Quyết định 22/QD-TTg

Decision No. 22/QD-TTg of January 05, 2010, approving the scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 22/QD-TTg of January 05, 2010, approving the scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 22/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 05, 2010





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Resolution No. 24/2008/NQ-CP of October 28, 2008, on the promulgation of the Government's action program for materialization of the Resolution of the 7th plenum of the Xth Party Central Committee on agriculture, farmers and rural areas;
At the proposal of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism,


Article 1. To approve the Scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020, with the following principal contents:


1. To associate rural culture development with agricultural development, building a new-type countryside in the spirit of the Resolution of the 7!h plenum of the Xth Party Central Committee on agriculture, farmers and rural areas.

2. To develop rural culture on the basis of inheriting the results and achievements obtained from building the grassroots cultural life in rural areas; the building of a civilized and modern countryside must conserve and preserve the national cultural identities and suit each region or zone and each nationality; at the same time to materialize the Set of National Criteria on building a new-type countryside promulgated together with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 491/QD-TTg of April 16, 2009.

3. To develop rural culture under the guideline of bringing into play the active role of local population community as key. The State will play the guiding and supporting role and at the same time adopt mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in, attract social resources and mobilize people's contributions for rural culture development.


1. General objectives

To raise the rural inhabitants' awareness and sense of observance of law and regulations on culture; to build, consolidate and develop systems of grassroots cultural and sports institutions, creating conditions for rural dwellers to raise their cultural enjoyment and to participate in cultural activities and creation; to raise the quality of the movement of building cultured families, cultured villages, materializing the criteria on development of new rural culture in communes; building rural people, families and communities and a healthy rural cultural environment rich in national cultural identities, creating a motive force for boosting agricultural development and building a new-type countryside.

2. Specific objectives through 2015 a/ For delta regions:

- 50% of the rural population will regularly participate in cultural and sports activities, of whom 25% will practice regular physical and sport training;

- 70% of commune cultural houses and sports complexes and 70% of village cultural houses and sports complexes will meet the standards set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

- 70% of families will maintain and promote the "Cultured Family" title, of which 15% will get rich from agricultural commodity production;

- 60% of villages (hamlets) will maintain and promote the "Cultured Village" title, of which 40% will meet the standards on physical foundations and socio-economic infrastructure of a new-type countryside;

- 80% of farmers will be disseminated with the law and regulations on culture;

- 90% of rural culture and sports cadres will be professionally trained.

b/ For mountainous, island and border regions:

- 30% of the rural population will regularly participate in cultural and sports activities, of which 15% will practice regular physical and sports training;

- 50% of commune cultural houses and sports complexes and 50% of village cultural houses and sports complexes will meet the standards set by the Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism;

- 60% of families will maintain and promote the "Cultured Family" title, of which 5% will get rich from agricultural commodity production;

- 50% of villages (hamlets) will maintain and promote the "Cultured Village" title, of which 15% will meet the standards on physical foundations and socio-economic infrastructure of a new-type countryside;

- 70% of farmers will be familiarized with the law and regulations on culture;

- 80% of rural culture and sport cadres will be professionally trained.

3. Orientations toward 2020

a/ To further consolidate and raise the percentage of the criteria attained in the 2010-2015 period.

b/ To strive to achieve the criteria on building rural culture at the commune level:

- 100% of villages will have cultural houses and sports complexes meeting the standards set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

- 70% of villages or hamlets or more will achieve the cultured village standards set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.


1. To raise the quality of cultured families

a/ To raise people's awareness of family culture, the standards for the cultured family title, the voluntariness and self-consciousness of families in building, keeping up and promoting the "Cultured Family" title; to widely disseminate and develop the model of cultured rural families that get rich from agricultural commodity production and rural service provision.

b/ To build model and standard cultured families in rural areas: Harmony, equality, progress, happiness, good discipline, stable economic life, development, inheritance and promotion of fine traditional values of the Vietnamese family, selective absorption of advanced values of families in a developed society, the spirit of close association and mutual affection for each other, self-management, democracy and capability to act as masters in community activities.

2. To raise the quality of cultured villages

a/ To raise people's awareness of the significance of village (hamlet) culture, the standards of cultured villages, the self-management sense and role of population communities in building, keeping up and promoting the "Cultured Village" title; to widely disseminate and develop the model of cultured villages which restructure their economy, develop sideline occupations and mobilize internal resources of rural inhabitants for building physical foundations and socio-economic infrastructure of the new-type countryside.

b/ To build cultured villages (hamlets) in a sustainable manner, which will actually become bright cultural spots in rural areas: To well practice a civilized ways of living in weddings, funerals and rituals; to do away with social evils and superstition; to raise rural inhabitants' cultural enjoyment and involve them in cultural and sports activities in localities; to build rural communities characterized by political stability, democracy, unity, humanity deeply imbued with national identities, green-clean-beautiful and safe environment.

3. Criteria on development of rural culture at commune level

a/ Commune cultural houses and sports complexes meet the standards set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

b/ At least 70% of villages or hamlets satisfy the cultured village standards set by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

c/ 100% of villages have their own cultural houses and sport complexes as provided by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

d/ The environment meets the standards set by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

e/ The grassroots democracy regulations are well implemented; security, social order and safety are firmly maintained; the commune is honored the title of healthy commune free from social evils.

f/ Historical and cultural relics, natural landscapes and national cultural heritages are well protected.

g/ To well direct and implement the movement "Entire People Unite to Build a Cultural Life'" and the campaign "Entire People Unite to Build a Cultural Life in Residential Quarters."

4. To complete the system of cultural and sport institutions in rural areas

a/ To complete commune cultural and sports centers:

- To ensure land areas under the planning on development of the system of grassroots cultural institutions;

- To incrementally build up the institutions of public-address networks, libraries, information bureaus, community-based study centers, gyms, and outdoors physical training grounds in commune cultural and sports centers;

- To renew the contents and methods of operation, exploitation, management and promotion of commune cultural and sports centers.

b/ To build cultural houses and sports complexes at village level:

- To develop village-level cultural houses and sports complexes in association with the movement for building cultured villages (hamlets);

- To develop cultural and sports activists for maintaining the regular operation of village cultural houses and sports complexes.

c/ To intensify and raise the quality of cultural and sport activities in rural areas:

- To intensify literary and art creation and dissemination activities as well as propagation programs on agriculture, farmer and countryside topics;

- To intensify the operation of state-run non­business cultural units, introducing programs on cultural and artistic activities in service of people in deep-lying, remote, border, island and ethnic minority regions;

- To intensify professional training and retraining for socio-cultural affairs officials at the commune level and key cultural activists at the village level;

- To create conditions for rural inhabitants to participate in creating, conserving and teaching folklore culture and arts;

- To well organize cultural and sport activities in the countryside: mass art festivals and sports competitions.


1. To raise the effectiveness of leadership, direction and organization of the performance of tasks of rural culture development

a/ To step up communication and education activities, contributing to raising the awareness of authorities, branches and mass organizations from the central to grassroots level and rural population of culture and tasks to develop rural culture; to bring into play the mind activity and efforts of people as well as the self-management role of rural communities in the process of rural culture development.

b/ To include the rural culture development objectives and tasks in resolutions of the Party Committees at all levels and state plans at different levels for centralized leadership and direction of the implementation thereof.

c/ To enhance the coordination and support of Fatherland Front and mass organizations at different levels for the attainment of rural culture development objectives.

d/ To intensify inspection, guidance and professional training activities; to raise the quality of the movement for building cultured families and cultured villages, building and widely developing advanced models; to study, review and draw practical experience from rural culture development.

e/ To renew methods of directing and performing the tasks of rural culture development; methods of communicating, mobilizing and rallying rural inhabitants for participation in building a cultural life.

2. To enhance resources for rural culture development

a/ To effectively further the movement "All the People Unite to Build a Cultural Life" and the campaign "All the People Unite to Built a Cultural Life in Residential Quarters," considering this an important measure to mobilize the integrated strength of all resources for rural culture development.

b/ Local budgets (of provinces, districts and communes) will pay 100% of the funds for building commune cultural and sports centers; support the construction of village cultural houses and sports grounds, prioritizing areas meeting with exceptional difficulties, deep-lying, remote, border, island and ethnic minority areas.

c/ To further implement the policies of encouraging socialization and creating conditions for individuals, organizations and enterprises to invest in the construction of foundations for cultural and sports activities, entertainment and recreation in rural areas in accordance with the Government's Decree No. 69/2008/ND-CP of May 30, 2008, on incentive policies for socialization of activities in the fields of education, vocational training, healthcare, culture, sports and environment.

d/ To set up, manage and efficiently use rural-culture development funds, aiming to mobilize resources for rural culture development; to integrate national target programs on culture, programs and projects on rural socio- economic development and cultural, sports and tourist development tasks at all levels for the attainment of the rural culture development objectives.

e/ To provide professional training and retraining for the contingent of grassroots cultural and sports cadres.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries and central branches and organizations in, performing the following tasks:

a/ Formulating and promulgating according to its competence or submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation legal documents on rural culture development.

b/ Combining the direction of the implementation of the Scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020, with the direction of the annual cultural, spoits and tourist development plans.

c/ Coordinating with concerned ministries and branches in formulating and implementing programs on dissemination of the law on culture for rural population.

d/ Directing the raising of quality of the movement for building cultured families, cultured villages, cultural institutions system and cultural and sports activities in service of agricultural development and building of a new-type countryside.

e/ Organizing cultural and propagation programs and activities to serve agricultural and rural development.

f/ Concretizing the criteria on rural culture development at commune level; guiding the consideration and recognition of communes satisfying the criteria on cultural development of a new-type countryside. Experimenting cultured communes of a new-type countryside in 11 pilot communes under the program on experimentally building a new-type rural model in the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization in accordance with the Party Central Committee's Notice No. 238/TB-TW of April 7, 2009.

2. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ethnic Affairs Committee, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the Vietnam War Veterans Association, the Vietnam Women's Union, the Vietnam Peasants' Association, and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee shall, within the ambit of their respective functions, tasks and powers, coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in guiding, directing and supporting localities in the implementation of this Scheme.

3. Provincial-level People's Committees shall coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as well as concerned ministries and branches in performing the following tasks:

a/ Directing the implementation of programs, plans, schemes and projects on rural culture development in provinces or centrally run cities.

b/ Directing the implementation and application of policies and law on rural culture development.

c/ Approving and implementing the planning on development of the rural cultural institutions system, directing localities and establishments to set aside public land funds for the construction of commune cultural and sport centers and village cultural houses and sports complexes.

d/ Balancing annual budgets, providing budget investment supports for the attainment of rural-culture development objectives.

e/ Encouraging individuals and organizations in localities to invest in the construction of physical foundations for cultural and sports activities and entertainment and recreation in rural areas.

f/ Provinces and centrally run cities shall direct the experimental development of rural culture in their respective 1 - 3 communes in the 2010-2012 period (in addition to 11 pilot communes under the program on pilot building of a new-type countryside model in the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization).

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees and concerned agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Sinh Hung


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              Decision No. 22/QD-TTg of January 05, 2010, approving the scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu22/QD-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýNguyễn Sinh Hùng
              Ngày ban hành05/01/2010
              Ngày hiệu lực05/01/2010
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              Cập nhật15 năm trước

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                Văn bản gốc Decision No. 22/QD-TTg of January 05, 2010, approving the scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020

                Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No. 22/QD-TTg of January 05, 2010, approving the scheme on rural culture development through 2015, with orientations toward 2020

                • 05/01/2010

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                • 05/01/2010

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