Quyết định 108/1998/QD-TTg

Decision No. 108/1998/QD-TTg of June 20, 1998, ratifying the readjusted overall planning of hanoi capital till the year 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 108/1998/QD-TTg of June 20, 1998, ratifying the readjusted overall planning of hanoi capital till the year 2020


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 108/1998/QD-TTg

Hanoi, June 20, 1998




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
At the joint proposal of the President of the Hanoi City People's Committee and the Minister of Construction in Official Dispatch No.01/UBTP-BXD of January 6, 1998,


Article 1.- To ratify the readjusted overall planning of Hanoi Capital till the year 2020 with the following main contents:

1. Objectives:

To determine the Capital's special position and role in orienting the master plan for Vietnam's urban development in line with the socio-economic development orientations and objectives as well as the policy on accelerated industrialization and modernization; to well combine construction and development with the maintenance of security and defense, and renovation with new construction, in order to build Hanoi Capital into a national and modern city, with full identity and tradition of an age-old culture; a political nerve-center and at the same time a big cultural, technical and scientific, economic and international transaction center of the whole country; and city worthy to be the Capital of a country with 100 million people and a proper position in Southeast Asia and the world.

2. Scope of planning and spatial development orientations:

The spatial planning shall cover Central Hanoi city and satellite towns in Ha Tay, Vinh Phuc, Bac Ninh and Hung Yen provinces within a radius of from 30 to 50 km.

Under its long-term development orientation, Hanoi shall expand mainly to the West, with the creation of a cluster of towns Mieu Mon- Xuan Mai- Hoa Lac- Son Tay (Ha Tay province); and to the North with a cluster of towns Soc Son (Hanoi)- Xuan Hoa- Dai Lai- Phuc Yen (Vinh Phuc province) and other towns so as to make full use of advantages regarding geological position, natural conditions, traffic systems and infrastructure. In the immediate future, the Central Hanoi city shall expand to the northwest, southwest and the north, with priority given to investment in the development of the region north of the Red River, where a new Hanoi shall be created to encompass the areas of Northern Thang Long- Van Tri, Dong Anh- Co Loa, Gia Lam- Sai Dong- Yen Vien, while development investment projects in Southern Thang Long shall continue to be implemented.

3. Size of population:

By the year 2020, the population of Hanoi Capital and the surrounding towns under this readjusted overall planning shall be around 4.5 to 5 million with 2.5 million people living in the urban districts of Central Hanoi while another 2 to 2.5 million- in the surrounding towns.

4. Planning on the use of land and architecture of urban landscapes:

a/ On the land use criteria:

The average urban land use criterion is 100 m2/person, including 25 m2 for traffic land, 18 m2 for trees, parks, physical training and sport activities, and 5 m2 for the construction of public-utility projects.

b/ On the arrangement of functional quarters:

- The population quarters shall include a quarter with restricted population growth rate, stretching from belt 2 (Vinh Tuy- Nga Tu Vong (Vong Crossroad)- Nga Tu So (So Crossroad)- Cau Giay and Nhat Tan) inward the city's center, where the population shall be in the long-term restricted to about 0.8 million people; and development quarters mainly in peripheral areas outside belt 2 with a population of around 0.7 million people in the area south of the Red River and 1 million people in the area north of the Red River.

- The existing industrial zones shall be renovated and re-arranged in line with the municipal construction planning; at the same time to develop new industrial zones such as Soc Son, Northern Thang Long, Southern Thang Long, Sai Dong A and B and Dong Anh; to renovate and expand the industrial zones of Cau Dien, Cau Bieu, Phap Van and Duc Giang. Besides, small, clean and high-tech enterprises may be arranged intermingledly in the population quarters.

The land area reserved for the construction of industrial zones shall be around 3,000 ha.

- The system of public centers shall include the existing centers in the city, such as the national political - administrative center of Ba Dinh, the municipal political-administrative center in Hoan Kiem lake area and new commercial, financial, service and cultural centers in the western part of West Lake, the southern part of Thang Long (Xuan La, Xuan Dinh, Nghia Do), Phuong Trach (Southern Van Tri), Gia Lam and the Co Loa service, cultural, physical education and sport center.

Supportive to the above-said municipal centers shall be a system of district and regional centers linked to residential units or quarters.

- The specialized centers shall include:

+ State management agencies of different levels, which shall be arranged in the municipal, district and ward administrative centers. Head offices of companies, organizations and foreign representative missions shall be arranged along the thoroughfares;

+ Training institutions which shall center in big quarters, such as Giai Phong road, Nguyen Trai road, Road 32, Trau Quy, Me Tri and some other areas;

+ Scientific research institutes, which shall centralize mainly in the old urban districts and Nghia Do area, including the existing scientific research institutions and institutes, and service establishments, which shall be renovated and developed into an urban scientific quarter;

+ Medical centers, including policlinics and specialized hospitals, which shall be arranged in such quarters as Bach Mai, Tran Khanh Du, Trang Thi, Quan Su, Xuan La- Nhat Tan, Van Tri and others.

Particularly, the specialized hospitals of special category shall be built in Gia Lam and Soc Son areas and some other suitable locations;

+ The national and municipal physical education and sport center, to be arranged in My Dinh (Tu Liem district). Other physical education and sport centers shall be arranged evenly throughout the city, including Hang Day, Quan Ngua, Nhon, Van Tri, Co Loa, Trieu Khuc etc.

+ To renovate and upgrade the existing parks, flower gardens and botanical gardens, while building new parks in such areas as Yen So lake, Linh Dam, Trieu Khuc, Me Tri, Nhue river, Phu Thuong, Van Tri, Co Loa, Gia Lam, Sai Dong, etc. To create special-purpose tree belts for the protection and separation of natural landscapes along such rivers as To Lich, Lu, Set, Kim Nguu, Hong (Red River), Nhue, Ca Lo, and Duong and along the technical infrastructure corridors.

To build in the suburban area a green belt of from 1 to 4 km wide, formulating a frame to protect nature and maintain the city's ecological balance.

- The existing and to-be-built defense and security establishments, which shall be rationally planned and arranged so as to ensure the construction and land use management in accordance with the planning and provisions of the land legislation.

c/ On urban architecture and landscapes:

- In the existing urban areas: To preserve and embellish cultural and historical relics, natural landscapes and architectural works of high value; to build a number of statues of national heroes who rendered meritorious services to the Fatherland; to renovate and upgrade infrastructure, improve living, working and traveling conditions and create more recreation centers for people; to preserve ancient streets while upgrading public-utility works; to restrict height of new constructions in the area of ancient streets and to arrange high-rises only in suitable places;

- In the to-be-developed areas: These shall include to be newly built quarters intermingled with villages, which shall be preserved, renovated and built along the direction of modernity and national identity, with synchronous infrastructure systems, flower gardens, parks and trees, so as to create a good ecological environment for a green, clean and beautiful Capital city; to pay attention to raising the average height of stories, exploiting the underground and air space to save land area.

5. On traffic planning and technical infras-tructure:

a/ On traffic planning:

- General principle:

+ Priority must be given to the development of the traffic infrastructure together with other technical infrastructure projects in order to formulate a complete municipal planning structure aiming to efficiently serve the Capital's socio-economic activities;

+ The land area for traffic infrastructure construction, including motion and non-motion traffic systems, must make up 25% of the urban land area on average;

+ The development of the Capital's communications and transport must focus on the development of the mass transit system which shall attract 30% of the total commuters by the year 2010 and 50% by the year 2020.

- On the land road:

+ To renovate and broaden the city-bound national highways, including Highways No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 5, No. 6, No. 18 and No. 32. To complete the construction of the Lang- Hoa Lac expressway;

+ To complete the construction of belts No. 1, No. 2 and No.3; and at the same time to study the establishment of belt No.4;

+ To renovate and upgrade the existing intra-municipal roads, with special attention to be paid to the renovation and expansion of traffic corridors and hubs, such as: Tay Son road with Nga Tu So (So Crossroad) hub; Le Duan road with Nga Tu Vong (Vong Crossroad) hub; La Thanh road with Kim Lien hub, O Cho Dua and Cau Giay hubs; Tran Quang Khai road with Chuong Duong bridgehead hub; Bach Mai and Dai La roads with Trung Hien Crossroad hub; Hoang Hoa Tham, Thuy Khue roads with Buoi Crossroad hub; and Lang Trung- Nguyen Chi Thanh- Lieu Giai- Hoang Hoa Tham roads; and at the same time to renovate and embellish the network of roads in the ancient and old street area.

To build new roads in the areas with low road density.

+ To build a complete and modern network of roads in uniform conjunction with other underground technical infrastructure constructions in the newly-developed areas;

+ To focus on an even arrangement of the system of car parks, bus stops and terminals so as to ensure the average distance of 500 to 600 m from functional quarters to the car parks and bus stops on the public transport lines. To build inter-provincial car terminals, such as Gia Lam, Giap Bat, Mai Dich and Dong Anh, etc.

- In addition to Thang Long and Chuong Duong bridges, to re-build Long Bien bridge and build a new bridge of Thanh Tri and other bridges across the Red River in order to promptly meet the Capital's requirements of development in both the southern and northern Red River regions.

- On the railways:

+ With regard to the national railway system, to maintain the railway hub in the western part of the city; to build the new railway section of Van Dien- Co Bi (crossing Thanh Tri bridge), which will cross the Duong river at Bot Vang pumping station and heading to Bac Hong railway station, avoiding the Co Loa historical relic area.

To complete a system of railway stations, including the stations of Phu Dien, Ha Dong, Viet Hung, Giap Bat, Gia Lam, Yen Vien, Bac Hong, Van Tri and Co Loa, of which Co Bi, Yen Vien, Viet Hung and Bac Hong are stations for cargo trains while Giap Bat, Gia Lam and Phu Dien are stations for passenger trains;

+ To give priority to the construction of the urban railway system in order to create main axes for the Capital's mass transit network, including overhead and underground lines. In the immediate future, to build the Van Dien- Hang Co- Gia Lam- Yen Vien line; then the Ha Dong- So Crossroad - Hang Co line; Hang Co- Cat Linh- Kim Ma- Thu Le- Nghia Do- Phu Dien - Minh Khai line; Giap Bat- belt No. 3 line; Thang Long bridge- Noi Bai line and Kim Ma- Lang Trung- Hoa Lac line.

To pay attention to the organization and construction of modern passenger entrepots with big passenger flows, such as Hang Co and Noi Bai stations.

- On air transport:

To expand and complete the construction of Noi Bai airport according to the planning already ratified by the Prime Minister in Decision No.152-TTg of April 4, 1994. Such airports as Gia Lam, Bach Mai and Hoa Lac are the domestic ones. In the future, to build another an international airport in Mieu Mon (Ha Tay province).

- On river transport:

To actively dredge, control and gradually canalize the Red river, to upgrade Ha Noi's ports (at Pha Den) and Khuyen Luong port and at the same time to build more ports, including Van Kiep and Thuong Cat.

b/ On technical preparation of land:

- To build a rainy water drainage system, with pumping stations and a network of sluices and canals, ensuring a density of 0.6 to 0.8 km/km2 ;

- To renovate and build a system of water-regulating lakes in combination with the creation of lake-side landscapes, ensuring that the acreage of lakes represents 5-7% of the lake basin acreage;

- To consolidate the dike systems along the Red and Day rivers in order to prevent floods for Central Hanoi;

- To build roads along inner city's rivers and lakes in conjunction with the embankment and bordering thereof.

c/ On water supply:

- To ensure the water supply norm of 150-180 liter/person/day for 90-95% of urban population by the year 2010, and 180-200 liter/person/day for 95-100% of urban population by the year 2020;

- To rationally tap underground water sources, and first of all to exploit surface water sources from the system of Red, Da, Cau and Cong rivers.

d/ On power supply:

- To build 3 power stations of 220 KV in Da Phuc, in the northwestern part of Van Tri swamp and in Thanh Cong quarter; to raise the capacity of the main stations to 2,500 MVA and build 16 new stations;

- To improve or build 220 KV, 110 KV or 22 KV transmision lines, ensuring their modernity, good-looking and safe use.

e/ On the drainage of waste water and environmental hygiene:

- To renovate, upgrade and use the common drainage system to carry off waste and rain water in the old city's inner quarters and build a new, separate waste water drainage system in the newly-built quarters;

- To ensure that by the year 2020, 100% of the city's solid waste volume will be gathered, transported and processed with appropriate technologies;

- To improve or build concentrated graveyards and cemeteries, while building small and scattered ones, suited to the conditions of each locality.

6. Construction planning in the first phase:

From now to the year 2005, to concentrate on the formulation and implementation of the key programs on the management and development of urban areas, including:

a/ The program on preparation for the Thang Long's millenium;

b/ The program on investment in the construction of economic-technical facilities so as to create the motive force for urban development and creation of jobs for people;

c/ The program on investment in the renovation, upgrading and development of urban traffic system and technical infrastructure;

d/ The program on investment in environmental protection, construction of a frame for the protection of nature and urban ecological balance;

e/ The program on investment and development of new urban quarters, construction of dwelling houses and resettlement areas, in combination with the control of population growth in the city's urban districts;

f/ The program on raising the capability and efficiency of urban management.

Article 2.- The Hanoi City People's Committee shall coordinate with the Ministry of Construction and the concerned ministries and branches in organizing the implementation of the readjusted overall planning of Hanoi Capital till the year 2020. More concretely:

1. To ratify the designing dossier of the readjusted overall planning of Hanoi Capital till the year 2020 after consulting the Ministry of Construction;

2. To publicize the readjusted overall planning of the Capital till the year 2020 so that people know, inspect and implement it;

3. To draw up annual and long-term plans for the implementation of the planning on the renovation and construction of the Capital.

4. To strengthen and raise the capability of the municipal planning and architecture management agencies; to clearly determine the power and responsibility of the chief architect in assisting the President of the municipal People's Committee to deal with the work of planning, architecture and construction management in accordance with the municipal and grassroots-level plannings;

5. To organize the drafting of the Regulation on the management of architecture and planning for the construction of the capital city and submit it to the Prime Minister for promulgation;

6. To increase the investment capital proportion left for the capital city from the total budget revenue, so as to meet the renovation and construction requirements of the capital city;

7. To mobilize investment capital from inside and outside the country in different forms in order to implement projects on the renovation and construction of the Capital;

8. To cooperate with foreign investors and prestigious consultancy organizations, especially international organizations which have over the past time, coordinated with Vietnam in readjusting the overall planning of Hanoi Capital and investing in the construction of a new urban quarter north of the Red River and other new urban areas;

9. To formulate projects and legal documents; to build organizational apparatuses and mechanism; and to draw up policies and solutions for the experimental management of investment in and development of new urban quarters and dwelling houses..., with a view to fully tapping all potentials to meet the demand for rapid development of Hanoi Capital;

10. To complete the detailed planning of the new urban quarters in the western part of West Lake and northern area of the Red River after getting evaluation results from the Ministry of Construction and submit it to the Prime Minister for ratification.

Article 3.-

1. To set up a Steering Board for the planning and construction of Hanoi Capital with a Deputy Prime Minister as its Head; the Minister of Construction and the President of the Hanoi City People's Committee as its Deputy Heads, and leaders of the following branches and ministries: The Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Communications and Transport, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Government Office, the Government Commission on Organization and Personnel, the General Land Administration and the State Bank of Vietnam as its members.

The Steering Board shall coordinate with the People's Committees of the relevant provinces in organizing the implementation of the ratified planning.

2. The Steering Board for the planning and construction of Hanoi Capital shall have an assisting apparatus, headquartered at the office of the Hanoi City People's Committee, and operates according to the Regulation approved by the Board's Head.

Article 4.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.

The President of the Hanoi City People's Committee; the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies; the heads of the agencies attached to the Government; the presidents of the People's Committees of the relevant provinces and cities shall have to implement this Decision.


Phan Van Khai

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Lược đồ Decision No. 108/1998/QD-TTg of June 20, 1998, ratifying the readjusted overall planning of hanoi capital till the year 2020

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              Decision No. 108/1998/QD-TTg of June 20, 1998, ratifying the readjusted overall planning of hanoi capital till the year 2020
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu108/1998/QD-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýPhan Văn Khải
              Ngày ban hành20/06/1998
              Ngày hiệu lực05/07/1998
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                          Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No. 108/1998/QD-TTg of June 20, 1998, ratifying the readjusted overall planning of hanoi capital till the year 2020

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                          • 05/07/1998

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