Quyết định 1812/QD-BGTVT

Decision No. 1812/QD-BGTVT dated October 16, 2021 on promulgation of Interim guidance on transport activities in five sectors (roadway, railway, inland waterway, maritime, airway) for a safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 1812/QD-BGTVT 2021 transport activities roadway railway for a safe COVID19


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 1812/QD-BGTVT

Hanoi, October 16, 2021





Pursuant to Government's Decree No. 12/2017/ND-CP dated February 10, 2017 on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 of the Government on promulgation of Interim regulations on “Safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19”;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 78/NQ-CP dated July 20, 2021 of the Government on prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 86/NQ-CP dated August 6, 2021 of the Government on urgent solutions for COVID-19 prevention and control to implement Resolution NO. 30/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the 15th National Assembly;

Pursuant to Decision No. 4800/QD-BYT dated October 12, 2021 of the Ministry of Health on health sector in implementation of the Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 on promulgation of Interim regulations on “Safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19”;

Pursuant to Official Dispatch No. 8795/BYT-MT dated October 16, 2021 of the Ministry of Health on suggestion for the interim plan draft of road transport by motor vehicles for a safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19 pandemic;

At the request of the Director of the Transport Department, the General Director of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, the Directors of the Departments of Vietnam Inland Waterway, Vietnam Maritime, Vietnam Aviation, Vietnam Railways,


Article 1. Promulgation of Interim guidance on transport activities in five sectors (roadway, inland waterway, maritime, railway, airway) for a safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19.

Article 2. Entry in force

1. This Decision comes into force as of the date of signing;

2. The following Decisions shall be annulled: Decision No. 1570/QD-BGTVT dated August 24, 2021 of the Minister of Transport on promulgation of interim guidance on traffic organization and pandemic control for transport by cars during COVID-19 prevention and control; Decision No. 1777/QD-BGTVT dated October 10, 2021 of the Minister of Transport on promulgation of interim regulations on piloting the road passenger transport to ensure safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic; Decision No. 1588/QD-BGTVT dated August 27, 2021 of the Minister of Transport on promulgation of interim guidance on traffic organization and pandemic control for inland waterway transport activities during the COVID-19 prevention and control period; Decision No. 1589/QD-BGTVT dated August 27, 2021 of the Minister of Transport on promulgations of interim guidance on traffic organization and pandemic control for maritime transport activities during the COVID-19 prevention and control period;

3. Annul Section II, Section III, Section V and Section VII, Part 2 of the Interim guidance on passenger transport activities in 5 sectors (roadway, railway, inland waterway, maritime, airway) for a safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19 issued together with Decision No. 1740/QD-BGTVT dated September 30, 2021 of the Minister of Transport.

Article 3. Chief of Office of the Ministry, Chief Inspector of the Ministry, Directors of Departments, General Director of the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, Directors of Departments, Directors of Departments of Transport, Departments of Transport and Construction of provinces, centrally-affiliated cities, Vietnam Automobile Transportation Association, local automobile transportation associations, Vietnam Inland Water Transport Association, Vietnam Ship Owners Association, passenger transport operators; bus stations, rest stops on roads; ports, wharves, inland waterway quays; airports; railway stations, heads of relevant agencies, units, organizations and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.




Le Dinh Tho



(Issued together with Decision No. 1812/QD-BGTVT dated October 16, 2021 of the Minister of Transport)

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 of the Government on promulgation of Interim regulations on “Safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19”; pursuant to Decision No. 4800/QD-BYT dated October 12, 2021 of the Ministry of Health on promulgation of Interim guidance regarding health sector in implementation of the Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 on promulgation of Interim regulations on “Safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19” (hereinafter referred to as Decision No. 4800/QD-BYT), the Ministry of Transport promulgates a Circular on promulgation of Interim guidance on transport activities in five sectors (roadway, inland waterway, maritime, railway, airway) for a safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19 (hereinafter referred to as Interim guidance) as follows:

Part 1



Resume the transport activities in five sectors (roadway, inland waterway, maritime, railway, airway) in line with prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic for socio-economic development, to ensure security, social order and safety; facilitate recovery of production and business, socio-economic development, and bring people's daily life towards the new normalcy.


1. Strictly follow the direction of the Government in Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP , guidance of the Ministry of Health in Decision No. 4800/QD-BYT .

2. Ensure the initiative, consistency and synchronization between the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Health, relevant ministries and agencies, and provinces and central-affiliated cities in the process of rolling out solutions on the transport activities in five sectors (roadway, inland waterway, maritime, railway, airway); assign tasks and responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals involved in transport activities to ensure safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Promote the initiative and creativity of local governments in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic situation, eliminate the non-conformance to central ruling in issuing documents and implementation of solutions beyond the necessary level which causes negative impacts to production, business and social life.


1. Scope

a) This Interim guidance applies to transport activities in five sectors (roadway, inland waterway, maritime, railway, airway) nationwide for a safe and flexible adaption to and effective control of COVID-19;

b) Passenger transport activities:  routes from shore to islands, domestic aviation, roads, railway, inland waterway.

2. Regulated entities

a) Regulatory agencies, pandemic control forces, transport operators in five sectors; internal transport operators; bus stations, rest stops on roads; ports, wharves, inland waterway; airports, airfields, seaplane landing areas; train stations, railway centers and stations; other focal points for loading and unloading goods;

b) Vehicle drivers, attendants on vehicles, accompanying persons on vehicles (in case of freight transport, internal staff transport) and passengers using means of transport in five sectors;

c) Organizations and individuals related to such transport activities.

Part 2



1. Classification of COVID-19 risks and scope of risk classification

1.1. COVID-19 risk categories:

- Level 1: Low risk (new normal) equivalent to green;

- Level 2: Medium risk equivalent to yellow;

- Level 3: High risk equivalent to orange;

- Level 4: Very high risk equivalent to red.

1.2. Scope of risk classification

From commune level. Scope of risk classification is recommended for a level as smallest as possible (under commune level) to ensure the flexibility and effectiveness.

2. All passengers (except for aviation and railway transport) must satisfy the following requirements:

2.1. Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

2.2. Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health;

2.3. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.;

b) With every level of risks, only test a person in any one of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- Test a person who comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required.

c) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown).

2.4. The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

3. In case the Government and the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health issue new regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control for the regulated entities in this Interim Guidance, the new regulations shall prevail.


1. Passenger transport operators by cars

a) Draw up and roll out plans for transport in accordance with regulations on business, transport business by cars and regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control; grasp information about lines, itineraries, levels of risks announced by local governments; publish travel requirements for passengers as prescribed in clause 2 Section I Part 2 of this Interim Guidance;

b) Ensure that drivers and attendants on vehicles meet the requirements mentioned in clause 4 Section II Part 2 of this Interim Guidance;

c) Ensure that vehicles meet the COVID-19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizer and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect vehicles after each trip (only required if the vehicles depart from or go through a level-3 or level-4 area);

d) Require drivers to follow the itineraries and only stop or park along the road (for eating, drinking, using toilets) at the designated places;

dd) If a passenger comes from a level-4 area: make a list of passengers using the form in the Appendix hereto; assign the driver or attendant on the vehicle to instruct the passenger to make his/her own declaration (including update of additional passengers on the itinerary); send a copy of the list of passengers to the Departments of Transport, Department of Transport and Construction (hereinafter referred to as the DOT) of departure and arrival; keep the original of the list of passengers for at least 21 days since the arrival date to assist the tracing COVID-19 prevention and control upon requests of competent authorities; respect the confidentiality of information of passengers as per the law;

e) Have staff or health staff in place to cooperate with local health facilities to take actions against any case of COVID-19 at the workplace;

g) Take responsibility for monitoring and supervising closely the operation of vehicles and drivers throughout the transportation process; in which, strengthening inspection and supervision through GPS tracking devices, dashboard cameras;

h) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

2. Freight transport operators by cars

a) Take initiative in drawing up transport plans, grasp information about itineraries, places of loading and unloading of cargo, and levels of risks announced by local governments; keep people on means of transport well informed of the transport plan to comply with any COVID-19 safety requirements.

b) Ensure that drivers and accompanying people on vehicles meet the requirements mentioned in clause 4 Section II Part 2 of this Interim Guidance;

c) Ensure that vehicles meet the COVID-19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizer and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect vehicles after each trip (only required if the vehicles depart from or go through a level-3 or level-4 area);

d) Require drivers to follow pre-determined itineraries and load and unload cargo at designated places mentioned in the transport document, freight transport contract;

dd) Have staff or health staff in place to cooperate with local health facilities to take actions against any case of COVID-19 at the workplace;

e) Take responsibility for monitoring and supervising closely the operation of vehicles and drivers throughout the transportation process; in which, strengthening inspection and supervision through GPS tracking devices, dashboard cameras;

g) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

3. Internal transport operators by cars

a) Take initiative in drawing up transport plans (make sure that solely their cargo and staff are transported), grasp information about itineraries, places of loading and unloading of cargo, and levels of risks announced by local governments; keep people on vehicles well informed of the transport plan to comply with any COVID-19 safety requirements;

b) Ensure that drivers and accompanying people on vehicles meet the requirements mentioned in clause 4 Section II Part 2 of this Interim Guidance;

c) Ensure that vehicles meet the COVID19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizer and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect vehicles after each trip (only required if the vehicles depart from or go through a level-3 or level-4 area);

d) In case of any person coming from a level-4 area: make a list of persons on vehicles using the form in the Appendix hereto; send a copy of the list of persons to the DOTs of departure and arrival (only one copy is sent if there is no change to the persons on the vehicle); keep the original of the list of persons on vehicles for at least 21 days since the arrival date to assist the tracing for COVID-19 prevention and control upon requests of competent authorities;

dd) Require drivers to follow pre-determined itineraries, pick up and drop off persons, load and unload cargo at designated places;

e) Have staff or health staff in place to cooperate with local health facilities to take actions against any case of COVID-19 at the workplace;

g) Take responsibility for monitoring and supervising closely the operation of vehicles and drivers throughout the transportation process;

h) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

4. Drivers, attendants, accompanying persons on vehicles must:

4.1. Follow the pandemic safety protocols

a) Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

b) Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health.

4.2. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.; have health authorities perform random screening and regular tests;

b) Carry out random tests of those who have high infection risks as planned by the transport operators;

c) With every level of risks, only test a driver, attendant, accompanying person on vehicle in any one of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required;

d) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown).

dd) The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

4.3. Before, during and after the trip, if any driver, attendant, accompanying person develops symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, difficulty breathing, etc, it is necessary to monitor the health and immediately notify the transport operator, the local health agency to take pandemic control measures according to regulations.

4.4. If any passenger, driver, attendant, accompanying person on the vehicle tests positive for SARS-CoV-2: comply with guidance of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Ministry of Health.

4.5. Have hand sanitizer at a convenient place for passengers; apply natural ventilation measures suitable for each type of public transport; require passengers to wear masks during travel.

4.6. Clean and disinfect vehicles daily and after each trip for high-touch surfaces such as surfaces of steering wheels, door handles, seats, windows, floors, etc. For taxis and similar vehicles, the drivers and the attendants on the vehicle must clean the door handles and seats of the vehicle after each passenger boarding and deboarding with a quick-drying hand disinfectant.

5. Means of transport

a) Fully satisfy the conditions for vehicle safety and emission inspection as prescribed; install GPS tracking devices, dashboard cameras according to Decree No. 10/2020/ND-CP and other relevant legislative documents;

b) Follow the COVID-19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizers and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect the vehicle after each use.

6. Bus stations, rest stops

a) Draw up and roll out plans to pick up and drop off passengers in a manner that safety, security, fire safety, environmental protection and regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control are ensured;

b) Arrange points for health declaration and QR code scan;

c) Arrange points for rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2; arrange temporary isolation rooms or zones in well ventilated areas;

d) Arrange ticket counters, waiting rooms (for bus stations), and places for passengers to get on and off vehicles in a manner that the requirements on COVID-19 prevention and control of the Ministry of Health are satisfied;

dd) If any driver, attendant, passenger, staff at the bus station or rest stop shows signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. the bus station or rest stop must take them to an isolation place and immediately notify the local health authority for further actions;

e) Raise the awareness of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in public areas;

g) Require drivers and attendants on vehicles, passengers to follow COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Ministry of Health;

h) Post up the hotline of the local authority for reporting any breach of regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic;

i) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

7. Places of loading and unloading cargo

a) Draw up and roll out plans to load and unload cargo in a manner that safety, security, fire safety, environmental protection and regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control are ensured;

b) Arrange points for health declaration and QR code scan;

c) If cargo is loaded and unloaded in a level-3 or level-4 area, a specific place is arranged for the task force to carry out rapid antigen tests;

d) If any driver, accompanying person, staff member at the place of loading and unloading cargo shows signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. the place of loading and unloading cargo must take them to an isolation place and immediately notify the local health authority for further actions;

dd) Raise the awareness of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in public areas;

e) Require drivers and accompany persons on vehicles to follow COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Ministry of Health;

g) Post up the hotline of the local authority for reporting any breach of regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

8. Staff members at bus stations, rest stops, places of loading and unloading cargo

8.1. Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

8.2. Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health.

8.3. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.; have health authorities perform random screening and regular tests;

b) Carry out random tests of those who have high infection risks as planned by the transport operators;

c) With every level of risks, only test a person in any of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required;

d) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown).

dd) The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

8.4. Regularly remind drivers and service staff on vehicles, accompanying persons and passengers to comply with regulations on prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic of Ministry of Health.

9. Transport plans

9.1. Passenger transport by cars

a) As for level-1 and level-2 areas

- Passenger transport will operate with ordinary frequency;

- Drivers and attendants on vehicles shall meet the requirements in clause 4 Section II Part 2 and passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 hereof.

b) As for level-3 areas

- For passenger transport on scheduled intra-provincial routes, buses, taxis, cars for rental, tourism, and transportation of students:  The DOT shall give the People's Committee of the province counsel on how to operate passenger transport with up to a half of total vehicles of operators and seat social distancing on vehicles (except for sleeper buses);

- As for passenger transport on scheduled inter-provincial routes (including buses with itineraries involving at least two provinces): The DOTs at two ends shall give the People's Committees of provinces counsel on how to operate passenger transport with up to a half of trips based on the volume announced by the DOTs (number of trips/month) and seat social distancing on vehicles (except for sleeper buses);

- Drivers and attendants on vehicles shall meet the requirements in clause 4 Section II Part 2 and passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 hereof.

c) As for level-4 areas

- Stop passenger transport by cars, including: passenger transport on scheduled inter-provincial, intra-provincial routes, buses, cars for rentals, tourist cars (except for app-based vehicles that offer less than nine seats and use electronic payment), cars for transport of students;

- As for taxis, app-based vehicles that offer less than nine seats (cars for rental and tourist cars that use electronic contracts) and use vehicle partition and electronic payment may operate up to 20% of total number of vehicles with seat social distancing;

- Drivers shall be either fully vaccinated or recovered from Covid and meet the requirements in clause 4 Section II Part 2; passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 hereof;

- In case a passenger transport vehicle has a mandatory itinerary to pass through a level-4 area, it is not allowed to stop or park here.

9.2. Freight transport by cars: operate in ordinary course of business at every level of risks; drivers and accompanying persons shall meet the requirements in clause 4 Section II Part 2 hereof.

9.3. Internal transport by cars

a) Internal freight transport: comply with point 9.2 hereof;

b) Internal person transport

- For level-1 and level-2 areas: operate as ordinary;

- For level-3 and level-4 areas: operate under guidelines of the DOTs of departure and arrival with seat social distancing;

- Drivers and persons on vehicles shall meet the medical requirements as prescribed in clause 4 Section II Part 2 hereof.


1. Transport operators, vehicle owners

a) Draw up and roll out transport plans in accordance with COVID-19 safety regulations; grasp information about levels of risks announced by local governments;

b) Have staff or health staff in place to cooperate with local health facilities to take actions against any case of COVID-19 at the workplace;

c) Prepare vehicles that meet the requirements pertaining to maritime safety and security, fire safety and environmental protection as prescribed;

d) Prepare all necessary equipment and devices for the prevention and control of COVID-19 on board as per regulations of the Ministry of Health and local governments;

dd) Clean and disinfect surfaces of passenger vehicles (passenger compartments, seats, toilets) daily and after each trip (only required if operating in level-3 and level-4 areas);

e) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

2. Seafarers

2.1. Follow the pandemic safety protocols

a) Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

b) Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health;

c) For ships from abroad and Vietnamese ships operating on domestic routes within 14 days and operating in level-3 or level-4 areas: The captain declares the health status of seafarers on board within 14 days and seafarer change (if any) in the last 14 days and provide them for CDC or local health authority to assess risks and adopt pandemic control measures before allowing the ship to enter a port for cargo handling, ensure to eliminate the risk of disease transmission to the community when the ship enters the port;

d) Strictly control people boarding and deboarding the ship, check body temperature and medical masks, make a list of people boarding and deboarding the ship.

2.2. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.; have health authorities perform random screening and regular tests;

b) Carry out random tests of those who have high infection risks as planned by their Covid control plan;

c) With every level of risks, only test a seafarer in any of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required;

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a pandemic-hit area abroad;

d) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown);

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a pandemic-hit area abroad;

dd) The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

2.3. Before, during and after the voyage, if any seafarer develops symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, difficulty breathing, etc, it is necessary to monitor the health and immediately notify the transport operator, vehicle owner, port authority, the local health agency to take pandemic control measures according to regulations.

2.4. Clean and disinfect ships daily and after each voyage for high-touch surfaces such as surfaces of steering wheels, door handles, seats, windows, floors, toilet areas, etc;

2.5. Have hand sanitizer at a convenient place for passengers; require passengers (for passenger ships) to strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health.

3. Watercraft

a) Fully satisfy the vehicle safety and emission inspection as per regulations;

b) Follow the COVID-19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizers and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect the vehicle after each use;

c) Procedures for entering and leaving ports for ships are carried out online through the National Single Window; the port authority shall grant permission for ships to enter ports for cargo handling after they are approved by the Quarantine Agency and CDC as they meet all safety conditions for the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic;

d) Implement measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic according to the guidance of IMO, the Ministry of Health and local authorities;

dd) Arrange separate walkways for visiting persons on board for working;

e) Set up a working area outside the cabin and a separate toilet for visiting persons on board for working;

g) Before entering the port, the ship must enter the location designated by the port authority to carry out the quarantine procedures; the ship is only allowed to carry out cargo handling after completing the quarantine procedures and getting the approval of the CDC (except for the route from shore to the island).

4. Wharf and port operators

a) Develop plans to load and unload cargo, pick up and drop off passengers in and out of ports and wharves in a manner that maritime safety, maritime security, fire safety, environmental protection and regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control are ensured; grasp information about levels of risks announced by local governments;

b) Arrange points for health declaration and QR code scan;

c) Arrange points for rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2; arrange temporary isolation rooms or zones in well ventilated areas;

d) Arrange ticket counters, waiting rooms and places for passengers to board and deboard ships in a manner that the required distance is maintained and the requirements on COVID-19 prevention and control of the Ministry of Health and local governments are satisfied;

dd) If any seafarer, passenger, or staff member shows signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, the wharf or port operator must take them to an isolation place and immediately notify the local health authority for further actions;

e) Raise the awareness of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in public areas;

g) Require seafarers and passengers to follow COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Ministry of Health;

h) Post up the hotline of the local authority for reporting any breach of regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic;

i) Regularly supervise the compliance with regulations on pandemic prevention and control by officers and workers; have personnel do shift work to both meet the time schedule and amount of work and ensure physical distance as prescribed;

k) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

5. Those who work at ports

5.1. Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

5.2. Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health;

5.3. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.; have health authorities perform random screening and regular tests;

b) Carry out random tests of those who have high infection risks as planned by their Covid control plan;

c) With every level of risks, only test a person in any of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required;

d) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown).

dd) The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

5.4. Regularly remind seafarers and passengers to comply with regulations on prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic of Ministry of Health.

6. Other relevant entities

Apart from the requirements mentioned in clause 5 hereof, they must also meet the following:

6.1. Maritime pilots

a) Wear basic personal protective equipment when onboard to work (only required if the ship departs from a level-3 or level-4 area or docks in an overseas pandemic-hit area); approach the cockpit/bridge by stairs outside the cabin (if any);

b) Keep a minimum distance from seafarers in accordance with regulations, limit close contact (< 2m);

c) After finishing the pilotage, the maritime pilot must destroy the personal protective equipment according to the instructions of the health authority.

6.2. Seafarers of tugboats

a) Do not make direct contact with seafarers and pilots;

b) When receiving and removing the tow line, wear a mask, gloves, goggles and hat; when performing tasks, keep minimum distance.

6.3. For surveyors, registers, agents, ship suppliers, cleaners, technicians

a) Only board the ship to carry out work when the quarantine has been completed and with the permission of the port border guard or the port police station;

b) Only board the ship when wearing personal protective equipment as prescribed (only required if the ship departs from a level-3 or level-4 area or the ship comes from an overseas pandemic-hit area).

6.4. For passengers traveling by seagoing vessels (except for the shore-to-island transport route): comply with the same requirements as for seafarers specified in Clause 2 of this Section.

7. Transport plans

7.1 Passenger transport (route from shore to islands)

a) As for level-1 and level-2 areas

Operate as ordinary; seafarers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 and passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 hereof.

b) As for level-3 areas

- The DOT shall give the People's Committee of the province counsel on how to operate passenger transport with up to a half of total vehicles of operators (not applied to routes with only 1 ship) and seat social distancing on ships;

- Seafarers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 and passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section II Part 2 hereof.

c) As for level-4 areas

Stop passenger transport, except for special cases decided by the People's Committee of the province.

7.2. Freight transport:  operate as ordinary course at every level of risks; seafarers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section III Part 2 hereof.


1. Transport operators, owners of means of transport used for passenger transport

a) Draw up and roll out plans for COVID-19 prevention and control and actions taken against COVID-19 cases as prescribed; grasp information about lines, itineraries, levels of risks announced by local governments; publish travel requirements for passengers as prescribed in clause 2 Section I Part 2 of this Interim Guidance;

b) Have staff or health staff in place to cooperate with local health facilities to take actions against any case of COVID-19 at the workplace;

c) Prepare means of transport that meet the requirements pertaining to safety and security, fire safety and environmental protection as prescribed;

d) Prepare all necessary equipment for the prevention and control of COVID-19 on board according to regulations of the Ministry of Health;

dd) If any passenger shows signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, the transport operator or vehicle owner must take them to an isolation place and immediately notify the local health authority for further actions;

e) Clean and disinfect vehicle surfaces (passenger cabins, seats, toilet areas) daily and immediately after the end of the trip, during the movement, it is necessary to disinfect regularly depending on the actual situation;

g) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

2. Transport operators, owners of means of transport used for freight transport

a) Take initiative in drawing up transport plans, grasp information about itineraries, places of loading and unloading of cargo, and levels of risks announced by local governments; keep people on means of transport well informed of the transport plan to comply with any COVID-19 safety requirements.

b) Ensure that seafarers meet the requirements mentioned in clause 3 Section IV Part 2 of this Interim Guidance;

c) Ensure that watercraft meet the COVID-19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizer and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect watercraft after each trip (only required if the vehicles depart from or go through a level-3 or level-4 area);

d) Require seafarers to follow itineraries approved by the authority in charge of port and loading and unloading at inland water ports and wharves;

dd) Have staff or health staff in place to cooperate with local health facilities to take actions against any case of COVID-19 at the workplace;

e) Take responsibility for monitoring and supervising closely the operation of watercraft throughout the transportation process;

g) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

3. Crew members, attendants on watercraft

3.1. Follow the pandemic safety protocols

a) Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

b) Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health.

3.2. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.; have health authorities perform random screening and regular tests;

b) Carry out random tests of those who have high infection risks as planned by the transport operators;

c) With every level of risks, only test crew members and attendants on watercraft in any one of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required;

d) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown).

dd) The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

3.3. Before, during and after the trip, if any crew member, attendant, accompanying person develops symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, difficulty breathing, etc, it is necessary to monitor the health and immediately notify the transport operator, the local health agency to take pandemic control measures according to regulations.

3.4. Clean and disinfect the watercraft daily and after each voyage for high-touch surfaces such as surfaces of steering wheels, door handles, seats, windows, floors, toilet areas, etc;

3.5. Have hand sanitizer at a convenient place for passengers; apply suitable natural ventilation measures; require passengers to wear masks during travel.

4. Watercraft

a) Fully satisfy the vehicle safety and emission inspection as per regulations;

b) Follow the COVID-19 safety protocols: have hand sanitizers and medical masks in place; clean and disinfect the vehicle after each use.

5. Inland ports and wharves

a) Develop plans to pick up and drop off passengers in and out of ports and wharves in a manner that safety, security, fire safety, environmental protection and regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control are ensured;

b) Arrange points for health declaration and QR code scan;

c) Arrange points for rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2; arrange temporary isolation rooms or zones in well ventilated areas;

d) Arrange ticket counters, waiting rooms and places for passengers to board and deboard watercraft in a manner that the required distance is maintained and the requirements on COVID-19 prevention and control of the Ministry of Health are satisfied;

dd) If any crew member or passenger shows signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, the wharf or port operator must take them to an isolation place and immediately notify the local health authority for further actions;

e) Raise the awareness of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in public areas;

g) Require crew members, attendants and passengers to follow COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Ministry of Health;

h) Post up the hotline of the local authority for reporting any breach of regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic;

i) Carry out random testing for SARS-CoV-2 on their own of staff who carry high COVID-19 infection risks.

6. Those who work at ports, quays

6.1. Comply with “5K message”; make health declarations as regulated by the Ministry of Health;

6.2. Strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocols as guided by the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Ministry of Health.

6.3. Medical tests

a) Test any person who develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.; have health authorities perform random screening and regular tests;

b) Carry out random tests of those who have high infection risks as planned by the transport operators;

c) With every level of risks, only test a person in any of the following circumstances:

- It is suspected that he/she comes from or he/she involves an epidemic investigation from a level 3 area;

- Test a person who comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown); if that person only travels inside that area, no test is required.

d) A fully vaccinated person or a recovered Covid-19 person is only ordered to be tested if:

- There is a request for epidemic investigation;

- He/she comes from a level-4 area or an area with medical isolation (lockdown).

dd) The test for SARS-CoV-2 will be carried out using RT-PCR or rapid antigen test and be valid for 72 hours (from the time the result is received).

6.4. Regularly remind crew members, attendants and passengers to comply with regulations on prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic of Ministry of Health.

7. Transport plans

7.1. Passenger transport by watercraft

a) As for level-1 and level-2 areas

- Passenger transport will operate with ordinary frequency;

- Crew members and attendants shall meet the requirements in clause 3 Section IV Part 2 and passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section I Part 2 hereof.

b) As for level-3 areas

- Regarding inter-provincial passenger transport: the DOT shall give the People's Committee of the province counsel on how to operate passenger transport with up to a half of maximum seating capacity;

- Regarding inter-provincial passenger transport: The DOTs at two ends shall give the People's Committees of the provinces counsel on how to operate passenger transport with up to a half of maximum seating capacity;

- Crew members and attendants shall meet the requirements in clause 3 Section IV Part 2 and passengers shall meet the requirements in clause 2 Section I Part 2 hereof.

c) As for level-4 areas: stop operation of passenger transport by waterway.

7.2. Freight transport by water: operate in ordinary course of business at every level of risks; crew members and attendants meet the requirements in clause 3 Section IV Part 2 hereof.


1. Continue to follow the instructions in Decision No. 1782/QD-BGTVT dated October 11, 2021 of the Minister of Transport on interim regulations on passenger transport by railway for a safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic until there are alternative regulations (according to the provisions of point 2, Section 1, Part IV of the Interim regulation issued together with Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 of the Government).

2. Assign the Vietnam Railways Administration to closely coordinate with the Department of Health and Transport and relevant agencies to urgently review and evaluate the implementation of Decision No. 1782/QD-BGTVT dated October 11, 2021. Based on the implementation results and the Government's Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP and the guidance of the Ministry of Health, the Vietnam Railways Department develops a new Draft Decision to replace the Decision No. 1782/QD-BGTVT dated October 11, 2021, and report to the Ministry of Transport before October 18, 2021.


1. Continue to follow the instructions in Decision 1776/QD-BGTVT dated October 8, 2021 of the Minister of Transport on interim regulations on regular domestic passenger routes for a safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic and Decision 1786/QD-BGTVT dated October 12, 2021 of the Minister of Transport promulgating an Appendix to replace Appendix 2 issued together with Decision 1776/QD-BGTVT dated October 8, 2021 until there are alternative regulations (according to the provisions of point 2, Section 1, Part IV of the Interim regulation issued together with Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 of the Government).

2. Assign Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam to closely coordinate with the Department of Health and Transport and relevant agencies to urgently review and evaluate the implementation of Decision 1776/QD-BGTVT dated October 8, 2021 and Decision 1786/QD-BGTVT dated October 12, 2021 of the Minister of Transport. Based on the implementation results and the Government's Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP and the guidance of the Ministry of Health, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam develops a new Draft Decision to replace the Decision 1776/QD-BGTVT dated October 8, 2021 and Decision 1786/QD-BGTVT dated October 12, 2021, and report to the Ministry of Transport before October 18, 2021.


1. Airport authorities, train station authorities shall:

a) Arrange locations and areas in airports and train stations for road transport vehicles to pick up and drop off passengers; guide road transport vehicles to go in and out of airports and train stations according to designated locations and areas;

b) Designate the area for passengers to wait to board the train; guide and supervise passengers in complying with pandemic prevention and control at airports and train stations;

c) Coordinate with the Departments of Transport of (provinces/cities where airports, train stations are located) to pick up and drop off passengers through the airports or train stations.

2. DOTs of (provinces/cities where airports, train stations are located) shall take charge and cooperate with departments, local authorities and the airport and train station authorities in connecting transport of passengers by cars on roads with airports and railway stations.

3. Car transport operators, drivers shall:

a) Transport passengers to and from airports and train stations according to the principle of “one road, two destinations”; stop and parking is not allowed on the trip (except for an emergency);

b) Comply with the instructions of the DOTs and the airport or train station authority when transporting passengers to and from the airports or train stations.

4. Passengers shall strictly abide by the instructions of airports and train stations in the prevention and control of COVID-19.

Part 3


1. The People’s Committees of provinces shall:

a) Direct the implementation of this Interim guidance for effective implementation of Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP and Decision No. 4800/QD-BYT ;

b) Direct Departments of Health:

- Announce and update the COVID-19 risk levels in areas and medical isolation (lockdown) areas of provinces and cities and corresponding measures to serve as a basis for organizing transport activities in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister in this Interim guidance;

- Take charge and cooperate with DOTs and local governments in supervising and guiding passengers to follow COVID-19 safety protocols upon their arrival.

c) Direct Departments of Transport:

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant entities in implementing this Interim guidance;

- Take charge and cooperate with departments, local authorities and the airport and train station authorities in connecting transport of passengers by cars on roads transport of passengers by air and railway as prescribed in Section VII Part 2 of this Interim guidance;

- Take charge and cooperate with Departments of Health, local governments, road authorities, rest stops in preparing rest and reception places to provide essential services to support the passengers and residents as best as they could.

d) Direct local governments to manage, supervise people returning their hometowns according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health to ensure safety and avoid community infection.

2. Ministries and central authorities

Request the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Security and the concerned ministries and agencies to coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and the People's Committees of provinces in directing and guiding the transport activities on roads by cars while local governments implement levels of COVID-19 prevention and control according to their respective fields of management for effective implementation of the Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP .

3. Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration

a) Initiate the implementation of this Interim Guidance;

b) Publish on the website of the General Department and Departments the regulations on transport activities according to this Interim guidance; hotline number(s) to guide, receive feedback and handle arising situations; open a section on guiding transport activities on the website of the General Department and Departments according to this Interim guidance;

c) The Directorate for Roads of Vietnam shall direct the Regional Road Administration Departments, the Sub-Departments of Road Administration to coordinate with the Departments of Transport and rest stops on National Highways in preparing rest and reception places to provide essential services to support the passengers and residents as best as they could; coordinate with the Departments of Transport to arrange task forces to control people and vehicles at rest stops; strengthen the inspection and supervision of vehicle operation through the GPS tracking devices installed on transport business cars;

d) Regularly inspect and urge the implementation of this Interim guidance;

dd) Take charge and cooperate with local governments in making a consolidated report on implementation results of this Interim Guidance; which clearly states the achieved results, advantages, shortcomings, limitations, suggestion for amendments to this Interim guidance to fit the actual situation; send weekly reports to the Ministry of Transport (via the Department of Transport) and monthly general reports (before the 20th of every month).

4. Information Technology Center, Traffic Newspaper

a) Post publicly on the website of the Ministry, the Traffic Newspaper the regulations on transport activities in accordance with these Interim guidance;

b) Open a column on guiding transport activities on the website of the Ministry and the Traffic Newspaper according to this Interim guidance.

5. Departments of Transport

a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies and units in, carefully studying this Interim guidance for effective implementation;

b) Take charge and cooperate with departments, local authorities and the airport and train station authorities in connecting transport of passengers by cars on roads transport of passengers by air and railway as prescribed in Section VII Part 2 of this Interim guidance;

c) Take charge and cooperate with Departments of Health, local governments, road authorities, rest stops in preparing rest and reception places to provide essential services to support the passengers and residents as best as they could;

d) Take charge and cooperate with Port Authority in organizing passenger transport activities from shore to islands;

dd) Instruct and request transport units, bus stations and rest stops to comply with this Interim guidance;

e) Publicly post on the website of the Department of Transport about road transport by cars according to this Interim guidance; hotline numbers for transport operators, bus stations, drivers, passengers to know and act accordingly, and receive complaints and handle arising situations according to their competence; 

g) Regularly inspect and urge the implementation of this Interim guidance;

h) Send weekly and monthly reports on the results of the implementation of this Interim guidance under the guidance of the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam.

5. Vietnam Automobile Transportation Association (VATA), Local Automobile Transport Association, Vietnam Inland Water Transport Association, Vietnam Ship Owners Association shall raise the awareness of local transport operators to comply with this Interim Guidance, relevant guiding documents and instructions to ensure smooth and safe transport activities and prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic as per regulations.

6. Transport operators and enterprises of five sectors, bus stations, rest stops, cargo handling entities, airports, train stations, seaports, ports and inland waterway terminals shall strictly comply with this Interim guidance, regulations of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health and relevant laws.

7. Department of Transport shall grasp the situation, make weekly and monthly consolidated reports; advise the leaders of the Ministry of Transport to direct the removal of difficulties and problems and promptly handle arising situations.

8. In case the Government and the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health issue new regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control for the regulated entities in this Interim Guidance, the new regulations shall prevail./.



(Issued together with Decision No. 1812/QD-BGTVT dated October 16, 2021 of the Minister of Transport)


Full name

Number of citizen identity card/identity card

Phone number

Address of arrival2

Address of arrival3

Signature and full name






























1 List of passengers (persons for internal transport) on vehicles for each trip.

2 Detailed address: house number, street/neighborhood, commune/ward, district/town/city, province/city.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Decision 1812/QD-BGTVT 2021 transport activities roadway railway for a safe COVID19
                Loại văn bảnQuyết định
                Số hiệu1812/QD-BGTVT
                Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Giao thông vận tải
                Người kýLê Đình Thọ
                Ngày ban hành16/10/2021
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                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision 1812/QD-BGTVT 2021 transport activities roadway railway for a safe COVID19

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