Quyết định 342/QD-TTg

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 342/QD-TTg 2022 Promulgation of natural disaster management plan


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 342/QD-TTg

Hanoi, March 15, 2022





Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; Law on Amendments to some Articles of the Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Government Organization dated November 27, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on Natural Disaster Management dated June 19, 2013; Law dated June 17, 2020 on Amendments to some Articles of the Law on Natural Disaster Management and Law on Flood Control Systems;

At the request of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,


Article 1. Promulgated together with this Decision is the Natural disaster management plan by 2025.

Article 2. This Decision comes into force from the day on which it is signed.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, Chairmen/Chairwomen of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities and heads of organizations and individuals concerned are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.




Le Van Thanh



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 342/QD-TTg dated March 15, 2022)


1. Natural characteristics

Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate and stretches across 15 degrees of north latitude; covers a land area of about 329,241 km2; has a criss-crossing network of rivers and streams (about 2,360 rivers and streams with a length of 10 km or more); major rivers are part of trans-boundary rivers and most of the basins exist in other countries; the flow regime is characterized by two distinct seasons (flood season and dry season); Vietnam also has a coastline of over 3,260 km with 114 estuaries. Even though our country has advantages for socio-economic development thanks to topographic diversity and various climatic characteristics, we are also frequently affected by different types of natural disasters, especially storms, sea level rise, strong winds at sea, floods, flash floods, landslides, inundation, riverbank and coastal erosion, etc.

2. Socio - economic characteristics

During 2016 – 2020 period, the economic growth remains high (the average GDP is around 6%; in 2020 alone, despite being heavily affected by natural disasters and pandemic, GDP still grows by 2.91%). The documents of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party set main economic development targets during 2021-2025 targets: the 5-year GDP is estimated to increase by 6.5 - 7%; the GDP per capita will reach 4,700 - 5,000 USD by 2025, etc.

According to 2019's statistics, Vietnam has 96.48 million people, the population distribution is uneven between mountains and plains. An increasing proportion of the population lives in urban areas and a decreasing proportion of the population lives in rural areas. Population growth and rapid urbanization have placed heavy pressure on natural resources and environment, thereby leading to the degradation (flow encroachment, occupation in estuaries, coastal areas, and streams; uncontrolled exploitation of mineral resources; deforestation, forest burning, waste generation). Those are factors that increase the risk of various types of natural disasters.

3. Natural disasters (hereinafter referred to as “disasters”)

There have been increasingly severe disasters (1,799 natural disasters occurred during 2016 – 2020 period, including 20/21 basic types of disasters), including strong typhoons, super typhoons, especially heavy rains, hail, widespread flooding, flash floods, landslides, riverbank and coastal erosion, cold from 13-15 centigrade (severe cold), cold under 13 centigrade (damaging cold), drought, forest fire, saltwater intrusion, thunderstorms, whirlwinds, lightning. To be specific:

- Storms frequently occur with strong intensity and complicated developments (66 storms and tropical depressions occurred during 2016-2020 period), a record of 16 storms and 06 tropical depressions was set in 2017 and 13 storms hit the South China Sea in 2020 (overlapping storms occurred: 5 consecutive storms hit in the central region).

- Heavy rains frequently occur, resulting in major floods, inundation, flash floods and landslides; in the central region, the total rainfall in 5 days on October 2020 reached a historic level of over 3,000 mm, causing severe inundation and damage. Historic floods occur consecutively in multiple regions. In some regions, the rainfall reached a historic level or a level equivalent to the historic level, causing widespread and prolonged inundation. Flash floods and landslides frequently occur in mountainous provinces, causing loss of lives and damage to property, especially in the northern highlands and central region.

- Riverbank and coastal erosion have increased, seriously threatening the lives and property of the People and the State, especially in the Mekong Delta, causing the loss of about 300 hectares of land each year.

- Droughts and saltwater intrusion are becoming more and more complicated, especially the historic saltwater intrusion and drought in late 2015, early 2016 and early 2020 in the South Central Coast, Central Highlands and Mekong Delta.

- In addition, severe heat, severe cold, damaging cold, thunderstorms, whirlwinds, lightning and hail also frequently occur.

Those pose a huge challenge to the disaster management.

4. Forecasting disaster risks against which management measures must be taken

- Storms, tropical depressions.

- Widespread floods and inundation, inundation caused by rain and tide.

- Flash floods, landslides; riverbank and coastal erosion.

- Droughts, saltwater intrusion.

- Severe cold, damaging cold, frost.


1. General objectives: Determine main tasks in natural disaster management which should be performed during 2021-2025 with a view to implementing the National Disaster Management Strategy by 2030 with a vision towards 2050; increase the capacity for natural disaster management and climate change adaptation so as to proactively respond to and minimize damage caused by disasters.

2. Specific objectives

a) Complete the legal system, mechanisms and policies for disaster management and related to disaster management.

b) Increase the capacity for disaster management, especially several types of main disasters frequently occurring recently and possibly occurring in the coming time such as tropical depressions, storms, floods, inundation, flash floods, landslides, riverbank and costal erosion, droughts and saltwater intrusion.

c) Attract and effectively use investment sources, synchronously take disaster management measures in association with the development plans of industries, local governments, socio-economic development and investment efficiency promotion.

d) Gradually complete infrastructure for disaster management and climate change adaptation together with development of other infrastructure and new rural construction.


1. Complete law, mechanisms and policies on disaster management

a) Review and complete legislative documents on disaster management and other laws related to disaster management such as hydrometeorology, water resources, irrigation, land, forestry and bidding in order to ensure the consistency in legal system, mobilize resources, especially off-state budget resources for disaster management, including prevention and control of riverbank and coastal erosion for the purposes of soil retention and restoration of mangrove forests in the Mekong Delta.

b) Perfect national standards, national technical regulations and regulations so as to comply with disaster management requirements and control disaster risks, thereby proactively adapting to disasters in the context of climate change, especially standard on flood prevention and control, urban drainage, storm preparedness and protection of infrastructure, public works and people's houses from landslides.

c) Review and perfect mechanisms and policies to facilitate mobilization of off-budget resources for disaster management; attract enterprises, organizations and individuals to invest in scientific research, apply and transfer technologies, provide services and invest in construction of works serving disaster management; assist people in relocating from areas prone to frequent inundation and at high risk of flash floods and landslides; study special mechanisms and occupational incentives offered to forces directly engaged in disaster management in accordance with the Communist Party's guidelines and the State's laws.

2. Communicate information, disseminate laws and increase skills and awareness of disaster management.

a) Disseminate laws, mechanisms and policies on disaster management, disaster risks and climate change adaptation to increase the people’s awareness through Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam and other mass media adopting appropriate methods.

b) Spread knowledge and skills in disaster management and adaptation to climate change, especially the skill in response to major and complicated disasters to local governments, people and enterprises in order for them to proactively take measures for disaster management and damage minimization.

c) Incorporate knowledge about disaster management into training programs and extra-curricular activities of some general education levels; integrate disaster management contents into communication activities aimed at increasing awareness and capacity in communities and at village- and commune-level cultural events.

d) Promote effective implementation of the Scheme for community awareness raising and community-based disaster risk management. To be specific:

- Building a system for providing information and broadcasting news on disaster warnings from commune-level centers to villages and people.

- Providing professional training in disaster response and search and rescue (SAR) to internal disaster management forces, volunteers and guides.

- Enable residential communities to participate in assessing disaster risks, create disaster risk zoning maps at commune level, and develop a disaster management plan and skills in integrating disaster management activities into the communal socio-economic development plan.

- Spread knowledge and provide training to increase communities’ awareness of and skills in disaster management.

- Organize drills in response to types of disasters within communal communities.

3. Increase capacity of disaster management forces.

a) Continue to strengthen disaster management and SAR apparatus and forces in a streamlined, professional and effective manner; develop training materials, provide training in standardizing capability for disaster management forces.

b) Provide training to full-time officials to increase their capacity of for advising and directing disaster management building; provide training in situation handling skills to forces directly managing flood control systems, disaster management forces and forces participating in disaster management.

c) Invest in and upgrade infrastructure and equipment to service operations of authorities advising and directing disaster management and SAR at all levels, focusing on updating and supplementing the database in service of the advising, direction and operation, and disaster management decision support; build the National Steering Center for Natural Disaster Management; build the fisheries management system (phase 2); procure specialized equipment.

d) Organize drills in disaster management and SAR to increase capacity for directing, commanding, operating and coordinating forces.

4. Increase capacity and quality of disaster forecasting and warning.

a) Build and review disaster risk zoning, create maps of warnings of risks of disasters, especially floods, inundation, flash floods, landslides, droughts and saltwater intrusion.

b) Upgrade and modernize technology for disaster forecasting and warning in the national hydrometeorological forecasting and warning system, especially in mountainous and coastal areas of the central region and the Mekong Delta to meet the requirements for climate change adaptation; build systems for impact-based forecasting and risk-based warning of hydrometeorological hazards and disasters.

c) Continue to build the climate change and sea level rise monitoring systems; disaster warning and information system in response to climate change; apply modern technologies to climate forecasting; survey and assess hydrometeorological resources and monitor climate change.

d) Modernize the hydrometeorological monitoring system in an automated manner, especially the system of rain gauge stations; upgrade the transmission infrastructure serving collection of hydrometeorological data.

dd) Develop digital forecasting and rainfall forecasting technologies; flood forecasting technology serving reservoir operation.

5. Carry out baseline surveys of disaster management; develop disaster management planning and plan

a) Regarding baseline surveys: focus on surveying and evaluating baseline information and data in service of studying and formulation of strategic orientations and planning for disaster management:

- Survey the current prevention of flash floods and landslides in areas prone to frequent flash floods and landslides in the Northern Highlands, central region and Central Highlands, and riverbank and coastal erosion in the central region and Mekong Delta.

- Survey and evaluate flow, silt and sediment in some major river systems, especially the Red River, Thai Binh river and Mekong river system.

- Survey and collect data on population and infrastructural constructions in river terraces, river banks, and assess downstream flood drainage capacity of some river basins and large reservoirs in the central region, Central Highlands, and Southeast Region which are often flooded upon heavy rain occurrence and flood discharge reservoir to form a basis for proposing solutions for facilitating flood drainage and runoff.

b) Regarding planning:

- Focus on formulating national sector planning for disaster management and in relation to disaster management, including disaster management and irrigation planning; planning for fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels; national forestry planning; planning for network of national hydrometeorological stations; national water resources planning. Formulate disaster management plans, flood control system development plans and provincial planning.

- Review and adjust detailed and technical planning for disaster management and in relation to disaster management, including planning for flooding control of rivers section with dikes; flood control system planning; irrigation planning.

c) Develop disaster management plans at all levels; plan for implementation of the National Disaster Management Strategy by 2030 with a vision towards 2050 and Control to 2030 with a vision to 2050; update plans to respond to some types of disasters that frequently occur in the areas, especially storms, floods, flash floods, landslides, droughts, saltwater intrusion, riverbank and coastal erosion according to regulations of the Law on Natural Disaster Management.

6. Science and technology

a) Consider transforming production structure and adjusting seasons, plant varieties and animal breeds to proactively take precautionary measures against disasters and adapt to climate change.

b) Conduct scientific research and apply technologies to disaster management, especially to disaster monitoring, forecasting and warning; manage and operate disaster management works; manage and operate reservoirs in order to effectively exploit water resources; monitor changes in riverbank and coast.

c) Build database and software for disaster management and flood and inundation simulation; study and assess the impact of increased risks of disasters, especially floods in the Central region and Central Highlands regions, and impacts of upstream development on downstream disasters.

d) Consider perfecting models of houses and buildings that are safe to adapt to disasters hitting each region, especially in areas prone to frequent storms and floods; models of safe schools, cultural houses and community houses serve both their intended purposes and evacuation purposes in favor of disaster management; dyke works, irrigation works and other works related to disaster management.

dd) Consider applying new materials to construction, consolidation, upgrading, maintenance and urgent response to dikes of dyke works and disaster management.

e) Undertake scientific research and apply high technology to hydrometeorological monitoring; forecast and warn disasters and monitor climate change; assess disaster risks and carry out disaster risk zoning, create disaster warning maps and process hydrometeorological data.

7. International cooperation

a) Promote international cooperation and exchange information in order to improve quality of disaster forecasting and warning, disaster management and search and rescue.

b) Participate in disaster response drills, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief together with countries in the region; exchange information, provide training and participate in disaster response drills together with ASEAN countries.

c) Proactively participate in mechanisms for cooperation in disaster management, give priority to cooperation mechanisms: ACDM, Mekong River Commission, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, ARF, ASEM, Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, etc.

d) Fully and responsibly implement treaties, agreements and cooperation agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory; maintain cooperation, share information and database; cooperate in SAR operations.

8. Investment in disaster management infrastructure

a) Tropical depression, storm, strong typhoon and super typhoon preparedness: Focus on building, fortifying and upgrading storm shelters for ships in combination with fisheries logistics services according to the planning. Continue to plant coastal protection forests; repair, fortify and upgrade sea dikes and embankments; build and fortify houses which serve both their intended purposes and evacuation purposes upon powerful storm and major flood occurrence people; build and strengthen the multi-target disaster warning system.

b) Flood and inundation prevention and control: Execute projects to repair and upgrade dikes serving flood prevention and control, and enhance flood drainage capacity; plant headwater protection forests; prevent flooding in big cities; build residential clusters and dykes and houses in flooded areas of the Mekong Delta.

c) Flash flood and landslide prevention and control: build flash flood and landslide monitoring and early warning systems; works serving flash flood and landslide prevention and control. Proactively relocate people and arrange settlements in areas at high risk of flash floods and landslides to safe places, and at the same time build muster facilities to shelter relocated people (for areas where it is impossible to provide available settlements and it is required to provide concentration areas).

d) Riverbank and coastal erosion prevention and control: execute projects to build embankments to prevent riverbank and coastal erosion; restore coastal mangrove forests, especially in the provinces of the Mekong Delta and the Central Coast according to the riverbank and coastal erosion prevention scheme.

dd) Drought and saltwater intrusion prevention and control: execute projects to build and upgrade water reservoirs; build works serving salinity prevention; repair and upgrade irrigation works in service of supply of water for drought prevention; control and improve the efficiency in use of water resources, storage and supply of water to areas prone to frequent droughts.

e) Invest in building and upgrading infrastructure to facilitate the disaster management monitoring, supervision, direction and operation. Build a national disaster management operation center; build and upgrade database serving disaster management and climate change adaptation.


1. Non-structural measures

a) Group of tasks and schemes involving completion of legislative documents, mechanisms and policies on disaster management.

b) Group of tasks and schemes involving communication of information, dissemination of laws and raising of awareness of disaster management and community-based disaster risk management.

c) Group of tasks and schemes involving enhancement of disaster management capacity.

- Consolidating apparatus.

- Increasing capacity for disaster forecasting and warning.

- Investing in building and upgrading infrastructure and procurement of equipment in service of disaster management advising and direction.

- Providing training to increase capacity of disaster management forces.

d) Group of tasks and schemes involving baseline surveys of disaster management; formulation of disaster management planning and plans.

dd) Research into, application of technology and international cooperation in disaster management.

(Specific tasks and schemes are provided in the Appendix I to this Decision)

2. Structural measures

a) Group of tropical depression, storm, strong typhoon and super typhoon preparedness projects.

b) Group of flood and inundation prevention and control.

c) Group of flash flood and landslide prevention and control.

d) Group of riverbank and coastal erosion prevention and control.

dd) Group of drought and saltwater intrusion prevention and control.

(Specific tasks and schemes are provided in the Appendix II to this Decision)


1. Contents in relation to provision of space for flood drainage through roads and railways need to be incorporated into road and railway network planning, inland waterway infrastructure planning and development plan of the transport industry.

2. Contents in relation to arrangement of settlements and relocation of households living in areas at high risks of flash floods, landslides, riverbank and coastal erosion, severe flooding; build infrastructure (offices, schools, health centers, cultural houses, etc.) which serve both their intended purposes and evacuation purposes need to be incorporated into land use planning, regional planning, provincial planning, urban and rural system planning and local socio - economic development plans and at the same time incorporated into the plan for execution of the National Target Programs for New Rural Development during 2021-2025 period, National Target Programs for Sustainable Poverty Reduction during 2021-2025 and National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in minority-inhabited and mountainous areas during 2021-2030.

3. Contents in relation to prevention and control of droughts, saltwater intrusion, floods, riverbank and coastal erosion, flash floods, landslides and tsunamis; construction, repair and upgrading of water reservoirs are incorporated into regional planning, provincial planning, disaster management planning and irrigation planning, irrigation planning, forestry planning, agriculture and rural development sector development plan, local socio - economic development plans.

4. Contents in relation to disaster monitoring, forecasting and warning (including specialized systems) are incorporated into the hydrometeorological network planning and plans for development of hydrometeorology, industry and trade, agriculture and rural development and transport sectors and local socio - economic development plans.

5. Contents in relation to communication of information, dissemination of laws, training, education and raising of awareness and skills in disaster management are forecasting and warning (including specialized systems) are incorporated into the plans for development of information and communications; education and training; agriculture and rural development sectors, and local socio - economic development plans.

6. Contents in relation to research and application of technologies to management, operation and construction of disaster management works are incorporated into the science and technology development plan, sectors development plans and local socio - economic development plans.

7. Contents in relation to international cooperation need to be incorporated into plans of the diplomacy, agriculture and rural development and natural resources and environment sectors.

8. Contents in relation to formulation and amendment of legislative documents; law dissemination; international cooperation in disaster management are incorporated into annual regular tasks of ministries, branches and local authorities.


1. Resources

a) State budget, including investment capital and state funding prescribed by regulations of law on public investment and law on state budget.

b) Central and local disaster management funds.

c) Private capital for disaster management activities.

2. Schedule: implemented in a manner that does not exceed the annually allocated investment capital; state funding, disaster management funds and private capital for disaster management activities.


1. Ministries concerned and provincial People’s Committees shall incorporate disaster management contents into development planning and plans of ministries and local governments; implement the plan within their jurisdiction; assess the implementation and make adjustments (if any) to the plan under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for consolidation and submission to the Prime Minister.

2. The National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control shall direct and urge ministries and local governments to formulate disaster management plans together with implementation of the national disaster management plan; preside over and cooperate with relevant authorities in coordinating multi-agency and inter-regional activities specified in the National Disaster Management Plan.

3. The National Committee for Search and Rescue shall cooperate with the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control in urging ministries and local governments to implement the plan; build and consolidate SAR forces. Provide directions for increasing capacity of SAR forces; provide training and organize drills for rescue in case of disaster and emergency; preside over and cooperate with relevant authorities in review and additional procurement of equipment for SAR suitable for disaster characteristics and conditions of each area. Cooperate with ministries concerned in making forces and equipment available for disaster and emergency response and recovery and SAR according to the “four on-the-spot motto”, especially SAR at sea.

4. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall review and perfect laws, policies and mechanisms for supervising disaster management activities; strengthen inspection and supervision of implementation of law on disaster management; consider proposing mechanisms for mobilizing resources and encouraging investment in disaster management activities. Formulate and adjust planning under its management in association with land use planning. Provide directions for plant and season structure change for the purpose of proactive disaster management. Execute schemes, projects and tasks to improve the capacity for disaster management, especially the capacity of forces disaster management advising and decision support. Develop and promulgate a set of indicators and a framework for supervising and assessing the implementation of the plan to form basis for ministries and local governments to organize the implementation, apply technology, build a natural disaster monitoring system and ensure safety of disaster management works, thereby effectively serving the provision of directions for disaster response and recovery. Control disaster safety; investigate, assess and publish results of set of indicators for assessment of disaster management by provinces.  Preside over and cooperate with ministries and local governments in supervising, urging and consolidating results of implementation; propose adjustments to the plan as prescribed. Build the National Disaster Management Operation Center; database and instruments for supporting disaster management operation, especially for strong typhoons, super typhoons, major floods, flash floods, landslides, inundation and droughts.

5. The Ministry of National Defense shall direct its affiliated agencies and units in forming forces, and provide specialized vehicles, equipment and supplies for disaster response and recovery and SAR; direct military units to advise the People’s Committee at the same level on performing tasks in disaster management and SAR.

6. The Ministry of Public Security shall provide directions for formulating plan for mobilization of forces, vehicles and equipment under its management to serve disaster management and proactively cooperate with competent forces and local governments in disaster response and SAR upon request.

7. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall review and perfect regulations of law and policies during hydrometeorological monitoring, forecasting and warning; organize monitoring, investigations and surveys for collection of hydrometeorological information and data and impacts of disasters; determine and assess disaster risks and carry out disaster risk zoning. Review inter-reservoir operation procedures; formulate and adjust planning related to water resources, hydrometeorology and other planning related to disaster management. Cooperate with departments and local governments in closely controlling extraction of minerals, riverbed sand and gravel and underground water to minimize the risk of erosion. Cooperate with other countries and organizations in sharing hydrometeorological information, operating reservoirs on transboundary rivers and streams and taking the initiative in hydrometeorological forecasting in service of disaster management.

8. The Ministry of Transport shall direct the review and focus on assurance of safety during disaster management in the course of considering building, renovating and upgrading road traffic works and railway works, especially in the central region prone to frequent floods, areas at high risk of erosion; gradually renovate and upgrade road and railway routes in order to increase their flood drainage capacity. Review and amend standards and technical regulations, apply new technologies and materials to construction of traffic infrastructure for proactive disaster management and climate change adaptation.

9. The Ministry of Construction shall direct the review and focus on assurance of safety during disaster management in the course of formulating and adjusting construction planning and urban and rural planning suitable for socio-economic characteristics of each region and in response to disasters hitting each region. Review technical regulations and standards for urban and residential area drainage under the impact of disasters and increasingly complex climate change; provide instructions on formulating regulations on criteria for satisfaction of disaster management requirements by buildings and houses. Provide detailed instructions on classifying safety houses by strong typhoons, super typhoons and earthquakes, build houses serving disaster management purposes in response to disasters hitting each region; continue to execute programs and projects to build residential clusters and dykes for flood control in the Mekong Delta, storm- and flood-resilient houses in the central provinces.

10. The Ministry of Construction shall direct the review and focus on assurance of safety during disaster management in the course of formulating and adjusting its planning, especially electric power planning. Review and perfect standards and national technical regulations under the impact of disasters and increasingly complex climate change. Direct and organize the performance of disaster management tasks under its management, especially during assurance of safety of hydroelectric dams, power systems, industrial production and mineral extraction. Direct the formulation of plans and scenarios for supply of food and necessities in the event of disasters.

11. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall direct and instruct ministries and local governments to include disaster management tasks in the medium-term and annual public investment plans; integrate disaster management contents into regional planning, provincial planning and local socio - economic development plans.

12. The Ministry of Finance shall balance and provide state funding in accordance with regulations on hierarchical management of state budget and state budget so as to implement the disaster management plans at all levels. Consider formulating a mechanism for boosting investment in credit and risks insurance during disaster management.

13. Every provincial People’s Committee shall direct the formulation and organize the implementation of its disaster management plan in association with the socio - economic development plan. Fully meet the objectives and contents of disaster management and disaster risk reduction plans, programs, schemes and projects under its management. Promote the implementation of the Scheme for community awareness raising and community-based disaster risk management, focus on organizing and mobilizing resources for voluntary forces within its province and community according to the “four on-the-spot motto”. Submit to the provincial People's Council a plan for allocation of funding for implementation of the National Disaster Management Plan from the local government budget and at the same time mobilize other legal resources for performance of tasks within its jurisdiction and implementation of disaster management plans at all levels within its province. Inspect and supervise the implementation of plans by all administrative divisions./.



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 342/QD-TTg dated March 15, 2022)



Presiding authority



Complete legislative documents, mechanisms and policies on disaster management


Project on amendments to the Law on Hydrometeorology; build and amend legislative documents, mechanisms and policies on disaster management and related to disaster management.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and ministries concerned

2022 - 2025


Formulate mechanisms and policies to raise private capital, encourage private sector involvement in construction of disaster management works

Ministry of Planning and Investment

2022 - 2024


Establish national standards to service disaster management and climate change adaptation in the urban and rural planning

Ministry of Construction

2022 - 2023


Establish national standards and national technical regulations on disaster management and related to disaster management

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and ministries concerned

2022 - 2025


Formulate disaster risk insurance policies; make financial contributions and define responsibility for protection and restoration with respect to the activities that increase disaster risks

Ministry of Finance

2022 - 2024


Design a National Overall Program for Disaster Management, programs for arrangement of settlements in disaster-hit areas, extremely disadvantaged areas, border areas, islands, free migration, special-use forests; water security and dam and reservoir safety schemes

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development



Communicate information, disseminate laws, skills, raise awareness of disaster management and community-based disaster risk management


Formulate and implement the disaster management communication scheme

Ministry of Information and Communications

2022 - 2025


Formulate and implement the scheme for disseminating and educating law on hydrometeorology and climate change

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2025


Implement the scheme for community awareness raising and community-based disaster risk management by 2030

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, other ministries and local governments

2022 - 2025


Provide guidance on disaster management skills to communities and people

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Management and Search and Rescue at all levels

2022 - 2025


Communicate information and disseminate law, mechanisms and policies for natural disaster management and related to natural disaster management

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, ministries concerned and provincial People’s Committee

2022 - 2025


Provide instructions on integrating knowledge about disaster management into teaching programs of some general education levels; incorporate contents in relation to community awareness and community-based risk management into the national defense and security knowledge training plan.

Ministry of Education and Training; Ministry of National Defense

2022 - 2025


Increase managerial capability and capability to relocate people and infrastructure along rivers, streams, canals, frequently flooded areas, areas at high risk of flash floods, landslides and riverbank and coastal erosion

Provincial People’s Committee

2022 - 2025


Increase capacity of disaster management forces




Disaster prevention apparatus




Strengthen the apparatus and form forces for disaster management and SAR in a streamlined, professional and effective manner from central to local government

Ministry of Home Affairs in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of National Defense, ministries concerned and local governments

2022 - 2025


Consolidate internal voluntary forces for disaster management

Provincial People’s Committee

2022 - 2025


Increasing capacity for disaster forecasting and warning




Execute the program to update disaster risk zoning, create maps of warnings of risks of disasters, especially storms, storm surges, flash floods, landslides, droughts and saltwater intrusion

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2025


Upgrade and modernize monitoring systems, technologies for hydrometeorological disaster and marine hydrometeorology forecasting and warning, transmission network infrastructure for collecting hydrometeorological data

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2025


Build, consolidate and upgrade climate change and sea level rise monitoring systems; flood forecasting technologies serving reservoir operation; information systems for disaster warning and climate change adaptation.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2025


Upgrade infrastructure and equipment in service of disaster management advising and direction




Invest in procurement of equipment serving operations of the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and disaster management command and SAR command authorities at all levels

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Management and Search and Rescue at all levels

2022 - 2025


Build database serving disaster management operation and decision support

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Management and Search and Rescue at all levels

2022 - 2025


Build the fisheries management system - phase 2

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2024


Design a scheme to develop and improve capacity for emergency and disaster response and SAR

Standing agency of the National Committee for Search and Rescue

2022 - 2023


Design a scheme to procure specialized equipment for disaster management from central to local government

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control; Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Management and Search and Rescue at all levels

2022 - 2025


Design a scheme for digital transformation in disaster management

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2023


Providing training and organize drills to increase capacity of disaster management forces




Providing training to increase capacity of disaster management forces from central to local government

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, other ministries and local governments

2022 - 2025


Organize drills to increase capacity for directing, commanding and operating disaster management - SAR and coordinating forces during SAR operations

National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and National Committee for Search and Rescue; provincial Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Management and Search and Rescue

2022 - 2025


Baseline surveys of, plans and planning for disaster management




Baseline surveys




Survey current status of flash floods and landslides in the Northern Highlands, central region and Central Highlands; current status of population, infrastructure in river terraces and along rivers

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; provincial People’s Committee

2022 - 2024


Survey, assess and monitor current status of erosion, works for riverbank and coastal erosion, mangroves for sea dike protection, flow, saltwater intrusion

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


Survey and assess impacts of construction of reservoirs in upstream and downstream countries, sediment changes on trans-boundary rivers

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2024


Survey and assess current status of flood drainage in downstream areas of large reservoirs and river routes in the central region, Central Highlands and Southeast region

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2023


Survey and assess capacity of ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for response to and minimize damage caused by disasters and climate change

Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs

2022 - 2024


Survey and assess capacity for disaster management by provinces using the set of indicators for disaster management assessment

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

2022 - 2025






Formulate disaster management and irrigation planning; planning for fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels; forestry planning; water resources planning; planning for network of hydrometeorological stations

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



Formulate provincial planning (containing disaster management contents)

Provincial People’s Committee

2022 - 2023


Review planning for flooding control of rivers section with dikes; flood control system planning.

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


Planning for irrigation on some inter-provincial river basins

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025






Formulate and review disaster management plans at national, ministerial and local levels

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, other Ministries, People’s Committees at all levels

2022 - 2025


Formulate a Disaster Management Strategy by 2030 with a vision towards 2050

Ministries, People’s Committees at all levels

2022 - 2025


Formulate and implement the integrated river basin flood management plan; strong typhoon, super typhoon, flash flood, landslide, drought and saltwater intrusion preparedness plans

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committee of provinces concerned

2022 - 2025


Design a disaster management plan




Formulate and review strong typhoon, super typhoon, flood, flash flood, landslide, drought, saltwater intrusion and riverbank and coastal erosion preparedness plans

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committee of provinces concerned

2022 - 2025


Formulate and organize the implementation of regulations on compliance with disaster management requirements for construction, renovation, upgrading, management, operation and use of works in accordance with regulations of law on disaster management

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, other ministries and local governments

2022 - 2025


Incorporate disaster management contents into national comprehensive planning, national sector planning, regional planning and provincial planning

Ministries and provincial People’s Committees

2022 - 2023


Technology research and application and international cooperation


Technology research and application


Research and apply new technologies to disaster monitoring, forecasting and warning of hydrometeorological disaster and climate change monitoring; impacts of upstream development on disasters; operation of reservoirs and inter-reservoirs

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Ministry of Industry and Trade; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


Consider changing crops, plant varieties and animal breeds to adapt to disasters and climate change; apply technology and create production models in response to disasters hitting each region

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


Study impacts of disasters and propose solutions for securing sustainable livelihood of ethnic minorities in the North Central Coast and Central Highlands

 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in cooperation with Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs

2022 - 2025


Research and apply technologies to management, operation, construction and upgrading of disaster management works; build flood and inundation simulation systems in frequently flooded areas; monitor riverbank and coastal changes

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2023


Conduct research to design models for public works which serve both their intended purposes and evacuation purposes and houses in compliance disaster management requirements

Ministry of Construction

2022 - 2025


Conduct research and design training and intensive training in disaster management; standardize capability of disaster management officials and forces.

Ministry of Education and Training; Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


International cooperation




Cooperate with ASEAN and countries in disaster management, SAR, disaster forecasting and warning, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief; disaster response training and drills

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and National Committee for Search and Rescue; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2025


Operate the Disaster Risk Reduction Partnership (DRRP) Office

Standing agency of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control

2022 - 2025


Organize international cooperation conferences and workshops and share experience in disaster risk reduction

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministries concerned

2022 - 2025



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 342/QD-TTg dated March 15, 2022)


Group of projects

Agency in charge



Tropical depression, storm, strong typhoon and super typhoon preparedness


Build, fortify and upgrade storm shelters for ships in combination with fisheries logistics services

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of coastal provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Renovate, fortify and upgrade dikes, sea embankments and estuaries

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of coastal provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Build and fortify houses serving both their intended purposes and evacuation purposes

People’s Committees of coastal provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Plant coastal protection forests

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of coastal provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Flood and inundation prevention and control


Build, renovate and upgrade flood control systems; works serving flood control; girdle shaped dikes and banks

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Build, fortify and upgrade hydraulic structures; dredge and upgrade works on rivers, along rivers, canals to improve the flood drainage capacity

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Build flood-resistant works in big cities

People’s Committees of provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Plant headwater protection forests

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities concerned

2022 - 2025


Build muster facilities to shelter people relocated from areas frequently affected by floods and inundation to safe places; build residential clusters and dykes in the Mekong Delta

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities concerned

2022 - 2025


Flash flood and landslide prevention and control


Build works serving flash flood and landslide prevention and control and build muster facilities to shelter people relocated from areas at high risk of flash floods and landslides

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Transport; People’s Committees of provinces and cities concerned

2022 - 2025


Proactively relocate people from areas at high risk of flash floods and landslides

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities concerned

2022 - 2025


Renovate, dredge and clear obstacles on rivers and streams to facilitate flood drainage

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities concerned

2022 - 2025


Riverbank and coastal erosion prevention and control




Build works serving riverbank and coastal erosion prevention and control, river training works on distributaries and confluences to maintain the bifurcation flow ratio

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Build muster facilities to shelter people relocated from areas at high risk of riverbank and coastal erosion

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Drought and saltwater intrusion prevention and control




Build and upgrade reservoirs, works and system of works serving salinity control; dredge channels in association with water storage to tackle drought, thereby serving production and domestic activities

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; People’s Committees of provinces and cities

2022 - 2025


Build disaster management operation and data centers




Build a disaster management operation center

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


Build, fortify and upgrade provincial disaster management centers

Standing agencies of the provincial Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Management and Search and Rescue

2022 - 2025


Build and upgrade disaster monitoring and forecasting systems

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and provincial People’s Committees

2022 - 2025


Build a Mekong Delta data center, integrate natural resources and environment data of the Mekong Delta to facilitate the analysis and assessment of decision support with regard to sustainable development in the context of climate change (TDA4-WB9)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2022 - 2025


Build a drought and saltwater intrusion forecasting center in support of directing production in the Mekong Delta (TDA1.5-WB9)

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

2022 - 2025


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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Lược đồ Decision 342/QD-TTg 2022 Promulgation of natural disaster management plan

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                Decision 342/QD-TTg 2022 Promulgation of natural disaster management plan
                Loại văn bảnQuyết định
                Số hiệu342/QD-TTg
                Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
                Người kýLê Văn Thành
                Ngày ban hành15/03/2022
                Ngày hiệu lực15/03/2022
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                            Văn bản gốc Decision 342/QD-TTg 2022 Promulgation of natural disaster management plan

                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision 342/QD-TTg 2022 Promulgation of natural disaster management plan

                            • 15/03/2022

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                            • 15/03/2022

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