Quyết định 1393/QD-TTg

Decision No. 1393/QD-TTg of September 25, 2012, approving national strategy on green growth

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 1393/QD-TTg approving national strategy on green growth


Independence– Freedom – Happiness

No: 1393/QD-TTg

Ha Noi, September 25, 2012





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment;


Article 1. Approving “National strategy on green growth for the period 2011- 2020 with vision to 2050” with the following main contents:


1. Point of view

- Green growth is an important part of sustainable development and ensures rapid, effective, sustainable economic development and significantly contributes to the implementation of the national strategy on climate change.

- Green growth must be made by the people and for the people helping to create jobs, reduce poverty and improve the material and spiritual life of the people.

- Green growth is based on the increased investment in conservation, development and efficient use of natural capital sources; reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, improvement and raise of the quality of the environment, thereby stimulation of economic growth.

- Green growth must be based on scientific foundation and modern technology appropriate with Vietnamese conditions.

- Green growth is the cause of the whole Party and the people, all levels of authority, ministries, sectors, localities, enterprises and social organizations.

2. Objectives

a) General objectives

Green growth, towards the low-carbon economy, natural capital enrichment has become a decisive tendency in sustainable economic development; reduction in emissions and increase in the possibility to absorb greenhouse gases is becoming mandatory and important targets in socio-economic development.

b) Specific target

- Restructuring and improving economic institutions towards greening of existing sectors and encouraging development of economic sectors efficiently using energy and natural resources with high added value;

- Studying and applying increasingly the advanced technology to use natural resources more efficiently and reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to an effective response to climate change;

- Improving people's lives, building environmentally friendly lifestyle through creating more jobs from industrial and agricultural, green services, investing in natural capital, green infrastructure development.


1. Reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions and boosting the use of clean energy, renewable energy according to the following main criteria:

Period 2011 - 2020: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 8 - 10% compared to 2010, reducing energy consumption on GDP by 1 - 1.5% per year. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy activity from 10% to 20% compared with the normal development plan in which the voluntary level of about 10%, the remaining 10% of striving level upon having more international support.

Orientation to 2030: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions each year at least 1.5 - 2%, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy activities from 20% to 30% compared with the normal development plan in which the voluntary level is about 20%, the remaining 10% is the level upon international support.

Orientation to 2050: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions each year by 1.5 - 2%

2. Production greening

Implementing a strategy to "clean industrialization" through reviewing and adjusting the existing sector planning, thriftily and efficiently using natural resources, encouraging the development of green industry, green agriculture with the sectoral structure, technology and equipment to ensure the principle of environmental friendliness, investment of natural capital development; actively preventing and treating pollution.

The key targets by 2020 include: The value of high-tech products, green technology in the GDP is 42 - 45%; the rate of business facilities meet the environmental standard by 80%, application of clean technology by over 50%, investment and development of sectors to support environmental protection and enrichment of natural capital shall strive for 3-4% of GDP.

3. Greening lifestyle and boosting sustainable consumption.

Combining traditional beauty lifestyle with the modern civilized means to make life comfortable, high quality bearing national identity to a modern Vietnamese society. Implementing rapid and sustainable urbanization, maintaining lifestyle in harmony with nature in rural areas and making the habit of sustainable consumption in the context of integration into the global world.

The key targets by 2020 include: The rate of grade III urban center with wastewater treatment system meeting prescribed standards: 60%, with grade IV and V and the handicraft village: 40%, improving the environment polluted area by 100%, the proportion of waste collected and treated up to standard by Decision No. 2149/QD-TTg the green area at the corresponding urban standards, the percentage of public transport services in large and medium-sized urban center by 35 - 45%, the percentage of large and medium-sized urban centers meeting the criteria of a green urban center striving to reach 50%.


1. Propagating and raising the awareness and encouraging and supporting the implementation of:

- Organizing the propagation, education and raising of awareness of people and community on the role and meaning of green growth, practical actions to contribute to the green growth.

- Encouraging and technically supporting the people and community to deploy and expand the models of saving, safe, civilized production and consumption bearing national identity in harmony and friendly with nature.

- Encouraging and supporting communities to develop model of ecological urban center, green countryside, green house model, waste material sorting model at source by the method of reduction - recycling – re-using (3R) to improve the energy using efficiency.

2. Raising the efficiency and effectiveness of energy using, reducing the rate of energy consumption in the activities of production, transportation and commerce.

- Technologically innovating and applying the advanced operation and management procedure to ensure thrifty and effective energy in the production, transmission and consumption, especially with the high capacity production facilities consuming a lot of energy.

- Elaborating and announcing the rate of fuel consumption standards, the roadmap to remove the old and backward technology with a lot fuel consumption out of the system of energy production and use.

- Elaborating legal foundation to prepare the application of recovery and storage technology and trading of greenhouse gases.

3. Changing fuel structure in industry and transportation.

- Ensuring the national energy security by synchronous development of energy resources, exploiting and economically using domestic energy sources, reducing dependence on oil products, gradually reducing coal exports and importing reasonable amount of coal, connecting to power systems of neighboring countries.

- Changing energy resources by reducing energy from fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of new and renewable energy resources and less greenhouse gas emission.

- In the transportation sector, encouraging to switch bus and taxi to using compressed natural gas fuel, liquefied gas. Synchronically implementing management solutions of fuel quality, emission standards and maintenance of vehicles.

- Applying market instruments to boost structural change and improve energy using efficiency, encouraging the use of clean fuels, supporting the renewable energy development with the roadmap to eliminate subsidy for fossil fuels, ensuring the principle of transparent and effective competition.

- Labeling energy saving equipment, issuing national standards on equipment quality.

4. Boosting effective exploitation and increasing the proportion of renewable energy resources and new energy in production and consumption of nation energy

- Developing and implementing financial and technological mechanisms and policies to support the study of advanced and appropriate technology application for the maximum exploitation and use of the renewable energy resources in and out of the national power grids.

- Developing technology market forming the industry of machine and equipment of renewable energy manufacture and domestic services supply.

5. Reducing greenhouse gas emission through the development of sustainable organic agriculture, improving the competitiveness of agricultural production

- Studying the planning adjustment, restructuring livestock, crops, crop cultivation, animal husbandry, forestry, aquaculture, irrigation and in non-agricultural sectors in rural areas.

- Studying and applying processes and technology, effectively and economically using seed, feed and agricultural materials, land and water resources,... and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.

- Widely disseminating the technology of treatment and reuse of by-products and wastes in agricultural production to produce animal feed, mushroom growing, industrial raw materials, biogas and organic fertilizer and reduce greenhouse gas emission.

- Speeding up the project of afforestation, reforestation, encouraging businesses to invest in economic forest plantation to increase the forest coverage rate up to 45% by 2020, improving forest quality, increasing the possibility of CO2 absorption increasing biomass and ensuring the supply of wood for production and consumption.

- Implementing programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through efforts to limit deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), sustainable forest management, combining diversification of livelihood for the local people.

6. Reviewing and adjusting the planning of production industries, gradually limiting the economic sectors generating big waste, causing pollution, degrading environmental degradation, facilitating the development of new green production industries

- Reviewing the master plan of development of economic sector, especially the ones impacting the natural resources and environment, inefficient use of capital and natural resources, pollution control and effective waste management to the existing sector planning and new planning.

- Economic sectors shall develop and implement action plans towards green growth, focusing on green technology applications, management and control system of activities according to experience of good practice for saving of natural resources, emission reduction and pollution treatment, improvement of the ecological environment.

7. Thriftily and effectively using natural resources

- Formulating and completing laws and policies to decisively and effectively implement the Water Resources Law, Land Law, Mineral Law, Environmental Protection Law and related regulations, strengthen the application of administrative and economic instruments under the principle of "the polluter pays".

- Establishing effective administrative management organizations, strengthening the system of natural resources management and protection in the Central an localities.

- Boosting and developing and widely applying technologies and practicing the exploitation and effectively using natural resources.

8. Boosting green economic sectors to rapidly develop to create more jobs, raising income and enriching more natural capital sources.

a) Developing green economic sectors

- Developing and issuing standards on economic sectors, green/eco labeled products

- Implementing incentive policies for scientific and technological study and development, production and encouraging the use of green/eco products

- Issuing special policies of technical economic assistance to encourage all businesses and individuals to apply high techniques and technology, suitable for the promotion and development of some key traditional green products that Vietnam has advantages such as herbs, ecological agriculture, forestry and fisheries, foodstuffs, consumer goods and textiles from local materials.

b) Boosting activities of recycling and reusing domestic waste materials

- Developing and issuing Recycling Law, regarding domestic waste materials as natural resources aiming to minimize the amount of waste materials to be treated by burying.

- Developing modern recycling industry to be friendly with environment, studying to include this sector in the environmental planning industry.

- Applying technology of classification and recycling of waste garbage at urban centers and new industrial parks into energy, constructional materials and fertilizer.

- Technically and financially supporting to modernize recycling activities in the handicraft villages. By 2020, removing the technology that is old, obsolete and harmful to workers’ health and causes environmental pollution in the recycling handicraft villages.

c) Boosting goods production and environmental services.

- Making planning for development of sectors, production activities and services of pollution prevention and control, restoring and improving environment, creating more jobs in urban centers and rural areas

- Implementing policies to transfer the majority of the production activities and environmental services from public and subsidized activities to the operation according to market principles in a dynamic and efficient manner.

- Encouraging localities to implement priority and supporting policies for green economic sectors to develop and integrating into programs of development and hunger elimination & poverty reduction, enhancing quality of landscape and environment.

d) Restoring and developing “natural capital” sources

- Studying and promulgating financial and economic mechanism and policies of recovery and development of "natural capital", encouraging the participation of all economic sectors to invest in infrastructure of ecosystem services, reserves and restoration areas into the ecosystem that has been reduced.

- Developing and performing long-term planning on exploitation, use, storage and conservation of the most vital natural resources to the economy.

- Applying integrated management approaches and strengthening the management machine of watersheds and ecosystems.

- Building green account system through evaluation of natural capital sources.

9. Developing sustainable infrastructure mainly includes: transportation infrastructure, energy, irrigation and urban constructional works.

a) Transportation infrastructure

- Increasing investment in upgrading the transportation system and network: Water transportation, highways, railways on the basis of energy saving, high economic and environmental efficiency, able to resist climate change, meet the requirements of production, trading, transport of passengers and goods, serve the import and export and exchange between different domestic and international regions.

- Developing the key transportation systems, connecting with the economic centers and large scale concentrated commodity production areas through investment in public transport infrastructure with modern technique and technology.

b) Energy infrastructure.

- Developing power source to ensure adequate supply of electricity demand in the country, improving and efficiently using power supply network, reducing the elasticity of electricity / GDP from the current level of 2.0 to 1.0 by 2020.

- Applying modern technology to improve the quality of electricity distribution networks, reducing power losses, improving the efficiency of the electricity using and  moving towards building smart grid.

c) Water and irrigation infrastructure.

- Upgrading dike system to ensure safe socio-economic operation of people’s livelihood, combining the use for transportation to meet the requirements to cope with climate change, sea level rise and flood protection.

- Increasing investment in irrigation system with modern operation equipment to ensure regulation and protection of water resources, adequate supply of water for agricultural production, development of fruit trees areas, aquaculture and concentrated salt production and good drainage and flood control.

- Increasing investment to meet the source water for industrial and urban development, particularly interested in water-scarce regions.

10. Technological innovation, application of dissemination of cleaner production

a) Applying cleaner production and efficiently using natural resources under the Strategy of cleaner production in industry till 2020 and the national technology innovation Program approved by the Prime Minister.

- Completing the systems, mechanisms, policies and laws to boost cleaner production in industry, bringing the contents of cleaner production into the strategies and planning for development of industries.

- Improving the capacity of agencies responsible for cleaner production in enterprises, management agencies, consulting organizations and industrial production facilities in the application of cleaner production.

- Developing the network of centers of research and development of green technology, organizing support of commercialization and transfer of green technologies, cleaner production for small and medium-sized enterprises.

b) Focusing on investment in research, development and application of green technology including: green energy technology, materials and construction, mechanical transportation, technology of green agriculture, forestry, biology, chemistry and waste treatment.

c) Encouraging foreign-invested enterprises and domestic enterprises to invest in green economic development, import, use and localization of green technology.

11. Sustainable urbanization

a) Urban planning and planning management.

- Reviewing overall planning of urban centers from the sustainable urban approach (a green urban center, ecology and economy, etc.) with a focus on using and management of sustainable natural resource for all people coming to live and adjusting the master plan so that by the year 2020, the urban centers shall reach average level or above of the index system of urban green, with a reasonable size to avoid excessive concentration of population and environmental load and social and economic infrastructure.

- Urban spatial planning to ensure ecological and economic efficiency, facilitate the development of public transport, increase attraction, competitiveness and environmental friendliness and save travel time of the people.

b) Building technical infrastructure

- Basic infrastructure: housing, transportation, energy, water supply, drainage and waste disposal treatment to ensure accessibility for people with acceptable quality, while reducing the costs due to pollution, traffic jam.

- Planning rain water drainage system, collection, transportation, waste management, urban waste water system. The areas affected by climate change need to be adjusted to adapt infrastructure to minimize economic losses. Step by step implementing construction of these systems in urban centers of grade II or higher.

- Introducing the application of evaluation system of energy efficiency and green urban infrastructure to improve the rate of energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for urban centers.

c) Building green and eco urban centers and green works.

- Studying and issuing standard system on planning, urban architecture, design, use of materials, green building solutions friendly to environment, energy and natural resources saving, minimizing the effect of greenhouse gases, appropriate technology solutions for urban waste treatment.

- Promulgating regulations forcing investors to apply popular application of green technologies in making new commercial buildings and renovating the existing apartment buildings in urban centers.

- Applying technical and economic instruments to encourage and support enterprises to make products for the construction and use green buildings.

d) Urban transportation

- Investing, renovating and developing the urban transport infrastructure in order to reach the average level of developed countries in the region.

- Priority is given for the development of urban public transport system with the participation of all economic sectors in the investment of vehicles, operation of public passenger transportation.

- Using economic instrument and technical standards to control the development of the number of personal motor vehicles in large and medium urban centers, arranging routes reserved for non-motorized transportation facilities.

dd) Greening of urban

- Priority is given for the allocation of land to quickly improve the area of green space and water surface in urban centers and reach urban standards by type.

- Encouraging investment and development of green space in urban projects and encouraging communities, businesses and households to mobilize resources for urban landscape greening.

12. Building new urban areas with lifestyle in harmony with the environment

- Planning rural areas under good living standards, protection and development of landscape and green, clean, beautiful and civilized environment. Encouraging replication of house building solutions in village model, eco houses in accordance with the customs, traditions and lifestyle of each region and each ethnic group.

- Supporting the implementation of the production model in a closed ecological cycle, less waste, model of waste treatment for handicraft village. By 2020, ensuring that almost rural waste is collected and handled in accordance with environmental standards, using waste to provide energy, organic fertilizers and building materials.

- Implementing and achieving the objectives of the National Strategy for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation by 2020, providing construction solutions of economic and people’s livelihood works to adapt to the impacts of climate change and actively prevent the effects of natural disasters.

- Improving the structure of rural fuel to reduce emissions and improve the quality of life for the rural population. Encouraging and supporting rural households to widely use the renewable energy sources.

13. Boosting sustainable consumption and green lifestyle building

a) Boosting eco-labeling and dissemination of environmentally friendly products to the whole society. Developing roadmap from now until 2020 to apply green procurement: Building materials; food and foodstuff; traffic and transportation; energy; computers and office machines; textiles; paper and printing; furniture; detergents; medical devices.

b) Public expenditure must comply with the standards of green economy

- From 2015, all works, public investment projects must apply the green economic standards: According to sectoral structure, energy using standards, raw materials, design appropriate with ecological conditions, taking into account the impact of climate change.

- Preparing efficient conditions for from 2017 all new motor vehicles purchased with public funds must meet emissions standards, giving priority to vehicles using clean fuels (electricity, liquefied gas) and hybrid car.

- Studying to promulgate regulations on green public expenditure, including investment expenditure and recurrent expenditure of the state budget must prioritize the procurement and use of eco-labeled goods, goods capable of recycling.

c) Encouraging sustainable consumption in the business sector:

- Using technical and economic to encourage businesses to use natural resources thriftily and limit waste of energy and natural resources.

- Building certification and eco-green labeling system for green products. Forming  and promoting green products market.

đ) Sustainable consumption in residential areas

- Using economic tools, techniques and measures to encourage people to perform rational consumption in a sustainable way.

- Propagating, educating, deploying and widening scale of green lifestyle practices and thrift, reasonable and safe consumption

- Applying a number of economic instruments such as excise tax, tax and environmental protection fee to adjust the irrational consumer behavior, first of all for the products that are harmful to health, culture and environment.

dd) Strongly developing information technology such as the basic infrastructure of e-government, connecting important infrastructure in socio-economic development, serving administration and management of public and private organizations, providing range of products and services, propagation, information exchange, shopping via e-mail and internet.

14. Mobilizing resources for implementing green growth strategies

- The State shall prioritize and allocate adequate funds from the central budget and local budget to implement green growth strategy, especially for improving the energy using efficiency and renewable energy.

- Promulgating mechanism and policies to encourage financial institutions, businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses to deploy production and business activities according to the criteria for green growth.

- Using the system of instruments of finance, credit, market, to encourage and support the development of green economy and green products and moving towards building management system, greenhouse gas emissions trading, tax and carbon fee.

- Encouraging and focusing on attracting loans, ODA and technical support of other countries, international organizations and the Vietnamese intellectuals living abroad to participate in the green growth strategy.

15. Training and developing human resources

- Organizing the training and fostering knowledge and management and operation skills in the green economy, green production industry for public management staff and enterprises, first for group of leaders, the makers of policy and strategy, planning and socio-economic development plan.

- Developing human resources for green growth on the basis of study and selection to introduce the contents of green growth, green technology, sustainable exploitation of natural resources ... into the schooling grade and schooling level.

- Developing and making guidelines on how to approach the financing and technology options to implement greening of industry and agriculture.

16. Studying and developing science and technology, issuing economic and technical standard system and data information on green growth.

- Studying theoretical and practical issues of the green economy to provide scientific foundations for the building and development of the green economy.

- Encouraging study for development and application of green / low-carbon technology, renewable energy, greening of production and consumption.

- Studying and issuing the system of indexes, criteria, standards and regulations on green growth for the administration in the country, sectors and localities.

- Developing information and data system on green growth of nation, sectors and localities

17. International cooperation

- Strengthening the cooperation and scientific research, information exchange on formulation and implementation of basic contents of green economy.

- Boosting international cooperation, enlisting assistance from international organizations and other countries in the implementation of green growth strategies.

- Facilitating enterprises of private and state sector in international cooperation to  implement technology transfer, human resource development.

- Creating a legal foundation and favorable conditions for Vietnam to make commitment and actively participate in the activities of the international conventions on the environmental protection responding to climate change and building a green economy.


1. Phasing strategy implementation

a) Period 2011 - 2020

- Dissemination, awareness raising, training and human resource development.

- Formulating mechanism, policies and management machine to implement strategies.

- Developing data and information system and data management instruments, the set of standard and norm index on green growth.

- Identifying key projects on green / low-carbon growth, greening of production sectors, a number of pilot projects on the master plan, socio-economic development plan of "green growth orientation " at provincial and municipal level, city (attached, Appendix I: List of prioritized programs and projects for the period 2011 - 2015).

b) Period 2021 - 2030

- Further improving the institution and green growth policies, adjusting and improve the scale of deployment on the basis of periodic monitoring and evaluation.

- Expanding pilot scale and replicating specific plans, key programs and projects.

- Expanding the training and development of human resources for the development of green economy.

- Conducting environmental audits at all levels (nation, sector, locality and enterprise) and implementation of green accounting in enterprises.

- Boosting the economic restructuring under the model of green economy.

c) Period 2031 - 2050: Based on the results of the implementation of green growth strategy period 2012 - 2030 and the socio-economic situation of the country and international context to determine the specific goals and tasks.

2. Setting up the direction and operation machine for implementation of strategies

Setting up coordination Committee to implement the Green Growth Strategy under the National Committee on Climate Change to direct the implementation of green growth strategies. The Committee shall be headed by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Planning and Investment as standing deputy head and 4 deputy heads being the leaders of the ministries: Finance, Industry and Trade, Agriculture and Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environment. The Committee members include representatives of some ministries, sectors and localities and representatives of a number of associations.

The apparatus assisting the Committee is located at the Ministry of Planning and Investment. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall organize the apparatus to help the coordination Committee direct and operate the implementation of green growth strategy.

3. Assigning for strategy implementation

a) The Ministry of Planning and Investment: As the focal agency for green growth, assumes the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the ministries, sectors concerned and People's Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities shall organize the deployment of  implementation of green growth strategy; guide, monitor, evaluate, examine and review the implementation of the strategy and report to the Prime Minister on a regular basis; make preliminary 5 year summing-up/ time, mid-term in 2020 and final summing-up in late 2030. To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries to determine the tasks and key project in each specific phase for submission to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and other ministries and agencies to identify and allocate financial resources in the country and to coordinate the foreign aid, mechanism and policies to promote the implementation of green growth strategy.

b) The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to submit the estimates to competent authorities for approval and ensure funding for the implementation of the strategy at the Ministries and sectors in accordance with current regulations; coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and investment to formulate policies encouraging all economic sectors, organizations and individuals to invest in the green economy in Vietnam.

c) The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment: As the standing body of the National Committee on Climate Change to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate in making policy responding to climate change in general, guiding registration, monitoring and supervising greenhouse gas emissions and the implementation of policies of invest in natural capital.

d) The ministries, ministerial-level agencies, the agencies attached to the Government based on the functions, tasks, shall develop programs, action plan for the implementation of tasks of the green growth strategy and simultaneously concretizing tasks and integrating them into the 5-year and annual socio-economic development plan in line with the strategy of socio-economic development of sectors and agencies.

dd) People's Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities shall be responsible for developing program, action plan and directing the implementation of green growth strategy; concretizing the tasks and integrating into the 5-year and annual socio-economic development plan of locality simultaneously ensuring the funding for the implementation at localities

Article 2. This Decision takes effect from its signing date.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government, Chairman of the People's Committees of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities and the heads of the relevant agencies are liable to execute this Decision. /.





Nguyen Tan Dung



Issued together with Decision No. 1393/QĐ-TTg dated September 25, 2012 of the Prime Minister)

Green Growth Strategy in Vietnam: A strategy boosting the process of restructuring and improving economic institutions towards more efficient use of natural resources, raising the competitiveness of the economy, through increase in investment in technological innovation, natural capital, economic instruments, thereby contributing to respond to climate change, reduce poverty and ensure sustainable economic development.

Green Technology: As the technology develops and applies products and equipment and systems that are used to preserve the environment and natural resources, minimize negative impacts from human activities." The green technologies are mainly:

- Green energy technologies (fossil energy saving, energy recirculation in industrial production, emission reduction, solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy, tidal energy, smart power management system.

- Technology of materials and building (non-baked materials, wood substitute materials, processing of traditional materials by using appropriate high technology, smart buildings, green buildings ...).

- Transportation engineering technology (engine using new energy, low emission, smart transport operation system, etc.).

- Technology of agriculture, forestry and biology (plant varieties, cultivation and processing of agriculture, forestry and fishery).

- Green chemistry technology (production of synthetic plastics from plant material easily disposed, produced from renewable raw materials, hazardous waste treatment, production with little or no by-products and waste, production consuming less water and other chemicals, etc.).

- Waste treatment technology (waste recycling, prevention and disposal of hazardous waste).

- Green Building: Green Building is a building achieving high efficiency in use of energy and materials, minimizing adverse impacts on the environment; at the same time is designed to minimize the adverse impacts of the building environment on human health and the natural environment.

Ecological urban center: Improving the welfare of human beings and society through integrated urban planning and management to harmonize benefits from ecosystems, protect and nurture those assets for the future generations (Eco2 cities - World Bank 2010).

Green Economy: It creates and distributes environmentally friendly products and services, renewable energy, transport and clean fuels and green works, reduces energy consumption, raw materials and water through effective strategy of energy and natural resources and switching from carbon components to non-carbon (OECD).

Normal development plan: When there is no major change on policies.

Green Products: Product is non-toxic and uses energy and water efficiently, and harmless to the environment.

Sustainable consumption: Is " the use of goods and services to meet basic needs and improve quality of life while using fewer natural resources and hazardous substances, and reducing waste and pollutant emission in the life cycle and not effecting the needs of future generations "(UN, 1995).

Green Jobs: Work in agriculture, production, research and development, administrative and service activities contribute significantly to the conservation, restoration of environmental quality. In particular, but not exclusive, is the work that helps to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, reduces energy consumption, materials, and water through high efficiency strategies, reduces carbon emissions for the economy and minimizes or completely avoids all forms of waste and pollution (UNEP).

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Decision No. 1393/QD-TTg approving national strategy on green growth
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