Thông tư 39/2013/TT-BCT

Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT dated December 30, 2013, procedures for adjustments to planning, management of investment in projects of oil, liquefied petroleum gas, and liquefied natural gas depots

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT projects of oil liquefied petroleum gas liquefied natural gas depots


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 39/2013/TT-BCT

Hanoi, December 30, 2013




Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 95/2012/ND-CP dated November 12, 2012, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP dated September 09, 2006 on formulating, approving, and managing master plans for socio-economic development, the Government's Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP dated January 11, 2008 on amendments to the Government's Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 99/2006/ND-CP dated September 15, 2006 on inspection of implementation of policies, strategies, planning, and plans;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 84/2009/ND-CP dated October 15, 2009 on trading of oil;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP dated November 26, on trading of liquefied petroleum gas;

Pursuant to the 12/2009/ND-CP dated February 10, 2009 on management of construction projects; the Government's Decree No. 83/2009/ND-CP dated October 15, 2009 on amendments to the Government's Decree No. 12/2009/ND-CP;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 15/1013/ND-CP dated February 06, 2013 on construction quality management;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 13/2011/ND-CP dated February 11, 2011 on safety of onshore petroleum works;

At the request of the Director of Planning Department,

The Minister of Industry and Trade promulgates a Circular on procedures for planning adjustments and investment management of projects of construction of oil depots, liquefied petroleum gas depots, and liquefied natural gas depots (hereinafter referred to as oil depot projects).

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

1. This Circular deals with procedures for adjustments to the planning for projects of investment in construction or expansion of oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and liquefied natural gas (LNG) depots; management of projects of investment in construction of oil depots, LPG depots, and LNG depots, including major depots and minor depots (oil depots, LPG depots, and LNG depots are hereinafter referred to as oil depots).

2. This Circular does not apply to the projects of investment in bonded warehouses, depots of crude oil, lubricants, liquid asphalt, and other petrochemical products; oil depots and LPG tanks of oil refineries; oil reservoirs at oil outlets, gas stations; LPG bottling stations, reservoirs of oil serving the armed forces and internal use of companies; LPG/LNG supplying stations and tanks serving industrial use, apartment buildings, or skys­crapers.  

Article 2. Subjects of application

This Circular is applied to:

a) Investors in oil depot projects within the territory of Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

b) The agencies, units, and individuals related to the management of oil depots LPG depots, or LNG depots.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

1. Oil tanks, LPG tanks, and LNG tanks are the works for storing oil, LPG, and LNG that comply with regulations on technology, fire safety, and environmental safety.

2. Oil depot means an area where one or multiple oil tanks serving the storage, supply, and distribution of oil.

3. An LPG depot or LNG depot is an area where multiple LPG or LNG tanks are located to serve the storage, supply, and distribution of LPG/LNG.

4. Major depots are those that can receive oil LPG and LNG from the vehicles that transport oil, LPG, and LNG that are imported, or from oil refineries through pipeline.

5. Minor depots are those that receive oil, LPG, and LNG from major depots.

6. Investment in construction of an oil depot means the execution of a project of investment in construction of an oil depot, LPG depot, or LNG depot at a location where such a depot is not available.

7. Investment in expansion of an oil depot means the execution of a project of investment in additional construction of an existing oil depot, LPG depot, or LNG depot to increase its capacity.

8. Investor means an organization or individual that establishes a company under the Company law and is licensed to do oil/LPG/LNG business in Vietnam.

Chapter II


Article 4. Application for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects

1. Before formulating a construction project, the investor shall make an application for adjustments to the planning for projects of construction/expansion of oil depots, submit it to a competent authority for approval according to Article 6 of this Circular.

2. An application for adjustments to the planning for projects of construction/expansion of oil depots consists of:

a) A written request for planning adjustments using the form in Appendix I enclosed herewith;

b) A certified true copy of a written approval of the investment location of a local authority;

c) A certified true copy of a Certificate of Business registration where oil and gas business is licensed;

d) A preliminary report on the necessity of the project, the balance between local supply and demand of oil/LPG/LNG, the suitability of the location and scale; safety engineering requirements, fire safety plan, environmental safety plan, safe distance of the depot; progress of the project; business plan and effectiveness of the project;

dd) Intended applied technologies, primary equipment at the depot;

e) A technical system and infrastructure of the construction;

g) Capital arrangement plan;

h) A certified true copy of the commitment to grant loans of a bank or credit institution (if any);

i) A certified true copies of the financial statements of the last three years (if the company has operated for more than three years) or the last two years (if the company has operated for two years) or the last year (if the company has operated for one year). If the company has just been established or has operated for less than one year, the submission of a financial statement is exempt;

k) A list of applied Vietnam’s Standards, National Technical Regulations, or equivalent international standards conformable with current regulations of law;

l) Primary drawings of the construction (floor plan, technology diagrams, diagrams of connection with local infrastructure (traffic, urban works, etc.).

3. Number of applications for assessment and permission for adjustments to the planning for projects of construction/expansion of oil depots that must be submitted to the Assessment Council:

a) If the Assessment Council is established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, 11 applications shall be submitted, one of which is the original application that consists of the documents mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article, and the other 10 applications are photocopies of the original one.

b) If the Assessment Council is established by the People’s Committee of the province, 9 applications shall be submitted, one of which is the original application that consists of the documents mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article, and the other 08 applications are photocopies of the original one.

Article 5. Rules for considering requests for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects

If two or more companies apply for inclusion of oil depot projects in the same administrative division in the planning, adjustments to the planning shall be considered in the following order:

1. Investment efficiency: the company that can prove its project is more efficient will be given priority;

2. Investment methods: the company that has a project of investment in expansion of an oil depot shall be given priority;

3. Financial resources and reputation of companies: the company that has a larger scale, healthier finance, and higher reputation shall be given priority.

4. Investor: Wholesalers and companies whose head offices are in the same administrative division shall be given priority.

Article 6. Entitlements to assess and grant approval for planning adjustments

1. Entitlements to examine applications for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects:

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall examine the applications for adjustments to the planning for projects of investment in oil depots with a total capacity of 5,000m3 or more, LPG depots with a total capacity of  5,000 m3 or more, LNG depots with a total capacity of 5,000 m3 or more;

b) Provincial Services of Industry and Trade shall examine the applications for adjustments to the planning for projects of investment in oil depots with a total capacity of from over 210 m3 to below 5,000 m3, LPG depots with a total capacity of below 5,000 m3, LNG depots with a total capacity of below 5,000 m3.

2. Entitlements to approve adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects:

a) The Prime Minister shall approve adjustments to the planning for projects of investment in oil depots with a total capacity of 100,000 m3 or more, LPG depots with a total capacity of 10,000 m3 or more, LNG depots with a total capacity of 100,000 m3 or more;

b) The Minister of Industry and Trade shall approve adjustments to the planning for projects of investment in oil depots with a total capacity from 5,000 m3 to below 100,000 m3, LPG depots with a total capacity from 5,000 m3 to below 10,000 m3, LNG depots with a total capacity from 5,000 m3 to below 100,000 m3; approve adjustments to the planning for other oil depot projects that belong to the planning for development of oil, LPG, and LNG approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

c) Presidents of the People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces (hereinafter referred to as the People’s Committees of provinces) shall approve adjustments to the planning for projects of investment in oil depots with a total capacity from over 210 m3 to below 5,000 m3, LPG depots with a total capacity of below 5,000 m3, LNG depots with a total capacity of below 5,000 m3 that belong to the planning for development of oil, LPG, and LNG approved by the People’s Committees of provinces.

Article 7. Assessment Council

1. If the Assessment Council is established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade: Planning Department shall take charge and cooperate with relevant units in making a decision on establishment of an Assessment Council to assess adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects mentioned in Point a Clause 1 Article 6 of this Circular, then submit the decision to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

2. If the Assessment Council is established by the People’s Committee of the province: the provincial Service of Industry and Trade shall take charge and cooperate with relevant units in making a decision on establishment of an Assessment Council to assess adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects mentioned in Point b Clause 1 Article 6 of this Circular, then submit the decision to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

3. The minimum number of members, the composition and structure of the Assessment Council are specified in Appendix II enclosed herewith.

4. If necessary, the Assessment Council may hire a qualified advisory organization or advisor to participate in the assessment.

Article 8. Procedures for assessing and granting approval for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects

1. The investor shall submit an application for adjustments to the planning for projects of construction/expansion of oil depots to the competent authority mentioned in Article 6 of this Circular, whether directly or by post.

2. If the application is not satisfactory according to Clause 2 Article 4 of this Circular, within 05 working days from the receipt of the application, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments shall request the investor to complete the application.

Within 05 working days from the receipt of the satisfactory application according to Clause 2 Article 4 of this Circular, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments shall request the Ministry of Industry and Trade (if the planning is under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade) or the People’s Committee of the province (if the planning is under the management of the People’s Committee of the province) to establish an Assessment Council according to Article 7 of this Circular.

3. Seeking opinions while considering adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects

a) Within 5 working days from the day on which a decision on the establishment of the Assessment Council is made, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments shall send the application for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects to members of the Assessment Councils.

b) Within 15 working days from receipt of the application for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects, members of the Assessment Council must send their written opinions to the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments for aggregation.

4. Considering adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects:

a) Within 15 working days from the receipt of opinions from members of the Assessment Council, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments shall aggregate the opinions and request the Chairperson of the Assessment Council to hold a meeting to consider adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects;

b) The meeting shall be opened when it is attended by at least two thirds of the members of the Assessment Council, including the Chairperson, a critic, and a standing member;

c) The Chairperson shall consider inviting people other than members of the Assessment Council to attend the meeting. Invited participants may offer their opinions during the meeting but they must not vote.

5. The documents to be ratified during the meeting including:

a) The minutes of the meeting using the form in Appendix III enclosed herewith;

b) A record on vote counting;

6. Voting for inclusion of oil depot project in the planning:

a) The Assessment Council shall request members to take a vote on the inclusion of the oil depot project in the planning (the vote form is provided in Appendix IV enclosed herewith).

b) The voting result shall be determined as follows:

- The oil depot project shall be approved if it is voted for by at least 50% of the members of the Assessment Council that attend the meeting, on condition that the meeting is attended by at least two thirds of the members of the Council;

- The application for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects must be revised whenever a request for revision is made.

7. The application for adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects shall be completed and submitted to a competent authority for approval.

a) According to the voting result and the documents ratified during the meeting according to Clause 5 and Clause 6 of this Article, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments shall request the investor to revise the application if a member of the Assessment Council requests a revision;

b) Within 10 working days from the receipt of the application that is completed as requested by the Assessment Council, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments shall request the authority mentioned in Clause 2 Article 6 to consider adjusting the planning. If the oil depot project is not included in the planning, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments must send a written notification to the investor and provide explanation;

c) If the oil depot project is under the authority to assess of the provincial Service of Industry and Trade and under the authority to approve of the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to Point b Clause 1 and Point b Clause 2 Article 6 of this Circular: Within 10 working days from the receipt of the application, Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade must cooperate with relevant units in considering, verifying the result given by the provincial Assessment Council before requesting the Ministry of Industry and Trade to approve the planning adjustment. If the planning adjustment is not approved, a notification providing explanation must be sent to Services of Industry and Trade.

Chapter III


Article 9. Management of oil depot projects

1. The investment in a construction of an oil depot must be conformable with the planning for development of oil, LPG, and LNG approved by competent authorities.

2. The People’s Committees of provinces are entitled to issue certificates of investment to the oil depot projects that meet the following requirements:

a) The project is listed in the planning for development of oil, LPG, and LNG approved by competent authorities, or listed in a decision on inclusion of oil depots to the planning;

b) If there are more than one company request permission for investment in oil depots in the same administrative division and such depots are conformable with the planning for development of oil, LPG, and LNG approved by competent authorities, the order of priority in Article 5 of this Circular shall apply.

3. The construction or expansion of an oil depot may only be initiated when the following requirements are satisfied:

a) The scale and progress of the project is approved in writing by regulatory bodies, in particular:

- The oil depot with a total capacity of 5,000 m3 or more, LPG depot with a total capacity of 5,000 m3 or more, LNG depot with a total capacity of 5,000  m3 or more is approved in writing by the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

-  The oil depot with a total capacity from over 210 m3 to below 5,000 m3, LPG depot with a total capacity of below 5,000 m3, LNG depot with a total capacity of below 5,000 m3 is approved in writing by the provincial Service of Industry and Trade;

b) The fundamental design of the oil depot has been inspected by competent authorities according to regulations of law on construction management.

4. The investment in construction of oil depot must comply with regulations of law on construction management, fire safety, and environment protection.

5. Seeking opinions about fundamental design of the oil depot project

If the oil depot project is located in an urban area, opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the fundamental design must be obtained if the project is of national importance or classified as Group A, opinions of Services of Industry and Trade must be obtain if the project is classified as Group B or Group C. For other projects, the investor shall decide whether to obtain opinions about fundamental design if they it necessary to do so.

The classification of projects of national importance, Group A, B, and C projects is specified in Appendix I of the Government's Decree No. 12/2009/ND-CP dated February 10, 2009 on construction project management.

6. Assessment of technical design of oil depots

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assess technical designs of oil depots of class I and above, regardless of capital sources;

b) Services of Industry and Trade shall cooperate with other agencies in assessing technical designs of oil depots of class II and class III, regardless of capital sources;

The classification of projects of special class, class I, II, and III is specified in Appendix 1 of the Circular No. 13/2013/TT-BXD dated August 15, 2013 of the Ministry of Construction on assessment of and approval for construction design.

7. Quantitative risk assessment of oil depots

Quantitative risk assessment of oil depots is specified in the Circular No. 50/2012/TT-BCT dated December 28, 2012 on National Technical Regulation of acceptable risk level of risks in quantitative risk assessment of activities involving oil, petroleum, chemicals, or thermal power.

8. Oil depot projects funded by government budget

a) Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the investment plan, project formulation, investment decision, design, contractor selection, construction, assessment, and transfer, and commencement of oil depot projects funded by government budget must be obtained;

b) For the projects funded by loan capital guaranteed by the government, development loan capital of state-owned companies, opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the investment plan and scale must be obtained;

c) The design of oil depots decided by the Minister of Industry and Trade shall be inspected by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

9. When investors in the oil depot projects in the approved planning are replaced, such replacement is subject to written approval by the authority that approved the planning.

Article 10. Project termination

1. After 12 months from the day on which the Decision to include the oil depot in the planning is made by a competent authority, if the investor fails to make a construction investment report, commence the construction of main parts of the project, the provincial Service of Industry and Trade shall consider requesting the People’s Committee of the province to revoke the certificate of investment, unless a legitimate explanation is provided and the suspension or delay of the project is approved by a competent authority.

2. A project may only be suspended or delayed once; the suspension or delay period must not exceed 12 months.

3. The People’s Committee of the province shall request the competent authority to give the certificate of investment to another investor for execution of the project.

Chapter IV


Article 11. Responsibility of regulatory bodies

1. Planning Department shall:

a) Take charge of assessing adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects that are under the authority to assess and approve of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

b) Cooperate with relevant units in  carrying out periodic inspections or surprise inspections of the implementation of the planning for development of oil depots and the implementation of this Circular nationwide; prevent and deal with violation;

c) Take charge and cooperate with specialize agencies in inspecting the acceptance and inauguration of oil depot projects of class I or above, regardless of capital sources;

d) Inspect the acceptance and inauguration of oil depot projects whose investment is decided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

dd) Make a plan for inspection of state management of construction quality of oil depots, the management of provincial Services of Industry and Trade with regard to construction quality of local oil depots.

2. Services of Industry and Trade shall:

a) Take charge of assessing adjustments to the planning for oil depot projects under the authority to assess or approve of the People’s Committees of provinces;

b) Take charge and cooperate with local authorities in inspecting of the implementation of the planning for development of oil depots and the implementation of this Circular locally; prevent and deal with violation; send reports to the Ministry of Industry and Trade where necessary;

c) Take charge and cooperate with specialize agencies in inspecting the acceptance and inauguration of oil depot projects of class II and class III or above, regardless of capital sources;

d) Make a plan for periodic inspections of quality management of local oil depots.

Article 12. Responsibilities of investors

Investors of oil depots included in the planning are legally and financially responsible for their violations against this Circular.

Article 13. Reporting practice

1. Periodic reports

a) Every year before January 15, investors must send reports on the execution of oil depot projects in the list of projects of investment in the planning for development of oil depots approved by competent authorities to Services of Industry and Trade;

b) Every year before January 31, provincial Services of Industry and Trade of the provinces where the aforementioned oil depots are located must submit reports on the execution of such projects to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

2. Irregular reports: Whenever necessary, investors and provincial Services of Industry and Trade shall send reports on the execution of oil depot projects in the approved The planning for development of oil depots at the request of competent authorities.

Article 14. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect on February 15, 2014 and supersedes the Decision No. 422/2003/QD-BTM dated April 11, 2003 of the Ministry of Trade on the Oil depot construction regulations.

2. Difficulties that arise during the implementation should be reported to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for consideration./.




Le Duong Quang



(Enclosed with the Circular no. 39/2013/TT-BCT dated December 30, 2013 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. ........................

Application for inclusion of oil depot project in planning

.........(1)......., Date:...................................


To: ...(2)..

Pursuant to regulations on procedures for including oil depot projects in the planning in the Circular No. ...... /2013/TT-BCT dated .................... of the Minister of Industry and Trade, [name of the investor] hereby submits (2) an application for inclusion an oil depot project in the planning (3).

I. Overall information about the oil depot project.

1. Name of the project

2. Name of the investor and contact information (address, phone number, etc.)

3. Location of the oil depot.

4. Scale and capacity of the depot

5. Capital sources

6. Relevant information (if any).

II. List of applications for inclusion of oil depot projects in Planning (3) (according to Clause 2 Article 4 of the said Circular).

[name of the investor] ......(2)......... hereby request an inclusion of the aforesaid oil depot project in the planning (3) or requests a competent authority to consider granting the application./.




(Signature, full name, seal)



(1) The administrative division where the investor’s headquarter is located.

(2) Ministry of Industry and Trade/The People’s Committee/Provincial Service of Industry and Trade.

(3) Name of the planning approved by a competent authority.



(Enclosed with the Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT dated December 30, 2013 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Agency in charge of assessing planning adjustment

Minimum number of members



The Ministry of Industry and Trade

Eleven (11)

- Representatives of relevant Ministries and agencies (affiliates of Ministries or above)

- Representatives of the People’s Committee of the province where the oil depot project is situated (senior officers of Services or above)

- Representatives of units affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

- Experts in relevant fields

- Chairperson: Senior officer of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

- 02 critics that are experts in fields related to petrochemical products and experienced in planning (at least 04 years' experience with a bachelor's degree, 02 years’ experience with a master degree, or 01 year’s experience with a doctorate degree)

- 01 standing member who is a senior officer of the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments

- Council members.

Provincial Service of Industry and Trade

Nine (9)

- Representatives of relevant Services and agencies (affiliates of Services or above)

- Representatives of the People’s Committee of the district where the oil depot project is situated (senior officers of the People’s Committee of the district)

- Representatives of units affiliated to the Service of Industry and Trade.

- Experts in relevant fields

- Chairperson: Director of the Service of Industry and Trade

- 02 critics that are experts in fields related to petrochemical products and experienced in planning (at least 03 years' experience with a bachelor's degree, 02 years’ experience with a master degree, or 01 year’s experience with a doctorate degree).

- 01 standing member who is the Manager of the Trade Administration of the Service of Industry and Trade.

- Council members.



(Enclosed with the Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT dated December 30, 2013 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


.......(2)......, Date:..................................



A. General information:

1. Project name: ............................

2. Decision on establishment of the Assessment Council No. ............... dated ................. of the Minister of Industry and Trade/the People’s Committee of the province.

3. Meeting date: ........................................... .

4. Location: ................................................

5. Composition:

- The Council consists of ......... members; the Chairperson is ......................................... (the list of members of the Assessment Council is enclosed herewith).

+ Number of present members: .............;

+ Number of absent members:.............. Reasons: .............................

Authorized members:...................................................................

- Invited participants: .................................................................................

B. Meeting contents

- The Secretary announces the reasons for the meeting and the Decision on establishment of the Assessment Council.

- The investor provides primary information about the oil depot project (3).

- The Secretary read out loud the report on assessment of the oil depot projects (made by the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments, which is Planning Department, The Ministry of Industry and Trade/Trade Administration Department, or Service of Industry and Trade, and passed by the Chairperson of the Council before the meeting is opened).

- Council members offer opinions about the oil depot project.

- Invited participants offer opinions about the oil depot project.

- Secretary of the Council hand out opinion sheets to Council members.

- Council members return the opinion sheets.

- Chairperson of the Council draws a conclusion:

+ Conformity of the oil depot project:



+ Shortcomings of the oil depot project:



+ Necessary revisions to the Investment Report ...............................



* Voting result:

The Assessment Council has put the project to the vote:

• Number of votes handed out: ..........

• Number of votes collected: ..........

• Number of valid votes: ..........

• Result:

- Number of votes for inclusion of the project in the Planning: ..............

- Number of votes for inclusion of the project in the Planning with revisions: ..............

- Number of votes against inclusion of the project in the Planning: ..............

- Conclusion: Inclusion of the project in the Planning (3)/Inclusion of the project in the Planning (3) with some revisions/ No inclusion of the project in the Planning (3)./.


Secretary of the Council

(Signature, full name)

Chairperson of the Council

(Signature, full name, seal)



(1) Agency in charge of considering planning adjustments.

(2) Administrative division where the meeting takes place.

(3) Name of the planning approved by a competent authority.



(Enclosed with the Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT dated December 30, 2013 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


.......(2)...., Date: ...................................




1. Voter’s full name: ................................................................................

2. Position and workplace:.............................................................................


3. Position in the Council: ................................................ (according to the Decision on establishment of the Assessment Council No.  ................ dated .................. )

4. Vote

4.1. Inclusion of the project in the Planning without any revision: □

4.2. Inclusion of the project in the Planning with some revisions: □

4.3. No inclusion of the project in the Planning: □

Reasons for rejecting planning adjustment..….. .................................................



5. Proposals to relevant agencies, the investor, the unit in charge of assessing planning adjustments, and the person competent to approve the planning (if any)./.




(Signature, full name)



(1) Agency in charge of considering planning adjustments.

(2) Administrative division where the meeting takes place.

(3) Name of the planning approved by a competent authority.


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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Số hiệu39/2013/TT-BCT
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Ngày ban hành30/12/2013
Ngày hiệu lực15/02/2014
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      Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT projects of oil liquefied petroleum gas liquefied natural gas depots
      Loại văn bảnThông tư
      Số hiệu39/2013/TT-BCT
      Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Công thương
      Người kýLê Dương Quang
      Ngày ban hành30/12/2013
      Ngày hiệu lực15/02/2014
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      Lĩnh vựcĐầu tư, Xây dựng - Đô thị, Tài nguyên - Môi trường
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      Cập nhật11 năm trước

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        Lịch sử hiệu lực Circular No. 39/2013/TT-BCT projects of oil liquefied petroleum gas liquefied natural gas depots

        • 30/12/2013

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