/2014/TT-BGTVT quality management for asphalt used in traffic work construction
No. 27/2014/TT-BGTVT | Hanoi, July 28, 2014 |
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 107/2012/NĐ-CP dated December 20, 2012 defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 15/2013/NĐ-CP dated February 06, 2013 on management of construction works;
At the request of Director General of the Department of Science and Technology,
The Minister of Transport promulgates the Circular on quality management for asphalt used in traffic work construction.
Chapter I
Article 1. Governing scope
This Circular regulates quality management for asphalt used in traffic work construction.
Article 2. Regulated entities
This Circular applies to organizations and individuals involved in supply and use of asphalt used in traffic work construction, including:
1. Suppliers of asphalt;
2. Investors, design contractors, supervising contractors, construction contractors for traffic work construction;
3. Other relevant organizations and individuals
Article 3. Interpretation of terms
Asphalt (also called bitumen) is the final product collected from petroleum filter technology including hydrocarbide macromolecular compounds such as CnH2n+2, CnH2n, (CnH2n-6) and a number of heterocylic compounds containing O, S, N and has highly viscous and black form in natural conditions.
Chapter II
Article 4. Regulations on asphalt quality
1. Asphalt must be homogeneous, non-aqueous and not producing foam at temperature 175°C. In addition to the compounds in natural conditions as prescribed in Article 3 hereof, no other chemicals must be added to asphalt.
2. Based on penetration index, asphalt is classified into grades 20-30; 40-50; 60-70; 85-100; 120-150 and 200-300. Indicators of asphalt are prescribed in Appendix I enclosed hereof.
Article 5. Sampling and test method
1. Sampling method
Asphalt sample used for determination of technical standards as prescribed in Appendix I enclosed hereof is taken from National Standards TCVN 7494:2005 (ASTM D 140);
2. Test method
Test method for each technical standard of asphalt is prescribed in Appendix I and Appendix II enclosed hereof.
Chapter III
Article 6. Responsibilities of suppliers of asphalt
1. Facilities and quality control system
a) Follow the quality control system under National Standard TCVN ISO 9001:2008;
b) Must have warehouse and tank system (for tanked asphalt), transport vehicles, process of storage, protection and transport of asphalt;
2. Storage and protection of asphalt
a) For tanked asphalt, tank system, heating system, scales and process of operation and quality control are required. Do not mix asphalt of the same grade yet imported from various manufacturers in the same tank.
b) For barreled asphalt, measures to guarantee environmental hygiene and minimize asphalt quality must be taken.
3. Transportation
a) For tanked asphalt, measures to control quality during the transport of asphalt must be taken. All outlets of tanks (roof valves, bottom valves, pumps and other relevant equipment) must be sealed during the transportation. Seals must describe number and name of the unit and be specified in the delivery note used by users for comparison and opening the seal.
b) Barrel asphalt delivered to users must ensure labels and marks intact, plastic barrels not punched or leaked;
4. Product labeling
a) For tanked asphalt, delivery note must detail suppliers, importers, asphalt grades, manufacturers, manufacturing countries, import date.
b) For imported barreled asphalt, labels describing information such as asphalt grade, importer, manufacturer and manufacturing country, import date, net weight and gross weight are required.
c) For hot viscous asphalt barreled in Vietnam, description of the barreling unit, asphalt grade, importer, manufacturer and manufacturing country, import date, net and gross weight is required.
Article 7. Responsibilities of the investor
1. Inspect documentation of asphalt before using it for traffic work construction (papers regarding origin, quality and labels);
2. Inspect facilities and documentation of process of quality management during the importation, storage, protection and transportation carried out by suppliers of asphalt;
3. Inspect asphalt test results to ensure the asphalt meets technical regulations as prescribed in Appendices I and II enclosed hereof;
Article 8. Responsibilities of design contractor
Use type and grade of asphalt as prescribed in Appendix I enclosed hereof;
Article 9. Responsibilities of supervising contractor
1. Inspect documentation of asphalt before using for construction (papers regarding origin, quality and labels);
2. Inspect facilities and documentation of quality management process during the importation, storage, protection and transportation carried out by suppliers of asphalt;
3. Test technical standards of asphalt as prescribed in Appendix I enclosed hereof before using it for road surface work, pavement, penetration treatment or other products using asphalt;
4. During the production of asphalt concrete mixture, road surface work, penetration treatment or other products using asphalt, inspect criteria of asphalt such as penetration index, softening point, penetration index PI as prescribed in Appendix I enclosed hereof;
Article 10. Responsibilities of construction contractor
1. Choose asphalt with quality and criteria meeting requirements as prescribed in Appendix I enclosed hereof;
2. Carry out regular supervision and inspection of provision of asphalt (commitments made by suppliers to grades, labeling, and transportation under the contractor for purchase of asphalt);
3. Appoint staff to inspect seals of tanks (for hot viscous asphalt); inspect labels and wholeness of barrels (for barreled asphalt) at the time of construction; employment of more than two suppliers for a construction work is not recommended;
4. Take sample of all shipments delivered at construction site; Sampling must follow regulations on sampling during asphalt pumping (for tanked asphalt), during discharge of asphalt from barrels (for barreled asphalt). A written record of sampling must be made between relevant parties; A sample must be stored for at least three months since it is taken for comparison, classification and determination of quality of asphalt provided by suppliers at a specific point of time in case any quality problem may occur to road surface, pavement, penetration treatment or other products using asphalt.
5. Make full recording of receipt of asphalt, production of asphalt mixture, construction of concrete road surface, pavement, penetration treatment or other products;
Article 11. Effect
This Circular takes effect since September 15, 2014.
Article 12. Responsibilities
1. Chief of the Ministry Office, Chief Inspector, director generals of the ministerial-affiliated departments, director general of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, director of Transport Engineering Construction and Quality Management Bureau, heads of agencies and units affiliated to the Ministry of Transport, directors of the Services of Transport of central-affiliated cities and provinces, relevant organizations and individuals shall be responsible for executing this Circular.
2. The Department of Science and Technology shall preside over and cooperate with Transport Engineering Construction and Quality Management Bureau in providing guidance and inspection of the execution of this Circular.
3. Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported (by organizations and individuals) to the Ministry for consideration and handling. /.
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