Quyết định 149/QD-TTg

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 149/QD-TTg 2022 Approving the national strategy for biodiversity until 2030


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 149/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 28, 2022





Pursuant to Law on Governmental Organization dated June 19, 2015; Law on amendments to Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Governmental Organization dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on Biodiversity dated December 10, 2018;

Pursuant to Law on Environmental Protection dated November 17, 2020;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated May 20, 2021 of the Government on Government’s Action program for implementation of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party;

At request of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.


Article 1. Approving the National strategy for biodiversity until 2030 and vision to 2050 as follows:


1. Principles

a) Biodiversity is the natural resources for green economic growth; biodiversity conservation is the present, long-term, and sustainable solutions for environmental protection, natural disaster prevention, and climate change adaptation.

b) Biodiversity conservation combines the sustainable use of ecosystem and biodiversity services in order to promote socio-economic development, poverty reduction, and livelihood improvement; approach the ecosystem in biodiversity conservation and use.

c) Biodiversity conservation is a right and responsibility of all organizations and individuals. The benefits of biodiversity and ecosystem services are shared based on participation and contribution of organizations, individuals on an equal and legitimate basis.

d) Enhance resources, prioritize investment in biodiversity conservation, restoration and development of natural ecosystem; promote private sector involvement and enhance international cooperation regarding biodiversity conservation.

2. Objectives to 2030

a) General objectives

Increase area or natural ecosystems under protection, restore and maintain integrity; biodiversity is conserved and used sustainably in order to contribute to socio-economy development in the form of green growth and adapt to climate change.

b) Specific objectives

- Expand and improve the effectiveness in managing natural heritage and sanctuary systems so that: area of land sanctuaries accounts for 9% of total land area; area of sea and coastal sanctuaries accounts for 3 - 5% of total national seawaters; 70% of sanctuaries and natural heritages are assessed for management effectiveness; internationally recognized natural areas: 15 wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites), 14 biosphere reserves, ASEAN Heritage Parks; national forest cover is maintained within 42% - 43%; recover at least 20% of degraded natural ecosystems.

- Effectively preserve wild species, especially endangered, rare, and precious species prioritized for protection and migrating species; prevent any additional extinct species; population of at least 10 endangered, rare, precious species are prioritized for protection is improved; stored and preserved genetic resources of wild species and plants, domestic animals reach at least 100.000 genetic resources.

- Value of biodiversity and ecosystem services are assessed, maintained, and improved via the sustainable use and limited negative impacts on biodiversity; nature-based solutions are implemented and applied in socio-economic development, natural disaster prevention, and adaptation to climate change; promote access and sharing of benefits offered by the use of genetic resources on an equal and reasonable basis.

3. Vision until 2050

Until 2050, important natural ecosystems, endangered species, rare and precious genetic resources are effectively restored and preserved; biodiversity and ecosystem services are adequately evaluated, sustainably used, generating benefits for the general public, ensuring ecosystem security, adapting to climate change, and sustainably developing the country.


1. Enhancement of biodiversity conservation and restoration

a) Expand and improve management effectiveness of natural heritage, sanctuaries, and biodiversity corridor system

- Effectively implement the National planning for biodiversity conservation until 2030 and vision to 2050. On the basis of approved planning, continue to enhance and expand natural heritage and sanctuary systems; promote the establishment of wetland and marine sanctuaries; establish and sustainably manage biodiversity corridors connecting sanctuaries.

- Improve the capacity of management system of sanctuaries; review and improve functions, tasks, organize operation and improve capacity of management boards, organizations assigned to manage natural heritages and sanctuaries; invest and upgrade infrastructure, technical systems, and equipment serving management and biodiversity monitoring system; educate on the environment and biodiversity; experiment and gradually adopt sanctuary co-management models in suitable areas.

- Develop, promulgate criteria, and organize assessment of effectiveness in managing natural heritages and sanctuaries; provide guidelines on registration for recognition of sanctuaries in the global “Green list”.

- Develop regulations and guidelines on protection of natural heritage environment, biodiversity offsets, policies on investment in natural heritages, wetland sanctuaries, and marine sanctuaries; develop policies on occupation conversion, provide support for execution of sustainable household livelihood model of inhabitants legally living in buffer zones.

b) Reinforce and expand natural areas with national and international importance

- Develop legal corridors in order to manage natural heritages acknowledged by international organizations, biosphere reserves; ensure harmony between preservation and socio-economic development, utilize resources to implement sustainable development objectives.

- Provide guidelines on nominating recognition of international titles regarding biodiversity; review and assess areas satisfactory to international titles, prioritize areas representing ecological zones, seas, islands when nominating wetlands with international importance, natural heritages, ASEAN Heritage Parks; establish and improve the capacity of biosphere reserves, natural heritages, Ramsar sites, and ASEAN Heritage Parks

- Develop biodiversity conservation models together with sustainable development and community livelihood improvement; prioritize pilot models and new mechanisms regarding preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in biosphere reserves.

c) Adopt effective preservation solutions in areas outside of sanctuaries

- Investigate, assess, and identify areas with high biodiversity and important wetlands; guide the implementation of effective biodiversity conservation methods in these areas.

- Implement measures to effectively protect and prevent illegal destruction, exploit of forest, coral reefs, sea grasses; protect breeding areas, offspring microbiomes and migration paths of aquatic species; release additional native, characteristic aquatic species with economic and scientific value in natural waters; research the establishment of artificial habitats for endangered, rare, precious aquatic species.

- Promote effective management of important wetlands duplicate models of effective wetland use.

- Establish mechanisms to assist the establishment of natural heritages and conservation areas under community management in order to protect areas with high biodiversity, especially bird watching sites, and habitats of endangered, rare, precious species.

d) Restore important natural ecosystems which have been degraded

- Implement programs for restoring mangrove forests, coral reefs, sea grasses, especially in marine sanctuaries; locate and allow natural restoration of degraded coral reefs and sea grasses.

- Allow natural restoration and recovery of degraded ecosystems in sanctuaries, areas with high biodiversity, and biodiversity corridors.

- Organize effective implementation of the National action plan for preservation and sustainable use of wetlands in the period of 2021 - 2030; Schemes for planting one billion trees in the period of 2021 - 2025 together with forest ecosystem restoration and development.

- Develop procedures and technical guidelines on recovering degraded natural ecosystems, especially wetland, coral reef, and sea grass ecosystems.

2. Preserve and restore wild and endangered species, especially endangered, rare, precious species prioritized for protection and migrating species.

- Develop and organize implementation of Program for preservation of endangered, rare, precious species prioritized for protection; prioritize in-situ conservation, captive breeding research and re-release back to nature of several endangered, rare, precious species prioritized for protection; manage and protect migrating wild species, including habitants, cross-border migration paths; increase cooperation with international organizations in establishing systems for monitoring and supervising important migration paths of wild, migrating species.

- Investigate and assess current conditions of wild endangered, rare, precious floras; develop gardens, adopt methods for breeding, restoring, and expanding cultivation areas of wild endangered, rare, precious floras prioritized for protection; implement in-situ conservation for precious herbal medicines.

- On a periodic basis, update and disclose the List of endangered, rare, precious species prioritized protection; update, compile, and develop website on Vietnam’s Red Data Book; develop the List of endangered species and appropriate management, protection measures.

- Expand and improve capacity of nationwide rescue centers in order to rescue wild animals across all regions and wild species, develop captive breeding facilities; improve exhibits, display, nature and biodiversity museums in Vietnam; develop legal frameworks and technical guidelines on managing biodiversity conservation facilities.

3. Enhance genetic resource preservation operation, manage access to genetic resources, share benefits, and protect traditional knowledge regarding genetic resources.

- Effectively implement Program for preserving and sustainably using genetic resources until 2025 and orientation to 2030; enhance investigation, collection, and storage of genetic resources of wild endangered species, forestry trees, medicinal herbs, plans, domestic animals, and wild families of plants, domestic animals, and microorganisms in genomic libraries; implement solutions for preserving genetic resources of wild, endangered, rare, precious, endemic species.

- Review the distribution of genetic resources of plants and domestic animals on a nationwide scale; assess the level of threat of native, endemic, rare, precious breeds, species in order to collect for storage and develop effective genetic resource conservation solutions.

- Expand and reinforce genetic funds; promote information, data, and experience exchange between members of the network; promote the development of national genetic resource database.

- Diversify plant and domestic animal breeds; preserve plant and domestic animal breeds and their wild families; improve effectiveness of conservation programs for endangered, rare, precious plant and domestic animal breeds; implement solutions in order to encourage the community to participate in preserving native, rare, precious, endemic plant and domestic animal breeds.

- Collect, store, produce geographical indication, and implement solutions for preserving traditional genetic resource knowledge.

- Promote the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol regarding genetic resource access and benefits sharing; develop and guide the implementation of regulations and law on genetic resource access; implement and duplicate models regarding genetic resource access and benefit sharing, including protection traditional genetic resource knowledge; develop financial mechanisms for the use of benefits provided by the genetic resources in diversity conservation and protection of traditional knowledge relating to genetic resources.

- Continue to effectively implement the Scheme for improving the capacity of managing genetic resource access and equal, reasonable sharing of benefits provided by the use of genetic resources in the period of 2016 - 2025.

4. Assess and utilize the benefits of biodiversity in sustainable development, natural disaster prevention, and climate change adaptation

a) Investigate, review, inventory, assess, and develop national database on biodiversity

- Investigate, review area, assess conditions, produce maps of important wetlands, sea grasses, coral reefs, and other characteristic marine ecosystems in order to adopt solutions for protecting, restoring ecosystems of wetlands and the sea; monitor forest resources.

- Organize effective implementation of the Scheme for reviewing, monitoring, producing reports, and developing national biodiversity database until 2030, and vision to 2050 which prioritizes biodiversity inventory and monitoring in sanctuaries, areas with high biodiversity, endangered, rare, precious species prioritized for protection.

- Create environment and conditions in a way that allows organizations, individuals, and community to participate in reviewing, monitoring, producing reports, and operating biodiversity database.

b) Sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystem services

- Develop guidelines on ecosystem service valuation and carry out pilot implementation in sanctuaries; develop policies on payment for forest environment services; research, develop policies, organize pilot implementation, and pay for wetland and marine ecosystem services in order to protect, recover, and develop biodiversity and natural scenery.

- Develop policies and standards for sustainable ecotourism and nature-based tourism while minimizing impact on biodiversity; implement ecotourism in important natural reserves, natural heritage sites with green and environmentally friendly service infrastructures; develop characteristic ecotourism products in order to contribute to biodiversity conservation; improve capacity of all levels, cooperation, and connection between parties in ecotourism, especially between management boards, organizations assigned to manage natural reserves, tourism enterprises, and the community and promote the role of private parties in public-private partnership.

- Preserve and develop non-timber forest products and characteristic herbal medicine of the region via intensive farming in order to ensure sustainability, high added value (especially traditional products such as cinnamon, bamboo, etc.), Improve the livelihood, generate income, eliminate poverty of mountainous regions and ethnic minorities; implement protective measures, develop valuable non-timber forest products, especially herbal medicine and plants.

- Develop policies, guide the breeding and rearing of regular wild species and strictly control the commercial breeding of wild animals in order to minimize impact on biodiversity; implant chips and log endangered, rare, precious species prioritized for protection.

- Research, develop market and biotrade for biodiversity-friendly products via practicing sustainable production models and supply chains.

- Enhance protection, improve and effectively manage agricultural ecosystems in economic zones; develop environmentally friendly organic agriculture, increase area of agricultural land serving organic production by 2,5% - 3%.

- Enhance research, develop, and apply agro-forestry-fishery management and production models which apply modern and environmentally friendly biotechnology, create safe and quality products according to international standards, meet domestic use demands, and participate in global supply chains.

- Ensure that the extraction and use of biodiversity resources, ecosystem services, and activities release emission into natural environment within the pollution load of the ecosystem.

c) Preserve and develop biodiversity in urban and rural areas

- Preserve, restore, and develop green spaces, natural ecosystems and sceneries in urban areas; ensure sufficient area for trees and water surface in urban areas.

- Implement the Scheme for “Planting one billion trees in the period of 2021 - 2025” in urban areas and rural areas in order to improve the benefits of green spaces for health and happiness of the general public; prioritize planting of native trees which contribute to environmental and biodiversity protection, adaptation to climate change.

- Develop green structures, green urban areas, smart urban areas, and adapt to climate change; develop botanical gardens in schools; research, develop, and promulgate standards and regulations on natural scenery and biodiversity in urban development.

d) Preserve biodiversity in a manner that adapts to climate change

- Research, assess, and forecast impact of climate change on biodiversity in Vietnam, implement biodiversity conservation solutions in areas under severe impact of climate change; develop maps of climate change impact on natural ecosystems.

- Sustainably preserve and use biodiversity and ecosystem services based on the community and climate change adaptation, prioritize preservation of rare genetic resources, endangered species and important ecosystems; assess risks and control infestation of invasive species under the impact of climate change.

- Adopt ecosystem approach in climate change adaptation management and impact minimization in vulnerable areas such as: river basins, coastal areas (especially the Red River Delta, Mekong River Delta), and implement solutions for raising resistance of biodiversity to climate change in these areas; increase recovery capacity of natural ecosystems and biodiversity protection, conservation.

- Develop biodiversity conservation models in areas with high biodiversity which are rendered vulnerable due to climate change; duplicate livelihood models adapting to climate change based on ecosystem and adaptation solutions based on nature and community knowledge and increase greenhouse gas absorption capacity; apply local knowledge in preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in order to ensure sustainable livelihood.

- Continue to implement the National program for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; Preserving and Increasing carbon reserve and sustainable management of forest resources (REDD+ Program).

5. Control activities causing negative impact on biodiversity

a) Strictly control repurposing of land, forest, water surface, less sustainable cultivation and extraction methods, and activities causing environmental friendly.

- Guide and effectively assess impact on natural scenery and biodiversity in the environmental impact assessment and strategic environment assessment; develop, promulgate, and implement biodiversity offsets mechanisms.

- Minimize and strictly control the repurposing of special-use forests, protection forests, and production forests which are natural forests, important wetlands, sanctuaries, river basins, and coastal areas; prevent extraction activities that are destructive to aquatic resources, convert occupations which greatly impact resources or are energy-consuming to occupations that are friendly to the environment and aquatic resources.

- Effectively implement solutions for controlling the speed of environmental pollution and negative impacts on biodiversity; increase control of pollutants, especially plastic wastes, pollution sources, maintain and improve quality of environment surrounding natural heritage sites, sanctuaries, and areas with high biodiversity.

- Promote sustainable, less energy-consuming production and consumption models; develop and duplicate sharing economic, circular economic, low carbon economic, and environmentally friendly models. Publicize and guide the general public to use environmentally friendly products to contribute to biodiversity protection.

- Continue to restructure agriculture and aquaculture by applying high technology, good agricultural practices (GAP), organic agriculture, sustainable aquaculture, green growth, and climate change adaptation; restrict the use of chemicals in agriculture (plant protection chemicals, antibiotics, growth stimulants, chemical fertilizers).

b) Control illegal capture, imparkation, trading, and consumption of wild animals and plants.

- Control the extensive exploit of wild species, especially birds during migrating season, aquatic species in mating season.

- Continue to control and prevent illegal exploitation, catching, transportation and sale of rare and precious plant and animal species; ensure that the import of wild animals and plants does not affect biodiversity and user health.

- Review, evaluate, inspect and supervise activities of breeding of wild animals; control the implementation of requirements of the law regarding environmental protection and biodiversity conservation at licensed wildlife breeding establishments; eliminate illegal wildlife markets and trading venues.

- Implement safety measures for humans and domesticated wild animals, ensure compliance with environmental sanitation conditions, control animal diseases and prevent animal-borne diseases according to The “One Health” approach of the World Health Organization.

- Widely disseminate about rejection of wild animal products in trade and consumption; promote the participation of the community and media agencies in detecting and preventing illegal exploitation, captive breeding, trade and consumption of wild animals and plants.

- Strengthen management capacity, law enforcement, develop and implement inter-disciplinary coordination mechanism between environmental police force, market surveillance, customs, forest ranger, fishery, environment and other agencies involved in detecting, effectively preventing and strictly handling acts of illegal exploitation, captive breeding, trading and consumption of wild animals and plants.

- Strengthen the wildlife enforcement network (Vietnam WEN); strengthen cooperation with regional and international law enforcement networks (ASEAN WEN, Interpol) in preventing illegal trade and transportation of wild animals and plants.

c) Prevent, strictly control and effectively control invasive species; strengthen biosafety management of genetically modified organisms

- Complete the legal framework to prevent and control invasive species; periodically publish a list of invasive species, establish mechanisms to control the spread of invasive species; strictly manage the breeding and planting foreign species with risk of invasion according to the provisions of law; implement measures to control and eradicate invasive species; prevent illegal import, cultivation, development, transportation and trading activities of invasive alien species.

- Control the risks of genetically modified organisms, focus on the management of import, licensing and development of breeding and planting of genetically modified organisms; strengthen cooperation, exchange and learn from experience to improve technical and professional capacity of agencies and units on biosafety management for genetically modified organisms.


1. Develop policies, regulations, institutions for management and enhancement of biodiversity law enforcement

- Develop Planning for national biodiversity conservation and integrate biodiversity requirements in regional planning, disciplinary planning, and provincial planning.

- Research and develop the system of legal documents on nature conservation and biodiversity; research, develop documents guiding, directing on restoration of natural ecosystems to contribute to biodiversity conservation, natural disaster prevention, adaptation to climate change and sustainable development; legal documents on legal obligations and compensation in biosafety management activities for genetically modified organisms.

- Strengthen the capacity of the system of state management agencies in charge of biodiversity in order to effectively implement biodiversity management; improve the efficiency of coordination among ministries and department in biodiversity conservation; strengthen the capacity of provincial specialized units on environmental protection in performing the tasks of state management of biodiversity; develop and implement a coordination mechanism between state management agencies in charge of biodiversity and socio-political organizations, development partners in the field of biodiversity conservation.

- Improve capacity, provide professional training, biodiversity management training for environmental officials, officials managing sanctuaries and natural heritage zones; facilitate and strengthen coordination capacity in law enforcement on biodiversity protection for environmental police, forest rangers, fishery control, market surveillance, customs and border guards; mobilize the participation of the military forces in the management and protection of sanctuaries and natural heritage sites in border and island areas; establish a hotline to handle cases of violations on the protection of biodiversity, wild animals and plants in the area.

2. Raise awareness regarding nature and biodiversity conservation

- Publicize and raise awareness of authorities of all levels and in all sectors on the importance of biodiversity as natural resources and the foundation of biodiversity for sustainable national development; the role of biodiversity as one of the effective solutions for protecting the environment and adapting to climate change; continue to raise awareness and mindsets of authorities of all levels and in all sectors about the role and importance of biodiversity conservation in development policy making; clearly define the responsibilities of different levels, branches and local authorities for biodiversity conservation; research and put biodiversity conservation criteria into environmental protection criteria.

- Enhance education to raise awareness of nature protection, wildlife protection, eco-friendly activities; integrate biodiversity conservation into environmental protection contents in education programs of all levels; raise awareness of law compliance and implementation of social responsibilities for nature and biodiversity conservation of organizations and individuals; research mechanisms and encourage organizations and individuals to sign and implement voluntary standards and commitments on conservation of nature and biodiversity with authorities.

- Diversify forms, contents, and methods of providing information on biodiversity suitable to media audiences; regularly disseminate regulations on biodiversity conservation via the media. Honor role models and initiatives of organizations and individuals on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

- Ensure equal participation and rights of local inhabitants and communities, women and girls, and young people in decision-making processes related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

3. Promote integration and implementation of biodiversity requirements in policy-making and public investment projects

- Promote the implementation of biodiversity targets in national, disciplinary and local strategies, planning, and plans; guide the integration of biodiversity conservation in public investment projects; increase the adoption of nature-based solutions in socio-economic development, disaster prevention and adaptation to climate change.

- Improve the quality of strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment in order to limit negative impacts on biodiversity; supervise the implementation of commitments on biodiversity conservation during the construction and implementation of development projects.

- Integrate the implementation of contents and requirements on biodiversity conservation in the implementation of National target programs.

4. Promote scientific research, development, transfer, and application of advanced technologies in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

- Promote scientific research on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; research and apply science and technology in developing models of breeding and re-release of wild species into the wild, sustainably using species and genetic resources; strengthen research to manage or control the negative impacts of biotechnology on biodiversity and human health.

- Develop, receive and transfer new technologies, use sustainable extraction methods for natural resources and biodiversity.

- Strengthen research and discovery of genetic materials and derivatives with high application value for socio-economic development; enable domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to access genetic resources for the purpose of research and development of commercial products.

- Effectively apply the achievements of modern science and technology (information technology, remote sensing, biology, etc.) in management, investigation, observation, monitoring, inspection and supervision of biodiversity; strengthen basic research in life sciences, research on application of modern techniques of taxonomy in order to discover and publicize new species for science in Vietnam.

- Develop and implement national science and technology tasks on biodiversity in order to research and propose solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

5. Ensure financial sources for biodiversity

- Balance and allocate state budget capital to implement priority tasks, solutions, schemes and projects of the Strategy in accordance with the law on state budget and public investment; prioritize the mobilization of ODA sources to implement the National Strategy on Biodiversity; improve the efficiency of investment capital for biodiversity conservation.

- Encourage and mobilize the participation of communities and businesses to make financial investments for biodiversity conservation; implementing PPP models in conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services and biodiversity; research and promulgate financial policies to support the development of livelihoods of communities living in the buffer zone; encourage the development of legal financial forms for community conservation in order to mobilize and effectively use resources for biodiversity conservation activities, and to develop livelihoods for the community, especially people legally living in the buffer zones of sanctuaries.

- Research and apply new and groundbreaking financial mechanisms to mobilize resources for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in accordance with international treaties to which Vietnam is a signatory and international practices such as: biodiversity credit mechanism, debt-for-nature swap mechanism, green bonds, green credit, etc.

- Increase support of organizations and individuals for biodiversity conservation.

6. Strengthen international integration and cooperation on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

- Actively participate and implement commitments in international treaties on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity to which Vietnam is a signatory; research and request to join new international treaties, initiatives, forums and international organizations on biodiversity to ensure national interests.

- Strengthen cooperation in the management of nature and biodiversity, especially cooperation with bordering countries; promote international cooperation in controlling the illegal trade of wild animals and plants, exchange experiences with other countries and international organizations on biodiversity.


The priority programs, schemes, and projects for implementation of the Strategy are mentioned under Appendix I attached hereto.


Funding sources for the Strategy implementation consists of:

1. State budget capital.

2. Part of the funding for the national target programs, other programs, plans, and plans.

3. Loan capital from domestic and foreign financial institutions.

4. Funding collected from forest environment services and rent of forest environment, environment services relating to biodiversity, payment for ecosystem services.

5. Investment, contribution, financing, and assistance of organizations and individuals.

6. Other funding sources according to regulations and law.


1. Assign responsibilities for implementation

a) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall

- Take charge and cooperate with ministries and provincial governments in organizing the implementation of the Strategy; develop and request competent authorities to approve and effectively organize a number of assigned programs, schemes and projects.

- Develop and organize the implementation of the Program on communicating and raising awareness on biodiversity; guiding the development of action plans and communication programs, raising awareness on biodiversity on a provincial level; inspect the implementation of the Strategy; organize a preliminary review of the Strategy implementation in 2025 and a conclusion in 2030.

- Develop and guide the application of management standards for sanctuaries and natural heritage sites and implement a program for evaluating management effectiveness.

- Establishing Partnership forums between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and organizations on biodiversity and ecosystem services to share information, create opportunities for cooperation and cooperate in improving efficiency of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

b) Ministry of Planning and Investment shall

Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in researching and developing investment mechanisms and policies for biodiversity conservation; consolidate and allocate investment capital sources, mobilize international funding sources in order to effectively implement the Strategy; allocate investment capital for the implementation of programs, schemes and projects on biodiversity in accordance with the law on public investment.

c) Ministry of Finance shall

Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant ministries in researching and developing policies on finance and credit for the effective implementation of the Strategy; allocate funds for the implementation of the Strategy in accordance with the Law on State Budget.

d) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall

- Take charge and implement objectives and tasks of the Strategy under their management responsibility, key contents and tasks on the sustainable use of biodiversity in agriculture, forestry, and fishery; strictly control impacts introduced by repurposing land and water surface to agriculture, forestry or fishery development, and repurposing forest to purposes other than forestry.

- Organize the effective implementation of the Scheme for "Planting one billion trees in the period of 2021 - 2025" together with restoring natural forest ecosystems; integrate biodiversity conservation tasks into plans, programs and projects on development of agriculture, forestry and fishery.

dd) Ministry of Science and Technology shall

Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in researching, developing and organizing the implementation of science - technology schemes, projects and tasks in a manner that satisfies the objectives and contents of the Strategy under their responsibility.

e) Ministry of Public Security

Develop and organize implementation of schemes, projects and tasks in accordance with the objectives and contents of the Strategy under management responsibility; organize implementation of tasks for fighting and preventing activities that violate national security in terms of biodiversity, crime prevention, and biodiversity violations of the law.

g) Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall

Organize implementation of requirements on management and environmental protection of natural heritages in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection in tourist resorts; cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in developing and organizing implementation of requirements on biodiversity conservation in the development of nature-based tourism and eco-tourism; integrate the implementation of requirements on biodiversity conservation in related programs, schemes, projects and tasks in accordance with the objectives and contents of the Strategy.

h) Ministries, ministerial agencies, and Governmental agencies shall

Within the assigned responsibilities and powers, relevant ministries and relevant agencies affiliated to the Government shall develop and organize the implementation of programs, schemes, projects and tasks in accordance with objectives and contents of the Strategy.

i) People’s Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities shall

- Request the People's Councils of provinces to allocate fundings for the performance of tasks assigned to the provinces from the local government budget according to applicable regulations on decentralization of the state budget; mobilize and use resources provided by the central government and other resources to implement the Strategy.

- Direct the development and organization for implementation of the Provincial Biodiversity Action Plan in 2022; program on communicating and raising awareness on biodiversity on provincial level in a manner satisfies the objectives and contents of the Strategy and the practical situation of the provinces.

k) Request socio-political organizations, social organizations, and socio-professional organizations to actively participate and supervise conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity under their management responsibility; encourage organizations and individuals to participate conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

2. Monitor and assess Strategy implementation

Ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies, and People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall monitor and assess the implementation of the Strategy within their assigned functions, tasks and responsibilities; submit mid-term assessment reports to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment before September 31, 2025 and the final assessment report before September 31, 2030.

Article 2. This Decision comes into effect from the day of signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities and heads of relevant agencies are responsible for implementation of this Decision




Le Van Thanh


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Decision 149/QD-TTg 2022 Approving the national strategy for biodiversity until 2030
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