Quyết định 14/2008/QD-BTNMT

Decision No.14/2008/QD-BTNMT of December 30, 2008, on issuing regulation on exploration and classification of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titan placer mines

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No.14/2008/QD-BTNMT exploration classification of reserve and resources of tin gold


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 14/2008/QD-BTNMT

Hanoi, December 30, 2008





Pursuant to Decree No. 160/2005/ND-CP dated December 27, 2005 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of the Mineral Law and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Mineral Law;Pursuant to Decree No. 25/2008/ND-CP dated March 04, 2008 of the Government stipulating functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;

At the proposal of the Office Manager of Mineral Reserve Assessment Council and Director of Legal Department,


Article 1. Issuing together with this Decision the Regulation on exploration and classification of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titan placer mines.

Article 2. This Decision shall take effect after 15 days from the publication in the Gazette.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, Chairman of People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities and organizations and individuals are liable to execute this Decision.




Nguyen Xuan Cuong



(Issued together with Decision No. 14/2008/QD-BTNMT dated December 30, 2008 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)

Chapter 1.


Article 1. Scope of regulation

This Regulation specifies the exploration and classification of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titan placer mines

Article 2. Subjects of application

This Regulation shall apply to the State management agencies on minerals, organizations performing the basic geological surveys of resources, organizations and individuals surveying, exploring and extracting minerals and other related organizations or individuals.

Article 3. Explanation of terms

In this Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:

1. Tin, gold and titan placer mines is formed by accumulation of granular debris materials which are loose or bonded and contain cassiterite and gold mineral, group of minerals containing titanium and zircon.

2. Eluvial placer is a product formed by the weathering of original ore in place, often distributed in the original ore bed.

3. Deluvial placer is a product formed by the destruction, transportation and deposition on the slopes of hills of original ore or eluvia ore.

4. Proluvial placer is a product formed by deposition of useful minerals with the diluvial process often distributed coincidentally with fanglomerate or proluvial strip

5. Alluvial placer is a product formed by the deposition of useful minerals with the river sediment distribution in the river terrace, flood plain and river bed.

6. Coastal placer is a product formed by the operation of ocean currents, waves and wind, often distributed in the sand bank and coastal dunes.

Chapter 2.


Article 4. Grouping of Reserve and resources of tin, gold and titan placer mines

1. Resources of placer mines are divided into two groups:

a. Group of identified resources;

b. Group of forecast resources;

2. Group of identified resources is divided into two types: reserve and resources.

Article 5. Classification of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titan placer mines

1. Grounds for classification of Reserve and resources of placer mines

a. Level of geological study includes uncertainty, reliability, estimate and forecast;

b. The level of study of investment in mine construction includes: investment project in mine construction (feasibility study), report on investment in mine construction (feasibility study) and general study;

c. The level of economic efficiency includes having economic efficiency, potential of economic efficiency and unclear economic efficiency.

2. Classification of Reserve and resources of placer mines.

a. Reserve of placer mines are divided into three levels: 111, 121 and 122;

b. Resources of placer mines are divided into six levels: 211, 221, 222, 331, 332 and 333;

c. Forecast resources of place mines are divided into two levels: 334a and 334b.

3. Level of reserve and resources of placer mines are encoded as follows:

a. The first digit represents the level of economic efficiency: No. 1 - with economic efficiency; No. 2 - potential economic efficiency; No. 3 – unclear economic efficiency;

b. The second digit represents the level of study of investment in mine construction: No.1 - with the investment project in mine construction, No.2 - Report on investment in mine construction 3 – General study;

c. The third digit represents the reliability of geological study: No.1 – Certainty, No.2 - Reliability, No. 3 - Estimate; No.4 - Forecasts. For the forecast level, dividing into two sub-levels: speculation (denoted by a) and conjecture (denoted by b).

Article 6. Requirements for level of study and zoning of reserve level 111

1. Requirements for level of geological study

a. It is required to determine the exact morphology, size, bedded deposit and rule of change in shape and internal structure of the ore bed; to zone in detail the limit of plot or lenticle of partition rock containing no ore or the ore limit does not meet the norm to calculate reserves;

b. It is required to accurately identify the type of natural ore; to divide and zone in detail the limit of industrial ores;

c. The technological nature of each type of ore must be studied in detail, ensuring enough reliable data to determine the diagram of ore processing technology

d. The hydro-geological conditions, engineering geological conditions, mining conditions and other natural factors involved that have been studied in detail to ensure adequate supply of reliable data and parameters needed for formulating investment project in mine construction

dd) Confidence level of reserve ensures at least 80%.

2. Requirement for zoning of limit to calculate reserve

The limit of reserve level 111 is zoned within the members and layers containing ore, according to exploration works meeting the norms to calculate reserve with appropriate density of exploration works specified in Annex of this Decision.

3. Requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction

a. Having formulated investment project in mine construction;

b. Having selected technical solutions, rational mining and processing technology of tin, gold and titanium products;

c. The size of reserve is not in the banned or temporarily banned from mineral activities; the mineral mining and processing activities in the limit of reserve do not affect the surrounding ecological environment or have selected remedial measures to minimize the effect of mineral mining and processing to the ecological environment.

4. Requirements for the degree of economic efficiency

The result of study of investment in mine construction has proven that the mineral mining and processing is economically efficient at the time of evaluation.

Article 7. Requirements for level of study and zoning of reserve level 121

1. Requirements for level of geological study shall comply with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 6 of this Regulation.

2. Requirements for zoning of limit to calculate reserve shall comply with the provisions of Clause 2, Article 6 of this Regulation.

3. Requirements for level of study of investment in mine construction

a. Having made report on investment in mine construction or already had temporary target to calculate reserve recognized by the Mineral Reserve Assessment Council.

b. Having preliminarily selected the appropriate technological and technical solution of mineral mining and processing;

c. The size of reserve is not in the banned or temporarily banned from mineral activities; the mineral mining and processing activities in the limit of reserve do not affect the surrounding ecological environment or have preliminarily selected the remedial measures to minimize the effect to the environment.

4. Requirements for economic efficiency

On the basis of the report on investment in mine construction and comparison with other mines under mining with similar geological conditions have proven that the mineral mining and processing is economically efficient at the time of evaluation.

Article 8. Requirements for level of study and zoning of reserve level 122

1. Requirements for level of geological study

a. It is required to determine the size, characteristics and shape of ore bed, basic features of bedded deposit and internal structure; assess the degree of thickness variation and degree of maintenance of ore bed;

b. It is preliminarily required to determine types of natural and industrial ore, set up general rule for the distribution, the ratio of types of ore, the existence of useful and harmful components in the ore. The technological characteristics of ore are studied with the degree that allows to set up diagram of rational ore beneficiation and processing.

c. Hydro-geological characteristics, engineering geological characteristics and mining conditions must be studied to an extent that allows a preliminary assessment of the basic parameters for preparing investment project in mine construction;

d. For reserve level 122 of mine group III and IV, characteristics of mineral quality, nature of mineral processing technology, hydro-geological conditions, engineering geological conditions and factors affecting the environment must be studied under the provisions at Point c, d, Clause 1, Article 6 of this Regulation.

dd) Confidence level of reserve ensures at least 50%

2. Requirements for zoning of limit to calculate reserve

The limit to calculate reserve is zoned within the extent controlled by the exploration works. For mines with simple geological structure and stable thickness quality, permissible extrapolation according to geological and geophysical materials from the borehole encountered existence of ore or the limit of reserve with higher level; the extrapolation distance must not exceed one-half of distance between the exploration works determined for this reserve level.

3. The requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction and requirements for economic efficiency shall comply with the provisions of Clause 3 and 4, Article 7 of this Regulation.

Article 9. Requirements for the level of study and zoning of resources level 211, 221 and 331

1. Requirements for the level of geological study and zoning of resources level

The requirements for the level of geological study and requirements for the zoning of limit to calculate the resources for levels 211, 221 and 331 shall comply with the provisions in Clause 1 and 2, Article 6 of this Regulation.

2. The requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction and economic efficiency.

a. Resource level 211

Having formulated the investment project in mine construction to prove that in the technological, social-economic, environmental conditions and other conditions at the time of assessment, the mineral mining and processing from these resources have no economic effect. However, in the future, the mining may be economically efficient thanks to scientific, technological progress and changes in social economic, environmental and legal conditions.

b. Resources level 221

Having prepared the report on investment in mine construction to prove that in the technological, social-economic, environmental conditions and other conditions at the time of assessment, the mineral mining and processing from these resources have no economic effect. However, in the future, the mining may be economically efficient thanks to scientific, technological progress and changes in social economic, environmental and legal conditions.

c. Resources level 331

The investment project in mine construction have not been studied and the mineral mining and processing from the resources have not been determined with economic efficiency or potential of economic efficiency at the time of assessment but the geological study has confirmed the definite existence of these resources.

Article 10. Requirements for the level of study and zoning of resources level 222 and 332

1. Requirements for the level of geological study and zoning of resources level

Requirements for the level of geological study and requirements for the zoning of limit to calculate the resources for level 222 and 332 shall comply with the provisions in Clause 1 and 2, Article 8 of this Regulation.

2. The requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction and economic efficiency

a. Resources level 222

The requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction and economic efficiency shall comply with the provisions at Point b, Clause 2, Article 9 of this Regulation.

b. Resources level 332

The investment project in mine construction have not been studied and the mineral mining and processing from the resources have not been determined with economic efficiency or potential of economic efficiency at the time of assessment but the geological study has confirmed the reliability of these resources.

Article 11. Requirements for the level of study and zoning of resources level 333

1. Requirements for level of geological study

a. Determining the basic features of shape, bedded deposit and the distribution of the ore bed;

b. Preliminarily determining the thickness, structure and stable degree of ore bed;

c. The mineral quality is preliminarily determined by the sampling results in natural outcrops, geological works or extrapolation based on the materials of adjacent areas that have been studied in more detail;

d. The decisive natural factors to mining conditions have not required detailed study, mainly to preliminarily learn as done similarly from neighboring regions that have been studied in more detail.

2. Requirements for the zoning of limit to calculate the resources

The limit of resources level 333 is zoned within members and layers containing ore based on exploration works to achieve the norm to calculate the resources, with permissible extrapolation according to geological data, geomorphology, geophysics, or limit of block of reserve and resources of higher level.

3. The requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction and economic efficiency

The investment project in mine construction have not been studied and the mineral mining and processing from the resources have not been determined with economic efficiency or potential of economic efficiency at the time of assessment.

Article 12. Requirements for level of study and zoning of forcast resources level 334a

1. Requirements for level of geological study

a. Identifying ore signs and geological premises favorable for mineralization;

b. Location, thickness and quality of the mineral are discovered from the results of discrete sampling at ore outcrops, or speculation from the mines and ore outcrops having similar geological conditions with more detailed study.

2. Requirements for zoning of limit to calculate resources.

The resources 334a is speculated mainly on the basis of materials of geological basic survey on minerals and resources on a scale from 1: 50,000 to 1: 25,000 (or greater) based on the geological premises and signs favorable for the formation of each type of mineral.

3. The requirements for the level of study of investment in mine construction and economic efficiency.

For this resources level, it is not required to have data on study of investment in mine construction and assessment of economic efficiency.

Article 13. Requirements for level of study and zoning of resources level 334b

The speculated resources 334b are forecast during the process of regional geological survey on a scale from 1: 200, 000 to 1: 50, 000 (or greater) or speculation based on the comparison with the areas having similar geological conditions with more detailed study.

Chapter 3.


Article 14. Ground for division of exploration mine group

1. Based on the shape, size and ore bed; the complexity of geological structureof mine, placer bottom topography; the degree of thickness variation and content of useful components; geological and mining conditions.

2. The quantitative indicators to asses the degree of variation of conditions for division of mine group.

Article 15. Division of exploration mine group

1. Simple mine group (I).

2. Relatively complex mine group (II).

3. Complex mine group (III).

4. Extremely complex mine group (IV).

Article 16. Condition for exploration mine grouping

1. Simple mine group (I)

Includes large placer with simple geological structure. The coefficient of perimeter variation (μ) is less than 1.4, the thickness variation coefficient (Vm) is less than 40%, the coefficient of content variation (Vc) of the useful components is less than 40% and the ore ratio (Kp) is from 0.8 to 1.0. The placer bottom is relatively flat.

2. Relatively complex mine group (II)

Includes large and medium placer mines with relatively complex geological structure. The coefficient of perimeter variation (μ) is from 1.4 to 1.6, the thickness variation coefficient (Vm) is from 40 to 100%, the coefficient of content variation (Vc) of the useful components is from 40 to 100% and the ore ratio (Kp) is from 0.6 to 0.8.

3. Complex mine group (III)

Includes medium and small placers with complex geological structure. The coefficient of perimeter variation (μ) is from 1.6 to 1.8, the thickness variation coefficient (Vm) is from 100 to 150%, the coefficient of content variation (Vc) of the useful components is from 190 to 150% and the ore ratio (Kp) is from 0.4 to 0.6. The ore beds are narrow, interspersed with patches of rich and poor ores.

4. Extremely complex mine group (IV)

Includes small and very small placers with particularly complex geological structure. On the map, the ore bed has Extremely complex shape with the coefficient of perimeter variation (μ) of greater than 1.8, the thickness variation coefficient (Vm) is greater than 150%, the coefficient of content variation (Vc) of the useful components is greater than 150% and the ore ratio (Kp) is less than 0.4. In the industrial limit of placer, there is often a significant amount of poor ores or partition stone

The placer bottom surface is uneven and complex and a significant part of useful components of existing in cracks, caves, sinkholes at the placer bottom.

Chapter 4.


Article 17. General requirements for the exploration work

1. The basic geological surveys and exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines must comply with the sequential rule from generalization to detail, from the surface to the depth, from thinness to thickness, from the mapping of small scale to the mapping of large scale.

2. It is required to collect sufficient geological data and materials to serve the assessment of quality and reserve and conditions for mine mining as a basis for study of investment project in mine construction

3. The task of exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines is to determine in detail the geological structure of mine, distribution characteristics, shape, structure and bedded deposit of placer beds; assess in detail the quality and technological characteristics of each type of ore in the main direction use; assess in detail the hydro-geological conditions, engineering geological conditions and mining conditions; clearly survey minerals and useful components existing in placer beds, encrustment, mining and recovery capacity; assess the volume of excavated soil and the factors affecting the environment.

4. The exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines is done on the entire area of mine and existing depth of ore bed by combination of methods of geology, geodesy, geophysics, hydrogeology, engineering geology, excavation, drilling, sampling and processing and analysis of petrographical, chemical and physico-mechanical samples, mineral processing technology or refining if necessary.

5. The result of exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines must be shown on the maps and cross sections on a scale from 1: 5,000 to 1: 1,000, on the basis of topographical map measured and drawn as prescribed by current regulations.

Article 18. Requirements for topographical basis and surveying work

1. The exploration design area shall be measured and drawn into the topographical map on a corresponding scale as required by the exploration work. The topographical map must be formulated as prescribed by current regulations on surveying work in mineral exploration.

2. All exploration works must determine the coordinates, altitude and contact the National coordinate network in accordance with current regulation on geological surveying.

3. Depending on the size, the complexity of topography of mine and purpose of use, the topography of mine must be measured and drawn in detail on a scale from 1: 5,000 to 1: 2,000 and 1: 1,000 in case of necessity.

Article 19. Requirements for exploration techniques

1. Geological study

It is required to clarify the geological structure of mine; determine distribution, shape, size, bedded deposit condition, internal structure, beveling and branching nature of placer beds; determine the relationship between ore bed and petrographical and geomorphological factors of mine. The geological map of the mine and the geological sections are formulated on a scale from 1: 1000 to 1: 5000.

2. Requirements for type of exploration works

a. The excavation works are used for sampling and determining the petrographical characteristics and content of main useful minerals in placers;

b. The exploration works of tin, gold and titanium placer mines depend on geological characteristics of mine, possibly ditch, large ditch, well and drill. When using drill, it is necessary to check with well or borehole having larger diameter. If failing to use forms of testing works above mentioned, the multiple drilling is permitted. The number of testing works is at least from 5 to 10% of the number of drilling works.

3. Requirements for layout of exploration works

a. Requirements for works network

Directional density of exploration works of tin, gold and titanium placer mines shall be referred to in Annex of this Regulation.

b. Requirements for exploration materials

The geological works performed within the exploration must have description, measurement and drawing of geology and formulation of original materials in a timely manner, completely and accurately in accordance with the current regulations on formulation of original materials in geological exploration.

4. Requirements for sample rate

The rate of drilling core sample upon exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines is required to be over 80%; the determination of reliability of drilling core sample must be tested systematically.

Article 20. Requirements for taking and processing the samples

1. Requirements for taking samples:

a. All exploration works must be described in detail, the works containing ore must be sampled for quality study. The result of sampling shall be included in the original materials and must be tested and compared with the geological descriptions;

b. The basic placer sample must be taken for all works having ore-containing strata. When exploring with well, depending on the characteristics of distribution of useful minerals, the sample of entire block, part of block, or channel sample must be taken;

c. The sample length taken in the product layer depends on each type of mineral; commonly for gold, the sample length does not exceed 0.2m, 0.5m for tin and 2.0m for titanium. The sampling distance in the upper layer or product layer with very great thickness may be longer.

d. For low-content gold placer mine with very unequal distribution, the sample volume to be taken must be equal 100% of sample taken from the exploration works. For tin placer mine, the sample volume may be reduced to 20 - 40dm3 and 0.5 to 1.0 kg for titanium placer mine;

dd) The reliability of sampling methods should be tested by taking of representative sample, as well as by research data of technology samples or comparison with data collected during the mining process.

2. Requirements for sample processing

a. The placer samples in exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines are washed and panned to the gray color. For titanium placer sample, only washing clay and sending for classification and analysis;

b. The washing and panning tin and gold placer sample needs testing systematically and periodically (monthly or quarterly); the number of sample tested must be at least 5% of the total volume of sample;

c. The group placer sample should be taken systematically for ore beds under the works, cross section and block of reserve. Each block or ore bed has at least from 5 to 10 group samples

Article 21. Requirements for sample analysis and testing

1. Basic placer sample

The components of main useful mineral are required to be analyzed. For gold placer mines, the gold content (g/m3) must be determined. For tin placer mines, the content of cassiterite and wolframite (kg/m3) and for titanium placer mines, the content (%) of useful heavy minerals, groups of mineral containing titanium, zircon and monazite.

2. Group placer sample

The components of main useful minerals and associated minerals are required to be analyzed. For gold placer mines, the content (g/m3) of gold and cassiterite, wolframite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, monazite must be determined. For tin placer mines, the content of gold and cassiterite (g/m3) and sheelit, wolframite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, monazite minerals. For titanium placer mines, the minerals of titanium, zircon, monazite group and tourmaline, amphibole, stavolit, garnet minerals.

3. Chemical analysis sample

If using the chemical analysis sample to determine the content of placer ore, the chemical analysis of component of main elements is required as follows: for gold placer, the analysis target is Au; Sn and WO3 for tin placer; TiO2 và Zr2O3 for titanium placer.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out chemical analysis to determine the content of main components in crude ores, useful and harmful components in fine ores: for tin fine ore, the content of Sn, Ta, Nb, In, total TR2O3; In addition, the content of Sn in single mineral of cassiterite should be analyzed. For gold fine ore, the content of Au and Ag must be determined. For titanium placer ores and crude ores, the content of components (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, ZrO2, FeO, Fe2O3, Cr2O3, MnO, P2O5, V2O5, WO3, SO3) should be determined. For fine ores of ilmenite, rutile and zircon, the content of components (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, FeO, Cr2O3, ZrO2, MnO, P2O5, V2O5, S) should be determined. Moreover, for fine ores of ilmenite and rutile, performing additional analysis (Hf, Se, Nb, Ta, V), for fine ores of zircon, performing analysis (Hf, Sc, rare earth group), for fine ores of monazite, determining thorium.

4. Requirements for internal and external analysis and testing and arbitration

a. It is required to assess the reliability of result of placer and chemical analysis by external analysis and testing and arbitration

b. The sample testing and analysis must be done periodically and systematically. The testing is conducted for the components of associated main mineral, if the criteria specifies the calculation of reserve.

c. The sample used for external testing is the stored portion of sample which has been tested internally. The sample tested internally and externally must represent all types of ore and levels of content by each phase of analysis;

d. When dividing levels of content for testing, the levels of content of reserve calculation criteria. The number of tested sample is equal to 5% total number of basic samples. If the number of basic sample is few, the number of tested sample is not less than 30 samples for each level of content;

dd) In case the external analysis and testing discover that there are systematic errors, the arbitration testing and analysis at laboratory with higher analysis level. The sample sent for arbitration analysis is the stored sample of single sample; in exceptional case, the remainder of tested sample may be used. The arbitration analysis sample must be the one which has been tested and analyzed externally. The number of arbitration testing sample is from 30 to 40 samples for each level of content with systematic errors. If discovering the systematic errors during the arbitraton analysis, it is necessary to find out the cause and take remedial measures and decide upon the re- analysis of level of content with systematic errors or use the adjustment coefficient with permission. If the sample testing and analysis is done by other processes, there must be approval from the Mineral Reserve Assessment Council.

e. The process of sample taking, number of tested sample, method of analysis and testing and the processing of analysis and testing data must comply with current regulations.

Article 22. Requirements for assessment of minerals and associated useful components

1. The samples whose minerals and associated components must be completely analyzed at the beginning phase of exploration to detect and recover the associated useful minerals in placer mines.

2. The group sample must be analyzed to determine the associated useful components and harmful impurities. The number of group sample must represent each type of ore and industrial ore grade.

3. The assessment of associated minerals shall comply with specific regulations

Article 24. Requirements for study of technological nature of ore

1. Depending on the requirements, the selected technological sample must be studied on the laboratory or semi-industrial scale. For type of sand of new ore or hard to select, the technological study must be conducted sequentially in the laboratory to semi-industrial study by specialized units.

2. It is required to study the technological features for each type of ore in placer mines with different industrial ore sand. The level of study must provide sufficient necessary indicators to determine the rational mineral selection technology diagram to ensure the full recovery and synthesis of associated main useful components. If the useful minerals are still in the nodules, the economics of grinding should be determine to release and recover them as well as the size of optimally ground particles.

3. For associated main useful components, it is necessary to clarify form of existence and content in ore sand and ore concentrate. Determining the beneficiation and recovery

Article 25. Requirements for hydro-geological and engineering geological work

1. Requirements for hydro-geological study

a. The hydro-geological study must clarify surface water and groundwater affecting the mining. Determining the coefficient of permeability, the possibility to build water-holding dam, calculation of water flowing in the mining works, assessment the quality of surface water, groundwater related to domestic water and industrial water;

b. For each aquifer, its is required to determine the thickness, composition of sediment, water supply conditions, relationships with other aquifers, surface water, groundwater and other relevant parameters.

c. It is required to study the chemical composition and bacteria of water; consider the possibility of corrosion of concrete, metal, polymer, content of useful and harmful components in water; assess the recoverability of useful components, as well as the impact of mine water drainage pumps for the works using groundwater in the mine area; propose the thematic studies to assess the effects of mine water drainage for the surrounding environment.

2. Requirements for engineering geological study

a. The engineering geological study must determine the physico-mechanical properties of the entire sediment strata distributing on mine (ore sand layer, encrustment), specific to the sustainability in the natural state and water saturation. Studying the petrographical components and minerals of the ore sand layer, placer base; calculate the main parameters of the mining pit. Assessing the appearance possibility of landslide, mudflows and other physico-geological phenomena that make the mining process become complex.

b. The study result need to get the data to assess the sustainability of the mining works and calculate the basic parameters of the mining pit.

3. All of the hydro-geological conditions, engineering geological and ecological conditions, the mining geological conditions and other natural factors need study to meet the requirements for making Report on investment in mine construction and investment project in mine construction. If the hydro-geological conditions and engineering geological conditions are extremely complex, there must be specialized study and survey schemes. The study of the hydro-geological conditions and engineering geological conditions must comply with current regulations.

Article 26. Requirements for assessment of pollution and environmental impact

1. The data of natural geography, environmental geology must be collected to forecast and assess the main factors affecting the environment.

2. It is required to assess the geological castastrophes and negative impacts on environment due to exploration activities of placer mines and take measures to prevent and minimize them. The contents and extent of environmental impact assessment must be mentioned in the exploration scheme.

Article 27. Requirements for the study of mining engineering conditions

1. It is required to preliminarily determine the limit of mine site, bench face angle, final pit slope angle, stripping ratio and volume of stripped soil, location of dumping site

2. Preliminarily determining location and range of area not containing useful minerals to lay out industrial works items and dumping site.

Article 28. Calculation of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titanium placer mines

1. The methof of calculation of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titanium placer mines must be selected in accordance with geological characteristics of mine and on the basis of analysis of influencing factors specified in Clause 2 of this Article.

2. Factors influencing the selection of method to calculate the reserve and resources of tin, gold and titanium placer mines.

a. Morphology of ore bed;

b. Thickness and their degree of variation;

c. Content of main components of ore as well as their degree of variation;

d. Tectonic elements and bedded deposit of ore bed;

dd) Network of exploration works;

e. Estimated method of mining.

3. Based on the geological characteristics and influencing factors, the methods to calculate the reserve and resources of tin, gold and titanium placer mines must be applied including: geological block and vertical parallel cross sections.

Article 29. Requirements for highest reserve level and reserve ratio

1. Requirements for highest reserve level

a. For mine group I and II, the highest reserve level to be explored is the reserve level 121;

b. For mine group IIII and IV, the highest reserve level to be explored is the reserve level 122;

2. Requirements for ratio of reserve levels

The exploration reserve of each level and the rational ratio between reserve levels 121 and 122 shall be deicided by the investor on the basis of geological characteristics, financial capacity, technical conditions for mining and mining design capacity but must be shown in the exploration Scheme.

Article 30. Content and form of presentation of the materials of report on exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines.

The content and form of presentation of the materials of report on exploration of tin, gold and titanium placer mines shall comply with the Regulation on order and procedures for approval, appraisal, review and approval of mineral reserves in mineral exploration report issued together with Decision No. 14/2006/QD-BTNMT dated September 8, 2006 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.

Chapter 5.


Article 31. Conversion of reserves and resources level of tin, gold and titanium placer mines

1. The reserve and resources level of tin, gold and titanium placer mines classified under the previous regulations must be converted to new reserve and resources level under this Regulation.

2. The work of conversion of reserves and resources of tin, gold and titanium placer mines shall comply with the provisions of Article 10 of the Regulation on classification of reserve and solid mineral resources issued together with Decision No. 06 / 2006/QD-BTNMT dated June 7, 2006 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.

Article 32. Implementation organization

1. The Office of the Mineral Reserve Assessment Council shall monitor and inspect the implementation of this Regulation and make annual report to the Minister on the implementation.

2. The Inspector of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall coordinate with the relevant agencies to examine and detect violations; inspect and handle in a timely manner under authority or propose the handling for violations as prescribed.

3. Any problem or difficulty arising during the course of implementation of this Regulation should be promptly reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for consideration and settlement.




Nguyen Xuan Cuong



(Together with Regulation on exploration and classification of reserve and resources of tin, gold and titan placer mines issued together with Decision No. 14/2008/QD-BTNMT dated December 2008 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)

Mine group

Type of mine

Type of exploration works

Distance for reserve and resources levels (m)

Level 121

Level 122

Level 333

Between lines

Between works

Between lines

Between works

Between lines

Between works


Coastal Titanium

Ditch, well, borehole

200 - 300

20 - 40

400 - 600

40 - 80

800 - 1200

80 - 160


Gold, tin, Alluvial

Coastal Titanium

Ditch, well, borehole

Well, borehole

150 - 200


150 - 200

10 - 20


20 - 40

200 - 300


200 - 300

20 - 40


40 - 80

400 - 600


400 - 600

40 - 80


80 - 160


Gold, tin, Alluvial

Coastal Titanium

Ditch, well, borehole

Well, borehole



100 - 150


200 - 300

20 - 40


20 - 40

200 - 300


400 - 600

40 - 80


40 - 80


Gold, tin Alluvial, deluvial

Ditch, well, borehole



50 - 100

10 - 20

100 - 200

20 - 40


1. For placers of mine group III and IV relatively isometric shapes (erosional style - karst, eluvial, deluvial, alluvial ...), applying square exploration network, the network density depends on the area of placer.

3. For each ore body, there are at least 3 lines of exploration works.

4. The exploration network of eluvial placer mines depends on geological characteristics of mine, bed and original ore bed.


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Decision No.14/2008/QD-BTNMT exploration classification of reserve and resources of tin gold
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu14/2008/QD-BTNMT
              Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường
              Người kýNguyễn Xuân Cường
              Ngày ban hành30/12/2008
              Ngày hiệu lực30/01/2009
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              Cập nhật17 năm trước

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                      Văn bản gốc Decision No.14/2008/QD-BTNMT exploration classification of reserve and resources of tin gold

                      Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No.14/2008/QD-BTNMT exploration classification of reserve and resources of tin gold

                      • 30/12/2008

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                      • 30/01/2009

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