Quyết định 225/QD-TTg

Decision No. 225/QD-TTg dated 04 February, 2016, approving the state administrative reform for the period 2016-2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 225/QD-TTg approving the state administrative reform 2016 2020


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 225/QD-TTg

Hanoi, 04 February  2016





Pursuant to the Law on organization of Government dated 19/6/2015;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 30c/NQ-CP dated 08/11/2011 of the Government promulgating the overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011-2020; the Resolution No. 76 / NQ-CP dated 13/06/2013 of the Government amending and supplementing some articles of Resolution 30C / NQ-CP dated 08/11/ 2011 of the Government promulgating the overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011-2020;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 36a /NQ-CP dated 14/10/2015 of the Government on e-Government;

Considering the request of the Minister of Home Affairs,


Article 1. Promulgating the overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011-2020 including the following main contents:


1. Objectives

- Continue promoting the implementation of the overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011-2020 under Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP of the Government; ensure the completion of the objectives and tasks of state administrative reform in the second phase (2016-2020) particularly focus on implementation of key administrative reforms for the period 2016 - 2020 as: Institutional reform; development and improvement of quality of contingent of cadres, civil servants and officials, focus on reform of salary policy in order to create real motivation so that the cadres, civil servants and officials can perform their duties with high quality and  efficiency; improvement of quality of administrative services and the quality of public services.

- Overcome the shortcomings and limitations and inadequacies in the process of implementing the phase 2011 - 2015 of the overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011-2020 under the Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP dated 8/11/2011 of the Government.

- Link the administrative reform of Ministries, sectors and localities; strengthen the responsibility of individuals, bodies, units and heads of state administrative bodies at all levels in the implementation of administrative reform tasks; improve the quality and efficiency of administrative reform to serve the objectives of social - economic development of the country by 2020.

2. Requirements

- Improve the comprehensive quality to implement the administratiive reform in state administrative bodies at all levels from the central to local levels to meet the requirements of the new era.

- Closely link the implementation of duties, schemes and projects of administrative reform; enhance the steering and coordination between Ministries, sectors and localities in implementing the administrative reform tasks for the period 2016 – 2020; ensure the quality and efficiency on the basis of full implementation of groups of solution specified in the Resolution No. 30c / NQ-CP dated 08/11/2011 of the Government.

- Urge the effective implementation of key tasks in administrative reform for the period 2016 – 2020; ensure the improvement of capacity and skills of duty performance, sense of responsibility, duty ethics and occupational ethics; link the administrative reform with the legislative and judicial reform; improve the investment and business environment.

- Clearly define the responsibilities of the head of state administrative bodies in the Ministries, sectors and localities in the process of implementation of administrative reform tasks.

- Inherit and promote good experiences in administrative reform in the country of the past period, and actively study the advanced experiences of other countries to appropriately apply in practice in Vietnam.


1. Institutional reform

a) Continue promoting and synchronously implementing the administrative reform, legislative reform and judicial reform, building the real socialist rule of law of people, by people and for people, operating effectively and efficiently, properly implementing the building and development functions in the context of developing the market economy and building a democratic society.

b) Continue improving the institutional system of socialist-oriented market economy, ensuring the compliance with general standards of modern market economy and international integration.

c) Complete the institutional and legal system of the administration in line with the Constitution of 2013.

d) Promote the completion of law on human right protection, basic rights and obligations of citizens under the Constitution of 2013 and international standards; expand and develop socialist democracy.

dd) By 2020, basically complete the duties of Vietnam legal system synchronously, uniformly, viably, openly, transparently, stable, accessibly, with low compliance costs, based on the system of policies which have been planned in each field in line with the social - economic development goals.

e) Institutionalize the principle of assignment, coordination and control of state power; prevent and control the corruption; enhance the effectiveness of state governance; enhance the openness, transparency and accountability within the organization and activities of state bodies, institutions of the political system.

g) Continue the reform and improvement of ownership institution, state-owned enterprises; clearly define the role of State management towards the role of property owner, the state capital; complete the institution of organization and business of state capital.

h) Continue building and completing the regulations of law on the relationship between the State and people, the focus is to ensure and promote the ownership of people, take people's opinion before deciding on the important guidelines and policies and the people's monitoring right over the activities of state administrative bodies.

i) Perform the step of strategic direction shift from focusing on building and completing the law into completing and enforcing the law, ensure the strictness of law, the close interoperability and linking between the formulation and law enforcement.

k) Reform the inspection, examination and monitoring in the process of advising and promulgation of legal normative documents in order to eliminate the local interests in the process of promulgation of legal normative documents.

2. Reform of administrative procedures

a) Efficiently implement the Law on promulgation of legal normative documents of 2015; closely control the regulation on administrative procedures right from the drafting phase; strictly implement the responsibility of the head in the reform of administrative procedures in accordance with Directive No. 13 / CT-TTg dated 10/06/ 2015 by the Prime Minister.

b) Promote the simplification of administrative procedures, reduce the compliance costs of administrative procedures in all areas of economy, culture and society; give the priority to administrative procedures in service of international economic integration and administrative procedures in a number of core areas: Investment; land, construction, house ownership, tax, customs, export, import, health, power access, market management; ensure the favorable conditions for the development of the economic sectors in the open and equal business environment; contribute to the liberation of social resources, improve the national competitiveness. The satisfaction level of people and enterprises on administrative procedure settlement shall reach over 80% by 2020.

c) Strengthen the building and completion of forms of openness and transparency of all administrative procedures; focus on the publication of administrative procedures under the management or settlement authority of Ministries, branches and localities, openness of administrative procedures on the national database of administrative procedures and on websites; list the administrative procedures in the offices or units where the administrative procedures are directly settled.

d) Implement the establishment and put into operation the information system to receive, handle the feedback and proposals on administrative regulations and the reality and result of administrative procedures settlement at all government levels.

dd) Formulate the Scheme to simplify the reporting regulation in activities of state administrative bodies; study and replicate the model or new ways of implementation of reform of administrative procedures nationwide.

e) Continue implementing with efficiency the overall Scheme to simplify the administrative procedures, civil papers and database related to the residential management for the period 2013-2020.

g) Focus on the reform of administrative procedures within the state bodies, public non-business organizations, public services and administrative procedures connected between the state administrative bodies at all levels; synchronously and efficiently implement the one-stop mechanism and connected one-stop mechanism in the state administrative bodies at localities.

3. Reform of state administrative apparatus organization.

a) Study, review and adjust the functions, duties, power and organizational apparatus of bodies, organizations and units (including the administrative bodies and public non-business units), re-organize the bodies and organizations to ensure the streamline, effectiveness, efficiency to meet the development requirements.

b) Classify the administrative bodies as a basis for identification of organization and apparatus in accordance with management requirements and improvement of quality of provision of essential basic needs to serve people. The duties that the state bodies do not necessarily implement or implemented inefficiently shall be transferred to the non-state organizations to undertake.

c) Study the building and put into application the model of organization assessment.

d) Complete the regulations on central-local management decentralization in the state management areas on the principle the superior state administrative bodies shall perform the work which the inferior state administrative bodies performed inefficiently; clearly and transparently define the objectives, requirements, principles, conditions and sanctions of decentralized regulations.

dd) Continue the reform and deploy on a large scale the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility of the non-business and public service units; ensure the personal satisfaction for services provided by the public non-business units in the areas of education and health care shall reach over 80% by 2020.

e) Complete the network planning of public non-business units under sectors and areas. Classify the non-business units to perform the appropriate conversion forms (operating under the model of enterprise, equitization, public-private partnership ...). Step up the socialization of public non-business units which are able to cover all operating costs (universities, institutes, research institutes, vocational training establishments, hospitals ...) in the direction to further promote the autonomy, self-responsibility for task performance, finance, personnel and encourage the establishment of organizations providing public services of the non-state sectors, especially in education and training, health, science and technology; strengthen inspection and supervision from the state bodies over  the operation of non-business units.

g) Strictly regulate the conditions and criteria for the establishment, dissolution or merger of administrative units at all levels in the direction to encourage the merger of commune-level administrative units, basically ensure no increase in number of local administrative units.

4. Development and improvement of quality of contingent of cadres, public servant and officials:

a) Continue to step up the reform of regulation on public duty and public servant; develop the contingent of cadres, public servants and officials with reasonable number and structure, qualification and competence for duty and in service of people and the development of the country.  By 2020, the contingent of cadres, public servants and officials has the reasonable number and structure, qualification and competence for duty and in service of people and the development of the country; 100% of state administrative bodies have the structure of public servants and officials according to job placement.

b) Dignify the responsibility and public duty ethics, social responsibility; tighten the discipline and  regulations in steering and administration and enforcement of the public duty of cadres and civil servants.

c) Add and complete the professional titles and standards of public servants and officials.

d) Reform the mode of recruitment of public servants and officials concerning the procedure, authority, responsibility and regulate the handling of violation; organize the pilot reform of mode of selection of leadership and management.

dd) Reform the statistics, reporting and management of dossier of public servants and officials.

e) Efficiently implement the Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW dated 17/4/2015 of the Politbureau on downsizing and restructuring of staff and re-structuring of contigent of public servants and officials and Decree No. 108/2014 / ND-CP dated 20/11/ 2014 of the Government on staff downsizing policy.

g) Improve the quality of training and retraining of cadres, public servants and officials; review the training programs for cadres, public servants and officials, eliminate the duplication of training contents so that the training and retraining could bring the practical and unwasteful benefits; create strong changes in quality and effectiveness of training and retraining; contribute to building a contingent of cadres, public servants and officials that are qualified and virtuous and meet the requirements to serve people and the country's development and international integration; amend and improve the mechanism of training and retraining of cadres, public servants and officials in accordance with the conditions of Vietnam and international integration requirements; have the policy system of encouraging the cadres, public servants and officials to learn and learn by themselves and constantly improve the qualifications and capacity to perform their assigned tasks and public duties; organize the management system and training and retraining facilities for cadres, public servants and officials which are compact, scientific and consistent with the objectives and requirements for training and retraining tasks to ensure the centralized and unified management in training and retraining.

h) Organize the assessment and classification of cadres, public servants and officials in accordance with regulations of law associated with other contents of management of cadres, public servants and officials.

i) Apply the modern information technology, models, methods and technologies in recruitment, scale and grade rise and assessment towards cadres, public servants and officials.

k) Focus resources priority on reform of policy on salary and benefits of social insurance and incentives to the revolutionary contributors; by 2020, the salary of cadres, public servants and officials shall be basically reformed to ensure their life and their family at fair average level in society.

5. Reform of public finance

a) Closely control the state budget, regular expenditure and public investment.

b) Continue the reform of financial mechanism towards the administrative units.

c) Continue the reform of financial mechanism and policies towards state-owned enterprises, especially the economic groups and corporations; closely manage the foreign loan and loan repayment; maintain the Government debts, national debts and public debts within safe limit.

d) Basically reform the using mechanism of state fund and mechanism of formulation and implementation of scientific and technological duties in the direction to take the objectives and application efficiency as the leading standards; develop the technological and scientific enterprises; synchronously develop the policy on training, attraction, assignment of important role and deserved compensation to the technological and scientific talents.

dd) Continue the reform of mechanism of budget allocation to the state administrative bodies; efficiently implement the mechanism of budget allocation based on the result and quality of operation; aim at the output control and expenditure quality by the objectives and tasks of the state administrative bodies.

e) Step up the socialization, improve the institution and strengthen the solution to investment encouragement in the form of public - private partnership (PPP) for the provision of public services in health, education - training, culture, sports and infrastructure works and projects.

g) Standardize the quality of education, training, health care services; review, amend, supplement or promulgate new criteria, quality standards, monitoring mechanism, assessment and inspection of quality of public non-business services and the performance of the public non-business units.

6. Administrative modernization

a) Complete and step up the operation of electronic administrative information Network of the Government; develop the national public service Portal to integrate all online public services of the Ministries, sectors and localities.

b) Implement the development of e-Government and e-Administration under the Resolution No. 36a/NQ-CP dated 14/10/2015 of the Government and Decision No. 1819/QD-TTg dated 26/10/2015 of the Prime Minister approving the national Program on application of information technology in activities of state bodies for the period 2016-2020; step up the application of information technology and communication in work processing procedure of each state administrative body; between the state administrative bodies and in transaction with organizations and individuals; develop, integrate and connect the national-scale information systems, create network environment and implement the widespread sharing of information between the stat bodies.

c) Develop the essential information systems for application of information technology in service of people and enterprises; ensure the synchronous implementation with the development of systems of information and database on national scale; uniformly apply the information technology efficiently and comprehensively at the division of reception and return of result according to the one-stop mechanism or connected one-stop mechanism; strengthen the connection and sharing of information, online discussion and handling of dossiers.

d) Improve the quality of service and the openness and transparency in the operation of state administrative bodies through promoting the supply of online public services to the citizens and organizations; provide online basic public services at level 4 to meet the actual needs and serve the individuals and organizations anytime and anywhere based on many different means; apply the information technology to reduce the time and number of times in a year the individuals and organizations have to come to the state bodies directly to go through the administrative procedures.

The specific objectives for the period 2016 - 2020: 30% of administrative documents and procedures are handled online at level 4; 95% of tax declaration documents of the enterprises shall be submitted online; 90% of enterprises make payment of tax online; 90% of bodies and organizations shall implement the electronic transactions in the implementation of procedures for participation in social insurance; the proportion of issue of business registration certificate online shall reach by 20%; the proportion of issue of investment certificates online shall reach by 10%.

đdd) Closely cooperate with the implementation of reformatory contents to apply the information technology in operation of state bodies really works to promote the administrative reform; efficiently apply the information technology in operation of state bodies to speed up work processing and reduce the operating costs.

e) Improve the quality of direction and operation of administrative bodies through the effective use of administrative electronic information network.

- 100% of non-confidential documents which shall be submitted to the People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities, the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies and the Prime Minister in the electronic form;

- 80% of documents exchanged between the state bodies in the electronic form;

g) Develop and apply the quality management system in the administrative bodies according to the national standard TCVN ISO 9001:2008; give priority to the implementation of electronic ISO.

h) Summarize and assess the operation of centralized administrative Center and model of public administrative center of some localities; continue the investment and building of office of administrative bodies, especially the office of communal level.

7. Direction and operation of administrative reform

a) Strengthen the capacity of direction and operation associated with stepping up the advice, aggregation and implementation of contents and duties of the administrative reform steering Committee of the Government; strictly comply with the Directive No. 07/CT-TTg dated 22/05/2013 of the Prime Minister on stepping up the implementation of overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011 – 2020 and the Directives of the Prime Minister on stepping up the reform of administrative reform in some key areas.

b) Strengthen the monitoring, assessment and consultation from people and organizations on result of administrative reform; define and announce the Indicator of administrative reform annually of the Ministries and ministerial-level bodies and People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities; define and announce the satisfaction indicator on administrative service; the satisfaction indicator on quality of public health and the satisfaction indicator on quality of public education.

c) Strengthen the capacity of public servants in charge of administrative reform.

d) Strengthen the communication, propagation and inspection of administrative reform.


1. The Ministries and ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies and People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities:

- Based on the state administrative reform Plan for the period 2016-2020, the Ministers and Heads of ministerial-level bodies, Heads of governmental bodies, Chairmen of People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities and the relevant bodies shall concretize the duties in the annual work plan for implementation in accordance with the practical requirements of Ministries, sectors and localities; make periodical preliminary and final reports as guided by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

- Proactively direct and urge the attached bodies and units to implement the administrative reform plan for the period 2016 – 2020 and the annual administrative reform plan of Ministries, sectors and localities;

- The Ministries, ministerial-level bodies and governmental bodies shall strengthen to coordinate and urge the Ministries, sectors and localities to implement the duties of administrative reform within state management of their Ministries and sectors; proactively make recommendation to the Prime Minister and the administrative reform steering Committee of the Government and the Ministry of Home Affairs on the key duties of administrative reform within state management of their Ministries and sectors with required inter-sectoral coordination, urging and direction;

2. The Ministries and bodies assuming the prime responsibility for schemes and projects with national scale mentioned in the Appendix attached to this Decision must coordinate with the relevant Ministries and bodies to develop and submit them to the competent authorities for approval and implementation in accordance with current regulations on budget management.

3. Ministry of Home Affairs:

As the standing body of the administrative reform steering Committee of the Government, assisting the Government to implement the overall Program of state administrative reform for the period 2011-2020, it shall

- Coordinate with the relevant bodies in guiding, urging, monitoring, assessing and inspecting the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies, provinces and centrally-run cities in implementation of state administrative reform Plan for the period 2011-2020 to ensure the prescribed quality, efficiency, requirements and progress;

- Urges the members of administrative reform steering Committee of the Government to implement the state administrative reform Plan for the period 2011-2020;

- Aggregate and report on the reality of implementation of plan in accordance with regulation; study and make recommendations to the Government and the Prime Minister and the administrative reform steering Committee of the Government to handle the difficulties and problems of Ministries, sectors and localities during the course of implementation of administrative reform plan; strengthen the inspection, monitoring, assessment and recommendation of solutions to stepping up the implementation of duties in the Plan;

- Implement the contents of Reform of state administrative apparatus organization, reform of public servants and public duties and reform of salary policy for cadres, public servants and officials; coordinate with the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Public Security to reform the salary policy for the people’s armed forces;

- Define the administrative reform Indicator of the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities and the satisfaction indicator of organizations and individuals towards the service of the state administrative organs;

- Organize the training and practice for full-time cadres and public servants to perform the administrative reform in the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities;

- Coordinates with the Ministries, sector and localities to step up the communication and propagation of administrative reform;

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to prepare, assess and allocate the operating fund for implementing the schemes, projects and duties of administrative reform plan for the period 2016 – 2020 of the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities.

4. Ministry of Justice:

a) Monitors and aggregates the implementation of duties of institutional reform;

b) Implement the reformatory duties and improvement of quality of development and promulgation of legal normative documents;

c) Implement the contents of reform of administrative procedures;

d) Develop and guide the implementation of method of calculating the costs of implementation of administrative procedures;

dd) Assume the prime responsibility for cooperation with international cooperation in reform of administrative regulations.

5. Government Office:

Coordinates with the relevant bodies to develop and operate the electronic administrative information Network of the Government and the national public service Portal.

6. Ministry of Finance:

a) Assume the prime responsibility for reform of mechanism of budget allocation to the state administrative bodies based on the operation result of the state administrative bodies;

b) Assume the prime responsibility for reform of self-autonomy and self-responsibility of non-business and public service units;

c) Coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs to assess the funds for implementation of annual administrative reform plans of central and local bodies; aggregate and submit them to the competent level for decision; guide the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies, provinces and centrally-run cities to prepare the estimates; manage, use and finalize the funds for implementation of Program.

7. Ministry of Planning and Investment:

a) Monitors and urges the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies, provinces and centrally-run cities to implement the Government’s action Program in implementation of Resolution of the 6th Conference of the 10th Party Central Executive Committee on continued completion of institution of socialist-oriented market economy issued with Resolution No. 22/2008/NQ-CP dated 23/9/2008 of the Government;

b) Efficiently implements the combined mechanism reform Scheme in management and operation of macroeconomy;

c) Coordinates with the Ministry of Home Affairs to aggregate and request the competent level to allocate funds from the central budget for schemes and projects in the annual state budget estimate on administrative reform of the state administrative bodies;

d) Aggregates and request the competent level to decide the official develop assistance (ODA) for plan implementation.

8. Ministry of Information and Communications:

a) Implements the contents of application of information technology in operation of state administrative bodies;

b) Coordinates with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Government Office to closely coordinate the implementation of national Program on application of information technology in activities of state bodies for the period 2016-2020 with the Plan;

c) Coordinates with the Ministry of Home Affairs to implement the Scheme of strengthened communication and propagation on state administrative reform for the period 2016-2020.

9. Ministry of Health:

Develop and guide the implementation of method of satisfaction measurement of people towards the public medical services;

10. Ministry of Education and Training:

Develop and guide the implementation of method of satisfaction measurement of people towards the public educational services;

11. Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs:

Assume the prime responsibility for salary policy for the workers in types of enterprise, policy on social insurance and incentives to the revolutionary contributors; coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs to implement reform the salary policy for cadres, public servants and officials.

12. Ministry of Science and Technology:

a) Coordinates with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs to reform the financial mechanism for scientific and technological activities and the mechanism of self-autonomy and self-responsibility of public scientific and technological organizations;

b) Coordinates with the Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to study, reform, manage and implement the quality management system according to the national standard TCVN ISO 9001:2008 in the activities of bodies and organizations of state administrative system.

13. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism:

Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to reform the mechanism and policy on socialization in activities of culture, sports and tourism.

14. The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and the system of training and retraining facilities for cadres and public servants of the Ministries, sector and localities:

Integrate the contents of administrative reform into the training and retraining programs for cadres, public servants and officials.

15. The Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Electronic Portal of the Government, central and local media and newspapers bodies:

Develop the special columns and special pages on administrative reform to propagate the plan and give the feedback of people, enterprises, bodies and organizations on administrative reform of Ministries, ministerial-level bodies, governmental bodies and People’s Committees at all levels.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect from its date of signing for promulgation.

Article 3.  The administrative reform steering Committee of the Government shall assist the Prime Minister to monitor, urge and inspect the implementation of this Plan.

The Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level bodies, heads of governmental bodies, Chairman of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities and the Heads of the relevant bodies are liable to execute this Decision. /. 




Nguyen Tan Dung



(Issued with Decision No. 225/QD-TTg dated 04/02/2016 of the Prime Minister)







Scheme “Simplification of reporting regulation in operation of state administrative bodies”

Ministry of Justice

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “ National database on cadres, public servants and officials”

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme for training and retraining of public servants for the period 2016-2020

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Development of method of assessment and organization”

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Strengthening the capacity of contingent of public servants to implement the administrative reform for the period 2016-2020

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Strengthening the communication and propagation of administrative reform for the period 2016-2020”

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sectors, localities and news and press bodies

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Defining the administrative reform indicators of the Ministries and ministerial-level bodies and People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries and ministerial-level bodies and People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Satisfaction measurement of people and organizations towards the service of state administrative bodies”

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Satisfaction measurement of people towards the public education services”

Ministry of Education and Training

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Satisfaction measurement of people towards the public medical services”

Ministry of Health

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Satisfaction measurement of people towards the public services under the management of the Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Database on implementation of one-stop and connected mechanism

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


Scheme “Expansion and upgrading of Government electronic Portal for the period 2016-2020" 

Government Office

Ministries, sector and localities

Period 2016-2020


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Decision No. 225/QD-TTg approving the state administrative reform 2016 2020
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