Quyết định 2532/QD-TTg

Decision No. 2532/QD-TTg dated December 28, 2016, approving the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province through 2020 with a vision toward 2030

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 2532/QD-TTg 2016 adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 2532/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 28, 2016





Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of master plans on socio-economic development;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of master plans on socio-economic development;

At the proposal of the People's Committee of Binh Thuan province,


Article 1. To approve the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030, with the following principal contents:

1. Development viewpoints

- To ensure socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province in line with national and regional development and in conformity with the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development of the Northern Central and Central Coastal regions and sectoral master plans through 2020 already approved by the Prime Minister.

- To mobilize to the utmost all resources to accelerate, and improve the quality of, economic growth in order to reach the national development level. To build the province into a modernity-oriented industrial and service one.

- To take the initiative in integration and effectively realize regional connectivity; to boost economic restructuring toward industrialization and modernization, paying due attention to extensive and intensive growth and fast increase in high-productivity and effective sectors. To develop spearhead products and driving-force areas based on promoting the province’s human resources and breakthrough fields with competitive advantages.

- To ensure sustainable socio-economic development by combining economic growth and realization of social justice, protecting natural resources and the environment, and concurrently reviewing the development process in order to make appropriate adjustments.

- To closely combine socio-economic development with strengthening national defense and security in each area.

2. Development objectives:

a/ General objectives:

To effectively tap resources, potentials and advantages, actively promote integration and develop marine economy, tourism and energy. To build and develop Binh Thuan province into a modernity-oriented industrial one by 2030 with focus on building three national centers, namely the energy center, the marine tourism-sports center and the titanium ore processing center, and adequate essential and synchronous socio-economic infrastructure connected with the national infrastructure system. The province will have progressive production relations; ensure social security and welfare, improved living conditions for its people, average per- capita income not lower than the average national level, and well-protected environment; and unceasingly strengthen defense and security and maintain social order.

b/ Specific objectives:

- Economically:

+ The average economic growth rate will be 7-7.5%/year in the 2016-2020 period in which the agriculture-forestry-fishery sector will grow 3.3-3.8%; the industry-construction sector, 9.0-9.5%; and the service sector, 8.2-8.7%. The average economic growth rate will be 7.2-7.5%/year in the 2021-2030 period in which the agriculture-forestry-fishery sector will grow 2.8-3%; the industry-construction sector, 10-11.5%; and the service sector, 6.2- 6.4%/year.

+ To restructure the economy in the direction of increasing the proportion of industry- construction and services. The proportions of agriculture-forestry-fisheries, industry- construction, and services will be 21.4-21.8%, 31.4-31.8% and 46.6-47% by 2020, and 12-12.5%, 45-46% and 42-43% by 2030, respectively.

+ The average gross regional domestic product (GRDP) will reach USD 3,100-3,200 by 2020 and USD 8,200-8,500 by 2030.

+ The total social investment capital will make up 43-44%/year of the GRDP between 2016 and 2020 and 44-45%/year between 2021 and 2030.

+ Total domestic revenues will make up 9.5-10%/year of the provincial GRDP between 2016 and 2020 (excluding revenues from petroleum royalty and import and export duties) and 9-9.5%/year between 2021 and 2030.

+ Development investment expenditures will make up 35%/year of the province’s local budget expenditures between 2016 and 2020, and 40%/year between 2020 and 2030.

- By 2020, export value will reach USD 600 million, including USD 380 million from export of commodities. By 2030, export value will reach about USD 1.5 billion, including around 1 billion from export of commodities.

- Socially:

+ The natural population growth rate will be reduced to 0.87% by 2020, bringing down the average population growth rate to 0.7%/year in the 2016-2020 period and to 0.65% in the 2021-2030 period.

+ Some 24,000 new jobs will be created annually in the 2016-2020 period. Labor restructuring will be accelerated positively. The rate of trained laborers will make up 65- 70% of the workforce by 2020 and 70-75% by 2030.

+ To reduce the annual rate of poor households under the new standards by between 1-1.2%.

+ To raise the enrolment rate and the quality of education. By 2020, the rate of schools up to national standards will reach over 40%, the rate of preschool education universalization will reach 80%, the rates of students of proper age groups attending lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools will reach 90% and more than 50%, respectively. By 2030, the rate of schools up to national standards will be 70-80% and the rate of preschool education universalization will reach the country’s average level.

+ To consolidate and upgrade the grassroots healthcare network. To build and upgrade commune health centers up to national standards. There will be 7 medical doctors per 10,000 people and 30.6 patient beds per 10,000 people by 2020 and such proportions will reach the country’s average by 2030. The rate of communes meeting the new national criteria set for communal health will be 100% by 2020. The malnutrition rate among under-5 children will be kept under 9% by 2020 and equal to the country’s average level by 2030.

+ To strive that 50% (or 48 communes) and 100% of communes will meet the new countryside standards by 2020 and 2030, respectively. By 2020,50% of wards and townships will meet urban civilization standards, all hamlets and residential quarters in the plain area and 60% of mountainous and island villages will have cultural houses and sports facilities.

+ The urbanization rate will reach 40-45% by 2020 and 50-55% by 2030.

- Environmentally:

+ More than 98% of households will have access to hygienic water by 2020, including 65% having access to clean water under standards set by the Ministry of Health; all households will have access to clean water by 2030.

+ The rate of households having access to electricity will surpass 99% by 2020 and 99.5% by 2030.

+ The rate of urban solid waste collected and disposed of will be 93-94% by 2020 and 100% by 2030. The rate of rural solid waste collected and disposed of will be 50% by 2020 and 60-70% by 2030.

+ All operating industrial parks will have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards by 2020.

+ The forest coverage will reach 43% (55% if industrial and perennial trees are included) by 2020.

3. Planning contents:

a/ Orientations for sectoral development:

- Agriculture-forestry-fishery and rural areas:

+ Agriculture:

To promote comprehensive and sustainable agricultural development associated with building a new countryside. To concentrate on developing modernity-oriented agriculture, combine rural development and urban, industrial and service development. To speed up industrialization and modernization in association with environmental protection in rural areas.

To concretize and effectively implement the scheme on agricultural restructuring under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 899/QD-TTg of June 10, 2013, focusing on agricultural development along the line of production of high-quality and high-added-value commodities based on full exploitation of local advantages. To restructure cultivation toward large-scale and centralized production development, sustainably develop major and advantageous plants such as dragon fruit, rubber and cashew and other species suitable to each area’s strengths and soil conditions with capability to respond to climate change. To effectively implement the policy on flexible and efficient uses of rice-farming land areas. To further shift breeding toward disease-free industrial and semi-industrial farm and household scale models that ensure environmental protection; to formulate a master plan on breeding development associated with slaughtering, processing, preservation and consumption networks.

To attach great importance to scientific and technological application to farm-produce production, preservation and processing; to focus on improving plant varieties and livestock breeds together with enhancing management of food hygiene and safety; to step by step establish hi-tech agricultural production models; to combine production, processing and consumption of advantageous and highly competitive products in the product value chain; to pay attention to improving dragon fruit’s quality; and to multiply large-scale, high-quality rice fields. To re-organize agricultural production combined with encouraging the development of enterprises, cooperatives and other forms of cooperation and paying attention to the development of partnership in the value chain.

By 2020: to produce 811,000 tons of food (including 616,000 tons of rice and 195,000 tons of maize); 65,000 tons of rubber latex; 750,000 tons of dragon fruit; 14,000 tons of cashew nut; and 40,000 tons of assorted meat.

- Forestry:

To intensify forest management, protection and development, prevent and combat deforestation, paying special attention to riverhead forests, protection forests, special-use forests and areas adjacent to neighboring provinces. To encourage the contractual lease of forests for protection and afforestation associated with breeding and development of non- timber products to increase income and develop forests in a sustainable manner.

For protection and special-use forests, it is necessary to organize strict protection of these forests and increase powers and benefits of forest rangers. For production forests, to consider allocation to eligible organizations and individuals with effective production and business plans, not necessarily forestry farms and state-owned companies, for protection and business.

To strongly develop production forests based on the application of technical advances, especially in tree varieties, and investment in intensive cultivation to increase forest yield and quality suitable to each area’s specific ecological conditions. Along with developing forests of small-diameter timber trees for processing in the short term, to prioritize the study and establishment of models of developing forests of large-timber tree species that grow fast, have a high output and a shorter exploiting cycle, thus creating stable resources for the forest product processing industry; to effectively re-plant forests upon conversion of use purpose.

To develop the forest product processing industry as planned on diverse scales, and with different types of products and consumption markets. To zone off forest material areas in line with the master plan on forest product processing; to support forestry companies and enterprises in developing forest product processing establishments equipped with modem technologies using local materials to process exports under the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) models of sustainable forest management and use and to concurrently arrange interior woodwork processing establishments in rural areas to meet local demand based on strict management of input materials.

In the 2016-2020 period, to plant 44,440 hectares of concentrated forests and 3,540 hectares of scattered trees, take care of 14,410 hectares of planted forests, allocate on a contractual basis 159,880 hectares of forests for protection, and zone off 6,730 hectares of regenerated forests.

+ Fisheries:

To pay due attention to marine economy. Along with developing marine industries and tourism, to encourage fishermen to build high-capacity vessels, bring into play the fleet of offshore fishing vessels associated with logistics services, at-sea processing and safeguarding of the homeland’s sea and island sovereignty. To further develop aquaculture suitable to each area’s conditions. To concentrate on producing advantageous species, stably maintain areas for brackish and marine water aquaculture, and promote the development of freshwater aquaculture zones according to planning. To take more measures to protect the fishing grounds.

To further comprehensive fisheries development and raise the effectiveness of fishing, aquaculture, processing and related services in association with protecting aquatic resources. To effectively implement the Government’s preferential policies to further develop the capability of high-capacity vessels; to multiply and bring into play the model of production solidarity groups and fisheries trade unions. To minimize the development of small-capacity vessels and fishing in coastal areas and strictly punish activities that deplete marine resources and destroy the environment. To raise capital for and increase investment in upgrading and maintaining fisheries technical infrastructure. To promote investment in aquaculture, preservation and seafood processing equipment and technology, especially in rearing shrimp breeds, processing seafood products for export to minimize losses, improve the quality and value and increase the competitiveness of products.

To build Phu Quy island into an offshore fishing logistics center and reasonably develop the scale of each field with focus on fishing, preservation and semi-processing, and fishing logistics services.

To strive for a fisheries growth rate of 10%/year in the 2016-2020 period, representing around 35% of the agriculture-forestry-fisheries sector in the GRDP by 2020. To reach the fishing output of 200,000 tons, aquaculture output of 16,000 tons, and 28 billion prawn fries by 2020.

+ Salt production

To stabilize salt-making areas at 990 hectares according to planning; to promote the application of up-to-date technology in production and development of post-salt industry to diversify products, improve salt quality and investment efficiency. To prevent and remedy environmental pollution in salt production and processing.

+ New-countryside development:

By 2020, almost all rice cultivation areas will be proactively watered, irrigation works’ operational capacity will reach 80%; more than 60% of farmer households will have access to clean water; all concentrated commodity production zones and hamlets will have car-accessible roads to their centers; and the production and daily life electricity demands of all households in concentrated residential areas will be satisfied. The rate of communes reaching new-country side standards will be 50% (or 48 communes) by 2020 and 100% by 2030.

- Industry-construction:

+ To strongly promote industrial development, pay proper attention to development of farm, forest and fishery product processing industry and focus on developing power and titanium ore processing industries. To strive for an average added-value industrial growth of 10%/year and 13%/year (in comparison to the 2010 price) in the 2016-2020 period and the 2021 -2030 period, respectively. Industry will make up 70% and around 80% of the total added value of the industry-construction sector by 2020 and 2030, respectively.

To restructure industries toward strongly developing groups of industries and products: energy and farm, forest and fishery product processing; ore intensive processing; mechanical engineering, electronics, building and repair of fishing vessels and boats; production of mineral water and beverage, fibers, textiles, garments and footwear; and supporting industries for the southern key economic region. To boost commodity exports associated with investment in technological renovation to make significant progress in quality, efficiency and competitiveness of products; to enhance trade promotion and international economic integration so as to consolidate traditional markets and seek new outlets for exports.

To facilitate and actively urge the implementation of energy (thermal, wind, solar and gas power) projects for Binh Thuan to become the national energy center. To bring into play the efficiency and speed up investment in infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters; to attract investment to set up a titanium ore processing center associated with environmental and landscape protection. To promote the development of processing industry for domestic consumption and export; to reduce the proportion and gradually terminate export of raw and unprocessed products and increase products with high scientific and technological content; apart from processing seafood and forest products, to attach importance to processing dragon fruit, sterculia foetida tree latex, rubber latex and spirulina (natural algae powder). To encourage all economic sectors to invest in developing ship building and repair industry; to prioritize investment projects on building offshore fishing service facilities. To effectively implement industrial promotion policies and support industrial and handicraft production establishments in accessing to preferential credit, production premises, market information, technical advice and human resource training; support and create conditions for enterprises to operate effectively.

To boost processing of seafood and farm products (rubber, dragon fruit) and algae for domestic consumption and export, concurrently speed up the implementation of Vinh Tan thermopower and Son My gas power projects and wind power projects and promote investment in solar energy development.

To effectively implement the Prime Minister-approved master plan on exploration, extraction, processing and use of titanium ore through 2020 with a vision to 2030. To combine extraction with intensive processing under appropriate plans and roadmaps and ensuring economic and social efficiency as well as environmental protection. To explore and extract titanium-zirconium ore materials on a large and concentrated scale in Luong Son and Bac Binh areas for supply to intensive processing plant projects in the areas. To speed up the construction of non-polluted titanium ore intensive processing plants (artificial rutile, pigment, soft and metal titanium) using advanced technologies. To develop a titanium- zirconium mining industry compatible with resources potential. To step by step build Binh Thuan into the country’s large energy and titanium ore processing centers.

In the 2016-2020 period, to focus resources on building synchronous industrial park and cluster infrastructure; to complete the construction of industrial park infrastructure and attract investment to fill up at least 80% of the total area of Phan Thiet industrial park in the second phase, Ham Kiem I and Song Binh industrial parks and 50% of Ham Kiem II and Tuy Phong industrial parks. To commence construction of Son My I and II industrial parks. By 2020, each district, town and city will have one or two industrial complexes with complete infrastructure. To boost investment promotion to attract new projects with priority given to strong, capable investors possessing large investment and advanced and environment- friendly technologies and being able to create many jobs.

By 2020, the province will have 32 industrial clusters covering a total area of 996.7 hectares with the aim of not only attracting investment but also relocating polluting production facilities out of residential areas into the clusters. They include Phan Thiet city with three clusters covering 48.1 hectares; La Gi town with four clusters, 180 hectares; Due Linh district with five clusters, 140.3 hectares; Tanh Linh district with four clusters, 97.5 hectares; Ham Tan district with four clusters, 155 hectares; Ham Thuan Nam district with one cluster, 30 hectares; Ham Thuan Bac district with four clusters, 101.2 hectares; Bac Binh district with three clusters, 122 hectares; Tuy Phong district with three clusters, 77.56 hectares; and Phu Quy district with one cluster, 25 hectares.

+ In 2016-2020 period, the province’s industries will focus on producing advantageous competitive products. From 2020 to 2030, to bring into play the potentials of the province’s advantageous products:

. Power generation industry will develop thermal, wind and solar power. The power output will reach around 14 billion kWh and 60 billion kWh by 2020 and by 2030, respectively. Power will be a breakthrough product of the province’s industry from now until 2030.

. Agricultural, forest and fishery product processing:

To further develop frozen and dried seafood processing and fish sauce production.

To call for investment in intensive processing of dragon fruit, rubber and cashew.

. Titanium ore extraction and intensive processing: To step by step form a titanium industry with processed titanium slag products. By 2030, to develop the titanium industry in a stable and sustainable manner with a large-scale titanium ore extraction and processing center equipped with advanced technologies; to prioritize the development of pigment, soft, metal and alloy titanium for domestic consumption and export.

. To further expand and develop the garment and textile industry.

. Vinh Hoa mineral water: To maintain the brand and expand outlets.

+ Construction: To raise construction capability and incrementally increase scale and quality; to focus on key projects in the locality; to further embellish urban centers to be civilized and modem and meet requirements in each development period.

- Services:

To diversify services and raise the development level of service sectors and products; to focus on developing trade, tourism, construction, hotel and restaurant services, finance- banking, insurance, transport, information and communications, logistics, education and training, healthcare, power and water supply, agricultural production and fisheries services.

To strive for a service added value growth of 8.4% in the 2016-2020 period and of 6.2% in the 2021-2030 period. By 2020, services will represent 46.8% and around 42.5% of the province’s total added value by 2020 and 2030, respectively.

+ Trade:

. To further develop the domestic consumption market through effectively organizing channels for supplies and consumer goods distribution and sale of local advantageous products. To step up the “Vietnamese give priority to using Vietnamese goods” campaign. The total retail sales and service turnover will reach around VND 72 trillion by 2020, recording an average increase of 14.6%/year in the 2016-2020 period, and around VND 200 trillion by 2030, recording an average increase of 10.7%/year in the 2021-2030 period.

. To strengthen and expand export markets by diversifying markets and products; to prioritize the exploitation of and take advantage opportunities from key and strategic export markets; to effectively exploit traditional markets. To focus on implementing solutions to promote export of local key advantageous products, particularly seafood, rubber, dragon fruit, wooden furniture, textiles and garments and fine-art products. To increase revenues from direct export and export of processed products and step by step restrict entrusted export and export of pre-processed products. The total export turnover will reach around USD 600 million by 2020 with goods export bringing about USD 380 million. The export turnover will reach around USD 1.5 billion by 2030 with goods export earning around USD 1 billion.

+ Bank credit service, budget revenues and expenditures:

. To timely implement monetary, credit and banking mechanisms and policies facilitating access by enterprises and people to bank capital under the State’s policies. To effectively implement solutions to handle non-performing loans, boost non-cash payment and develop modem banking services. In the 2016-2020 period, credit mobilization will record an average growth of 17-25%/year and outstanding loans, 15-22%/year.

. To synchronously implement solutions for budget collection, combining budget collection with fostering revenue sources and facilitating socio-economic development in order to effectively exploit domestic revenue sources; to enhance tax administration and step up inspection and examination to prevent losses of budget revenues. To increase the leadership over tax collection to prevent losses as well as over-collection; to effectively manage and exploit budget revenue sources in the province, especially from land. The total domestic budget revenue will reach around VND 34,150 billion, representing 9.78% of the province’s GRDP.

. To actively arrange budget expenditures and continue to effectively restructure public investment; to give priority to major tasks and key works. To strictly manage expenses according to estimates and regulations, thoroughly economize spending on state management apparatus and public services and tighten financial discipline.

+ Tourism:

To develop tourism into the province’s spearhead industry with a tourist arrival growth of 8.07%/year in the 2016-2020 period and of 8-10%/year in the 2021-2030 period and a tourism revenue increase of 19.3%/year in the 2016-2020 period, of 15.35%/year in the 2021-2025 period and of 17.05%/year in the 2026-2030 period.

To exploit potentials and strengths of the sea, islands, mountains and hills and local cultural values to strongly develop resort-based, exploration and ecological tourism, tourism associated with marine sports; to diversify tourism products and promote the linkage among areas in the province and with neighboring provinces to develop tours and tourism routes attractive to tourists.

To attach importance to protecting natural and social environments to sustainably develop tourism, with focus on tackling pollution and restoring and protecting environmental landscapes, ensuring social order and food hygiene and safety.

b/ Social development:

- Population, labor and employment:

+ To effectively implement family planning and reproductive health care with the population growth rate kept at 0.7% in the 2016-2020 period and at 0.65% in the 2021 -2030 period.

+ By 2020, the workforce will make up 62% and the demand for employment will account for around 60.4% of the population (97.5% of the total workforce). It is necessary to create around 68,430 new jobs in the 2016-2020 period. The labor structure will be as follows: the labor force in agriculture will make up 40.5%; in industry, 26.4%; and in service, 33.1%. The rate of trained laborers will reach 65-70% (61.7% in agriculture, 64.7% in industry, and 84.4% in service); the rate of laborers holding immediate or higher degrees will reach 20.9%. In the 2016-2020 period, 151,911 laborers (or an average of 30,382 a year) will be trained.

+ By 2030, the workforce will make up 63% and the demand for employment will account for around 61% of the population (96.8% of the total workforce). It is necessary to create about 58,010 new jobs in the 2021-2030 period. The labor force in agriculture will make up 22%; in industry, 40%; and in service, 38%. The rate of trained laborers will reach 70-75% (64% in agriculture, 71.5% in industry, and 85% in service). The rate of laborers holding immediate or higher degrees will reach about 50%. In the 2016-2020 period, 165,842 laborers (or an average of 16,584 a year) will be trained in the 2021-2030 period.

- Medicine and public healthcare:

+ To invest in upgrading medical equipment for the medical examination and treatment system from provincial to grassroots level. To step up the socialization of healthcare. By 2020, to raise the number of hospital beds per 10,000 people to 30.6; to raise the life expectancy to 76 years; to reduce the malnutrition rate among under-5 children to under 9%; to reach the full vaccination rate of more than 98% among under-one children; to raise the number of medical doctors per 10,000 people to 7 and the rate of health insurance to 82.1% among the province’s population.

+ To enhance preventive medicine and people’s primary healthcare; to effectively implement epidemic prevention, food hygiene and safety and national health programs; to control and stamp out all epidemic outbreaks. To improve medical examination and treatment quality, expand the models of satellite hospitals and family doctors. To promote the socialization of healthcare activities and facilitate non-public healthcare and public-private cooperation development. To consolidate and complete the grassroots healthcare network; to maintain and consolidate the national health standards at commune-level health centers. To further build, renovate and upgrade district and inter-district general hospitals together with increasing investment in synchronous and modem medical equipment. To renew management at public hospitals toward self-management. To effectively implement the Law on Health Insurance. To attach special importance to training and education, building and development of a contingent of highly qualified, responsible and dedicated health workers who possess good professional ethics, ensuring a rational synchronous structure to satisfy medical prevention, examination and treatment demands. To combine modem medical treatment methods with traditional medicine. To step up communication on reproductive healthcare and family planning.

- Education-training:

+ By 2020, the enrolment rate among children of eligible age groups will be 15% for kindergartens, 85% for preschools, 99.8% for primary schools, 90% for lower secondary schools, and 50% for upper secondary schools; the rate of primary school graduates will be 99.9%, the rate of lower secondary school graduates, more than 99%, and the rate of upper secondary school graduates will be higher than the country’s average level, the rate of public schools meeting national standards will be more than 40%. By 2030, the province’s education and training sector will reach the national targets.

+ To promote public information work to make the whole political system and people of all strata in the province to regard education and training as a top national policy and the cause of the entire people and investment in education is investment for development. Education tasks are the common tasks of families, schools and the society. To attach importance to improving educational quality in remote, deep-lying, island and ethnic minority-inhabited areas. To increase investment in teaching and learning facilities up to national standards. To step up the socialization of education and training. To promote training of human resources who possess professional knowledge, skills and ethics and develop a contingent of skilled workers who are able to work in a scientific, technological, productive, qualitative and efficient manner; to attach importance to high-quality human resource training and development.

+ To create people with dignity, ethics, capability, creativeness, social responsibility and a sense of law observance.

- Culture, sports and physical training:

+ By 2020, half of the communes will reach new-countryside cultural standards; half of the wards and townships will reach urban civilization standards; all plain hamlets and residential quarters and 60% of mountainous and island hamlets and villages will have cultural houses and sports centers; 52% of communes, wards and townships will have steering committees for domestic violence prevention and control; 12% of plain hamlets and residential quarters will have sustainable family clubs; 31.57% of the population will do regular physical exercises and sports. By 2030, to reach the national cultural, sports and physical training targets.

+ To strongly socialize and promote cultural, sports and physical training activities at grassroots level; to strongly develop mass cultural and song and dance movements. To combine the State’s support and people’s contributions to building cultural, sports and physical training institutions, giving priority to basic cultural institutions such as the province’s culture and sports center and museum. To effectively perform state management in culture, conservation and upholding of national cultural heritages; to have plans for renovation, embellishment and prevention of the degradation of historical and cultural relics together with the collection, exploitation and further bringing into play of cultural values of ethnic groups in the province. To pay attention to child care and protection, family affairs and gender equality; to take care and bring into play the role of elderly people. To step up mass sports and physical training movements and implement active measures to boost high- achievement and professional sports.

- Poverty reduction, social security:

+ The rate of poor households under the new standards in the 2016-2020 period will be reduced to 1-1.2% and 2-3% in communes with difficult or extremely difficult socio- economic conditions. By 2020, all social protection beneficiaries in the locality will benefit from the state’s current policies in the form of centralized stay at social relief establishments or regular assistance in the community; 95% of disadvantaged children will be provided with care.

+ To effectively implement social security policies. To further step up the “gratitude” movement and fully and timely implement policies toward people who rendered meritorious services to the revolution, poor people, poor and near-poor households. To adopt active and effective measures to further reduce poverty in a sustainable manner in association with effective settlement of social pressing issues based on further integrating and effectively implementing national target programs and the climate change response program funded by the state, international community and enterprises in association with mass movements. To pay proper attention to ethnic minority-inhabited areas.

c/ Science-technology development:

- By 2020, science and technology will make considerable contributions to economic growth and economic restructuring, with the hi-tech product value making up about 30% of the GRDP. The annual technology and equipment renovation rate will be over 20% in the 2016-2020 period. The science and technology market will record an average growth rate of 15-17%/year in trading value. The total investment in science and technology will represent more than 2% of the GRDP by 2020. State budget funds for science and technology will account for at least 2% of the total annual state budget expenditures. The number of scientific researchers and technology developers per 10,000 people will be 11-12 by 2020.

- To effectively apply technology and equipment renovation policies to enterprises producing provincial advantageous products; to mobilize and encourage enterprises to invest in modem and environment-friendly technology lines with high yield and added value. To closely combine the work of scientific and technological agencies with agricultural, industrial and fishery promotion and activities of related agencies.

- To increase investment in physical foundations and technical equipment for state management of science and technology. To form a bio-technology application zone to serve the production of commercial products in association with the project to build capacity for the Center for Information and Application of Scientific and Technological Advances; to implement a project to build an environmental radioactivity observation and warning station.

d/ Environmental protection, response to climate change and sea level rise

- The rate of urban solid waste collected and disposed of will reach 93-94% by 2020 and 100% by 2030; the rate of rural solid waste collected and disposed of will reach 50% by 2020 and 60-70% by 2030; by 2020, the rate of households having access to hygienic water will surpass 98%, including 65% having access to clean water and the figure is expected to reach 100% by 2030. By 2020, all operating industrial parks and clusters and traditional craft villages will have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards; the forest coverage will be 43% (55% if including long-term industrial crops and perennial trees).

- To intensify management of natural resources, environment protection, prevention and control of natural disasters and active response to climate change. To enhance management of natural resources, land, forests, sea, minerals and water. To assess mineral potential and deposits on the mainland and in the sea area of the province in order to revise mineral exploitation, management and protection master plans and plans to ensure rational, economical and efficient use and environmental protection. To develop a land database and concurrently renew land use planning work. To adopt plans to use rice-farming land in a flexible and efficient manner. To efficiently assign and decentralize the state management of natural resources and minerals in accordance with law. To improve forecast quality, actively respond to climate change and prevent and control natural disasters. To continue implementing the target program on response to climate change; to conduct regular inspections to ensure the safety of dikes and embankments and reservoirs; to dredge the riverbeds, estuaries and drainage systems in urban centers; to work out plans for proactive evacuation of people from erosion-prone areas that are seriously affected by climate change.

- To consider environment protection a prerequisite when considering investment projects; not to approve investment projects with outdated technology and equipment that are likely to pollute the environment. To adopt plans to basically tackle flooding in rainy season in urban centers. To step up the inspection and supervision of the treatment of wastewater and disposal of waste and chemicals containing pollutants discharged from production and business activities. To closely control polluting sources and strictly sanction violations. To take active measures against desertification in coastal areas; to step up forest development and planting of coastal and riverhead forests and of trees in urban centers to improve the environment. To promote the development and use of new and renewable energies. To assess climate change impacts on each field, sector and locality so as to make appropriate revisions to development master plans and plans.

- To devise and implement solutions to minimize and prevent environmental pollution, especially in mining sites (titanium, white sand and stone exploitation) and to refill mining sites to restore the environment in industrial parks, thermo-power centers and urban centers (Phan Thiet, La Gi, Phan Ri Cua) and tourist areas; to enhance rural environmental protection (with focus on supplying clean water, building hygienic latrines, and collecting and disposing of waste and safely using pesticides), especially waste in cattle and poultry breeding and slaughtering and seafood processing facilities. To improve environmental factors to raise the living environment quality.

- To stop the environmental degradation process, especially phenomena specific to Binh Thuan such as desertification, land erosion, salinization and land sliding in coastal areas and seawater pollution. To accelerate afforestation, especially in coastal areas and properly protect riverhead protection forests and natural reserves, increasing the forest coverage to the ecological safety level. To rationally exploit natural resources and preserve the biodiversity of forests, the sea and natural sand dunes toward restoring and improving the quality of the environment in degraded areas.

dd/ Technical infrastructure development:

- To mobilize all resources for investment in basically addressing the most urgent and essential demands and building a relatively synchronous socio-technical infrastructure system which is connected to the national infrastructure, ensuring fast and sustainable growth, environmental protection, response to climate change, building of a new countryside, gradually narrowing the gap and promote the harmonious development among areas in the province and improving people’s living conditions, thus meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization. To focus infrastructure investment in three areas: transport, irrigation, industrial parks’ infrastructure and electricity to serve centralized commodity development, service and tourism development and climate change response.

- To mobilize various investment resources for synchronicity- and modernity-oriented infrastructure development:

+ To review all sectoral and local master plans. To improve the quality of the socio- economic infrastructure construction master plan to ensure the overall efficiency and systematicity of transport, electricity, water, irrigation, information and communications, education and health networks. To mobilize to the utmost resources for development investment and ensure total social investment capital will make up around 43-44% of the GRDR To properly allocate funds to capital construction and manage their use, prioritizing funds for the completion of key, urgent and on-going works, putting an end to thinned-out investment. To encourage and facilitate private investment in developing infrastructure and advantageous and potential sectors and products. To bring into full play the State and the people make joint efforts campaign, especially the state’s support in building and embellishing residential quarters and hamlets and in rural small irrigation and transport works.

+ To build synchronous infrastructure; to prioritize the construction of important key works, first of all transport and irrigation works. To speed up the construction of Dau Giay- Phan Thiet, and Phan Thiet-Nha Trang expressways, and national highways 55,28 and 28B. By 2020, the province will have sufficient water for production and daily life and convenient and smooth transport with general ports, airport, national highway sections running through the province, important outbound routes and coastal roads renovated, upgraded and completed and 70% of rural roads concreted or asphalted. To basically complete rural infrastructure. To completely build and effectively operate mooring and storm-shelter areas for vessels, first of all in Phu My and Mui Ne. To basically remedy coastal erosion in important areas. To build and gradually complete appropriate civilized and modem trade infrastructure facilities; to combine investment in infrastructure with embellishment of urban centers. To effectively implement the plan on investment in upgrading and standardization of schools, health stations, medical treatment and examination facilities and cultural and sports institutions.

e/ Orientations for territory-based spatial development:

- Spatial development according to the land use master plan:

By 2020, the province’s land use structure will be shifted as follows: Agricultural land will decrease from 86% in 2015 to 84% of the total natural land area. Meanwhile, non-agricultural land will increase from 12% to 14% and unused land will fall from 2.3% to 1.7% of the total natural land area.

- Orientations for urban system development:

+ By 2020, Binh Thuan province will develop 15 urban centers based on upgrading and expanding 14 existing urban centers and building a new one. They include one urban center of grade II (Phan Thiet city), one urban center of grade III (La Gi town); one urban center of grade IV (Phan Ri Cua town) and 12 urban centers of grade V, namely Lien Huong, Vinh Tan (new), Cho Lau, Luong Son, Ma Lam, Thuan Nam, Lac Tanh, Vo Xu, Due Tai, Tan Nghĩa, Tan Minh and Phu Quy district center.

+ By 2030, Binh Thuan province will develop 21 urban centers based on upgrading and expanding the urban centers in the previous period and building new ones. They include one urban center of grade I (Phan Thiet city), two urban centers of grade III (La Gi and Phan Ri Cua towns); three urban centers of grade IV (Lien Huong, Cho Lau and Vo Xu) and 15 urban centers of grade V: Vinh Tan, Luong Son, Ma Lam, Da Mi (new), Hoa Thang (new), Hai Ninh (new), Ham Due (new), Thuan Nam and Tan Thanh (new), Lac Tanh, Duc Tai, Tan Nghía, Tan Minh and Son My (new) townships and Phu Quy district center.

The urban population is forecast to grow at 1.8%/year in the 2016-2020 period and estimated to be 529,200 people, with the urbanization rate reaching 40-45% by 2020; the urban population will increase fast by 3.4%/year in the 2021-2030 period and be estimated to be 739,200 people, with the urbanization rate reaching 50-55% by 2030.

- Orientations for development and distribution of rural population:

+ To develop rural population after the new rural model suitable to each area:

. Midland and mountainous areas: To develop rural population associated with forestry production after the traditional model near roads and water sources. To form centralized rural population spots in new economic centers such as hydropower reservoirs, tourism sites and industrial plant and fruit tree cultivation zones. To relocate existing residential points from and not to build new ones in flash flood-, landslide- and land subsidence-prone areas.

. Plain areas: To organize population after centralized models suitable to rural economic restructuring. To develop high-value agriculture zones toward commodity production. To build and upgrade social, transport and water and power supply technical infrastructure meeting urban standards.

. Coastal areas: To combine rural residential points with aquaculture and fishing to serve tourism, services and coastal areas. To relocate existing residential spots from and not to build new ones in tsunami-prone areas and landslide-prone estuaries. To build permanent houses in areas frequently hit by floods and plant more trees in coastal areas.

+ The rural population will decrease slightly by 0.04%/year in the 2016-2020 period to 730,800 people by 2020, representing about 58% of the total population; it will decrease sharply by 1.87%/year in the 2021-2030 period to 604,800 people by 2030, representing about 45% of the total population.

- Development of administrative units:

+ By 2020, to propose to upgrade Phan Ri Cua township into Phan Ri Cua town; to establish two new townships Vinh Tan (Tuy Phong district) and Phu Quy (Phu Quy island district); to maintain and upgrade the existing townships. Thus, by 2020, Binh Thuan will accommodate one city, two towns and eight districts (with 12 townships).

+ By 2030: To further upgrade the urban centers in the 2016-2020 period, including upgrading Phan Thiet city into an urban center of grade I; Phan Ri Cua town into an urban center of grade III; and Lien Huong, Cho Lau and Vo Xu townships into urban centers of grade IV; to establish six new townships, namely Da Mi and Ham Due (Ham Thuan Bac district); Tan Thanh (Ham Thuan Nam district); Hai Ninh and Hoa Thang (Bac Binh district); Son My (Ham Tan district). By 2030, Binh Thuan will be home to one city, five towns and eight districts (with 15 townships).

- Orientations for space-based socio-economic development:

Binh Thuan province will be divided into four specific economic development areas as follows:

+ The motive-force economic area covers Phan Thiet city, Ham Thuan Bac district, Ham Thuan Nam district and Phu Quy island district. Phan Thiet city will be its central and core urban center. The zone will develop regional- and international-level urban centers and high-quality tourism centers and form zones specialized in rice and dragon fruit cultivation, fishing and seafood processing, and will become a fishing logistics service and logistics center for Truong Sa (Spratly) island, etc.

+ The southwestern economic area embraces La Gi town and Ham Tan district and is the second motive-force development zone of the province with its core urban center being La Gi town. The zone will see development of centralized industries and appearance of trade and service centers.

+ The La Nga economic area encompasses Tanh Linh and Duc Linh districts with a core urban center being Vo Xu township. In this zone high-quality agricultural commodity areas specialized in rice, rubber and cashew cultivation and forest, reservoir and waterfall ecological tourism will be developed.

+ The northeastern economic area covers Bac Binh and Tuy Phong districts with Phan Ri Cua town being its central urban center. The zone will see development of power industry (thermal and wind power), mining industry, deep-water ports and marine and cultural and historical tourism.

g/ Socio-economic development associated with security and defense assurance

- To direct proper performance of military and defense tasks. To enhance direction and command capacity at all levels and build armed forces of increased quality; to thoroughly grasp the enemy’s situation and effectively perform ready-to-fight tasks and fight with success. To be determined to prevent and foil all schemes and activities of hostile forces. To well implement social policies and policies toward soldiers’ families, ethnic and religious policies, to bring into play democracy and firmly maintain social discipline; to preserve and uphold the national cultural identity, build a sound cultural and spiritual life in defensive zones.

- To firmly maintain political security and social order and safety. To intensify the assurance of internal security, cultural and ideological security, information and communication security in order not to let ill-intentioned elements incite mass protests, causing social disorder. To take the initiative in launching campaigns to attack and suppress crimes to ensure security and order in the locality. To raise the effectiveness of investigation, trial and settlement of complaints, denunciations and petitions and people’s legitimate aspirations. To strive to control and reduce traffic accidents in terms of the numbers of cases, deaths and injuries; to push back drug evils and illegal lotteries and stamp out gangs of scoundrels and hooligans in the locality. To step up the movement “All people safeguard the homeland’s security.”

4. List of projects prioritized for investment (See enclosed Appendix) translated).

5. Solutions to implementing the master plan

a/ To improve institutions of socialist-oriented market economy, improve the competitiveness of the province’s business environment:

- To regularly review and systematize the province’s legal documents and timely annul, adjust and supplement documents with contents no longer conforming to central current regulations and suitable to local practical conditions.

- To complete mechanisms, policies and regulations on finance and state budget to ensure publicity, transparency and accountability of sectors, levels and budget-funded units in accordance with regulations.

- To take drastic solutions to increasing the provincial competitiveness index (PCI).

- To maintain dialogues between enterprises and leaders of provincial and district administrations and specialized sectors to remove difficulties and resolve problems for enterprises during their operation in the locality.

- To further reform administrative procedures, improve the quality of administrative procedure settlement and propose eradication of unnecessary and troublesome procedures to shorten time and ensure fast, proper settlement.

- To continue to review, simplify and complete the process of receiving and settling administrative dossiers under the single-window mechanism at agencies, units and local administrations.

b/ To improve planning quality and effect of state management of planning:

To revise sectoral development master plans in line with national and regional master plans and the master plan on the province’s socio-economic development associated with pushing ahead the restructuring of the provincial economy in general and of each sector in particular to meet requirements of international and regional integration; to effectively zone off function-based maritime areas. In planning, to pay special attention to closely combining socio-economic development and national defense-security assurance and due attention to the requirements of environmental protection and active response to climate change, thus contributing to the implementation of the national sea and island strategy.

To complete and make public land use master plans and plans and master plans on infrastructure development and urban centers, industrial parks and important sectors and products prioritized for development.

To step up the inspection and supervision of departments, sectors and local administrations in complying with the master plan.

c/ To renew mechanisms and policies to mobilize, allocate and use investment capital

- To drastically and effectively restructure public investment;

+ To effectively overcome the problem of thinned-out and asynchronous investment.

- To further review and complete regulations, mechanisms and policies on decentralization and management of public investment in the province.

+ To elaborate and consistently and effectively implement medium-term investment plans in which state budget funds will be focused on key important works and projects and an appropriate part of the funds will be earmarked for site clearance and zoning off land areas for building residential areas.

+ To make public and transparent investment information; to promote and facilitate the community’s supervision of public investment projects.

- To renew mechanisms for resource mobilization and investment encouragement and management, expanding opportunities to attract domestic private investment and foreign investment:

+ To draw up and make public a list of feasible infrastructure investment projects capable of retrieving capital and determine specific mechanisms and policies for each project in each period so as to attract and mobilize private investment. To elaborate a foreign direct investment mobilization and promotion plan so as to develop sectors and trades prioritized for development. To step up the socialization of investment in cultural, education, health, sports-physical training, vocational training, and trade infrastructure works; to step up the movement “the State and the people join efforts” and “the people do, the State supports.”

+ To implement the mechanism of bidding of mineral exploration and exploitation rights, auction of land use rights and land-occupying projects to allocate or lease land for socio-economic development projects so as to ensure economical, efficient and sustainable use of minerals, land and natural resources.

+ To specify conditions for investors to be allocated or leased land to implement production, business or socio-economic development projects; to work out synchronous and specific sanctions against cases of using allocated or leased land wastefully, for improper purposes or speculation or of slowly putting land into use.

d/ To restructure state-owned enterprises; to improve quality of private enterprises

- To drastically and consistently restructure state enterprises: to equitize state enterprises and divest state capital under the Government and Prime Minister’s regulations and legal documents in each period. To ensure state enterprises operate under the market mechanism and compete equally with enterprises of other economic sectors. To increase examination and control of state enterprises in using capital in the locality.

- To effectively implement national programs on development and quality improvement of private enterprises. To continue implementing the program “Vietnamese people prioritize use of Vietnamese goods” to raise the awareness of using Vietnamese goods and assist small and medium-sized enterprises in selling their products.

dd/ To promote economic restructuring and increase the efficiency and connectivity among sectors and fields and cooperation with other localities in the country and international integration:

- To focus direction on production restructuring and prioritize the development of high added-value products with the application of high technology, information technology, clean technology, conservation of energy and protection of the environment.

- To review the implementation of mechanisms and policies to promote sectoral and inter-sectoral development. To expand and step up the partnership and cooperation with other localities around the country, especially provinces in the region, in order to exploit and bring into play to the utmost their potential and strengths; to properly perform external relations work together with actively seeking and expanding markets in a proactive and stable manner.

- To step up public information work to raise the awareness of the political system, business community and whole society about international economic integration. To effectively implement central and provincial action plans and programs on international integration. To well organize marketing work from the stage of communication, forecast and advertisement with the state’s support and active engagement of all economic sectors.

- To drastically guide the effective implementation of solutions to improving the investment environment on schedule and prepare necessary conditions for investment attraction; to adopt solutions to assisting enterprises in bringing into play their advantages and mitigating adverse impacts on the province’s key products upon the country’s deeper and wider integration into the international economy, especially implementation of the agreement on the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), free trade agreements and Trans- pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

e/ To improve human resource quality to facilitate economic restructuring and change of the growth model:

- To effectively implement the master plan on development of human resources in Binh Thuan province in the 2011-2020 period; the strategy on vocational training associated with social demands in the 2012-2020 period; and the scheme on vocational training for rural laborers in Binh Thuan province through 2020.

- To study the revision and supplementation of policies to support training of human resources with high qualifications, especially technicians, technologists and managers for sectors prioritized for development.

- To increase vocational training to satisfy the market’s practical demand as well as employers’ specific requirements. To further renovate training methods to be flexible and diversified; to step up training alignment among schools in the province and between local and foreign schools.

- To review the existing workforce in the province so as to work out labor training and re-training plans meeting economic development requirements, paying attention to the workforce for developing the province’s advantageous products.

- To improve the quality of labor for rural and agricultural development through expanding forms of vocational training combined with the transfer of up-to-date technologies and techniques and new production processes to farmer households; to multiply good models of vocational training for rural laborers, traditional craft villages and specialized cultivation zones, thus create job opportunities for rural workers.

g/ To develop science and technology to step up economic restructuring together with change of the growth model

- To implement policies to support producers and exporters in renovating technologies. To support enterprises in building and protecting their brands. To support enterprises in registering Binh Thuan dragon fruit and Phan Thiet fish sauce brands overseas.

- To promote the research, application and transfer of scientific and technological advances in agricultural, forestry, fisheries and salt production; to prioritize the implementation of applied research programs and projects associated with and serving production and capable of creating breakthroughs in productivity and product quality and adapting to climate change; to accelerate the application of high technologies in plant varieties, cultivation process and post-harvest preservation, especially for the province’s advantageous agricultural products.

- To further implement technology-equipment renewal policies for enterprises that produce the province’s advantageous products; to mobilize and encourage enterprises to invest in modern, environment-friendly, high-productivity and high added-value production lines.

Article 2. Organization of implementation of the master plan

Based on the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province through 2020 with a vision toward 2030, to quickly organize the implementation of the adjusted master plan according to the following principal contents:

1. To introduce and advertise the adjusted master plan to attract the attention of the entire people and participation of investors in the implementation.

2. To formulate an action program and a roadmap for the implementation of the adjusted master plan so as to harmoniously combine socio-economic development, ecological environment and national security-defense.

3. To develop mechanisms for coordination among sectors and administration levels and institutions for the implementation, strict supervision and inspection of the master plan as well as for investment promotion in the province. To formulate and promulgate intra vires or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the province’s development needs and in line with the State’s laws in each period with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for the implementation of the master plan.

4. To combine plans and master plans. To timely adjust and supplement sectoral development master plans. To formulate long-, medium- and short-term plans, key development programs and projects suitable to the new circumstances along the direction of synchronicity, modernity and assurance of ecological environment.

5. To study development schemes or readjust detailed master plans on a number of fields in the province as a basis for formulating five-year and annual plans: master plans on socio-economic development of districts, towns and city; master plans on development of urban system and residential spots; construction master plan; land use master plan and plans and sectoral development master plans to ensure overall and synchronous development under planning.

6. To detail and make public prioritized projects in the approved master plan (build economic-technical grounds) to raise capital and arrange capital sources for the implementation.

Article 3. Relevant ministries and sectors shall, within the ambit of their functions, duties and powers:

1. Guide and assist the People’s Committee of Binh Thuan province in the implementation of the master plan in studying, formulating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the province’s socio-economic development requirements in each period so as to effectively utilize resources, and encourage and attract investment according to the socio-economic development objectives and tasks set out in the master plan.

2. Coordinate with the People’s Committee of Binh Thuan province in adjusting and supplementing sectoral master plans to ensure the adjusted master plan’s synchronicity and consistency; support the province in mobilizing investment capital sources at home and abroad for the implementation of the master plan.

Article 4. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing and replaces the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 120/2009/QD-TTg of October 6, 2009.

Article 5. The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Binh Thuan province, ministers, and heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Xuan Phuc


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            Decision 2532/QD-TTg 2016 adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan
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