Thông tư 86/2014/TT-BGTVT

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 86/2014/TT-BGTVT conditions for four-wheel drive passenger cars in traffic restricted range


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 86/2014/TT-BGTVT

Hanoi, December 31, 2014




Pursuant to the Law on Road Traffic dated November 13, 2008;

Pursuant to the Law on Road Traffic dated November 13, 2008;

Pursuant to the Law on Consumers’ Right Protection dated November 17, 2010;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 132/2008/NĐ-CP dated December 31, 2008, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Product and Goods Quality;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 171/2013/NĐ-CP dated November 13, 2013 regulating penalties for administrative violations in road and railway traffic;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 107/2012/NĐ-CP dated December 20, 2012 defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

At the request of Director General of the Department of Science and Technology and Director General of the Vietnam Register;

The Minister of Transport promulgates the Circular regulating conditions applied to restricted vehicles and operators thereof.

Chapter I


Article 1. Governing scope

1. This Circular regulates four-wheeled passenger vehicles in terms of:

a) Inspection of technical quality, safety, and environmental safety in production, assembly and import;

b) Inspection of technical quality, safety, and environmental safety of restricted vehicles;

c) Conditions applied to restricted vehicles and operators thereof;

2. This Circular does not regulate passenger vehicles that are used for the purposes of national defense and security by the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security;

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to agencies, organizations and individuals involved in management, production, assembly, importation, testing, quality inspection, quality certification, operation and use of passenger vehicles.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In this Circular, some terms are construed as follows:

1. Passenger vehicle means a road motor vehicle which is meant to carry people, has two axles, at least four wheels, a designed maximum speed not exceeding 30 km/h, and up to 15 seats (including driver’s seat).

2. Passenger vehicles of the same type mean passenger vehicles of the same industrial property rights, brand, design, technical specifications and the same technology line.

3. Type approval means the process of inspection, testing, review, assessment and certification of conformity of a type of passenger vehicle with requirements for technical quality, safety, and environment protection as set out hereof.

4. Test sample means a typical sample selected by a manufacturer or randomly taken by the Vietnam Register for testing.

5. Testing facility means an organization that is involved in the testing of spare parts or motor vehicles to carry out the testing of spare parts or motor vehicles under national technical regulations and standards and relevant legal documents.

6. Manufacturer means an enterprise that carries out production, assembly of passenger vehicles and meets technical facilities as required by the law.

7. Importers mean organizations, individuals that carry out the importation of passenger vehicles.

8. Defective vehicles mean passenger vehicles that have defects made during design, production and assembly likely to impose danger on life and properties of users as well as negative effects on safety of communities and environment.

9. Recall means a manufacturer requesting for passenger vehicles of defective batch and type that are sold to be returned for repairs or replacements in order to prevent possible dangers caused by defects made during the design, production and assembly.

10. Restricted vehicle mean a vehicle that may only use certain roads within certain time frames regulated by the People’s committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces.

11. Internally used vehicles means passenger vehicles that may only use internal roads.

12. Roadworthiness inspection means the inspection and assessment of technical safety and environmental safety of restricted vehicles to certify that they meet the conditions applied to restricted vehicles.

Chapter II


Article 4. Sample inspection and test

1. Items subject to inspection and test

a) For restricted vehicles: carry out inspection and test of the items as prescribed in the Appendix I enclosed herewith;

a) For internally used vehicles: carry out inspecting and checking technical specifications as prescribed in the Appendix II enclosed herewith;

2. The testing facility shall carry out the inspection and testing of sample passenger vehicles according to the process corresponding to the requirements set out hereof, prepare reports on inspection and test as regulated. In case of necessity, the Vietnam Register shall carry out monitoring the inspection and testing directly.

3. Number of test samples: One (01) complete vehicle (a fully charged battery to be added in case an electric car is used).

4. After the inspection, testing and reports on the results are completed, the testing facility shall return the sample vehicle and send the report on results of inspection and test to the manufacturer and importer.

Article 5. Registration for certificate of type approval

Registration documents for certificate of type approval (hereinafter referred to as the registration documents) include:

1. Registration for technical specifications (See Form in the Appendix II enclosed herewith).

2. Original of the report on results of inspection and test of passenger vehicles;

3. Written description of technological process of production, assembly and quality inspection of passenger vehicles

4. Vehicle user manuals containing key technical specifications, operation of vehicle instruments, guidance on fire and explosion prevention and fighting, and environmental protection safety; warranty card (specifying warranty conditions and address of warranty & service facility).

5. Copy of Certificate of business registration or Investment certificate with respect to the production facilities that conduct production and assembly of passenger vehicles for the first time;

6. The manufacturer’s written undertaking that the type of passenger vehicle asking for certification of type approval shall not violate industrial property rights being protected and the manufacturer shall be responsible to the law for any dispute in industrial property rights.

Article 6. Assessment of quality assurance conditions at manufacturer

1. To ensure quality of mass-produced products, the manufacturer must meet the following requirements:

a) Must have a process and professional guidance on quality inspection for each product type from quality inspection of incoming components, on each step to the control of the warranty and maintenance;

b) Must have necessary inspecting devices for each production step; List of minimum equipment required for quality inspection of finished restricted vehicles as prescribed in the Appendix III enclosed herewith; annually, such equipment shall undergo inspection and confirmation about working conditions conducted by the Vietnam Register;

c) Must have sufficient human forces for production and quality inspection in conformity with the process of production and assembly. Must have high-qualified technical staff who are responsible for finished vehicle quality;

2. The Vietnam Register shall carry out assessment of quality assurance conditions at the manufacturer based on the standard ISO/TS 16949 "Quality control system – particular requirements for the application of ISO9001:2008 to enterprises that are involved in production and assembly of motor vehicles and components of motor vehicles” as follows:

a) Process and professional guidance on production, assembly and quality inspection: inspection of incoming components, each step of production and finished product;

b) Equipment for quality inspection;

c) Human forces for quality inspection;

3. Conformity of production assessments (COP assessment):

a) First COP assessment shall be carried out when Certificate of type approval is granted.

b) Annual COP assessment shall be carried out on the annual basis;

c) Unexpected COP assessment shall be carried out when the manufacturer shows signs of violations of the regulations on quality inspection, using finished product quality inspection note or upon complaints about vehicle quality.

4. For any type that is not significantly changed in the process of production, assembly and quality inspection, result of previous COP assessment can be used.

Article 7. Issuance of certificate of type approval

Issuance of Certificate of type approval (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) shall be carried out in sequence as follows:

1. The manufacturer must submit one (01) set of registration documents as prescribed in Article 5 hereof and make submission direct or by post to the Vietnam Register.

2. The Vietnam Register shall receive and carry out inspection of the registration documents and handling as follows:

a) If components of the documents are found inadequate as required, the manufacturer shall be asked to complete within one working day for the documents directly submitted or three working days for the documents submitted by post.

b) If components of the documents are found adequate as required, the manufacturer shall be informed about the time and venue for the implementation of COP assessment.

3. Within 10 working days since receipt of adequate documents as required, the Vietnam Register shall carry out COP assessment as prescribed in Article 6 hereof.

a) If unsatisfactory, a written notice shall be granted to the manufacturer for completion right after the inspection and assessment are finished.

b) If satisfactory, the Vietnam Register shall issue the certificate according to the form in the Appendix IVa enclosed hereof within three working days since the inspection and assessment are finished.

Article 8. Inspection during production and assembly

1. The manufacturer is permitted to carry out production, assembly and turning out next passenger vehicles only when the certificate of type approval is granted to such vehicle and must ensure that it conforms to the registration documents and test sample. The manufacturer must be responsible for origin and quality of finished passenger vehicles.

2. Each manufactured and assembled vehicle must be inspected for finished product quality by the manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as finished product inspection).

3. Based on the granted certificate and result of finished product inspection, the manufacturer of restricted vehicles shall be provided a template of the finished product inspection note according to the form in the Appendix V enclosed herewith with respect to manufactured and assembled passenger vehicles.

4. The manufacturer shall issue the finished product inspection note to each vehicle that meets requirements for finished product inspection. The finished product inspection note as prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article must be signed and affixed stamp by a competent person (head, deputy or subordinate empowered by head of the manufacturer).

5. The manufacturer shall be responsible for preparing and issuing to each finished vehicle a set of documents at least including the finished product inspection note; user manuals and warranty card.

6. The Vietnam Register may carry out unexpected inspection. In case result of inspection shows the manufacturer has violated the provisions set out in Clause 3, Article 9 hereof, the certificate shall be revoked. In case the violation does not lead to revocation of the certificate, the finished product inspection must be monitored under Clause 2 of this Article.

Article 9. Annual assessment and

1. Annually, the Vietnam Register shall carry out assessment of type of passenger vehicles already granted the certificate based on result of COP assessment as prescribed in Point b, Clause 3, Article 6 hereof.

2. The manufacturer must carry out procedures for supplements when regulations on certified type of passenger vehicles change or changes made to passenger vehicles affect conformity of such type with the provisions set out hereof. The manufacturer must submit to the Vietnam Register the following additional documents:

a) Documents concerning changes to passenger vehicles;

b) Reports on vehicle inspection and test under new regulations or reports on inspection and testing of changes, supplements made to passenger vehicles under applicable regulations.

3. Certificate of type approval shall become invalid or revoked in the following cases:

a) Passenger vehicles no longer meet applicable regulations or changes made to passenger vehicles do not conform to the registration documents, granted certificate; the manufacturer fails to fulfill procedures for supplements as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.

b) The manufacturer fails to perform finished product quality inspection as regulated, using the finished product inspection note for uncertified passenger vehicles, types of passenger vehicles violating industrial property rights;

c) The manufacturer fails to carry out a recall of defective vehicles as prescribed Clause 3, Article 25 hereof.

A written notice about the expired certificate shall be granted to the manufacturer and at the same time published on the portal of the Vietnam Register.

Chapter III


Article 10. Registration documents for inspection

1. The registration documents for inspection include:

a) An original of the Registration for inspection of technical quality, safety, and environmental safety for imported passenger vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Registration for inspection) according to the form in the Appendix VI enclosed herewith;

b) Copy of import vouchers confirmed by importer including commercial invoices or equivalent papers; declaration of imported goods;

c) Importer-confirmed copy of documents about vehicle features & specifications (including basic size, weights), passenger capacity, maximum speed; tire size, distance continuously traveled per charge (for electrically powered passenger vehicles); introduction about main system including transmission, brake system, suspension, steering, lights and signals, fundamental specifications of engines (for combustion engine: maximum speed with rotating speed, working volume, fuel; for electric engines: maximum capacity, nominal voltage, battery capacity);

In case the abovementioned documents are not available or do not contain adequate information as prescribed in Point c of this Clause, the importer may use the Registration for technical specifications according to the form in the Appendix II enclosed herewith as a substitute.

2. Declaration of imported goods as defined in Point b and components of the documents as prescribed in Point c, Clause 1 of this Article may be submitted later than the Registration for inspection but must be prior to the inspection of passenger vehicles.

3. Any vehicle that is the same type of those inspected and granted to the certificate by the Vietnam Register shall be exempted from submission of documents as prescribed in Point c, Clause 1 of this Article.

Article 11. Inspection of passenger vehicles

1. Inspection method:

a) Inspect conformity of type for passenger vehicles in the same batch;

b) Inspect frame and engine numbers of each vehicle in the batch.

c) Take by random one (01) sample vehicle of the same type in a batch for inspection and test. As for used passenger vehicles, the inspection and test shall be carried out on each vehicle.

2. Content for inspection and test:

Inspection and test of sample passenger vehicles as specified in Point c, Clause 1 of this Article shall be carried out according to Article 4 hereof.

3. Sample passenger vehicles shall be exempted from inspection and test in the following cases:

a) Passenger vehicles that were inspected under mutual recognition agreement on standards, regulations and conformity to which Vietnam is a contracting country;

b) Unused passenger vehicles of the same type that was granted the certificate by the Vietnam Register and are from the same importer;

In case any batch, sample vehicle defined as exempted from inspection and test as mentioned above shows signs of inadequate quality assurance, inspection and test of sample passenger vehicles must be conducted according to Clause 2 of this Article.

Article 12. Issuance of certificate of import quality

1. The importer must prepare one (01) set of registration documents as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 10 hereof and make submission direct to the Vietnam Register.

2. After receiving the Registration documents for inspection, the Vietnam Register shall examine and check the documents against the provisions set out in Clause 1, Article 10 hereof as follows:

a) If the Registration documents for inspection are found inadequate as required, within one (01) working day, the importer shall be instructed to make supplements for completion.

b) If the Registration documents for inspection are found adequate as required, within one (01) working day, the Vietnam Register shall make confirmations on the Registration for inspection and at the same time agree with the importer about the time and venue for inspection.

3. The Vietnam Register shall carry out inspection and examination of test results as prescribed in Article 11 hereof, make notifications about the result within three working days (since the inspection is completed and test result is released) as follows:

a) If unsatisfactory, the importer shall be granted a written notice for remedial work; after 10 working days since the notice is released, in case the importer fails to take any remedial measure, the Vietnam Register shall issue an "unsatisfactory quality" notice as prescribed in the Appendix IVc enclosed herewith.

b) If satisfactory, the certificate shall be granted according to Form in the Appendix IVb enclosed herewith.

During the inspection, in case the Vietnam Register receives a notice from the manufacturer or foreign vehicle management agency about a recall for repair of technical defects, the Vietnam Register shall issue the certificate after the importer issues a written undertaking accompanied by a written confirmation from the manufacturer or a manufacturer- authorized facility that the repair work is done and safety ensured.

Chapter IV


Article 13. Documents for roadworthiness inspection

1. Documents to be submitted:

a) A request form for inspection by organizations, individuals as prescribed in the Appendix VII enclosed herewith in case the vehicle cannot be moved to the vehicle registry;

b) Copy of the finished product inspection note (with respect to passenger vehicles that are domestically manufactured, assembled and inspected for the first circulation since this Circular takes effect).

2. Documents to be presented:

a) An original, or copy of Certificate of vehicle registration confirmed by a bank that is holding an original of such certificate, or copy of the certificate confirmed by a finance lease agency that is holding an original of such certificate;

b) An original of unexpired certificate of civil liability insurance;

c) An unexpired approval granted by local competent agency for the area of vehicle operation.

Article 14. Roadworthiness inspection by vehicle registry

1. Roadworthiness inspection shall be conducted by a local vehicle registry of the area where the vehicle operates.

2. Inspection data shall be stored at the vehicle registry and on the database of the Vietnam Register.

Article 15. Procedures for roadworthiness inspection

1. Owner or authorized person (hereinafter referred to as the owner) shall submit documents as prescribed in Article 13 hereof to the vehicle registry for inspection.

2. Vehicle inspection organizations to receive and inspect the documents if the documents are found inadequate as required, the owner shall be asked to fulfill within the working day. If the documents are found adequate as required, inspection shall be scheduled at the owner’s venue where it is required to meet the conditions as prescribed in the Appendix VIII enclosed herewith).

3. Inspection shall be conducted according to the items and methods as prescribed in the Appendix VIII enclosed herewith;

4. In case of first inspection, the vehicle registry shall carry out inspection and establishment of a written record of the first inspection according to the form shown in the Appendix IX enclosed herewith. In case registration of imported passenger vehicles takes place after the effective date of this Circular, the vehicle registry shall rely on data of imported passenger vehicles on the portal of the Vietnam Register and real-life inspection of passenger vehicles to form the documents.

5. If satisfactory, the vehicle registry shall issue certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp after two working days since the inspection is done. The certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp are instructed in the Appendix X enclosed herewith.

6. If unsatisfactory, the vehicle registry shall make notifications about unsatisfactory components to the owner for repairs and carry out re-inspection.

Article 16. Certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp

1. Validity period of certificate of roadworthiness

a) In case of first inspection: 18 months for new vehicle or passenger vehicles that have not been used for two years since the year of manufacture; 12 months for the remaining cases (including passenger vehicles of unidentifiable year);

b) Next inspections: 12 months

c) Validity period of certificate of roadworthiness does not exceed validity period of Certificate of vehicle registration (if any).

2. Certificate of roadworthiness, restricted vehicle stamp must contain the same serial number and technical specifications of passenger vehicles; the owner must carry certificate of roadworthiness when traveling on the road; Restricted vehicle stamp is stuck on the top right corner of front screen. In case certificate of roadworthiness, restricted vehicle stamp is lost, damaged or torn apart, the owner must have the vehicle inspected for re-issuance of certificate of roadworthiness.

3. In case the documents provided by the owner are found fake, modified and erased or the granted certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp are found not in accordance with the inspected vehicle, the vehicle registry shall make a written notice to functional agencies for appropriate handling measures according to the law and be responsible for revoking the granted certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp (if they remain valid).

4. Certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp shall expire in the following cases:

a) The vehicle is granted a new certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp;

b) Declaration of loss was submitted by the owner;

c) Notice about revocation was granted by the vehicle registry;

d) Passenger vehicles having accidents so serious that technical safety and environmental protection are not ensured.

Article 17. Reporting and filing documents

1. Vehicle registries shall submit reports on roadworthiness inspection of motor vehicles to Vietnam Register.

2. Carry out unexpected reports at the request of competent agencies;

3. Document retention

a) Vehicle documents, inspection documents and other relevant papers shall be retained at vehicle registries;

b) Inspection documents, results of inspection must be retained for three years since the date of inspection;

c) The Vietnam Register shall provide guidance to vehicle registries on retention of inspection documents and vehicle documents;

Chapter V


Article 18. Conditions to be satisfied by operators of restricted vehicles

The operator of a restricted vehicle must obtain the B2 driving license or over and must comply with the provisions set out in Article 58 of the Law on Road Traffic in 2008.

Article 19. Conditions to be satisfied by restricted vehicles

1. The certificate of vehicle registration and license plate is granted by a competent authority;

2. The certificate of roadworthiness is unexpired;

3. The certificate of civil liability insurance is unexpired;

Article 20. Compliance with regulations on traffic participation

1. Compliance with road traffic rules, fines and measures to remedy consequences of administrative violations in road traffic is instructed under the Government's regulations and applied to passenger vehicles from 15 seats and under;

2. Scope and time of operation of four-wheeled passenger vehicles shall be regulated by People’s committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces.

Chapter VI


Article 21. Responsibilities of the Vietnam Register

1. The Vietnam Register is a state management agency for technical quality, safety, and environment protection with respect to vehicles as defined in this Circular’s governing scope; shall be responsible for providing professional guidance on quality inspection in production, assembly, and importation; carrying out roadworthiness inspection and inspection of the implementation of this Circular.

2. Issue, manage and instruct the use of certificates, templates of finished product quality inspection notes, certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp as prescribed hereof.

3. Publish on the portal of the Vietnam Register the lists of testing facilities that carry out the tests serving the certification of technical quality, safety, and environment protection.

4. Organize regular or unscheduled inspections of the implementation of quality assurance by the manufacturer and roadworthiness inspection conducted by vehicle registries.

5. Submit reports on quality inspection, inspection and roadworthiness inspection of motor vehicles as regulated.

Article 22. Responsibilities of testing facilities

1. Set up adequate conditions for the implementation of inspection and testing as prescribed hereof and other relevant legal documents;

2. Carry out the inspection and testing, establish reports on test results as regulated and take responsibility for results of inspection and testing;

Article 23. Responsibilities of the Services of Transport

1. Report, construct and submit to People’s committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces for approval the regulations on range, routes and time for passenger vehicles to operate in accordance with Article 20 hereof and local actual circumstances.

2. Inspect and handle violations committed by individuals and local vehicle registries during roadworthiness inspection;

Article 24. Responsibilities of motor vehicle registries

1. Carry out roadworthiness inspection and issue certificate of roadworthiness, restricted vehicle stamp as regulated; Heads and members of vehicle registries that are directly involved in the inspection must be responsible for results of inspection.

2. Make public announcement about sequence, procedures, content, process, standards, regulations, fees, charges, and working time;

3. Carry out filing and reporting as regulated; Make daily transfer of data, protect passwords and update warning data on the portal of the Vietnam Register.

4. Submit monthly reports on roadworthiness inspection before the 5th of every month to the Vietnam Register and the Services of Transport;

5. Comply and create favorable conditions for functional agencies to investigate, examine and oversee the roadworthiness inspection by relevant authorities;

Article 25. Responsibilities of production facilities and importers

1. Be responsible for accuracy and authenticity of the documents provided to the Vietnam Register;

2. Cooperate fully with the Vietnam Register during the investigation and inspection of product quality;

3. Carry out a recall as regulated in Article 22 of the Law on consumers’ right protection upon detection of defective products;

4. Be responsible to the law for any violation of industrial property rights being protected;

5. Be responsible for moving a sample vehicle to the testing site.

6. The manufacturer must construct the quality control system to ensure quality of mass-produced products;

7. The importer must present a vehicle in the whole unit to the Vietnam Register for inspection and testing at the site agreed with the Vietnam Register.

Article 26. Responsibilities of the owner

In addition to the provisions on roadworthiness inspection, the owner must be responsible for executing the following provisions:

1. Do not falsify, remove, stick, erase or modify any information written in certificate of roadworthiness, restricted vehicle stamp;

2. Provide accurate information necessary for roadworthiness inspection, administrative management, technical specifications of vehicles including relevant documents to vehicle registries;

3. Carry out maintenance and repair to maintain technical conditions of vehicles between two roadworthiness inspections.

4. Return certificate of roadworthiness and restricted vehicle stamp upon receipt of notice about revocation granted by the vehicle registry;

Article 27. Fees and charges

The Vietnam Register, testing facilities and vehicle registries shall collect fees and charges as regulated by the Ministry of Finance.

Article 28. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect since March 15, 2015.

2.  Restricted vehicles that are sold before the effective date of this Circular must undergo roadworthiness inspection before September 15, 2015;

3. In case any vehicle that has undergone inspection and granted a certificate of internally used vehicles needs to be converted into a restricted vehicle, the process of inspection, testing and issuance of certificate shall be done in the same manner as passenger vehicles participating in traffic-restricted areas;

4. In case there are some changes, modifications or supplements made to documents or material excerpted from this Circular, new documents shall be applied.

Article 29. Implementation

Chief of the Ministry Office, Chief Inspector, director generals of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, Director General of the Vietnam Register, directors of the Service of Transport of central-affiliated cities and provinces, heads of relevant agencies, organizations and individuals shall be responsible for executing this Circular./.




Dinh La Thang



(Enclosed with the Circular No.
86/2014/TT-BGTVT dated December 31, 2014 of the Minister of Transport)

1. General requirements

1.1. The four-wheel drive passenger car (hereinafter referred to as “vehicle”) and its components must be right-hand drive in accordance with regulations and conformable to the technical documentation. Used components must not be used for production and assembly of the vehicle.

1.2. After the assembly, the threaded joints must firmly fitted. The tightness of the threaded joints between important parts must be compliant with the manufacturer’s regulations.

1.3. There is no leakage of coolant, fuel and lubricating oil in the threaded joints and components such as: engine, clutch, gearbox, transmission, fuel tank, carburetor and fuel pipe.

2. Basic dimensions

2.1. The length, width and height of the vehicle shall be determined according to TCVN 6528 Road vehicles - Dimensions of motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Terms and definitions” and conformable to the technical documentation but 5.0 m in length, 2.0 m in width and 2.5 m in height must not be exceeded.

2.2. The permitted tolerance of vehicle weight is the same as those of sedans (except for dedicated cars) according to QCVN 12:2011/BGTVT “National technical regulation on permitted tolerance and rounding of vehicle dimension and mass”.

3. Weight

3.1. The unloaded weight (kerb weight) is the weight of a functional vehicle and the following equipment:

3.1.1. Ancillary equipment provided by the manufacturer for normal operation of the vehicle (tool bags, racks, windshields, security devices);

3.1.2. Ancillary parts or optional equipment provided by the manufacturer to be fitted to the vehicle;

3.1.3. Liquids (lubricating oil, coolant, etc.) sufficient for normal operation of the vehicle;

3.1.4. The amount of fuel in the tank that must be at least 90% of the fuel tank capacity according to the manufacturer’s regulations. The battery of an electric vehicle must have sufficient capacity.

3.2. The gross vehicle weight of the vehicle (including the kerb weight, weight of passengers and luggage) must be conformable to the technical documentation.

3.2.1. The standard weight of a person shall be determined by the manufacturer but not less than 65 kg.

3.2.2. The standard weight of luggage per each passenger shall not exceed 10 kg.

3.3. The load of the steering axle shall be at least 20% of the vehicle weight. The axle load ratio shall be determined as follows:

3.3.1. Unloaded vehicle: the kurb weight and driver’s weight (75 kg).

3.3.2. Fully loaded vehicle: gross vehicle weight according to Clause 3.2 of this Appendix.

3.4 The permitted tolerance of vehicle weight are the same as those of sedans according to QCVN 12:2011/BGTVT.

4. Camber angle:

The camber angle must be at least 35°.

5. Maximum speed

Under fully loaded conditions on dry and flat road, the maximum speed must not exceed 30 km/h.

6. Engine, transmission system

6.1. When fully loaded on dry road, when moving forward, the vehicle must drive up a slope with a gradient of 20%. When try driving up a slope, the engine and transmission system must operate normally.

6.2. The engine and transmission system must operate normally and stably.

6.3. When fully loaded, the electric vehicle with fully charged battery must travel at a distance of at least 50 km.

7. Fuel system

7.1. The fuel system must be designed, manufactured and installed so that the vibration of the chassis, engine and moving parts does not affect the performance of the fuel system.

7.2. The fuel pipe must be firmly fitted.

8. Exhaust pipe

8.1. The exhaust pipe nozzle shall not be directed forward and to the right at an angle exceeding 45° from the vertical plane.

8.2. The exhaust pipe must not be placed in a position that may cause a fire or affect the vehicle occupants and obstruct the operation of other systems.

9. Wheels

9.1. The wheels must have a solid structure and be properly installed.

9.2. There must be sufficient quantity and pressure of tires, the tire size and load index must be conformable to the technical documentation.

10. Suspension system

10.1. The suspension system must withstand the load and ensure ride quality.

10.2. Parts and assembly of the suspension system must be firmly fitted and ensure vehicle balance.

11. Steering system

11.1. The steering system must ensure easy and safe steering of the vehicle within the speed and load limits according to its technical specifications.

11.2. During operation, the steering mechanism must not foul any part of the vehicle, such as the chassis and body.

11.3. When turning the steering wheel to the right and left, there should be no significant difference in the force.

11.4. The steering wheel rotational play must not exceed 15°.

11.5. The smallest turning radius of the front wheels must be conformable to the technical documentation and not exceed 12 m.

11.6. The side slip of the leading wheels must not exceed 5 mm/m.

12. Brake system

12.1. Structural requirements

12.1.1. The vehicle must be must be equipped with a main and parking brake system.

12.1.2. The main brake system and parking brake system must be separately controlled. The actuator of the main brake system must have at least 02 circuits and apply brake pressure on all wheels.

12.1.3. The main brake system must be structured and installed in such a manner that the driver controls the brake while on the driver seat without leaving his/her hands on the steering wheel.

12.1.4. The brake system must not be trapped and must return to its original position when it no longer applies brake pressure on the control and must be structured so that factors such as vibration and rotation do not affect the capacity of the brake.

12.1.5. The brake system must be structured so as not to obstruct the steering system when operating.

12.1.6. The hydraulic brake system must be designed so that the hydraulic oil level can be checked in an easy manner.

12.1.7. There must be no brake fluid leak. The oil pipes must be securely positioned and not be cracked.

12.1.8. During use, the parking brake system must be capable of maintaining its operation without the driver’s continuous force.

12.2. Brake efficiency

The vehicle brake efficiency shall be tested on a road or a brake tester. To be specific:

12.2.1. Road testing

a) Main brake system

- Test condition: On asphalt pavements or dry and flat concrete road, a friction coefficient j of not less than 0.6.

- Brake efficiency specified in Table 1.

Table 1: Requirements for rolling road testing of brake efficiency

Vehicle type with maximum design speed (km/h)

Initial braking speed (km/h)

Fully loaded stopping distance, S(m)

Unloaded stopping distance, S(m)

Braking distance.

< 18 km/h


≤ 3.5

≤ 2.5


≥ 18 km/h

≤ 30 km/h


≤ 6.0

≤ 5.0


b) Parking brake system: The system must be able to hold the vehicle (when unloaded) stationary on the slope (up and down) with a gradient of 20 %.

12.2.2. Testing on a brake tester

a) Main brake system:

- The total braking force of the main brake system shall not be less than 50% of the total weight of the vehicle when unloaded (with one driver).

- The difference of braking forces applied to the right and left wheels shall be 20 % or less.

The difference of braking forces applied to an axle (between the right and left wheels) shall be calculated as follows: Difference of braking forces = .

Where PL, PN are the braking forces between wheels on the same axle and PL > PN.

b) Parking brake system: The total braking force of the parking brake system shall be at least 16 % of the weight of the vehicle when unloaded (with one driver).

13. Lighting system and signals

13.1. The vehicle must be equipped with the following lighting devices and signals: headlamps, turn signals, position lamps, brake lights, reverse lights, rear license plate lamps.

13.2. Lighting devices and signal lights must be securely fitted to function properly during the operation of the vehicle.

13.3. The following lighting devices must be  fitted in pairs: headlamps, turn signals, position lamps, brake lights (at least 02 brake lights fitted in pairs).  The lighting devices fitted in pairs must:

13.3.1. be fitted to the vehicle symmetrically in relation to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle;

13.3.2. satisfy the same colorimetric requirements;

13.3.3. have substantially identical photometric characteristics.

13.4. Locations of lighting device fittings are specified in Table 2.

13.5. The lighting devices must satisfy the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 2 - Locations of lighting device fittings (mm)



Height from the ground level

Distance from the outer edge of lighting device to that of vehicle

to lower edge of lighting device

to upper edge of lighting device







Low beam


≤ 1200



Turn signals


≤ 1500



Position lamps


≤ 1500



Brake lights


≤ 1500



Reverse lights


≤ 1200


13.6. Other requirements

13.6.1. A lighting device that displays or reflects a red color and reflector must not be fitted in the front of the vehicle. A lighting device that displays or reflects a white color behind the vehicle must not be fitted (except for reverse lights).

13.6.2. Regarding headlamps:

- When the low beam is turned on, the high beam (if any) must be turned off;

- An indicator must be available when high beam is on.

13.6.3. The reverse lights must be turned on when the reverse gear is engaged and the ignition switch is turned on. The reverse lights must be turned off if one of the two abovementioned conditions is not met.

13.6.4. The license plate lamps must be so structured that they are on, when the headlamps are on, cannot be turned off and on using a separate switch.

13.6.5. Regarding brake lamps:

- The brake lamps must be automatically turned on when the main brake system is activated.

- In case the rear lamps and brake lamps are combined, the brake lamps must be brighter than the rear lamps.

13.6.6. Regarding turn signals:

- All turn signals on the same side of the vehicle must flash at the same time when they are on.

They must flash at a rate of 60 to 120 flashes per minute.

- The turn signals must be emitted within 1.5 seconds after the switch is turned on.

13.7. Rear reflector

13.7.1. The vehicle must be equipped with a rear reflector.

13.7.2. The reflector must not be triangular shaped.

Table 3 - Requirements regarding colors, quantity and visual inspection criteria




Minimum quantity

Visual inspection criteria



White or light yellow


The length of the light beam shall be at least 50 m and ensure a visibility of obstacles at a distance of 40 m.


Front turn signals



Under daylight conditions, recognition of the signal at a distance of 20 m must be ensured


Rear turn signals




Brake lights




Reverse lights




Front position lamp(2)

White or light yellow


Under daylight conditions, recognition of signal at a distance of 10 m must be ensured


Rear position lamp (rear lamps)




Rear license plate lamps




Rear reflector



The reflected light from the reflector must be visible at night from the distance of 100 m behind the vehicle when illuminated by the headlights of the other vehicle.

Notes: (1) but not more than 2 lamps.

            (2) Front position lamps may be used in combination with other lamps.

14. Electric power system

14.1. Conductors must be insulated and firmly installed.

14.2. Connectors and switches must ensure safety.

14.3. The battery must be firmly installed.

14.4. Electrical control system operated in the electric vehicle must be able to provide overcurrent and undervoltage protection.

15. Control mechanism

The following signals and indicators, meters and control sysem (if any) must be installed within the limits of two planes parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle and located 500 mm from the centerline of the drive axle on both sides and ensure that the driver can recognize and control them easily.

15.1. Engine on-off switch.

15.2. Brake system, transmission and accelerator pedal controls.

15.3. Headlamp switch, horn, turn signals, windshield wiper.

15.4. Speedometer, odometer, lamps indicating operations of turn signals, high beam, fuel system, engine coolant, lubricating oil, brake system, a battery charging and display system for electric vehicles.

16. Speedometer

16.1. The vehicle must include a speedometer.

16.2. The speedometer must indicate measured speed in kilometres per hour.

16.3. The allowable tolerance of the speedometer must be from the negative (-) 10% to positive (+) 15% when the maximum speed of the vehicle is measured.

17. Horn

17.1. The vehicle must have at least one horn. The horn must have a continuous sound with a constant volume.

17.2. The horn volume (the microphone is placed 2 m from the front vehicle and 1.2 m from the ground) must be at least 65 dB (A) and not exceed 115 dB(A).

18. Rear-view mirrors

18.1. The vehicle must have two rear-view mirrors mounted on both left- and right-hand sides of the vehicle.

18.2. The rear-view mirrors must be securely mounted and easily adjusted.

18.3. The exterior rear-view mirror on the left-hand side of the vehicle must ensure that the driver can see at least a 2.5 m wide, flat, horizontal portion of the road, which is bounded by a plane parallel to the median longitudinal vertical plane passing through from the outermost point of the vehicle on the left-hand side of the vehicle and extends from 10 m behind the driver's ocular points to the horizon.

18.4. The exterior rear-view mirror on the right-hand side of the vehicle must ensure that the driver can see at least a 4 m wide, flat, horizontal portion of the road, which is bounded by a plane parallel to the median longitudinal vertical plane passing through from the outermost point of the vehicle on the right-hand side of the vehicle and which extends from 20 m behind the driver's ocular points to the horizon.

19. Cab, chassis and body

19.1. The front windshield of the vehicle shall be made of laminated safety glass.

19.2. The vehicle must be equipped with a windshield wiper system to ensure the driver's vision through the front windshield. The windshield wiper system must function properly. The wiper arm must return to its original position when the wiper switch is turned off.

19.3. The chassis and body must satisfy the following requirements:

19.3.1. The chassis and body must be firmly installed and covered with anti-rust paint;

19.3.2. The body made of combustible material must not come in contact with the exhaust pipe;

19.3.3. The inside and outside body must not have protruding sharp edges that could be hazardous to pedestrians or passengers.

19.4. There must be a sturdy handrail designated for the outermost passenger.

19.5. There must be a solid guard rail mounted in the last row of seats if they are facing backwards.

19.6. The height of the running board from the ground of the vehicle must not exceed 450 mm and the next board must be 350 mm.

19.7. The vehicle floor and running board floor must be roughened or covered with anti-slip material.

19.8. Seats

19.8.1. Seats must be equipped with an at least 2-point seat belt.

19.8.2. The driver seat must be installed in such a way that the driver's vision is not blocked.

18.8.3. The driver seat should be designed to provide sufficient space for the driver to operate control equipment easily. The eccentricity between driver seat and drive axle must not affect driver's ability to control the vehicle and not exceed 40 mm. The seat cushion must be at least 400 mm in width and 350 mm in depth.

19.8.4. The passenger seat must be securely installed to ensure the safety of passengers while the vehicle is operating on the road under normal operating conditions.

19.8.5. The passenger seat cushion must be at least 400 mm in width per person and 350 mm in depth.  The height from the floor to the surface of the passenger seat cushion must be between 380 mm and 500 mm. Spacing between two rows of seats facing in the same direction must be at least 630 mm and at least 1,200 mm, for reclining passenger seats.

19.8.6. The distance from the surface of the seat to the vehicle ceiling must be at least 1,000 mm.

20. Environmental requirements

20.1. When testing engine exhaust gases by using fast test method (the test method is specified in TCVN 6438 “Road vehicles - Maximum permitted limits of exhaust gases”):

20.1.1. For the vehicle with spark-ignition engine when unloaded, the vehicle's exhaust gas must satisfy the following requirements upon unloaded testing:

- Carbon monoxide CO (% by volume): ≤ 3.0.

- HC Hydrocarbon (ppm by volume): ≤ 600 for four-stroke engine, ≤ 7800 for two-stroke engine.

20.1.2. For the vehicle with compression-ignition engine, the smoke unit of the exhaust emission from the vehicle must be ≤ 50% HSU under free acceleration conditions.

20.2. The maximum allowable noise emitted by the stationary vehicle according to TCVN 6435 “Acoustics - Measurement of noise emitted by stationary road vehicles - Survey method” must not exceed 85 dB(A).



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              Circular No. 86/2014/TT-BGTVT conditions for four-wheel drive passenger cars in traffic restricted range
              Loại văn bảnThông tư
              Số hiệu86/2014/TT-BGTVT
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              Ngày ban hành31/12/2014
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                      Lịch sử hiệu lực Circular No. 86/2014/TT-BGTVT conditions for four-wheel drive passenger cars in traffic restricted range

                      • 31/12/2014

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                      • 15/03/2015

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