Quyết định 5316/QD-BYT

Decision No. 5316/QD-BYT dated December 22, 2020 on approving Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 5316/QD-BYT 2020 Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 5316/QD-BYT

Hanoi, December 22, 2020





Pursuant to Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of Politburo on policies on active participation in the fourth industrial revolution;

Pursuant to Decree No. 75/2017/ND-CP dated June 20, 2017 of Government on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of Ministry of Health;

Pursuant to Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 of Prime Minister approving national digitalization program;

At request of Director General of Agency of Information and Technology,


Article 1. Approving “Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030” under this Decision.

Article 2. This Decision comes into effect from the day of signing.

Article 3. Chief of the Ministry Office, Director General of Agency of Information and Technology, Director of Planning and Finance Department, Chief Ministry Inspectorate, Director General affiliated to Ministry of Health, Directors of entities affiliated to Ministry of Health, Director of Health Departments of provinces and central-affiliated cities, heads of health sector and heads of relevant entities shall implement this Decision./.




Nguyen Thanh Long



(Attached to Decision No. 5316/QD-BYT dated December 22, 2020 of Minister of Health)

Part 1



The fourth industrial revolution is a major trend that brings along a multitude of ground-breaking digitalization technology namely Internet of things, artificial intelligence, big data processing, cloud computing and other technologies to perform hyper-connection and integrate digitalization – physical – biological systems, between physical world and cyberspace to generate new workforce, new production relations and total digitalization in all aspects of life, from business organization, service provision, business methods to consumption, social interaction and human beings.  

In Vietnam, the fourth industrial revolution has and is impacting the economy, culture, social affairs, political, national defense, security and environment in an increasing manner of magnitude. Policies and strategies of the Communist Party and the Government have been issued to access and actively participate in the fourth industrial revolution. Documents that have been issued are:

Directive No. 16-CT/TTg dated May 4, 2017 of Prime Minister on increasing access to the fourth industrial revolution;

Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of Politburo on policies on active participation in the Fourth industrial revolution; Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated April 17, 2020 of the Government on issuance of Action program of the Government for implementing Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of Politburo on policies on active participation in the fourth industrial revolution;

Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving “Program for national digitalization until 2025 and orientation to 2030”.


1. Medical digitalization definition

Medical digitalization refers to thorough application of information technology which prioritizes modern digital technologies which lead to positive changes to medical activities relating to healthcare.

2. Impact of digitalization to medical

Within the fourth industrial revolution, technology advances will create connection between the physical world, digital world and biological organism world, etc. and generate means of production that is a confluence of physical world and digital world.   Typical components of the fourth industrial revolution are Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Thing and smart technologies namely AI, robots, virtual reality and 3D printing.

Digitalization will impact and result in positive changes to activities of the medical sector in 3 main categories:

First, impact on leadership, management and operation of agencies and entities within medical sector, orientation to leadership methods, affair management and effective, timely and accurate decision making based on digital technologies. 

Second, direct impact on provision and access to medical services from traditional methods to methods employing digital technologies to promote rapid, timely and convenient provision and access to medical services.

Third, impact on working and communicating methods of staffs, pharmacists and medical employees, conversion from traditional working environment to digital working environment and formation of “digital pharmacists”.


1. Regarding recognition, regulations and legal environment for implementation of information technology

Ministry of Health has promulgated structure framework of Ministry of Health E-Government version 1.0 in 2015; structure of Ministry of Health E-Government version 2.0 in 2019 to increase connection, integration, sharing and reuse of information and information infrastructure in a synchronized manner; increasingly direct application of information technology in administrative reform, successful and effective implementation of public services.

Ministry of Health has promulgated multiple legislative documents and guiding documents to serve as the basis for medical digitalization, namely:

Circular No. 48/2017/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2017 of Ministry of Health on extraction and transfer of electronic data in managing and paying medical examination and treatment fees under health insurance;

Decision No. 4210/QD-BYT dated September 20, 2017 of Ministry of Health on output data standards and format in managing, assessing and paying medical examination and treatment fees under health insurance;

Circular No. 49/2017/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2017 of Ministry of Health on remote medical activities;

Circular No. 54/2017/TT-BYT dated December 29, 2017 of Ministry of Health on criteria for application of information technology at medical examination and treatment establishments;

Circular No. 46/2018/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2018 of Ministry of Health on electronic medical records;

Decision No. 4888/QD-BYT dated October 18, 2019 of Ministry of Health approving Scheme for applying and developing smart medical information technology during 2019 – 2025; Decision No. 5349/QD-BYT dated November 12, 2019 of Ministry of Health approving plans for implementing electronic health records; Decision No. 5454/QD-BYT dated September 10, 2018 of Ministry of Health approving plans for implementing electronic medical listing;  Decision No. 2153/QD-BYT dated May 25, 2020 of Ministry of Health on regulations on determination, use and management of health identification; Decision No. 3532/QD-BYT dated August 12, 2020 of Ministry of Health on developing and implementing information systems for managing medical stations of communes, wards and towns.

Ministry of Health is focusing on 3 electronic medical programs:

Program 1. Developing infrastructure and implementing electronic medical inventory to gradually form National Medical Data Center.

Program 2. Implementing electronic health records, electronic medical records and management software for medical stations of communes, wards and towns by standards.

Program 3. Developing and operating single-window public service system of Ministry of Health connecting with national single-window system and ASEAN single-window system.

2. Regarding information technology infrastructure and technical foundation

Ministry of Health has initially developed medical data center of the Ministry and gradually developed technical infrastructure to serve concentrated storage, management and extraction of data. Currently, data center of Ministry of Health has guaranteed infrastructure of public service system, electronic medical inventory, electronic health record, data integration platform of Ministry of Health, e-mail system, electronic regulatory document management system and other important systems of the medical sector.

In local administrative divisions, multiple hospitals have developed modern technical infrastructure to meet management and data storage demands of the entities and employ electronic medical records instead of physical medical records.

3. Regarding implementation of e-Government

Ministry of Health has developed regulatory document management system and e-mail system in regulatory authorities; 100% of management of regulatory documents and e-mail is implemented on internet environment and digitally signed.

Ministry of Health publicized public service portal of Ministry of Health in 2019. By June 30, 2020, 100% of administrative procedures of Ministry of Health for implementing online public service level 4 had been completed 5 years earlier than the deadline assigned by the Government.  

Medical public portal which is the official channel of Ministry of Health has been publicized to enable the general public and enterprises to look up information regarding medication prices, medical device prices, medical material prices, diagnostic reagent prices, medical examination and treatment prices, posted prices, bidding prices, circulated products or revoked products, administrative procedure results, advertisement violations, etc. The general public has the rights to acknowledge and supervise services provided by the medical sector via the medical public portal.

Announce portal for publicizing medical device prices and medical device configuration, aim to publicize bidding price of medical device contract package on information portal to enable medical facilities which seek to procure medical devices to consult, prepare estimates to ensure transparency and fairness in procurement and bidding of medical devices.

4. Regarding application of information technology in medical sector

In recent years, the medical sector has promoted and made ground-breaking developments in application of information technology, accessing digital technologies namely internet of things, AI, virtual reality, cloud computing, mobile, big data processing, etc. Notable application of information technology in medical sector:

First, promote application of information technology in hospitals: 100% of hospitals nationwide have adopted information systems for managing hospitals; 10 hospitals and 1 clinic have adopted electronic medical records; 23 hospitals have adopted picture archiving and communication system (PACS).  Several hospitals have adopted social network in interacting with patients namely Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City; developed electronic medical record applications for patients; adopted cloud computing in Nghe An, Tien Giang, Kon Tum, etc.

Second, Ministry of Health cooperates with Vietnam Social Security in successfully connecting medical examination and treatment establishments with social security authorities. By now, 99.5% of medical examination and treatment establishments nationwide have connected with assessment system of Vietnam Social Security.

Third, develop systems for remote medical examination and treatment consulting and connecting all things medical. Ministry of Health promulgated Decision No. 2628/QD-BYT dated June 22, 2020 approving Scheme for remote medical examination and treatment during 2020 – 2025. On September 25, 2020 in Hanoi, Ministry of Health held opening ceremony for 1,000 remote medical examination and treatment establishments called Telehealth.   Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam attended the ceremony.

Fourth, implement application of AI and robots in medical sector. 4 notable robotic systems are being employed in modern medicine. The da Vinci Surgical Systems, the Renaissance spinal robotic surgical guidance system, MAKOplasty surgerical robot and Rosa neurosurgery robot. Medical sector has employed “cognitive computing” for cancer treatment in hospitals. General Hospital of Phu Tho Province in 2018, General Hospital of Quang Ninh Province 2018.

Fifth, develop electronic health records. Ministry of Health promulgated Plan No. 5349/QD-BYT dated November 12, 2019 of Ministry of Health on plan for implementing electronic health records. According to this plan, multiple provinces and central-affiliated cities have initially deployed electronic health records for permanent health monitor of the general public namely Phu Tho Province, Binh Duong Province, etc.

Sixth, promote application of information technology at local medical affairs, develop unified software for managing medical stations of communes according to Decision No. 3532/QD-BYT dated August 12, 2020 of Minister of Health. Form platform for managing, connecting and sharing medical data V20.

Seventh, implement electronic nationwide medical inventory system.

Eighth, apply information technology in assisting COVID-19 epidemic management in form of deploying voluntary health declaration software (NCOVI), mandatory health declaration (Vietnam Health Declaration), Bluezone, etc.

Ninth, medical sector is implementing multiple major information systems namely Vietnam health network, PACS Cloud system, online application for medical examination and treatment and other practical applications, implementing National pharmaceutical database system, connecting with national medicine supply system; implementing national vaccination systems, etc. aiming to thoroughly digitalize the medical sector. 

Part 2



Vision of medical digitalization to 2030 is application of digital technology in most activities and services of the medical sector and formation of smart medical sector with 3 primary contents of smart disease prevention, smart disease treatment and smart medical administration.


1. Objectives to 2025

a) Regarding objectives of developing e-Government in medical:

- Maintain 100% of level 4 online public services, 80% of which are provided on different devices, including mobile devices;

- 90% of affair documents in Ministry of Health and Departments of Health; 80% of affair documents of health authorities of districts are processed on internet environment (other than documents classified as Government secret); 

- 100% of reporting regimes, periodic reports and statistical reports in medical sector serving direct and operation of Ministry of Health are connected, integrated and shared on the National report information system;

- 80% of medical information systems requesting information sharing and connection shall be connected and bridged via appropriate platform and receiving medical data; information of the general public and enterprises digitalized and stored on national medical database are not required to be provided;

- Maintain medical public portal and public portal for prices of medical devices where 100% information on medication prices, medical device prices, medical material prices, diagnostic reagent prices, medical examination and treatment prices, posted prices, bidding prices, circulated products or revoked products, administrative procedure results, advertisement violations, etc. is publicized.

b) Development of digital society in medical sector

- 100% of medical facilities deploy non-cash electronic payment;

- 100% of medical examination and treatment establishments deploy remote medical examination and treatment;

- 100% of medical examination and treatment establishments apply for online medical examination and treatment;

- 100% of medical officials and employees participate in Vietnam medical network.

c) Digitalization in disease prevention and healthcare for the general public

- 100% of the general public is medically identified;

- 100% of medical officials (doctors, pharmacists, officials, employees in medical sector) are medically identified;

- 90% of the general public has electronic health records.

- 100% of communes deploy software for managing medical stations of communes with adequate functions according to Ministry of Health.

d) Digitalization in medical examination and treatment

15% of nationwide hospitals (approximately 210) digitalize successfully, deploy electronic medical records instead of physical medical records, and pay hospital fees without cash according to Circular No. 46/2018/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2018 of Ministry of Health on electronic medical records.

2. Objectives to 2030

Continue to sustainable maintain objectives achieved by 2025 and strive to achieve following objectives:

a) Regarding objectives of developing e-Government in medical:

- 100% of online public services are provided on different devices, including mobile devices;

- 100% of affair documents in Ministry of Health and Departments of Health; 90% of affair documents of health authorities of districts are processed on internet environment (other than documents classified as Government secret); 

- 100% of medical information systems requesting information sharing and connection shall be connected and bridged via appropriate platform and receiving medical data; information of the general public and enterprises digitalized and stored on national medical database are not required to be provided;

b) Maintenance of digital society development according to criteria achieved during 2021-2025.

c) Maintenance of general public disease prevention and healthcare criteria achieved during 2021-2025; 95% of the general public have electronic health records.

d) Digitalization in medical examination and treatment

50% of nationwide hospitals (approximately 700) digitalize successfully, deploy electronic medical records instead of physical medical records, and pay hospital fees without cash according to Circular No. 46/2018/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2018 of Ministry of Health on electronic medical records.


1. Platform development for digitalization

1.1. Awareness shift 

a)  Promote publicizing on mass mediate to improve awareness of regulatory agencies, medical facilities, enterprises and the general public regarding roles and benefits of medical digitalization.

b) Actively develop media programs regarding deployment of medical digitalization in general public healthcare and medical examination and treatment, including: electronic health records, remote consulting for medical examination and treatment, online medical examination and treatment, electronic medical records and other relevant categories.

c) Promote and facilitate research, creativity and experiment of digital technologies in medical sector. Form scientific research and creativity networks in developing digital technology in medical sector.

d) Organize connection, gather and promote enterprises to develop information technology in Vietnam by develop applications and digital medical platform “make in Việt Nam” (Make in Vietnam).

dd) Organize events regarding medical digitalization to provide information as well as attract interest of enterprises and the general public.

e) Praise and commend organizations and individuals earning notable achievements in medical digitalization.

1.2. Policy

Develop legislative documents, standards, regulations and payment in medical information technology, to be specific:

a) Issue regulations guiding experimentation of new digital products in medical sector; develop digital platforms in medical sector.

b) Implement and upgrade e-Government structure of Ministry of Health to serve as the basis for planning and development of information technology of the medical sector.

c) Conduct research and develop financial mechanisms and service hiring mechanisms for digital medical services. Prescribe fees for information technology services in medical examination and treatment establishments, fees for information technology services in medical service fees.

d) Develop legal corridor to enable remote medical examination and treatment and electronic prescription for the general public to ensure quick and effective access to doctors of the general public and reduction in cost and time of patient transportation.

dd) Develop and issue regulations on managing and collecting medical data. Develop Decrees on national medical databases.

e) Develop and issue regulations on connecting and bridging data among software in medical sector based on international standards.

g) Guide application of digital technologies in medical sector. Develop and finalize guides to smart hospitals and hospitals without physical medical records.

h) Develop guidelines and regulations on electronic verification in medical sector.

i) Develop and issue regulations on ensuring safety and security; guarantee privacy of medical information on internet environment.

1.3. Development of digital medical infrastructure

Apply modern technology in deploying digital medical infrastructure. Upgrade and transfer technical infrastructure on the basis of cloud computing, converged and hyper converged serve technology, modern wired and wireless technologies. Development tasks of digital medical infrastructure consisting of:

a) Develop and upgrade technical infrastructure at national medical data center satisfying income, medical data collection and storage growth. Develop general information management system serving direction and operation of Ministry of Health.

b) Develop and upgrade infrastructure at smart medical operating center at Departments of Health and medical examination and treatment facilities.

c) Develop and upgrade technical infrastructure at medical examination and treatment facilities.

d) Based on demand and practical situations, specialized medical facilities (cardiovascular disease, respiratory, orthopedics, oncology, etc.) shall prepare projects for investing and constructing big data centers of the sectors to serve as the basis for application and development of artificial intelligence.

1.4. Development of digital medical data

a) Develop and finalize databases and lists commonly used within the medical sector.

b) Develop, finalize and permit common use of databases commonly used within the medical sector including medical examination and treatment establishment database (electronic medical records, medical imagery, testing information), medical staff databases and other databases of nationwide medical facilities.

c) Develop databases in specialized fields of the medical sector.

d) Develop and finalize medical national databases, apply big data technologies in developing and storing medical data.  Apply analytic technology to analyze figures on medical activities promptly and accurately to predict development of health or medical condition in the community thereby developing appropriate medical management policies.

e) Develop DNA data center for Vietnamese

- Develop modern and next-gen technical infrastructure to decode genes to serve storage at Hanoi Medical University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

- Apply innovative technology namely big data and AI to develop and manage gene databases. Ensure adequate human resources to extract genetic data to serve medical prevention, examination and treatment.

1.5. Development of digital platforms in medical sector

a) Develop national integrated medical data platform to connect and share data among national medical databases, specialized medical systems and medical statistical systems;

b) Implement and develop local integrated platforms for medical data;

c) Develop service platforms for applying for medical examination, treatment and non-cash electronic payments;

d) Develop information system platforms for hospital management;

dd) Develop platforms for remote medical examination and treatment;

e) Develop superapp platforms for providing medical services and aim towards social networks for medical services;

g) Implement and develop open medical data platforms, collect medical data from multiple sources, namely: the general public, enterprises, social network and sensor devices (IoMT – Internet of Medical Things) related to medical information and general public health information, connect with data shared from medical databases and aim towards formation of open medical data ecosystem and national medical information network.

1.6. Cyber safety and security assurance

a) Develop and implement technical systems to ensure information safety serving development of e-Government on Ministry of Health according to the Government:

- Organize cyber incident response forces;

- Develop supervision centers for national medical information safety, connect and share with National Cyber Security Center situated at Ministry of Information and Communications;  

- Medical facilities shall receive information safety supervision via supervision centers for national medical information safety;

- Examine and assess information safety periodically for information systems of the medical sector.

b) Medical facilities shall implement information safety and security assurance for information systems of the facilities according to safety level of information systems.

c) Implement and develop digital signature certification systems for electronic medical records at hospitals;

1.7. International cooperation, research, development and innovation in cyber environment

a) Promote international cooperation, observe and learn experiences, technology and medical digitalization models in other countries.  Organize international conventions and forums to exchange and share details regarding medical digitalization. Ministry of Health shall take charge and cooperate with relevant entities in organizing at least one conference every year on new achievements and technologies in medical digitalization. Develop online exchange forums for digitalization in medical sector

b) Organize thorough cooperation with international organizations such as WB, JICA, KOIKA, ADB, EU, UNICEF, AEHIN, PATH and other international organizations, non-governmental organizations and countries in training, researching, testing and investing in solutions for digitalization in medical sector.

c) Encourage domestic enterprises and research entities to conduct research, develop and implement smart applications in medical sector.  On a periodic basis, Ministry of Health shall organize competitions involving digital medicine and smart medicine in medical sector to commend domestic organizations and individuals in medical digitalization.

d) Ministry of Health shall prioritize allocating science technology budget for research topics regarding medical digitalization and develop at least 1 ministry-level topic every year on digitalization in medical sector.  

1.8. Human resource development

a) Train experts for central governments and experts for provinces and central-affiliated cities in medical digitalization.

b) Implement training programs for leading medical digitalization for heads of entities affiliated to Ministry of Health and heads of Department of Health.

c) Enhance training and improvement for officials and employees in medical sector regarding application of information technology and medical digitalization. Promote medical information technology training in medical personnel training facilities.

2. Development of e-Government in medical sector

Develop and upgrade medical information systems on the latest digital platforms regarding social media, provision of information and public administrative services on mobile in a simplified and convenient manner, Big Data Analytics, AI, virtual reality/augmented reality to thoroughly digitalize operation and leadership of regulatory authorities and provide the best and the most convenient experience for users, to be specific:

a) Implement and develop information technology applications in electronic management, operation and restriction of physical documents, applications in developing electronic transactions, electronic verification and electronic offices in Ministry of Health, Department of Health and other entities in medical sector.

b) Maintain and effectively operation public service portal and electronic single-window information system for administrative procedures of Ministry of Health. Upgrade technologies to implement online public services on mobile platforms and improve user’s experience.  Conduct research and apply AI assistance in appraising documents online such as applying for medication online, publicizing standards of functional products, applying for medical devices, etc. .

c) Maintain and effectively operate public medical portal and public portal for publicizing prices and configuration of medical devices.

d) Develop and finalize national medical information systems including: information systems for medical statistic, medical personnel, medical finance, medical examination and treatment, traditional medicine and pharmacy, preventive medicine, health environment, HIV/AIDS, food safety, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and works, population – family planning, pediatric and maternal health, technology science in medicine, etc.

3. Development of digital economy in medical sector

Develop digital economy in medical sector by focusing on encouraging medical enterprises and medical examination and treatment to increase application of digitalization in management affairs and provision of medical services, improve experience and features for the general public, enterprises and medical officials, to be specific:  

a) Promote and develop policies on incentivizing commercial institutions, investment funds and individual investors to invest in digital medicine.

b) Pharmaceutical, food, equipment and medical-related enterprises shall enhance application of digital technologies in manufacturing, managing enterprises, managing customers and providing online services for customers. Apply AI in conducting research and manufacturing pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

c) Public and private hospitals shall promote their progress towards smart hospitals, promote provision of medical examination and treatment services and patient care services (even when the patients are discharged from hospitals) on digital platforms.

d) Technology enterprises related to digital medicine shall increase research and development of medical digitalization platforms; create effective digital services in “Make in Vietnam” medical sector. Enhance research for digital technologies serving medical-related issues namely big data, mobile, AI, and cloud computing. On a yearly basis, Ministry of Health shall organize experimentation and assessment of effective digital services according to recommendations of enterprises related to digital medicine.

4. Development of digital society in medical sector

a) Implement and develop centers for impact assessment and medical digitalization assistance (aiming towards increasing private sector involvement). These centers are responsible for cooperating with medical entities in assisting the general public, enterprises and other medical entities in medical digitalization.

b) Develop Vietnam medical network to connect nationwide pharmacists and medical officials.

c) Encourage enterprises in developing superapps in medical sector and form medical service communities on superapps.

5. Fields to be prioritized in medical digitalization

5.1. Digitalization in healthcare and disease prevention to successfully implement Vietnam health program

a) Implement “Mỗi người dân có một bác sĩ riêng” (A doctor for a person) concept in which each person has separate medical records based on which they shall receive doctor advice and care: develop and implement electronic health records for the general public, guarantee medical records for everyone and update health information of the general public in medical records in a timely manner.    Develop general public health portal and allow the general public to manage and look up their health information. Develop message applications to inform the general public about their health information on electronic medical record systems.

b) Develop systems for vaccination, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, etc.

c) Develop applications for supervising diseases by collecting data from all sources including the general public, enterprises, medical facilities, social network, epidemic hotspot inspection and prediction programs via big data analytic technologies and AI.

d) Develop applications to provide knowledge on disease prevention, disease examination and treatment and healthcare including understanding on COVID-19 epidemic management, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, nutrition information and individual health declaration; information on medical facilities, doctors and medical services on mobile devices, assist the general public in looking up medical information easily, effectively, promptly and conveniently and connecting with digital Vietnamese knowledge system. 

dd) Develop smart applications permitting provision of remote monitor, assistance and healthcare services and online connection among patients, health monitor devices and medical officials.

e) Develop expert systems in medical sector allowing the general public to perform initial self-examination for their conditions by inputting patients’ initial symptoms in expert systems and forming virtual assistance for the general public.    Develop integration of applications which are capable of monitoring and detecting health or medical conditions of the general public via devices attached to the body (including mobile devices).

g) Develop and implement software for managing medical stations of communes in a manner that satisfies all operations of the medical stations of communes and Decision No. 3532/QD-BYT dated August 12, 2020 of Minister of Health on development and implementation of information systems for managing medical stations of communes, wards and towns.

h) Develop and implement management systems and information portal on food poisoning, reflect information on loss of food safety and hygiene and quick warning on food safety for the general public via mobile messaging services, and connect with food testing results.

i) Collect environmental information via sensory devices in health environment sector.

5.2. Digitalization in hospitals

a) Implement software systems such as HIS, LIS, RIS/PACS, EMR conforming to domestic and international standards and capable of connecting, bridging, sharing and integrating data while guaranteeing connection capacity with current equipment in medical examination and treatment establishments (testing devices, medical imaging devices, interactive screens, personal handheld devices, etc.) to improve automation capacity. 

- Synchronize medical ID code: Employ social insurance code of the general public to develop medical ID and implement on a nationwide scale;

- Develop “bệnh viện thông minh” (smart hospitals): Medical examination and treatment establishments shall rely on Circular No. 54/2017/TT-BYT dated December 29, 2017 of Ministry of Health on criteria for applying information technology at medical examination and treatment establishments to develop roadmap satisfying “smart hospitals” (Level 6 according to Circular No. 54/2017/TT-BYT).

b) Implement electronic medical records at all medical examination and treatment establishments according to roadmap prescribed under Circular No. 46/2018/TT-BYT dated December 28, 2018 of Ministry of Health on electronic medical records, moving towards non-physical medical records and non-cash payments for electronic hospital fees.

c) Implement remote medical consulting, examination and treatment according to Decision No. 2628/QD-BYT dated June 22, 2020 of Minister of Health on approving schemes for medical examination and treatment during 2020 – 2025 and application for online medical examination and treatment at medical examination and treatment establishments.

d) Implement national prescription management systems at all public and private medical examination and treatment establishments.

dd) Develop applications employing AI in medical examination and treatment and prioritize following sectors:

- Develop standards for connecting healthcare-related devices based on Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) principles to serve as the foundation for develop expert assistance systems for making clinical decisions;

- Develop assistance system for making clinical decisions, closely cooperate and implement in real-time together with electronic health records;

- Assist medical imaging; Assist surgeries;

- Apply AI in in-depth disciplines such as medical imaging, cardiovascular, respiratory, orthopedics, oncology, etc.

- Medical examination and treatment establishments shall develop big data systems with rapid analytic algorithm to assist clinical decision making based on AI;

- Apply AI in traditional medicine.


1. State funding including recurrent expenditure, occupational expenditure and investment, development expenditure of Ministry of Health and Departments of Health.

2. Other balanced and mobilized expenditure of medical service providers.

3. Expenditure from funding sources of official development assistance (ODA).

4. Expenditure from projects and tasks implemented in form of public-private collaboration, financing, and order placement methods depending on specific tasks.

5. Other legal funding sources.


Ministry of Health shall establish Board for directing implementation of Medical Digitalization Program where Minister of Health shall act as the head, Deputy Ministers shall act as vices, heads of Ministry Offices, Departments, General Departments, Ministry Inspectorates as well as heads of Departments of Health and central hospitals shall act as members.

1. Department of Information Technology

a) acting contact point to assist Minister of Health in directing implementation of this Program.

b) acting contact point to cooperate with Department of Legal Affairs and relevant entities in developing legislative documents, standards and regulations on medical information technology; implementing electronic health records, electronic medical statistic, and level 4 online public service systems and modernizing agencies affiliated to Ministry of Health.

c) acting contact point to develop medical data centers and national medical databases.

2. Department of Planning - Finance

a) taking charge and cooperating with Department of Information Technology in developing financial policies and mechanisms for application and development of medical information technology.

b) taking charge reviewing and revising list of criteria systems, schedule systems and medical statistical reports at all administrative division levels. Cooperating with Department of Information and Technology in implementing electronic medical statistic. Employing national medical databases to extract figures serving management and planning affairs in medical sector.

c) advising and requesting the Minister to allocate funding sources to guarantee expenditure on implementing tasks of the Program.

3. Office of Ministry of Health

a) taking charge upgrading electronic systems for document management and operation of Ministry of Health, integrating digital certificates in document issuance and moving towards paperless administration.

b) cooperating with Department of Information Technology in implementing online public service portal and electronic single-window information systems for administrative procedures at agencies affiliated to Ministry of Health.

c) cooperating with Department of Information Technology in developing and implementing tasks regarding administration modernization and smart medical management at agencies affiliated to Ministry of Health.

4. General Office for Population and Family Planning

Taking charge and cooperating with relevant entities in directing digitalization in population and family planning sectors.

5. Preventive Medicine Department, Food Safety Department, Agency of Health Environment and Administration for HIV/AIDS Control

Taking charge and cooperating with relevant entities in directing digitalization in preventive medicine, food safety, health environment and HIV/AIDS control.

6. Vietnam Administration of Medical Services

a) taking charge and cooperating with Maternal and Child Health Department and Traditional Medicine Administration of Vietnam in directing medical examination and treatment establishments to promote digitalization.

b) taking charge and cooperating with Maternal and Child Health Department, Traditional Medicine Administration of Vietnam and relevant entities in reviewing and amending regulations on medical records, summary of medical examination and treatment process of patients at the end of treatment periods and procedures, documents on medical examination and treatment. 

7. Drug Administration of Vietnam

Taking charge and cooperating with relevant entities in directing digitalization in pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors.

8. Department of Medical Equipment and Health Works

Taking charge and cooperating with relevant entities in directing digitalization in medical equipment and health works.

9. Department of International Cooperation

Acting as contact point and cooperating with Department of Information Technology in implementing provisions related to international cooperation in this Program.

10. Departments, General Departments and Ministry Inspectorates

Developing plans and directing digitalization within their fields according to assigned functions and tasks.

11. Departments of Health and medical entities of ministries

Based on digitalization program of Ministry of Health, Departments of Health and health agencies of ministries shall actively develop medical digitalization programs of local governments and ministries and request Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces or heads of ministries to approve and organize implementation once programs are approved.

12. Medical entities (medical examination and treatment establishments; preventive medical facilities, pharmaceutical facilities, medical equipment facilities, medical education institutions, research institutes, etc.)

Actively developing digitalization programs conforming to this Program.

Difficulties that arise during the implementation of should be reported to the Ministry of Health (Department of Information Technology) for consideration and solution.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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Lược đồ Decision 5316/QD-BYT 2020 Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030

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                Decision 5316/QD-BYT 2020 Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030
                Loại văn bảnQuyết định
                Số hiệu5316/QD-BYT
                Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Y tế
                Người kýNguyễn Thanh Long
                Ngày ban hành22/12/2020
                Ngày hiệu lực22/12/2020
                Ngày công báo...
                Số công báo
                Lĩnh vựcThể thao - Y tế
                Tình trạng hiệu lựcCòn hiệu lực
                Cập nhật4 năm trước

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                          Văn bản hợp nhất

                            Văn bản gốc Decision 5316/QD-BYT 2020 Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030

                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision 5316/QD-BYT 2020 Medical digitalization program until 2025 and orientation to 2030

                            • 22/12/2020

                              Văn bản được ban hành

                              Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực

                            • 22/12/2020

                              Văn bản có hiệu lực

                              Trạng thái: Có hiệu lực