Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 14/QD-DTDL procedure for planning national electricity system operation
No. 14/QD-DTDL | Hanoi, May 02, 2013 |
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 95/2012/ND-CP dated November 12, 2012, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 153/2008/QD-TTg dated November 28, 2008 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Electricity Regulatory Authority, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Pursuant to the Circular No. 12/2010/TT-BCT dated April 15, 2010 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Regulation on electricity transmission system;
At the request of the Manager of the Department of Demand - Supply Balance Supervision and Planning,
Article 1. Promulgating together with this Decision the Procedure for planning national electricity system operation, providing guidance on the implementation of the Circular No. 12/2010/TT-BCT dated April 15, 2010 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Regulation on electricity transmission system.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect from the day on which it is signed.
Article 3. The Chief of the office of the Authority , department managers of Electricity Regulatory Authority, the Director of Vietnam Electricity, Directors of Electricity companies and relevant units are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.
(Promulgated together with the Decision No. 14/QD-DTDL dated May 02, 2013 of the Director of Electricity Regulatory Authority)
Chapter I
Article 1. Scope of regulation
This Procedure deals with the planning order and responsibilities of various units for making national electricity system operation plans for the next day, next month, next week and next year.
Article 2. Subjects of application
This Procedure is applicable to:
1. Vietnam Electricity (EVN).
2. The Electricity system and market operator (National Load Dispatch Center)
3. Transmission network operator (National Power Transmission Corporation).
4. Electricity wholesalers (Electric Power Trading Company).
5. Electric generating units.
6. Electricity distributors (Power Corporations).
Article 3. Interpretation of terms
1. Available capacity of the system is the sum of the total available capacity of all generators in the electricity system and imported capacity over a certain period of time.
2. Available capacity of a generator is the maximum actual capacity that the generator can stably and continuously generate over a certain period of time.
3. Generating units are the owners of the power plants connected to the transmission grid, or owners of the power plants the installed capacity of which is 30 MW that are connected to the distribution grid.
4. Year Y is the current year.
5. Day D is the current day.
6. Month M is the current month.
7. Websites are the websites used for exchanging and announcing information related to the operation of the electricity system that are built, manage and operated by Electricity system and market operator (ESMO).
8. Week W is the current week.
Article 4. Principles for planning the operation of the national electricity system
1. Ensure the safe and continuous operation of the electricity system.
2. Comply with the requirements for flood prevention, irrigation, maintenance of ecology stream according to the approved procedures for operating hydroelectric reservoirs.
3. Fulfill the conditions about primary fuel for thermoelectric plants.
4. Satisfy the technical requirements of generators and the transmission grid.
5. Adhere to the agreements on generation and capacity under the contracts to export or import electricity, and electricity sale contracts.
6. Minimize the expenditure on buying electricity for the entire system.
Chapter II
Article 5. Input data
1. Forecast of next year’s demand.
2. Plan for next year electricity source development.
3. Plan for next year’s electrical grid development (new construction and repair).
4. Next year’s hydrographical forecast.
5. Plan for next year’s maintenance and repair of the electrical grid and power plants.
6. Plan for electricity export and import in the next year.
7. Result of mid-term system security assessment in the next year.
8. Data and conditions about primary fuel for thermoelectric plants.
9. Conditions of electricity sale contracts.
10. Electricity prices of generators.
11. Specifications of power plants.
Article 6. Assessment of annual plan for electricity system operation
1. Every year before February 01, ESMO shall compare the actual operation of the electricity system in the year and the approved plan.
2. Assessment of the annual plan for electricity system operation consists of:
a) Assessment of differences between the forecast and actual load, including generation, maximum capacity and minimum capacity of the national electricity system and regional electricity systems (North, Middle, and South);
b) Comparison of actual generation of power plants and the approved plan.
c) Assessment of the condition of hydroelectric reservoirs, including comparison of forecasted and actual flow rates of input water, forecasted and actual flow rates of discharged water, forecasted and actual levels of upstream water of the reservoir at the beginning and at the end of the month;
d) Assessment of supply of primary fuel for thermoelectric plants;
dd) Assessment of suspension or reduction of electricity supply (if any), including the frequency and causes; the forecasted generation and capacity being suspended or reduced;
e) Unusual phenomena and differences in the operation in comparison to the approved plan;
g) Assessment of the causes of aforesaid issues.
Article 7. Procedure for provision of input data
1. Before July 15, electricity wholesalers shall provide ESMO with the plans for development of electricity sources in the next two years (Table 1 Appendix 1A of this procedure). EVN shall announcement the next year’s conditions about primary fuel for thermoelectric plants.
2. Before August 01 every year, ESMO must be provided with input data about the next year as follows:
a) Electricity distributors shall provide information about the forecast of load demand in accordance with the Procedure for forecasting load demand of the national electricity system; the plan for next year’s electricity export and import at the connection points of the distribution grid of the electricity distributors;
b) Electricity wholesalers shall provide economic-technical data about the new power plants intended to be inaugurated in the next year (the form in Appendix 1B) of this Procedure) and the plan for next year’s electricity export and import at the connection points of the transmission grid prescribed in the Procedure for forecasting load demand of the national electricity system;
c) Transmission network operators and electricity distributors shall provide the plans for electrical grid development using the forms in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 Appendix 1A of this Procedure;
d) Generating units and transmission network operators shall make plans for maintenance and repair of equipment of the electrical grid and power plants under their management, and send them to ESMO;
dd) Generating units shall provide economic-technical data about the generators of the power plant using the form in Appendix 1B of this procedure.
Article 8. Procedure for planning annual power source mobilization
Based on input data, ESMO shall make a plan for next year’s operation of electricity sources in the following order:
1. Make a load profile
Forecast load profile of the typical days or weeks of the months in the year in the areas, ensure the conformity with the generation and annual maximum capacity of the areas and the entire system.
2. Calculate of hydroelectric regulation
Calculate and regulate the water levels of hydroelectric reservoirs in the months in order to ensure next year’s security of electricity supply, the conditions for flood prevention, irrigation, and maintenance of ecology stream in accordance with approved procedures for operating hydroelectric reservoirs.
3. Plan the maintenance and repair of generators.
Draw up a schedule for maintaining and repairing generator based on the result of the plan for maintenance and repair of power plant in accordance with the Procedure for planning the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment in the transmission system.
4. Plan the next year’s power source mobilization
Power source mobilization shall be planned in accordance with Article 4 of this Regulation, the primary plan, and contingency plans to deal with unusual developments of load demand, faults of electricity sources, electrical grid, hydrography, and gas supply for generation.
5. Suggest solutions for operation of electricity sources to ensure electricity supply.
Article 9. Procedure for planning annual transmission grid operation
Based on input data and the plan for next year’s operation of electricity sources, ESMO shall make a plan for next year’s transmission grid operation in the following order:
1. Balance the capacity of the national electricity system in May (dry season), July (flooding season), December (water accumulation), and other months if necessary corresponding to the result of load demand forecast in that month.
2. Build a database for calculating the electrical grid operation modes in May, July, December, and other months (if necessary) based on the forecast of load demand, capacity balance, and configuration of the electrical grid.
3. Calculate short circuits at busbars of 500kV, 220kV and 110kV in the transmission grid; develop a basic connection scheme for the national electricity system in May, July, December, and other months (if necessary).
4. Calculate the normal operation of the electrical grid in May, July, December, and other months (if necessary); check the components of the electrical grid (lines or transformers) that bear high load according to Article 56 of the Circular No. 12/2010/TT-BCT dated April 15, 2010 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Regulation on electricity transmission system; assess the capability to meet load demand of the national and regional electrical grids.
5. Calculate short circuits at busbars of 500kV, 220kV and 110kV in the transmission grid; develop a method of connection of the national electricity system in May, July, December, and other months (if necessary). Check the components of the electrical grid (lines or transformers) that may cause dangers.
6. Calculate other special operation modes (if necessary).
7. Suggest solutions for ensuring the safety and reliability of the electrical grid.
Article 10. Contents of the annual plan for electricity system operation
The format of the plan for electricity system operation in the next year (year Y + 1) is provided in Appendix 2 of this Procedure, which consists of:
1. Assessment of plan for electricity system operation in the preceding year (year Y - 1) and the first six months of the current year (year Y).
2. Forecast of next year’s load of the national electricity system, regional electricity systems (North, Middle and South), and every electricity distributor.
3. Estimated generation of each month and the whole year of each power plant in the next year.
4. Upstream water level of the hydroelectric reservoirs on the last days of the months of the next year.
5. Monthly plans for maintenance and repair of the electrical grid and power plants in the next year.
6. The next year’s connection scheme for the national electricity system.
7. Warnings of weakened security of the electricity system (if any).
8. Solutions for ensuring the stability, safety and reliability of the electricity system.
Article 11. Approval and announcement of annual plan for electricity system operation
1. Every year before October 01, ESMO shall request EVN to approve the plan for next year’s electricity system operation.
2. Before October 10, ESMO shall approve the plan for next year’s electricity system operation and submit it to Electricity Regulatory Authority for ratification.
3. Before October 20, ESMO shall ratify the operation point submitted by EVN.
4. By November 01 every year, ESMO shall send the plan for next year’s electricity system operation to generating units, transmission network operators, electricity distributors, electricity wholesalers, and post the information in Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 Article 10 of this Procedure on its website.
Article 12. Input data
1. The annual plan for electricity system operation that has been approved.
2. Forecast of next month’s load demand.
3. Plan for next month’s development of electricity sources.
4. Plan for next month’s development of electrical grid (new construction and repair).
5. Next month’s hydrographical forecast.
6. Plan for next month’s maintenance and repair of the electrical grid and power plants.
7. Plan for next month’s electricity export and import.
8. Result of mid-term system security assessment in the next month.
9. Data and conditions about primary fuel for thermoelectric plants.
10. Electricity prices of generators.
11. Specifications of power plants.
Article 13. Assessment of monthly plan for electricity system operation
ESMO shall make a comparison between the operation of the electricity system in the month and the approved plan, in particular:
1. Assessment of differences between the forecast and actual load, including generation, maximum capacity and minimum capacity of the national electricity system and regional electricity systems (North, Middle, and South).
2. Comparison of actual generation of power plants and the approved plan.
3. Assessment of the condition of hydroelectric reservoirs, including comparison of forecasted and actual flow rates of input water, forecasted and actual flow rates of discharged water, forecasted and actual levels of upstream water of the reservoir at the beginning and at the end of the month.
4. Assessment of supply of primary fuel for thermoelectric plants;
5. Assessment of suspension or reduction of electricity supply (if any), including the frequency and causes; the forecasted generation and capacity being suspended or reduced;
6. Unusual phenomena and differences in the operation in comparison to the approved plan;
7. Assessment of the causes of aforesaid issues.
Article 14. Procedure for provision of input data
1. By the 20th every month, electricity wholesalers shall provide ESMO with the plans for next month’s development of electricity sources (Table 1 Appendix 1A of this procedure). EVN shall announcement the next month’s conditions about primary fuel for thermoelectric plants.
2. By the 20th every month, ESMO must be provided with input data about the next month as follows:
a) Electricity distributors shall provide information about the forecast of load demand in accordance with the Procedure for forecasting load demand of the national electricity system; the plan for next month’s electricity export and import at the connection points of the distribution grid of the electricity distributors;
b) Electricity wholesalers shall provide economic-technical data about the plan for next month’s electricity export and import at the connection points of the transmission grid prescribed in the Procedure for forecasting load demand of the national electricity system;
c) Transmission network operators and electricity distributors shall provide the plans for electrical grid development using the forms in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 Appendix 1A of this Procedure;
d) Generating units and transmission network operators shall make plans for maintenance and repair of equipment of the electrical grid and power plants under their management, and send them to ESMO in accordance with the Procedure for planning the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment in the transmission network;
dd) Generating units shall provide economic-technical data about the generators of the power plant using the form in Appendix 1B of this Procedure where they are changed or new power plants are opened.
Article 15. Procedure for planning monthly power source mobilization
Based on input data, ESMO shall make a plan for next month’s operation of electricity sources in the following order:
1. Make a load profile
Forecast load profile of the typical days or weeks of the next month and remaining months of the year, ensure the conformity with the generation and monthly maximum load of the areas and the entire system.
2. Calculate of hydroelectric regulation
Calculate and regulate the water levels of hydroelectric reservoirs in the next month and the remaining months of the year, the conditions about flood prevention, irrigation, and maintenance of ecology stream in accordance with approved procedures for operating hydroelectric reservoirs.
3. Plan the maintenance and repair of generators.
Draw up a schedule for maintaining and repairing generator based on the result of the plan for maintenance and repair of power plant in accordance with the Procedure for planning the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment in the transmission system.
4. Plan the next month’s power source mobilization
Power source mobilization in the next month and the remaining months of the year’shall be planned in accordance with Article 4 of this Regulation, the primary plan, and contingency plans to deal with unusual developments of load demand, faults of electricity sources, electrical grid, hydrography, and gas supply for generation.
5. Suggest solutions for operation of electricity sources to ensure electricity supply.
Article 16. Procedure for planning monthly transmission grid operation
Based on input data and the plan for next month’s operation of electricity sources, ESMO shall make a plan for next month’s transmission grid operation in the following order:
1. Balance the capacity of the national electricity system in during the peak hours and off-peak hours in the day corresponding to the result of load demand forecast during such hours.
2. Build a database for calculating the electrical grid operation modes during the peak hours and off-peak hours in the day based on the forecast of load demand, capacity balance, and configuration of the electrical grid.
3. Calculate short circuits at busbars of 500kV, 220kV and 110kV in the transmission grid.
4. Calculate the normal operation of the electrical grid during the peak hours and off-peak hours in the day; check the components of the electrical grid (lines or transformers) that bear high load according to Article 56 of the Circular No. 12/2010/TT-BCT dated April 15, 2010 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Regulation on electricity transmission system; assess the capability to meet load demand of the national and regional electrical grids.
5. Calculate electrical grid operation modes upon malfunction of any component in electricity system (N-1 mode) during the peak hours and off-peak hours in the day. Check the components of the electrical grid (lines or transformers) that may cause dangers.
6. Calculate other special operation modes (if necessary).
7. Suggest solutions for ensuring the safety and reliability of the electrical grid.
Article 17. Contents of the monthly plan for electricity system operation
The format of the plan for next month’s electricity system operation is provided in Appendix 3 of this Procedure, which consists of:
1. Assessment of the plan for electricity system operation in the current month (month M).
2. Forecast of next month’s load of the national electricity system, regional electricity systems (North, Middle and South), and every electricity distributor.
3. Estimated generation of each power plant in the next month.
4. Upstream water level of the hydroelectric reservoirs on the last day of the next month.
5. Plan for next month’s maintenance and repair of the electrical grid and power plants.
6. Warnings of weakened security of the electricity system (if any).
7. Solutions for ensuring the stability, safety and reliability of the electricity system.
Article 18. Approval and announcement of monthly plans for electricity system operation
1. Before the 22nd every month, ESMO shall request EVN to approve the plan for next month’s operation of the electricity system.
2. Before the 25th every month, EVN shall approve the plan for next month’s operation of the electricity system operation and send a report to Electricity Regulatory Authority.
3. Within 02 working days after since the monthly plan for electricity system operation is approved, ESMO shall notify generating units, transmission network operators, electricity distributors, electricity wholesalers, and post the information in Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Article 17 of this Procedure on its website.
Article 19. Assessment of weekly plan for electricity system operation
1. By 4.30 pm of the week (week W), ESMO shall compare the actual operation of the electricity system in the preceding week (week W - 1) and the approved plan for electricity system operation in the preceding week.
2. The format of the assessment of the weekly plan for electricity system operation is provided in Appendix 4, which consists of:
a) Assessment of differences between the forecast and actual load, including generation, maximum capacity and minimum capacity of the national electricity system and regional electricity systems (North, Middle, and South);
b) Comparison of actual generation of power plants and the approved plan.
c) Assessment of the condition of hydroelectric reservoirs, including comparison of forecasted and actual flow rates of input water, forecasted and actual flow rates of discharged water, forecasted and actual levels of upstream water of the reservoir at the beginning and at the end of the week.
d) Assessment of supply of primary fuel for thermoelectric plants;
dd) Assessment of suspension or reduction of electricity supply (if any), including the frequency and causes; the forecasted generation and capacity being suspended or reduced;
e) Unusual phenomena and differences in the operation in comparison to the approved plan;
g) Assessment of the causes of aforesaid issues.
3. By 4.00 pm of the week (week W), ESMO shall send a report on the actual operation of the electricity system in the preceding week (week W-1) as prescribed in Appendix 5 of this Procedure to Electricity Regulatory Authority and EVN to the email of Electricity Regulatory Authority and EVN.
Article 20. Update of information about power plants
1. Before 05 last working days of the month (month M), electricity wholesalers must be provide ESMO with the actual prices of generation, including variable prices and fixed prices, imposed by the power plants in the latest month.
2. Every week before 10.00 am of Tuesday, generating units shall provide ESMO with the announcement of electricity productions for the next two weeks (week W+1 and W+2) using the form in Appendix 6 to this Circular, which consists of:
a) Available capacity (MW) of each generator every hour;
b) Total available generation (GWh) of each generator every day;
c) Total available generation of the hydroelectric power plant corresponding to the level of water in the reservoir at the time of registration, the estimated of input flow rate in the week, conditions about water level regulation and downstream water supply for the hydroelectric power plants;
d) Estimate the gas supply capability and fuel consumption of each generators of the gas-powered thermoelectric plants.
3. If the generating unit fails to provide the announcement of electricity productions and capacity for the next two weeks (week W+1 and W+2) as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article due to a day-off or holiday in week W, the generating units shall provide ESMO with data about the generation and capacity for the next 02 weeks (W+1 and W+2) before 10.00 am of the last working day of the preceding week (W-1).
4. Every week before 3.00 pm of Tuesday (week W), ESMO shall update the electricity productions and capacity for the next two weeks (week W+1 and W+2) provided by generating units.
5. Every week before 4.00 pm of Tuesday (week W), ESMO shall update the prices of generation imposed by power plants based on electricity sale contract, the actual prices of generation imposed by the power plants in the latest month.
Article 21. Procedure for providing information; making, approving and announcing weekly plans for electricity system operation
The procedure for providing information about scheduling, approval and announcement of weekly electricity system operation is similar to the procedure for planning electricity market operation in the next year, next month, and next week.
Article 22. Weekly plans for maintaining and repairing components electrical grid and power plants
ESMo shall plan the maintenance and repair of components electrical grid and power plants in accordance with the Procedure for planning the maintenance of electrical equipment in electricity transmission systems.
Article 23. Checking gas supply limit
Every week before 4.00 pm of Wednesday (week W), ESMO shall consider mobilizing gas-powered thermoelectric plants according to the limit of gas supply for generation for the next 02 weeks (W+1 and W+2) as follows:
1. Mobilize gas-powered thermoelectric generators in the order of generation prices according to Clause 5 Article 20 of this Procedure if gas consumption of the gas-powered thermoelectric plants is smaller than or equal to gas supply limit.
2. Calculate the mobilization of gas-powered thermoelectric generators, or mobilize oil-powered generators if gas consumption of the gas-powered thermoelectric plants is larger than gas supply limit according to:
a) Gas supply limit;
b) Calorific value of gas;
c) Forecasted load demand;
d) Cost of mobilizing gas-powered or oil-powered thermoelectric generators;
dd) Specifications of generators;
e) Gas consumption rates of generators;
g) Ability to change fuel or generators.
Article 24. Assessment of daily mobilization schedule
1. Every day by 10.00 am, ESMO shall compare the actual mobilization of the preceding day (day D-1) with its mobilization schedule, which has been approved.
2. Daily mobilization schedules shall be assessed in accordance with Appendix 7 to this Procedure, including:
a) Assessment of differences between the forecasted and actual load, including generation, maximum capacity, and minimum capacity of the national electricity system and regional electricity systems (North, Middle and South);
b) Comparison of the result of mobilization of power plants and the daily mobilization schedules or hourly mobilization schedules, which have been approved, including every hourly mobilization chart and daily generation of power plants;
c) Assessment of hydrology of hydroelectric reservoirs, including forecasted and actual flow rate of input water, discharged water, and upstream water level;
d) Assessment of gas supply;
dd) Comparison of forecasted and actual temperature;
e) Assessment of suspension and reduction of electricity supply (if any), including the frequency and causes; the estimated electricity production and capacity being suspended or reduced;
g) The recorded unusual phenomena during the operation in comparison to the approved plan;
h) Assessment of causes of aforesaid issues.
Article 25. Procedure for providing information; making, approving and announcement of mobilization schedules for next day
The procedure for providing information, making, approving and announcement of next day’s mobilization schedules shall comply with the Procedure for scheduling mobilization of generators, real-time operation, and calculation of the payment on the electricity market./.
Appendix 1A
Table 1. Power supply activation schedule
No. | Name of power plant/Generator | Installed capacity (MW) | Activation schedule | Connecting position | Notes | |||||
Generator 1 | Generator 2 | Generator 3 | ||||||||
Month | Year | Month | Year | Month | Year | |||||
1. |
2. |
... |
Table 2. Line activation schedule
No. | Name | Max voltage | Length | Cross section | Schedule | Supervising unit | Notes |
(kV) | (km) | (mm2) | |||||
1. |
2. |
... |
Table 3. Substation activation schedule
No. | Name | Max voltage | Capacity | Connecting position | Schedule | Supervising unit | Notes |
(kV) | (MVA) | ||||||
1. |
2. |
... |
Table 4. Compensation capacitor and compensation resistor activation schedule
1. Horizontal compensation:
No. | Name | Max voltage (kV) | Capacitance (MVAr) | Schedule | Notes |
1. |
2. |
2. Vertical compensation:
No. | Name | Max voltage (kV) | Resistance (Ohm)(mH) | Schedule | Notes |
1. |
2. |
Appendix 1B
1. Plant description
- Plane name;
- Location;
- Type of plant (thermoelectric plant, coal-fired thermoelectric plant, etc.);
- Number of generators, maximum capacity;
- Estimated generation;
- Estimated capacity.
2. Electricity sale contract
- Conditions of electricity sale contracts;
- Variable and constant costs of generators.
3. Characteristics of generators
The following information about every generator must be provided:
- Number of generators;
- Maximum capacity (MW);
- Generating power of every generator (MVA);
- Working power of internal load (MW);
- Reactive power of internal load (MVAr);
- Terminal voltage (kV);
- Working power range MW-MW;
- Output reactive power at maximum working power (MVAr);
- Input reactive power at maximum working power (MVAr);
- Short circuit ratio;
- Rated stator current (A);
- Rated rotor current at maximum output current (rated working power, rated load coefficient, rated terminal voltage) and rated rotor speed (A);
- Rated rotor voltage (kV);
- Capability chart of the generator, including thermal and excitation limits;
- Open circuit magnetization curve;
- Short circuit characteristics;
- Zero power factor curve;
- Voltage curve
- Time to synchronize from warm (hours);
- Time to synchronize from cold (hours);
- Minimum up-time;
- Minimum down-time;
- Normal loading rate (MW per minute)
- Normal deloading rate (MW per minute)
- Starting fuel;
- Ability to change fuel on-load;
- Available modes;
- Time to change modes on-load;
- Secondary frequency regulation system control range (MW);
- Other operating characteristics;
- Detailed information about spare capacity of generators in various modes.
Apart from the aforesaid date, thermoelectric plants must provide diagrams of their components, boilers, AC generators, heat or steam sources.
4. Black start
Information about the black start system.
5. Hydroelectric power plants
Additional information about the monthly generating capacity, estimated generation, and information related to hydrography and hydropower shall be provided. In particular:
a) Primary energy:
- Data about the reservoir and reservoir regulation:
+ Effective capacity (billion m3);
+ Gross capacity (billion m3);
+ Flood prevention volume (billion m3);
+ Normal water level (m);
+ Dead water level (m);
+ Enhanced water level (m);
+ Volume for regulations for many years, if any (billion VND m3);
+ Reservoir area (km2);
+ Normal water level (m);
+ Average reservoir width (km);
+ Average reservoir depth (m);
+ V = f(h) curve;
+ Method of regulation (every year, many years, combined method);
+ Summarized reservoir regulation procedure (a text file);
+ Detailed reservoir regulation procedure (a text file);
+ Reservoir regulation chart (monthly or weekly).
- Data about the primary dam:
+ Type (earth, stone, concrete, etc.)
+ Method of flood discharge (natural discharge, manual discharge);
+ Greatest height (m);
+ Crest height (m);
+ Crest width (m);
+ Base width (m);
+ Upper height of sluice gate (m);
+ Diagram of the dam structure (an image file).
- Data about the generating dam:
+ Type (earth, stone, concrete, etc.)
+ Greatest height (m);
+ Crest height (m);
+ Crest width (m);
+ Base width (m);
+ Upper height of input gate (m);
+ Diagram of the dam structure (an image file).
- Upstream data:
+ Normal water level (m);
+ Dead water level (m);
+ Enhanced water level (m);
+ Water level for regulations for many years, if any (billion VND m);
- Downstream data:
+ Water level before the whole plant is suspended (m);
+ Water level at minimum power (m);
+ Water level at rated power (m);
+ Water level when discharging at 0.01% (m);
- Data about climate and hydrography:
+ Characteristic of the climate;
+ Catchment area (km2);
+ Total flow in many years (m3);
+ Average annual input flow rate (m3/s);
+ Average monthly input flow rates (a table);
+ Average annual rain level (mm);
+ Flood rate.
b) Input flow rate and energy according to design
- Input water data:
Flow frequency | Maximum flood rate (m3/s) | Average daily flow rate (m3/s) |
10.00% |
1.00% |
0.10% |
0.01% |
- Input flow rate and energy according to design
Flow frequency | Flow rate | Energy |
25% |
50% |
65% |
75% |
90% |
Average |
c) Notes
Appendix 2
2.1. Load
2.2. Hydrography
2.3. Power supply operation
2.4. Electrical grid operation
3.1. Capacity - generation balance
3.1.1. Estimation Forecasted load Hydrography forecast and hydroelectric regulation. Schedule for activation of new power sources Schedule for maintenance of power sources and electrical grids Electricity export and import Conditions about electrical grids Limit on gas supply
3.1.2. Methodology of calculation of capacity - generation balance Orientation for next year’s operation Method of calculation of capacity - generation balance
3.1.3. Assessment of annual electricity supply plan Capacity balance Generation balance Plan for load reduction Fuel demand
3.2. Electrical grid operation
3.2.1. Summary
3.2.2. Estimation
3.2.3. Next year’s plan for national grid operation May Short circuit current Normal operation mode N-1 emergency mode Other special modes (if necessary) July Short circuit current Normal operation mode N-1 emergency mode Other special modes (if necessary) December Short circuit current Normal operation mode N-1 emergency mode Other special modes (if necessary) Other operation modes (if necessary)
1. Estimated national and regional load
2. Schedule for activation of new power sources
3. Plans for maintenance and repair of power sources and electrical grids
4. Upstream water level, flow rate of water that enter the reservoir every month
5. Balance of generation of the whole electricity system
Appendix 3
- Transmission network operator
- Electricity distributors;
- Power plants
1.1. Load:
1.1.1. Information on load (updated till ...)
1.1.2. Electricity reduction
- Due to source failure:
- Due to grid failure:
- Due to overload or insufficient sources
1.2. Power supply operation:
1.2.1. Power supply failure
1.2.2. Power source mobilization
1.3. Hydrography and gas supply
1.4. Electrical grid
1.4.1. New constructions
- 500/220kV substations;
- 220/500kV lines;
- 110kV compensation capacitors.
1.4.2. Electrical grid failures:
- 500kV electricity system:
- 220kV electricity system:
- 110kV electricity system:
2.1. Targets
2.2. Characteristics and requirements
2.3. Plans for maintenance and repair of electricity system
2.3.1. 500kV electricity system
2.3.2. 220kV electricity system in the North
2.3.3. 220kV electricity system in the Middle
2.3.4. 220kV electricity system in the South
2.4. Plan for power source mobilization
| Method |
Hydroelectricity | Operate according to plan | |
Coal-fired thermoelectricity | Operate according to chart | |
Oil thermoelectricity | Operate according to chart | |
Gas turbine | Operate according to chart | |
Gas turbine (oil) | Overload prevention, voltage compensation, and peaking | |
Diesel | Overload prevention, voltage compensation, and peaking | |
2.5. Notes
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
| Hanoi,..........[date]................... |
From .......................... to ..................................
I. Weekly load
1. System:
- Pmax/day:
- Amax/day:
- Atb/week:
2. Region:
- North:
o Pmax/day:
o Amax/day:
- Middle:
o Pmax/day:
o Amax/day:
- South:
o Pmax/day:
o Amax/day:
II. Electricity system operation in the week
1. Power sources
- Working sources in the week:
Plant/generator | From | To | Intended finishing time | Description | ||
Date | Hour | Date | Hour | |||
2. Source failures:
Plant/generator | From | To | Event | ||
Date | Hour | Date | Hour | ||
3. Electrical grid:
- Work on 500kV grid
- Failures of 500kV grid:
- Failures of 220kV grid:
4. Transmission on 500kV line
- Hours of transmission at primary segments on 500kV line:
Transmission value | Da Nang - Ha Tinh segment | Pleiku - Da Nang segment |
< 900=""> |
900 ÷ 1200 MW |
1200 ÷ 1500 MW |
> 1500 MW |
- Transmission on 500kV line during peak hours
Hour | Da Nang - Ha Tinh segment | Pleiku - Da Nang segment |
Max 11h |
Max 17h |
Max 20h |
Max 23h |
III. Power supply in the week:
IV. Next week’s plan (from ..................... to ....................)
1. Estimated next week’s load:
2. Daily available generation:
3. Generators under repair or planned to be repaired
Plant/generator | From | To | Description | ||
Date | Hour | Date | Hour | ||
4. Planned works on 500kV grid
Appendix 6
To: | Department Electric system and market operator Tel: Fax: Email: | From: | Department ... Generating unit Tel: Fax: Email: |
Announcer | : |
Time | : | From ................................... to ......................................... |
1. Generation (GWh), Available capacity (MW):
Week | W+1 | W+2 | ||||||||||
Hour | Monday | ... | Sunday | Monday | ... | Sunday | ||||||
Pmax | Pmin | Pmax | Pmin | Pmax | Pmin | Pmax | Pmin | Pmax | Pmin | Pmax | Pmin | |
1:00 |
... |
24:00 |
A |
2. Notes:
Total available generation: ......GWh (for hydroelectricity) |
Estimated input flow rate: ......m3/s (for hydroelectricity) |
Conditions about reservoir regulation and downstream water (for hydroelectricity) |
Conditions about fuel supply and gas consumption (for gas turbine) |
Full name: _____________ Signature: ___________ Date: ___/___/___
Position: _____________
Appendix 7
Date:........................................................ | ||||||
I. | Target: |
| ||
| - |
| - |
| - |
II. | Assessment: |
| |
1. Load |
| ||
| Difference between estimated load and actual load: |
| |||
| Actual value | Estimated value | Difference | Causes |
| - | Generation |
| |
| - | Pmax |
| - | Pmin |
2. Power sources |
| ||
| 2.1. | General assessments |
| |
| - |
| - |
| 2.2. | Power sources |
| |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| 2.3. | Problems: |
| |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
MOBILIZED POWER | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Plant | Total | Power | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | Causes |
Plant |
| PT ngày |
| Mobilized |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
Plant |
| PT ngày |
| Mobilized |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
Plant |
| PT ngày |
| Mobilized |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
Plant |
| PT ngày |
| Mobilized |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
Plant |
| PT ngày |
| Mobilized |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
ELECTRICITY SYSTEM LOAD | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Load |
National |
| Forcasted |
| Actual |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
North |
| Forcasted |
| Actual |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
Middle |
| Forcasted |
| Actual |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
South |
| Forcasted |
| Actual |
| |
| Comparison |
| |
GAS SUPPLY FOR GENERATION | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Generagion |
| Forcasted |
MW/hour |
| Actual |
| Comparison |
Gas supply |
| Forcasted |
m3/hour |
| Actual |
| Comparison |