Quyết định 2111/QD-TTg

Decision No. 2111/QD-TTg of November 28, 2011, approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Hung Yen province through 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 2111/QD-TTg approve the master plan on socio-economic development


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 2111/QD-TTg

Hanoi, November 28, 2011





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans, and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;

At the proposal of the People's Committee of Hung Yen province,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Hung Yen province through 2020 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan must conform with the national socio-economic development strategy and the master plans of the Red River delta, the northern key economic region and Hanoi capital and be synchronous and consistent with master plans of industries and sectors.

2. To bring into full play local potential and advantages; to effectively exploit and use all resources to maintain high economic growth; to focus on construction investment to create a breakthrough in infrastructure and industrial and service development; to attach importance to developing hi-tech agriculture associated with building a new countryside for quick and sustainable socio-economic development in the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization; to focus and prioritize investment in advantageous and added-value industries, contributing to boosting economic restructuring and raising growth quality and competitiveness of the economy.

3. To associate economic development with socio-cultural development; to properly implement social security policies and improve people's material and spiritual lives; to closely associate socio-economic development with natural resource and environmental protection; to build urban and rural areas toward civilization, modernity and social progress and equality.

4. To concentrate on improving human resource quality, to attach importance to developing education and training and science and technology; to promote the cultural tradition and dynamism and creativity of the people, to raise management and administration effectiveness of administrations at all levels to build Hung Yen into a human resource training hub of the Red River delta and the country.

5. To closely combine socio-economic development with assurance of defense and security and maintenance of social order and safety.


1. General objectives

To continue vigorous, comprehensive and synchronous renewal to build Hung Yen by 2020 into a fairly developed province in the Red River delta with fast and sustainable economic growth and synchronous and modern infrastructure facilities.

To develop the education and training system to meet resource requirements for development; to create a healthy and highly competitive investment and business environment; to closely associate with provinces in the northern key economic region and other provinces for fast and sustainable development, creating a firm premise for Hung Yen to basically become a modernity-orientated industrial province by 2020; to improve people's material and cultural lives; to maintain defense and security.

2. Specific targets

a/ Economic development

- To reach an average economic growth rate of 12.5% during 2011-2015 and around 12-13.2% during 2016-2020. To reach an average GDP per capita of over USD 2,000 by 2015 and over USD 4,300 by 2020;

- To drastically restructure the economy to make services account for around 33%; industry-construction, for around 50%; and agriculture, for about 17% by 2015. The rates will be respectively 37.8-39.2%; 50-51%, and 10.5-11.2% by 2020;

- Total retail sales of goods and services will reach over VND 17 trillion by 2015 and over VND 35 trillion by 2020. To strive for an annual export value growth rate of 17% on average during 2011-2015 and around 18% during 2016-2020;

- To raise budget revenues to assure performance of the province's spending tasks and incremental savings. To strive that budget revenues will account for around 11.5% and 9.9% of the province's total added value by 2015 and 2020, respectively;

- Total investment in the province will account for around 63.8% and around 65.9% of the province's total added value during 2011-2015 and 2016-2020, respectively.

b/ Social development

- To reduce the rate of poor households to 3% by 2015 and stably to below 3% by 2020 (according to the new poverty line); to annually create over 22,000 jobs; to raise the rate of trained labor of working age to 55% by 2015 and around 63-67% by 2020;

- To reach a rate of cultured agencies, units and families of over 85% and over 95% by 2015 and 2020, respectively; and a rate of cultured villages and street quarters of 80% and around 90% by 2015 and 2020, respectively;

- To universalize primary education among children of eligible age, and lower secondary education. To strive to complete universalization of upper secondary education by 2020. To solidify 100% of classrooms and 50% of subject-based learning rooms of general schools by 2020; to strive that by 2015, 30% of preschools, 80% of primary schools, 55% of lower secondary schools and 30% of upper secondary schools will reach national standards. The rates will be respectively 55%, 100%, 80% and 55% by 2020;

- By 2015 and 2020 respectively, 96% and 100% of communes will reach national health standards; to strive for the targets of 6 and over 7 medical doctors per 10,000 inhabitants by 2015 and 2020, respectively;

c/ Environmental protection

- By 2015, to strive that 97% of urban inhabitants will have access to clean water and 94% of rural inhabitants will use hygienic water; 85% of production establishments will use clean technologies or be furnished with equipment to mitigate pollution and treat waste up to environmental standards; 70% of industrial parks and clusters will have centralized waste treatment systems up to environmental standards, 97% and 55% of solid waste in urban areas and rural areas respectively will be collected and treated; 95% of hazardous solid waste and 100% of hospital waste will be treated;

- To properly handle urban and rural environmental sanitation, food hygiene and safety and the environment of industrial parks, tourist sites and craft villages on the basis of harmonizing socio-economic development with protection of resources and the eco-environment.


1. Agriculture and rural development

- To develop agriculture comprehensively, effectively and sustainably toward industrialization and modernization associated with building a new countryside; to continue restructuring plants, livestock and crops, apply techniques and technologies to agricultural production toward commodity production attached to processing and sale, making clean, high-yield and added value products; to form consolidated large commodity production zones on the basis of new countryside planning; to plan economical and effective use of agricultural land, ensuring national food security and meeting the province's development needs.

- To reach an annual agricultural and fishery production value growth of 4% on average during 2011-2015 and 2.5-3% during 2016-2020. To reach an annual added value growth of agricultural and fishery production of around 2.2% on average during 2011-2015 and around 1.6% during 2016-2020.

- To restructure agricultural production toward increasingly developing key farm produce of high economic value to reach the proportions of cultivation, husbandry and services in the agricultural structure of 45%, 50% and 5% by 2015 and 41%, 52% and 7% by 2020, respectively.

- By 2015 and 2020 respectively, 25% and 75% of communes will reach new-countryside standards.

2. Industry-construction

- To strive that industrial production and construction values will annually grow at 19% during 2011-2015 and 16.6% during 2016- 2020. The average added value of industry and construction will grow at around 16% during 2011-2015 and around 13-5% during 2016- 2020.

- To strongly develop industry and construction toward modernity and increased quality and competitiveness; to prioritize development of hi-tech and advanced industries and selectively develop processing, fashioning and supporting industries, ensuring their high added value; to build hi-tech industrial centers attached to local agricultural and service sectors based on the regional industrial planning.

- To accelerate construction and early completion of synchronous and quality infrastructure facilities of industrial parks in close combination with development of cottage industries, craft villages, services and tourism; to adjust and supplement the master plan on industrial parks and clusters in conformity with master plans and plans on development of human resources, vocational training establishments and social infrastructure works. To concurrently create a favorable business environment to attract domestic and overseas funding sources, prioritizing capable hi-tech investors.

3. Trade and services

- To strive that the service value will grow at 16% during 2011-2015 and around 16.5-17% during 2016-2020; and the service added value will grow at 13-14% during 2011-2015 and 15-16% during 2016-2020.

- To boost construction and early completion of regional trade centers and regional-level wholesale markets under planning; to consolidate and increase the retail network in the locality and create a breakthrough to attract and develop tourism and services. To step by step build and strongly develop modem and high-quality services such as finance, credit, banking, telecommunications, insurance, legal consultancy and others.

- To encourage and adopt policies to support all economic sectors, especially non-state enterprises, to invest in tourist and service development, forming tourist complexes, high-quality leisure and recreational centers, resorts and eco-tourism centers, etc.

4. Technical infrastructure development

a/ Transport

To develop a synchronous transport system linked with Hanoi capital and provinces in the northern key economic region.

- Roads: To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in building Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway; a road linking Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway with Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway; Hanoi beltway 4; and Hanoi-Hung Yen inter-provincial road;

- Waterways and irrigation: To improve and upgrade the waterway on North Hung Hai river; and Red river and Luoc river ports; to dredge and upgrade river routes associated with waterway transport and water drainage and supply;

- Rural roads: To strive that by 2020, provincial roads will reach at least grade III; district roads, at least grade IV, and 100% of inter-commune and -village roads will be concreted by 2015;

- Railway: To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in upgrading Hanoi-Hai Phong railway (section running through Hung Yen).

b/ Power supply and water supply and drainage

- Power supply: To coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Electricity of Vietnam in implementing the Prime Minister-approved national master plan on power development during 2011-2020, covering construction, improvement and capacity raising of high-voltage transmission lines and transformer stations; construction of medium-voltage transmission lines and transformer stations for distribution; improvement and upgrading of low-voltage electric grids in urban and rural areas to stably supply electricity for socio-economic development and people's daily life activities;

- Water supply and drainage: To allocate local funds and raise social resources to build and expand water supply networks for Hung Yen city, towns and industrial parks; to strive to basically reach, by 2020, norms on urban population accessible to clean water and rural population accessible to clean and hygienic water;

- To build and upgrade water drainage systems of Hung Yen city, towns and industrial parks and clusters; to attach importance to investing in water drainage and wastewater treatment systems in rural areas, especially in craft villages and consolidated animal breeding areas.

c/ Information and communications

To build and develop information and communication infrastructure facilities toward modernity and high quality, attaching importance to building and completing switchboards and base transceiver stations; replacing switchboard devices with switches and optic-cable transmission systems and putting cable networks in the province underground; and boosting the application of information technology to manufacture industries and social life, step by step providing diversified services by international standards.

5. Socio-cultural affairs

a/ Education and training

- To qualitatively and effectively develop education and training in a balanced manner in terms of training scale and form. To formulate schemes and master plans on education and training development up to 2020, to train human resources to meet development requirements of Hung Yen, the Red River delta and the country. To strive that Hung Yen will stay in the group of provinces leading the country in education and training;

- To strive that by 2015 and 2020 respectively, 55% and over 75% of children will be enrolled in kindergartens and 90% and 97%, in preschools; 99.5% of 6-year-old children will attend grade 1 and 100% of primary school pupils will attend grade 6, around 80% of lower secondary school graduates will follow upper secondary education of different forms. By 2020, over 40% of graduates of upper secondary school or equivalent will be enrolled in universities and colleges (the rate will be 35% by 2015);

- To build Pho Hien university complex meeting development requirements, striving to attract universities into this complex;

- To boost vocational training for laborers, especially agricultural and rural labor in specialized cultivation and husbandry zones and areas changing farm land use purposes, to create employment and self-employment opportunities.

b/ Public health protection, care and improvement

- To build a comprehensively developed heath system toward modernity and specialization, with hi-tech physical foundations, sufficient personnel with appropriate structure and professional qualifications meeting requirements for public health protection, care and improvement. To consolidate and develop the systems of preventive healthcare, first-aid and emergency transportation, and rescue and salvage; to consolidate and develop population and reproductive healthcare systems, ensuring quality and effectiveness;

- To expand hospitals, striving to have 25.6 and 27 patient beds per 10,000 inhabitants by 2015 and 2020, respectively. To expand and modernize provincial and district hospitals; to build and operate the obstetrics-pediatrics hospital. To develop Pho Noi general hospital into a regional hospital.

c/ Culture, information, physical training and sports

- To further boost the movement for mobilizing all people to build a cultured life, focusing on building cultured families, villages and street quarters; and adopting a civilized lifestyle in weddings, funerals and festivities. To strive for a rate of cultured families of over 90% by 2015 and over 95% by 2020, and a rate of cultured villages and street quarters of 80% by 2015 and 90% by 2020;

- To properly repair, conserve and embellish national and provincial relics. To encourage socialization of cultural, physical training and sports activities in different forms. To upgrade and expand the radio and television system to well meet people's needs.

d/ Labor, employment and poverty reduction

- To annually create over 20,000 jobs. To increase the time of employment in rural areas to around 88% and reduce the urban unemployment rate to under 2.2% by 2020;

- To attach importance to improving employment quality and generation and income raising for laborers. To synchronously, comprehensively and effectively implement poverty reduction programs and projects; to implement supportive policies on land, vocational training, employment generation, agricultural extension, credit and product sale associated with raising awareness and responsibilities of, and encouraging, poor households to escape poverty by themselves and reducing relapse into poverty;

- To boost social security activities; to properly implement social policies and care for people with meritorious services; to care, provide training and vocational training and create jobs for children of policy beneficiary families and poor families.

6. Environmental protection

- To prevent and limit environmental pollution and degradation increases; to effectively and sustainably use natural resources and protect biodiversity; to remedy and treat environmental pollution in seriously polluted areas, to restore and gradually improve environmental quality, especially the water and air environment.

- To encourage the application and transfer of material- or energy-effective technologies making products unharmful or less harmful to the environment; to practice recycling and use recycled products in production and life.

- To meet environmental requirements and standards right from the formulation and approval of master plans and investment projects. To strive that by 2020, districts, cities and towns will all have grounds for keeping and treating waste with appropriate methods up to environmental standards.

7. Security, defense and social order

To combine economic development with maintenance of security, defense and social order. To bring into play the overall strength of the entire political system, to build the all-people defense disposition combined with the people security disposition, ensuring stability and steadiness.


1. Orientations for planning Hung Yen urban system to 2020:

- Hung Yen city: To be the province's administrative, economic, cultural and social center with strongly developed services, becoming an important urban center of the Red River delta regarding human resource training, public healthcare and tourism. To strive to build Hung Yen city into a grade-II urban center before 2020.

- To build My Hao, Van Giang and other urban centers with economic, technical and social infrastructure, which will soon become truly administrative, economic, cultural, social and industrial centers of districts or areas in the province.

- To form rural residential points in districts as economic, cultural and social centers of commune clusters.

2. Orientations for spatial arrangement for industrial development

- To associate industrial space development with the urbanization process; to develop industry fast and sustainably in conformity with overall planning and assurance of eco-environment protection and social stability.

- To boost investment in completing technical infrastructure facilities, to raise productivity and production quality and effectiveness of existing industrial parks and clusters approved by competent authorities; to encourage industrial development toward modernity, effectiveness and environmental protection. To strive that by 2015, industrial parks and clusters will be fully occupied and put into stable and effective operation.

- To study and appropriately develop clusters of industries, cottage industries and craft villages, create favorable conditions for and encourage production establishments and enterprises to invest in key production and business activities, contributing to restructuring the agricultural and rural economy.

- To synchronously plan urban and residential areas, to develop services in areas planned for industrial parks to form a favorable and attractive investment environment.


(See the enclosed Appendix)


1. Fund raising

The total investment during 2011-2015 is estimated at around VND 120 trillion, and VND 310 trillion during 2016-2020, expected to come from the central budget, local budget and other lawful funding sources.

Based on its annual budget balancing capacity, the province should adopt specific solutions for raising to the utmost domestic and overseas resources for development investment, raising land funds and attracting capital from all economic sectors, including:

- Focusing on developing key infrastructure facilities and regional-level projects in the province. Making and promulgating a list of programs and projects calling for investment up to 2020. On this basis, boosting investment advertising, introduction and promotion in order to attract enterprises and investors into the province, attaching importance to ODA funding source;

- Improving the investment, production and business environment, especially reforming investment procedures; readying infrastructure conditions to receive investment projects; promulgating attractive and transparent invest­ment support policies in compliance with law;

- Boosting socialization of investment, especially in education, training, health, culture, sports, radio, television, science and technology and environmental protection, etc. to attract different economic sectors to make investment in these domains;

- Expanding BOT, BT, BTO and PPP forms of investment, creating favorable conditions for capital market development; developing investment joint ventures and partnerships and capital contribution under law.

2. Human resource development

- To speed up construction and early operation of Pho Hien university complex in order to raise human resource training quality of Hung Yen, the Red River delta and the country.

- To invest in and improve quality of the education and training system, attaching importance to vocational training development; to properly and effectively exploit existing training institutions in the province, to train highly qualified human resources meeting development requirements and provide vocational training for rural labor.

- To gradually standardize cadres and civil servants through training and retraining based on their tasks and titles; to renew the recruitment of cadres and civil servants. To encourage and support young cadres in self-training and improvement of professional capacity, and information technology and foreign language proficiency to meet the province's development requirements.

- To elaborate and disseminate mechanisms and policies to encourage and create an appropriate working and living environment to attract and use highly qualified human resources to serve local socio-economic development.

3. Mechanisms and policies

- To expand regional cooperation and association in socio-economic development and environmental protection. To raise management capacity of local administrations, to create a favorable environment for socio-economic activities under current law. To further liberalize production capacity, to implement the policy on development of multi-sectoral commodity economy, to raise resources for development investment.

- To boost administrative reform, especially simplification of administrative procedures; to renew the regime on civil servants and public duty and increasingly separate powers and responsibilities of each administrative level, ensuring their effective and efficient operation.

- To adopt policies to encourage enterprises and production and business households to invest in production and business development. To annually publicize investment policies, land rent rates and ground clearance compensation levels for investors to proactively make cost accounting and do business.

4. Market development

- To expand and seek domestic and overseas markets; to attach importance to expanding export markets and regional markets, especially big cities such as Hanoi, Hai Phong and Ha Long; to concurrently pay attention to the rural market's purchasing capacity to make market-driven products.

- To encourage enterprises to proactively seek markets, especially outlets for the province's advantageous farm produce to boost production, to renew technologies, apply new technologies to production, raise quality of products and goods and product competitiveness, contributing to restructuring the agricultural and rural economy and improving people's living conditions.

5. Scientific and technological development and environmental protection

- To adopt measures to associate develop­ment of science and technology with produc­tion; to increase investment in scientific and technological activities; to apply scientific and technical achievements to production in order to raise productivity, quality and effectiveness.

- To encourage the exchange and transfer of scientific and technological advances in the industry and service sectors; to increasingly apply plant varieties and animal breeds to agricultural production and technologies to agricultural processing zones. To increase association, research and development, technological transfer and cooperation between the State, entrepreneurs, scientists and farmers in agricultural development.

- To increasingly apply environmentally friendly technologies, to observe regulations on environmental and ecological protection for fast and sustainable socio-economic development.


1. After the master plan is approved by the Prime Minister, the People's Committee of Hung Yen province shall publicize and disseminate it to party committees and administrations of all levels, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and people in the province; and concurrently elaborate programs of action to implement the master plan.

2. To concretize the master plan's objectives and tasks into five-year and annual plans for implementation and concurrently evaluate the master plan implementation to specifically identify inappropriate issues or those failing to meet requirements and propose the Prime Minister to adjust and supplement the master plan to suit the local socio-economic development situation.

3. Authorities, sectors, socio-political organizations and people shall inspect and supervise the master plan implementation. .

Article 2. The master plan will serve as a basis for the elaboration, submission, approval and implementation of sectoral master plans (construction, land use and other related plans) and investment projects in the province.

Article 3. The People's Committee of Hung Yen province shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, directing the formulation, submission, approval and implementation of the following documents in line with the approved master plan:

1. District-level socio-economic develop­ment master plans; construction master plans; land use master plans and plans; and deve­lopment master plans of industries and sectors in the province to ensure achievement of socio-economic development objectives associated with defense and security maintenance.

2. Long-, medium- and short-term plans associated with specific projects to enable appropriate planning of fund allocation.

3. Mechanisms and policies meeting the province's development requirements in each period so as to attract investment and raise resources for the master plan implementation, which shall be promulgated, or proposed to competent authorities for promulgation, by the People's Committee of Hung Yen province.

Article 4. Related ministries and central sectors, within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, shall:

1. Guide and assist the People's Committee of Hung Yen province in implementing the master plan.

2. Coordinate with Hung Yen province in reviewing, adjusting and supplementing master plans of industries and sectors to ensure conformity and consistency with the master plan; consider and assist the province in raising domestic and overseas investment funds for the master plan implementation.

Article 5. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6. The chairperson of the People's Committee of Hung Yen province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 2111/QD-TTg of November 28, 2011)




Program on development of urban centers (cities, towns, townships) and new urban centers; program on development of industries and cottage industries


Program on new countryside building of Hung Yen province; program on development of highly effective commodity agriculture of Hung Yen province


Program on employment, vocational training and poverty reduction; education and training development program of Hung Yen province; public healthcare program


Master plan on regional development of Hung Yen province; master plan on industrial cluster construction


Plan on rural commercial infrastructure construction; plan on high-quality plant seed and animal breed production of Hung Yen province


Economic development plan for alluvial areas; development plan on consolidated husbandry separated from residential areas and plan on consolidated slaughtering


Provincial master plan on transport development


Hung Yen province's plan on preschool and general school construction up to national standards


Plan on cultural institution construction; plan on physical training-sports development






Construction of Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway section running through Hung Yen province


Construction of a road linking Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway with Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway and a bypass on highway 39


Expansion and upgrading of highways 38 and 38B and bridges on these roads


Beltways 3 and 5 and Hanoi beltway 4


A road linking Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway with northwestern expressway


La Tien bridge on road 202 linking Hung Yen with Thai Binh


Hanoi-Hai Phong high-speed railway running through Hung Yen; storage yard for goods and containers at Lac Dao station; study and formulation of a master plan on Lac Dao-Hung Yen city railway


Upgrading of systems of Red and Luoc rivers. Construction of a water regulating work in the downstream Red river area. Construction of dry docks within the North Hung Hai irrigation system


Improvement, dredging and solidification of Dong Que-Cuu An, Kim Son, Dien Bien and Southwest Ke Sat canals and North Hung Hai system


Upgrading of dykes and combination of transport systems on Red, Luoc, North Hung Hai river routes; improvement and upgrading of existing pump stations for irrigation. Construction of Lien Nghia, Nghi Xuyen, Chua Tong, Tan Hung and South Ke Sat pump stations for irrigation of areas drained to external rivers




Upgrading of provincial road 200 to grade III in 2015 and to grade-I delta road


Improvement and upgrading of provincial roads 196, 198, 199,202, 204, 205, 206, 209 and 207B, arterial road of the urban center south of highway 5, rescue, salvage and anti-flood roads in Khoai Chau, Kim Dong, Phu Cu, Tien Lu, Van Lam and Van Giang districts and Hung Yen city; and belt roads of Hung Yen city and My Hao urban center


Construction of North-South trunk road of Hung Yen province from the flyover on highway 5 to Hanoi-Hai Phong railway (linked with road 281 in Bac Ninh)


Consolidation, upgrading and embankment of dykes left of Red and Luoc rivers


Improvement, dredging and upgrading of river routes; improvement, dredging and solidification of canal systems


Constructions of 4 pump stations, namely Phan Dinh Phung, Vinh Quang, Cau Gay and Van Giang 2. Improvement and upgrading of 6 pump stations, namely Hung Long, Ban, Cau Thon, Canh Lam, Ngoc Lam and Quan Ngoc


Construction of infrastructure facilities for the province's consolidated aquaculture


Construction of Pho Hien university complex in Hung Yen city; and university clusters in My Hao and Khoai Chau districts


Solidification and increase of physical foundations of schools and classrooms; increase of physical foundations for the Teachers College, Health College, Intermediate Vocational School, Transport Secondary School, Physical Training and Sports Secondary School; construction of a provincial school for talented students and a health secondary school


Construction of an obstetrics-pediatrics hospital. Upgrading and expansion of Pho Noi general hospital into a regional-level hospital


Improvement, upgrading and expansion of provincial and district-level preventive health centers


Improvement, upgrading and expansion of the provincial general hospital, eye hospital, tuberculosis and lung disease hospital, neurological and psychiatric hospital, traditional medicine hospital and district health centers


Cultural and physical training and sports works and projects


Improvement, upgrading and construction of garbage treatment plants in Hung Yen city and Van Lam, Yen My, Kim Dong, Khoai Chau, Phu Cu and Tien Lu districts; formulation of projects to treat waste and wastewater in townships, industrial parks, craft villages, hospitals, etc.




Construction and completion of industrial park infrastructure facilities


Construction of infrastructure facilities for industrial clusters and industrial-cottage industrial points in districts and cities, construction of regional-level ICDs in Van Giang, Yen My and Khoai Chau districts and Hung Yen city


Construction of new urban centers of Hung Yen city, Pho Noi (My Hao) and some townships of districts


Construction of trade centers, supermarkets, wholesale markets and commercial markets


Construction of Red river route tourist zone and eco-tourist sites on grounds off the Red river dyke


Construction of Red river port, Luoc river port and river wharfs


Construction of grade-II coach stations in Hung Yen city and grade-Ill coach stations in districts


Improvement, upgrading and construction of physical training and sports and leisure and recreational establishments in cities, districts, communes, wards and townships


Construction of a luxury hotel in Hung Yen city; construction of high-quality hospitals in Hung Yen city and Van Giang district


Projects on preservation and processing of farm produce and food, projects on development of animal breeding farms and consolidated slaughterhouses distant from residential areas


Prioritized investment projects inside and outside industrial parks on supporting industries, mechanical engineering and manufacture, electronics, telecommunications, information technology, hi-tech, export production, farm produce and food processing, hotels, scientific research and hi-tech application establishments, etc.


Construction of housing for low-income earners, students and workers and commercial housing in Hung Yen city, urban centers and centralized industrial parks and clusters

Note: The locations, sizes, land areas and total investment of the above projects will be calculated, selected and specified during the elaboration, submission and approval of investment projects, depending on needs and investment capital balancing and raising capacity in each period.-

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              Decision No. 2111/QD-TTg approve the master plan on socio-economic development
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                        • 28/11/2011

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