Quyết định 383/QD-BGDDT

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 383/QD-BGDDT 2022 Action Plan for women s progress and gender equality


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 383/QD-BGDDT

Hanoi, January 26, 2022





Pursuant to Decree No. 69/2017/ND-CP dated May 25, 2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, entitlements, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 28/NQ-CP dated March 3, 2021 of the Government on promulgation of National Strategy for Gender Equality for the period of 2021 - 2030;

Pursuant to Decision No. 2282/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister on approving the “Tăng cường tham gia bình đẳng của phụ nữ trong các vị trí lãnh đạo và quản lý ở các cấp hoạch định chính sách giai đoạn 2021- 2030” (Increase the equal participation of women in leading and managerial positions of all levels of policy-making for the period of 2021 – 2030) Program;

At the request of the Director of Department of Personnel and Organization.


Article 1. Action Plan for women’s progress and gender equality for the period of 2021 - 2030 of the Ministry of Education and Training is promulgated together with this Decision.

Article 2. This Decision comes into force as of its date of signing.

Article 3. Chief Office, Director of Department of Personnel and Organization, Director of Department of Planning and Finance, Directors of affiliates of the Ministry of Education and Training; Director of Department of Education and Training; Directors of universities, institutions; Principals of universities and pedagogical colleges shall implement this Decision./.  




Ngo Thi Minh



(Promulgated with Decision No. 383/QD-BGDDT dated January 26, 2022 of the Minister of Education and Training)

Implementing Resolution No. 28/NQ-CP dated March 3, 2021 of the Government on promulgation of National Strategy for Gender Equality for the period of 2021 - 2030 and Decision No. 2282/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister on approving the “Tăng cường tham gia bình đẳng của phụ nữ trong các vị trí lãnh đạo và quản lý ở các cấp hoạch định chính sách giai đoạn 2021-2030” Program, the Ministry of Education and Training promulgates the Action Plan for women’s progress and gender equality for the period of 2021 - 2030 with the following specific content:


1. General objectives

1.1. Continue to reduce the gender-based distance, facilitate or create chances for women and men to participate, access, and receive equality in the field of education, satisfying the fundamental and comprehensive requirements of innovation of education and training and contributing to the sustainable development of the country.

1.2. Ensure the equal participation of women in leading and managerial positions at levels of study, training level, and educational management in order to promote their potential and creativity, contributing to the successful implementation of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training and implementing towards commitments to achieve sustainable development objectives for gender equality and women's empowerment.

2. Specific objectives

2.1. Objective 1: Ensure gender-based issues and gender equality are in the educational program of the national education system

a) Target 1: Content on gender, gender quality, and reproductive health is integrated into the compilation of 2018 general education textbooks and teaching at all levels of study.

b) Target 2: Content on gender and gender equality will be officially taught in pedagogical schools from 2025 onwards.

2.2. Objective 2: Reduce the distance between male and female children in accessing education in different regions

a) Target 1: The percentage of male and female children with access to childhood care and development and quality preschool education will reach 35% for kindergarten children and 95% for preschool children in 2025; 40% for kindergarten children and 97% for preschool children in 2030.

b) Target 2: The percentage of ethnic minority male and female children that complete primary education will reach 99% in 2025 and above 99% in 2030.

c) Target 3: The percentage of ethnic minority male and female children that complete lower secondary education will reach 83% in 2025 and above 86% in 2030.

d) Target 5: The literacy percentage of women will reach 98,2% in 2025 and 99% in 2030; in which the literacy percentage of ethnic minority and mountainous women will reach 93,5% in 2025 and 94,5% in 2030.

2.3. Objective 3: Increase the percentage of women participating in leading and managerial positions in educational institutions and state management agencies in education and scientific research.

a) Target 1: The percentage of general and continuing educational institutions that include women in planning for leading and managerial positions will reach 95% in 2025 and 97% in 2030; divisions and departments of education and training and training institutions will reach 92% in 2025 and 95% in 2030.

b) Target 2: The percentage of state management agencies in education and training with women as key leaders will reach 60% in 2025 and above 75% in 2030.

c) Target 3: The percentage of female officials and public employees in planning for leading and managerial positions of units receiving training to improve capability will reach 75% of the total number of female officials and public employees in planning in 2025 and 90% in 2030.

d) Target 4: The percentage of female masters in the total number of officials and public employees with master's degrees will reach at least 50% from 2025 onwards; the percentage of female PhDs working in educational institutions will reach 40% in 2025 and 45 % in 2030.

dd) Target 5: The percentage of women in charge of scientific and technological tasks under the management of the Ministry of Education and Training will be above 35% in 2025 and above 45% in 2030.

2.4. Objective 4: Information and communication work

a) Target 1: In 2025, issues about gender, gender equality, and issues related to gender through documents and communication events are expected to be accessed 4 million times by parents, 8 million times by students from primary to high schools, and 3000 times by local officials at various levels; In 2030, such issues are expected to be accessed 5 million times by parents, 10 million times by students from primary to high schools, and 4000 times by local officials at various levels.

b) Target 2: Training in communication staff for gender, gender equality, and issues related to gender of the education authority is expected to be provided for officers, teachers, and students at least 1000 times.

c) Target 3: A 100% maintenance of Digital Information Portals/websites of educational institutions and educational management agencies at various levels that have quarterly specialized sections and columns for the improvement of awareness of gender equality.

2.5. Objective 5: Increase the capability of the state management apparatus on gender equality

a) Target 1: The percentage of officials and public employees doing institution-making work of units receiving training of knowledge about gender influence and gender integration in developing legal documents in the field or sector in charge will reach 80% by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

b) Target 2: The percentage of members of the Department for Women’s Progress of each unit receiving professional training for operational skills related to the improvement of capability on gender equality and women's progress will reach 80% by 2025 and 100% by 2030.


1. Increase the leadership of provincial CMP organizations and local authorities

1.1. Increase the responsibility of agencies and units, especially head of work on female officers, and implementation of gender equality assurance for female officials, public employees, and staff within entitlements. Facilitate women to participate in the planning of macroeconomics policies, contributing to the improvement of living and working conditions and improvement of health and development of intellect, capability of women in fields of social life; ensure the equal participation of women in fields of politics, economy, culture, and society.

1.2. Continue to complete, strengthen, and improve the operational quality of the Department for Women's Progress of various levels; effectively implement programs and projects on gender equality and women's progress.

1.3. Pay attention, allocate, and use female officers in order to increase the rate of female leaders or managers in units and institutions of education and training, especially educational management agencies.

1.4. Develop a database on female officials and public employees of the Ministry of Education and Training and education authorities to create master plans and complete the structure of female officials and public employees, especially those holding managerial positions.

2. Develop and issue documents, materials, and content on gender equality and implement the integration of gender equality issues.

2.1. Study, review, amend, supplement, and complete the legal system related to gender equality issues and women’s progress.

2.2. Study, develop, and incorporate content on gender, gender equality, sex, reproductive health into teaching of various levels of learning.

2.3. Develop and implement programs that incorporate content on gender equality into the official lesson system of various learning levels; innovate methods and forms of the teaching of content on gender, gender equality, sex, and reproductive health.

2.4. Develop and incorporate content on gender equality into pedagogical training programs.

3. Ensure a quality, equitable, and comprehensive education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.

3.1. Develop an advanced preschool education program suitable for practical conditions; innovate methods and forms of nourishment, care, and education of preschool children and evaluation of their development; improve the quality of nourishment, care, and education of preschool children; form in children an understanding of self-worth, family, and community and necessary learning and living habits or routines.

3.2. Implement measures to evaluate, monitor, and support to increase the rate of mobilization of preschool children that go to school; increase conditions to ensure the quality of nourishment, care, and education of children in order to consolidate and improve the quality of education universalization for 5-year-old preschool children and aim to universalize education for 4-year-old preschool children. Develop support policies on the eradication of illiteracy, increase the development of Vietnamese language for women, female children, and ethnic minorities in regions with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; continue to implement the “Tăng cường tiếng Việt cho trẻ mầm non và học sinh tiểu học vùng dân tộc thiểu số giai đoạn 2016-2020, định hướng đến 2025” (Improve Vietnamese proficiency for preschool and primary ethnic minority children for the period of 2016 - 2020, with a vision towards 2025) Project according to Decision No. 1008/QD-TTg dated June 2, 2016 of the Prime Minister.

3.3. Implement with quality and effectiveness the general education program 2018; innovate methods and diversify forms of teaching in the direction of developing the virtue and capability of students; facilitate students to access and utilize diverse learning materials; develop a self-learning ability and a sense of lifelong learning; the ability to choose a career in accordance with students’ abilities, interests, and personal circumstances; necessary virtues and capabilities for workers and awareness and civic personality; the ability to adapt to changes in the context of globalization and international integration.

3.4. Effectively disseminate, mobilize, and organize the lifelong learning for adults; each person, each family, village (neighborhood, hamlet), and commune (ward, town) should be a learning citizen, learning family, and learning unit. Focus on providing advanced training of knowledge of informatics, foreign languages, and teamwork skills for female officials, public employees, and workers suitable for each field, sector, profession, and region.

3.5. Promote the development of learning society in accordance with Decision No. 1373/QD-TTg dated July 30, 2021 of the Prime Minister on approving the "Xây dựng xã hội học tập giai đoạn 2021 - 2030" (Develop learning society for the period of 2021 - 2030) Project; innovate and diversify operational forms of learning community centers; pay attention to illiteracy eradication and post-literate education for people in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas, especially women and female children of ethnic minorities.

3.6. Develop services of education and training to satisfy learning demands of ethnic minorities, people who live in mountainous areas, extremely difficult socio-economic areas, people with disabilities, orphans, homeless children, and people of poor households or near-poor households; ensure equity in access to quality education services.

3.7. Fully and promptly implement education credit policies for students; subsidy policies and tuition fee exemption and reduction for beneficiaries of social policies, ethnic minorities in extremely difficult socio-economic areas, orphans, homeless children, people with disabilities, and people of poor households or near-poor households.

3.8. Prioritize investment in physical facilities and teaching equipment for preschool and general educational institutions in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

3.9. Intensify programs of education, dissemination, health care, physical development, and stamina improvement for children and students, satisfying targets of the “Phát triển thể lực, tầm vóc người Việt Nam giai đoạn 2011- 2030” (Develop stamina and stature of Vietnamese for the period of 2011 – 2030) Project.

4. Improve the quality of human resources, develop female officer staff with professional qualifications and leading and managerial capabilities meeting requirements of innovation

4.1. Continue to effectively implement Decision No. 732/QD-TTg dated April 29, 2016 of the Prime Minister on approving the “Đào tạo, bồi dưỡng nhà giáo và cán bộ quản lý cơ sở giáo dục đáp ứng yêu cầu đổi mới căn bản, toàn diện giáo dục phổ thông giai đoạn 2016 - 2020, định hướng đến năm 2025” (Training, advanced training for teachers and managers of educational institutions meeting requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of general education for the period of 2016 - 2020, with a vision towards 2025) Project; review and evaluate achieved results and continue to implement Decision No. 33/QD-TTg dated January 8, 2019 of the Prime Minister on approving the “Đề án đào tạo, bồi dưỡng nhà giáo và cán bộ quản lý giáo dục mầm non giai đoạn 2018 - 2025” (Project of training and advanced training for teachers and managers of preschool education for the period of 2018 – 2025); provide training and advanced training for teachers who meet training standards in accordance with regulations of the Law on Education 2019; implement the roadmap to improve the standard qualifications of preschool and general teachers in accordance with regulations of Decree No. 71/2020/ND-CP dated June 30, 2020 of the Government.

4.2. Effectively implement the project of improvement of quality of higher education for the period of 2019 - 2025 in accordance with Decision No. 69/QD-TTg dated January 15, 2019 of the Prime Minister, in order to create strong and practical transitions in the quality of training, scientific research, and technology transfer of the higher education system, meeting the requirement of human resources especially high-quality human resources.

4.3. Continue to implement the project of improvement of capabilities of teacher and manager staff of higher education institutions meeting requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training for the period of 2019 - 2030 in accordance with Decision No. 89/QD-TTg dated January 18, 2019 of the Prime Minister to develop teacher and manager staff of higher education institutions with quality assurance, reasonable structure, meeting requirements for fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training of high-quality human resources; develop science and technology for the country in association with demands of entrepreneurship and creative innovation and demands of the fourth industrial revolution.

4.4. Innovate programs of education and training and teaching methods towards streamlining, modernity, and practicality; pay close attention to soft skills for students.

4.5. Develop a tight connection between the school and enterprise in order to support students, especially female students in the experience of the practical environment when they are still learning in the school.

4.6. Create mechanisms for female teachers and scientists to develop scientific research, technology, and creative innovation in higher education institutions; prioritize application research. Combine training with scientific research and technology transfer to create intellectual and creative products of Vietnam.

5. Increase the cooperation in organizing patriotic emulation movements to motivate women to promote their core role in building a prosperous, equal, progressive, and happy family

5.1. Focus on effectively implementing the “Đổi mới, sáng tạo trong quản lý, giảng dạy và học tập” (Innovation and creativity in management, teaching, and learning) Elumation Movement; “Giỏi việc trường - Đảm việc nhà” in association with the “Phụ nữ tích cực học tập, lao động sáng tạo, xây dựng gia đình no ấm, bình đẳng, tiến bộ, hạnh phúc” movement; the “Mỗi thầy giáo, cô giáo là một tấm gương đạo đức, tự học và sáng tạo” (Every teacher is an example of morality, self-learning, and creativity)  mobilization in association with the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW on the promotion of learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style.

5.2. Continue to implement the Plan No. 1506/KH-BGDDT dated May 31, 2019 on implementation of the “Xây dựng văn hóa ứng xử trong trường học giai đoạn 2018 - 2025” (Develop an etiquette in schools for the period of 2018 - 2025)  Project in accordance with Decision No. 1299/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister; Plan No. 103/KH-CDN dated April 2, 2019 of the Vietnam National Education Union on improvement of pedagogical behaviors and teacher ethics; implement the code of conduct in schools towards the development of happy schools for units, schools, education, and training institutions in the entire sector with efficiency assurance.

5.3. Timely reward and praise individuals and groups with outstanding achievements in emulation movements, dissemination, work of gender equality, women’s progress, and gender-based violence prevention and control.

6. Promote training and examination to effectively implement the gender equality work and women's progress

6.1. Organize training of knowledge about gender, gender equality, and gender integration skills in creating plans and implementing policies for members of the Editorial Board, National Council for Appraisal of General Education Textbooks 2018, gender equality managers, gender equality officers, and members of the Department for Women’s Progress of units.

6.2. Implement programs of training and advanced training for the capability improvement of female staff of officials and public employees; female leaders and managers.

6.3. Increase the cooperation work in order to effectively implement guidelines, policies, and laws for women's progress and gender equality.

6.4. Continue to promote international cooperation on women’s progress and gender equality in the education authority.

6.5. Increase inspection and urge the implementation of policies and laws for women’s progress and gender equality.

7. Promote dissemination

7.1. Develop plans and implement the annual action month for gender equality and prevention and control of gender-based violence in an effective, creative, economical, and pervasive manner; develop and implement communication plans in association with this event.

7.2. Diversify forms of communications and organize appropriate communication activities; increase the application of information technology in organizing communication activities in order to increase efficiency and meet practical requirements.

7.3. Continue to disseminate content on gender equality in the Labor Law 2019 by methods suitable for each subject and actual conditions and situations of agencies, units, schools, and educational institutions.

7.4. Increase dissemination of policies and laws on gender equality and prevention and control of gender-based violence on mass media; incorporate them into the operation of agencies and units in an appropriate manner to raise awareness and practice gender equality of managers, teachers, staff of education authorities, and students.

7.5. Disseminate and introduce typical models to intensify good examples and reputable people who have positive influences in units, schools, and community; attract the participation of men and male children in the implementation of gender equality.


1. Implement the Plan in two periods

1.1. Period 1 (2021 - 2025): Focus on performing tasks and measures to ensure efficiency; evaluate objectives and solutions of the Plan at the end of 2025 and adjust it (if necessary); organize a preliminary review of the implementation of the Plan in period 1 at the beginning of 2026.

1.2. Period 2 (2026 - 2030): Perform tasks and resolutions to effectively implement the Plan while consolidating and improving operational quality to ensure the achievement of objectives; evaluate the performance of the Plan at the end of 2030 and make final reports at the beginning of 2031.

2. Assignment of responsibilities

2.1. Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry of Education and Training shall:

a) Issue annual guidelines on the work for women's progress and gender equality to effectively implement the Plan.

b) Implement documents on the implementation, inspection, and urge of the performance of assigned tasks in the Action Plan for women's progress and gender equality for the period of 2021 - 2030.

c) Cooperate with specialized units in organizing training of knowledge about gender and gender equality analysis and integration; provide professional training and operational skill training and raise awareness of gender equality.

d) Provide guidelines and organize the implementation of the action month for gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and control every year.

dd) Instruct units, Departments for Women’s Progress of units of education authorities to organize preliminary reviews, final reports, and evaluation of the performance of the Action Plan for women’s progress and gender equality.

e) Make annual and periodic final reports and report the implementation of the Action Plan for women’s progress and gender equality for the period of 2021 – 2030 of the Ministry of Education and Training to the head of the Ministry of Education and Training or the National Committee for Vietnamese women's progress.

2.2. Units assigned to take charge of making reports of objective and target shall:

a) Develop implementation plans to achieve proposed objectives and targets.

b) Periodically recapitulate, evaluate, and report the performance and achieved results (6 months and 1 year) or irregularly at the request of the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry; send such reports to the Department for Women's Progress of the Ministry (via Department of Personnel and Organization).

c) Assignments of responsibilities of units in charge of the implementation are as follows:

- The Department of Secondary Education shall take charge and cooperate with the Department of Primary Education, Department of Continuing Education, and Department of Higher Education in performing objective 1.

- The Department of Ethnic Education shall take charge and cooperate with the Department of Preschool Education, Department of Primary Education, Department of Secondary Education, and Department of Continuing Education in performing objective 2.

- The Department of Teachers and Educational Managers shall take charge and cooperate with the Department of Personnel and Organization, Department of Higher Education, Department of Science, Technology, and Environment in performing objective 3.

- The Department of Political Education and Student Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with the Department of Teachers and Educational Managers and Offices in performing objective 4.

- The Department of Legal Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with the Department of Teachers and Educational Managers and Department of Personnel and Organization in performing objective 5.

2.3. Units of and affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training shall:

a) Organize dissemination of the Plan among officials, public employees, and staff of the entire unit.

b) Develop plans for the period of 2021 - 2030 and annual plans with appropriate tasks and solutions based on the content of this Plan.

c) Allocate and distribute annual funds for activities for women's progress and gender equality in accordance with regulations.

d) Periodically recapitulate, evaluate, and report the performance and achieved results (6 months and 1 year) or irregularly at the request of the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry; send such reports to the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry (via Department of Personnel and Organization).

2.4. Departments of Education and Training shall:

a) Direct divisions of education and training and affiliates to organize dissemination of the Plan among officers, teachers, staff, and students.

b) Rely on the content of this Plan and the directive of the Department for Women’s Progress to develop plans for the period of 2021 - 2030 and annual plans with appropriate tasks and solutions. Regularly and promptly direct activities for the effective implementation of the Action Plan for women’s progress and gender equality of the unit and Ministry.

c) Allocate and distribute annual funds for activities for women's progress and gender equality of the unit in accordance with regulations.

d) Periodically recapitulate, evaluate, and report the performance and achieved results (6 months and 1 year) or irregularly at the request of the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry; send such reports to the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry (via Department of Personnel and Organization).

2.5. Universities, institutions, colleges shall:

a) Organize dissemination of the Plan among officers, teachers, staff, and students.

b) Develop plans for the period of 2021 - 2030 and annual plans with appropriate tasks and solutions based on the content of this Plan and directive of the direct management agency.  Regularly and promptly direct activities for the effective implementation of the Action Plan for women’s progress and gender equality of the unit and Ministry.

c) Allocate and distribute annual funds for activities for women's progress and gender equality of the unit in accordance with regulations.

d) Periodically recapitulate, evaluate, and report the performance and achieved results (6 months and 1 year) or irregularly at the request of the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry; send such reports to the Department for Women’s Progress of the Ministry (via Department of Personnel and Organization).

3. Request the Vietnam National Education Union within entitlements to participate in the implementation of the Plan; promote dissemination and education for the union staff at various levels in order to raise awareness of gender equality for officers, teachers, and staff of education authorities.

4. Difficulties or necessary amendments that arise during the implementation of the Plan should be sent to the Department for Women's Progress (via Department of Personnel and Organization) by directors of units in order for them to be recapitulated and reported to the Minister of Education and Training for consideration and decision./.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Decision 383/QD-BGDDT 2022 Action Plan for women s progress and gender equality
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                Số hiệu383/QD-BGDDT
                Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo
                Người kýNgô Thị Minh
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