Thông tư 67/2011/TT-BGDDT

Circular No. 67/2011/TT-BGDDT of December 30, 2011 promulgating regulations on evaluation standards of primary schools

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 67/2011/TT-BGDDT promulgating regulations on evaluation standards




No.: 67/2011/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, December 30, 2011




Pursuant to the Law on Education dated June 14, 2005; the Law amending and supplementing some Articles of the Education Law dated November 25, 2009;

Pursuant to the Decree No.75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some Articles of the Law on Education; the Decree No.31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 of the Government amending and supplementing some Articles of Decree No.75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some Articles of the Law on Education;

Pursuant to Decree No.178/2007/ND-CP dated December 03, 2007 of the Government regulating functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the ministries, ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to Decree No.32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19, 2008 of the Government regulating functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of Ministry of Education and Training;

At the proposal of the Director of Educational Testing and Quality Assurance,
Minister of Education and Training decides:

Article 1. Issue together with this Circular the Regulations on evaluation standards of primary schools.

Article 2. This Circular takes effect from February 14, 2012.

This Circular is the basis for modification, supplement or issuance of document to replace the Decision No.32/2005/QD-BGD&DT dated October 24, 2005 of the Minister of Education and Training promulgating the Regulations to recognize primary schools achieved national standards; the Decision No.04/2008/QD-BGDDT dated February 04, 2008 of the Minister of Education and Training issuing the Regulations on standards to evaluate educational quality of the primary schools; the Decision No.55/2007/QD-BGDDT dated September 28, 2007 of the Minister of Education and Training providing the minimum level of quality of primary schools; the Document No.1741/BGDDT-GDTrH dated March 05, 2009 of the Ministry of Education and Training on guiding the evaluation of the results of the emulative movement "Building friendly schools, active students"; the Circular No. 43/2006/TT-BGDDT dated October 20, 2006 the Ministry of Education and Training guiding all-sized inspection of the schools, other educational establishments and inspection of pedagogical activities of teachers (the contents applied to the primary schools).

Article 3. Chief office, heads of concerned units under the Ministry of Education and Training; Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government, Directors of Education and Training are responsible for the implementation of this Circular./.





Nguyen Vinh Hien



(Issued together with Circular No.: 67/2011/TT-BGDDT dated December 30, 2011 of the Minister of Education and Training)

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of governing and application subjects

1. This document provides for education standards of the primary schools, including: organization and management of schools, managers, teachers, staffs, and pupils; material facilities and teaching equipment; relationship between schools, families and society; educational activities and educational outcomes.

2. This document is applied to the primary schools of all categories in the national education system.

3. Education standards of the primary schools is a basis for determining content, the degree of requirements in the following activities: educational quality inspection of primary schools, evaluation of the minimum quality of primary schools, accreditation of primary schools achieved national standard, primary schools achieved standards of friendly schools, active students, the school all-sized inspection.

Article 2. Interpretation of terms

In this document the following terms are construed as follows:

1. Evaluation standards of the primary schools is the requirements for the schools to ensure educational quality. Each standard includes criteria for evaluating schools.

2. Evaluation criterion of primary schools is the requirement for the schools in the specific content of each standard. Each criterion has the index to evaluate primary schools.

3. Evaluation index of primary schools is the requirement for the schools in the specific content of each criterion.

Chapter II


Article 3. Standard 1: Organization and management of schools

1. The apparatus organizational structure in accordance with Rules of the elementary schools.

a) Principals, vice principals and councils (the school councils for the public schools, the management boards for private schools, councils of emulation and rewards and other advisory councils);

b) Organization of Vietnam Communist Party, trade unions, Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh, Young Pioneers of Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh Star Children and other social organizations;

c) The professional groups and office groups.

2. Classes, number of students, the school scores under the provisions of the schools’ Rules.

a) Classes held according to regulations;

b) Number of students in a class as prescribed;

c) The location of schools and the school scores under the provisions.

3. The organizational structure and the implementation of tasks in accordance with provisions in the Rules of the primary schools of the professional groups and office groups.

a) Organizational structure as prescribed;

b) Development of action plan of the groups by week, month, year of school and performance of the group activities as prescribed;

c) Performance of the duties of the group according to provisions.

4. Compliance with guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State, the leadership, direction of the levels of the Party committees, local governments and educational management agencies at all levels; assurance of the Regulations of implementation of democracy in the activities of the school.

a) Implementation of the directives and resolutions of the levels of Party committees, submission to the administrative management of local government, the direction of the professional skills of the management agencies of education;

b) Performance of regime of periodic reports, irregular reports as prescribed;

c) Assurance of the Regulations of democracy implementation in the operation of the schools.

5. Administrative management, performance of the emulative movement as prescribed.

a) Records for the educational activities of the schools under the provisions of the Rules of primary schools;

b) Archiving sufficiently, scientifically records and documents in accordance with provisions of the Archives Law;

c) Implementation of the campaigns, organization and maintenance of the emulative movements under the guidance of the sector and state regulations.

6. Management of educational activities, managers, teachers, staffs, students and finance, land and material facilities as prescribed.

a) Performance of the tasks of educational activities and students in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of primary schools;

b) Implementation of recruitment, promotion, appointment, management of officials, teachers and staffs in accordance with provisions of the Law on Officers and Civil Servants, Law on Public Employees, the Rules of primary schools and other provisions of law;

c) Effective management, use of finance, land, and material facilities to serve the educational activities.

7. Assurance of order and security and safety for students and for officials, teachers, staffs and compliance with the regulations on prevention and combat of school violence, prevention and combat of epidemic disease, prevention of natural disaster, the social evils in the schools.

a) Development of the plans for ensuring security and order, prevention and combat of injury, fire, natural disasters, epidemic disease, food poisoning, social evils of the schools;

b) Assurance of safety for students and officials, teachers, staffs in schools;

c) There is no phenomenon of discrimination and violations of gender, violence in schools.

Article 4. Standard 2: Managers, teachers, staffs, and students

1. The capacity of the managers in the process of implementing educational activities.

a) Number of teaching years of principals, vice principals (not including the probation period) as prescribed;

b) Assessment of the principals, vice principals annually according to the provisions on Standards of primary school principal;

c) Assessment of the principals, vice principals on training, political training and education management as prescribed.

2. The number and training qualifications of teachers in accordance with the Rules of primary schools.

a) The number and structure of teachers ensured to teach the compulsory subjects of the primary schools under the provisions;

b) Teachers of subjects: physical education, music, fine arts, foreign language, teachers as general in charge of Young Pioneers of Ho Chi Minh meeting the regulations;

c) Meeting the qualification of standards and more than standards as prescribed.

3. The results of valuation and classification of teachers and assurance of the rights of teachers under the regulations.

a) General classification of teachers at the end of school year achieved average grade or higher by Regulations on Standard of primary school teachers’ occupation;

b) Number of teachers won the best teachers at the rural district level (urban district, town, or provincial city) or more meeting the requirements;

c) Assurance of the rights of teachers under the provisions of the Rules of the primary schools and law.

4. Quantity, quality and assurance of regimes and policies in accordance with provisions for the staff teams of the schools.

a) The number of employees meeting the regulations;

b) The accountants, clerical, medical staffs, employees working with teaching facilities with the intermediate level or higher according to their specialties; other employees who have been trained in professional skill according to job position;

c) Performance of assigned tasks and on being made sure the regimes, policies in accordance with provisions.

5. School students meeting the requirements as prescribed by the Rules of primary schools and the law.

a) Assurance of the regulations on age of students;

b) Fulfillment of the tasks of the students and the provisions of the behaviors that students are banned from doing;

c) Assurance of the students’ rights as prescribed.

Article 5. Standard 3: Material facilities and teaching equipment

1. Campus, school gate, protective barriers, playground, and drilling ground according to the provisions of the Rules of primary schools.

a) Site area and the requirements for green, clean, and pretty cool as prescribed;

b) Gates, signboard of school name, surrounded wall according to regulations;

c) Playground and drilling ground according to the provisions.

2. Classrooms, boards, tables, furniture for teachers and students.

a) The quantity and specifications, the quality and equipment of classrooms meeting the provisions of the Rules of primary schools;

b) Dimensions, materials, structure, designs and colors of furniture for students meeting the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Health;

c) Size, color, hanging method of the boards in the classrooms meeting the School hygiene provisions of the Ministry of Health.

3. Room block, office equipment for management, teaching and learning in accordance with the Rules of primary schools.

a) Room block for study, room block of management administration, dining areas, rooms for taking a rest (if any) meeting the regulations;

b) Minimum medical equipment and medicine cabinet with various essential drugs meeting the regulations;

c) The office machines (computers, printers) for the management and teaching, the computer connected with internet for the education activities meeting the requirements.

4. Toilets, garages, clean water systems, sewer systems, garbage collection meeting the requirements of educational activities.

a) Separate toilet area for officials, teachers, staffs, students, separate one for male and female students, for students with disabilities, with the safe, convenient, clean location consistent with landscape of schools;

b) Garage for officials, teachers, staffs and students meeting the regulations;

c) Clean water sources meeting the use need of the officials, teachers, staffs, and students; system of drainage, garbage collection guaranteeing requirements.

5. Library meeting the needs of study and research of the officials, teachers, staffs, and students.

a) Library meeting high school library of the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) Activities of the library meeting the needs of research, teaching of officials, teachers, staffs and students;

c) Being supplemented books, newspapers, and referential documents annually.

6. Teaching equipment, teaching aids and effective use of equipment and teaching aids.

a) Minimum teaching equipment for teaching and learning to meet the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) The use of teaching equipment in the class hours and self-doing of some teaching aids of teachers meeting the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training;

c) Annual inventory, repair, upgrade, supplementation of furniture and teaching equipment.

Article 6. Standard 4: The relationship between the school, family, and society

1. Organization and performance of the students’ parents’ representatives as prescribed.

a) Organization, duties, rights, responsibilities and activities of the Board of the students’ parents Representatives under Rules of the Board of the students’ parents Representatives;

b) School’s facilitating the Board of the students’ parents’ representatives to work;

c) Organization of irregular and period meetings between schools and students’ parents, the Board of students’ parents’ representatives to receive comments on the management of the schools, the measures to educate students, handling of the recommendations of students’ parents, contribution of comments to the activities of the Board of the students’ parents’ representatives.

2. The consultancy of the school to the Party committees, governments, and coordination with the organizations, associations of the localities to construct schools and educational environment.

a) Coordination with organizations, associations to build a healthy educational environment in schools and in their localities;

b) Mobilization and effective use of the voluntary resources according to provisions of the organizations and individuals to build material facilities, add facilities, teaching equipment;

c) Mobilization of voluntary funds as prescribed of the organizations and individuals to reward good students, support poor students.

3. The coordination of school with organizations, associations of the localities, mobilization of the participation of the community to educate tradition of history, national culture for students and implementation of the objectives and plans of education.

a) Effective coordination with the organizations and associations to educate students on the traditions, history, national culture;

b) Care for historic, revolutionary relics, cultural work; care for families of war invalids, martyrs, families having merit with the country, Vietnam Mother – heroes in the localities;

c) Dissemination to increase public understanding of the content, methods and method of valuating primary school students, facilitate the community to participate actively in implementation of the objectives, plans of primary education.

Article 7. Standard 5: Activities of education and educational outcomes

1. Implementation of educational programs of the primary schools, the teaching plan of the Ministry of Education and Training, the regulations on professional skill of the local education management agencies.

a) Plan of professional activities of each school year, semester, month, week of the school meeting the regulations;

b) Teaching all the subjects, the right programs and plans ensuring the requirements of the standard of knowledge, skills, content selection, duration, methods and forms suitable to each student object, meeting cognitive ability and requirements of sustainable development in the real conditions of the locality;

c) Improvement of gifted students, giving extra-class help for the weak students.

2. Activities out of class hours of schools.

a) Programs and plans to organize educational activities outside of class hours meeting the regulations;

b) Organization of educational activities outside of class hours under the plan with the forms of diversity, abundance and in accordance with age of students;

c) Assignment, mobilization of teachers, staffs to participate in activities outside of class hours.

3. Participation in implementing the objective of compulsory education for primary level according to right age of the locality.

a) Participation in implementing the objective of compulsory education for primary level according to right age, prevention of the relapse into illiteracy in the locality;

b) Organization and implementation of "the date that whole people take children to schools", mobilization of school-age children;

c) Support of children with extremely- difficult circumstances, children with disabilities to go to school.

4. The results of educational classification of students meeting educational goals.

a) Percentage of students classified average or higher;

b) Percentage of students classified good, rather good;

c) Percentage of students classified weak.

5. Organization of activities of care for, physical education, education on awareness of environmental protection.

a) Education on awareness of self- care for health of students;

b) Periodic medical examination, vaccination for students as prescribed;

c) The Students’ participation in activities of environmental protection.

6. Educational performance of schools.

a) Percentage of students passed their grade, completed primary school program;

b) Percentage of students achieved identifiers of good student, advanced student;

c) Students’ participation in the contests and exchange organized by the rural district level (urban district, town, or provincial city) or more organizations and won the prize.

7. Education of life skills, creation of opportunities for students to participate in the learning process in a positive, proactive, and creative manner.

a) Education, training of life skills appropriate to students’ age;

b) Creation of opportunities for students to participate in the learning process in a positive, proactive, creative manner;

c) Students’ collection and self-doing of learning tools, active help with each other in learning.

Chapter III


Article 8. The responsibility of the Departments of education and training

1. To consult the People's Committees of provinces, centrally-run cities in development of the local policies to ensure the quality of primary schools.

2. To direct, supervise and inspect the evaluation of primary schools.

Article 9. Responsibilities of offices of education and training

1. To consult with the district People's Committees (district, town, or provincial city) in development of local policies to ensure the quality of primary schools under their management.

2. To organize the implementation and inspect the assessment of primary schools.

Article 10. Responsibilities of the primary schools

1. To develop the plans of striving to obtain the evaluation standard of primary schools in each period.

2. To assign, arrange officials, teachers, staffs to implement the set out plan./.


This translation is made by LawSoft, for reference only. LawSoft is protected by copyright under clause 2, article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property. LawSoft always welcome your comments

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              Circular No. 67/2011/TT-BGDDT promulgating regulations on evaluation standards
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