Quyết định 03/2020/QD-TTg

Decision No. 03/2020/QD-TTg dated January 13, 2020 natural disaster forecast, warning and transmission

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 03/2020/QD-TTg natural disaster forecast warning and transmission


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 03/2020/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 13, 2020




Pursuant to Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to Law on natural disaster prevention and control dated June 19, 2013;

Pursuant to Law on hydro-meteorology dated November 23, 2015;

Pursuant to Decree No.160/2018/ND-CP dated November 29, 2018 on elaborating to a number of Articles of Law on natural disaster prevention and control;

At request of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;

Prime Minister promulgates Decision on natural disaster forecast, warning and transmission.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

This Decision prescribes natural disaster forecast, warning and transmission serving natural disaster prevention, response and recovery in Vietnam.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Decision applies to ministries, local governments, organizations and individuals operating in natural disaster forecast, warning and transmission; organizations and individuals whose operations are related to natural disaster forecast, warning and transmission.

Article 3. Natural disasters to be subject to forecast, warning and transmission

1. Storms and tropical depressions taking place in territorial waters to the west of the 120th meridian east, north of 5th parallel north and south of 23rd parallel north (hereinafter referred to as “South China Sea”, Annex I hereto) and on land within Vietnam’s territory; rise of water levels due to storms and tropical depressions taking place in Vietnam’s territory.

2. Storms and tropical depressions which take place outside of South China Sea but will move into the South China Sea in the next 24 to 48 hours.

3. Heavy precipitation occurring within Vietnam territory; flood on rivers situated within Vietnam territory and relevant transboundary rivers (Annex II and Annex III hereto); inundation, flash flood and landslides that occur due to precipitation, flood or runoff within Vietnam territory.

4. Extreme heat, drought and salt-water intrusion within Vietnam territory.

5. Earthquakes whose magnitude equals or exceeds 3.5 (according to Richter magnitude scale or equivalent magnitude scales) that affect Vietnam.

6. Earthquakes whose magnitude exceeds 6.5 (according to Richter magnitude scale or equivalent magnitude scales) that occur at sea and potentially cause tsunamis affecting Vietnam.

7. Tsunamis caused by earthquakes at remote sea that potentially affect Vietnam.

8. Natural disasters namely tornadoes, lightning, hail, cold under 13 centigrade, frost, fog, strong breeze at seas, land subsidence due to precipitation, flood or runoff, increased water level due to reasons other than tropical depression, storms and other natural disasters that occur within Vietnam territory.

Article 4. Term interpretation

In this Decision, terms below are construed as follows:

1. “Tropical cyclone” refers to rotating winds (with up to hundreds of kilometers in diameter) that form over tropical seas, blow towards the eye in a counter-clockwise fashion, are characterized by low-pressure centers, cause precipitation and are occasionally accompanied by thunderstorms and tornadoes.

2. “Eye” refers to the area within a tropical cyclone with the lowest atmospheric pressure where all the winds coming inside in a spiral motion converge.

3. “Maximum sustained wind” refers to the highest average wind speed of a cyclone determined during 2 minutes of monitor (according to the Beaufort wind force scale, Annex IV hereto).

4. “Wind gust” refers to a sudden 2-second long burst of high-speed wind.

5. “Strong breeze at seas” refers to average wind speed of level 6 or higher occurs at sea determined during 2 minutes of monitor (according to the Beaufort wind force scale).

6. “Tropical depression” refers to a tropical cyclone whose maximum sustained wind ranges from level 6 to level 7 with potential wind gusts (Annex IV hereto).

7. “Tropical storm” refers to a tropical cyclone whose maximum sustained wind reaches level 8 or higher with potential wind gusts (hereinafter referred to as “storm”). “Typhoon” refers to a storm whose maximum sustained wind ranges from level 10 to level 11, “strong typhoon” refers to a storm whose maximum sustained wind ranges from level 12 to level 15 and “super typhoon” refers to a storm whose maximum sustained wind reaches level 16 or higher (Annex IV hereto).

8. “Landfall” refers to the event in which center of a storm or a tropical depression approaches land.

9. “Dissipation of storm or tropical depression” refers to the event in which a storm or a tropical depression weakens and becomes a low-pressure area whose maximum sustained wind drops below level 6.

10. “Strong gale area caused by remnant of storm or tropical depression” refers to an area where strong whirlwinds of level 6 or higher occur.

11. “Area suffering from direct hit of storm or tropical depression” refers to an area with bad weather, precipitation and strong breeze of level 6 or higher caused by storm or tropical depression.

12. “Increased water level due to storm or tropical depression” refers to the event in which water level increases higher than normal water level due to storm or tropical depression.

13. “Rough waves caused by storm or tropical depression” refers to waves reaches or exceeds 2 meters caused by storm or tropical depression.

14. “Tornado” refers to a whirlwind as strong as a storm in terms of wind speed that form and dissipate in a short period of time, area of effect ranges from few km2 to dozens of km2.

15. “Lightning” refers to electrostatic discharge within clouds, among clouds or between clouds and land.

16. “Hail” refers to precipitation in form of ice balls or lumps varying in sizes and shapes that occur in a short period of time, accompanied by shower and occasional strong breeze.

17. “Heavy precipitation” refers to the event in which total precipitation within 24 hours exceeds 50mm, in which “heavy rain” refers to total precipitation within 24 hours ranging from exceeding 50 mm to 100 mm and “very heavy rain” refers to total precipitation within 24 hours exceeding 100 mm.

18. “Large-scale heavy precipitation” refers to heavy precipitation measured by at least half of total weather stations of an area.

19. “Cold under 13 centigrade” refers to a weather phenomenon in which daily average temperature drops below 13 degrees Celsius (hereinafter referred to as “severe cold”).

20. “Frost” refers to the event in which water vapor freezes and forms small, white and salt-like crystals on the ground or surfaces of plants or other objects.

21. “Fog” refers to the event in which water vapor condenses into tiny droplets in the air near the Earth’s surface and reduces horizontal visibility to less than 1 km.

22. “Extreme heat” refers to a weather phenomenon in which the daily highest temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius.

23. “Large-scale extreme heat” refers to extreme heat measured by at least half of total weather stations of an area.

24. “Drought” refers to serious water scarcity over a prolonged period of time due to no precipitation and depleted water supply.

25. “Salt-water intrusion” refers to the event in which saltwater with 4‰ of salinity infiltrating deeply inland in event of spring tide, rise of sea level or depletion of freshwater aquifers.

26. “Flood” refers to the event in which river water level rises in a definite period of time then subsides, in which:

a) “Floods of record” refer to floods with the highest observed or monitored river stage or discharge;

b) “Particularly large floods” refer to floods with the highest rarely observed river stage or discharge during monitor period;

c) “Irregular floods” refer to floods that occur before or after flood seasons specified in Clause 28 of this Article or floods that formed due to heavy precipitation over small areas, reservoirs or due to dam or levee failure, overflow.

27. “Flash flood” refers to floods that suddenly occur on slopes and small rivers and streams on mountains, characterized by violent current, usually accompanied by mud and debris, short timescale and destructive force.

28. “Flood season” refers to a continuous period of time in a year in which floods usually occur, determined as follows:

a) For rivers in northern region, from June 15 to October 31;

b) For rivers from Thanh Hoa Province to Ha Tinh Province, from July 1 to November 30;

c) For rivers from Quang Binh Province to Ninh Thuan Province, from September 1 to December 15;

d) For rivers from Binh Thuan, provinces of southern region and the central highlands, from June 15 to November 30.

29. “Inundation” refers to flooding of the ground due to heavy precipitation, floods, spring tide or rise of sea level.

30. “Landslide” refers to the event in which soil, rocks and debris are eroded and sliding due to precipitation, floods or runoff.

31. “Subsidence” refers to the event caused by precipitation, flood and runoff in which an area of land sinks to a lower level compared to surrounding area.

32. “Disaster severity” refers to damage potentially caused by natural disasters in terms of human, property, environment, riverine conditions and socioeconomic activities.

33. “Categories of disaster severity” refer to classification of damage potentially caused by natural disasters in terms of human, property, environment, living conditions and socioeconomic activities.

34. “Emergencies” refer to cases in which natural disasters specified in Article 3 of this Decision are determined to be category 5 in terms of disaster severity, capable of causing catastrophes and inflicting heavy damage to lives, properties, infrastructural constructions and ecology.

35. “Earthquake” refers to the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves, capable of causing deformation, destroying houses, buildings, properties and human lives.

36. “Hypocenter” refers to the point of origin of an earthquake.

37. “Epicenter” refers to the vertical projection of a hypocenter to ground surface.

38. “Focal depth” refers to the distance from the hypocenter to the epicenter of an earthquake.

39. “Intensity” (I) refers to force of shaking on ground surface caused by an earthquake and is assessed by impact of said earthquake on houses, buildings, ground surface, objects and humans. In this Decision, intensity is assessed based on MSK-64 scale consisting of 12 degrees (Annex IX hereto).

Relationships between magnitude, type, intensity, impact and frequency of earthquakes around the world on a yearly basis are specified in Annex X. Seismic hazard map for Vietnam territory and adjacent regions are specified in Annex XI hereto.

40. “Magnitude” (M) refers to level of energy emitted and radiated by an earthquake to surrounding space in form of elastic waves. In this Decision, magnitude of an earthquake shall be assessed based on the moment magnitude scale. Earthquakes are classified into: Microearthquakes (M<2.0), minor earthquakes (2.0 ≤ M ≤ 3.9), light earthquakes (4.0 ≤ M ≤ 4.9), moderate earthquakes (5.0 ≤ M ≤ 5.9), strong earthquakes (6.0 ≤ M ≤ 6.9), major earthquakes (7.0 ≤ M ≤ 7.9) and great earthquakes (M ≥ 8.0).

41. “Tsunami” is a series of fast-moving waves with long periods ranging from minutes to hours. Depending on the depth of the water a tsunami is travelling through, the speed of a tsunami may reach or exceed 720 km/h.

Earthquakes, volcano eruption and underwater explosions (including nuclear tests), landslides, meteorite impacts, etc. that occur at sea have the potential to generate a tsunami. Maps of earthquake sources potentially generating tsunamis that affect Vietnam are specified in Annex XII of this Decision.

42. “Areas suffering from direct hit of tsunami” refer to shallow waters along the coasts and areas within reach of the tsunami. Depending on topographic elevation, a tsunami may make landfall kilometers deep inland.

Article 5. Agencies and organizations responsible for production of broadcasts of natural disaster forecast and warnings

1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

a) National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting affiliated to Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration are responsible for producing forecasts and warnings about natural disasters specified in Clause 1, Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 4 and Clause 8 Article 3 of this Decision on a nationwide scale, in which flood forecasts and warning for rivers are specified in Annex II;

b) Regional and provincial hydro-meteorological stations affiliated to Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration are responsible for producing forecasts and warnings for natural disasters specified in Clause 1, Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 4 and Clause 8 Article 3 of this Decision within administrative divisions under their management, in which floods forecasts and warnings on rivers are specified in Annex III; stating in details forecast and warning broadcasts regarding natural disasters of the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting satisfactory to demands to prevent, respond and recover from natural disasters in administrative divisions.

2. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

Institutes of Geophysics affiliated to Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology is responsible for giving broadcasts on earthquakes and warnings about tsunamis specified in Clause 5, Clause 6 and Clause 7 Article 3 of this Decision.

3. Broadcasts on natural disaster forecasts and warnings produced by agencies and organizations specified in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article are official broadcasts and shall be used in directing natural disaster prevention, response and recovery in Vietnam.

Article 6. Agencies and organizations responsible for transmission and statement of broadcasts on natural disaster forecast and warnings

1. Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television and Vietnam Coastal Communication System.

2. Radio and television stations of provinces and central-affiliated cities and press agencies.

3. Agencies managing systems for natural disaster transmission.

Chapter II



Article 7. Production of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings about tropical depressions, rough waves and rising water level due to tropical depressions

1. Broadcasts on tropical depressions in vicinity of South China Sea

A broadcast on a tropical depression in vicinity of South China Sea shall be produced when a tropical depression outside of South China Sea is active and may move into South China Sea in the next 24 hours to 48 hours.

2. Broadcasts on tropical depressions in South China Sea

A broadcast on a tropical depression in South China Sea shall be produced when a tropical depression is active on South China Sea, the center of said tropical depression is at least 300 km away from the nearest coast located in mainland of Vietnam and unable to directly affect mainland of Vietnam in the next 24 hours.

3. Emergency broadcasts on tropical depressions

An emergency broadcast on a tropical depression shall be produced if:

a) The center of the tropical depression is less than 300 km away from the nearest coast located in mainland of Vietnam; or

b) The tropical depression may directly affect mainland of Vietnam in the next 24 hours.

4. Broadcasts on tropical depressions on land

A broadcast on a tropical depression on land shall be produced if:

a) The center of the tropical depression has made landfall; or

b) The storm has made landfall and weakened into a tropical depression.

5. Final broadcasts on tropical depressions

The final broadcast on a tropical depression shall be produced if:

a) The tropical depression has weakened into a low-pressure area; or

b) The tropical depression has made landfall in another country or made its exit out of Vietnam territory and can no longer directly affect Vietnam; or

c) The tropical depression has moved out of South China Sea and is incapable of returning to South China Sea.

6. Broadcasts on rough waves and rising water level due to tropical depressions

A forecast or warning broadcast on rough waves or rising water level due to tropical depressions shall be produced immediately after producing an emergency broadcast on tropical depressions.

Article 8. Production of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings of storms, rough waves and rising water level due to storms

1. Broadcasts on storms in vicinity of South China Sea

A broadcast on a storm in vicinity of South China Sea shall be produced when a storm outside of South China Sea is active and may potentially move into South China Sea in the next 48 hours.

2. Broadcasts on storms in South China Sea

A broadcast on a storm in South China Sea shall be produced when a storm is active on South China Sea, the center of said storm is at least 300 km away from the nearest coast located in mainland of Vietnam and unable to directly affect land of Vietnam in the next 48 hours.

3. Emergency broadcasts on storms

An emergency broadcast on a storm shall be produced if:

a) The center of the storm is less than 300 km away from the nearest coast located in mainland of Vietnam; or

b) The storm may directly affect mainland of Vietnam in the next 48 hours.

4. Broadcasts on storms on land

A broadcast on a storm on land shall be produced if:

a) The center of the storm has made landfall in Vietnam mainland and maximum sustained wind maintains at at least level 8 or higher; or

b) The center of the storm has made landfall in other country while the maximum sustained wind maintains at at least level 8 or higher and may directly affect Vietnam in the next 24 hours to 48 hours.

5. Final broadcasts on storms

The final broadcast on a storm shall be produced if:

a) The storm has weakened into a low-pressure area;

b) The storm has made landfall in another country or made its exit out of Vietnam territory and can no longer directly affect Vietnam; or

c) The storm has moved out of South China Sea and is incapable of returning to South China Sea.

6. Broadcasts on rough waves and rising water level due to storms

A forecast or warning broadcast on rough waves or rising water level due to tropical depressions shall be produced immediately after producing an emergency broadcast on storms.

Article 9. Contents of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings of tropical depressions

1. Headlines of broadcasts on tropical depressions: Specify according to Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Article 7 of this Decision.

2. Summary on tropical depression level at the latest update

a) Time: Specifying only the hour of Hanoi time;

b) Location of the center of the tropical depression: Determined by latitudes and longitudes with precision up to a tenth of a degree; in case coordinates of the center of the tropical depression cannot be determined, the center can be determined to be contained within a square whose each side equals 1 degree of latitude or longitude;

c) Distance from the center of the tropical depression to one of following locations, whichever is the closest: Islands or archipelagoes on South China Sea; a specific location in mainland Vietnam or a neighboring country;

d) Intensity of the tropical depression: Specifying maximum sustained wind and wind gusts using Beaufort wind force scale;

dd) Direction of the tropical depression: Determined using one of following 16 directions: North, North North East, North East, East North East, East, East South East, South East, South South East, South, South South West, South West, West South West, West, West North West, North West, North North West;

e) Speed: Determined using km/h;

g) If a tropical depression has directly affected islands or mainland, provide monitor figures recorded by stations located within affected areas.

3. Forecast about tropical depression activity

a) Forecast activity of the tropical depression in the next 24 hours to 48 hours specifying factors mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article;

b) Forecast direction, speed and intensity of the tropical depression in the next 48 hours to 72 hours;

c) Map of predicted path of the tropical depression, radius of strong wind and areas with 70% probability that the center of tropical depression can enter.

4. Forecast about impact of the tropical depression

a) Broadcasts on tropical depression in vicinity of South China Sea: Forecast about the time in which the tropical depression enters South China Sea, impact of the tropical depression on territorial waters, islands or archipelagoes; potential of strong winds and rough waves;

b) Broadcasts on tropical depression on South China Sea: Forecast about impact of the tropical depression on territorial waters, islands or archipelagoes; potential of strong winds and rough waves;

c) Emergency broadcasts on tropical depression and broadcasts on tropical depression on land: Forecast about areas suffering from direct hit of the tropical depression; forecast about time and location where the tropical depression will make landfall; impact radius of wind of level 6 and level 7; heavy precipitation and other natural disasters in the next 12 hours to 24 hours;

d) The final broadcasts on tropical depression: Forecast about probability of heavy precipitation and other natural disasters.

5. Warnings about categories of severity of tropical depression in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister.

6. Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

7. Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

Article 10. Contents of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings of storms

1. Headlines: Specify according to Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Article 8 of this Decision together with a number determined based on number of storms have been active on South China Sea in a year; storms that are in vicinity of South China Sea shall not be given number.

2. Summary on storm level at the latest update

a) Time: Specifying only the hour of Hanoi time;

b) Location of center of the storm: Determined by latitudes and longitudes with precision up to a tenth of a degree;

c) Distance from the center of the storm to one of following locations, whichever is the closest: Islands or archipelagoes on South China Sea; a specific location in mainland Vietnam or a neighboring country;

d) Storm intensity: Determined by maximum sustained wind and wind gusts using Beaufort wind force scale;

dd) Direction of the storm: Determined using one of following 16 directions: North, North North East, North East, East North East, East, East South East, South East, South South East, South, South South West, South West, West South West, West, West North West, North West, North North West;

e) Speed: Determined using km/h;

g) If a storm has directly affected islands or mainland, provide monitor figures recorded by stations located within affected areas.

3. Forecast on storm activity

a) Forecast activity of the storm in the next 24 hours, 48 hours and up to 72 hours specifying factors mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article;

b) Forecast direction, speed and intensity of the storm in the next 72 hours to 120 hours;

c) Map of predicted path of the storm, radius of strong wind and areas with 70% probability that the center of the storm can enter.

4. Forecast on storm impact

a) Broadcasts on storm in vicinity of South China Sea: Forecast about the time in which the storm enters South China Sea, impact of the storm remnant on territorial waters, islands or archipelagoes; potential of strong winds and rough waves;

b) Broadcasts on storm on South China Sea: Forecast about impact of the storm remnant on territorial waters, islands or archipelagoes; potential of strong winds and rough waves; particularly area of effect of heavy storm, rough waves and sea conditions in the next 24 hours, 48 hours and up to 72 hours; warnings for the next 120 hours max;

c) Emergency broadcasts on storm: Forecast about impact of the storm remnant on territorial waters, islands or archipelagoes; forecast about time and location where the storm will make landfall; area of effect of heavy storm, heavy precipitation and other natural disasters in the next 12 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours;

d) Broadcasts on storm on land and the final broadcast on storm: Forecast about areas suffering from direct hit of the storm; forecast and warnings about heavy precipitation and other natural disasters cause by storm remnant.

5. Warnings about categories of storm severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister.

6. Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

7. Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

Article 11. Contents of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings about rough waves and rising water level due to tropical depressions and storms

1. Contents of forecasts and warnings about rough waves due to tropical depressions and storms

a) Headlines: Rough wave forecast or warning due to tropical depressions or storms together with name of affected territorial waters;

b) Information on the highest waves, swell direction and areas with rough waves in the last 24 hours;

c) Forecasts about the highest waves, swell direction and warnings about areas with rough waves in the next 24 hours and 48 hours;

d) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

dd) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

2. Contents of forecasts and warnings about rising water level due to tropical depressions and storms

a) Headlines: Rising water level forecast or warning due to tropical depressions or storms together with name of affected areas;

b) Information about rising water level in storm-affected area in the last 24 hours (if any);

c) Forecasts on height and time in which water achieves the highest level, total highest water level, distribution of areas with highest water level surrounding storm-affected areas and remarks about risks of coastal flood due to combination of rising water level and spring tide;

d) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

dd) Warnings about categories of severity of rising water level in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister.

e) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

Article 12. Frequency and time of production of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings about tropical depressions, storms and  rogue waves and rising water level due to tropical depressions and storms

1. Broadcasts on storms and tropical depressions in vicinity of South China Sea, and broadcasts on tropical depressions on South China Sea

a) 4 official broadcasts shall be produced on a daily basis at 2:30, 9:00, 14:30 and 21:00;

b) If a tropical depression on South China Sea turns complicated, in addition to the 4 official broadcasts, further broadcasts shall be produced in-between the official broadcasts.

2. Emergency broadcasts on tropical depressions and storms, broadcasts on tropical depressions and storms on land.

a) 8 official broadcasts shall be produced on a daily basis at 2:30, 5:00, 9:00, 11:00, 14:30, 17:00, 21:00 and 23:00;

b) During period of emergency broadcasts on storms or tropical depressions and in cases tropical depressions or storms on South China Sea turn complicated, in addition to the 8 official broadcasts, further broadcasts shall be produced in-between the official broadcasts.

3. Broadcasts on forecasts and warnings of rough waves or rising water level due to tropical depressions or storms shall be produced with frequency similar to production of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings of storms or tropical depressions in emergency situations specified in Clause 2 of this Article or integrated into emergency broadcasts on forecasts and warnings on storms or tropical depressions.


Article 13. Production of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings about heavy precipitation, flood, inundation, flash flood and landslides due to precipitation, flood or runoff

1. Heavy precipitation forecasts and warnings

a) A heavy precipitation warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of large-scale heavy precipitation in the next 48 hours;

b) A broadcast on forecast of heavy precipitation shall be produced upon detecting probability of large-scale heavy precipitation in the next 24 hours.

2. Flood warnings

A flood broadcast shall be produced upon detecting probability of river water level reaching and exceeding emergency level I or emergence of irregular flood.

3. Flood broadcasts

A flood broadcast shall be produced when river water level reaches and continues to exceed emergency level II or subsides while remains higher or equal to emergency level II.

4. Emergency flood broadcasts

An emergency flood broadcast shall be produced when river water level reaches and continues to exceed emergency level III or subsides while remains higher or equal to emergency level III.

5. Inundation warnings

An inundation warning shall be produced upon detecting heavy precipitation, flood, spring tide or rising sea water potentially inundating affected areas; the broadcast on warning of inundation may be produced into a separate broadcast or integrated with broadcast on warning of flood, broadcast on flood or emergency broadcast on flood.

6. A flash flood or landslides warning due to precipitation, flood or runoff shall be produced if:

a) Heavy precipitation with probability of flash floods or landslides over warning areas is detected; or

b) Other irregular phenomena namely dam failure, levee failure, reservoir failure, flood control, etc. with probability of flash floods or landslides over warning areas are detected.

Article 14. Contents of forecasts and warnings about heavy precipitation, flood, inundation, flash flood and landslides due to precipitation, flood or runoff

1. Heavy precipitation warning

a) Headlines: Large-scale heavy precipitation warning together with name of affected areas;

b) Warning on probability of heavy precipitation: duration, total amount and affected areas;

c) Warnings about categories of heavy precipitation severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

d) Time of broadcast;

dd) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

2. Heavy precipitation forecast

a) Headlines: Large-scale heavy precipitation forecast together with name of affected areas;

b) Recent precipitation activity: precipitation duration, area, category and total amount in the past 24 hours;

c) Forecast about heavy precipitation in the next 24 hours to 48 hours: precipitation duration, area, category and total amount;

d) Warning on probability of heavy precipitation activity in the next 48 hours to 72 hours;

dd) Warnings about categories of heavy precipitation severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

e) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

g) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

3. Flood warnings

a) Headlines: Flood warning together with name of region, province or river;

b) Current conditions of precipitation and water level of the areas;

c) Warning: areas where flood may occur, emergency level of potential flood; probability of occurrence of other accompanying natural disasters (if any);

d) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

dd) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

4. Flood broadcasts and emergency flood broadcasts

a) Headlines: Flood broadcast and emergency flood broadcast together with name of region, province or river;

b) Current conditions of precipitation that leads to flood, flood in the past 12 hours and water level readings recorded at the latest update;

c) Forecast: potential activity of the flood during forecasted period; forecasted water level and comparison with water level of emergency levels or with river stages of particularly large flood and historic flood;

d) Warning on probability of occurrence of other accompanying natural disasters (if any);

dd) Warnings about categories of flood severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

e) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

g) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

5. Inundation warnings

a) Headlines: Inundation warning together with name of region or location;

b) Current conditions of precipitation, water level, spring tide or rising sea level of the areas;

c) Warning of characteristics of inundation: range, duration and highest depth;

d) Time of broadcast;

dd) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

6. Flash flood and landslides warning due to precipitation, flood or runoff

a) Headlines: Flash flood or landslides warning together with name of region or location;

b) Precipitation conditions over the areas in the past 6 hours;

c) Warning on precipitation in the upcoming period;

d) Warning on areas potentially subject to flash floods or landslides due to precipitation, flood or runoff;

dd) Warnings about categories of flash flood and landslide severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

e) Time of broadcast;

g) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

Article 15. Frequency and time of production of broadcasts on forecasts and warnings about heavy precipitation, flood, inundation, flash flood and landslides due to precipitation, flood or runoff

1. Heavy precipitation forecasts and warnings

a) The first heavy precipitation warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of heavy precipitation over the areas; subsequent heavy precipitation warnings shall be produced on a daily basis at 9:30 and 15:30;

b) Heavy precipitation forecasts shall be produced on a daily basis at 3:30, 9:30, 15:30 and 21:30; in case of particularly heavy or extreme precipitation, produce additional broadcasts in-between official broadcasts.

2. Flood warnings

a) The first flood warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of river water level reaching and exceeding emergency level I or emergence of irregular flood;

b) Subsequent flood warning shall be produced on a daily basis at 9:30.

3. Flood broadcasts

a) Broadcasts on flood on Hong River and Thai Binh River shall be produced on a daily basis at 9:30 and 15:30; in case of complication, produce an additional broadcast at 21:30;

b) Broadcasts on flood on Mekong Delta shall be produced once every 3 days at 9:30; in case of complications, produce additional broadcasts in-between official broadcasts;

c) Broadcasts on flood on other rivers shall be produced on a daily basis at 9:30, 15:30 and 21:30; in case of complication, produce an additional broadcast at 3:30.

4. Emergency flood broadcasts

a) Broadcasts on flood on Hong River and Thai Binh River shall be produced on a daily basis at 9:30, 15:30 and 21:30; in case of complication, produce additional broadcasts in-between official broadcasts;

b) Broadcasts on flood on Mekong Delta shall be produced once every 2 days at 9:30; in case of complications, produce additional broadcasts in-between official broadcasts;

c) Broadcasts on flood on other rivers shall be produced on a daily basis at 3:30, 9:30, 15:30 and 21:30; in case of complication, produce additional broadcasts in-between official broadcasts.

5. Inundation warnings

Inundation warnings shall be produced upon detecting heavy precipitation, flood, spring tide or rising sea water potentially inundating affected areas or with frequency similar to production frequency of flood warnings, flood broadcasts and emergency flood broadcasts.

6. Flash flood and landslides warnings due to precipitation, flood or runoff

Flash floods or landslides warnings due to precipitation, flood or runoff shall be produced promptly after detecting probability of occurrence thereof over the areas.

7. With respect to local rivers that are not specified under Annex II and Annex III, agencies producing flood and inundation forecasts and warning specified in Clause 1 Article 5 of this Decision shall decide on time and frequency of production of flood and inundation forecasts and warnings based on requirements of flood prevention and fight and characteristics of each river or river network.


Article 16. Production of forecast and warnings on extreme heat, drought and saltwater intrusion

1. Extreme heat forecast and warning

a) An extreme heat warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of large-scale extreme heat in the next 48 hours;

b) An extreme heat forecast shall be produced upon detecting probability of large-scale extreme heat in the next 24 hours.

2. Drought forecast and warning

A drought forecast or warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of drought in the forecasted area.

3. Saltwater intrusion forecast and warning

a) A saltwater intrusion warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of saltwater intrusion in warning area;

b) A saltwater intrusion forecast shall be produced upon appearance of saltwater intrusion in forecasted area.

Article 17. Contents of forecast and warnings on extreme heat, drought and saltwater intrusion

1. Extreme heat warning

a) Headlines: Large-scale extreme heat warning over specific area;

b) Potential extreme heat warning: time of extreme heat, affected area, highest temperature;

c) Warnings about categories of extreme heat severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

d) Time of broadcast production;

dd) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

2. Extreme heat forecast

a) Headlines: Large-scale extreme heat forecast over specific area;

b) Conditions of extreme heat in the past 24 hours: affected area, highest temperature, and lowest relative humidity;

c) Forecast about extreme heat in the next 24 hours to 48 hours: affected areas, lowest relative humidity and extreme heat period within a day;

d) Warning on probability of continuation or conclusion of extreme heat in the next 48 hours to 72 hours;

dd) Warnings about categories of extreme heat severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

e) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

g) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

3. Drought forecast and warning

a) Headlines: Drought forecast and warning together with name of area potentially affected by drought;

b) Current conditions of total precipitation over the forecasted or warning areas; % of precipitation and water shortage compared to mean value of the same periods of previous years and mean value of the same period of the immediate previous year;

c) Forecast and warning on total precipitation and water amount over forecasted area during forecast period; % of precipitation and water shortage compared to mean value of the same periods of previous years;

d) Warnings about categories of drought severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

dd) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

e) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

4. Saltwater intrusion warning

a) Headlines: Saltwater intrusion warning together with name of river region or area potentially affected by saltwater intrusion;

b) Current conditions of water sources and tide over the warning areas;

c) Warning on areas potentially subject to saltwater intrusion with 4‰ of salinity or higher deep inland;

d) Time of broadcast production;

dd) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

5. Saltwater intrusion forecast

a) Headlines: Saltwater intrusion forecast together with name of river region or area affected by saltwater intrusion;

b) Current conditions of water sources, tides and saltwater intrusion over the warning areas: highest salinity at forecasted locations, distance between locations affected by salinity of 4‰ or higher and primary estuaries;

c) Forecast: highest salinity, time of occurrence, locations, range and duration of effect of salinity of 4‰ or higher, distance between locations affected by salinity of 4‰ or higher and primary estuaries;

d) Warnings about categories of saltwater intrusion severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister;

dd) Time of broadcast and time of following broadcast;

e) Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.

Article 18. Frequency and time of production of forecast and warnings on extreme heat, drought and saltwater intrusion

1. Extreme heat forecast and warning

a) The first extreme heat warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of extreme heat over the areas; subsequent extreme heat warnings shall be produced on a daily basis at 15:30.

b) Extreme heat forecasts shall be produced on a daily basis at 9:30 and 15:30; in case of particularly extreme heat and potential of prolonged extreme heat, produce additional broadcasts in-between official broadcasts.

2. Drought forecast and warning

a) The first drought forecast and warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of drought over the forecasted or warning areas;

b) After producing the first broadcast, subsequent drought forecasts and warning shall be produced once every 10 days on the 10th, 20th and the last day of every month; in case of complication, additional broadcasts shall be produced in-between official broadcasts.

3. Saltwater intrusion forecast and warning

a) A saltwater intrusion warning shall be produced upon detecting probability of saltwater intrusion in warning area.

b) The first saltwater intrusion forecast shall be produced upon appearance of saltwater intrusion in forecasted area.

After producing the first broadcast, subsequent saltwater intrusion forecasts and warning shall be produced once every 10 days on the 10th, 20th and the last day of every month; in case of complication, additional broadcasts shall be produced in-between official broadcasts.


Article 19. Earthquake broadcasts

An earthquake broadcast shall be produced for:

1. Earthquakes whose magnitude equals or exceeds 3.5 (according to Richter magnitude scales or equivalent scales) that affect Vietnam.

2. Earthquakes whose magnitude exceeds 6.5 (according to Richter magnitude scale or equivalent magnitude scales) that occur at sea and potentially cause tsunamis affecting Vietnam.

Article 20. Contents of earthquake broadcasts

1. Headlines of earthquake broadcasts

2. Time of earthquake: Specify using both GMT and Hanoi time.

3. Location of earthquake: Name of province, coordinates of epicenter and focal depth.

4. Intensity of the earthquake and magnitude in epicenter and neighboring provinces: Specify using MSK-64 scale.

5. Potential consequences caused by earthquakes.

6. Categories of earthquake severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister.

Article 21. Production of tsunami warnings

A tsunami warning shall be produced for:

1. Earthquakes whose magnitude exceeds 6.5 (according to Richter magnitude scale or equivalent magnitude scales) that occur at sea and potentially cause tsunamis affecting Vietnam.

2. Tsunamis caused by earthquakes at remote sea that potentially affect Vietnam.

Article 22. Type of tsunami warnings

1. Tsunami warnings are classified into 3 degrees:

a) First-degree tsunami warning: issued as soon as detecting strong earthquakes, probability of tsunamis, and readiness for evacuation is advised;

b) Second-degree tsunami warning: issued as soon as detecting non-destructive tsunamis, rough and damaging waves in coastal areas are to be aware of, readiness for evacuation is advised;

c) Third-degree tsunami warning: issued as soon as detecting destructive tsunamis, immediate evacuation is required.

2. Cancellation of tsunami warnings

Cancellation of tsunami warning shall be produced when tsunamis do not occur as forecasted.

3. Final tsunami broadcast

The final tsunami broadcast shall be produced when the tsunami completely disappears.

Article 23. Contents of tsunami warnings

1. Headlines of tsunami warning as specified in Clause 1 Article 22 of this Decision.

2. Tsunami assessment

a) Location, period, intensity, coordinates of epicenter and focal depth of earthquakes;

b) Probability of tsunamis, severity category and areas potentially affecting from direct hit of tsunami;

c) Wave height at coasts and duration of effect.

3. Evacuation scale depending on warning degree.

4. Categories of tsunami severity in accordance with regulations of Prime Minister.

5. Name and signature of persons responsible for making broadcasts.


Article 24. Forecast and warnings of other meteorological, hydrologic and oceanographic disasters

1. Produce forecasts for other meteorological, hydrologic and oceanographic disasters whose intensity, severity, scale, time and category of severity can be identified, including severe cold, frost, fog and strong breeze on the ocean.

2. Produce warnings for other meteorological, hydrologic and oceanographic disasters whose intensity, severity and category of severity can be identified while scale and time of occurrence cannot be identified, including tornadoes, lightning, hail and rising water level due to reasons other than tropical depressions and storms.

3. Forecasts and warnings on other meteorological, hydrologic and oceanographic disasters that can be made into separate broadcasts or integrated into weather forecasts or forecasts and warnings on tropical depressions, storms and flood.

Article 25. Contents, format, time and frequency of production of forecasts and warnings for other meteorological, hydrologic and oceanographic disasters

Based on characteristics and properties of each natural disaster specified in Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 24 of this Decision, agencies producing disaster forecasts and warnings shall produce broadcasts with contents, formats, time and frequency on a case-by-case basis.

Chapter III


Article 26. Provision of natural disaster broadcasts

1. Agencies and organizations producing natural disaster forecasts and warnings specified in Article 5 of this Article are responsible for providing the broadcasts for governmental presiding agencies; ministries, local governments, organizations whose operations are related to natural disaster prevention, response and recovery; agencies and organizations transmitting natural disaster broadcasts.

2. Lists of agencies and organizations provided with natural disaster forecasts and warnings are specified in Annex V hereto.

Article 27. Time and methods of provision of natural disaster broadcasts

1. Natural disaster forecasts and warnings shall be provided for agencies specified under Annex V hereto within 15 minutes from the moment in which the forecasts and warnings are completed.

2. Earthquake and tsunami warnings shall be provided for agencies specified under Annex V hereto as soon as they are completed.

3. Methods of provision of natural disaster broadcasts

a) Public communication systems, including stationary telecommunication networks, mobile telecommunication networks and public postal networks; postal networks serving agencies of the Communist Party, the government, national defense and security, broadcasting systems, central and local television stations;

b) Specialized information systems, including hotline systems directly serving direction and command of natural disaster prevention and control; specialized information, communication and broadcasting systems of ministries, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies; communication systems of border guards; tsunami warning systems in combination with other warning systems for other natural disasters; communication systems serving natural disaster prevention and control of telecommunication enterprises.

Article 28. Policies on transmission of information on tropical depressions, storms and flood

1. For Voice of Vietnam

a) Upon receiving broadcasts on tropical depressions in vicinity of South China Sea, storms in vicinity of South China Sea, tropical depressions on South China Sea, storms on South China Sea, flood warning and flood broadcasts, give broadcasts once every 2 hours at the beginning of the hour continuously during day and night on channels of the station; if no new broadcasts are received, continue to replay the latest broadcasts;

b) Upon receiving emergency tropical depression broadcasts, landfall tropical depression broadcasts, emergency storm broadcasts, landfall storm broadcasts and emergency flood broadcasts, broadcast twice consecutively, then replay once at the beginning of the hour during both day and night on channels of the station until receiving new broadcasts or request for changing broadcast hours of Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;

c) When replaying old broadcasts, repeat the time of broadcast production.

2. For Vietnam Television

a) Upon receiving broadcasts on tropical depressions in vicinity of South China Sea, broadcasts on tropical depressions on South China Sea, broadcasts on storms in vicinity of South China Sea, broadcasts on storms on South China Sea, flood warnings and flood broadcasts, give broadcasts in latest news programs of the stations and replay once every 3 hours until receiving new broadcasts or request for changing broadcast time of Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;

b) Upon receiving emergency tropical depression broadcasts, landfall tropical depression broadcasts, emergency storm broadcasts, landfall storm broadcasts and emergency flood broadcasts, give broadcasts on all channels of the station, then replay once every 2 hours until receiving new broadcasts or request for changing broadcast hours of Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;

c) When replaying old broadcasts, repeat the time of broadcast production;

d) When giving broadcasts on natural disasters, adequately and accurately provide information, run summarized news on the screen providing basic information.

3. For Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems

a) For each type of natural disasters, category of severity, scale of effect and subject of warnings, the Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems shall transmit broadcasts via all means and on all radio frequencies at an appropriate rate.

b) Upon receiving broadcasts on tropical depressions in vicinity of South China Sea, broadcasts on tropical depressions on South China, emergency tropical depression broadcasts, landfall tropical depression broadcasts, broadcasts on storms in vicinity of South China Sea, broadcasts on storms on South China Sea, emergency storm broadcasts and landfall storm broadcasts, the Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems shall transmit said broadcasts with following rates:

- Transmit via radiotelephones 16 sessions for every received original broadcast.

- Transmit via radiotelegraphs 2 sessions for every received original broadcast.

c) The Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems shall broadcast continuously during the day until received original broadcasts are no longer valid.

Article 29. Transmission policies of earthquake broadcasts and tsunami warnings

1. For Voice of Vietnam and Vietnam Television

a) Earthquake broadcasts shall be transmitted once immediately after receiving and replayed in the next news broadcasts;

b) First-degree and second-degree tsunami warnings shall be transmitted immediately after received and replayed twice with 5 minutes interval between each instance. Repeat every 30 minutes until the final tsunami broadcast or tsunami cancellation broadcasts are received;

c) Third-degree tsunami warnings shall be transmitted immediately after received and replayed twice with 5 minutes interval between each instance. Repeat every 20 minutes until the final tsunami broadcast are received;

d) The final tsunami broadcasts or tsunami cancellation broadcasts shall be transmitted and broadcasted once after received and replayed in the next news broadcasts.

2. For Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems and tsunami warning systems

a) First-degree and second-degree tsunami warnings shall be transmitted immediately after received and continuously replayed with 10 minutes interval between each instance until final tsunami broadcasts or tsunami cancellation broadcasts are received.

b) Third-degree tsunami warnings shall be transmitted immediately after received and continuously replayed with 5 minutes interval between each instance until final tsunami broadcasts are received;

c) The final tsunami broadcasts or tsunami cancellation broadcasts shall be transmitted and broadcasted once after received and replayed once after 5 minutes.

Article 30. Transmission policies of other disaster broadcasts

1. If forecasts and warnings on rough waves, rising sea level due to tropical depressions, storms, heavy rain, flood, inundation and landslide due to rain, flood or runoff, extreme heat, drought, saltwater intrusion and other natural disasters specified in Article 24 and 25 of this Decision are integrated into weather forecasts, forecasts on tropical depressions, storms and flood, the transmission of said broadcasts shall comply with transmission policies of the main broadcasts.

2. If forecasts and warnings on rough waves, rising sea level due to tropical depressions, storms, heavy rain, flood, inundation and landslide due to rain, flood or runoff, extreme heat, drought, saltwater intrusion and other natural disasters specified in Article 24 and 25 of this Decision are made into separate broadcasts, the transmission of said broadcasts shall comply with requests of agencies producing the broadcasts.

Article 31. Transmission policies during emergencies

Emergency transmission during emergencies shall comply with regulations and law on emergencies in case of major disasters or dangerous diseases.

Article 32. Transmission of disaster broadcasts of organizations and individuals

Organizations and individuals not specified in Article 28 and Article 29 of this Decision are recommended to transmit official natural disaster broadcasts provided by agencies and organizations specified in Article 26 of this Decision or broadcasts made by Voice of Vietnam or Vietnam Television.

Chapter IV


Article 33. Responsibilities of Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and National Committee for Incident, Disaster Response, Search and Rescue

1. Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control:

a) Organize receipt and handling of earthquake alarms and natural disaster forecasts and warnings according to assigned functions and tasks;

b) Direct Standing office of Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control to update and provide factual information on damage done by natural disasters for forecasting and warning agencies; on a yearly basis, provide Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration affiliated to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment information on natural disasters and damage done by natural disasters serving revision of current category of disaster severity;

c) Cooperate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology to assess effectiveness of natural disaster forecasts and warnings; how fast such broadcasts reach users; requests for revision in case of inappropriate or missing contents to develop forecast, warning and transmission of broadcasts on natural disasters.

2. National Committee for Incident, Disaster Response, Search and Rescue

a) Receive and process natural disaster forecasts and warnings provided by Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration affiliated to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Institutes of Geophysics affiliated to Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology within tasks and functions;

b) Cooperate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology to assess effectiveness of natural disaster forecasts and warnings; how fast such broadcasts reach users; requests for revision in case of inappropriate or missing contents to develop forecast, warning and transmission of broadcasts on natural disasters satisfactory to search and rescue requirements.

Article 34. Responsibilities of ministries, ministerial agencies and governmental agencies

1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

a) Exercise state management regarding natural disaster forecast and warning;

b) Direct Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration to produce natural disaster forecasts and warnings, upload on websites of Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration and promptly provide natural disaster forecasts and warning for agencies as per the law;

c) Modernize meteorology, hydrograph and oceanography monitor network; increase investment in devices, equipment and technology serving disaster forecast and warning;

d) Organize research and apply scientific and technological advances; international cooperation in natural disaster forecast and warning; professional training for persons providing forecasts and warnings on natural disaster;

dd) Receive response of ministries, local governments, organizations and individuals on transmission policies, quality and creditability of forecasts and warnings;

e) Take charge and cooperate with Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in assessing quality of natural forecasts and warnings and propose solutions to improve quality of natural disaster forecasts and warnings;

g) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Information and Communications, ministries and local governments in publicizing and educating community regarding utilization of natural disaster forecasts and warnings;

h) Take charge appraising scenarios of tsunami warnings for Vietnam and report to Prime Minister.

2. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and local government in developing, operating and transmitting tsunami warnings on the tsunami warning systems;

b) Direct organizations and individuals managing hydraulic reservoirs under management to comply with regulations on provision of reservoir information specified in Article 37 of this Decision.

3. Ministry of National Defense

a) Direct border guard and affiliated units to promptly transmit natural disaster forecasts and warnings on communication systems under management of the ministry;

b) Cooperate with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, relevant ministries and local government to develop and manage operation of tsunami warning systems according to plans approved by competent authorities;

c) Cooperate with Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control of relevant provinces and central-affiliated cities to send signal flares and operate tropical depression and storm signaling as specified in Annex IV and Annex VIII hereto.

4. Ministry of Information and Communications

a) Take charge and cooperate with ministries to plan and allocate frequency serving natural disaster forecast, warning, search and rescue at sea;

b) Direct telecommunication enterprises to increase speed and quality of connection between agencies producing forecasts and warnings to agencies transmitting natural disaster broadcasts, agencies directing prevention and counter and to community; expand coverage across oceans, islands remote and isolated areas;

c) Exercise state management regarding nationwide press operation to ensure adequacy, quality, timeliness and accuracy of natural disaster forecasts and warnings uploaded on mass media;

d) Cooperate with relevant agencies, direct publicizing and educating regarding knowledge about natural disasters and provide instruction on how to utilize natural disaster forecasts and warnings;

dd) Direct mobile information enterprises to send text messages at requests of Prime Minister, Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and National Committee for Incident, Disaster Response, Search and Rescue.

5. Ministry of Transport

Direct Vietnam Maritime Communication and Electronics Single Member Limited Liability Company to transmit disaster forecasts and warnings on information channels of the Vietnam Coastal Communication System as per the law; improve broadcast quality and increase coverage across oceans and distant island.

6. Ministry of Industry and Trade

Direct organizations and individuals managing hydraulic reservoirs under management to comply with regulations on provision of reservoir information specified in Article 37 of this Decision.

7. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

a) Direct Institutes of Geophysics to develop and manage monitor networks serving earthquake forecast and tsunami warning; update and develop tsunami warning scenarios; produce earthquake warnings; provide earthquake broadcasts and tsunami warnings for agencies and organizations specified under Annex V and upload on website of Institutes of Geophysics;

b) Conduct research and propose scientific and technological solutions and measures in production of earthquake broadcasts and tsunami warnings;

c) Cooperate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant agencies in publicizing knowledge about earthquakes and tsunamis and provide instructions on how to utilize earthquake broadcasts and tsunami warnings.

8. Other ministries

a) Immediately after the first natural disaster forecasts and warnings, actively provide Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and relevant agencies with information about areas and sectors that are prone to risk and affected by natural disasters to ensure effectiveness of forecast, warning and transmission of broadcasts;

b) Promptly transmit natural disaster forecasts and warnings to affiliated entities to actively adopt measures to avoid and avert;

c) Examine and encourage affiliated entities to stringently comply with regulations on forecast, warning and transmission of natural disaster broadcasts.

Article 35. Responsibilities of media and press agencies

1. Voice of Vietnam and Vietnam Television

a) Organize transmission of natural disaster broadcasts as specified in Articles 28, 29, 30 and 31 of this Decision;

b) News broadcasts must fully and adequately present natural disaster forecasts and warnings specified in Articles 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 and 25; portions of the broadcasts may be edited to fit in seminars and commentary contained within programs of the stations so long as the broadcast contents are not deviated;

c) Cooperate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, ministries and local governments in developing broadcasts and television programs to publicize and raise awareness of natural disasters and effective utilization of natural disaster forecasts and warnings;

d) Promptly inform agencies producing natural disaster broadcasts on responses of viewers and audiences regarding quality, contents and form of natural disaster forecasts, warnings and current conditions.

2. Radio and television stations of provinces of cities

a) Replay the nearest forecasts and warnings produced by Voice of Vietnam and Vietnam Television. For provinces and cities situated outside of disaster-struck areas, portions of the broadcasts may be edited and presented satisfactory to local conditions;

b) Present natural disaster forecasts and warnings provided by local and provincial hydro-meteorological stations in the latest news broadcasts of the channels;

c) Cooperate with local and provincial hydro-meteorological stations and relevant ministries in developing broadcasts and television programs to publicize and raise awareness of natural disasters and effective utilization of natural disaster forecasts and warnings.

3. Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems

Organize presentation of natural disaster broadcasts as specified in Clause 3 Article 28, Clause 2 Article 29 and Article 31 of this Decision.

4. Press agencies

Fully and accurately present broadcasts specified in Articles 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 and 25 of this Decision. Portions of the broadcasts may be edited to fit in seminars and commentary contained within programs of the stations so long as the broadcast contents are not deviated.

Article 36. Responsibilities of People’s Committees of all levels

1. Responsibilities of provincial People’s Committees

a) Direct radio and television stations of provinces, districts and wards to comply with regulations on transmission of natural disaster broadcasts;

b) Cooperate with competent regulatory agencies in examining compliance with regulations and law on information provision of reservoir owners as specified in Article 37 of this Decision;

c) Cooperate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant ministries in publicizing and raising awareness of natural disasters; providing forecasts, warnings and transmission of natural disaster broadcasts.

2. Responsibilities of People’s Committees of wards

Receive information on natural disaster forecasts and warnings from People’s Committees and Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control of provinces; direct radio stations of districts and wards to comply with regulations on transmitting natural disaster broadcasts directly to the local.

3. Responsibilities of People’s Committees of communes

Receive information on natural disaster forecasts and warnings from People’s Committees and Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control of districts, publicize and raise awareness of actively preventing, responding and recovering damage done by natural disasters in the areas.

Article 37. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals in charge of reservoir structures

During flood period, in addition to preparing reports, agencies and organizations managing reservoir structures must provide information for competent regulatory agencies as per the law and provide monitor and measurement figures relating to reservoir circulation for hydro-meteorology agencies, including:

1. Water level of upper and lower stream;

2. Intake and release rate;

3. Estimated water level;

4. Estimated release period; estimated release rate per time.

Article 38. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals managing watercrafts and personal communication devices

1. Equip necessary communication devices to receive natural disaster forecasts and warnings; maintain communication between vehicle owners and with the Vietnam Coastal Communication System, communication system of border guard and other communication systems.

2. Upon receiving forecasts and warnings on tropical depressions, storms and tsunami warnings, immediately state number of people, operation location and operating vessel number for the Vietnam Coastal Communication Systems, communication system of border guard and other communication systems to promptly provide instruction on movement and avoidance.

3. Upon detecting natural disasters at sea, immediately inform the Vietnam Coastal Communication System and communication system of border guard.

4. Organizations and individuals owning devices licensed for use and transmitting natural disaster broadcasts are responsible for ensuring accuracy and creditability of the broadcasts produced by competent agencies.

Chapter V


Article 39. Entry into force

This Decision comes into force from March 1, 2020 and replaces Decision No. 46/2014/QD-TTg dated August 15, 2014 of Prime Minister on forecast, warning and transmission of natural disaster broadcasts.

Article 40. Responsibilities for implementation

1. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of governmental agencies, Directors of Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, Directors of National Committee for Incident, Disaster Response, Search and Rescue, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities and heads of relevant agencies are responsible for implementation of this Decision.

2. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in publicizing and providing guidelines on implementation of the Decision; monitoring, consolidating and reporting difficulties that arise during implementation of the Decision and proposing Prime Minister./.




Trinh Dinh Dung


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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