Quyết định 2091/QD-TTg

Decision No. 2091/QD-TTg of December 28, 2012, approving the strategy for national reserve development by 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 2091/QD-TTg approving the strategy for national reserve development


Independence - Freedom – Happiness


No. 2091/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 28, 2012





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25th 2001;

Pursuant to the Ordinance on the National Reserve dated April 29th 2004;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 196/2004/ND-CP dated December 2nd 2004 elaborating  the implementation of the Ordinance on the National Reserve;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 118/2008/ND-CP dated November 27th 2008 defining  the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;

At the request of the Minister of Finance,


Article 1. Approving the Strategy for national reserve development by 2020. In particular:


1. Viewpoints:

a/ The national reserve is a strategic source of reserve of the State for the prevent and settle losses and adversities occurring in social life, National defense and security, production and trade.

b/ National reserve plays an important role in the sustainable development and assurance of national political and socio-economic stability of the country upon occurrence of natural disasters, fires, epidemics or invasions, and contributes to stabilizing the market upon occurrence of unforeseen situations; national reserve shall be constantly developed and innovated in line with the national socio­economic development and the process of international integration.

c/ Private sector involvement in national reserve: State agencies, economic organizations, social organizations, armed force units and people from all social strata are responsible for participating in national reserve activities, ensuring preparedness to respond to any emergency under the concentrated and uniform administration of the State to promptly deal with the situation that happens.

d/ Annual expenditure on increasing the national reserve belongs to the central budget as prescribed by law.

e/ The national reserve fund is built up in kind and shall by properly managed and used; for the reserve must be promptly and adequately replenished when commodities are released .

f/ Appropriate commodities in national reserve are distributed in strategic areas nationwide, with appropriate items to promptly respond to any unforeseen and urgent situations.

2. Targets:

a/ General targets

Stay ready to satisfy urgent requirements of the prevention, suppression, and remedy of consequences of natural disasters, fires and epidemics; serve industrial mobilization; ensure food security and energy security; ensure national defense, security and social order and safety; contribute to market stabilization, macroeconomic stability, economic development, social security and the performance of other urgent tasks,

b/ Specific targets:

- Ensure that the quantity of commodities in national reserve meets essential, strategic and important needs and is sufficient to make intervention in emergencies.

- Modernize preservation technologies; research, transfer and apply advanced preservation technologies of regional countries which are suitable to the climate and socio-economic conditions of Vietnam to ensure the quality of commodities in national reserve and improve the preservation efficiency.

- Complete the system of national reserve warehouses with modern equipment, concentrated scale, ensure the establishment of strategic zones and lines that suit regional economic and defense conditions.

- Ensure a steady communication system serving national reserve activities, ensure that the entire process of managing storage, delivery and preservation is computerized.

- Develop human resources for national reserve with adequate quantity, reasonable structure, good political quality and working capability that meet the requirements of their tasks. Strengthen the management apparatus towards a sole state agency in charge of national reserve.


1. National reserve level:

Enhance the national reserve potential, ensure that the total national reserve level would reach 0.8 - 1% of the GDP by 2015 and about 1.5% of the GDP by 2020.

2. National reserve fund in kind:

a/ The list of commodities:

By 2020: keep reviewing, arranging and completing the structure of the list of commodities in national reserve towards concentrating on strategic, essential and important articles; concentrate on funding the increase of the list in order to achieve the targets of national reserve.

Based on the lists of commodities defined in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 139/2007/QD-TTg dated August 23rd 2007, for the purposes of satisfying the new requirements, there are 05 groups of commodities in the strategy for national reserve development by 2020:

- The group of commodities serving the assurance of economic security and social security.

- The group of commodities serving the response to natural disasters, catastrophes and search and rescue.

- The group of commodities serving the National defense and security, protection of the border, territorial sea and island, and industrial mobilization.

- The group of commodities serving the prevention and suppression of epidemics, and provision of emergency aid for people.

- The group of commodities serving the prevention and suppression of animal and plant epidemics.

(The list of commodities in national reserve by 2020 is enclosed herewith).

Based on the reality, the listed commodities shall be supplemented, new essential and strategic articles shall be suggested to the list of commodities in national reserve annually

b/ Reserve levels of some essential commodities by 2020:

- Food: maintain a about 500,000 tonnes (paddy equivalent) by 2015; decide the specific increase based on the reality after 2015.

- Petroleum: meet the 10-day use demand (about 500,000 m3 or tonnes of finished gasoline and oil) and 700,000 tonnes of crude oil.

- Supplies and equipment serving the response to natural disasters, catastrophes, search and rescue: reach the level defined in the Appendix to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 46/2006/QD-TTg dated February 28th 2006, approving the Planning for search and rescue by 2015, and the orientation towards 2020;

- White salt: about 130,000 tonnes serving consumption.

- Agricultural commodities:

+ Plant seeds: 10,000 tonnes of rice seeds per year, 1,500 tonnes of maize seeds per year, 130 tonnes of vegetable seeds year.

+ Pesticides: maintain about 600 tonnes in national reserve.

+ Veterinary vaccines and antiseptics: 10,000,000 doses of vaccines, 1,000,000 liters of antiseptics for the prevention and suppression of cattle diseases, and 2,000 tonnes of antiseptics for the prevention and suppresion of aquatic animal diseases.

- The reserve of medical equipment and germicides shall meet requirement of disease prevention and suppression, as well as emergency treatment in areas suffered from natural disasters or epidemics.

- The commodities serving the national defense and security and equipment serving the uninterrupted transport: Based on the defense and security status as well as annual and periodical budget to plan the increase of national reserve toward prioritizing the reserve of defense and security commodities with a higher growth level than the average level; ensure that requirements of maintaining national defense, security, social order and safety and territorial integrity are satisfied.

c/ Technologies for preserving commodities in national reserve:

Research and apply advanced technologies to the preservation of commodities in national reserve, adopt advanced preservation technologies of regional countries to ensure the quality of commodities in national reserve; mechanize the process of storage, delivery and preservation to extend the preservation period, reduce the loss, raise productivity and protect the environment. For food preservation period shall be extended by 150% by 2020 compared to that in 2010.

Complete the system of National Technical Regulations and technical-economic norms for national reserve in conformity with Vietnamese and international standard systems.

d/ National reserve warehouses

Build national reserve warehouses in accordance with the planning on state reserve warehouses approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 94/QD-TTg dated January 17th 2011. Reserve warehouses must be suitable for the preservation technology of each kind of commodity and each commodity group. Commodities in national reserve must be preserved in separate warehouses or in separate lots, compartments, tanks, etc.

e/ Develop information technology to serve the national reserve modernization: build a uniform information system in the national reserve system from the central to local governments, ensure that the entire process is computerized; properly support the administration, management and formulation of policies on national reserve in each period. Provide quick and accurate information in all national reserve activities.


1. Complete and formulate legislative documents on national reserve.

2. Enhance the national-reserve force towards:

- Concentrating on strategic and essential commodities of high economic value, eliminating or circulating commodities that have a short life, are unsuitable, popular, and able to be produced at home; step by step put important national natural resources (non-renewable resources) into reserve.

- Cooperate with localities in arranging important and strategic commodities in reserve resources areas that face natural disasters and epidemics on a frequent basis.

- Review and modify the lists of commodities in national reserve annually in conformity with the socio-economic conditions to ensure the achievement of national reserve targets.

3. Research and apply advanced preservation technologies from other countries to the preservation of commodities in national reserve. Closed preservation technologies capable of micro-climate regulation shall be used for food, plant varieties, vaccines, etc. Open, low-temperature, sound-proof, heat-proof and aging-resistant preservation technologies shall be used for supplies and equipment. Develop a complete system of quality standards, national technical standards and techno-economic norms. Step by step upgrade the techniques and apply preservation technologies from regional countries that are suitable to Vietnam's conditions.

4. Increase investment in building national-reserve warehouses and modernization of offices; formulate standards and "characterize" the model of national reserve warehouses.

5. Mobilize lawful resources from the state budget for supplement the national-reserve fund:

- Annually determine the increase of national reserve (expressed as % of GDP) in the total state budget expenditure before requesting the National Assembly to allocate state budget.

- Increase the annual budget for national reserve when state budget revenue is higher than planned and the state budget expenditure estimate is not excess.

6. Formulate an exclusive financial mechanism for national reserve, aiming to increase resources for the construction of physical foundations and technical infrastructure; step by step improve the working and living conditions of national reserve officials.

7. Strengthen and develop the national reserve management apparatus, ensuring the concentrated and uniform administration of the State; provide policies to attract human resources and talents to work in national reserve by rearranging national reserve officials , especially those accomplished in in preservation.

8. Intensify the examination and inspection of the implementation of regimes, policies and laws on national reserve, thence improve the efficiency of the management and use of commodities in national reserve, contribute to improving the regimes, policies and laws on national reserve, frugality, and prevention wastefulness and corruption in national reserve.

9. Intensify international cooperation in national reserve, expand the relations and cooperation with developed countries in the world in researching and transferring technologies for preservation and warehousing, etc.

10. Enhance the propagation to raise the awareness of people from all social strata of the important role of  national reserve activities as important and regular tasks, and of their responsibility to participate in national reserve activities. Implement the communication and reporting regimes in national reserve activities levels as prescribed.

Article 2. Implementation

1. Implementation stages:

a/ National reserve level: two stages:

- 2013 - 2015: The Strategy is actualized by implementing the five-year plan for national reserve2011-2015, ensuring that the total national reserve reaches 0.8-1% of GDP.

- 2016 - 2020: keep performing the remaining tasks of the Strategy by formulating and implementing the five-year plan for national reserve2016-2020, ensuring that the total national reserve level will reach 1-1.5% of GDP.

b/ Implementation of the Projects of:

- Formulating and implementing the National Reserve Law during 2012-2015.

- Formulating and implementing the financial mechanism for national reserve during 2013-2015.

c/ Construction of the national-reserve warehouse system under the plan approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 94/QD-TTg of January 17,2011.

2. Organizing the implementation

a/ The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment:

- Based on the Strategy for development of the national reserve by 2020 approved by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance shall cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in formulating plans, performing tasks and implementing solutions stated in the Strategy.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment cooperate with related ministries and agencies in planning investments in the construction of warehouses and infrastructure for Ministries and agencies in charge of the fulfillment of objectives in the strategy for national reserve development and request the Prime Minister to decide.

- Plan annual funds for increasing the national reserve to the Ministries and agencies in charge of the management of commodities in national reserve, the list of commodities in national reserve, and the quantity of each one; summarize the estimates of state budget expenditure on national reserve; balance and summarize the national reserve plans in accordance with the law on the national reserve.

b/ The Ministries and agencies in charge of the management of commodities in national reserve shall:

- Review and finalize the systems of preservation norms, quality standards, national technical standards and techno-economic norms for commodities in national reserve.

- Formulate detailed plans on warehouse and technical infrastructure systems for national-reserve commodity preservation. Annually formulate plans and state budget expenditure estimates for the national reserve and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance for requesting to the Prime Minister for decision.

- Strengthen and reorganize their national reserve management apparatuses in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned by the Government.

c/ The Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam Fatherland Front and mass organizations shall step up communication work on national reserve among all people in the society to raise awareness about reserve activities for families and society against all risks and mishaps.

d/ Provincial People's Committees shall actively participate in national reserve activities; provide instructions on the management and proper and efficient use of commodities in national reserve; intensify the inspection and protection of commodities in national reserve, enable the local agencies in charged of national reserve to fulfill their assigned tasks. Enhance propagation and encourage socio-economic organizations and local citizens to participate in national reserve activities.

Article 3. This Decision comes into force from the day on which it is signed.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental agencies, Presidents of provincial People's Committees and heads of related agencies and units are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.





Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 2091/QD-TTg dated December 28th 2012)

1. Group of commodities serving the assurance of economic security and social security

a/ Food (paddy and rice).

b/ Petroleum products (gasoline, diesel oil, fuel oil, fuel for civil and military aircrafts) and crude oil.

c/ While salt.

d/ Plant varieties.

e/ Industrial explosives.

2. Group of commodities serving the response to natural disasters, catastrophes, search and rescue, etc.

a/ Speedboats serving search and rescue.

b/ Rubber lifeboats.

c/ Life tents.

d/ Life jackets.

e/ Life buoys.

f/ Light life rafts.

g/ Rescue air buoys.

h/ Escape chutes.

i/ Forest fire fighting equipment (with high-capacity pumps).

j/ Aerial ladder trucks (30 - 50 m in height).

k/ Chemicals used in forest fire control.

l/ Dumper trucks and tankers  (15 - 20 tonnes)

m/ Crane trucks (20 tonnes or more).

n/ Multi-purpose excavators.

o/ Bridges and beams.

p/ Rails and sleepers.

3. Group of commodities serving National defense and security, protection of the national border, territorial sea and islands, and industrial mobilization,

a/ Weapons.

b/ Equipment serving marine operation.

c/ Multi-purpose combat means.

d/ Specialized vehicles.

e/ Gadgets and equipment serving the protection of officers and soldiers in action.

f/ Cipher equipment.

g/ Communication and information surveillance systems.

h/ Specialized vehicles, equipment, and accessories serving National defense and security.

i/ Fuel for military use.

j/ Supplies and accessories serving the manufacture and repair of weapons and equipment serving national defense and security.

k/ Military explosives.

4. Group of commodities serving the prevention and suppression of animal and plant diseases and emergency treatment for humans

a/ Essential medical equipment.

b/ Germicidal and antiseptic chemicals

c/ Machinery for filtering seawater and river water

5. Group of commodities serving the prevention and suppression of and epidemics for humans

a/ Vaccines.

b/ Pesticides.

c/ Antiseptics serving the prevention and suppression of cattle and aquatic animal diseases and. epidemics.-

This translation is translated by LawSoft, for reference only. LawSoft is protected by copyright under clause 2, article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property. LawSoft always welcome your comments

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              Decision No. 2091/QD-TTg approving the strategy for national reserve development
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