Quyết định 2566/QD-BGDDT

Decision No. 2566/QD-BGDDT dated September 9, 2020 on Approve Handbook to ensure safety in prevention and control of covid-19 pandemic in schools

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 2566/QD-BGDDT 2020 ensure safety in prevention and control of Covid-19 pandemic in schools


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 2566/QD-BGDDT

Hanoi, September 9, 2020





Pursuant to Government's Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP dated September 1, 2016 on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministries and ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to Government's Decree No. 69/2017/ND-CP dated May 25, 2017 on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

At the request of Director of Department of Physical Education.


Article 1. Approve Handbook to ensure safety in prevention and control of covid-19 pandemic in schools.

This Handbook is used at educational institutions nationwide (Attached document).

Article 2. This Decision comes into force as of the date of signing.

Article 3. Chief Officer, Director of Department of Physical Education, Director of Department of Preschool Education, Director of Department of Primary Education, Director of Department of Secondary Education, Heads of relevant units of the Ministry of Education and Training; Directors of Departments of Education and Training of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces, Department of Education, Science and Technology of Bac Lieu shall implement this Decision./.



Nguyen Huu Do









1. General information about the COVID-19 pandemic

1.1. What is COVID-19?

1.2. Pathogen of COVID-19: SAR-CoV-2 Virus

1.3. Transmission of COVID-19

1.4. Symptoms of COVID-19

1.5. Treatment of COVID-19

1.6. Subjects at risk for COVID-19

1.7. Measures to prevent COVID-19

1.8. Definition of confirmed case, suspect case, close contact

1.8.1. Confirmed case: is a suspect case or any case that has been confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 at a laboratory authorized by the Ministry of Health.

1.9. Principles of pandemic prevention and control

2. Basic principles of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control at schools

2.1. Before students go to school

2.2. During the time students study at school

2.3. After students leave school

3. Measures to ensure safe schools in pandemic prevention and control

3.1. Preparatory work of the school

3.2. The school's response to suspect case in school

3.3. The preparatory work of the school for students to return to school after the pandemic ends




The outbreak of acute respiratory disease caused by a novel strain of the coronavirus (COVID-19) declared by the World Health Organization as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and this virus has now spread to most countries and regions worldwide.  In Vietnam, the risk of pandemic outbreak has always existed.  Therefore, ensuring the safety for children, students, teachers, school administrators, staff and workers at educational institutions is particularly significant, especially in the current period when there is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine for COVID-19...

Precautions are needed to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in the school environment, while minimizing learning disruption and protecting students, teachers and staff in the school.  The Ministry of Education and Training formulates a reference in form of "Handbook to ensure safety in prevention and control of COVID-19 in schools". This document provides the most basic, brief and up-to-date contents about COVID-19 prevention and control in schools based on the general guidelines of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training and the World Health Organization.  This document is completed in a short time, so inadequacies are inevitable.. Therefore, we look forward to shares and comments on the content so that the document will continue to be amended and completed in the future.



1. General information about the COVID-19 pandemic

1.1. What is COVID-19?

On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan city, China.  A novel coronavirus was identified as the causal agent of the disease on January 7, 2020 and temporarily named the 2019 version of the coronavirus - nCoV (novel coronavirus) - the disease name is temporarily named acute respiratory infections caused by novel strain of coronavirus 2019.

On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced the official name for the disease that is COVID-19, in which "CO" is the abbreviation of the name of the Coronavirus, "VI" stands for the virus ( virus), “D” stands for disease, and 19 stands for 2019, the year when this novel strain was discovered.

A person diagnosed with COVID-19 is a suspect case or any case confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 at a laboratory authorized by the Ministry of Health.

1.2. Pathogen of COVID-19 - SAR-CoV-2 Virus

The causal agent of COVID-19 is the SARS-CoV-2 virus (formerly known as nCoV) which is a novel strain of coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans (Figure 1). Up to now, 6 coronavirus strains have been identified that can infect humans and SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member.

Figure 1. Morphology and structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

 (Source: Some Weird Truths About Viruses, And The COVID-19 Virus, Fobes)

1.3. Transmission of COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can be transmitted from a sick person or a healthy person carrying the virus (collectively referred to as a carrier) to a healthy person mainly through the following three ways:

a. SARS-CoV-2 spreads directly from person to person through droplets that a carrier coughs or breathes out from his nose or mouth. If you inhale or swallow droplets containing SARS-CoV-2, there is a risk of infection.  Up to this point, this form is considered the main route of transmission of the disease.

b. The SARS-CoV-2 virus infects healthy people by contact with objects that have SARS-CoV-2 on the surface.  Droplets produced by carriers when coughing, sneezing, breathing out fall on objects and surfaces nearby.  Others who touch these objects or surfaces and then touch their eyes, noses, or mouths are also at risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

c. Aerosol transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus can occur when some droplets from the respiratory tract are produced with a microscopic size of less than 5µm, which can be produced when a people breathes, coughs, sneezes or talks. Aerosols carrying SARS-CoV-2 virus produced from infected people can infect others if inhaled in sufficient quantity to cause infection.

1.4. Symptoms of COVID-19

After infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus, symptoms of COVID-19 may appear within 2-14 days, on average 5 days, infected people may have the following symptoms:  Cough, fever, shortness of breath, muscle pains, sore throat, loss of smell or taste (unknown reason), diarrhea, headache, and chest pain (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Possible symptoms of COVID-19

1.5. Treatment of COVID-19

In an emergency such as severe shortness of breath, call 115 and report your symptoms.

If not, call the Department of Health hotline (19009095) or the nearest local health facility and discuss your symptoms over the phone.  The doctor will guide you through the next steps, including whether or not you should test for COVID-19.

In treatment facilities, suspected patients and patients infected with SARS-COV-2 will be classified and their treatment places shall be identified depending on their patient's specific situation.

1.6. Subjects at risk for COVID-19

COVID-19 can be acquired by anyone of any age.

The group at higher risk of infection and death due to SARS-CoV-2 infection is the elderly and people with combination of several chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, chronic kidney disease.

In addition, some occupations and jobs are at increased risk of exposure to disease sources, leading to increased risk of infection such as:  health workers, workers in highly exposed environments such as aviation workers, railway workers, operators of public transport, etc.

1.7. Measures to prevent COVID-19

Similar to other respiratory infections such as the flu or the common cold, preventive measures are very important to prevent yourself from the disease and slow the spread of disease in the community.  Facing new developments of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health has recommended 9 measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic in the new context:

a. Regularly wash hands properly with soap under clean running water, or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Steps to wash hands under the guidance of the Ministry of Health

b. Wear a mask properly in public, on public transport and to health facilities (Figure 4, Figure 5).

Figure 4: How to properly wear a mask

 (Source: Guidelines for selecting and using a mask in Decision No. 1444/QD-BYT dated March 29, 2020)

Figure 5: How to properly remove a mask

 (Source: Guidelines for selecting and using a mask in Decision No. 1444/QD-BYT dated March 29, 2020)

c. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.  Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue, a cloth, or your elbow.

d. Increase mobility, maintain fitness, and keep proper nutrition, and build a healthy lifestyle.

e. Clean and keep the house and buildings well ventilated, clean surfaces.

f. If you have any symptom of fever, cough, sneezing and shortness of breath, isolate yourself at home, wear a mask and call the nearest health facility for advice, examination and treatment.

g. If you return from an pandemic area, you need to isolate yourself, do self-monitoring and make a full medical report.

h. Install online medical declaration applications at https://tokhaiyte.vn or NCOVI application from https://ncovi.vn and regularly update your own health status.

i. Install Bluezone application to be alerted to the risk of COVID-19 infection, help protect yourself and your family: https://www.bluezone.gov.vn/.1.8. Definition of confirmed case, suspect case, close contact

1.8.1. Confirmed case:  means a suspect case or any case confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 at a laboratory authorized by the Ministry of Health.

1.8.2. Suspect case:  A person with at least one of the following symptoms:  fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or pneumonia and one of the following epidemiological links:

- He/she has arrived in/passed/lived in/come back from the country or territory where COVID-19 cases of domestic transmission have been reported according to World Health Organization (WHO) in 14 days prior to his/her date of entry to Vietnam.

- He/she has arrived at/lived in/come back from an active outbreak in Vietnam in the 14 days prior to onset of symptoms.

- He/she has been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case or probable COVID-19 case in the 14 days prior to onset of symptoms.

1.8.3. Case of close contact:  Any individual within 2 meters of a confirmed case or suspect case, including

- Those that have lived in the same household or family with a confirmed case or suspect case.

- Those who have worked in the same working team or office with a confirmed case or suspect case.

- Those in the same group of tourists, business trip, pleasure, party, meeting, etc. with a confirmed case or suspect case

- Those sitting in the same row with and two rows before or after the seat of a confirmed case or suspect case on the same mean of transport (train, car, airplane, ship, etc.). In some specific cases, depending on the results of epidemiological investigations, the health authority will decide to expand the list of those in close contact regarding passengers traveling on the same mean of transport

- Any individual who has close contact with a confirmed case or suspect case in other situations.

1.9. Principles of pandemic prevention and control

- If a case is detected in a school, the school should coordinate with the authorities to take the following measures:

+ Spray disinfectant solution containing 0.05% active chlorine.

+ Thoroughly clean and spray disinfectant solution containing 0.05% active chlorine where there is a risk of pollution ...

+ Disinfect the workplace, canteens, and classrooms as recommended and directed by local health authorities if anyone at school shows fever, cough, shortness of breath, is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.

- Coordinate with local departments, mass organizations, parents of students in implementing isolation activities in accordance with regulations (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Isolation system for COVID-19 prevention and control in Vietnam (Source: Vietnam's 4-circle isolation system COVID-19 https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/-/he-thong-cach-ly-4-vong-chong-COVID-19-cua-viet-nam).2. Basic principles of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control at schools

2.1. Before students go to school

2.1.1. The school should advise students, teachers, school administrators, staff, and workers to do the following before going to school:

- For preschool children, students:  Parents must body temperature and monitor health of kids and students at home; if the kid or student has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, the parents must have him/her stay at home, monitor his/her health and refer him/her to a health facility to receive medical examination, advice and treatment Parents keep the student at home if the student is on home isolation as requested by the health authority.

- For teachers, staff and school workers:  It is necessary to comply and effectively implement the following regulations before students go to school:

a. Through electronic contact books or other communication systems (if any) to send information and instructions to students, parents the following:

+ Measures to protect health, monitor student health and practice personal hygiene measures at home, at school, on the way to school and on the way home according to student’s and parents’ to-do lists..

+ Ask students, parents to check the temperature, symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath of students before going to school; if a student shows signs of fever, cough, or shortness of breath, the parents will have the student stay at home or the student will stay at home, inform the school immediately, and refer the student to the health facility for examination, counseling and treatment.  Student will stay at home/parents will keep the student at home if the student is on home isolation as requested by the health authority (compulsory).

+ Inform students and parents about pandemic prevention measures that have been taken and will continue to be implemented at the school so that students and their parents can be assured.

+ Parents may not enter school premises during time of drop-off and pick-up of students.

b. Coordinate and liaise closely with parents to monitor student health.

c. The teachers will self-measure the temperature and monitor the health at home.  If the teacher has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, he/she should actively notify the school and stay home to monitor his/her health and go to the health facility for examination, consultation and treatment.  The teacher is not allowed to go to school if he/she has been isolated at home at the request of health authority.

2.1.2. Clean the school before students go to school

- Organize the cleaning of the outdoor environment (clear the bushes, get rid of stagnant water, water containers must be covered).

- Organize a one-time school disinfection by spraying or wiping the floor, walls (if possible), doorknobs, stair handrails, handrails, tables and chairs, toys, learning materials and objects in classrooms, function rooms.  Disinfect with common detergents such as all-purpose cleaning solutions or disinfectants containing 0.05% active chlorine or solutions containing at least 60% alcohol, preferably disinfection by cleaning.

2.2. During the time students study at school

2.2.1. Organize, manage and implement activities on the basis of the Health Ministry's guidance on pandemic prevention and control

a. Do not organize activities requiring mass gathering, field trips, picnics, extra classes; flag salute is organized in the classroom.  Stagger the beginning time, break time, end time between grades.

b. The school prescribes and guides students to follow the To-do things below (Figure 7):

Figure 7. Daily things students need to do at school to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic and respiratory diseases.

- Wash your hands with clean water and soap often.  Wash hands: before entering class, before and after eating, after play time, break time, after going to the toilet, when hands are dirty, after coughing, sneezing, after cleaning surfaces.

- Cover your nose or mouth when you cough or sneeze (preferably with a clean tissue, cloth or handkerchief, or sleeve to reduce the spread of respiratory secretions).  Dispose of the used tissue in the trash and wash your hands.

- Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.

- Prepare cups/bottles of water, towels, hand towels, pillows, blankets, etc. for private use in class (if necessary).

- Do not share personal items such as cups, water bottles, face towels, hand towels, pillows, blankets,  etc.

- Do not spit indiscriminately.

- Wear a mask properly.

- Throw trash at the designated place.

- If fever, cough, or shortness of breath, notify the class head teacher immediately.

- Avoid stigmatizing, alienating or teasing your friends.

c. Every day, before starting a lesson, the teacher takes attendance and asks students if they have fever, cough, shortness of breath, or fatigue (for preschool kids, ask parents when the teacher receives the kid).  If so, the teacher immediately takes the student to the infirmary for inspection, monitoring and timely actions.

d. During school time:

- When teachers, school health workers detect that a student has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, they must immediately refer that student to the infirmary for inspection, monitoring, isolation and immediately notify the health station of commune, governing body and parents of that student.  School health workers are responsible for providing health masks and proper wearing instructions for the above student.

- When teachers, school administrators or staff have fever, cough, or shortness of breath, they must immediately go to the infirmary to be checked, monitored and isolated.  The school health worker shall immediately notify the commune health station, the governing body, and further provide health masks and instructions to properly wear them to the above-mentioned teachers, school administrators and staff.

e. The school assigns people in charge during the drop-off and pick-up of student time at the school gate; the parents may not enter the school premises; security guards at the school and dormitory restricts unauthorized people from entering the school and dormitory premises.

2.2.2. The school’s cleaning and disinfection during the time students study at school

- Arrange a place for preparing disinfectant solution, storing chemicals, disinfection and environmental sanitation equipment. Disinfect with common detergents such as all-purpose cleaning solutions or disinfectants containing 0.05% active chlorine or solutions containing at least 60% alcohol, preferably disinfection by cleaning.

- Assign staff to prepare disinfectant solution, spray or wipe, disinfect, clean the school building, classrooms, school buses, etc. (if not hiring a disinfection service provider).- Once a day, after school, the school organizes cleaning and disinfection of floors, walls (if possible), furniture, toys, learning materials and objects in classrooms and function rooms.

- Twice a day, after school in the morning and at the end of the day, the school organizes cleaning doorknobs, stair handrails, handrails, and elevator buttons.

- Once a day, the school organizes cleaning, and disinfection of the hand washing area, the toilet.

- Limit the use of toys and learning materials made of non-sterile materials.

- For school buses:  Twice a day, after each trip of pick-up and drop-off of students, disinfect car door handles, handrails, seats, windows, and the car floor.

- Arrange enough garbage and waste containers with tight lids, place them in a convenient location and carry out daily collection and treatment.

- In the event that a student, teacher, or school administrator or staff member has fever, cough, shortness of breath, is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, the school must perform disinfection as stated in recommendation and guidance from local health authorities.

- Check daily and promptly arrange sufficient and soap, hand sanitizers, and equipment for school sanitation.

- Limit the use of air conditioners in the classroom.  At the end of each class, the classroom door must be opened to create ventilation.

2.2.3. Track and monitor health issues of students at school

- Assign health workers/teachers-cum-health workers to prevent and control pandemic during the time students are at school.

- Ensure health workers/teachers-cum-health workers strictly follow the instructions on prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic at the school and things to do of health workers according to the list.

- Develop a plan to procure medical equipment for pandemic prevention and control, daily check and promptly supplement medical equipment according to regulations at the  

- Regulate that health workers/teachers-cum-health-workers regularly contact the commune health station or the local health agency according to regulations for guidance and support.

2.2.4. Communication program for disease prevention in schools

- Provide training for teachers, school administrators and staff on pandemic prevention and control, personal hygiene, school environmental sanitation, how to detect symptoms of COVID-19 such as:  fever, cough, shortness of breath; things to do while students are at school under the category “What teachers should do while students are at school - to prevent COVID-19 disease”.

- Provide training to ensure health workers/teachers-cum-health workers strictly follow the instructions on prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic at the school and things to do of health workers according to the list.

- The school informs school administrators, teachers, staff and workers of the school to self-measure the temperature and monitor the health at home.  If anybody has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, they should actively notify the school and stay home to monitor your health and go to the health facility for examination, consultation and treatment.  The administrator, teacher, staff member or worker is not allowed to go to school if he/she has been isolated at home at the request of health authority.

- Through electronic contact books or other communication systems (if any) to send information and instructions to students, parents the following:

+ Measures to protect health, monitor student health and practice personal hygiene measures at home, at school, on the way to school and on the way home.

+ Ask students, parents to check the temperature, symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath of students before going to school; if a student shows signs of fever, cough, or shortness of breath, the parents will have the student stay at home or the student will stay at home, inform the school immediately, and refer the student to the health facility for examination, counseling and treatment.  Parents keep the student at home if the student is on home isolation as requested by the health authority (compulsory).

+ Inform students and parents about pandemic prevention measures that have been taken and will continue to be implemented at the school or dormitory so that students and their parents can be assured.

+ Parents may not enter school premises during pick-up and drop-off time.

- Display leaflets, posters in visible places, make messages that can be texted through electronic contact books or other communication systems (if any) for students, parents about measures to prevent and control the pandemic such as personal hygiene, students' things to do, etc.

2.2.5. Monitoring

- School/Steering Committee for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control assigns administrators, teachers, and staff to urge, inspect and supervise the implementation of the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control at school.

- School/Steering Committee for pandemic prevention and control assigns administrators to check and supervise teachers and health workers' implementation of the works under the list “Things teachers need to do at school to prevent COVID-19” and “Things health workers need to do at school to prevent COVID-19”.

- School/Steering Committee for pandemic prevention and control assigns administrators to inspect and supervise the implementation of sterilization and environmental sanitation of classrooms and school buildings, and school buses.

- The Steering Committee for pandemic prevention and control compiles daily, weekly and monthly COVID-19 report on pandemic prevention and informs the School Board to know and promptly take further actions.

2.3. After students leave school

- Strictly enforce social distancing when exiting the school gate.

- Remind students to wear masks on the way home.

- The school maintains the cleaning and disinfection of school buildings and classrooms according to regulations.

- Check and promptly supply hand sanitizers, soap and other items for the next class sessions.

Figure 8. Daily things students need to do at school to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic and respiratory diseases.

3. Measures to ensure safe schools in pandemic prevention and control

3.1. Preparatory work of the school

3.1.1. Preparatory work

- Establish a Steering Committee for the prevention and control of COVID-19 at the school, with the principal as the Head, health worker or teacher-cum-health-worker as the standing Deputy Head and members including representatives of the commune/ward health station or local health authority as prescribed, representative of the Student Parent Union and other relevant entities.

- Assign specific responsibilities to each member of the Steering Committee, teachers, school administrators and staff.

- Assign the health worker or teacher-cum-health-worker to act as the contact point to advise the Principal, the Steering Committee for pandemic prevention and control in the development of plans and implementation, supervision of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control at school.

- Inform and request the entities that provide services for the school (food, cooking, school bus, food sale, environmental sanitation, etc.) to commit to provide safe service for pandemic prevention and control.

- Develop rules for cross-checking the implementation between classes, groups, etc.

- Prepare sufficient supply to ensure pandemic prevention requirements.

3.1.2. For students

The school requests, supervises and reminds students to strictly comply with the school's disease prevention rules according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health as mentioned above.

3.1.3. For teachers

The school requests, supervises and reminds teachers to strictly comply with the school's disease prevention rules according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health:

- Through electronic contact books or other communication systems (if any) to send information and instructions to students, parents the following:

+ Measures to protect health, monitor student health and practice personal hygiene measures at home, at school, on the way to school and on the way home according to student’s and parents’ to-do lists..

+ Ask students, parents to check the temperature, symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath of students before going to school; if a student shows signs of fever, cough, or shortness of breath, the parents will have the student stay at home or the student will stay at home, inform the school immediately, and refer the student to the health facility for examination, counseling and treatment.  Student will stay at home/parents will keep the student at home if the student is on home isolation as requested by the health authority (compulsory).

+ Inform students and parents about pandemic prevention measures that have been taken and will continue to be implemented at the school so that students and their parents can be assured.

+ Guide parents to ensure safety in pandemic prevention and control during time of pick-up and drop-off of students.

- Coordinate and liaise closely with parents to monitor student health.

- The teachers will self-measure the temperature and monitor the health at home.  If anybody has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, they should actively notify the school and stay home to monitor your health and go to the health facility for examination, consultation and treatment.

- The teacher is not allowed to go to school if he/she has been isolated at home at the request of health authority.

- At school, teachers need to regularly remind students to comply with requirements on regulations on pandemic prevention.

3.1.4. For health worker in schools

- Contact the commune/ward health station or local health agency according to regulations for guidance and coordination to develop a plan and support the implementation of pandemic prevention and control at school.

- Advise the Principal to establish a Steering Committee for the prevention and control of COVID-19 at the school, with the principal as the Head, health worker or teacher-cum-health-worker as the standing Deputy Head and members including representatives of the commune/ward health station or local health authority as prescribed, representative of the Student Parent Union and other relevant entities.

- Advise the Principal of the school to develop a plan and implement disinfection and environmental sanitation in school, ensuring facilities and equipment for environmental sanitation.

- Advise the school principal to issue notices, commitment forms between service providers (food, cooking, school bus, food sale, environmental sanitation, etc. ) and the school to ensure the implementation of safe services for pandemic prevention and control.- Advise the Principal to arrange a infirmary at the school with full medical equipment according to Joint-Circular No. 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDDT dated May 22, 2016 on school health care and separate areas to isolate students, teachers, administrators, or staff having cough, fever, shortness of breath (where necessary).

- Check, monitor, remind teachers, students in each class , cleaners, service providers to follow the to-do list on a daily basis.

- Coordinate with teachers to monitor students' health, detect and promptly handle cases of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue and make a monitoring book.

- When detecting a student, teacher, administrator or staff member has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, immediately refer that person to the infirmary for inspection, monitoring, isolation and immediately notify the health station of commune, governing body and parents of that student.  The health worker must wear full personal protective equipment according to regulations and be responsible for providing medical masks, guiding the correct use of masks for the above people.

- Check and report to the School Board to promptly supply medical equipment according to regulations at the infirmary on a daily basis.

- Advise the Principal in assigning administrators and teachers to urge, inspect and supervise the COVID-19 prevention and control at school.

- Submit daily, weekly and monthly COVID-19 report on pandemic prevention to the Principle/School Board.

3.1.5. For security guard in school

- The security guard shall self-measure temperature and monitor health at home.  If the security guard has fever, cough, or shortness of breath, he/she should actively notify the school and stay home to monitor health and go to the health facility for examination, consultation and treatment.  The security guard is not allowed to go to school if he/she has been isolated at home at the request of health authority.

- Restrict parents and unauthorized people to enter the school premises.

- Do not allow students to leave school during school hours.

- Upon visit of persons who are not school administrators or teachers (guests), the security guards must do the following:

+ Measure temperature, ask if they have fever, cough, and shortness of breath.  If so, do not allow them to enter school premises.

+ Report to the School Board.

+ Write down the name, address of the workplace/residence, contact phone number, date and time of entry and exit and the name of the school administrator working with the guest; guide the guest to the right room to work, and do not to enter other unnecessary areas.

+ Wear a mask properly when dealing with the guest.

+ Ask the guest to wear a mask properly.

- Do not allow students to freely gather or hang out in crowd in the school yard.

- Remind students, teachers, and school administrators to wear masks properly, not to spit or throw trash indiscriminately.

- When the security guard shows signs of fever, cough, or shortness of breath, he/she must immediately go to the infirmary to be checked, monitored and promptly handled.

3.2. The school's response to suspect case in school

When detecting that a student, teacher, administrator, staff member or worker of the school has one of the symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath (the suspect) at the school, the school should follow steps below:

- Take the suspect to a separate isolated area in the infirmary or the area arranged by the school. Limit contact with people around, avoid close contact less than 1 meter with other people.

- Health worker/teacher-cum-health-worker (hereinafter referred to as health worker) wears a medical mask, gloves, and medical uniform. Provide medical masks and instruct the suspect to properly wear the mask and promptly notify the health authority for further actions.

3.3. The preparatory work of the school for students to return to school after the pandemic ends

Before students return to school, the school must implement the following:

- Ensure there is enough hygienic drinking water and each student has a private and hygienic cup. Ensure food safety and hygiene in the school.  If the school provides students with face towels and hand towels, each student must have a separate towel and wash the towel with soap after each school day.

- Set up and ensure hand washing facilities have soap and clean water; make sure the toilet is clean; ensure there is enough soap, disinfectant solution, and equipment for school sanitation.

- Increase ventilation in the classroom by opening doors and windows, using fans, and limiting the use of air conditioners.

- Provide training for teachers, school administrators and staff on pandemic prevention and control, personal hygiene, school environmental sanitation, how to detect symptoms of COVID-19 such as:  fever, cough , shortness of breath.

- Before students return to school, through electronic contact books or other communication systems (if any), the school will send information and instructions to students, parents:

+ Measures to protect health, monitor student health and practice personal hygiene measures at home, at school, on the way to school and on the way home.

+ Ask students, parents to monitor the temperature, symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath of students before going to school and inform the school immediately when students show signs of fever, cough, and shortness of breath (required).

+ Inform students and parents about pandemic prevention measures that have been taken and will continue to be implemented at the school or dormitory so that students and their parents can be assured.

- The school needs to ensure a safe school environment, clean and disinfect the school, closely monitor student health so that students do not have to wear medical masks at school.

- Arrange school infirmaries with full medical equipment according to regulations and have separate rooms to isolate students, teachers, administrators, staff, workers with symptoms of cough, fever, shortness of breath (where necessary).

- Prepare medical masks for students, teachers, administrators, staff, and workers with fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

- Contact the commune/ward health station or local health agency according to regulations for guidance and coordination to develop a plan and support the implementation of pandemic prevention and control at school.



1. Ministry of Health, Official Dispatch No. 914/BYT-MT dated February 26, 2020 on strengthening COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control in dormitories, schools.

2. Ministry of Health, Official Dispatch No. 1244/BYT-MT dated 13/3/2020 on guiding the handling of fever, cough, shortness of breath at school.

3. Ministry of Health, Official Dispatch No. 2234/BYT-MT dated 21/4/020 on implementation of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control in educational institutions.

4. Ministry of Health, Decision No. 343/QD-BYT dated February 7, 2020 promulgating Temporary guidance on monitoring and prevention of acute respiratory infections.

5. Ministry of Health, Decision No. 344/QD-BYT dated February 7, 2020 promulgating guidance on medical isolation in concentrated isolation establishments for prevention and control of acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of the Coronavirus.

6. Ministry of Health, Decision No. 345/QD-BYT dated February 7, 2020 promulgating guidance on medical isolation at home and residence to prevent and control acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of Coronavirus.

7. The Ministry of Health, Decision No. 878/QD-BYT dated 12/03/2020 on guidance on medical isolation in concentrated isolation establishments for prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic.

8. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 239/BGDDT-GDTC dated January 22, 2020 on strengthening the implementation of school healthcare, winter-spring epidemic prevention.

9. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 260/BGDDT-GDTC dated January 31, 2020 on prevention and control of acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of Coronavirus in schools

10. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 265/BGDDT-GDTC dated February 1, 2020 on the implementation of Directive No. 06/CT-TTg dated January 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister.

11. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 269/BGDDT-GDTC dated February 3, 2020 on guidelines for students’ time-off from school to prevent and control nCoV pandemic.

12. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 460/BGDDT-GDTC dated February 13, 2020 on strengthening measures to prevent and control COVID-19 when students return to school.

13. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 550/BGDDT-GDTC dated 25/02/2020 on the implementation of measures to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic in schools.

14. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 696/BGDDT-GDTC dated 04/03/2020 on things to do to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic in schools.

15. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 975/BGDDT-GDTC dated 18/3/2020 on instructing local governments and educational institutions to handle students having fever, cough, , shortness of breath, or suspected to have COVID-19 in school.

16. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 1398/BGDDT-GDTC dated April 23, 2020 guiding the safety conditions for students to return to school and handling suspect cases of COVID-19 in schools.

17. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 1467/BGDDT-GDTC dated 28 April 2020 on the issuance of set of criteria for assessing the safety of COVID-19 pandemic prevention in schools  

18. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 1583/BGDDT-GDTC dated May 7, 2020 on the implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures at schools in the new context.

19. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 2497/BGDDT-GDTC July 9, 2020 on strengthening the prevention and control of diphtheria epidemic in schools.

20. Ministry of Education and Training, Official Dispatch No. 2908/BGDDT-GDTC dated August 4, 2020 on ensuring the safety of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control in the high school graduation examination of 2020.

21. Cascella M, Rajnik M, Cuomo A, Dulebohn SC, Di Napoli R. Features, Evaluation and Treatment Coronavirus (COVID-19). In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2020. Accessed March 18, 2020. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554776/.

22. The Department of Medical Examination and Treatment, Official Dispatch No. 96/KCB-DD & KSNK dated January 24, 2020 on prevention and control of acute pneumonia caused by new Coronavirus (nCoV) in hospital.23. The Department of Medical Examination and Treatment - Ministry of Health, Official Dispatch No. 100/KCB-NV dated January 31, 2020 on the management and treatment of patients with acute respiratory infections caused by nCoV.24. The Department of Health Environment Management, Official Dispatch 476/MT-VP 2020 on list of things to do for COVID-19 disease prevention and control in schools.

25. Cui J, Li F, Shi Z-L. Origin and evolution of pathogenic coronaviruses. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2019;17(3):181-192. doi:10.1038/s41579-018-0118-9

26. The Vietnam Dietetic Association. A Guide to Preventive Nutrition for COVID-19. Labour Publishing House; 2020.

27. UNICEF. COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness and Response; WASH and Infection Prevention and Control Measures in Schools. Published online March 25, 2020.

28. UNICEF, WHO, CIFRC. Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools.; 2020.

29. WHO. Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for the COVID-19 virus. Published online March 2020.

30. WHO. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Early investigations. Accessed March 1, 2020. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/technical-guidance/early-investigations.

31. WHO. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Infection prevention and control. Accessed March 1, 2020. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/technical-guidance/infection-prevention-and-control.

32. WHO. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Surveillance and case definitions. Accessed March 1, 2020. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/technical- guidance/surveillance-and-case-definitions.

33. Wu D, Wu T, Liu Q, Yang Z. The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak: what we know. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020;0(0). doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.03.004.



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                Decision 2566/QD-BGDDT 2020 ensure safety in prevention and control of Covid-19 pandemic in schools
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                            Văn bản gốc Decision 2566/QD-BGDDT 2020 ensure safety in prevention and control of Covid-19 pandemic in schools

                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision 2566/QD-BGDDT 2020 ensure safety in prevention and control of Covid-19 pandemic in schools

                            • 09/09/2020

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