Quyết định 2222/QD-TTg

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 2222/QD-TTg 2021 approving digitalization program in vocational education


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 2222/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 30, 2021





Pursuant to Law on Governmental Organization dated June 19, 2015; Law on amendments to Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Governmental Organization dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to Law on State Budget dated June 25, 2015;

Pursuant to the Law on Vocational Education dated November 27, 2014;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP dated June 9, 2014 of the Government on Action program implementing Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 4, 2013;

Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated March 7, 2019 of the Government on the Action program of the Government implementing Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of Politburo on policies on active participation in the fourth industrial revolution;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 1, 2021 of the Government on primary tasks and solutions implementing socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates in 2021;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP dated July 15, 2021 of the Government issuing General state administrative reform program for the period of 2021 - 2030;

Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving “National digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030”;

Pursuant to Decision No. 942/QD-TTg dated June 15, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving E-Government Strategy moving toward digital Government for the period of 2021 - 2025 and orientation to 2030;

Pursuant to Directive No. 16-CT/TTg dated May 4, 2017 of Prime Minister on increasing access to the fourth industrial revolution;

Pursuant to Directive No. 24/CT-TTg dated May 28, 2020 of the Prime Minister promoting development of personnel with vocational capabilities, improvement of working capacity, and increase of national competitiveness in the new normal;

Pursuant to Directive No. 14/CT-TTg dated May 25, 2021 of the Government promoting academic incentives, talent incentives, and academic society development for the period of 2021 - 2030;

At request of Minister of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs.


Article 1. Approving the Digitalization program in vocational education for the period of 2021 - 2030 and orientation to 2030 (hereinafter referred to as “Program”) as follows:


1. General objectives

Digitalization in vocational education aims to implement vocational education activities on digital environment, promote information technology in management, teaching activities, teaching methods, examine and assess in order to improve management effectiveness, expand methods and job accessibility, create a surge in training quality and quantity, improve skillful workers, working capacity and national competitiveness during international integration.

2. Basic criteria

a) Develop digital capabilities for teaching staff and vocational education managerial officials

- At least 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 of teaching staff and managerial officials are trained to improve digital capabilities, skills, and appropriate teaching methods in order to implement training on digital environment.

- At least 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 of teaching staff of vocational education facilities are trained to develop digital courseware.

b) Renovate and develop training program

- At least 70% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 of standard output of programs contain digital capabilities and training contents suitable with digitalization methods.

- 100% of information technology and digital technology training programs are updated corresponding to new science and technologies.

c) Digital infrastructure, platform, and courseware

- Establish digital platform for national vocational education and courseware storage, common digital resources shared between maintenance and implementation of teaching methods in 2025.

- At least 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 of colleges and intermediate education institutions have digital infrastructure and digital platform to facilitate connection and utilization with the digital national vocational education platform.

d) Digital management and administration

- 100% of level 4 online public services are integrated on the National public service portal, Public service portal, and Electronic information system of Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs in 2023.

- 100% of colleges and intermediate education institutions by 2025, 100% of vocational education institutions by 2030 digitalize studying progress, studying results, and vocational education degrees of learners, connect and integrate data on digital environment.

- 50% by 2025 and 70% by 2030 of specialized vocational education institutions are implemented via digital environment and information system of the presiding agencies.

- Create digital map of networks of vocational education institutions by 2025 and link the digital map of networks of vocational education institutions with systems for notarizing and searching vocational education information by 2030.

- 100% of periodic reports and statistical reports regarding vocational education are implemented on digital environment and connected, integrated, shared on the Government reporting system by 2025.

- 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 of high quality education institutions provide digital education programs.


1. Develop policies serving digitalization in vocational education.

a) Review and complete the system of legislative documents relating to and specializing in vocational education to meet digitalization demands.

b) Issue standards on digital schools, digital infrastructure, digital practice rooms, digital textbooks, digital training programs, application of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality in vocational education.

c) Develop documents regulating vocational education database in a manner that guarantees connectivity and data sharing according to regulations of the Government and Ministry of Information and Communications.

d) Develop policies attracting organizations, enterprises, and individuals to investing in development and construction of digital vocational education ecosystem; encourage sponsorship and contribution to implement digitalization in vocational education.

dd) Conduct research and propose supporting policies for teachers, learners, and vocational education institutions in vocational education digitalization.

2. Develop training programs and contents for all levels of vocational education suitable with demands of digitalization in the economy and international integration.

a) Identify and improve basic digital knowledge, skills for employees on digital environment; integrate basic digital knowledge and skills in training programs and subjects relating to digital skills and information technology in order to provide basic and advanced digital skills for learners.

b) Develop appropriate tools to analyze big data. Predict necessary digital capabilities and skills of careers and occupations, especially those that serve the fourth industrial revolution. Update, revise, adjust, and develop new knowledge and capacity standards for occupations in a manner that satisfies the demands of digitalization.

c) Develop high quality training programs and majors specializing in information technology, digital technology to serve the development digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

3. Develop digital infrastructure, platform, equipment, and courseware

a) Digital infrastructure

- Upgrade the Vocational education data center and technical infrastructure satisfying requirements for connecting and sharing data with national database on occupation, social security, education and training, etc. at request of the Government.

- Construct Intelligent Operation Center (IOC) serving coordination of vocational education at the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training.

- Increase investment and upgrade of equipment, information safety system serving management and coordination of vocational education regulatory authorities and vocational education institutions.

- Prioritize rental and public-private collaboration model in investing in digital infrastructure, digital practice equipment, laboratories, digital workshops, smart classrooms, digital courseware development tools, etc. serving digitalization of vocational education.

b) Data infrastructure

- Upgrade and complete information system for managing vocational education so as to synchronize with labor market information system and database on vocational education. Implement platform for integrating, connecting, and sharing data with national databases and information systems relevant and irrelevant to vocational education.

- Develop big data infrastructure serving final reports, analyze vocation education demands, analyze teaching and learning quality, and assist enrolment activities and other operations.

c) Digital platform and courseware

- Prioritize models of rental, public-private collaboration, construction investment, transfer of digital platform for teaching and learning in national vocational education.

- Prioritize development of digital courseware in vocational education by combining open courseware with development of courseware exchange market. Prioritize investment and development of digital courseware by applying virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality.

4. Develop digital capabilities for teaching staff and managerial officials in vocational education and renovate teaching, learning methods.

a) Train, improve, and upgrade digital knowledge and skills for teaching staff and managerial officials in vocation education.

b) Prioritize in training and improving teaching staff in vocational education and teachers in manufacturing facilities, service providers with new teaching and learning methods. Adopt adaptive learning, harmoniously combine face-to-face teaching and learning at education institutions with use of technologies, digital courseware, physical and virtual equipment, virtual classrooms. Personalize studying.

c) Develop personnel specializing in developing digital applications and digital courseware in vocational education institutions.

5. Digitalize state management and school administration activities

a) Digitalize state management activities

- Develop and upgrade online public services, management software serving state management regarding vocational education.

- Coordinate vocational education based on information system and vocational education database via the IOC.

- Develop tools and conduct inspection, quality assurance, and vocational skill assessment via digital environment and information system of presiding agencies.

- Upgrade Vocational education portal, software for connecting and sharing data in order to serve periodic reports and statistical reports regarding vocational education, connect, integrate, and share digital data on the Government reporting system.

- Develop electronic identification code in a manner that is synchronous and connected to electronic government and electronic identification code framework of the Government.

b) Digitalize in administration activities of vocational education institutions

- Develop, upgrade, and complete databases in a manner that is synchronous, consistent, and allowing connection, utilization, and information processing depending on management and administration demands.

- Digitalize operations of education institutions and prioritize management of enrolment, training, quality assurance, program development, teaching staff management, student management, and enterprise connection.

- Promote quality assurance affairs in online teaching.

- Implement assessment of studying results and vocational skills on digital environment.

6. Mobilize resources for digitalization of vocational education

- Prioritize non-state budget funding sources.

- Mobilize investment resources, encourage cooperation in form of public-private partnerships, and gradually establish vocational education model within enterprises.

- Increase mobilization of support of international organizations regarding digitalization of vocational education.

7. Raise awareness and perform international cooperation

a) Raise awareness of heads, managerial officials, and teaching staff about the role and the needs for early digitalization in vocational education in order to develop and create digital vocational education ecosystem, satisfy demands of learners and the general public in digital economy and society.

b) Disseminate and popularize digitalization in vocational education via mass media and other format, integrate with relevant activities and events; prioritize recommending and praising collectives and individuals achieving positive results and effective in managing, teaching, learning from digitalization.

c) Increase experience sharing and exchange in vocational education digitalization with other countries and international organizations.

8. Ensure internet security and safety

a) Implement internet safety and security measures; manage and supervise information security; secure data, guarantee backup and recovery mechanisms of servers, clients, and relevant terminal devices.

b) Develop digital infrastructure, platform, and data, guarantee reliable and safe information; develop systems of platform, infrastructure, and network while maintaining internet safety and security, being capable of screening and discovering malware, and providing basic protection.

c) Organize inspection, assess level of safety, security and security holes of software and data, and promptly detect and take actions on a periodic basis.

d) Organize cyber incident response forces.


Funding sources include: State budget; investment and sponsors from enterprises, organizations, individuals, community, and other legal funding sources, including:

1. State budget shall conform to regulations on decentralization of state budget, which increases integration with relevant approved schemes, programs, and plans. Ministries and departments of provinces and province-level cities shall, within their tasks and functions, actively allocate funding for digitalization in vocational education.

2. Mobilize domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations, individuals, and communities to invest, finance research, apply technologies, and perform digitalization in vocational education.

3. Legal revenues of vocational education.

4. Other legal funding sources.


1. Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

a) Take charge, cooperation, and guide ministries, People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities to develop programs and plans for implementing the Program, organize implementation of the Program; guide, examine, supervise, and consolidate implementation results; organize preliminary and final conclusion of the Program; propose and request the Prime Minister to adjust and revise the Program when necessary.

b) Issue or request competent authorities to issue documents guiding, implementing, and executing digitalization in vocational education.

2. Ministry of Information and Communications

a) Take charge and direct telecommunication enterprises and information technology enterprises to research, develop digital infrastructure, digital platform, and unified common internet infrastructure in national education system; ensure internet connection with all vocational education institutions; develop incentive policies regarding internet services and information technology services for learners, teaching staff, and vocational education institutions.

b) Cooperate with Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall develop and issue regulations on ensuring safety, security, connectivity, and data sharing between national databases and databases relating to vocational education databases.

c) Disseminate and raise awareness of society regarding digitalization in vocational education.

3. Ministry of Finance

Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant ministries shall allocate recurrent funding in order to implement the Program as per the law in a manner that fits the ability of state budget to balance from time to time.

4. Ministry of Planning and Investment

a) Guide ministries and local governments to develop plans for public investment for implementation of the Program.

b) Take charge in consolidating and presenting annual investment plans to the Government, Prime Minister in order to implement programs and projects approved by competent authorities as per the law; cooperate with Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant ministries, local governments in allocating development investment funds for Program implementation as per the law.

5. Ministry of Education and Training

Connect and share education, training data with vocational education database.

6. Ministries, departments, and relevant agencies

a) Rely on the Program to specify and allocate funding in annually implemented programs and plans; direct vocational education institutions within their competence to implement relevant contents of the Program as per the law.

b) Within their functions and tasks, take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies in implementing contents of the Program.

c) Examine and assess implementation of the Program on an annual basis and on a stage-by-stage basis, consolidate and submit reports on implementation results according to Program objectives, and send to Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs for report to the Prime Minister.

7. People’s Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities

a) Rely on the Program to specify and allocate funding in annually implemented programs and plans; direct vocational education institutions within their competence to implement relevant contents of the Program as per the law.

b) Within their functions and tasks, take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies in implementing contents of the Program.

c) Examine and assess implementation of the Program on an annual basis and on a stage-by-stage basis, consolidate and submit reports on implementation results according to Program objectives, and send to Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs for report to the Prime Minister.

Article 2. This Decision comes into effect from the day of signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities are responsible for implementing this Decision.




Vu Duc Dam



(Attached to Decision No. 2222/QD-TTg dated December 30, 2021 of Prime Minister)



Presiding entity

Cooperating entity

Period of implementation


Develop vocational education programs and contents





Renovate and develop training programs and contents

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant departments; vocational education institutions

2022 - 2030


Digital infrastructure, platform, equipment, and courseware





Digital infrastructure





Upgrade Vocational education data center and digital infrastructure system of vocational education authorities

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities

2022 - 2025


Develop integrated information center to serve coordination of vocation education

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs


2022 - 2025


Invest and upgrade Digital infrastructure system of vocational education institutions

Vocational education institutions

Relevant organizations and individuals

2022 - 2030


Invest/hire/transfer digital equipment, infrastructure, practice equipment, laboratories, virtual workshops, smart classrooms, and equipment for developing digital courseware for vocational education institutions

Ministries and relevant departments; vocational education institutions

Relevant organizations and individuals

2022 - 2030


Upgrade and complete information system for managing vocational education that can be synchronized with labor market information system and database on vocational education

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities

2022 - 2025


Develop big data infrastructure serving final reports, analyze vocation education demands, analyze teaching and learning quality, and assist enrolment activities and other operations

Ministry of Labor - War Invalid and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities. Vocational education institutions

2022 - 2030


Digital platform and courseware





Invest in construction/hire/transfer national digital vocational education platform

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities. Vocational education institutions

2022 - 2025


Invest in development of digital courseware within vocational education by combining open courseware with development of courseware exchange market

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities. Vocational education institutions

2022 - 2030


Develop digital capabilities for teaching staff and managerial officials in vocational education and renovate teaching, learning methods.

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant departments; vocational education institutions



Train, improve, and update digital knowledge, skills, and new training methods for teachers and managerial officials in vocational education

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant departments; vocational education institutions

2022 - 2030


Develop personnel specializing in developing digital applications and digital courseware in vocational education institutions

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Vocational education institutions

2022 - 2030


Digitalize state management and school administration activities





Digitalize state management activities

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities. Vocational education institutions

2022 - 2025


Digitalize in administration activities of vocational education institutions

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

Ministries and relevant agencies; governments of provinces and central-affiliated cities. Vocational education institutions

2022 - 2030


Ensure internet security and safety

Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs


2022 - 2025


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Decision 2222/QD-TTg 2021 approving digitalization program in vocational education
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                Số hiệu2222/QD-TTg
                Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
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