Quyết định 411/QD-TTg

Quyết định 411/QĐ-TTg 2022 phê duyệt Chiến lược quốc gia phát triển kinh tế số và xã hội số

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 411/QD-TTg 2022 the national strategy for development of digital economy


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 411/QD-TTg

Hanoi, March 31, 2022





Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; the Law dated November 22, 2019 on amendments to the Law on Government Organization and the Law on Local Government Organization;

Pursuant to the Politburo's Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 providing some guidelines and policies on active participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated April 17, 2020 on the Action Plan for implementation of the Politburo's Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 providing some guidelines and policies on active participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution;

Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 16/2021/QH15 dated July 27, 2021 on the 5-year Plan for Socio-economic Development of 2021 – 2025;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated May 20, 2021 on the Action Plan for implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Assembly of Communist Party Delegates;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

At At the request of the Minister of Information and Communications.


Article 1. Approval for the National Strategy for Development of Digital Economy and Digital Society by 2025 and orientation towards 2030 (hereinafter referred to as "the Strategy") with the following contents:


1. The current context is an opportunity Vietnam needs to quickly seize and take drastic actions to develop digital economy and digital society, develop new business lines, open up new markets and create more new jobs, thereby making a breakthrough to change the national ranking. Development digital economy and digital society is a high priority in the National Development Strategies.

2. The institution, infrastructure, human resources, the people and enterprises play an important role in the development of digital economy and digital society. Digital technology and digital data naturally permeate all aspects of production and business of enterprises and the people's lives.

a) The institution creates the development of the digital economy and digital society, plays a decisive role in promoting innovation and ensuring the equal responsibility for legal compliance of domestic and foreign enterprises.

b) The digital infrastructure shall be one step ahead and rapidly developed in a manner that core technologies are owned by Vietnam.

c) Digital human resources include digital technology experts, human resources and people who have been trained in digital skills and play a decisive role in development of the digital economy and digital society.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

dd) Restructuring, optimization, increase proportion and permeation of digital economy in the entire economy. Quickly carry out digital transformation in all socio-economic fields and industries, develop new business models, open new spaces for growth.

3. Settlement of conflicts arising during development of digital economy and digital society.

a) Develop quickly and sustainably. Deploy and propagate models that have been fully developed and proven to be effective. For new models on which clear regulations are not available, it is permitted to carry out experiments, thereby perfecting them before propagation.

b) Ensure comprehensive and focused development. Comprehensively develop the foundational elements for the digital economy and digital society, determine some key industries and fields that need to be focused on.

c) Promote innovation and protection of privacy and intellectual property rights. Ensure harmonious balance between innovation and protection of privacy and intellectual property rights, in line with international practices and development practices of Vietnam.

d) Protect digital sovereignty and promote international integration. Develop digital economy and digital society in association with building and consolidating digital sovereignty. Actively seek international integration, open the market in balance with development of domestic production, attract investment resources selectively, in line with the national strategy. Attract foreign experts to join in solving problems in Vietnam.

dd) Carry out risk management in the process of transforming to a digital environment, developing a digital economy and a secure digital society. Protect the people and businesses from risks, and bad elements that infringe upon the legitimate and legitimate interests of the people and enterprises. Focus on protection of children and vulnerable groups in cyberspace.


Digital development, with the creation of growth based on inputs that are digital technology and digital data, has become one of the new mainstream development methods for Vietnam to develop quickly, sustainably, inclusively, adaptively and resiliently to challenges in a volatile and unpredictable world.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Digital society development helps make the people happier, participate in more comprehensive social activities, enjoy social welfare more conveniently, contributes to making Vietnam a digital country that is safe, humane and widespread.


1. Digital economy development

Digital economy is an economic activity that uses digital technology and digital data as main inputs, uses the digital environment as the main operating space, and uses information and telecommunications technology to increase productivity, innovate business models and optimize economic structure.

Digital economy includes: information and communications technology (ITC) economy; platform economy, which is business operation of digital platforms, digital matchmakers and online services; field-specific digital economy.

The focus of ICT-based digital economy is enterprises and "Make in Vietnam" digital products, selective FDI attraction and increase of export volume.

The focuses of platform economy is national digital platforms, which are the motive for development of field-specific digital economy.

Focuses of field-specific digital economy development is uniform application of common digital platforms in each field and sector.

a) Primary objectives by 2025




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Proportion of digital economy in each field and industry is at least 10%;

- Proportion of e-commerce to total retails is over 10%;

- Percentage of enterprises using electronic contracts is over 80%;

- Percentage of small and medium enterprises using digital platforms is over 50%;

- Proportion of digital workforce in total workforce is over 2%.

b) Primary objectives by 2030

- Proportion of digital economy to GDP is 30%;

- Proportion of digital economy in each field and industry is at least 20%;

- Proportion of e-commerce to total retails is over 20%;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Percentage of small and medium enterprises using digital platforms is over 70%;

- Proportion of digital workforce in total workforce is over 3%.

2. Digital society development

Typical characteristics of a digital society include: digital citizens, digital connection and digital culture. Digital citizens are characterized by digital identities, digital devices, digital skills and digital accounts. Digital connection is characterized by the people's connectivity, including the percentage of people who access to fiber-optic internet, broadband mobile network and internet users. Digital culture is characterized by the popularity of online public services, online services, digital healthcare services and digital education in the people.

Digital society development must be accompanied by creation of cultural values that are appropriate for the digital era, accessible to the people; selective adoption of the world's cultures to improve spiritual life of Vietnamese people.

Promote creativity of the people in the digital society and protect the people from the risks and threats in the digital society.

a) Primary objectives by 2025

- Percentage of mature population having smart phones is 80%;

- Percentage of population aged 15 and older having payment accounts at banks or other permitted organizations is 80%;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Percentage of population in the working age with basic digital skill training is over 70%;

- Percentage of households with optic-fiber internet connection is 80%;

- Percentage of population having internet connection with basic protection is over 70%;

- Percentage of mature population using online public services is over 50%;

- Percentage of mature population using online health consultancy, remote medical examination and treatment services is over 30%;

- Percentage of population with electronic health records is 90%;

- Percentage of universities, colleges, vocational education institutions with completed models for digital administration, digital operation, standardized digital data and open digital learning materials is 80%;

- Percentage of primary and secondary education institutions with completed models for digital administration, digital operation, standardized digital data and open digital learning materials is 70%.

b) Primary objectives by 2030




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Percentage of population aged 15 and older having payment accounts at banks or other permitted organizations is over 95%;

- Percentage of mature population having digital signatures is over 70%;

- Percentage of population in the working age with basic digital skill training is over 80%;

- Percentage of households with optic-fiber internet connection is 100%;

- Percentage of population having internet connection with basic protection is over 80%.

- Percentage of mature population using online public services is over 70%;

- Percentage of mature population using online health consultancy, remote medical examination and treatment services is over 50%;

- Percentage of population with electronic health records is over 95%;

- Percentage of primary and secondary education institutions with completed models for digital administration, digital operation, standardized digital data and open digital learning materials is 95%.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

1. Institution

Completion of regulations, policies and legal environment is the highest priority and must be integrated in all objectives and solutions for development of digital economy and digital society. The breakthrough is promulgation of policies and regulations to promote more, cheaper, faster, easier and safer online activities.

Key objectives include:

a) Draft, propose promulgation and organize implementation of the amended Law on Electronic transaction and its guiding documents in order to recognize legality of documents, data, electronic documents and electronic transactions; create a transparent legal corridor for intermediate platforms in digital transactions in order to bring make electronic transactions more beneficial, cheaper, faster, easier and safer than traditional transactions.

b) Draft, revise, supplement mechanisms, policies and regulations of law in each field and sector in a manner that satisfy requirements for development of digital economy and digital society; focus on development of policies to increase the ratio of online activities to at least 50% in each organization, field and sector.

c) Draft, propose promulgation and organize implementation of a legal sand box for new digital services and new digital business models that are not clearly regulated by law.

d) Review, revise mechanisms, policies and regulations of law to prevent monopoly, merger and acquisition that affect healthy competition in the digital economy; improve regulations to avoid abuse by enterprises; organize supervision of compliance with law, ensuring fairness and equal legal responsibility of both Vietnamese enterprises and enterprises providing cross-border services into Vietnam.

dd) Study and complete regulations of law on digital economy and society; regulations on management and development of platform economy, activities of digital platforms, digital services and online transactions. Draft, promulgate and complete the system of technical regulations and standards serving digital economy and digital society.

2. Infrastructure




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Key objectives include:

b) Draft, submit to the Prime Minister for approval and organize implementation of the strategy and roadmap for digitalization and intelligentization of other infrastructure serving digital economy and digital society, including: postal infrastructure, traffic infrastructure; power supply infrastructure; irrigation and climate change adaptation infrastructure; urban infrastructure; trade, industry and energy infrastructure; education and training infrastructure, science and technology infrastructure, healthcare infrastructure, culture, sport and tourism infrastructure.

c) Organize implementation of the Action Plan for Vietnam's Competitiveness Improvement and Development of Logistics by 2025, which has been approved in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 200/QD-TTg dated February 14, 2017 and Decision No. 221/QD-TTg dated February 22, 2021 towards promotion of digital transformation of enterprises and logistics services of Vietnam.

d) Increase development of infrastructure for digital connection. Speed up coverage of fiber-optic internet connection and broadband mobile networks to all villages and residential areas nationwide; increase the percentage of internet users, especially in rural areas; increase network traffic and quality where broadband internet connection is not available or scarce. Develop platforms for digital addresses and digital maps as soft infrastructure for development of digital economy and digital society.

3. Digital platforms

A digital platform is an information system serving online transactions by using digital technology to create a network environment that can be participated in by multiple parties for instant, simple, convenient, flexible and widespread provision of services for organizations and individuals. The participants do not have to invest in, manage, operate, maintain this platform. Digital platforms are "soft infrastructure" or cyberspace, solve specific issues of digital transformations, create and store user data. The more users a platform has, the more data it has, the cheaper the costs and the more the value created.

The breakthrough is seizing opportunities, developing and quickly popularizing national digital platforms to serve individual and specific needs of Vietnamese people on the basis of classifying and understanding the needs of each field and sector. Each national digital platform has a governing body that is a ministry, governmental agencies, the People’s Committee of a province or an enterprise, which will preside over, place orders, cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and some key enterprises in developing it.

Key objectives include:

b) Develop and organize the implementation of a specific action plan to develop national digital platforms, including the plans of the Ministry of Information and Communications, governing bodies and developers., which must specify the mechanism for cooperation between the governing bodies, the Ministry of Information and Communications, cooperating agencies and developers. Ministries, central and local authorities are encouraged to have specific plans to promote the use of national digital platforms.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

d) Study, introduce mechanisms and policies on development of national digital platforms; identify common national digital platforms of each field and administrative area.

4. Digital data

Data, its connectivity and availability form an important artery of the digital economy and digital society. Data is a non-consumable material. The more it is shared and used, the more valuable it will be. The creation, classification, labeling of data, rapid completion of the legal framework on data and data administration are decisive factors in promoting state agencies, businesses and people to move from private ownership of data to joint creation, sharing and use of data.

The breakthrough is to develop master data in national databases with high accuracy as original data and open data typical of Vietnam for analysis, processing and labeling for development of artificial intelligence (AI).

Key objectives include:

a) Draft, submit to the Prime Minister for approval, and organize the implementation of the National Data Strategy.

b) Review, revise, promulgate new regulations and policies on data property, data trade, data services to create a developed, healthy, safe and conformable data market.

c) Review, revise regulations and policies on finance, fees and charges for provision, connection, sharing of data between state authorities, organizations, enterprises and people to create a lawful source of income for maintenance and development of data.

dd) Develop and launch the National Data Analysis and Consolidated Data Analysis of ministries, central and local authorities with open data for convergence of data in their fields or provinces; process and analyze them to create new values serving development of the digital economy and digital society.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Improve capacity for management of digital platforms; develop a safe and healthy digital environment; foster belief to transform from the real environment to digital environment. The breakpoint is popularization of basic cyberinformation security services among people and enterprises;

Key objectives include:

a) Draft, submit to the Prime Minister for approval, and organize the implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy towards technology mastery, protection of digital sovereignty and prosperity of Vietnam in cyberspace; maintain a safe, healthy digital environment; develop an ecosystem of cyberinformation security products and services.

b) Fulfill default cyberinformation security requirements right during design and development of digital infrastructure and digital platforms; digital service provision must have basic cyberinformation security features.

c) Develop an ecosystem of Vietnamese cyberinformation security products; evaluate, announce Vietnamese cyberinformation security products and services that are qualified and prioritized.

d) Develop the platform and organize popularization of basic cyberinformation security services for the people to protect themselves from cyberinformation security risks.

dd) Develop the platform and organize provision of professional cyberinformation security services to enable organizations and enterprises to apply the 4-layer security model.

e) Develop and organize deployment of the cyber-credibility ecosystem as an important indicator that builds up trust of people in cyberspace by evaluating and rating credibility of websites, web portals, software applications and other information systems satisfying cyberinformation security requirements.

g) Deploy remote digital signatures by prioritizing use of personal digital signatures by the people in a simple, convenient, safe and affordable manner.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

k) Authenticate info on the national population database; connect to verify authenticity of the people's digital identities.

l) Intensify the fight against high-tech crimes in socio-economic activities.

6. Digital workforce

Develop digital workforce by focusing on development of digital workforce that has new skills relevant to cloud computing, AI, big data, system architecture, software technology, UI & UX design, cyberinformation security.

The breakthrough is digital universities where students can learn and do exams online, use digital materials that have been personalized, and can be assisted by AI.

Key objectives include:

a) Review, revise regulations and policies on encouragement of time and volume of online learning; ensure minimum ratio of online training time and credits to total training time; recognize and permit conversion of certain qualifications and certificates in IT, digital technology issued by reputable Vietnamese and foreign organizations and enterprises to credits of corresponding subjects to shorten training duration.

b) Draft, approve and organize implementation of the pilot scheme for digital universities providing training in information technology, computer science, electronics and telecommunications, automation, media, cyberinformation security, digital technology, and other suitable majors. Establish criteria for digital universities and special mechanism for higher education institutions having qualified digital university models.

c) Develop and organize the execution of the program “Học từ làm việc thực tế” ("Learn from work"), in which state authorities are the bridge between universities, colleges, training institutions and enterprises to develop practical training programs as ordered by enterprises; organize regular short-term internship programs to increase students' exposure so they will have better career orientation and make a contribution to technical resources of enterprises. Develop and organize the deployment of digital platforms that connect training institutions with enterprises to promote "learn from work", provide training and advanced training in digital skills for workers, connect demands and supplies of the labor market.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

e) Develop and organize deployment of the study content management platform, national study management platform for used among compulsory education institutions; develop and standardize digital learning materials, enabling teachers to spend more time interacting with students and thereby improving learning sessions.

g) Develop and organize deployment of a platform for archiving digital documents serving citizens' life-long study.

h) Increase targets of enrolment in information technology, digital technology, 4.0 technology such as AI, data science, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Everything, virtual/augmented reality, blockchain, 3D printing. Higher education and post-graduate education institutions in various fields open training disciplines in digital transformation, digital economy and digital society in their fields. Intensify training of doctoral researchers and lecturers in digital technology, digital transformation, digital economy and digital society.

i) Annually develop and published reports on demands of the labor market and career prospects in the fields of IT, electronics and telecommunications, cyberinformation security in Vietnam in order to have appropriate training solutions; follow trends, introduce some new majors and occupations requiring new skills.

7. Digital skills, digital citizens and digital culture

Develop digital skills, digital citizens and digital culture towards comprehensive popularization of digital technology to establish a fair and pervasive digital society, thereby develop potentials, proud of Vietnam and belief of the people in cyberspace.

The breakthrough of popularization of digital skills and digital culture is popularization of digital skills and digital culture by making use of national digital platform, provision of training in digital skills and digital culture via digital platforms.

Key objectives include:

b) Develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform specialized in digital skills according to the national digital skill standards and framework, enabling self-learning of digital skills, improvement of digital skills for the workforce, aiming to popularize digital skills in the people.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

d) Launch programs for promotion of widespread development of digital citizens in a manner that each adult has a digital identity, digital account, digital instrument and is trained in digital skills. Boost execution of programs for support and popularization of digital connection for the people. Encourage the people to use IoT devices in life, production and trade.

dd) Organize execution of extensive development digital culture for people of all classes. Instruct, encourage people to use the internet, register accounts and use digital services, especially online public services, digital health services, digital education, social networks and online trade, electronic payment, use of digital resources and utilities on the internet. Train people in basic information security skills in order for them to protect their own accounts and data in cyberspace. Develop a survey platform collect opinions from the people, thereby create an independent channel for collecting feedbacks about all aspects of economic-social life.

8. Digital enterprises

Develop digital enterprises, including digital technology enterprises and transformation of traditional enterprises into digital enterprises. The breakthrough is speeding up digital transformation of enterprises based on digital platforms, creation of digital enterprise ecosystems in various fields and sectors.

Key objectives include:

a) Draft, submit to the Prime Minister for approval, and organize the implementation of the Strategy for Development of Digital Technology of by 2025 and visions toward 2030, aiming at transforming from assembly, processing to manufacture of "Make in Vietnam" products, thereby fostering development digital economy.

c) Develop and organize the implementation of the Program for promotion of digital transformation of large enterprises and state-owned corporations. Evaluate, select and announce excellent digital platforms and solutions for digital transformation of large enterprises. Promoting the roles of leading enterprises in digital transformation, developing and propagation of digital platforms of their industries, creating digital ecosystems in various industries and fields.

d) Develop and execute a project for determination of digital transformation indexes of enterprises serving enterprises across the country. These indexes are the measure of the effectiveness of the programs and plans for assisting enterprises in digital transformation. Develop and operate the Enterprise Digital Transformation Index Portal. Introduce preferential policies to encourage enterprises to make efforts to increase their level of digital transformation.

dd) Develop and implement a program for development of a network of experts, digital economic consulting organizations and enterprise digital transformation (Consulting Network) with at least 1000 experts and 500 consulting units approved by the Ministry of Information and Communications, regularly trained and participate in joint activities to maintain and develop the network.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

9. Digital payment

Develop digital payment towards popularization of financial inclusion, promote cashless payment. Key objectives include:

a) Develop and propose promulgation of a Decree on mechanism for controlled experiment of Fintech activities in banking.

b) Amend regulations and policies on finance, fees and charges towards elimination of barriers to cashless payment, thereby encouraging the people to carry out cashless transactions.

c) Organize effective implementation of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy by 2025 and orientation towards 2030, which is approved in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 149/QD-TTg dated January 22, 2020.

d) Organize effective implementation of the Scheme for Development of Cashless Payment in Vietnam 2021 – 2025 under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. No. 1813/QD-TTg dated October 28, 2021.

e) Foster innovation of technology and operations of the interbank payment system according to international practices; upgrade and develop the electronic clearing and settlement system to meet transaction demand, especially micro-transactions and low-value transactions, which expect to skyrocket in the digital economy.

g) Study and propose mechanisms and policies on blockchain-based digital currencies.

h) Develop and launch a system of technical regulations and standards for e-invoices according to international practices and standards.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66


Comprehensive development of digital economy and digital society in all fields and sectors with focus on some key fields and sectors as follows:

1. Agriculture and rural areas

Develop digital economy and digital society towards association of digital agriculture with ecological agriculture, circular agriculture, modern rural areas, professional and civilized farmers. Key tasks include:

a) Formulate and organize the implementation of the Action Plan for development of digital economy and digital society in agriculture and rural areas, shifting from agricultural production to the digital agricultural economy; attract investment from technology enterprises to serve agriculture and rural development; develop digital platforms to serve farmers' needs; develop crop insurance and risk prevention services for farmers.

b) Develop and organize deployment of agricultural digital data platform in which state agencies play a leading role, cooperatives and agricultural enterprises play a key role, and farmers actively participate in collecting, standardizing, sharing open data for agricultural production and consumption of agricultural products; promptly provide information, provide advice and forecasts for farmers.

c) Develop and organize deployment a digital platform that connects farmers with agricultural experts for collection and labeling of data in the form of community contributions, apply AI in support of analysis and development, early detection of diseases for plants and animals to have a timely treatment plan.

d) Develop and organize deployment a platform for tracing origins of agricultural products serving tracing of origins, manufacturing processes and quality standards of Develop and organize deployment.

e) Organize popularization of digital skills for farmers by propaganda and dissemination through grassroots media; through the system of farmer associations at all levels; encourage, instruct and assist farmers in digital transformation in the process of organizing agricultural production and participating in the development of the digital economy and digital society; provide training courses in digital skills for farmers through digital platforms, online training; continuously improve digital knowledge and skills of farmers, prioritize skills in using digital technologies, using e-commerce trading platforms, making electronic payments, recognizing and preventing online frauds.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. Health

Develop digital economy and digital society towards connection between the people and the system of health facilities from central to commune level. Key tasks include:

a) Review, revise health regulations and policies to make sure every health facility has a department specialized in remote medical examination and treatment; use electronic medical records, prescriptions; cashless payment; complete the system of technical regulations and standards serving digital healthcare

b) Develop and organize the implementation of the Action Plan for development of digital economy and digital society in the health sector, promote and encourage major hospitals to also become digital health enterprises; encourage technology enterprises to invest in digital health; universalize health care services and remote medical examination and treatment.

c) Develop and organize deployment of a platform to support remote medical examination and treatment, connect hospitals with hospitals, upper-level hospitals with lower-level hospitals, thereby helping to reduce the burden on health facilities, promptly provide medical examination and treatment, save time and costs.

d) Develop and organize the implementation of electronic medical records, phasing out use of physical medical records; encourage cashless payment of hospital bills; deploy the national electronic prescription management platforms at all public and private health facilities across the country; develop smart health management platforms based on digital technology, integrate information and data, and form a national database on health.

dd) Develop and organize deployment of a platform for uniform testing management nationwide. Test results in electronic medical records shall be mutually recognized by health facilities.

g) Develop and organize deployment of a platform for management of health stations of all communes nationwide.

h) Develop and organize deployment of a platform for personal health records: each citizen has a digital health record to form a complete digital health care system including initial healthcare, preventive medicine, treatment. Electronic health records shall be regularly updated with information about a person's health throughout his/her life.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

k) Develop and organize deployment a digital platform that connects health for collection and labeling of data in the form of community contributions, apply AI in support of analysis and diagnosis, proposal of treatment course. Develop a digital platform for food safety and health environment management.

l) Organize specialized training in digital health at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in the health sector.

3. Education and training

Develop the digital economy and digital society by encouraging educational and training institutions to play the leading role in application of digital technology, creating an environment to form the next generation of digital citizens and digital entrepreneurs. Key tasks include:

a) Develop and organize the implementation of the Action Plan for development of digital economy and digital society in the education sector, promote and encourage major educational institutions and universities to also become digital education enterprises; encourage technology enterprises to invest in digital education and training.

b) Develop and organize deployment a digital platform for online teaching and examination serving students and teachers, thereby forming an ecosystem for development of digital education, ensuring online examination quality.

c) Find and apply products and services of Edtech enterprises to teaching. Create a mechanism for experimenting new and breakthrough products and services that enable fast and effective training.

d) Organize specialized training in digital education and training at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in the education sector.

Develop the digital economy and digital society by accelerating implementation of electronic transactions in the fields of labor, employment and social security; create and maintain a complete and timely database of workers and policy beneficiaries nationwide. Key tasks include:




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b) Develop and organize deployment of digital data platform about labor, employment and social security in which state agencies play a leading role, employers play a key role, workers and the people actively participate in collecting, standardizing, sharing open data for analysis, forecasting, publishing of information about the labor market and implementation of social security policies. Establish an electronic employment contract platform, encourage employees and employers to conclude electronic employment contracts. Develop and organize deployment of electronic labor books for workers.

c) Organize specialized training in digital transformation at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in the labor, war invalid and social affairs sector.

5. Trade, industry and energy

a) Trade

Develop the digital economy and digital society in trade by streamlining and increasing efficiency of the supply chain, contributing to modernizing the business cycle and improving the competitiveness of enterprises; promote development of domestic market and export markets. Key tasks include:

- Organize implementation of the National Master Plan for Development of E-Commerce 2022 – 2025 under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 645/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2020;

- Manage and monitor operation of e-commerce platforms; prevent counterfeits and protect consumers in online e-commerce transactions; develop a healthy, competitive and sustainable e-commerce market;

- Develop and organize the implementation of the Program for promotion e-commerce in rural areas with development potential: convenient logistics infrastructure, abundant agricultural products, unique handicrafts and fine arts; strengthen e-commerce links between regions;

- Develop e-commerce platforms through the value chain, by connecting large manufacturers, small and medium-sized distributors, wholesalers and retailing channels, e-commerce companies in order to form the supply chain;




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- Intensify construction of the system of infrastructure and services in order to support development of e-commerce;

- Organize specialized training in e-commerce at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in the industry and trade sector.

b) Industry and energy

Develop the digital economy and digital society in the industry and energy sector by establishing the right environment for innovation, strengthening strategic direction, and flexibly use of financial resources for digital transformation support. Key tasks include:

- Complete mechanisms and policies to facilitate promotion of digital transformation in the industry sector, especially in the processing and manufacturing industries towards a smart factory model, green growth, sustainable and consistent with the circular economy model;

- Develop and implement a coordination mechanism to support digital transformation for industrial production enterprises; execute representative and feasible digital transformation projects, thereby leading the digital transformation and innovation movement of manufacturing enterprises;

- Develop and organize deployment of a digital platform for connecting manufacturing enterprises with technology experts and professional solution providers to support enterprises in digital transformation; strengthen business linkages following an advanced cooperation model between manufacturing enterprises, domestic and international partners to create new values, share the network of services, data and information resources;

- Establish statistical indicators and organize periodic surveys to assess industrial enterprises' readiness for conversion to the smart factory model;

- Establish technology research centers/institutes serving production; focus on digital transformation of source and core technologies of the manufacturing, processing and manufacturing industries in order to improve efficiency, productivity and quality of the processing and manufacturing industries, contributing to improving the competitiveness of enterprises and industrial products produced by domestic enterprises;




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- Develop and organize the implementation of the plan for development of smart grid in Vietnam;

6. Tourism

Develop the digital economy and digital society by providing adequate information and online experience for tourists before and during the trip in real time. Key tasks include:

a) Develop and organize the implementation of the Action Plan for development of digital economy and digital society in tourism; every tourism enterprise must apply digital technology; encourage technology enterprises to invest in tourism; develop digital matchmaking platforms for tourism.

b) Develop and organize deployment of digital tourism data platform in which state agencies play a leading role, tourism enterprises play a key role, and tourists actively participate in collecting, standardizing, sharing open data for policymaking, preparation of business plans, optimization, improvement of service quality and provision of incentive packages for tourists. Carry out surveys, evaluation, classification and digitization of tourism resources; regularly update digital information and data about tourist resorts, tourist attractions, tourism establishments and tourism market of Vietnam.

c) Develop and organize deployment of a tourism business and management platform serving digital transformation of tourism enterprises, connecting domestic tourism product and service providers with distributors, online travel agents and major online travel exchanges, assisting tourism enterprises in connection, innovation of travel business, creating attractive travel packages for each tourism market segment. Develop smart tourism ecosystem; apply digital technology to connect, support and improve tourists' experience; expand the capacity to provide combined services between real and digital channels; make the best use of electronic transactions in tourism activities; apply modern technology to develop smart software and utilities to support tourist management and service.

d) Develop and organize deployment of a platform for Building and multi-dimensional modeling serving development of digital museums and digital tourism. Build a network of digital museums to connect and share knowledge resources from the document systems at museums across the country.

dd) Organize specialized training in smart tourism and digital transformation in tourism at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in tourism.

7. Resources and environment




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c) Develop and organize the implementation of a master plan for development of digital resources in the resources and environment sector by 2030 with orientation toward 2035 as the orientation for development of digital economy and digital society in the resources and environment sector.

d) Open new majors in data science, digital transformation of the resources and environment sector at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in the resources and environment sector.

8. Other fields and sectors

For finance, banking, insurance, post, transportation, logistics, construction and real estate, manufacturing, service and other fields and sectors: focus on development digital economy and digital society in each field and sector by creating a suitable environment for innovation, strengthening strategic direction and flexible use of financial resources for digital transformation support activities, forming digital economy and digital society of sectors and fields. Key tasks include:

a) Formulate and organize the implementation of the Action Plan for development of digital economy and digital society in each field and sector, promote digital transformation of enterprises and businesses in each field and sector; attract investment from technology enterprises; develop digital platforms of each field and sector to enterprises and the people.

b) Develop and organize deployment of digital data platform of each field and sector in which state agencies play a leading role, enterprises and businesses play a key role, and the people actively participate in collecting, standardizing, sharing open data in each field and sector; promptly provide information, provide advice and forecasts for enterprises and the people.

c) Develop and organize deployment of specialized digital platforms, management and business platforms for each field serving digital transformation of enterprises and businesses in the field; connect enterprises and enterprises, enterprises and the government, domestic and foreign enterprises; facilitate creation of new services and new business models; facilitate effective use of the business ecosystem in cyberspace.


1. Organization, apparatus




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b) Organize community-based digital technology groups of each neighborhood, hamlet and village whose members include part-time officials and on-site members that are active, enthusiastic, and trained in digital skills in order to disseminate digital skills, instruct and assist the people in using "Make in Vietnam" digital technology and digital platforms, thereby forming a nationwide technology deployment network.

c) Review, adjusts functions and tasks of the Ministry of Information and Communications, other Ministries, central authorities and local governments in accordance with the content of management, promotion of digital transformation, digital government, economy digital society in Vietnam, ensuring synchronization, consistency and efficiency; promote the role of all parties in the development of digital economy and digital society.

d) Organize and assign presiding units that take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Digital Economy and Digital Society by 2025 and orientation towards 2030.

2. Domestic cooperation

a) Maintain cooperation between the Ministry of Information and Communications and each relevant ministry and authority; establish joint working groups between two ministries; develop a specific action plan for each year to implement and complete the institution, policies, develop national digital platforms and develop digital human resources in each field and sector.

b) Maintain cooperation between state authorities and digital platform enterprises in research and development of excellent and high-quality digital platforms.

c) Maintain cooperation between state authorities and digital platform enterprises in propaganda, dissemination, provision of training in digital skills for the people using digital platforms.

3. International cooperation

b) Actively participate in international organizations, initiatives for digital economy and digital society; develop new international legal frameworks, standards and principles on digital technology suitable for Vietnam's goals and interests; become a responsible member in handling and solving problems and challenges related to digital connectivity; harmonize standards; promote of digital trade; improve digital capacity and bridge the digital divide; encourage business operations in the digital environment and consumer protection.




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4. Research and development

a) Promote research, development and application of new digital technologies such as AI, digital twin technology, blockchain, virtual/augmented reality, big data, combined with other open technologies technology, open source codes to develop national digital platforms, field-specific digital platforms to serve the development of digital economy and digital society.

b) Develop and implement programs for research and application of new digital technologies to create digital platforms, products and services with Vietnam's characteristics, thereby creating competitive advantages and promoting development of digital economy and digital society.

c) Organize search and have attractive policies to recruit leading experts in new digital technologies, core technologies, digital platforms at home and abroad to Vietnam for research, development, and business investment. Strongly promote creative start-ups in digital economy, especially the platform economy and online business nationwide.

d) Review and amend regulations and policies to encourage enterprises to set up science and technology funds and use these funds for their own digital transformation. Loosen and simplify regulations on setting up and spending the science and technology fund for the purpose of digital transformation of enterprises.

e) Invest in research, development and transfer of new business models, digital transformation and digital economy models; develop characteristic digital transformation enterprises, models and application of digital transformation models that are suitable for the characteristics of each industry, field and area; promote industry-leading enterprises and nuclear enterprises to invest in research and development of specialized digital platforms, support the transfer to partners for application, connection, sharing and leading the digital transformation of the supply chain, bringing the industry chain to a new level; maintain multi-sectoral cooperation between leading enterprises, platform enterprises, and financial technology enterprises to establish digital transformation platforms and create new ecosystems.

5. Propaganda, dissemination and raising awareness

a) Organize forums, conferences, seminars, events, fairs at home and overseas about development of digital economy and digital society in Vietnam and results of implementation of the Strategy; integrate digital economy and digital society contents in events and fairs about socio-economic development, introduction of Vietnam, Vietnamese people, culture and tourism at home and overseas.

b) Organize propaganda, dissemination and extensive training in national digital platforms, characteristic digital economy and digital society models on the central to grassroots communication systems. Develop consulting, Q&A, and virtual assistant channels on digital economy and digital society; assist people in improving their digital skills, using digital platforms, digital services and digital technology.




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d) Setting up a portal for Vietnam's digital economy and digital society to provide information on the implementation of the National Strategy for Digital Economy and Digital Society Development, post relevant guidelines, policies, information, and progress of the Strategy, integrate data on the development of digital economy and digital society in Vietnam. Build a national database on development of digital economy and digital society with information and data gathered from many different sources classified by topics and lists for storage, access and update of information, allow users to search and share information. Build a forum to connect experts and scientists with individuals and organizations to connect the power of knowledge for development of the digital economy and digital society.

6. Measurement, supervision of implementation

a) Periodically update the digital economy and digital society indicators in line with actual development, ensure a uniform system of statistical indicators for measuring digital economy and digital society, including indicators at national, sector and local levels.

b) Carry out annual surveys; collect and publish statistics and measurements of digital economic indicators and basic goals of digital economy and digital society set out in this Strategy at national and local level.

c) Establish a set of criteria for measurement of digital society, including measuring content of people's participation in political and social activities in digital society, with detailed classification by gender, regions; conduct annul surveys, collect and publish statistics and measurements on digital society at national and local levels.

7. Budgets

a) Budgets for implementation of this Strategy include: state budget, investment from enterprises and the private sector, community, and other lawful sources of funding. Ministries, central authorities and local governments shall prioritize budget for implementation of the tasks and solutions specified in the Strategy for development of digital economy and digital society.

b) Prioritize use of state budget for execution of tasks, solutions and projects of this Strategy by state authorities. The ratio of expenditure on digital transformation, development  of digital economy and digital society to total state budget expenditures must be higher than the average ratio in the world. Consider setting a separate budget for digital transformation, development of digital government digital economy and digital society.

c) Central government budget shall provide funding for execution of tasks and projects in the Strategy by ministries and central authorities, Strategy execution and management activities. Local governments shall provide funding for execution of tasks and projects in the Strategy assigned to them. Where:




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d) Enterprises, business organizations, education and training institutions shall use their own budget for execution of assigned tasks and solutions in the Strategy. Units with retained revenue may use this revenue for implementation of the Strategy as prescribed by law.

8. Minimization of negative impacts of digital economy and digital society development

a) Assess impacts of digital economy and digital society development on a national scale and local scale; the focus is assessment of impacts of technology on various fields and potential employments in order to come up with an conversion plan that is appropriate for national and local development strategies. Prioritize transformation of subjects that are affected the most and are most likely replaced by machines. Implement solutions for minimization of inequality, bridging gaps and reduction of negative impacts of the process of digital economy and digital society development.

b) Assess the impacts of digital technology on society to have proactive solutions to minimize the negative effects of digital technology; develop centers to answer questions and support people negatively impacted by digital technology. Promote the application of AI to develop virtual assistants to support people 24/7 and everywhere.

c) Developing simple and easy-to-use applications and digital platforms to help people control their own activities and technology usage; applying AI technology to automatically control access and block malicious websites and Internet resources towards a safe and healthy digital space for people.

d) Establish points for collection of damaged, expired IT, electronic and telecommunications products, technological wastes, and electronic waste; promote the application of appropriate treatment technology towards a green environment and protection of people's health.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Minister of Information and Communications shall:

a) Preside over the implementation of this Strategy; instruct, supervise Ministries, central authorities and local governments organizing the implementation of this Strategy; take charge of promoting digital transformation, development of digital economy, digital society, national digital platform and platform economy; annually carry out inspections, supervision of the progress of implementation of this Strategy and report to the Prime Minister.




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d) Cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affairs, relevant agencies and organizations in performing the tasks specified in Clause 6 and Clause 7 Section IV and Clause 3 Section V within the scope of their functions and duties.

d) Take charge and cooperate with relevant Ministries, central authorities, local governments, organizations and enterprises in performing the tasks specified in Clause 3 Section IV of the Strategy; promulgate and periodically revise the List of Prioritized National Digital Platforms; develop and run the Program for Promotion of National Digital Platforms; select key organizations and enterprises that can develop national digital platforms and specialized digital platforms.

e) Performs tasks of the governing body, support the development of national digital platforms for: cloud computing platform; digital address platform; data sharing and integration platform; data aggregation and analysis platform; next-generation online meeting platform; massive open online courses (MOOCS); public survey platform; AI platform; IoT device platform; next-generation social networking platform; overall administration platform; service accounting platform; intelligent operation centers (IOC); cyberinformation security operation centers (SOC); virtual assistant platform; supply chain optimization platform.

g) Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, relevant organizations and enterprises in performing the tasks specified in Clause 5 Section IV within the scope of their functions and duties.

h) Perform the assigned tasks and implement the solutions in the Appendix hereof and other tasks within the scope of their functions and duties.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

a) Consolidate, arrange annual capital for development investment in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, the Law on State Budget and their guiding documents to execute the Strategy.

c) Take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Point a and Point b Clause 6 and Clause 7 of Section VI; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

3. The Ministry of Finance




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b) Execute the solutions specified in Point c Clause 4 Section IV, Point h Clause 5 of Section IV, Point h and Point i Clause 9 of Section IV, Point d Clause 4 of Section VI, Clause 7 of Section VI; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital e-invoice platforms; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

4. State Bank of Vietnam shall:

Take charge and cooperate with Ministries, central authorities and organizations in performance of the tasks specified in Points a, b, c, d, e, g Clause 9 of Section IV; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

5. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affairs shall:

a) Cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in performing the tasks specified in Point c Clause 6 of Section VI within the scope of their functions and duties.

b) Take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Points a, dd, e, g, i Clause 6 of Section IV; Points a, b, c Clause 4 of Section V; the solutions specified in Points a, b Clause 8 of Section VI and in the Appendix within the scope of their functions and duties.

6. The Ministry of Education and Training shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affairs and training institutions in performing the tasks specified in Points a, b, d, dd, e, g, h Clause 6 of Section IV; Points a, b, c, d Clause 3 of Section V; cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in performing the tasks specified in Point c Clause 6 Section IV and support development of national digital university platforms; execute assigned solutions and tasks specified in the Appendix and other contents of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

7. The Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affairs shall assign tasks to universities, colleges and vocational education institutions:

a) Develop training programs pursuant to the contents of the Strategy in a manner that is appropriate for digital economy and digital society development.




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d) Increase the volume of practice in digital technology, digital economy and digital society training; introduce digital platforms and digital technologies, especially digital platforms of Vietnams and open technologies, in training programs in order for students to have practical experience.

dd) Actively carry out comprehensive digital transformation; participate in development and experiment of digital universities.

e) Take charge of or cooperate in performing the tasks specified in Points a, b, c, dd, g, h Clause 6 of Section IV; perform tasks of the governing body; support national digital online teaching and learning platforms; execute assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix.

8. b) The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Clause 1 of Section V; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital platforms for agricultural data and farm product origin tracing; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

9. The Ministry of Health shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Clause 2 of Section V; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital platforms for remote medical examination and treatment, vaccination management, electronic health records, commune health stations; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

10. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Point d Clause 1 of Section IV; Point c Clause 2 of Section IV; Clause 5 of Section V; cooperate in supporting development of e-commerce platforms; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

11. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Clause 6 of Section V; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital platforms for digital museums, tourism administration and business; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

12. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Point c Clause 1 of Section VI; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix within the scope of their functions and duties.

14. The Ministry of Public Security shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Point I Clause 5 of Section IV; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital platforms for citizen identity and authentication; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.




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16. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge of performance of the tasks specified in Clause 7 of Section V; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital map platforms; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

17. Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises, agencies representing state investment in enterprises shall direct state-owned enterprises under their management to execute the tasks and solutions in the Strategy for digital transformation, digital economy and digital society development, especially n some key and essential fields, in areas of importance in National defense and security; the fields in which enterprises in other economic sectors do not invest; request enterprises to actively invest in development of national digital platforms and field-specific digital platforms; develop action plans for digital economy development within the enterprises under their management by boosting their digital transformation, creating digital enterprises leading development of national digital platforms and Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises, creating digital ecosystems in their fields.

18. Ministries, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies, the People’s Committees of provinces shall:

b) According to the contents of this Strategy, develop and implement the plan for 2022 – 2025 and annual plans for digital economy and digital society development; supplement, update, synchronize the contents of this Strategy, digital economy and digital society development plans with their socio-economic development plans and strategies.

c) Provide adequate funding (for development investment, regular spending) for execution for their digital economy and digital society development tasks and projects; the People’s Committees of provinces shall prioritize spending on digital transformation, digital government, digital economy and digital society; make sure the ratio of spending on digital transformation, development of digital economy, digital society, electronic government and digital government to total state budget expenditures is higher than the average ratio in the world.

d) Carry out inspection and assessment; submit annual and irregular reporting on implementation of the Strategy to the Ministry of Information and Communications for consolidation and reporting to the Prime Minister.

19. a) Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam News Agency and other press agencies shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications, other Ministries, central authorities and local governments developing and implementing the plan for propaganda and dissemination of this Strategy in all agencies and people regularly, daily, weekly; execute the solutions specified in Points b, c, dd Clause 5 of Section VI; perform the tasks of the governing body; support development of national digital platforms regarding digital (online) television and audio broadcasting; execute the assigned solutions and tasks in the Appendix hereof and other tasks of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and duties.

20. Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City is recommended to direct youth unions at all levels to send representatives to communes, participate in the digital transformation support network coordinated by the Ministry of Information and Communications; launch campaigns for propaganda, dissemination of digital skills, assist and instruct the people to use services on digital environment.

21. Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Vietnam Farmer’s Union and Vietnam Cooperative Alliance are recommended to develop action plans and direct their member organizations to participate in development and application of digital technology serving digital economy and digital society.




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a) Post and telecommunications enterprises shall prioritize investment resources construction, upgrade of digital infrastructure and post infrastructure nationwide to be prepared for great demand during digital economy and digital society development; join the State in training the people in digital skills.

b) State-owned corporations and general companies shall actively participate in implementation of the Strategy; play a leading role in development and deployment of platforms and solutions for digital economy and digital society development, creation of digital ecosystems, boosting digital transformation in their fields; become pioneers in development of national digital platforms and field-specific digital platforms; mobilize, gather enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises in digital technology, to participate in development of the ecosystem of products and services serving digital economy and digital society development.

c) State-owned enterprises shall be pioneers in digital transformation, development of national digital platforms and field-specific digital platforms; convert into digital technology enterprises; create an ecosystem of digital products and services around their core businesses.

d) Digital technology enterprises shall actively develop digital platforms, participate in the Program for Development of National Digital Platforms, solve issues concerning digital economy and digital society development; develop an ecosystem with interesting and safe contents in order to form online habits for the people.

dd) Digital technology enterprises shall cooperate with representatives of ministries, central authorities, universities and colleges in developing training programs in information technology, electronics and telecommunications, cyberinformation security by combining theory and practice; be prepared for running the program "Training from practice", offer internship to college and university students in order for them to get used to business environment.

e) Digital technology enterprises shall cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in performance of the tasks specified in Points b, c, d, dd Clause 5 of Section IV; execute other tasks and solutions of the Strategy within their scope of operation.

Article 3. This Decision comes into from the day on which it is signed.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, Presidents of the People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities are responsible for the implementation of this Decision.





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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66


Vu Duc Dam


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                Decision 411/QD-TTg 2022 the national strategy for development of digital economy
                Loại văn bảnQuyết định
                Số hiệu411/QD-TTg
                Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
                Người kýVũ Đức Đam
                Ngày ban hành31/03/2022
                Ngày hiệu lực...
                Ngày công báo...
                Số công báo
                Lĩnh vựcVăn hóa - Xã hội, Thương mại, Công nghệ thông tin
                Tình trạng hiệu lựcKhông xác định
                Cập nhật2 năm trước

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                            Văn bản gốc Decision 411/QD-TTg 2022 the national strategy for development of digital economy

                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision 411/QD-TTg 2022 the national strategy for development of digital economy

                            • 31/03/2022

                              Văn bản được ban hành

                              Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực