Quyết định 2060/QD-TTg

Decision No. 2060/QD-TTg dated December 12, 2020 on approval of the National Strategy on road traffic order and safety for the 2021 - 2030 period with vision towards 2045

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 2060/QD-TTg 2020 approval of the National Strategy on road traffic order and safety


Independence - Freedom - Happiness  

No. 2060/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 12, 2020





Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to the Directive No. 18-CT/TW dated September 4, 2012 of the Secretariat of the Party’s Central Committee (XIth Tenure) on strengthening the Party's leadership in road, rail, inland waterways traffic order and safety, and mitigation of traffic congestion;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 12/NQ-CP dated February 19, 2019 regarding the strengthening of measures for assurance of traffic order and safety and prevention of traffic congestion for the period of 2019 - 2021;

Upon the request of the Minister of Transport,


Article 1. To grant approval of the National Strategy on road traffic order and safety for the 2021 – 2030 period with vision towards 2045 (hereinafter referred to as Strategy), containing the following basics:


1. Assurance of road traffic order and safety is the responsibility of the entire political system, all people and the entire society and, first of all, competent State authorities and road users.

2. The road traffic order and safety strategy must be conformable with the orientation toward socio-economic, transportation and other relevant sector development.

3. Uniformly implementing 05 road traffic safety pillars (including: State management, Infrastructure, Means of transport, Road users, Traffic accident response) oriented towards the access to modern traffic safety systems, ensuring safe, through, convenient, efficient, and eco-friendly road traffic activities, contributing to the socio-economic development, assuring national defense, security and international integration.

4. Applying modern scientific and technological achievements, especially those coming into existence from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, to basically and comprehensively renovate road traffic order and safety approaches according to the orientation towards development of the country's digital economy and digital society.

5. Assuring sufficient resources for assurance of traffic order and safety, including attention paid to developing high-quality human resources and funding sources for the management, research and implementation of tasks related to road traffic order and safety.


1. General objectives

Each year, decreasing by 5 - 10% of road traffic deaths and injuries in a sustainable manner with a view to building a society with safe, smooth, convenient, efficient and eco-friendly traffic systems; appropriate, efficacious and effective traffic safety management institutions; safe, modern and eco-friendly traffic infrastructure, means of transport; road users’ possession of knowledge, skills and consciousness of observance of legislation on traffic order and safety, and development of the safe traffic culture; with timely and effective medical emergency and treatment facilities for traffic accident victims; applying advanced scientific and technological achievements to traffic order and safety assurance activities.

2. Specific goals to be attained during the2021 – 2030 period:

a) State management of traffic order and safety goals

- Legislative documents on traffic order and safety, the vertical central-to-local structure of traffic safety management must be perfected, and operated effectively and efficiently.

- The traffic safety database must be built and completed by adopting modern technologies, having synchronous connections, meeting the requirements of traffic safety management and research services.

- All of 05 road traffic safety pillars need to be powered by advanced scientific and technological achievements, especially those derived from the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

b) Traffic infrastructure and organization

- Duly eliminating black spots and likely accident black spots on streets and roads; ensuring 100% of roads that are newly built, upgraded, renovated and currently in use meet quality inspection and examination requirements in accordance with regulations; reinstating the order of road safety corridors and preventing repetitive encroachments on all national highways; making sure that the direct access of large construction works to urban roads, national highways and provincial roads does not cause any increase in traffic congestion or accidents.

- 100% of newly-developed national highways and provincial roads (grade III or higher) and 75% of the length of the national highway network currently in operation are rated 3 stars or more on the traffic safety ranking according to the standards of the Global Road Safety Assessment Program.

- Building motorcycle, motorbike and bicycle pathways alongside newly built, upgraded and renovated roads must be considered provided that such roads ensure safety for vulnerable road users.

- 100% of provincial roads and 50 - 80% of district roads are fully equipped with amenities and equipment to ensure traffic safety.

- Building complete transport systems accessible to people with disabilities and the elderly that run on main roads within grade-I or higher-grade cities.

- Mobilizing investment resources and building roadside rest stops to serve the essential needs of drivers, passengers and vehicles alongside expressways, national highways and provincial roads with the aim of ensuring that drivers or vehicle operators must rest after driving or operating their vehicles for no more than 4 hours according to regulations.

- 100% of highways, arterial national highways and routes must be furnished with intelligent traffic control and management systems (capable of detecting violations, running automatic non-stop road toll collection systems and flexible electronic road signs); having integrated centers for smart urban traffic management and control in centrally-run cities and localities in need.

- Reducing traffic congestion happening on key highways and major traffic hubs in Hanoi capital, Ho Chi Minh city and major cities, and preventing traffic jams prolonged by more than 30 minutes.

- 100% of school entrance areas adjacent to national highways, provincial roads, arterial roads of cities must be organized to assure traffic safety and avoid traffic congestion.

c) Means of transport

- Eliminating 100% of motor vehicles expired, and self-made three or four-wheeled vehicles, from using roads; taking charge of periodic emission controls for motorcycles and motorbikes with gasoline-fuelled engines using roads.

- 100% of car owners must use electronic road toll collection accounts for multi-purpose payments for road traffic services and fine payments.

d) Road users

- 100% of road users have access to training and educational courses in traffic order and safety knowledge, laws and safe road-using skills.

- Driver training, testing and licensing facilities must meet the standards equivalent to those of developed countries worldwide, and must show their full international integration under the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.

dd) Rescue, salvage and medical emergency aids in case of traffic accidents

- 100% of expressways and national highways must be equipped with medical emergency stations, or located in the proximity of ​​medical facilities capable of giving emergency aids to traffic accident victims, ensuring the capability of approaching traffic accident victims as soon as possible after receipt of emergency calls.

- Provinces and centrally-affiliated cities must have 115 medical emergency centers, ensuring the capability of approaching traffic accident victims as soon as possible after receipt of emergency calls.

- All district-level or higher-level hospitals nationwide must ensure the capability of giving medical emergency aids to and approaching traffic accident victims as soon as possible after receipt of emergency calls.

3. Vision towards 2045

- In the period of 2031 - 2045, every year, there will be a reduction in road traffic accidents, including 3 indicators showing traffic accident cases, traffic death and injury toll with the aim of recording no deaths caused by road accidents.

- The vertical central-to-local systems for the state management of traffic safety are expected to be completely set up and operate effectively, stably and sustainably; the capacity and effectiveness of the state management and enforcement of laws on traffic order and safety are expected to keep up with those of developed countries.

- Cultivating road users’ safe traffic culture and sense of self-consciousness of compliance with legislation; Most of city dwellers must form the habit of using means of public transport, walking and cycling.

- Public passenger transit is expected to grow with connected infrastructure and improved quality of passenger transport services.

- Basically completing the launch and application of the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to the traffic safety sector, especially to the public service management, rendering of transportation services, operation of self-driving vehicles, intelligent transport systems, monitoring and handling of violations; applying artificial intelligence and big data technologies to the traffic organization and administration in order to reduce traffic congestion in cities.

- Roads at the central through local level must be built modernly, synchronously and fully equipped with traffic safety facilities and equipment, meeting the criteria for creating friendly routes for all road users; All likely accident black spots on roads must be duly eliminated.

- Medical stations providing rescue, salvage and medical emergency aid services in case of traffic accidents must be modernized and ensure that it takes less time to approach victims.


Proactively applying and developing achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to synchronously carry out 05 road traffic safety pillars, including:

1. Developing and completing the traffic safety institutions and legal policies in order to duly bring the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution into practice. Developing high-quality human resources; improving the competence of the National Traffic Safety Committee, local Traffic Safety Commissions, agencies and organizations of relevant ministries and agencies to effectively manage and implement traffic safety tasks and solutions.

2. Developing modern, safe, smooth and friendly traffic infrastructure and traffic organization styles. Marshalling investments in building, upgrading and renovating expressways, national highways and key local roads in order to reach high safety conditions for all road users.

3. Applying technologies ensuring safety for the manufacture, assembly and inspection of road vehicles in order to improve safety conditions for vehicles running on roads.

4. Focusing on training and educational courses on road safety knowledge and skills, and sanctioning violations arising in the road traffic sector, in order to raise road users' sense of self-awareness of compliance with traffic laws, and cultivate the entire population’s traffic culture. Continuing to apply scientific and technological achievements to improve driver training, testing and licensing systems and make them equivalent to those of developed countries around the world.

5. Building a system of facilities providing rescue, salvage and medical emergency aids in response to traffic accidents taking place nationwide; developing modern communication networks in order to promptly respond to traffic accidents.


1. Group of regulatory framework solutions

a) Completing legislative documents regarding assurance of road traffic order and safety.

- Regularly reviewing, amending and supplementing legislation to promptly apply and develop the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in road traffic order and safety activities; focusing on the following areas: self-driving vehicles; internet of things used in transportation and transport services; digitization of the management activities; use of new intelligent transportation systems using the artificial intelligence technology; application of the big data technology for the traffic organization purpose.

- Developing and completing regulatory mechanisms and policies to restructure the transport market, increase the market share of high-capacity transport modes, reduce dependence on road transport; encouraging the development of public passenger transit on main transport corridors and in cities; formulating and promulgating regulatory frameworks and roadmaps to limit the use of personal motor vehicles, especially in big cities or metropolitan areas; issuing and applying a set of criteria for determining road traffic congestion.

- Researching and issuing incentive policies to encourage private sector participation in the traffic safety sector, especially science and technology persons, entities and universities, in order to research new solutions and technologies to be applied in the traffic safety assurance activities.

- Conducting researches to complete legal framework on compulsory insurance for motor vehicle owners' civil liability in accordance with international practices.

b) Perfecting models, functions, tasks, and enhancing the capacity, of the National Traffic Safety Committee, Traffic Safety Commissions of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces, relevant agencies and units to adapt to the new situation.

c) Building and completing the national traffic safety database so that it is synchronous and modern, and meeting regulatory and law enforcement requirements.

- Applying new scientific and technological achievements to build, connect and perfect the national traffic safety database; investing in upgrading the traffic safety data analysis center.

- Applying modern technologies to the statistics of traffic accidents, building the road traffic accident database by integrating data of accident scene reports, data on accidents and injuries received from healthcare facilities providing medical emergency aids and medical treatment services for traffic accident victims; completing road traffic accident database systems at the central, provincial and district levels nationwide.

- Upgrading the database systems containing data obtained from vehicle tracking and monitoring systems, and surveillance cameras mounted on commercial vehicles, ensuring that they are connected to and commonly used by competent authorities performing assigned inspection, patrol, control and violation handling duties.

- Building and perfecting the database of penalties for administrative violations arising in the road traffic sector, including the task of connection to and sharing with the vehicle registration, inspection, driving license database.

- Building traffic order and safety reporting and analysis systems at the national and provincial levels.

2. Group of traffic infrastructure solutions

a) Reviewing and revising technical standards and regulations on roads and traffic infrastructure oriented towards access to and application of modern technologies to traffic organization activities; designing and issuing the technical guidebook for design of friendly roads.

b) Applying the road traffic safety rating system according to the standards of the Global Road Traffic Safety Assessment Program; periodically carrying out the traffic safety assessment and ranking of national highways and provincial roads.

c) Researching and considering updates to traffic accident data on the digital traffic map to serve the timely management, detection and handling of black spots and likely accident black spots. Carrying out road safety examination and inspection at the central through local level as legally prescribed.

d) Mustering investments in the building, upgradation and renovation of expressways, national highways and key local roads according to the approved planning scheme, ensuring high safety conditions for all road users; prioritizing the construction of regional connection roads, bypasses, transport connection hubs; promoting the construction of grade-separated interchanges and roundabouts.

dd) Investing in the construction of traffic systems accessible to the disabled, the elderly in built-up areas, other construction facilities providing traffic safety for vulnerable road users.

e) Conducting the research and design of lanes restricted to motorcycles, motorbikes and bicycles only when investing in the building, upgradation and improvement of roads, especially national highways running past urban and built-up areas that are given priority.

g) Determining to reinstate the order of road safety corridors and prevent repetitive encroachments upon such corridors; for roads running parallel to railways passing through residential areas, it is necessary to build the system of collector roads with limited access; eradicate illegal railway crossings by 2030; increase investments in building automatic traffic monitoring systems at road-rail intersections.

h) Mobilizing investments in building roadside rest stops to serve the essential needs of drivers, passengers and vehicles alongside expressways, national highways and provincial roads with the aim of ensuring that drivers or vehicle operators must rest after driving or operating their vehicles for no more than 4 hours according to regulations.

i) Applying scientific and technological achievements to the traffic management and control activities.

- Uniformly running intelligent traffic management and control systems to ensure the safe operation and exploitation of the inter-regional traffic network, and on expressways and key national highways.

- Building smart traffic control centers in the provinces and centrally-run cities, having the capacity to collect, process and share real-time traffic activity data, give directional instructions to road users through online portals.

- Applying artificial intelligence, big data when investing in and constructing traffic works for smart traffic organization purposes to reduce traffic congestion and ensure traffic order and safety.

k) Imposing more stringent requirements for safety of traffic infrastructure in the vicinity of schools, on the roads from home to school and from school to home for the sake of protecting students.

3. Group of solutions related to means of transport and transportation services

a) Developing and implementing a roadmap for participating in vehicle safety regulations of the United Nations and international organizations by 2030, including active and passive safety regulations.

b) Developing a roadmap to require manufacturers, assemblers, organizations and individuals to use motor vehicles equipped with sensors, pedestrian or vehicle collision warning systems and route information receiving systems and other modern safety systems and devices.

c) Controlling gas emissions of motorbikes and motorbikes with gasoline-fuelled engines running on roads; applying modern technologies to the management and supervision of vehicle inspections.

d) Building the motor vehicle safety testing center oriented towards modernity; testing the safety levels of vehicles of all kinds.

dd) Resolutely eliminating motor vehicles whose useful life expires, self-build three- or four-wheelers not allowed to run on the road; charging local government’s heads with the implementation of this task.

e) In centrally-run cities, accelerating the development of the public passenger transportation systems, prioritizing investments in the development of the high-capacity mass transit, and gradually limiting the use of private motor vehicles; strengthening the inspection of means of public transport to meet the road-using needs of the disabled and the elderly.

g) Deploying the comprehensive application of vehicle tracking and monitoring systems; drowsy driver warning systems; surveillance CCTV camera systems on commercial vehicles; safety management and control systems of bus stations, vehicle control systems of commercial vehicle service providers; using electronic toll collection accounts for multi-purpose payments for road traffic service charges and payment of fines for violations.

h) Strengthening the management of transportation of students and workers by bus and contract vehicles.

i) Adopting strict regulations on services and means of transport for carriage of workers and students; promulgating regulations on the use of child seats in cars, depending on their height and age.

4. Group of solutions related to drivers or vehicle operators

a) Adjusting the classification of motor vehicle driving licenses in conformance to the 1968 Road Traffic Convention and according to vehicle characteristics in Vietnam; training and granting driving licenses to motorbikes riding motorcycles with a cylinder capacity of less than 50cm3 or electric motorbikes with a motor capacity of less than 4kW.

b) Continuing to apply scientific and technological advances to driver training, testing and licensing activities; harmonizing training, testing and licensing processes, methods and contents to reach the same level as that of developed countries in the world.

5. Group of traffic safety communication and education solutions

a) Conducting communication and propaganda campaigns via mass media

- Launching pages and columns used for communication about traffic safety and traffic culture, focusing on propaganda and dissemination of skills to avoid accidents, skills to operate vehicles safely on roads; consequences of road accidents due to speeding, use of drugs, alcohol, use of mobile phones while driving, not wearing qualified helmets, not wearing seat belts, not using child seats in cars, especially safe driving knowledge and skills on expressways.

- Increasing the time length for propagating and guiding traffic safety on mass media, especially Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Local Broadcasting Stations, online audio broadcasting systems, social networks, and digital media platforms.

b) Applying information and communications technology solutions

- Enhancing the application of scientific and technological achievements to activities of propaganda, dissemination and education about legal regulations on traffic safety through information technology platforms, such as the internet, social networks, smart phones, especially visual tools, game applications.

- Designing and completing manuals and handbooks on safety while driving on highways and rural roads, etc. in the form of applications built on smart mobile device platforms.

c) Conducting propaganda and communication activities via grassroots media systems: Developing audio broadcasting programs suitable to regional characteristics, religions, languages ​​of many ethnic groups which will be aired on grassroots communication media, grassroots loudspeaker systems, together with traffic safety question and answer sessions; continuing the implementation of "Traffic Safety Year", "Traffic Safety Peak Month", and designing particular communication programs which will be broadcast on lunar new year (Tet), public ceremonies and festivals at localities.

d) Completing and concretizing the criteria and behaviors of traffic culture by using vivid pictures; strengthening the propagation and dissemination of traffic culture criteria and behaviors.  Organizing community campaigns to cultivate traffic culture at agencies, units and enterprises nationwide.

dd) Providing traffic safety education in schools

- Developing complete training programs and teaching materials, and integrating education about legislation on traffic order and safety, traffic culture, safe driving skills into formal programs, experiential activities, extra-curricular activities for pupils and students; strengthening the cooperation amongst families, schools and the entire society in road safety education for pupils and students.

- Incorporating traffic safety education into the main curriculum for students of pedagogical universities, colleges, postsecondary and vocational schools, especially those of pedagogy schools who major in the road safety instruction and teaching.

- Universities, vocational schools must research and develop training programs with disciplines, majors and academic subject groups in the traffic safety sector.

e) Conducting communication and propaganda campaigns through other activities

- Enabling officers enforcing laws on traffic order and safety to have access to propaganda and educational programs to increase their awareness and qualification.  

- Regularly providing drivers working for motor vehicle transportation service businesses, especially truck drivers and inter-provincial buses, with propaganda programs. Training drivers for traffic law knowledge, skills and professional ethics; charging the heads of car transportation service businesses with the implementation of this task.

- Incorporating the law dissemination and education and compliance with laws on traffic order and safety into regular activities of mass organizations, socio-political associations and religious entities. Continuing to make the compliance with laws on traffic order and safety a criterion for evaluating the quality of mass organizations, cadres, civil servants, public employees, and membership, and a standard for the year-end ranking of moral conducts of students.

- Strengthening activities to raise the public awareness of and encourage people (especially those living in built-up areas) to use the mass transit, contributing to reducing traffic congestion and accidents.

6. Group of solutions concerning inspection, examination, patrol, control and handling of offences

a) Applying modern technologies to the inspection, examination, patrol, control and handling of offences, including more investments in building CCTV camera systems applying automatic identification technology to identify and detect violations arising on expressways, in built-up areas and on key national highways.

b) Enhancing the implementation of technological solutions to effectively supervise the fulfillment of tasks by law enforcement forces when they are patrolling, inspecting and handling traffic order and safety offences.

c) Regularly and continuously implementing campaigns to patrol, control and handle violations related to the alcohol concentration and drug use, especially paying attention to those who are professional drivers, such as truck drivers, container truck drivers, drivers of fixed-route passenger inter-provincial buses; acts of organizing illegal motorbike and car races.

d) Applying technologies to monitor and handle the illegal use of roadways and roadsides for business, trading and parking lot activities affecting the road traffic order and safety condition.

dd) Continuing to modernize means and equipment to serve the inspection, patrol, control and handling of violations of law enforcement forces in charge of road traffic order and safety assurance duties.

e) Strengthening the inspection and handling of violations against planning and construction regulations in case there is any trespass on road traffic safety corridors.

7. Group of solutions regarding rescue, salvage and medical emergency aids in case of road accidents

a) Examining whether new medical emergency stations are built or the capacity of existing medical facilities is improved, ensuring the capability of meeting medical emergency demands in case of road accidents according to regulations, organizing emergency and rescue teams to provide 24 hour on-call services at district-level general hospitals, roadside rest stops located on expressways or at locations which fall within the service coverage of about 50 km on average and, at the same time, building modern communication networks, ensuring the capability of contacting victims within not more than 30 minutes after receiving distress messages.

b) Strengthening the application of scientific and technological achievements to the building of 115 medical emergency systems nationwide; at the same time, developing a model of missions or teams providing first-aid services in response to traffic accidents caused by motorcycles or small-displacement bikes.

c) Increasing training in first aid knowledge and skills for the Traffic Police, Traffic Inspectors, drivers, Red Cross staff, volunteers and residents living along roads.

8. Group of solutions concerning development of human resources

a) Examining the development of mechanisms and policies to enhance the training of high-quality human resources for the work of ensuring road traffic order and safety; focusing on the undergraduate and postgraduate education level, including overseas training.

b)  Enabling human resources from the central to local level to have access to the retraining, training and drilling courses to improve their knowledge, skills and qualification; ensuring the capability of successfully accessing and applying the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the traffic safety sector.

9. Group of solutions regarding funding sources

a) Reviewing and amending regulations to create favorable conditions to attract investment capital from all economic sectors under various forms of domestic and foreign investments, ensuring sufficient funding for the work of assurance of traffic order and safety to realize the goals of this Strategy.

b) Reviewing and examining the adjustment of the allocation and use of funds obtained from administrative fines in the road traffic field at the central and local level to adapt to the practical situation.

Article 2. Implementation

1. National Traffic Safety Committee

a) Assisting the Prime Minister in directing, expediting, inspecting, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of this Strategy.

b) Preside over and cooperate with other Ministries, sectoral administrations concerned and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities in formulating the National Action Plan for implementation of this Strategy.

c) Presiding over and cooperating with the Ministry of Transport, ministries, sectoral administrations in examining and recommending the continuation in perfecting models, functions, tasks, and enhancing the competence of the National Traffic Safety Committee, Traffic Safety Commissions of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces to adapt to the new situation.

d) Presiding over, and cooperating with ministries and sectoral administrations in building and implementing traffic safety propaganda and education programs through central mass media, social networks, and applications on smart devices, game applications; organizing the campaigns to cultivate traffic culture at agencies, units and enterprises nationwide.

dd) Assisting the Prime Minister in directing ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to apply new scientific and technological achievements to build, connect and perfect the national traffic safety and order database; taking the lead in building traffic order and safety reporting and analysis systems at the national and provincial levels.

2. Ministry of Transport

a) Presiding over, and cooperating with ministries and sectoral administrations in regularly reviewing, amending and supplementing legal documents to promptly apply and develop the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the field of assurance of road traffic order and safety.

b) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, central authorities and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities in developing and completing regulatory mechanisms and policies to restructure the transport market, increase the market share of high-capacity transport modes, reduce dependence on road transport; encouraging the development of public passenger transit on main transport corridors and in cities; formulating and promulgating regulatory frameworks and roadmaps to limit the use of personal motor vehicles, especially in big cities or metropolitan areas; issuing and applying a set of criteria for determining road traffic congestion.

c) Researching and issuing incentive policies to encourage private sector participation in the traffic safety sector, especially science and technology persons, entities and universities, in order to research new solutions and technologies to be applied in the traffic safety assurance activities.

d) Presiding over and cooperating with relevant units in making investments in upgrading the traffic safety data analysis center; upgrading the database systems containing data obtained from vehicle tracking and monitoring systems and surveillance cameras mounted on commercial vehicles, ensuring that these data are connected to and commonly used by competent authorities performing assigned inspection, patrol, control and violation handling duties.

dd) Researching and examining updates to traffic accident data on the digital traffic map platform to serve the management, timely detection and handling of black spots and likely accident black spots; increasing investments in setting up automatic traffic safety monitoring systems at rail-road grade junctions.  Carrying out road safety examination and inspection of roads under the central authority as legally required.

e) Uniformly running intelligent traffic management and control systems to ensure the safe operation and exploitation of the inter-regional traffic network, and on expressways and key national highways.

g) Applying artificial intelligence, big data technologies when deciding to invest in and construct traffic works for the purposes of organizing smart traffic activities, reducing traffic congestion and ensuring traffic order and safety for national highways, especially expressways.

h) Upon performing their assigned duties and tasks, they shall preside over, and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and People's Committees of centrally-run cities and provinces in implementing relevant regulations laid down at paragraphs a, b, d, e, g and h of clause 2; paragraphs a, b, c, d, dd, g and i of clause 3; clause 4; paragraph e of clause 5; paragraphs a and b of clause 6; paragraph c of clause 7; clause 8 of Section IV of Article 1 in this Decision.

3. Ministry of Public Security

a) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries and sectoral administrations in regularly reviewing and perfecting the system of legislative documents regulating traffic order and safety supervision, patrol and control to suit the new situation.

b) Presiding over and cooperating with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport and the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in applying modern technologies to the statistics and building of the database for the purposes of handling of violations related to traffic safety and order, the on-the-scene traffic accident database, accident and injury data of healthcare facilities providing emergency aids and medical treatment services for traffic accident victims.

c) Cooperating with the Ministry of Justice in perfecting the database of penalties for administrative violations arising in the road traffic sector, including the task of connection to and sharing with the vehicle registration, inspection, driving license database.

d) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in implementing the relevant regulations laid down in paragraph e of clause 5; paragraphs a, b, c and dd of clause 6; paragraph b of clause 9 of Section IV of Article 1 herein.

4. Ministry of Health

a) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations in making statistical reports and examining whether new medical emergency stations are built or the capacity of existing medical facilities is improved, ensuring the capability of meeting medical emergency demands in case of road accidents according to regulations, organizing emergency and rescue teams to provide 24 hour on-call services at district-level general hospitals, roadside rest stops located on expressways or at locations which fall within the service coverage of about 50 km on average and, at the same time, building modern communication networks, ensuring the capability of contacting victims within not more than 30 minutes after receiving distress messages.

b) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities in strengthening the application of scientific and technological achievements to the building of 115 medical emergency systems nationwide; at the same time, developing a model of missions or teams providing first-aid services in response to traffic accidents caused by motorcycles or small-displacement bikes.

c) Taking the lead in making statistics on the number of deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents, the number of injured patients treated at medical establishments; cooperating with the Ministry of Public Security in building and perfecting the road accident database system.

d) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries and sectoral administrations in organizing training courses in first aid knowledge and skills for the Traffic Police, Traffic Inspectors, drivers, Red Cross staff, volunteers and residents living along roads.

5. The Ministry of Education and Training, and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, implementing the following assigned authorities and duties: 

a) Presiding over and cooperating with People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities in developing complete training programs and teaching materials, and integrating education about legislation on traffic order and safety, traffic culture, safe driving skills into formal programs, experiential activities, extra-curricular activities for pupils and students; strengthening the cooperation amongst families, schools and the entire society in road safety education for pupils and students.

b) Incorporating traffic safety education into the main curriculum for students of pedagogical universities, colleges, postsecondary and vocational schools, especially those of pedagogy schools who major in the road safety instruction and teaching.

c) Directing universities and vocational schools to research and develop training programs with disciplines, majors and academic subject groups in the traffic safety sector.

6. Ministry of Information and Communications

a) Presiding over the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1317/QD-TTg dated August 28, 2020, approving the implementation of Communication and Propaganda Project on Traffic Safety via mass media and grassroots information systems.

b) Presiding over directing press and media agencies to intensify the propagation and dissemination of the laws on traffic order and safety according to the regulations laid down in paragraphs a and b of clause 5 of Section VI  of Article 1 herein. .

c) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in implementing the relevant regulations laid down in paragraphs c and e of clause 5 of Section VI of Article 1 herein.

7. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 

a) Presiding over and cooperating with relevant authorities in completing and concretizing the criteria and behaviors of traffic culture by using vivid pictures; strengthening the propagation and dissemination of traffic culture criteria and behaviors.

a) Presiding over and cooperating with relevant authorities in carrying out the dissemination and propagation of the criteria and behaviors of traffic culture by using traditional cultural means.

8. Ministry of Construction

a) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in managing urban planning and city construction activities, ensuring traffic connections and road safety works are accessible to people with disabilities and safe for vulnerable road users; ensuring large construction works directly connected to urban roads, national highways and provincial roads do not cause any traffic congestion or accidents.

b) Presiding over and cooperating with the Ministry of Transport and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities in the inspection and handling of violations against planning and construction regulations in case construction works trespass on road traffic safety corridors.

9. The Ministry of Justice: Presiding over and cooperating with the Ministry of Public Security in developing the database of penalties for administrative violations, connecting such database to and sharing its data with the vehicle registration, inspection, driving license database.

10. Ministry of Finance

a) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in formulating and completing legislative regulations to create favorable conditions to attract investment capital from all economic sectors in various forms of domestic and foreign investment to achieve the objectives of ensuring road traffic order and safety as specified in this Strategy.

b) Presiding over and cooperating with the Ministry of Public Security in reviewing and examining the adjustment of the allocation and use of funds obtained from administrative fines in the road traffic field at the central and local level to adapt to the practical situation.

c) Examining the perfection of the legal framework on compulsory insurance for motor vehicle owners' civil liability in accordance with international practices.

11. Ministry of Planning and Investment

a) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in the state management of planning, achieving traffic safety targets stated in the national, regional, provincial plans and those having technical and specialized characteristics related to the transport sector in accordance with the Law on Planning and regulations of other relevant laws.

b) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in implementing the relevant regulations laid down in paragraph d, dd and g of clause 2; paragraphs a of clause 9 of Section IV of Article 1 herein.

12. Ministry of Industry and Trade

a) Presiding over and cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in inspecting and controlling the production and sale of motorcycle or bike helmets failing to meet quality standards in the market.

b) Cooperating with the Ministry of Transport to develop and implement a roadmap to 2030, requiring automobile and motorcycle manufacturers and assemblers to apply modern technologies and vehicle safety standards of the United Nations when they manufacture and assemble vehicles in Vietnam.

13. Ministry of Science and Technology

a) Cooperating with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security to promulgate a set of national technical standards and regulations on traffic and transport databases and smart traffic systems; systems for surveillance and sanctioning of administrative violations arising from traffic order and safety issues; building the national management and control support database used in all traffic and transportation sub-sectors.

b) Cooperating with ministries and sectoral administrations in reviewing and perfecting legislative documents related to the application of achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to activities of assurance of road traffic order and safety.

14. Ministry of National Defense

a) Presiding over propagating, disseminating and educating the laws on traffic order and safety to military servicemen, national defence officers, workers and employees.

b) Presiding over the management and use of military means of transport; military driver training and testing; technical safety and environmental protection inspection for military vehicles and machines.

c) Presiding over patrolling, controlling and maintaining the observance of laws, military ordinances and regulations for the operators of military transport equipment running on roads.

15. People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces

a) People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces shall be responsible for performing their assigned tasks stated in the Strategy.

b) Presiding over developing the Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy which is adaptable to local conditions.

c) Investing in the construction of traffic systems accessible to the disabled, the elderly in built-up areas, other construction facilities providing traffic safety for vulnerable road users.

d) Taking charge of reinstating the order of road safety corridors and preventing repetitive encroachments upon such corridors; for roads running parallel to railways passing through residential areas, it is necessary to build the system of collector roads with limited access, and further eliminate illegal railroad crossings.

dd) Building smart traffic control centers in the provinces and centrally-run cities, ensuring the capacity to collect, process and share real-time traffic activity data, give directional instructions to road users through online portals.

e) Accelerating the development of the public passenger transportation systems, prioritizing investments in the development of the high-capacity mass transit, and gradually limiting the use of private motor vehicles; strengthening the inspection of means of public transport to meet the road-using needs of the disabled.

f) Resolutely eliminating motor vehicles whose useful life expires, self-build three- or four-wheelers not allowed to run on the road; charging local government’s heads with the implementation of this task.

h) Applying technologies to monitor and handle the illegal use of roadways and roadsides for business, trading and parking lot activities affecting the road traffic order and safety condition.

i) Strengthening the management of transportation of students and workers by bus and contract vehicles.

k) Presiding over the imposition of more stringent requirements for safety of traffic infrastructure in the vicinity of schools on the roads from home to school and from school to home for the sake of protecting students.

l) Directing departments, agencies to cooperate with competent units to organize the implementation of groups of solutions specified in Section IV of Article 1 of this Decision at localities under their respective jurisdiction.

16. The roadmap for implementation of this Strategy is annexed hereto.

17. During the implementation of the Strategy, the National Traffic Safety Committee and related ministries and agencies should regularly review and update issues that may arise to organize the effective implementation of this Strategy; promptly propose amendments and supplements to suit practical requirements.

Article 3. This Decision shall enter into force as of the signature date.

Article 4. Ministers, Heads of Ministry-level agencies, Heads of Governmental bodies, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces, and other organizations and individuals involved, shall be responsible for implementing this Decision./.




Truong Hoa Binh



(to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2060/QD-TTg dated December 12, 2020)



Implementation roadmap





Regulatory institutions and policies





Reviewing, amending and supplementing legal documents to promptly apply and develop the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the field of assurance of road traffic order and safety.





Developing and completing regulatory mechanisms and policies to restructure the transport market, increase the market share of large-volume transport modes, reduce dependence on road transport; encouraging the development of public passenger transit on main transport corridors and in cities; formulating and promulgating regulatory frameworks and roadmaps to limit the use of personal motor vehicles, especially in big cities or metropolitan areas; issuing and applying a set of criteria for determining road traffic congestion.





Researching and issuing incentive policies to encourage private sector participation in the traffic safety sector, especially science and technology persons, entities and universities, in order to research new solutions and technologies to be applied in the traffic safety assurance activities.





Conducting researches to complete legal framework on compulsory insurance for motor vehicle owners' civil liability in accordance with international practices.





Perfecting models, functions, tasks, and enhancing the capacity, of the National Traffic Safety Committee, Traffic Safety Commissions of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces, relevant agencies and units to adapt to the new situation.





Building and completing the national traffic safety database so that it is synchronous and modern, and meeting regulatory and law enforcement requirements.





Road traffic infrastructure and organization





Reviewing, revising and supplementing technical standards and regulations on roads and traffic infrastructure oriented towards access to and application of modern technologies to perform traffic organization activities.





Designing and issuing technical guidebooks for design of friendly roads.





Applying the road traffic safety rating system according to the standards of the Global Road Traffic Safety Assessment Program; periodically carrying out the traffic safety assessment and ranking of national highways and provincial roads.





Researching and considering updates to traffic accident data on the digital traffic map to serve the timely management, detection and handling of black spots and likely accident black spots.





Carrying out road safety examination and inspection at the central through local level as legally prescribed.





Mustering investments in the building, upgradation and renovation of expressways, national highways and key local roads according to the approved planning scheme, ensuring high safety conditions for all road users; prioritizing the construction of regional connection roads, bypasses, transport connection hubs; promoting the construction of grade-separated interchanges and roundabouts.





Investing in the construction of traffic systems accessible to the disabled, the elderly in built-up areas, other construction facilities providing traffic safety for vulnerable road users.





Conducting the research and design of lanes restricted to motorcycles, motorbikes and bicycles only when investing in the building, upgradation and improvement of roads, especially national highways running past urban and built-up areas that are given priority.





Determining to reinstate the order of road safety corridors and prevent repetitive encroachments upon such corridors; for roads running parallel to railways passing through residential areas, it is necessary to build the system of collector roads with limited access; eradicate illegal railway crossings by 2030.





Increasing investments in building automatic traffic monitoring systems at road-rail intersections.





Uniformly running intelligent traffic management and control systems to ensure the safe operation and exploitation of the inter-regional traffic network, and on expressways and key national highways.





Building smart traffic control centers in the provinces and centrally-run cities, having the capacity to collect, process and share real-time traffic activity data, give directional instructions to road users through online portals.





Applying artificial intelligence, big data when investing in and constructing traffic works for smart traffic organization purposes to reduce traffic congestion and ensure traffic order and safety.





Imposing more stringent requirements for safety of traffic infrastructure in the vicinity of schools, on the roads from home to school and from school to home for the sake of protecting students.





Mobilizing investment resources and building roadside rest stops to serve the essential needs of drivers, passengers and vehicles alongside expressways, national highways and provincial roads with the aim of ensuring that drivers or vehicle operators must rest after driving or operating their vehicles for no more than 4 hours according to regulations.





Vehicles and transportation





Developing and implementing a roadmap for participating in vehicle safety regulations of the United Nations and international organizations by 2030, including active and passive safety regulations.





Developing a roadmap to require manufacturers, assemblers, organizations and individuals to use motor vehicles equipped with sensors, pedestrian or vehicle collision warning systems and route information receiving systems and other modern safety systems and devices.





Controlling gas emissions of motorbikes and motorbikes with gasoline-fuelled engines running on roads; applying modern technologies to the management and supervision of vehicle inspections.





Building the motor vehicle safety testing center oriented towards modernity; testing the safety levels of vehicles of all kinds.





Resolutely eliminating motor vehicles whose useful life expires, self-build three- or four-wheelers not allowed to run on the road; charging local government’s heads with the implementation of this task.





In centrally-run cities, accelerating the development of the public passenger transportation systems, prioritizing investments in the development of the high-capacity mass transit, and gradually limiting the use of private motor vehicles; strengthening the inspection of means of public transport to meet the road-using needs of the disabled and the elderly.





Deploying the comprehensive application of vehicle tracking and monitoring systems; drowsy driver warning systems; surveillance CCTV camera systems on commercial vehicles; safety management and control systems of bus stations, vehicle control systems of commercial vehicle service providers; using electronic toll collection accounts for multi-purpose payments for road traffic service charges and payment of fines for violations.





Strengthening the management of transportation of students and workers by bus and contract vehicles.





Adopting strict regulations on services and means of transport for carriage of workers and students; promulgating regulations on the use of child seats in cars, depending on their height and age.





Drivers or vehicle operators





Adjusting the classification of motor vehicle driving licenses in conformance to the 1968 Road Traffic Convention and according to vehicle characteristics in Vietnam; training and granting driving licenses to motorbikes riding motorcycles with a cylinder capacity of less than 50cm3 or electric motorbikes with a motor capacity of less than 4kW.





Continuing to apply scientific and technological advances to driver training, testing and licensing activities; harmonizing training, testing and licensing processes, methods and contents to reach the same level as that of developed countries in the world.





Traffic safety communication and education





Performing activities of propaganda, dissemination and education about traffic safety through information technology platforms, such as internet, social networks, smart phones, radio and television, electronic newspapers, etc.





Continuing the implementation of "Traffic Safety Year", "Traffic Safety Peak Month", and designing particular communication programs which will be broadcast on lunar new year (Tet), public ceremonies and festivals at localities.





Completing and concretizing the criteria and behaviors of traffic culture by using vivid pictures, and strengthening the propagation and dissemination of traffic culture criteria and behaviors.





Designing and completing manuals and handbooks on traffic safety while driving on highways and rural roads, etc. in the form of applications built on smart mobile device platforms.





Carrying out propaganda and driver training activities within car transportation service businesses.





Designing complete training programs and materials, increasing traffic safety teaching and instruction time length at all academic levels (including vocational schools).





Incorporating traffic safety education into the main curriculum for students of pedagogical universities, colleges, postsecondary and vocational schools, especially those of pedagogy schools who major in the road safety instruction and teaching.





Researching, designing training courses in scientific fields of study, majors and subject groups in the traffic safety sector.





Enabling officers enforcing laws on traffic order and safety to have access to propaganda and educational programs to increase their awareness and qualification. 





Patrol, control and handling of offences





Applying modern technologies to the inspection, examination, patrol, control and handling of offences, including more investments in building CCTV camera systems applying automatic identification technology to identify and detect violations arising on expressways, in built-up areas and on key national highways.





Enhancing the implementation of technological solutions to effectively supervise the fulfillment of tasks by law enforcement forces when they are patrolling, inspecting and handling traffic order and safety offences.





Regularly and continuously implementing campaigns to patrol, control and handle violations related to the alcohol concentration and drug use, especially paying attention to those who are professional drivers, such as truck drivers, container truck drivers, drivers of fixed-route passenger inter-provincial buses; acts of organizing illegal motorbike and car races.





Applying technologies to monitor and handle the illegal use of roadways and roadsides for business, trading and parking lot activities affecting the road traffic order and safety condition.





Continuing to modernize means and equipment to serve the inspection, patrol, control and handling of violations of law enforcement forces in charge of road traffic order and safety assurance duties.





Strengthening the inspection and handling of violations against planning and construction regulations in case there is any trespass on road traffic safety corridors.





Rescue, salvage and medical emergency aids in case of traffic accidents





Examining whether new medical emergency stations are built or the capacity of existing medical facilities is improved, ensuring the capability of meeting medical emergency demands in case of road accidents according to regulations, organizing emergency and rescue teams to provide 24 hour on-call services at district-level general hospitals, roadside rest stops located alongside expressways or at locations which fall within the service coverage of about 50 km on average and, at the same time, building modern communication networks, ensuring the capability of contacting victims as soon as possible after receiving distress messages.





Strengthening the application of scientific and technological achievements to the building of 115 medical emergency systems nationwide; at the same time, developing a model of groups or teams providing first-aid services in response to traffic accidents caused by motorcycles or small-displacement bikes.





Increasing training in first aid knowledge and skills for the Traffic Police, Traffic Inspectors, drivers, Red Cross staff, volunteers and residents living along roads.





Human resources





Examining the development of regulatory mechanisms and policies to enhance the training of high-quality human resources for the work of ensuring road traffic order and safety; focusing on the undergraduate and postgraduate education, including overseas training.





Enabling human resources from the central to local level to have access to the retraining, training and drilling courses to improve their knowledge, skills and qualification; ensuring the capability of successfully accessing and applying the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the traffic safety sector.





Funding source





Reviewing and amending regulations to create favorable conditions to attract investment capital from all economic sectors under various forms of domestic and foreign investments, ensuring sufficient funding for the work of assurance of traffic order and safety to realize the goals of this Strategy.





Reviewing and examining the adjustment of the allocation and use of funds obtained from administrative fines in the road traffic field at the central and local level to adapt to the practical situation.





This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Decision 2060/QD-TTg 2020 approval of the National Strategy on road traffic order and safety
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