Quyết định 715/QD-TTg

Decision No. 715/QD-TTg dated May 22, 2015, giving approval for the scheme on innovation of compilation process of gross regional domestic product of central-affiliated cities or provinces

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 715/QD-TTg approval scheme innovation compilation process gross regional domestic product


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 715/QD-TTg

Hanoi, May 22, 2015





Pursuant to the Law on organization of the government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Law on statistics dated June 26, 2003 and the Government’s Decree No. 40/2004/ND-CP dated February 13, 2004 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on statistics;

Considering the request of Minister of Planning and Investment,


Article 1. The scheme on innovation of compilation process of gross regional domestic product of central-affiliated cities or provinces is approved with the following main contents:


The compilation process of gross regional domestic product (hereinafter referred to as GRDP) is constructed and applied in central-affiliated cities or provinces according to international practices and standards, and in conformity with real situation of our country for the purposes of improving the quality of GRDP data, meeting demand on information for assessment and forecasting of socio-economic development by central and local agencies of the Communist Party and the Government, serving the management and instruction in establishing the socio-economic development strategies and plans within the scope of central-affiliated cities or provinces and within the nationwide scope, and meeting demand on information of other organizations and individuals.  


1. The GRDP compilation executed and announced by Ministry of Planning and Investment (via the General Statistics Office of Vietnam) is innovated with the following key issues:

a) The GRDP compilation process must be set up on the basis of methodology of the System of National Accounts (SNA) and real situation of our country, and learning from experience of other countries and territories about centralized compilation process in a selective manner.

b) All steps in the GRDP compilation process are innovated in a comprehensive manner, consisting of: Colleting, processing and summation of input statistical information sources, compilation, announcement and dissemination of GRDP data.

c) GRDP compilation process must ensure the feasibility, be assessed and summarized on a regular basis during the implementation in order to make adjustment in corresponding to the real situation.

2. The information technology is synchronously applied to the processing and summation of information collected from different sources for the purpose of ensuring the consistency of information systems used in the GRDP compilation process in the nationwide scope. Statistical databases specialized in GRDP shall be set up and informatics tools shall be developed in order to exploit and use efficiently.

3. Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) announces and disseminates GRDP data of central-affiliated cities or provinces in a sufficient, timely, objective and transparent manner as follows:

a) The announcement and dissemination of GRDP data shall be made according the rules provided for in the Law on statistics, the Government’s Decree No. 40/2004/ND-CP dated February 13, 2004 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on statistics, the National Statistical Indicator System enclosed to Decision No. 43/2010/QD-TTg dated June 02, 2010 by the Prime Minister, the Policy on dissemination of the State statistical information enclosed to Decision No. 34/2013/QD-TTg dated June 04, 2013 by the Prime Minister and other relevant documents.

b) GRDP data calculated and announced by other agencies, organizations or individuals may not replace that compiled, provided, announced and disseminated by Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam).


1. Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) directly compiles and announces GRDP data of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

The innovation of GRDP compilation process relates to many contents, including the strict compliance with the Law on statistics and relevant legislative documents in the course of collection, announcement and dissemination of statistical information by statistical information providers and GRDP data users, and the consistent application of professional methods by persons in charge of statistical works.

2. The statistical information systems shall be developed and standardized in a comprehensive manner in order to serve the compilation of GRDP data of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

A statistical information system comprises of three following components: Input statistical information, intermediate statistical information such as intermediate cost coefficient, price coefficient and price index, output result information.

3. GRDP compilation methods and period must conform to demand on use and resources of the statistical sector.

The compilation method and period of indicators are key matters in the innovated contents of GRDP compilation process and must ensure the conformity with demand on use and resources of the statistical sector. Calculation methods and compilation period of GRDP indicators are provided for as follows:

a) The GRDP data is compiled by using the production approach with the following key indicators: Total GRDP at current price and comparative price, the value-added structure at current price, the growth rate of GRDP at comparative price (hereinafter referred to as GRDP data).  

b) Compilation period and time for announcement of GRDP:

(1) GRDP estimates for every 6 months by grade-I economic sectors shall be announced and disseminated on May 30th of every year.

(2) Preliminary GRDP for every 6 months and GRDP estimate for the whole year by grade-I economic sectors shall be announced and disseminated on November 30th of every year.

(2) Preliminary GRDP for the whole year by grade-I economic sectors shall be announced and disseminated on March 30th of the following year.

(4) Official GRDP for the whole year by grade-II economic sectors and types of ownership (State ownership, private ownership and economic sectors with foreign investment) shall be announced and disseminated on November 30th of the following year.

c) If the demand on use of quarterly GRDP of local area arises, the Statistical Office of the central-affiliated city or province shall be responsible for compiling quarterly GRDP by using the production approach and sending it to Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) for appraisal and announcement.


1. Evaluate the current compilation process of GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

The GRDP compilation shall be checked and evaluated for explaining the reasons for the more and more considerable difference between local data and central data in order to form real grounds for constructing and developing the innovation of GRDP compilation process in the next period.

2. Constitute sources of input information for compiling GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

The sources of input information for GRDP compilation are constituted by the consistent and effective combination of forms of collecting statistical information in conformity with region-based statistical methods for reducing the difference between local GDP data and central GDP data.

Besides the improvement of the quality of information collected by centralized statistical systems, sources of information from Ministries/regulatory bodies and local government shall be exploited and used for ensuring the consistency of sources of input information, sufficiency of scope and elimination of overlapping information.

3. Formulate policies for combination, provision and sharing of statistical information between Ministries/regulatory bodies and Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam).

Policies for provision and sharing of statistical information between Ministries/regulatory bodies and Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) are adopted for reflecting primary socio-economic changes and situations of the whole country and of each central-affiliated city or province in an adequate and timely manner.

The input information from Ministries/regulatory bodies is mainly extracted from initial sources of information and existing administrative dossiers, particularly information about state budget revenues and collections at provincial level, information about credit, security, railway transport, air transport, post and telecommunications, electricity and other specific activities of each province.  In the short term, the information in the "List of information provided by Ministries/regulatory bodies to serve the compilation of GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces” should be provided and shared with Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) in order to compile GRDP (according to the Annex of information enclosed herein).

4. Improve and enhance the quality of tools for compiling the GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

Methods of investigating and collecting information are improved and coefficients serving the GRDP compilation shall be set up, including the table of intermediate cost coefficients.

The price system and price index are improved in terms of quantity, and the quality of information is enhanced in order to meet requirements on calculation of price indexes at both current prices and comparative prices. The following price indexes must be sufficiently collected and compiled: Producer Price Index (PPI), construction price index, raw materials price index, import and export price index, consumer price index (CPI), social cost-of-living index (SCOLI) and other price indexes.

5. Develop and apply information technology and communications, and computerize the compilation, announcement, dissemination and retention of GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

Computer application software is constructed and developed in order to automating the processing, summation, analysis and forecasting of GRDP. The input statistical information is computerized and shared between Ministries/regulatory bodies, local governments and Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) to serve the compilation of GRDP, and the output GRDP is provided, announced and disseminated by Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) to users. A centralized database of national accounts is set up at Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam). The information technology infrastructure is invested in a comprehensive manner in order to meet development requirements for the statistics on national accounts in general and the compilation of GRDP in particular.

6. Improve the competence and quality of human resources and other resources to serve the compilation of GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

The sector statistics shall be re-organized in conformity with the innovation of the System of national accounts compilation process in general and the GRDP compilation process in particular in a centralized and specialized way.    Officials in charge of preparing statistics on the national accounts must be sufficiently assigned. The training, recruitment, management and use of human resources in statistics on the national accounts must be innovated by improving their profession and working skills in statistical activities. Human resources shall be improved in terms of quantity and quality, and material facilities are constructed in a sufficient manner in order to improve the competence for facilitating the innovation of the GRDP compilation process.

Article 2. Implementation

1. Implementation plan:

a) In 2015, GRDP of local regions shall be calculated, announced and used according to the existing compilation process in order to ensure the consistency with previous years for evaluating results of the 5-year socio-economic development plans during 2011-2015 which has been approved by the National Congresses of the Party Committees of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

b) In 2016, Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) presides over and coordinate with the Statistics Offices of central-affiliated cities or provinces in compiling and announcing GRDP data.

c) Since 2017, Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) compiles and announces GRDP; the Statistics Offices of central-affiliated cities or provinces shall be responsible for collecting and sending input information in their provinces to Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam).  

2. Responsibilities of Ministry of Planning and Investment:

a) Based on the assessment of existing GRDP compilation process, formulate regulations on centralized compilation and announcement of GRDP at Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) which shall be signed by Minister of Planning and Investment and promulgated in Quarter II, 2015.

b) In Quarter III, 2015, complete the formulation of the plan for implementation of GRDP compilation regulations promulgated by Minister of Planning and Investment in order to implement the approved plan.

c) Preside over and coordinate with Ministry of Finance in preparing estimates for expenditures on the implementation of the Scheme for the centralized statistical system for 2016-2020 on the basis of mobilizing domestic and foreign capital in a practical, feasible and efficient manner.

d) In 2015, complete the formulation of the policy on provision of statistical information by Ministries/regulatory bodies to Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) for compiling GRDP. Prepare forms of provision of information according to the List of information provided by Ministries/regulatory bodies to serve the compilation of GRDP of central-affiliated cities or provinces.

dd) Supplement and perfect the National Statistical Investigation Program and policies on statistical reports applied to Ministries/regulatory bodies and Statistical Offices in a manner so as to meet GRDP compilation requirements.

e) Disseminate, propagate, provide training and guidelines about the contents of the Scheme; expedite, inspect and evaluate the implementation thereof, and submit regular reports to the Prime Minister on such implementation of the Scheme.

3. Responsibilities of Ministries/ other regulatory bodies:

a) Provide input information which meets GRDP compilation requirements.

b) Ministry of Information and Communications, central and local media agencies shall establish communications and propagation programs on the objectives and contents of the Scheme and the implementation of the Scheme.

4. Responsibilities of people’s committees of central-affiliated cities or provinces:

a) Use GRDP data compiled and announced by Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office of Vietnam).

b) Based on their state management functions and tasks in their provinces, perform tasks according to GRDP compilation regulations, and instruct local departments, regulatory bodies, enterprises, administrative units, organizations and individuals to provide sufficient information to Statistical Offices that are responsible for submitting summarized reports to General Statistics Office of Vietnam as regulated.

Article 3. This Decision comes into force from the date on which it is signed.

Article 4. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of the Government’s affiliates, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities or provinces, and heads of relevant agencies shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(Enclosed to Decision No. 715/QD-TTg dated May 2, 2015 by Prime Minister)



Main contents and classification

Reporting period

Agencies in charge of collection and aggregation of information

Status of information provision

1. State budget revenues and expenditures


State budget revenues in administrative divisions

Value-added tax, excise tax and import/export duties classified according to central-affiliated cities or provinces

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Ministry of Finance

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available. Required data of the whole country is lately provided.


Expenditures for activities in administrative divisions

Total recurrent expenditures, where: expenditure on national defense and security, administrative management expenditure, compulsory expenditure on social security, expenditure on education and training, expenditure on health and social activities, expenditure on culture, information and sports, expenditure on science and technology are classified according to central-affiliated cities or provinces.  

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Ministry of Finance

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available. Required data of the whole country is lately provided.

2. Money and credits


Credit outstanding balance of credit institutions 

Classification is made according to economic sectors and central-affiliated cities or provinces.

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

The State Bank of Vietnam

It is not available in policies on reports and statistics applied to Ministries/ regulatory bodies


The growth rate of credit outstanding balance of credit institutions in comparison with that at the ending of previous year and that at the same period of previous year

Classification is made according to economic sectors and central-affiliated cities or provinces.

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

The State Bank of Vietnam

It is not available in policies on reports and statistics applied to Ministries/ regulatory bodies


Balance of mobilized capital of credit institutions 

Classification is made according to central-affiliated cities or provinces.

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

The State Bank of Vietnam

It is not available in policies on reports and statistics applied to Ministries/ regulatory bodies

3. Commercial insurance


The number of employees of insurance companies and insurance brokers

Classification is made according to type of ownership, central-affiliated cities or provinces.

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Ministry of Finance

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available.

4. Social insurance


Collections of social insurance fund

Classification is made according to central-affiliated cities or provinces

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Vietnam Social Security Authority

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available.


Collections of health insurance fund

Classification is made according to central-affiliated cities or provinces

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Vietnam Social Security Authority

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available.


Social insurance expenditures

Classification is made according to central-affiliated cities or provinces

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Vietnam Social Security Authority

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available.


Expenditures on medical examination and treatment under health insurance policies

Classification is made according to central-affiliated cities or provinces

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Vietnam Social Security Authority

Formerly, the classification according to central-affiliated cities or provinces was not available.

5. Information provided by Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Expenditures on agency activities (grouping 0500)

Classification is made according to central-affiliated cities or provinces (particularly, Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall classify expenditures into expenditure on domestic activities and that on foreign activities)

- Estimated: 25th of May and of November

- Annual official reporting date: September 30th of the following year

Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Information is provided to serve the GRDP compilation


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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