Thông tư 43/2013/TT-BCT

Circular No. 43/2013/TT-BCT dated December 31, 2013, regulations on content, sequence, procedures for formulation, assessment, approval and adjustment to electricity development planning

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 43/2013/TT-BCT assessment approval and adjustment to electricity development planning


Independence – Freedom - Happiness

No. 43/2013/TT-BCT

Hanoi, December 31, 2013




Pursuant to the Law on Electricity dated No. 28/2004/QH11 dated December 03, 2004; Law on amendments to the Law on Electricity No. 24/2012/QH13 dated November 20, 2012;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 95/2012/NĐ-CP dated November 12, 2012 defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of The Ministry of Industry and Trade;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 137/2013/NĐ-CP dated October 21, 2013; detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Electricity and the Law on amendments to the Law on Electricity;

At the request of Director General of the General Department of Energy;

The Minister of Industry and Trade promulgates the Circular defining content, sequence and procedures for formulation, assessment, approval and adjustment to the electricity development planning.

Chapter 1.


Article 1. Governing scope

This Circular regulates:

1. Content, sequence and procedures for formulation, assessment and approval for national electricity development planning and electricity development planning of central-affiliated cities and provinces;

2. Content, sequence and procedures for formulation, assessment, approval and adjustment for national electricity development planning and electricity development planning at levels of central-affiliated cities and provinces;

3. Responsibilities for management and monitoring of electricity development planning at all levels;

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to:

1. Competent state agencies that are responsible for organizing formulation, assessment, approval and management of the implementation of electricity development planning at all levels;

2. Consultants that formulate electricity development planning at all levels;

3. Investors of electricity generation, transmission and distribution projects;

4. Electricity generating units, transmission network operators and electricity distribution units;

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In this Circular, some terms are construed as follows:

1. Electricity development planning means electricity planning including the following levels:

a) National electricity development planning;

b) Electricity development planning at levels of central-affiliated cities and provinces (hereinafter referred to as provincial electricity development planning) include two components: 110kv system development planning and detailed development planning for medium, low-voltage grids after 110kv stations;

2. Cycle of planning means the cycle of time that a planning is renewed.

3. Planning stage means the period of time between two planning cycles within established planning project.

4. Planning consultant means a professional consultant that is granted the license to operate in electricity development planning consultancy

5. Large electricity source means a power plant with capacity over 50MW;

6. Medium and small electricity source means a power plant with capacity from 50MW and under;

Article 4. General principles in electricity development planning

1. Agencies that is responsible for formulating electricity development planning at all levels;

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for formulating national electricity development planning;

b) People’s committees of provinces shall be responsible for formulating provincial electricity development planning;

2. Cycle of formulation and planning stage

a) Electricity development planning is formulated in a cycle of ten years once for ten-year planning stage and a vision to the next ten years;

b) Electricity development planning is updated and adjusted once in a cycle of five years or before the deadline to meet requirements for changes of socio-economic development.

3. Scope of national electricity development planning project including planning for large electricity sources and +220kv electricity transmission network (from 220KV and over) for the planning stage, and the determination of the lists of large electricity source projects and +220kv transmission network shall be implemented in planning stage.

4. Scope of provincial electricity development planning project comprises planning for medium and small electricity sources, 220kv substations to feed electricity to provinces, planning for 110kv grid, medium-voltage grid, and estimated total investment in low-voltage grid for the planning stage. Provincial electricity development planning includes two components:

a) Component of the 110kv electricity system development planning comprises planning for 220kv substations to feed electricity to provinces, 110kv grid planning, medium and small electricity sources, total quantity of medium-voltage lines/ total amount (KVA) of distribution substations;

b) Component of the detailed planning for development of medium and low-voltage grid behind 110kv stations comprises detailed planning for medium-voltage grid behind 110kv stations to feed electricity to provincial-affiliated districts, towns, determination of the lists of medium-voltage substations to be invested during the planning stage, estimated total quantity of medium-voltage lines, capacity of distribution substations, low-voltage lines that need investing during the planning stage.

5. Electricity development planning must be established for approval in the final year of the planning stage. Planning shall be updated, adjusted every five years and formulated for approval in the fifth year of the previous planning stage.

6. Electricity development planning must guarantee to meet demand for electricity during planning stage.

7. National electricity development planning must determine objectives, orientation, solutions, policies, lists of large electricity source projects and +220kV electricity transmission system to be developed in planning stage.

8. Electricity development planning must have objectives, orientation, solutions, policies, and lists of medium and small electricity source projects, +220kV substations feeding electricity to provinces, 110kv electricity system and electricity distribution network in the administrative division in planning stage.

9. Transmission network in provincial electricity development planning must conform to national electricity development planning.

10. The volume of medium and low-voltage grid in the component of the detailed planning for medium and low-voltage grid development behind 110kv stations must conform to component of 110kv electrical system development planning.

11. Any planning consultant that has license to operate in the field of electricity development planning at a particular level shall be permitted to preside over the formulation of electricity development planning at such level.

12. Any state agency that has competence to approve electricity development planning at a particular level shall be responsible for making decision on adjustments and supplements to the planning at such level.

13. Authority to approve provincial electricity development planning:

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for approving component of 110kv electrical system development planning;

b) The Minister of Industry and Trade shall authorize president of the province's People’s committee to give approval, make adjustments and supplements to the component of the detailed planning for medium and low voltage grid development behind 110kv stations.

14. National and provincial electricity development planning must be formulated on the basis of socio-economic development planning, in conformity with primary energy source planning for power generation including new sources, renewable sources, electricity planning and other relevant planning.

15. Only electrical projects within the list of projects under newly approved planning are permitted to get connected to the national electricity system.

16. Investment in any electricity generation and grid development project under planning not yet supplemented or adjusted shall not be facilitated.

Chapter 2.



Article 5. Content of national electricity development planning

National electricity development planning includes some information as follows:

1. Current conditions of the national electricity system and assessment of performance of national electricity development planning of previous stage;

2. Current conditions and forecasts about socio-economic development in planning stage;

3. Input parameters for planning and criteria for the planning stage;

4. Forecasts about demand for electricity by province, region and across the country in planning stage;

5. Assessment of primary energy sources, exploitability, potential importation and exportation of energy; assessment of exchange of electricity between regions; forecasts about fuel price for electricity production;

6. Large electricity source development program;

7. +220kv electricity transmission system development program

8. Program for connection of grid with countries in the region;

9. Orientation and criteria for development of distribution grid (110kv, medium- and low-voltage);

10. Orientation and criteria for rural electricity development;

11. Orientation for development of new energy sources and renewable energy sources;

12. Model of electricity sector management organization;

13. Compilation of investment volume and expected demand for investment capital for the planning stage;

14. Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of national electricity development program;

15. Policies on environmental protection and sustainable development of national electricity development;

16. Total demand for land use for electrical works;

17. Planning implementation mechanism includes mechanism for organization, implementation, finance and electricity price;

18. Conclusions and proposals

(Detailed content of the national electricity development planning project prescribed in Appendix I enclosed herewith)

Article 6: Sequence and procedures for formulation and approval for outline and cost estimates of national electricity development planning

1. Twelve months at the latest before the previous cycle of planning ends, the General Department of Energy shall organize formulation and submission of the cost estimates for next planning to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

2. Based on approved outline and cost estimates, the Department of Planning shall preside over and cooperate with the Department of Finance in registering state budget capital for the formulation of national electricity development planning.

3. Expenses for the formulation, assessment and announcement of national electricity development planning are determined by limit and unit price promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Article 7: Sequence and procedures for formulation of national electricity development planning

1. Based on capital plan approved for the formulation of national electricity development planning, the General Department of Energy shall organize selection of planning consultant and make submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval

2. The planning consultant shall carry out formulation of national electricity development planning according to approved planning outline and time limit for delivery; Detailed content of national electricity development planning project is prescribed in Article 5 hereof.

3. During the formulation of planning, the planning consultant shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from People’s committees of provinces on positions of power plants and 500kv substations expected to develop in the administrative division of provinces during the planning stage. Within 30 working days since receipt of written request for suggestions from the consultant on planning positions, the province’s People’s committee must issue a written response.  If the province’s People’s committee has not issued a written response after this time, it is deemed the province's People’s committee has agreed on planned positions of power plants, 500kv substations expected to develop in the administrative division of provinces during the planning stage as proposed by the consultant.

4. After the draft planning project is completed, the planning consultant shall be responsible for submitting the draft to Vietnam Electricity (EVN), Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PVN), Vietnam National Coal – Mineral Industry Holding Corporation Limited (VINACOMIN), regional Power Corporations (PCs) and National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT) for comments and completion before it is sent to the General Department of Energy for assessment, reports to the Minister of Industry and Trade for review and submission to the Prime Minister for approval.

Article 8: Sequence, procedures for assessment and approval for national electricity development planning

1. Within five working days since receipt of the documentation, the General Department of Energy shall issue a written request for supplements if the planning documentation is found inadequate and ineligible.

2. Upon receipt of adequate documentation, the General Department of Energy shall make submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for decision on the establishment of an Assessment Council for national electricity development planning.

The Assessment Council for national electricity development planning is comprised of undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade as president, head of the General Department of Energy as vice- president; relevant units from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, relevant ministries, economic groups such as EVN, PVN, VINACOMIN, National Power Transmission Corporation and some independent reviewers (if necessary) as members.

The Assessment Council for national electricity development planning is permitted to hire a consultant to conduct appraisal of the planning project. Budget for employment of consultants, independent reviewers is taken from the planning assessment budget approved by competent authorities.

3. Time for assessment shall not exceed 90 working days since the establishment of the Assessment Council for national electricity development planning.

4. During the assessment of the planning project, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for organizing collection of suggestions from relevant ministries, departments for compilation in preparation for reports.

The planning consultant shall be responsible for formulating and making submission of the strategic environment assessment report to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for approval before the Ministry of Industry and Trade submits the planning project to the Prime Minister for approval.

5. After receipt of official comments in writing from the ministries, regulatory bodies and local governments relating to the planning project, and in reliance on suggestions from the Assessment Council, independent reviewers, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for asking the consultant to make amendments, supplements to complete the project.

6. Within 15 working days since the planning project is completed, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for drafting the statement through members of the Assessment Council and compiling reports to the Minister of Industry and Trade for submission to the Prime Minister for approval.

7. Documentation to be submitted to the Prime Minister for approval includes:

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade's statement for approval for the planning;

b) Draft decision on approval for the planning;

c) Five sets of completed planning projects;

d) 15 summary reports of the planning project;

dd) Written agreement issued by the province's People's committee on planned positions of power plants and 500kv substations expected to develop in the administrative division of provinces.

e) Written contribution of suggestions from relevant ministries and departments;


Article 9. Content of provincial electricity development planning

1. Component of 110kv electricity system development planning includes some information as follows:

a) Current conditions of provincial electricity development and assessment of performance of provincial electricity development planning in the previous stage;

b) Current conditions and forecasts about provincial socio-economic development in planning stage;

c) Input parameters for planning and criteria for the planning stage;

d) Forecasts about demand for electricity by provincial-affiliated district, commune, and city in planning stage;

dd) Development planning for medium and small electricity sources in the administrative division of provinces, 220kv substations feeding electricity to provinces;

e) Connection of electrical grid to nearby provinces;

g) Supply-demand balance of provinces on an annual basis in planning stage;

h) 110kv grid development program;

i) Total volume of lines and medium-voltage substations in need of construction in planning stage;

k) Electricity supply planning for remote areas and islands without connection to grid;

l) Policies on environmental protection and sustainable development of provincial electricity development;

m) Total demand for land use for electrical works;

n) Compilation of investment volume and expected demand for investment capital for the planning stage;

o) Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of provincial electricity development plan;

p) Planning implementation mechanism includes mechanism for organization, implementation and finance;

q) Conclusions and proposals

(Detailed content of component of 110kV electricity system development planning is prescribed in Appendix II enclosed herewith).

2. Component of the detailed development planning for medium and low-voltage grids behind 110kv stations includes some information as follows:

a) Current conditions of medium-voltage grid within coverage of electricity supply by 110kv stations under planning;

b) Calculation of demand for capacity and electrical energy, balance of capacity of 110kv stations through the years in planning stage;

c) Detailed chart of medium-voltage grid and distribution substations behind 110kv stations;

d) Lists of medium-voltage lines and distribution substations in need of construction in planning stage;

dd) Total volume of medium-voltage grid and estimated volume of low-voltage grid in need of construction in planning stage;

c) Total demand for land use for electrical works;

g) Total demand for investment capital for each medium-and low-voltage level;

h) Policies on environmental protection and sustainable development of medium- and low-voltage grid development;

i) Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of electricity development plan;

k) Planning implementation mechanism;

l) Conclusions and proposals

(Detailed content of component of the detailed development planning for medium-and low-voltage grids behind 110kv stations is prescribed in Appendix III enclosed herewith).

Article 10: Sequence, procedures for formulation and approval for outline and cost estimates for provincial electricity development planning

1. Twelve 12 months at the latest before the previous cycle of planning ends, the Service of Industry and Trade shall organize formulation and submission of cost estimates for the formulation of the next provincial electricity development planning to the province’s People’s committee for approval.

2. Based on approved outline and cost estimates, functional units affiliated to the province’s People’s committee shall be responsible for registering state budget capital for the formulation of provincial electricity development planning.

3. Expenses for the formulation, assessment and announcement of provincial electricity development planning are determined by limit and unit price promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Article 11: Sequence and procedures for formulation of provincial electricity development planning

1. Component of 110kv electricity system development planning:

a) Based on capital plan approved for the formulation of component of 110kv electricity system development planning, the Service of Industry and Trade shall organize selection of a consultant for the formulation of the planning and make submission to president of the People’s committee for approval;

b) The consultant shall carry out the formulation of component of 110kv electricity system development planning according to approved planning outline and time limit for delivery. Content of component of 110kV electricity system development planning is prescribed in Clause 1, Article 9 hereof;

c) During the formulation of planning, the planning consultant shall be responsible for collecting written suggestions from the province’s Electricity Companies for completion of draft content of the planning component before making submission to the Service of Industry and Trade;

d) Consultancy unit shall be responsible for collecting written agreement from the province’s People’s Committee and planning positions of electrical works feeding electricity to provinces including medium and small electricity sources, 220kv substations feeding electricity to provinces and 110kv substations expected to develop in planning stage;

dd) Within 15 working days since receipt of written request for agreement on positions, the province’s People’s committee must issue a written response.  If the province’s People’s committee has not issued a written response after this time, it is deemed that the province's People’s committee has agreed on planned positions of power plants expected to develop in planning stage as proposed by the consultant.

c) After the consultant submits completed draft content of component of 110kv electrical system development planning, the Service of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for organizing collection of suggestions in writing from the district’s People’s committee, relevant departments, regulatory bodies;

g) After receipt of suggestions from the district’s People’s committee, relevant departments, governmental agencies, the Service of Industry and Trade shall direct the consultant to formulate the planning, receive and explain such suggestions, complete documentation and make the report to the province’s People’s committee for submission to People’s Council or Standing Committee of People’s Council for approval before it is sent to the General Department of Energy for assessment and submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

2. For component of detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grid behind 110kv stations:

a) Based on capital plan approved for the formulation of component of the 110kV electricity system development planning, the Service of Industry and Trade shall organize selection of a consultant for the formulation of the planning and submission to president of the People’s committee for approval;

b) The consultant shall carry out the formulation of component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids according to approved outline and time limit of delivery. Detailed content of component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kv stations is prescribed in Clause 2, Article 9 hereof;

c) During the formulation of planning, the planning consultant shall be responsible for collecting written suggestions from the province’s Electricity Companies, People’s committees of relevant districts on the last draft content of component of the planning before making submission to the Service of Industry and Trade for assessment.

Article 12: Sequence, procedures for assessment and approval for provincial electricity development planning

1. For component of 110kV electricity system development planning;

g) After content of the planning component is approved by People’s Council or Standing Committee of People’s Council, the province’s People’s Committee shall complete documentation for submission to the General Department of Energy for assessment and submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

b) Within five working days since receipt of the documentation, the General Department of Energy shall issue a written request for supplements if the planning documentation is found inadequate and ineligible.

c) Documentation to be submitted for approval includes:

- The province’s People’s committee’s statement for approval for the planning;

- Five sets of completed planning component report;

- Ten sets of summary planning component report;

- Written approval for content of the planning component issued by the province’s People’s Council (or Standing Committee of People’s Committee);

- Written suggestions from the province’s Electricity companies, the district’s People’s committees, and relevant departments, regulatory bodies;

- Written agreement issued by the province’s People’s Committee on planned positions of electrical works that feed electricity to provinces expected to develop in planning stage;

d) Director General of the General Department of Energy shall decide the formulation of the Assessment Team for 110kv electrical system development planning. The Assessment Team is comprised of leader of the General Department of Energy as head, and relevant units affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, regional Power Corporations and National Power Transmission Corporation as members;

dd) Within 45 working days since receipt of adequate and eligible documentation, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for carrying out assessment and making submission of the component of 110kv electricity system development planning to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval. The General Department of Energy is permitted to employ a consultant to formulate the planning documentation for assessment. Budget for employment of consultants, independent reviewers is taken from the planning assessment budget approved by competent authorities;

e) During the assessment of the planning documentation, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from regional Power Corporations and National Power Transmission Corporation on the province’s 110kv electrical system development planning;

g) Within 15 working days since receipt of written request for suggestions and planning documentation from the General Department of Energy, regional Power Corporations and National Power Transmission Corporation shall be responsible for contributing suggestions in writing to the General Department of Energy. A written contribution of suggestions includes:

- Assessment of current conditions of local electricity development, performance of electricity development planning in the previous stage;

- Assessment of load forecasting in planning stage; proposals;

- Result of selection of plans for electricity development in planning stage, proposals;

- Feasibility of the planning component;

- Proposals for lists of electrical works, investment progress and policies on the implementation of the planning;

h) Based on assessment opinions from consultants, the Assessment Team, independent reviewers, and comments contributed by regional Power Corporations, National Power Transmission Corporation and the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for compilation and submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval. In case content of the planning component fails to meet the prescribed quality, the General Department of Energy shall issue a written notice to the province’s People’s committee for supplements;

Based on opinions from the General Department of Energy, the Service of Industry and Trade shall ask the consultant to complete and submit the planning component report to the province’s People’s committee for review and dispatch to the General Department of Energy;

i) Within 15 working days since the planning component report is completed, the General Department of Energy shall complete and submit the documentation to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

2. For component of detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kV stations:

a) During the assessment of the documentation, the Service of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from relevant departments and regulatory bodies, and issuing a written request for collecting suggestions to the General Department of Energy on conformity of the planning before the planning project is completed and submitted to the province’s People’s committee for approval;

b) The Service of Industry and Trade is permitted to employ a consultant to formulate the planning documentation for approval. Budget for employment of the consultant is taken from planning assessment budget approved by competent authorities;

c) Within 15 working days since receipt of written request from the Service of Industry and Trade and documentation of component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kv stations, the General Department of Energy must issue written opinions to the Service of Industry and Trade on conformity of the planning for supplements and submission to the province’s People’s committee for approval.

Chapter 3.



Article 13. Authority to adjust national electricity development planning

1. Based on the written request for adjustments and supplements made by the investor in electricity source projects, transmission network, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for conducting assessment and making the report to the Minister of Industry and Trade for consideration and submission to the Prime Minister for approval.

2. During the assessment, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from Vietnam Electricity, regional Power Corporations and National Power Transmission Corporation and relevant ministries, departments and regulatory bodies.

Article 14. Content of adjusted national electricity development planning project in a five-year cycle

The adjusted national electricity development planning project in a five-year cycle includes the following main issues:

1. Assessment of current conditions of the national electricity system and performance of national electricity development planning in the past five years;

2. Updated forecasts about socio-economic development in planning stage;

3. Updated forecasts about demand for electricity by province, region and across the country in every planning stage;

4. Updates on input parameters for the formulation of the planning, assessment of primary energy sources and fuel price for electricity production

5. Updates and supplements to electricity source development program;

6. Updates and supplements to +220kv transmission network development program;

7. Compilation of investment volume and demand for investment capital for the remaining years of the planning stage;

8. Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of national electricity development program;

9. Updates and supplements to planning implementation mechanism;

10. Conclusions and proposals

Article 15. Content of adjusted national electricity development planning project not according to cycle

The adjusted national electricity development planning project in a five-year cycle includes the following main issues:

1. Legal foundations and necessity of adjustments and supplements to the planning;

2. Scale, progress and main parameters of the project in need of adjustments and supplements to the planning;

3. Assessment of effects of adjustments and supplements to the project on electrical grids;

4. Comprehensive solutions to electricity sources, grids in the area in need of adjustments to ensure supply of electricity;

5. Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of supplemented, adjusted project;

6. Conclusions and proposals;

Article 16: Sequence and procedures for formulation and approval for outline and cost estimates for adjusted national electricity development planning according to five-year cycle

1. Within 12 months at the latest before the first five years of the planning cycle end, the General Department of Energy shall organize formulation and submission of the outline and cost estimates for adjustments made to national electricity development planning for the remaining years.

2. Based on approved outline and cost estimates, the Department of Planning shall preside over and cooperate with the Department of Finance in registering state budget capital for the adjustment to national electricity development planning.

3. Expenses for the formulation, assessment and announcement of the adjustment to national electricity development planning according to the five-year cycle are determined by limit and unit price promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Article 17: Sequence and procedures for formulation of adjusted national electricity development planning according to five-year cycle

1. Based on capital plan approved for the adjustment to national electricity development planning, the General Department of Energy shall organize selection of consultant for the formulation and adjustment to the planning and make submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

2. The consultant shall carry out formulation and adjustment to national electricity development planning project according to approved planning outline and time limit of delivery; Detailed content of adjusted national electricity development planning project according to five-year cycle is prescribed in Article 14 hereof.

3. During the formulation and adjustment to the planning project, the consultant shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from the province’s People’s committee on planned positions of power plants and 500kv substations expected to develop in the administrative division of provinces. Within 30 working days since receipt of written request for suggestions from the consultant on planned positions, the province’s People’s committee must issue a written response.  If the province’s People’s committee has not issued a written response after this time, it is deemed the province's People’s committee has agreed on planned positions of power plants, 500kv substations expected to develop in the administrative division of provinces as proposed by the consultant.

4. After the draft adjusted planning project, the consultant shall be responsible for dispatching the draft to economic groups, EVN, PVN, VINACOMIN, PCs, NPT for official instructions and completion before it is submitted to the General Department of Energy for assessment and making report to the Minister of Industry and Trade for consideration and submission to the Prime Minister for approval.

Article 18: Sequence and procedures for adjustment to national electricity development planning not according to cycle

1. Any investor that needs to make supplements and adjustments to national electricity development planning must formulate, adjust and submit the planning documentation to the General Department of Energy for assessment and reporting to the Minister of Industry and Trade and the Prime Minister for approval.

2. Within five working days since receipt of the documentation, the General Department of Energy shall issue a written request for supplements if the planning documentation is found inadequate and ineligible.

3. Planning adjustment documentation includes:

a) Documents about necessity of adjustments and supplements to the planning issued by the investors;

c) Five sets of adjusted planning projects;

c) Written agreement issued by the province’s People’s committee on positions of electrical works, proposals for supplements, amendments;

d) Written records proving financial capacity, technical experience of the investors and other documents (if necessary);

4. Within 90 working days since receipt of eligible documentation, the General Department of Energy shall carry out assessment of the adjusted planning project.

5. During the assessment, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for organizing collection of suggestions from relevant ministries, departments (if necessary) and relevant economic groups and corporations. After 15 working days since receipt of written request for suggestions from the General Department of Energy, the ministries, departments and units must issue a written response.  After this time, if the ministries, departments and units have no response, they deem agreed on the investor’s proposals for adjustments to the planning.   

6. After receipt of official opinions from the ministries, regulatory bodies, PVN, ENV, VINACOMIN and corporations relating to adjusted planning project, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for issuing a written request to the investors for amendments, supplements and completion of the project.

7. Within 15 working days since the planning project is completed, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for drafting the statement and making the report to the Minister of Industry and Trade for consideration and submission to the Prime Minister for decision.

Article 19: Sequence and procedures for assessment and approval for national electricity development planning according to five-year cycle

Sequence and procedures for assessment and approval for national electricity development planning according to five-year cycle are prescribed in Article 8 hereof.


Article 20. Authority to adjust provincial electricity development planning

1. For adjustment to component of 110kv electrical system development planning: Based on the written requests for supplements and adjustments to the planning by investor in medium and small electricity source projects, and 110kv grid projects, or proposals by major clients, the province’s People’s committee shall review and make the report to the General Department of Energy for assessment and submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval. During the assessment, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from regional Power Corporations and National Power Transmission Corporation.

2. For adjustment to component of the detailed development planning for medium and low grids behind 110kv: Investor in medium-voltage projects that have proposals for adjustments shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from provincial electricity companies, People’s committees of relevant districts before making submission to the Service of Industry and Trade for assessment and submission to the province’s People’s committee for approval.

Article 21. Content of adjusted national electricity development planning project in a five-year cycle

1. Adjustment to component of 110kv electricity system development planning according to five-year cycle includes some information as follows:

a) Assessment of current conditions of the province’s electrical system and performance of 110kv electrical system development planning in the past five years;

b) Updated forecasts about the province’s socio-economic development in planning stage;

c) Updated forecasts about demand for electricity by provincial-affiliated district, commune, and city in planning stage;

d) The province’s supply-demand balance on an annual basis in planning stage;

dd) Design scheme of 110kv grid development includes proposals, selection of grid structure for the remaining years of the planning stage;

e) Total volume of lines, distribution substations in need of construction for the remaining years of the planning stage;

g) Compilation of investment volume and demand for investment capital for the remaining years of the planning stage;

h) Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of proposed provincial electricity development plan;

i) Conclusions and proposals

2. Adjustment to the detailed development planning for medium and low-voltage grids behind 110kv stations according to five-year cycle includes some information as follows:

a) Design scheme of medium-voltage grid behind 110kv stations to provincial-affiliated districts, communes and cities;

b) Updated lists of lines, medium- and low-voltage substations in need of construction in planning stage;

c) Total volume of low-voltage grid in need of construction in planning stage;

d) Total investment capital for each medium-and low-voltage level;

Article 22. Content of adjusted provincial electricity development planning project not according to cycle

1. Adjustment to component of 110kV electricity system development planning not according to cycle includes some information as follows:

a) Legal foundations and necessity for adjustments and supplements to the planning;

b) Scale, progress and main parameters of the project in need of adjustments and supplements to the planning;

c) Assessment of effects of adjustments and supplements to the project on the province’s electrical grids;

d) Comprehensive solutions to electricity sources, grids in the area in need of adjustments to ensure supply of electricity;

dd) Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of supplemented, adjusted project;

e) Conclusions and proposals

2. Adjustment to component of the detailed development planning for medium and low-voltage grids behind 110kV stations not according to cycle includes some information as follows:

a) Legal foundations and necessity for adjustments and supplements to the planning;

b) Scale, progress and main parameters of the project in need of adjustments and supplements to the planning;

c) Assessment of effects of adjustments and supplements to the project on electrical grids behind 100kv stations;

dd) Assessment of socio-economic outcomes of supplemented, adjusted project;

dd) Conclusions and proposals

Article 23: Sequence and procedures for formulation and approval for outline and cost estimates for adjustment to national electricity development planning according to five-year cycle

1. For adjustment to provincial electricity development planning according to five-year cycle: a maximum of twelve months before the first five years of the planning cycle end, the Service of Industry and Trade shall formulate and submit the outline and cost estimates for adjustment to provincial electricity development planning to the province’s People’s committee for approval.

2. Based on approved outline and cost estimates, functional units affiliated to the province’s People’s committee shall be responsible for registering state budget capital for the adjustment to provincial electricity development planning.

3. Expenses for the formulation, assessment and announcement of the adjustment to provincial electricity development planning according to five-year cycle are determined by limit and unit price promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Article 24: Sequence and procedures for formulation and adjustment to provincial electricity development planning according to five-year cycle

1. Adjustment to component of 110kV electricity system development planning:

a) Based on capital plan approved for the adjustment to component of 110kV electricity system development planning, the Service of Industry and Trade shall organize selection of a consultant for the formulation and adjustment to the planning component and make submission to president of the People’s committee for approval;

b) The consultant shall carry out the formulation and adjustment to component of 110kV electricity system development planning according to approved planning outline and time limit for delivery. Adjustment to component of 110kV electricity system development planning according to five-year cycle is prescribed in Clause 1, Article 21 hereof;

c) During the formulation and adjustment to component of the planning, the consultant shall be responsible for collecting written suggestions from the province’s Electricity Companies for completion of the documentation before making submission to the Service of Industry and Trade;

d) Consultancy unit shall be responsible for collecting written agreement from the province’s People’s Committee on planned positions of electrical works feeding electricity to provinces including medium and small electricity sources, 220kV substations feeding electricity to provinces and 110kV substations expected to develop in planning stage;

dd) Within 30 working days since receipt of written request for agreement on positions, the province’s People’s committee must issue a written response.  If the province’s People’s committee has not issued a written response after this time, it is deemed that the province's People’s committee has agreed on planned positions of electricity source works feeding to provinces expected to develop in planning stage as proposed by the consultant.

e) After the consultant makes the submission of the draft adjustment to completed planning component, the Service of Industry and Trade shall conduct some intermediate steps as follows:

- Collect written suggestions from People’s committees of districts, relevant departments and regulatory bodies for completion of the report before submission is made to the province’s People’s committee;

- g) Direct the consultant to formulate the planning, receive and explain such suggestions, complete documentation and make the report to the province’s People’s committee for submission to People’s Council or Standing Committee of People’s Council for approval before it is sent to the General Department of Energy for assessment and submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

2. For adjustment to component of detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kV stations:

a) Based on capital plan approved for the adjustment to component of the detailed development planning for medium and low-voltage grids behind 110kV, the Service of Industry and Trade shall organize selection of a consultant for the formulation and adjustment to the planning component and submission to the province’s People’s committee for approval;

b) The consultant shall carry out the formulation and adjustment to component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kv stations according to approved outline and time limit of delivery. Adjustment to component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kV stations is prescribed in Clause 2, Article 21 hereof;

c) During the formulation of the planning, the consultant that conducts formulation and adjustment to the planning component shall be responsible for collecting written suggestions from the province’s Electricity Companies, People’s committees of relevant districts on the last draft adjustment to component of the planning for completion of the documentation before making the submission to the Service of Industry and Trade for assessment.

Article 25: Sequence and procedures for adjustment to provincial electricity development planning not according to cycle

1. Adjustment to component of 110kV electricity system development planning:

a) Investors or the province's People's committee that need to make supplements and adjustments to component of 110kV electricity system development planning must formulate planning adjustment documentation as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 22 hereof;

b) During the formulation and adjustment to component of the planning, the investor shall be responsible for collecting written suggestions from the province’s Electricity Companies for completion of the adjustment to the component before making submission to the Service of Industry and Trade for consideration and making the report to the province’s People’s committee for issuing a written notice to the General Department of Energy for assessment and making the report to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval;

c) Within five working days since receipt of the documentation, the General Department of Energy shall issue a written request for supplements if the planning documentation is found inadequate and ineligible.

d) Documentation of planning component adjustment:

- Written request for adjustments, supplements to the planning component issued by the province’s People’s committee;

- Five sets of the planning component adjustment report;

- Written suggestions from the province’s Electricity companies, the district’s People’s committees, and relevant departments, regulatory bodies;

e) Within 45 working days since receipt of adequate and eligible documentation, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for carrying out assessment of the documentation of planning component adjustment prior to submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval.

g) During the assessment, the General Department of Energy shall be responsible for collecting suggestions from regional Power Corporations and National Power Transmission Corporation (if necessary);

2. For adjustment to component of detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kV stations:

a) Investors that need to make supplements and adjustments to component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kv stations should document adjustment to the planning as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 22 hereof and make submission to the Service of Industry and Trade for assessment, submission to the province’s People’s committee for approval.

b) Planning adjustment documentation includes:

- The investor’s written request for adjustments, supplements to the planning;

- Five sets of the planning component adjustment report;

- During the assessment, the Service of Industry and Trade shall collect written suggestions from the province’s Electricity Companies, People’s committees of relevant communes (if necessary).

Article 26: Sequence and procedures for assessment and approval for adjustment to provincial electricity development planning according to five-year cycle

1. Component of 110kV electricity system development planning: Sequence and procedures for assessment and approval for adjustment to the component according to five-year cycle are prescribed in Clause 1, Article 12 hereof.

2. Component of the detailed development planning for medium and low voltage grids behind 110kV stations: Sequence and procedures for assessment and approval of adjustment to the component according to five-year cycle are prescribed in Clause 2, Article 12 hereof;

Chapter 4.


Article 27. Management and implementation of electricity development planning at all levels

1. The General Department of Energy shall be responsible for:

a) Making announcement of national electricity development planning including approved adjusted planning;

b) Issuing written opinions on conformity of national electricity development planning with respect to electrical projects;

c) Organizing monitoring and inspection of the implementation of national electricity development planning;

d) On an annual basis, conducting general assessment of performance as well as impacts of the implementation of national electricity development planning to make the report to the Minister of Industry and Trade for consideration and submission to the Prime Minister;

dd) Playing a key role in helping the Minister of Industry and Trade direct the implementation of electrical projects according to the approved national electricity development planning;

2. People’s committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces shall be responsible for:

a) Making announcement of electricity development planning of central-affiliated cities and provinces including the approved adjusted planning;

b) Directing the Service of Industry and Trade to issue written suggestions on conformity of provincial electricity development planning with respect to electrical projects;

c) Directing the Service of Industry and Trade to conduct monitoring, inspection of the implementation of provincial electricity development planning in the locality;

d) On an annual basis, conducting general assessment of results and impacts of the implementation of provincial electricity development planning in the locality to make the report to the Minister of Industry and Trade;

dd) Directing the implementation of electrical projects under approved provincial electricity development planning;

3. Investor in electrical projects shall be responsible for:

a) Making report to the planning management agencies and asking for written suggestions on conformity of electricity development planning before starting the project;

b) Carrying out investment and construction of electrical works in accordance with approved electricity development planning;

c) On an annual basis, reporting the implementation of the project to relevant state agencies;

4. Budget for management and implementation of electricity development planning as prescribed in Point c, Point d, Clause 1 and Point c, d, Clause 2 of this Article is taken from state budget and conforms to the regulations of the Ministry of Finance and The Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Article 28. Announcement of electricity development planning

1. After electricity development planning project is approved by competent authorities, the agency charged with the formulation of planning shall direct the consultant to complete the project accompanied by an electronic file and sent to the General Department of Energy - The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the province’s People’s committee.

2. Electricity development planning at all levels is approved and announced in public by competent agencies.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for making announcement of national electricity development planning;

4. People’s committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces shall be responsible for making public announcement of provincial electricity development planning;

Article 29. Reporting

1. The Service of Industry and Trade, Vietnam Electricity, investor in large electricity sources and transmission networks shall be responsible for compiling and reporting to the Ministry of Industry and Trade the implementation of electricity development planning approved before December 20 annually.

2. Provincial Electricity Companies, investors in medium and small electricity sources and transmission grids shall be responsible for compiling and reporting to the Ministry of Industry and Trade the implementation of electricity development planning approved before December 20 annually.

Chapter 5.


Article 30. Other types of electricity development planning

+110kv electricity development planning in special purpose economic zones is encouraged;

1. Content of electricity development planning project is prescribed in Article 5 hereof.

2. Sequence and procedures for formulation and approval for outline and cost estimates for the formulation of electricity development planning are prescribed in Article 6 hereof;

3. Sequence and procedures for the formulation of electricity development planning are prescribed in Article 7 hereof;

4. Sequence and procedures for the assessment of electricity development planning before it is submitted to the Minister of Industry and Trade for approval are prescribed in Article 8 hereof.

Article 31. Compliance with electricity development planning and handling of violations

1. Relevant organizations, individuals shall be responsible for complying with electricity development planning approved by competent authorities;

2. In case any organization or individual violates provisions set out hereof, wrongly executes approved electricity development planning at all levels, depending on nature and severity of the violations, such organization or individual shall be dealt with for administrative violations, face criminal prosecution or make compensations according to the law provisions.

Article 32. Implementation

The General Department of Energy, heads of ministerial-affiliated units and other relevant organizations, individuals shall be responsible for executing this Circular within duties and authority.

Article 33. Effect

This Circular takes effect since February 15, 2014 and replaces the Minister of Industry’s Decision No. 42/2005/QĐ-BCN dated December 30, 2005 regulating content, sequence and procedures for formulation and assessment of electricity development planning./.




Le Duong Quang




 (Enclosed with the Minister of Industry and Trade’s Circular No. 43/2013/TT-BCT dated December 31, 2013)


Part 1.


Chapter 1.


1.1. Current conditions of electricity consumption and electricity supply sources

a) Current conditions of electricity consumption from previous stage

- Statistical reports and assessment of the previous stage’ electricity consumption:

+ By type of electricity consumption households;

+ By electricity company;

+ By region and across the country

- Analysis of daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly load profile by region and across the country;

- Assessment of effects of cost-effective energy use program on demand for electricity;

1.2. Current conditions of electricity supply sources;

- Statistical reports on electricity production by form of electricity generation, form of fuel and by owner (GENCOs, IPP, BOT...);

- Operation of electricity sources (conditions of equipment, fuel consumption rate, incidents, effects on the environment...), proportion of electricity used by power plants;

- Assessment of technologies used in existing power plants;

- Assessment of operation of electricity sources participating in the market;

1.3. Current conditions of transmission and distribution grids;

a) Analysis, assessment of structure, capacity for exploitation and operation of transmission and distribution grids;

b) Current conditions of voltage rating and capacity coefficient (Cosj) at nodes of transmission network

c) Technical assessment of operation of electricity system (short-circuit current, static, dynamic steady state, reliability, electricity supply safety and electrical energy quality...);

d) Analysis and assessment of transmission and exchange of electrical energy between regions, problems to transmission network;

dd) Assessment of technical and non-technical losses at stages of transmission and distribution of electricity;

e) Analysis and assessment of interconnection with countries in the region;

Chapter 2.


2.1. Conduct assessment and comparisons between actual demands against predicted demand for electricity;

2.2. Assess the implementation of electricity source development program;

2.3. Assess the implementation of electrical grid development program;

2.4. Conduct compilation and assessment of investment capital mobilization for the construction of electrical works;

2.5. Conduct general assessment of the implementation of previous planning, main advantages and disadvantages, causes and experiences learnt;

Part 2.


Chapter 3.


3.1. General characteristics of Vietnam:

a) Geographic, climatic and hydrological characteristics:

b) Overview of socio-economic situations;

- Vietnam’s economic development from the previous planning stage;

+ National budget, foreign exchange rates and inflation rate;

+ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of individual economic sectors by province and growth rate;

+ Average GDP per capita;

+ GDP structure

- Scenario of socio-economic development in planning stage:

+ Scenarios of socio-economic development by economic sector, region in planning stage;

+ Overview of socio-economic and energy development in regional countries and prospective economic and energy cooperation between Vietnam and other countries;

3.2. Overall analysis of Vietnam's energy system;

a) Correlation between energy and economy in the previous planning stage;

b) Overview of demand and supply in energy in the previous planning stage;

c) Balance of energy in planning stage, and orientation for development of energy and fuel for the next ten years;

- Forecasts about demand for energy in long-term planning;

- Balance of energy in planning stage taking into account exchange of energy with regional countries;

Part 3.


Chapter 4.


4.1. Criteria for planning:

a) Load forecasting;

b) Construction of electricity source development program (large, medium, small electricity sources, new and renewable energy sources...);

c) Electrical grid development program construction (transmission and distribution network);

d) Economic – financial criteria

4.2. Criteria and input parameters for calculation:

a) Parameters, criteria for calculating load forecasting;

b) Parameters, criteria for calculating electricity source development program (large, medium, small electricity sources, new and renewable energy sources...);

c) Parameters, criteria calculating electrical grid development program (transmission and distribution network);

a) Parameters, criteria for economic - financial calculation and analysis

Chapter 5.


5.1. Introduction about models and method of forecasting demand for electricity

5.2. Selection of models and method of forecasting demand for electricity in conformity with Vietnam's circumstance;

5.3. Forecasts about demand for electricity for planning stage:

a) Forecasts about demand for capacity and electrical energy:

- By Power Corporations in the North, the Middle and the South;

- By region and nation-wide;

b) Forecasts about demand for capacity and electricity across the country for milestone years of the planning stage;

c) Forecasts about electricity consumption mode by region and nation-wide for the planning stage (daily load profile by season, yearly load profile, average and maximum capacity in a month).

5.4. Cost-effective energy use programs:

a) Assessment of the implementation of cost-effective energy use programs:

b) Objectives of cost-effective energy use programs;

c) Forecasts about efficiency of cost-effective energy use programs;

5.5. Compilation of loads:

a) Compilation of loads at the nodes of +220kv transmission network for the milestones of planning;

b) Compilation of loads by region, across the system for the milestones of planning;

5.6. Statistical reports on demand for electricity in a number of countries in the world and in the region

5.7. Conclusions and proposals for electrical loading plans

Chapter 6.


6.1. Current conditions of use of primary energy for electricity production:

a) Current conditions of use and exploitation of hydro-power;

b) Current conditions of use of coal for electricity production;

c) Current conditions of use of gas and oil for electricity production;

dd) Current conditions of use of uranium for electricity production;

dd) Current conditions of use of new and renewable energy for electricity production:

6.2. Potential sources of primary energy in the country, prospective importation of energy for electricity production and exchange of electricity with neighboring countries;

6.2.1. Potential sources of hydro-power:

a) Potential sources of hydro-power and exploitation;

b) Feasibility of importation of hydro-power in planning stage.

6.2.2. Potential sources of coal for electricity production:

a) Exploitation of coal by stage;

b) Possible amount of domestic coal supplied to electricity generation;

c) Assessment of possibilities of coal importation;

6.2.3. Potential sources of gas for electricity production in planning stage:

a) Exploitation of gas by stage;

b) Possible amount of domestic coal supplied to electricity generation;

c) Assessment of possibilities of forming a gas pipeline in the region and importation of gas for electricity production in Vietnam;

6.2.4. Assessment of oil in planning stage

a) Oil reserves and possibilities of exploitation of crude oil by stage;

b) Assessment of potential sources of oil supplied to electricity generation;

6.2.5. Assessment of Uranium reserves in Vietnam and potential sources for electricity production in planning stage;

6.2.6. Assessment of potential geothermal heat and prospective development of geothermal power plants in planning stage:

6.3. Forecasts about types of fuel for electricity production in planning stage:

a) Methods and foundations for forecasts about fuel price;

b) Price of domestic and imported coal;

c) Price of gas;

d) Price of crude oil and oil products FO, DO;

dd) Price of uranium;

Chapter 7.


7.1. Potential sources of renewable energy across the country;

7.2. Possibilities of technical – economic exploitation of renewable energy sources for electricity generation;

7.2. Matters concerning incorporation of renewable energy sources into electricity system;

7.4. Orientation for development of renewable energy sources;

Chapter 8.


8.1. Electricity source development methodology:

a) Introduction about computing softwares that are popularly used in the world to determine an electricity source development program;

b) Compare features of softwares and select software for the computation of electricity source development program;

8.2 Conditions for computation of electricity source development program:

a) Rank hydro-power works by investment capital;

b) Plans for supply of gas to electricity production;

c) Plans for supply of coal to electricity production;

d) Possibilities of electricity importation;

8.3. Plans for electricity source development:

a) Based on conditions of computation and use of selected software, propose a number of plans for development of electricity sources in proportion to load scenario;

b) Analyze and assess economic – technical efficiency of proposed electricity source development plans

c) Propose optimal electricity source development plans in proportion to the selected load scenario;

8.4. Balance of capacity – electrical energy in proportion to load scenario;

a) Electrical energy produced by power plants and forms of power plants;

b) Electrical energy exchanged among regions;

c) Electrical energy exchanged between Vietnam and regional countries;

d) Assessment of source structures for five-year, ten-year milestones in planning stage (density of hydro-power, gas-fired thermal power, coal-fired thermal power, oil-fired thermal power and nuclear power...)

8.5. Demand for primary fuel for electricity production:

a) Demand for coal (production of domestic and imported coal);

b) Demand for gas (production of domestic and imported gas expected to be used and allocated by form of investment...);

c) Demand for types of oil;

d) Demand for nuclear fuel;

8.6. Proposed lists of electricity source works expected to develop by stage;

Chapter 9.


9.1. Standards for the formulation of transmission network development program;

9.2. Methodology of formulation of transmission network development program;

9.3. Introduce softwares for electricity system analysis;

9.4. Determine plans for electrical grid development in proportion to selected scenario of electricity source development;

9.5. Calculate distribution of capacity at steady state in dry and wet seasons of grid structure methods in proportion to selected source development plans;

9.6. Conduct technical analysis of electrical grid operation (dynamic, static steady state, reliability of electricity system in proportion to grid structure plans).

9.7. Calculate short-circuit current at a number of main nodes of the system;

9.8. Conduct analysis and calculation of issues relating to integration of new energy sources, renewable energy into the grid system;

9.9. Calculate total idle capacity to make compensation for transmission network in milestone years of the planning stage;

9.10. Determine volume of transmission network in need of construction in milestone years of the planning stage;

9.11. Lists of construction works in planning stage;

9.12. Some conclusions and proposals about transmission network development program;

9.13. Orientation for development of distribution network (110kv, medium and low-voltage);

Chapter 10.


10.1. Assess possibilities of importation and exportation of electrical energy from regional countries;

10.2. Assess possibilities of interconnection with other countries in the region;

10.3. Conduct analysis of Vietnam’s electrical system interconnected with electrical systems of the countries in the region;

10.4. Conduct appropriate calculation of price of imported electricity from the countries in the region;

Chapter 11.


11.1. Characteristics of rural areas in Vietnam;

11.2. Current conditions of supply of electricity to rural areas in Vietnam;

11.3. Assess the implementation of rural electrification program in the previous planning stage;

11.4. Rural electrification program in planning stage;

11.5. Solutions for supply of electricity to remote areas inaccessible to the national grid;

11.6. Investment capital and policies on the implementation of rural electrification;

Chapter 12.


12.1. Moderation of Vietnam’s electrical system;

12.2. Vietnam’s electricity telecommunication information system

Chapter 13.


13.1. Investment capital for electricity source works;

13.2. Investment capital for electrical grid development;

13.3. Investment capital for other work items serving electricity development;

13.4. Compile investment capital for national electricity development;

13.5. Structure of investment capital source for national electricity development;

Chapter 14.


14.1. Electricity price system

a) Determine long-term marginal cost for electricity development;

b) Conduct analysis of electricity price of the countries in the region;

c) Basic principles for the determination of electricity price in the conditions of market development in planning stage;

d) Conduct analysis of existing electricity price table of Vietnam’s electricity sector;

dd) Propose orientations for the formulation of electricity price table in planning stage;

14.2. Conduct economic assessment of electricity development plans in planning stage;

a) Conduct economic assessment of master plan for national electricity development according to long-term marginal cost;

b) Determine price of national grid transmission;

14.3. Conclusions and proposals on policies ensuring the implementation of electricity development program;

Chapter 15.


15.1. Environmental issues of electricity source development program;

a) Environmental issues of electricity sources;

- Hydro-power;

- Thermal power (oil, coal, gas, diesel-fired, nuclear power...);

- Other electrical energy sources;

b) Proposals for solutions to negative impacts on the environment;

15.2. Environmental issues of electrical grid development program and proposals for solutions to minimize negative impacts on the environment;

Chapter 16.


16.1. Compile demand for land use for substation works;

16.2. Compile demand for land use for transmission line works;

16.3. Compile demand for land use for electricity source works;

Chapter 17.


17.1. Assess mechanism for the implementation of existing electricity planning;

17.2. Management mechanism of electricity sector in Vietnam;

17.3. Propose mechanism for the implementation of electricity planning (financial, price mechanism and sector structure...);

Part 4.



I. Documents about load forecasting:

1.1. Survey figures and statistical reports serving load forecasting;

1.2. Happenings of national and regional electricity consumption structures in the previous planning stage;

a) Electricity consumption by season and sectors (industry, agriculture and services...);

b) Number of households and amount of electricity consumed for domestic lighting according to the scale of existing electricity price;

1.3. Maximum capacity of a number of 220kv and 500kv stations;

1.4. Chart of typical seasonal and daily electricity consumption across the country;

1.5. General figures about central industrial zones;

1.6. Load profile by corporations, regions in the past years;

1.7. Growth rate data of national economies by region;

1.8. Forecasts about demand by pattern;

1.9. Detailed forecasts about consumption mode;

II. Primary documents about electricity source works expected to develop

2.1. Thermal power plants;

a) Technological characteristics of thermo-power plants;

b) Sites expected to develop thermal power plants;

2.2. Hydro power plants;

a) Main specifications of hydro-power plants expected to develop;

b) Figures about hydrology, hydropower of the works;

III. Calculations of electricity source development plans

3.1. Input data of thermal-power, hydro-power plants in electricity source planning models;

3.2. Calculations of electricity source development plans

IV. Calculations of transmission network development plans

4.1. Parameters serving the calculation of steady state, analysis of system stabilization...;

4.2. Calculations of electrical grid development plans;

4.3. Lists of transmission line works and substation works expected to develop through stages;

V. Parameters and calculations of economic analysis

5.1. Input parameters serving economic analysis;

5.2. Calculations of investment capital for electricity source and grid development;

VI. Results of balance of energy

Balance of energy in Vietnam in planning stage.


1. Geographical map of 500-220kv electrical system across the country in planning stage;

2. Calculation chart of 500-220kV grids across the country in planning stage;

3. Calculation charts of normal mode, problems to electrical grids in planning stage;




 (Enclosed with the Minister of Industry and Trade’s Circular No. 43/2013/TT-BCT dated December 31, 2013)


Introduction: General introduction and legal foundations related to planning;

Chapter 1.


1.1. Current conditions of provincial electricity development:

a) Current conditions according to statistical figures:

- Electricity supply sources:

+ Statistical reports on installed capacity, load carrying capacity of electricity source stations from the national grid;

+ Identification of possibilities of receiving electricity from the national grid;

+ Statistical reports on independent electricity sources in operation (small hydro-power plants, renewable energy sources...);

+ Conduct analysis and compilation of independent electricity sources most likely to be exploited in the locality;

- Electrical grids;

+ Statistical reports on existing grids by voltage level, owner including cross-section, length of lines, number of stations, machines, capacity of substations

+ Statistical reports on operation of electrical grids including technical specifications and carrying loads of lines and substations by voltage level;

+ Statistical reports on problems to electrical grids in five recent years;

+ Happenings of electrical energy consumption through the years by load components and average electricity price;

+ Statistical reports and analysis of losses of electricity in five recent years;

b) Assessment of current conditions by result of calculation:

- Calculations of capacity distribution and technical losses to medium-voltage grid for a number of typical modes such as Max capacity mode, Min capacity mode by season, formulation of general table of calculations;

- Assessment of actual state of electrical grids, actual load carrying capacity and exploitability of lines, substations; Analysis of management, operation and compilation of advantages and disadvantages of the transmission and distribution networks;

1.2. Assessment of results of performance of electricity development planning in previous planning stage:

a) Compilation of demand for electricity, growth rate, amount of electricity and investment capital in previous stage in comparison with the planning;

b) Assessment of the implementation of electricity source and grid development program;


a) Comments on current conditions of local electrical grids, analysis and classification of substations, lines by voltage level in terms of mobilization, requirements for renovation and development;

b) Classification of loads by economic sector, electricity consumption mechanism by industry; attention must be paid to loads to major industries, irrigation and areas facing economic difficulties;

c) Assessment of current conditions and mechanism of low-voltage grid management, losses and electricity price in various local areas;

d) General assessment of the performance of previous planning, main advantages and disadvantages, causes and experiences learnt;

dd) Capacity for interconnection with other countries in the region by voltage level;

Chapter 2.


2.1. Natural characteristics

2.2. Current socio-economic situations;

a) Achievements

Compile and assess local socio-economic development in ten recent years;

b) Current development by sector:

- Agriculture and forestry – aquaculture;

- Industry – construction;

- Commerce - tourism

2.3. Forecasts about socio-economic development in planning stage:

Based on master socio-economic development planning, urban space planning, construction planning and industrial planning approved by competent authorities, summarize targets of socio-economic development in the locality of which the following areas must be focused:

a) Viewpoints on development;

b) Main criteria through stages;

c) Economic development orientation by sector:

- Agriculture and forestry – Aquaculture;

- Industry – construction;

- Services and commerce;

d) Space development orientation;

dd) Forecasts about population development;

e) Relationship between socio-economic development and electricity development;

Chapter 3.


3.1. Input parameters for the planning:

a) Economic parameters;

b) Technical specifications;

3.2. Criteria for planning stage

a) General criteria

b) Criteria about electricity sources;

c) Criteria about electrical grids;

Based on requirements for electricity supply safety under applicable regulations, propose viewpoints and choose standards for appropriate electricity development chart design by voltage level;

Chapter 4.


4.1. Methodology and foundations for demand forecasting:

a) Introduction about demand forecasting models and plans;

b) Choice of demand forecasting models and plans in accordance with local circumstances;

4.2. Load zoning:

Load zoning must conform to natural characteristics, existing and planned economic development zoning, electricity supply capability of existing 220kv, 110kv stations, mode of grid operation as well as planned construction of new stations in planning stage;

4.3. Calculations of demand for electricity:

Determine two plans for load growth (high growth plan, basic growth plan) by load zone. For a load zone, the following basic parameters must be determined:

a) Annual consumption capacity by provincial-affiliated district, town, city for the first ten years and the next five-year milestones in planning stage;

b) Annual demand for electricity by provincial-affiliated district, town, city for the first ten years and the next five-year milestones in planning stage;

c) Annual total demand for capacity and electricity for the first ten years and the next five-year milestones in planning stage;

4.4. Comments on calculations of demand for electricity:

Comments on satisfaction of loads by local electricity sources, sources from national grids over years of planning and proposals in terms of expertise, economics and techniques.

Chapter 5.


5.1. Development planning for electricity generating sources in the administrative division of provinces and electricity sources from national transmission network:

a) Development planning for electricity generating sources in the administrative division of provinces:

- General planning for major electricity sources in the administrative division of provinces:

- Planning for medium and small electricity sources in the administrative division of provinces:

- Assessment of potentiality and ability to use renewable energy;

b) Sources to feed electricity to provinces from national transmission network;

5.2. Assessment of interconnection with neighboring provinces

5.3. Demand-supply balance of electrical system:

Keep balance between sources and loads by provincial-affiliated zone, annual exchange of electricity with neighboring provinces for the first ten years and the next five-year milestones in planning stage;

5.4. Plans for electrical grid development;

a) Designing 220kv and 110kv grid development chart:

- Propose plans for electricity development;

- Compare economic-technical criteria of the plans:

+ Losses of capacity, voltage rating, electrical energy in the electrical grid system, distribution of capacity on the lines...;

+ Economic, financial and social criteria:

- Selection of plan: Based on economic-technical criteria, social policies, select the plan for electrical grid development;

- Conduct calculations and technical inspection of the selected plan:

+ Conduct calculations of the normal mode, incident mode of the selected plan;

+ Ability to meet load demand according to high growth plan;

+ In case technical requirements are not met, plans for electrical grid development must be re-selected (technical specifications of substations, lines and interconnection plans...) to facilitate the management, operation and development in the following planning stage.

- Compile quantity of lines and 220kv, 110kv substations in need of construction in planning stage under the selected plan;

b) Orientation for medium-voltage grid development:

Orientation for development of medium-voltage grids behind 110kv stations. Then, anticipate total quantity of medium-voltage lines and medium-voltage substations in need of construction in planning stage;

Chapter 6.


6.1. Current conditions of sources feeding electricity to remote and island areas inaccessible to national grid;

6.2. Potentiality of small hydro-power plants and other forms of renewable energy;

6.3. Construction works expected to feed electricity to remote and island areas inaccessible to national grid;

6.4. Proposals;

Chapter 7.


7.1. Environmental issues of electricity source and electrical grid development program;

7.2. Mechanism for environmental protection and sustainable development in provincial electricity development;

Chapter 8.


8.1. Compile demand for land use for substation works, construction sites of substations;

8.2. Compile demand for land use for transmission line works, arrangement of lines;

Chapter 9.


9.1. Quantity for new investment and renovation;

9.2. Compile demand for investment capital;

Chapter 10.


10.1. Conditions for analysis:

a) Viewpoints, methodology of calculation;

b) Conditions, assumptions about figures for calculation;

10.2. Economic analysis:

a) Conduct analysis of economic efficiency of investment capital for the selected plan;

b) Analysis of sensibility;

10.3. Assessment of economic efficiency of provincial electricity development program

Chapter 11.


11.1. Mechanism for implementation

11.2. Financial mechanism

Chapter 12.


12.1. Summary of planning component content:

a) Summary of main information of the component of 110kv electrical system development planning;

b) Summary of advantages and disadvantages of electricity system, shortcomings in the management and operation from previous years, advantages to be brought about by this component.

12.2. Conclusions and proposals


Appendix 1: Lists of loads for industry and construction

Appendix 2: Lists of loads for agriculture, forestry, mariculture

Appendix 3: Lists of loads for services and commerce

Appendix 4: Lists of loads for consumption and residential management

Appendix 5: Lists of loads for other activities

Appendix 6: Load reports through indirect method

Appendix 7: Lists of medium and small electricity sources in the administrative division of provinces

Appendix 8: Calculations of high-voltage grid mode over stages

Appendix 9: Volume of high-voltage grid construction by stage

Appendix 10: Volume of construction, renovation of medium-voltage substations behind 110kv substations

Appendix 11: Volume of construction, renovation of medium-voltage lines behind 110kV substations

Appendix 12: Compilation of construction volume and investment capital

Appendix 13. Economic analysis table


1. Geographical map of 220-110kV electrical grid throughout the province (city) in planning stage;

2. Key diagram of 220-110kV electrical grid throughout the province (city) in planning stage;

3. Key diagram of medium-voltage outgoing feeders after 110kv stations throughout the province (city) in planning stage;




(Enclosed with the Minister of Industry and Trade’s Circular No. 43/2013/TT-BCT dated December 31, 2013)


Introduction: General introduction and legal foundations related to planning;

Chapter 1.


1.1. Sources feeding electricity to the areas

1.2. Electrical grids:

a) Statistical reports on existing grids by voltage level, owner including cross-section, length of lines, number of stations, machines, capacity of transformer stations;

b) Statistical reports on operation of electrical grids including technical specifications and load carrying capacity of lines and transformer stations by voltage level;

c) Statistical reports on problems to electrical grids in recent five years;

d) Happenings of electrical energy consumption over the years by load components;

1.3. Supply and consumption of electricity:

a) Assess supply of electricity;

b) Assess consumption of electricity;

1.4. Assessment of previous planning’s performance;

a) Compile demand for electricity, growth rate, amount of electricity and investment capital in previous stage in comparison with the planning;

b) Assess performance of previous planning;


a) Current conditions of sources and electrical grids;

b) Advantages and disadvantages of performance of previous planning;

c) Interconnection with electrical grids in the region

Chapter 2.


2.1. Natural characteristics

a) Geographical positions, natural characteristics

b) Topography, climate and hydrology

2.2. Current socio-economic situations;

a) Social characteristics

b) Current economic situations;

c) Development of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, industry, construction, commerce and services

2.3. Orientation of socio-economic development;

a) Forecasts about development of population, new urban areas, rural urbanization, and economic areas;

b) Development of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and irrigation system serving agriculture;

c) Industrial and constructional development;

d) Other issues related to socio-economic development and electricity development;

Chapter 3.


3.1. Forecast figures according to 110kv electrical system development planning

3.2. Updated forecasts about demand for electricity

a) Potential factors

b) Calculations and updates on forecasts about demand for electricity

3.3. Load zoning and calculation of electricity consumption structure

Chapter 4.


4.1. Calculate demand for capacity and electrical energy, balance of capacity by year for the first ten years and the next five-year milestones in 110kv station planning stage;

4.2. Design chart of medium-voltage grids behind 110kv substations:

a) Basic principles of designing electricity supply chart;

b) Design chart of medium-voltage grids behind 110kv substations;

c) Lists of medium-voltage lines and distribution substations in need of construction in planning stage;

Chapter 5.


5.1. Environmental issues of electrical grid development program;

5.2. Mechanism for environmental protection and sustainable development in electricity development;

Chapter 6.


6.1. Compile demand for land use for substation works, construction sites of substations;

6.2. Compile demand for land use for transmission line works, arrangement of lines;

Chapter 7.


7.1. Volume of construction and construction progress;

7.2. Total investment capital and sources of capital for medium-voltage and low-voltage level;

Chapter 8.


8.1. Conditions for analysis:

8.2. Economic analysis:

a) Conduct analysis of economic efficiency of investment capital for the selected plan;

b) Analysis of sensibility;

Chapter 9.


9.1. Mechanism for implementation

9.2. Financial mechanism

Chapter 10.


10.1. Summary of planning component content:

a) Summary of main information of the component of detailed development planning for medium and low-voltage grids behind 110kv substations;

b) Summary of advantages and disadvantages of distribution grid, shortcomings in the management and operation from previous years, advantages to be brought about by this component.

10.2. Conclusions and proposals

a) Compilation of difficulties in the implementation of component of detailed development planning for medium and low-voltage grids behind 110kV stations;

b) Conclusions;

c) Proposals;


Appendix 1: Lists of loads for industry and construction

Appendix 2: Lists of loads for agriculture, forestry and mariculture

Appendix 3: Lists of loads for services and commerce

Appendix 4: Demand for electricity for consumption and residential management

Appendix 5: Lists of loads for other activities

Appendix 6: Lists of medium-voltage substations

Appendix 7. Calculations of medium-voltage grid modes over stages

Appendix 8: Volume of construction, renovation of medium-voltage lines

Appendix 9: Volume of construction, renovation of medium-voltage substations

Appendix 10: Volume of construction, renovation of low-voltage lines

Appendix 11. Economic analysis table


1. Geographical map of medium-voltage grid

Represent positions, names of source stations, medium-voltage substations behind 110kv substations;

2. Key diagram of medium-voltage grids behind 110kV substations:

Represents names, capacity of source stations, medium-voltage substations, cross-section, and length of medium-voltage lines;

3. Detailed map of low-voltage grids behind medium-voltage substations;

Represents positions, names of medium-voltage substations, low-voltage lines behind medium-voltage substations (Scale 1:2,000 to 1:10,000)

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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            Circular No. 43/2013/TT-BCT assessment approval and adjustment to electricity development planning
            Loại văn bảnThông tư
            Số hiệu43/2013/TT-BCT
            Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Công thương
            Người kýLê Dương Quang
            Ngày ban hành31/12/2013
            Ngày hiệu lực15/02/2014
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            Lĩnh vựcBộ máy hành chính, Thương mại, Tài nguyên - Môi trường
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            Cập nhật11 năm trước

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                    • 31/12/2013

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