Quyết định 12/QD-TTg

Decision No. 12/QD-TTg dated January 06, 2017, on approval for “scheme for deterimination of damage, compensation and assistance in business recovery and social security for maritime environmental incident - affected residents in Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue provinces”

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 12/QD-TTg scheme deterimination damage compensation assistance in business recovery


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 12/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 06, 2017





Pursuant to the Law on Government organization dated June 19, 2015;

Upon request by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural development,


Article 1. To approve the “scheme for determination of damage, compensation and assistance in production and social security for maritime environmental incident - affected residents in Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue provinces” which is specified as follows:


1. Determine the severity and scope of damage, affected subjects and amount of compensation; give compensation to affected residents in maritime environmental incident-affected provinces.

2. Ensure the environment hygiene, community health and seafood safety.

3. Recover production and business, make a shift in occupations and ensure the social security.

4. Ensure the marine environment, recover and replenish aquatic resources and ecosystems as habitat for aquatic animals.

5. Effectively monitor, supervise and give warnings about marine environment in those 4 provinces.

6. Ensure social order, safety and security.


Declaration , statistics, assessment, compensation for damage and implementation of assistance policies shall be duly carried out in accordance with regulations of laws in the presence of affected residents , the community and the government ; ensure the fairness, openness, transparency and punctuality according to the reality, scope and severity of damage.


Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue provinces ( hereinafter referred to as “4 provinces”).



1. Emergency assistance policies shall be implemented as stipulated in the Prime Minister’s Decision No.772/QD-TTg dated May 09, 2016 and Decision No.1138/QD-TTg dated June 25, 2016 on emergency assistance for residents in Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue who are affected by mass aquatic animal death.

2. Give a price subsidy of 20% of the seafood market price to residents in Quang Binh province from April 30, 2014 to May 15, 2016 inclusive under the Prime Minister’s Directive No.432/TB-VPCP dated December 25, 2016.


1. Affected entities

a) In the field of catching

- Owners and workers onboard ships, whether or not powered by engine of less than 90CV, who directly net on sea, estuaries and lagoons, have registered the permanent address and actually go catching in those 4 provinces, suspending their catching activities to maritime accidents.

- Owners and workers onboard ships powered by main propulsion machinery of at least 90 CV whose their permanent address and ships are registered in one of such 04 provinces , actually operating in maritime environmental incident-affected sea from April 06,, 2016 to September 30, 2016.

- Coastal residents living on fishing ( simple, frequent or occasional) on sea, lagoons and estuaries affected by maritime environmental incidents.

b) Aquaculture

- Households, farm owners, cooperatives, artels and enterprises operating in aquaculture ( hereinafter referred to as "aquaculture facility") directly raising aquatic animals; producing and cultivating brackish water and salt water aquatic animals and aquatic breeds which die of maritime environmental incidents.

- Aquaculture facilities’ owners suspending their operation due to maritime environmental incidents.

 - Regular and casual workers whose main means of livelihood is from salt water and brackish water aquatic animal farming facilities which are suspended due to maritime accidents.

c) Salt industry

Artels, cooperatives, households and workers in salt production facilities ( if any)directly affected by environmental incidents.

d) Fishery coastal trading

- Entities whose registered business location or permanent address is at any coastal commune/ward/town directly purchasing and processing fisheries from fish boats, ports, markets and aquaculture facilities affected by maritime environmental incidents.

- Owners of establishments producing fish sauce, seafood cocktail sauce, marinating seafood and other seafood processing facilities whose registered business locations or permanent residence addresses are in the communes, wards and coastal towns affected by maritime environmental incidents.

 Regular and casual workers whose main source of livelihood from transport, handling and processing of seafood, and from these above mentioned facilities is taken away by maritime environmental incidents.

dd) Fishing logistics services

Both regular and casual workers whose main source of livelihood is from facilities producing ices for preserving seafood, cold storage warehouses, refrigerated warehouses; shipbuilding, repair and maintenance facilities and facilities producing and trade fishing gears in coastal wards, towns and communes affected by maritime environmental incidents.

e) Coastal tourism and commerce

Coastal residents selling, providing tourism-related services or having restaurants serving tourists whose registered business address or residence address is at maritime environmental incident-affected coastal communes/wards/towns.

g) Fishery purchase and storage

- Owners of facilities purchasing and temporarily storing fisheries in cold or refrigerated storage houses in maritime environmental incident-affected wards/communes/towns where fisheries purchased before August 30, 2016 are still in stock.

- Regular and casual workers whose main source of livelihood from facilities mentioned in point a of this clause is taken away due to the maritime environmental incidents.

2. Period of damage recognition

Damage incurred between April 2016 and September 2013 ( 06 months) is recognized as damage caused by the maritime environmental incident.

3. Process for determining damage

a) Affected entities

Every affected entity shall submit a declaration form to the head of the hamlet.

b) Heads of hamlets

- The head of the hamlet shall hold a public meeting to assess, select and publicly put up a list of affected entities.

- The head of the hamlet shall confirm the affected entity and severity of damage in the declaration firm and report to the People's Committee of the commune.

c) People’s Committees of communes

- Set up a Damage Assessment Council including the head of the local government, representatives of religion and resident organizations , where necessary, to assess the damage and directly instruct the head of the hamlet to implement this Decision;

- Review, examine and publicly put up the list of affected entities and the severity of damage.

- Aggregate and submit reports to the People’s Committee of the district.

d) The People’s Committee of districts

- Establish a Damage Assessment Council.

- Direct, instruct, inspect and accelerate communes to take actions as stipulated in this Decision.

- Aggregate and submit reports to the People’s Committee of the province.

dd) The People’s Committee of province

- Provide training in declaration and determination of damage for residents in maritime environmental incident-affected communes.

- Direct, instruct, inspect, supervise and accelerate the People’s Committees at all levels to do statistics and determine damage.

- Establish a Damage Assessment Council according to the authority.

4. Compensation

a) Estimate the amount of compensation by severity of damage

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall provide instructions on determination of damage and compensation.

- The People’s Committee of province shall provide instructions and determine the amount of compensation by severity of damage under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development’s directive and report to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

- The Ministry of Finance shall take charge of and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, relevant regulatory authorities and the People’s Committees of provinces in determination of the compensation damaged entity to those 04 provinces and request the Prime Minister to approve.

b) Determine the amount of compensation

- According to the Prime Minister’s Decision on the amount of compensation, the People’s Committee of the district shall follow the approved amount of compensation; examine, assess and certify the damage and report to the People's Committee of the province.

- The People’s Committee of the province shall review, verify, aggregate and submit reports on the compensation to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance.

- The Ministry of Finance shall take charge of and cooperate with relevant regulatory authorities and local governments to review, verify and aggregate the statistics, determine the amount of compensation for the 04 provinces and report to the Prime Minister for approval.

c) Provision of compensation

- The Ministry of Finance shall grant funding for those 04 provinces via the State Treasury under regulations of laws.

- The People’s Committees of those 04 provinces shall issue Decisions on allocation of the compensation fund to those 04 provinces.

- According to the Decision on allocation of compensation fund of the People’s Committee of the province , the President of the People’s Committees of districts shall approve the detailed list of affected entities and amount of compensation.

- The People’s Committees of communes shall hold public meetings to announce the list of compensated entities, amount of compensation and compensation schedule.

- The head of every hamlet shall publicly put up the list of compensated entities.


1. Community health and seafood safety.

a) Inspection of seafood safety.

- Inspected subjects: aquatic animals, salt water, brackish water and sediment in those 04 province and other 03 provinces for comparison.

- Content:

+ Take samples of aquatic animals, water and sediment for tests to identify causes of mass death.

+ Take aquatic animal samples and do tests in those 4 provinces and other 3 provinces for comparison.

+ Notify the test results to the People’s Committees of those 04 provinces and submit report to the Government.

- Duration: From April 2016 to December 2017 inclusive.

b) Assistance in health insurance

- Beneficiaries: Members of households on the List of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district.

- Content:

+Give subsidies for health insurance premiums for which the insured must pay to individuals specified in clause 6 Article 1 of the Law on amendment and supplementation to a number of Articles of the 2014 Law on Health Insurance.

+Give full subsidies for health insurance to individuals specified in clause 6 Article 1 of the Law on amendment and supplementation to a number of Articles of the 2014 Law on Health Insurance.

- Duration: Maximum 02 years from January 01, 2017 to the end of December 2018 inclusive

2. Assistance in vocational education and training; job creation and assistance in overseas contractual employment

a) Assistance in vocational education and training

- Beneficiaries: Members of households on the List of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district.

- Content:

+ As for basic training courses and short-term training courses (less than 03 months): Subsidize tuition fees, meal and traveling expenses incurred in 01 training courses as the subsidy given to the disabled in the Prime Minister’s Decision No.46/2015/QD-TTg dated September 28, 2015 on assistance policies on basic training courses and short-term training courses and guidance documents;

+ For college and vocational secondary education and : Subsidize 01 training course tuition fees. In case of training in process, since April 2016, the tuition fees for the remaining period of the training course shall be covered. The minimum subsidy shall be equal the maximum tuition fees of the public training facilities that have yet to self-finance their current expenditure and investments; the maximum subsidy shall not exceed the maximum tuition fee of the public training facilities that are able to self-finance their current expenditure and investments as stipulated in the Government’s Decree No.86/2015/ND-CP dated October 02, 2015 on tuition fee collection and management by educational establishments of national education system and policies on reduction and exemption of tuition fees in the academic year 2015 – 2016 to 2020-2021. The procedure for grant of tuition fee assistance shall be conformable to the Decree No. 86/2015/ND-CP and guidance documents.

+ Kindergarten, secondary, high school and tertiary students shall receive the subsidies of 100% of the tuition fees as stipulated in the Decree No. 86/2015/ND-CP and guidance documents:

+ These above-mentioned entities shall be granted loans for vocational training and higher education, if demanded, as for the poor household as stipulated in the prime Minister’s Decision No.157/2007/QD-TTg dated September 27, 2007 on student credit policies and its guidance documents.

- Duration: Maximum 2 academic years (2016 - 2017; 2017 - 2018)

b)Assistance in job creation

- Beneficiaries: Workers who are members of households on the List of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district.

- Content:

+ Workers shall be entitled to take concessional loans from the National Employment Fund at the interest rate of 50% of the interest rate of loans for poor household as stipulated in the Government's Decree No.61/2015/ND-CP dated July 09, 2015 on job creation assistance and National Employ Fund.

+ Workers wishing to change their jobs shall be provided with complementary job advices and will be recommended by employment agencies under regulations of laws.

+ Workers are given priority to participating in projects and policies on marine environmental remediation, aquatic resource restoration and replenishment and local tourism development. The process and procedures for selecting workers to participate in the public employment policies and workers' benefits shall be conformable to the Decree No.61/2015/ND-CP and guidance documents.

+ Business facilities employing workers specified in point a of this clause under 12-month contract or longer shall receive wholly subsidies for training fees and premiums of worker’s social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance as stipulated in the Prime Minister’s Decision No.42/2012/QD-TTg dated October 08, 2012 on assistance for organizations employing ethnic minorities in mountainous and disadvantaged areas, and the Decision No.64/2015/QD-TTg dated December 17, 2015 on amendment and supplement to the Decision No.42/2012/QD-TTg.

- Duration: Maximum 02 years from the effective date of this Decision.

c) Assistance in overseas contractual employment

- Beneficiaries: Workers who are members of households on the List of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district.

- Content:

+ Ethnic minority workers and relatives of persons whose contribution to the Revolution is recognized , workers in poor households and near-poor households will receive full subsidies for tuition fees for vocational training, advanced training and foreign language education, accommodation allowance and subsistence allowance, personal expenses, traveling expenses, fees for visas, passports, health examination and criminal records before working abroad as stipulated in point b, clause 1, Section III Article 1 of the Prime Minister No.71/2009/QD-TTg dated April 29, 2009 on approval for assistance for poor districts in promotion of labor export in 2009 – 2020. The process and procedure for assistance shall be conformable to the Decree No.61/2015/ND-CP and its guidance documents.

+ Other workers shall be granted assistance in vocational training, advanced training and foreign language education tuition fees, essential personal expenses, meal and traveling expenses, fees for visas, passports, examination and judicial records before working abroad as stipulated in clause 1 and clause 2 Article 10 of the Decree No.61/2015/ND-CP The process and procedure for assistance shall be conformable to the Decree No.61/2015/ND-CP and its guidance documents.

+ Contractual overseas workers shall be entitled to take loans from Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, if demanded. The maximum loan shall equal the amount of fee payable required by the overseas market. The interest rate shall equal the interest rate of loans for poor households determined by the Prime Minister.

- Duration: Maximum 02 years from the effective date of this Decision.


1. Grant of concessional loans for production and shifting in occupation .

a)Beneficiaries: Individuals or households on the List of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district.

b) Contents:

- Give assistance in business recovery and occupational shift; give priority to shift from netting in bottom strata within the diameter of 20 nautical mile inwards into catching from floating strata.

- Loan conditions and limits, loan interest rates:

+ A borrower whose business plan is recognized feasible may receive loans from state-owned commercial banks without any collateral.

+ Loan limit: maximum 100 million dong.

+ Loan interest rate: the minimum interest rate the credit institution applies to agriculture and rural development in that term.
The borrower shall pay the interest rate of 1%/year, the unpaid interest rate shall be paid by Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Limited Company .

- In case the borrower needs a loans of more than 100 million dong , the credit institution may consider granting loans under current regulations of laws.

c) Deadline for application for loans: From January 01, 2017 to December 31, 2017 .

d) Duration for grant of concessional interest rates: 24 months from the time on which the outstanding debt incurs.

2. Debt settlement and concessional interest rate

a)Beneficiaries: Individuals, organizations or households who are on the List of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district and unable to settle principal and interest on due date.

b) Contents:
The borrower shall:

- Have the maturity date considered extending , have debt group maintained and be entitled to granted new loans for business recovery.

- Be considered to not calculating the interest on charge-off and keep the debt group maintained at the time of charge-off of loans granted prior to April 01, 2016 but have yet to be settled at the time of charge-off. The interest not collecting during the period of charge-off shall be compensated by Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Limited Company.

c) Deadline: Debt restructuring and charge-off shall be completed within 12 months but no later than December 31, 2018.

3. Assistance in shipbuilding for offshore catching

a)Beneficiaries: Owners of non-engine fishing vessels or fishing vessels powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 90CV on the list of affected entities approved by the People’s Committee of the district.

b) Contents:

- Those above mentioned beneficiaries shall be entitled to take loans from the state-owned commercial banks for building of new fishing vessels with wooden hull or composite hull whose main propulsion machinery is between 90CV inclusive and 400CV for catching and logistics services ( 400 fishing vessels for 4 provinces).

- Loan limits and interest rates:

+ Loan limits:

As for building of new logistics ships having maritime equipment, seafood and goods preservation and handling equipment:
In case of a composite ship, the owner will be granted a loan of 90% of the total cost of building; in case of wooden ship, the owner shall be entitled to be granted a loan of 70% of the total cost of building.

As for building of new fishing vessels having maritime equipment, seafood and goods preservation and handling equipment.

 In case of a composite ship, the owner shall be entitled to be granted a loan of 90% of the total cost of building; in case of wooden ship, the owner shall be entitled to be granted a loan of 70% of the total cost of building.

+Loan interest rates: The interest rate shall be equal to the minimum interest rate applicable to agriculture and rural development by loan term. The borrower shall pay an interest rate of 1%/year, the unpaid interest rate shall be paid in the form of lump-sum compensation by Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Limited Company after the new ship is completely built and the ship owner obtains the ship registration certificate.

- Costs of training in fishing vessel operators, technicians and seafood preservation onboard shall be wholly covered.

- premiums of insurance for seafarers onboard and fishing vessels shall be wholly subsidized.

- Collateral: The owner of the fishing vessel shall be entitled to put assets derived from loans as security for the loans.

c)Duration for grant of loans: From the effective date of this Decision to December 31, 2018 inclusive.

d) Duration for grant of concessional interest rates: 11 years in case of building of a new wooden ship and 16 years in case of building of a new composite ship. The borrower shall be exempted from interests and shall be entitled to delay in payment of principal in the first year of loan term calculated from the date of the first disbursement.

dd) Risk mitigation mechanism Any credit risk related to loans for building of new fishing vessels, regardless of objective causes or force majeure events, shall be settled under the following principles:

- If it is possible to have the damaged ship repaired, the commercial bank shall extend the maturity date of payment. All costs of repair shall be fully covered by the insurer.

- If the ship is completely broken down due to the damage,

+ Insured assets shall be covered as stipulated In the insurance policy.

+the contingency fund for unsettled loans for building of the ship shall be used for compensation as stipulated in the regulations of laws.

+ After taking these above mentioned steps but the principal has yet to be fully collected the commercial bank shall report to the State Bank of Vietnam. The State Bank of Vietnam shall request the Prime Minister to give directives on specific cases.


1. Projects for restoration and recovery of aquatic ecosystems and resources

a) Targets: Restore ecosystems which are aquatic habitats and enrich the aquatic resources.

b) Contents:

- Survey and investigate the current situation of important ecosystems as aquatic habitat and the aquatic resources after the marine environmental incidents as the basis for proposal for restoration of coastal ecosystems and aquatic resources.

- Restore the ecosystem and aquatic creatures, zone the aquatic resource protected area in each province where the aquatic resource is unable to self-restore and self-multiply.
Research and enrich the aquatic resources in breed farms and natural habitats; establish the policies and mechanism for development of no-take zones and marine protected areas.

- Grow and restore corals, sea grass, mangrove forests and artificial ecosystems as habitats for aquatic animals in affected areas.

- Monitor, supervise and give warning about aquaculture environment and fishery quality for business recovery and food safety.

c) Implementation duration: 03 years (2017, 2018, 2019).

d) Governing/cooperating bodies: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development/ People’s Committees of those 4 provinces.

2. Projects for developing marine environment monitoring and pre-warning systems in those 04 provinces.

a) Targets: Develop modern and harmonized marine environment monitoring and pre-warning systems to punctually provide relevant State management authorities and citizens with marine environment information, figures, documents , current situation and pollution pre-warnings.

b) Contents:

- Plan and implement the periodic marine environment monitoring programs in those 04 provinces.

- Invest, install and operate automatic sea water quality monitoring stations in those 04 provinces.

- Develop remote sensing technology-based marine environment monitoring systems.

- Create databases , information exchange systems and applications for marine environment monitoring and pre-warnings in those 04 provinces.

c) Implementation duration: 03 years (2017, 2018, 2019).

d) Governing/cooperating bodies: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment/ People’s Committees of those 04 provinces.


The compensation fund of USD 500 million ( 11,150 billion dong) from Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Limited Company shall be used for :

- Emergency assistance and compensation for damage

- Sampling and testing of seafood safety, water safety and marine safety.

- Implementation of policies.

- Marine environment monitoring and warnings in those 04 provinces.

- Implementation of projects for recovery of aquatic ecosystems and resources.

- Contingency.

According to assigned duties specified in this Decision, regulatory authorities and those 04 provinces shall submit the detailed cost estimates to the Prime Minister for approval.


1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a) Take charge of and cooperate with relevant regulatory authorities in provision of precise guidance on determination of damage and severity of damage; supervise and inspect implementation of this Decision; propose measures for solving arising difficulties ; submit reports on issues beyond the authority to the Prime Minister .

b) Aggregate, estimate funding for compensation and assistance for each province and submit it to the Ministry of Finance for assessment. The Ministry of Finance shall submit it to the Prime Minister for approval.

c) Take charge of and cooperate with regulatory authorities in provision of advices about policies on business recovery and residents’ living stabilization for the Prime Minister.

d) Take charge of and cooperate with regulatory authorities in development and implementation of projects for recovery of aquatic ecosystems and resources.

dd) According to the aquatic resources and reserves, ships and fishing industry in those 4 provinces , give instructions and determine the number of fishing logistics ships and fishing boats of each province to build new ships as stipulated in clause 3 Section IV herein.

e) Take charge of and cooperate with regulatory authorities and the People’s Committees of 4 provinces in assessment of implementation of this Decision and report to the Prime Minister every 6 months.

2. The Ministry of Finance shall:

a) Take charge of and cooperate with relevant authorities in management compensation from Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Limited Company, cooperate with the State Bank of Vietnam in instruction on interest subsidy for implementation policies prescribed herein.

b) Aggregate and assess the compensation and assistance; assess, determine and report the severity of damage to the Prime Minister; provide instructions on management, use and finalization of compensation fund and allocation of compensation and assistance.

c) Take charge of and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant authorities in assessment of funding for assigned projects and report to the Prime Minister for approval.

d) Take charge of and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in provision of guidance on assistance in new shipbuilding for fishermen in 4 provinces.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

Direct the General Statistics Office and Statistical Offices of those 04 provinces to do statistics and provide necessary figures as the basis for determine the amount of compensation and assistance before submitting to the People’s Committee of the provinces for submission to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

4. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:

a) Take charge of and cooperate with regulatory authorities in provision of instructions on supervision of compensation, assistance and sale of seafood inventories for the local government.

b) Cooperate with the Ministry of Health in provision of instructions on statistics and certification of safety of seafood inventories in those 04 provinces.

5. The Ministry of Health shall:

a) Take charge of and cooperate with regulatory authorities in provision of instructions on medical measures for protecting environmental hygiene, community health and seafood safety.

b) Take charge of and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in provision of instructions on inspection and certification of seafood safety in those 04 provinces.

c) Cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and People’s Committees of 04 provinces in handling of unsafe seafood inventories.

6. The Ministry of Education and Training shall:

Take charge of and cooperate with the Ministry of Finance and those 04 provinces in assistance in tuition fees for kindergarten , high school students and university students as stipulated in point a clause 2 Section III Part D Article 1 hereof.

7. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

a) Take charge of and cooperate with regulatory authorities in development of the environmental monitoring and warning system projects applicable to those 04 provinces and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval.

b) Instruct local governments to monitor the environment and declare the marine environment safe for production and living.

c) Instruct those 04 provinces to destroy unsafe seafood products and keep the environment from pollution.

8. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall:

a) Take charge of and cooperate with relevant regulatory authorities in instruct and assist entities providing tourist services and other services in culture, sport and tourism affected by maritime environmental incidents.

b) take measures for promoting tourism in those 04 provinces

9. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

Take charge of and cooperate with relevant authorities in provisions of instructions on implementation of assistance policies on vocational training, employment and contractual labor export as stipulated in clause II Part D Article 1 hereof; inspect, supervise, aggregate and submit progress reports on implementation of such policies to the Prime Minister.

10. The State bank of Vietnam shall:

a) Designate state-owned commercial banks to give concessional loans and instruct credit institutions to deal with debts under this Decision; ensure simplified procedures and safety of loans.

b) Cooperate with regulatory authorities in inspection and supervision of implementation of policies on grant of concessional loans, concessional interest rate and debt settlement, overcome difficulties arising from implementation of this Decision.

c) Play leading role in cooperating with regulatory authorities in inspection and supervision of implementation of credit policies ; propose measures for overcoming difficulties arising from implementation of policies issued together with Decision.

d) Where any commercial bank has difficulties in funding for loans to implement policies issued under this Decision or the interest rate goes up, the State Bank shall refinance those commercial banks under the Prime Minister’s Decision.

11. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall:

a) Continue to direct press agencies to report precise information in order to strengthen people’s belief.

b) give more information on marine information, safe seafood products and production situation; detect violations committed during implementation of the State’s policies ; disseminate and raise consumers’ awareness of seafood safety.

12. The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense shall:

Ensure the social order, safety and security during the process of dealing with maritime environmental incidents.

13. Vietnam Bank for Social Policies shall:

Give instructions and grant loans via credit programs as stipulated herein, simplify the procedures for granting loans.

14. The Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front shall:

Request the Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front to cooperate with the Central Commission for Mass Mobilization and Government Committee for Religious Affairs in raising people’s awareness of their interests Supervise implementation of this Decision.

Mobilize and win people’s support, comply with the Government and Communist Party's Directives and Policies on actions against marine environmental incidents. Consolidate the solidarity between residents, religious organizations and social organizations.

15. The People’s Committees of those 04 provinces shall:

a)Punctually and precisely implement emergency assistance policies.

b) declare and do statistics on damage for the purpose of compensation and assistance, give compensation and assistance in accordance with regulations of laws.

c) Approve the list of marine environmental incident-affected coastal communes/towns, estuaries, lagoons and districts as the basis for implementation of this Decision.

d) Implement policies and projects approved by the Prime Minister and governed by regulatory authorities. As for building of new fishing vessels, the People’s Committee of the province shall, according to the fisherman's occupations and customs, propose and submit vessel design to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for review and approval.

dd) Actively diversify assistance policies and methods for shifting occupations; encourage enterprises and cooperatives to employ directly-affected residents.

e) According to the reality, make supplementation to policies on assistance for affected residents, request the Government to adjust and supplement policies and regulations.

g) Cooperate with the Ministry of Health to take fishery samples and domestic water samples; cooperate with The Ministry of Industry and Trade in sale of safe seafood; cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in destruction of unsafe fisheries; compensate and give subsidies for destroyed fisheries under regulations of laws.

h) Aggregate local government’s progress reports on implementation of such policies and submit them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant regulatory authorities for submission to the Prime Minister.

Article 2. This Decision enters into force from the date on which it is signed.

Article 3. Ministers, Heads of Ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies and People's Committees of 4 provinces shall be responsible for implementation of this Decision./.





Nguyen Xuan Phuc


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Decision 12/QD-TTg scheme deterimination damage compensation assistance in business recovery
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              Số hiệu12/QD-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýNguyễn Xuân Phúc
              Ngày ban hành06/01/2017
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