Quyết định 2457/QD-TTg

Decision No.2457/QD-TTg of December 31, 2010, on approving the high technology development program by 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No.2457/QD-TTg 2013 approving the high technology development program


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 2457/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 31, 2010





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Law on High Technology dated November 13, 2008;

At the proposal of the Minister of Science and Technology,


Article 1. Aprroving the high-tech development program by 2020 (hereafter referred to as program) with the following primary contents:


1. General objectives

Promoting research, mastering and creating high technology and applying the efficiency of high technology in social and economic sectors, production, business formation and development of a number of high-tech industries; developing technical infrastructure and high tech human resources

2. Objectives by 2015

a) Researching, mastering and developing technologies on the list of high technology prioritized for investment and development, including technologies to ensure the production and supply of at least 10 products and high-tech services tech at international level.

b) Applying high technology to increase the value of industrial production of high technology at about 30% of total industrial value, improve the quality of services, rapidly increase the value of agricultural production with application of high technology; rapidly increase scale, value-added of exported products and leading products of the major technical and economic sectors of the country.

c) Forming and developing at least 200 enterprises making products and supplying high-tech services on the list of high-tech products to be encourage for development, at least 80 agricultural enterprises applying high technology at key economic areas.

d) Building and developing around 30 high-tech incubators and high-tech business incubators and production supporting facilities of high technology products and at least 40 training and research facilities, scientific research group strong on high technology at the advanced level in the region. Building modern information infrastructure, training high technology workforce to perform projects and tasks of the Program.

3. Objects by 2020

a) Reseaching, mastering and developing to create high technology on the list of high technology prioritized for investment and development. Creating at least 10 high technologies at advanced level in the region.

b) Applying high technology in order to increase the production value of high technology industry at around 40% of total industrial production value, the proportion of the value of agricultural production with application of high technology in the total value of agricultural production will increase twofold compared with 2015, creating new services of high value-added, solving the key tasks in the social-economic, security and national defense sectors.

c) Forming and developing around 500 enterprises making products and supplying high-tech services on the list of high technology products to be encouraged for development and around 200 agricultural enterprises applying high technology in key economic regions.

d) Building and developing around 40 high-tech incubators and high-tech business incubators and high-tech production facilities support high-tech products. Forming and developing 50 scientific research groups strong on high technology with research works on high technology at the advanced level in the region. Developing 20 training facilities of high technology workforce at international level.


1. Researching, mastering, developing and creating high technology

Implementing research activities, mastering, developing and creating high technologies on the list of high technology prioritized for investment and development, the technologies to make products on the list of high technology products encouraged for development. Immediately focusing on a number of technologies as follows:

a) In the field of information technology and communications: technology is the foundation for development of information technology and communications especially the electronic micro circuit technology, platform software. The technologies which ensure the building of modern telecommunications infrastructure, new-generation Internet network, making of terminal equipment, identification and processing of Vietnamese language for information technology and communication equipment, safety and information security, operation and efficient exploitation of Vietnam’s telecommunications satellite.

b) In the field of biotechnology: the genetic technology applied in the diagnosis, verification and treatment of diseases, especially serious diseases; making and producing recombinant vaccines, recombinant proteins, creating plant varieties and genetically modified organisms with high economic value. The stem cell technology for diagnosis, treatment and replacement of tissues and organs. The cell technology in the selection and creating new varieties in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. The enzyme - protein technology for the development of food and pharmaceuticals industry. The  industry-oriented microorganic technology and environmental pollution remediation. Initially forming the genetic map of Vietnamese people.

c) In the field of automation technology: the design and fabrication technology with the assistance of computers in industry, system settings and fabrication of  measurement and automatic control equipment for power plants, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, oil and gas exploitation and agricultural production. The technologies to produce digital control machine tool, industrial robots and services, microelectromechanical systems, nano-electromechanical systems, platform software for fabrication of automatic equipment, power electronic controller for power systems and specialized industrial equipment, medical and biological electronics .

d) In the field of new material technology: the technology to produce the alloy materials for machinery fabrication industry, particularly high-quality alloy steel, alloy with integrated features, super light and durable materials in construction. Technologies making composite and polymer products, electronic and photonic materials in the components and equipment of telecommunications systems, especially fiber-optic network. The nano technology for application in industry, health, agriculture and environmental protection.

2. Applying high technology

Developing and deploying high technology application projects on the list of high technology prioritized for investment and development in sectors and fields. Immediately focusing on high-tech applications for the following tasks:

a) In industry and services:

Fabricating measurement equipment, automatic control, biological-medical equipment for development of electronics and informatics sector. Raising machinery fabrication capacity, especially dynamics machinery, high accuracy machine tool. Improving the purity and features of products in metallurgy, particularly products from domestic resources.

Improving the quality and value-added of products, ensuring good ecological environment and energy saving in chemical, pharmaceutical industry and food processing.

Modernizing existing power plants and building new power plants, generating renewable energy and nuclear energy resources, reducing power losses in transmission and distribution, improving the efficiency of control, regulation and management of power systems, fabricating energy-saving devices.

Creating quality services and high value-added. Developing new services such as technical infrastructure building services and satellite data transmission, satellite image processing services, cloud computing services. Improving the efficiency of system integration services, portal design services, electronic payment and online payment services, mobile banking, Internet banking, order determination and genetic evaluation; quick test services to detect harmful microorganisms and toxins.

b) In agriculture:

Creating and widely using plant varieties, livestock and new aquatic breeds with dominant productivity, quality and resistance, the products of agricultural crops, forestry, raising and fisheries with high quality and economic efficiency and safety assurance; the biological preparation for disease control and environmental remediation; growth regulators, biological preparation for plant, animal feed, the kit, vaccines and additives.

Implementing advanced technological processes in cultivation and raising, forest management, harvesting and aquaculture, storage and processing of agriculture, forestry, fisheries; developing facilities with automatic or semi-automatic control in cultivation and livestock raising; expanding production of safety crops and intensive farming and livestock raising; introducing to widely use new materials, and equipment in agriculture, forestry, irrigiation and fisheries.

Planning the application and good management of arable land and integrated crops and seasonal harvest, survey and exploitation of aquatic resources, management and protection of forest, management of operation and performance of irrigation works, use of water resources.

c) In health and environment

Improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, producing drugs to prevent and treat common dangerous diseases with quickly spread degree, kinds of traditional herbal medicine and materials for antibiotics, vitamins and dietary supplements, and therapeutic products produced from stem cells, biosensors, biochips.

Protecting environment, especially building the timely and accurate weather forecast system, warning prevention system of natural disasters, system of equipment, microorganic preparation for efficient remediation of pollution and environmental protection.

d) In security and national defence:

Fabricating equipment and developing the prevention system of high-tech crime, security and national defense system, defense, response and fast reaction system to information, biology and chemistry warfare. Fabricating electronic warfare and anti-terrorism equipment.

3. Building and developing high-tech industry

Formulating and deploying projects and tasks to form and develop a number of high-tech industries.

a) Raising capacity, efficiency and innovation of technology and boosting the making of high-tech products to meet the needs of around 45% of essential high-tech products in our country by 2020. The supporting industry will meet the localization objective of around 50% of the value in high technology industrial products made in the country.

b) Forming and developing enterprises making high-tech products, especially enterprises making products and providing high technology services on the list of high technology products encouraged for development.

c) Rapidly developing information technology industry: fabricating some computer, communications, software equipment and services with Vietnam trademark to meet domestic demand, expand export in the market where Vietnam has its advantages. Quickly developing a number of enterprises strong on information technology services, fabrication of communication and telecommunication equipment, softwares and digital contents, participating in global value chains. Promoting the services of information supply and multimedia products on the network.

d) Forming and developing enterprises producing, trading and providing services to gradually form the biotechnological industry, new material industry, automation equipment manufacturing industry.

dd) Rapidly developing new high-tech services in telecommunications, television, banking, finance, health, training, environment, science and technology and a number of social and economic areas.

e) Forming industrial clusters, high-tech services and supporting industry for developing high technology industry; restructuring industrial parks and export processing zones in the direction of increasing the proportion of manufacturing high technology products and high technology services.

g) Forming a network of product and specialized high-tech service development to meet the needs of the market, specialized linking on research - production – market and participation in global value chains.

h) Developing and implement a master plan, 5 year and annual plan for development of high-tech industry and services. Forming the system of statistic target of high-tech industry and services.

4. Building technical infrastructure and developing high-tech human resource.

Implementing the tasks of building the high-tech technical infrastructure, developing high technology human resource and attracting highly qualified experts at home and abroad to participate in the performance of Program’s tasks.

a) Forming the high-tech technical infrastructure to meet the needs for research, application and development and high technology industry by 2020.

- Developing and putting into operation a number of research facilities in high-tech parks, agricultural parks of high-tech applications and concentrated information technology areas.

- Building and putting into operation 30 high-tech incubators and high-tech incubating enterprises. Building and developing 10 high-tech laboratories at the advanced level in the region. Building 12 supporting facilities for the development of high-tech products, particularly centers on decoding support, technology improvement, design and manufacturing of electronic micro-circuit and fabrication of precisive engineering details. Forming Technology Transfer Center to support the projects of application, product making and high-tech service provision.

- Building modern information network to support high-tech research, electronic library network, e-science network in the whole country, the electronic data centers and high-performance computing centers.

- Upgrading and developing prestigious specialized magazines in the fields of high technology. Developing information system for enterprises applying, manufacturing and providing high-tech services.

b) Training and mobilizing a team of high-tech personnel to perform the Program’s mission, including:

- Forming 50 strong scientific research groups with research works on high-tech field at the advanced level in the region. Fostering profession and improving qualifications for 500 key leaders of projects of high-tech product making, 10,000 engineers and research workers to meet the requirements of projects of high-tech product making.

- Organizing for 20,000 students to undertake research and practice in the organizations of science and technology, enterprises, project of research, application and making of high-tech products. Facilitating 2,000 Vietnamese students, graduate students who are studying abroad to cooperate and implement the Program’s tasks.

- Mobilizing 500 foreign volunteer experts and 1000 experts who are Vietnamese abroad to participate in high-tech activities at facilities of training, research and making Vietname’s high-tech products.

- Organizing 20 high-tech human resource training facilities at the international level.

- Formulating and implementing the development programs in high-tech human resources in the field of bio-technology, automation technology, new materials, new energy, space technology. Identifying, fostering and training young talents.


1. Supporting research and performing pilot production, high-tech incubation and incubating enterprises.

a) Fully financing all high-tech research projects which reach the level of advanced technology in the region;  have decisive meaning in the creation of the leading products of economic sectors; create high-tech public services; form technological and scientific enterprises on the basis of the results of scientific research; form strong scientific research collective; cooperate with foreign organizations and individuals to do research on addressing practical issues which have important impacts on the social and economic development.

b) Organizations and individuals investing by themselves in research and development of high technology will be funded to apply applications into production and life. After having the results of applications which have brought about the social and economic, security, defense and environmental efficiency, they will be reviewed by the specific projects and programs to support their self-investment costs.

c) Supporting costs to buy information, technology, machinery and equipment, sample products, softwares, consultant hiring, patents, transfer of industrial property rights for the high-tech collaboration research project among enterprises and technological and scientific organizations.

d) Supporting costs to perform the pilot high-tech product making projects; make investment in building technical infrastructure and costs of operation of high-tech incubators and high-tech business incubators during the first 5 years of operation.

2. Supporting and facilitating the application, production and supply of high-tech services.

a) Making investment and supporting investment in application, product making, and high-tech service supply projects which are prioritized for investment and encouraged for development; building consulting and training centers for high-tech application and development.

b) Projects to invest and make high-tech products are in need of foreign loans will be considered by the government to guarantee their loans for each specific case.

c) Organizations and individuals plan to purchase high-tech products and services under this Program may borrow state credit from Vietnam Development Bank as prescribed and are supported with loan interest by this Program.

d) Partially funding and facilitating domestic organizations and individuals to participate in markets, fairs, exhibitions, promotion of high-tech products and services in the country and abroad.

dd) Enterprises having projects to make high-tech products and supply high-tech services under this Program are considered for application of contractor appointment or contract assignment under regulations of existing laws to carry out projects using funds from state budget.

e) Supporting pilot business for new high-tech products and services.

3. Supporting and facilitating the building of high-tech technical infrastructure, training and efficiently employing high-tech workforce.

a) Making investment and supporting investment in high-tech research facilities and incubators and high-tech business incubators; supporting high-tech development in some high-tech parks, agricultural parks of high-tech applications, concentrated information technology parks, industrial parks, export processing parks and universities.

b) Upgrading and building new high-tech laboratories of international standard. Considering the support of building research facilities and high-tech laboratories invested by enterprises, especially the laboratories linking between enterprises and training and research facilities. Facilitating the establishment of research facilities of international leading high-tech companies in Vietnam.

c) Making investment in building a number of high-tech human resource training facilities at advanced level in the region. Supporting short-term training for business leaders in high-tech sectors on technology management, technology innovation management, high-tech personnel training under each program's mission; organizing research and practice for students at enterprises making products or providing services.

4. Applying a number of mechanisms and preferential policies

The tasks of research, application, training, technology incubation, high-tech business incubation, pilot production, product making, service provision, development of high-tech technical under the Program will:

a) Enjoy highest preference for land, business income tax, import and export tax, VAT as prescribed by law.

b) Borrow up to 85% of capital from Vietnam Development Bank and be supported the entire interest rate for a period of 5 years under the Program.

c) Being supported with costs of research, training, consultancy, technology transfer, testing, building of laboratory and design center, pilot production, purchase of sample products, sample equipment and lines and testing equipment.

d) Perform only one settlement for budget capital of investment and investment support for the tasks of the Program after the end of mission.

dd) Adjust the content and funds during the implementation of tasks to achieve the objectives and in accordance with practical requirements.

5. Diversifying and concentrating capital resources to implement the Program

Mobilizing social capital resources, concentrating and gradually increasing investment capital from the budget for implementation of the Program. Prioritizing ODA and funds from international cooperation for projects of the Program. The Program is allows for raising legal expenditure from funds, types of credit, contribution and donation of enterprises, organizations and individuals at home and abroad.

Funds from the state budget to implement the program include: funds for implementation of the Program components, implementation of joint activities of the Program and activities of the Program Steering Committee and other tasks of the Program.

6. Promoting cooperation and international integration on high technology

Supporting international cooperation in high-tech research, application and development, especially with countries, territories and foreign organizations that have advanced scientific and technological level as follows:

a) Organizing and implementing programs and projects of bilateral and multilateral scientific research collaboration, especially with countries with advanced industry.

b) Establishing facilities and centers for receiving and transferring high technology from abroad into Vietnam, especially from overseas Vietnamese communities overseas, collecting and grasping high-tech information and know-how.

c) Forming facilities and centers of high-tech research collaboration; projects of research collaboration, technology transfer and exploitation of patents, industrial property rights between Vietnam enterprises with foreign ones outside on high technology.

d) Exchanging experts, research workers, students of Vietnamese organizations and enterprises with foreign research and training organizations and high-tech enterprises. Joining international societies and associations and other organizations on high technology. Inviting foreign high-tech experts, overseas Vietnamese volunteering to come to Vietnam for counseling, research, teaching and implementation of tasks under the program.

7. Raising public awareness of the role and impact of high technology

a) Enhancing propagation, dissemination and introduction on the mass media about the achievements of high-tech application and development in the social-economic development, security and national defense assurance; introducing and publicizing scientific and high-tech knowledge in high schools.

b) Inviting and creating conditions for business leaders and world's leading expert on high-tech to come to Vietnam for talking and consulting with senior leaders of Vietnam, attending forum and workshops with the professionals, students and students in the country.

c) Organizing study tours, training for managers and policymakers of Vietnam on  high-tech operation in the country and abroad.


1. Formulating and implementing the program components

a) The Program of research, training and high-tech technical infrastructure with the research objectives, mastery and creation of high technology for application in social-economic areas, security and national defense, product making and provision of high-tech services, development of advanced technical infrastructure and training of high-tech human resource in service of the Program with the contents specified in II.1, II.2.c, II.2.d and II.4.

b) The Program develops a number of high-tech industries with the application objective of high-tech efficiency in industry and services; forming and developing enterprises making high-tech products and services and a number of high-tech industries in our country with the contents specified in II.2.a and II.3.

c) The Program of agricultural development with efficient high-tech application in agriculture with the contents specified in II.2.b. Organizing tasks to form agricultural enterprises that apply high technology in key economic regions and a number of agricultural areas with high-tech application in ecological regions under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 176/QD-TTg dated January 29, 2010.

2. Coordinating relevant programs, planning, plans and schemes

Based on the objectives and contents of the Program, performing the coordination among the programs, planning, plans and schemes approved by the Prime Minister in relation to scientific and technological research, developing human resource, applying and developing industry in the fields of information technology and communications, bio technology, automation technology, new materials, universe and new energy technology.

3. Setting up Program Steering Committee

The Program Steering Committee will be headed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Technology as Standing Vice Head, the other members including representatives of the Ministries: Science and Technology, Planning and Investment, Finance, Industry and Trade, Agriculture and rural Development, Information and Communications, Education and Training, Home Affairs and Government Office.

The Program Steering Committee is responsible for: developing orientation, plan for general activities of the Program; appraising the program components; coordinating activities of program components and programs related to high technology; making annual report to the Prime Minister on the results of Program activities; inspecting, monitoring and identifying difficulties and problems during the course of implementation and making proposals to the Prime Minister Government for timely remedial measures; directing the ministries and sectors concerned to develop mechanisms and policies to implement the Program and submit them to the Prime Minister for approval.

The Program Steering Committee has its Program Office placed at the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The Management Board of the program components will manage the operation of the program components. The Management Board of the program components is set up by the Ministers of the ministries concerned.

4. Tasks of ministries, sectors and localities

a) Ministry of Science and Technology:

- As the main agency assisting the Program Steering Committee to monitor and review the development and implementation of the Program; coordinating programs related to high technology, organizing the implementation of tasks and measures to carry out the Program.

- Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the ministries and sectors concerned to formulate documents guiding the implementation of Program and present them to the Prime Minister to issue mechanisms, policies and measure to support the implementation of Program.

- Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Home Affairs to propose the Prime Minister to issue mechanisms, policy of training and development of high-tech human resources as well as encouragement to high-tech workers .

- Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance to balance, allocate and guide the use of budget funds for implementation of Program approved by the competent authority.

b) Ministry of Planning and Investment:

- Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Finance to sum up and balance resources to ensure the implementation of the objectives and tasks of the Program.

- Developing the plan targets for high-tech industry and agriculture with high-tech applications and high-tech services in the 5 year and annual social-economic development plan; making statistics of the plan target performance.

c) Ministry of Finance:

- Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the Ministry of Science and Industry and ministries and sectors concerned  to allocate the state budget for the Program as prescribed by the Law on High Technology.

- Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating with the Ministry of Science and Industry to develop financial mechanism for implementation of Program; particular mechanism and policies for information collection and high-tech know-how.

- Allocating funds for implementation of Program.

d) Ministries assuming the prime responsibility for implementation of program components:

The Ministry of Science and Industry assumes the prime responsibility for deploying the Program of research, train and build high-tech technical infrastructure.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade assumes the prime responsibility for developing and deploying the Program to develop a number of high-tech industries.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development assumes the prime responsibility for developing and deploying the agricultural development Program with high-tech applications.

The ministries organizing the implementation program components will develop mechanisms and policies and present them to the Prime Minister for approval; formulate plans, implement them and inspect and assess the implementation; make periodic report to the Program Steering Committee on the implementation of program components.

dd) State Bank of Vietnam, Vietnam Development Bank

Developing mechanisms and policies to ensure credits, loan guarantees, interest rate support for the tasks of the Program.

e) People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities;

Creating favorable conditions for land use allocation, implementing preferential mechanisms and policies for the implementation of Program’s tasks.

Article 2. This Decision shall take effect on the signing date of issuance.

Article 3. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of government-attached agencies, Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities are liable to execute this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Decision No.2457/QD-TTg 2013 approving the high technology development program
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