Quyết định 2622/QD-TTg

Decision No. 2622/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020, with a vision toward 2030

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 2622/QD-TTg master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 2622/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 31, 2013





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP dated September 07, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of master plans on socio-economic development; and the Government s Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP dated January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP dated September 07, 2006;

At the proposal of the People s Committee of Quang Ninh province in Report No. 6158/TTr-UBND dated November 12, 2013,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020, with a vision toward 2030 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020, with a vision toward 2030 must comply with the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development in the Red River delta region and the northern key economic region, and must be consistent with sectoral master plans. To build Quang Ninh into a growth pole, a gateway for international economic cooperation and a national origin for material and energy supply.

2. To ensure sustainable socio-economic development in line with the objectives of Vietnam’s green growth strategy. To gradually restructure the economy from “brown” to “green” activities, prioritizing the development of service and non-mining industries while ensuring cleaner and more sustainable coal mining activities.

3. To conducting socio-economic development based mainly on internal resources combined with external resources to create breakthroughs on the basis of effectively promoting comparative advantages, special potential and striking opportunities such as natural resources and original and diverse culture of Quang Ninh. To attach importance to the development of human resources, especially high-quality ones, and push up the application of scientific and technological advances to meet development needs and motivate socio-economic development.

4. To combine economic development with social welfare assurance, narrow the rich-poor gap, increase people’s living standards and ensure development and social justice among people of different strata, between rural and urban areas and among localities within the province.

5. To take the initiative in international integration and cooperation, grasp favorable conditions and remedy the adverse impacts of international and regional economic trends; to ensure a borderline of stability, peace, friendship, cooperation and development with China. To closely combine socio-economic development with steady assurance of national defense and security and firm protection of land and sea border sovereignty; to firmly maintain political stability and social order and safety, contributing to enhancement of Vietnam’s status in the region and the world.


1. General objectives

By 2020, to build Quang Ninh into a modem service and industrial province, an international tourist hub and a leading economic locomotive of the northern region and the whole country with a synchronous and modem system of socio-economic and urban technical infrastructure facilities, sustainable poverty reduction, constant improvement of the people’s material and spiritual lives, and assured sustainable environmental preservation and protection. To maintain and promote well the national identity, conserve and develop in a sustainable manner Ha Long Bay, the world heritage and natural wonder, and the peculiar characteristics of Bai Tu Long Bay; to strive to become a firm defensive zone in terms of national defense and security and a defense line of international economic cooperation and competition, and maintain political stability and social order and safety.

2. Specific targets

a) Regarding economy:

- Period of 2011-2020, the average growth rate will reach 12%-13%/year, specifically 9.5%-10.5%/year in period of 2011 -2015, 14%-15%/year in period of 2016-2020, and about 6.7%/ year in period of 2020-2030.

- GDP structure by 2015: Services will account for 45.0%-45.5%; industry and construction, 49.0%-49.5%; and agriculture, 5.0%-5.5%. By 2020, services will account for 51%- 52%; industry and construction, 45%-46%; and agriculture, 3%-4%. By 2030, services will account for about 51%; industry and construction, about 46%; and agriculture, about 3%.

- Per-capita average GDP (at actual prices) will reach USD 3,600-4,000 by 2015, USD 8,000-8,500 by 2020 and about USD 20,000 by 2030.

- To strive for target that by 2020, the total turnover from retail sale of goods and services will increase 18-20%/year; the export turnover will increase 11-12%/year on average; the import value, 10-11 %/year; and the state budget revenues will increase over 10%/year on average.

b) Regarding socio-cultural affairs, education and training:

- The natural population growth rate will be 1.11 %/year in period of 2011-2015 and 0.96%/ year in period of 2016-2020; the rate of poor households (according to the new national poverty line) will decrease 1.1%/year in period of 2011-2015 and 0.7%/year in period of 2016-2020; the rate of urban unemployment will be kept at below 4.3%.

- By 2015, the rate of trained laborers will reach 73% of the workforce; 100% of communes will have sufficient medical physical foundations and equipment; over 80% of people will be covered by health insurance; there will be 10.5 medical doctors and 2.2 pharmacists with university qualifications per ten thousand people; over 95% of children will receive full vaccination.

- By 2020, the rate of trained laborers will reach 89% of the workforce; over 90% of people will be covered by health insurance; there will be 12.0 medical doctors and 2.5 pharmacists with university qualifications per ten thousand people; over 98% of children will receive full vaccination

- To mobilize 100% of 6-year-old children to enter grade 1; 100% of children who complete primary school programs to enter grade 6; 99% and 95% of children of prescribed age will go to primary schools and lower secondary schools, respectively; 30% of pupils after graduating from lower secondary school will attend vocational training courses; 90% of young people of prescribed age will complete upper secondary education or equivalent; 98% of people aged 15 years or older will be literate; to maintain the literacy rate at over 99.5% among people aged 15-35 years.

- To strive for target that 100% of preschool and general school teachers will satisfy standard on training qualifications; 40% of professional secondary school teachers, 70% ọf college lecturers and 100% of university lecturers in the province will possess master or a higher degree.

Vocational training institutions will be capable of receiving 15% of lower secondary school graduates by 2015 and 30% by 2020. To improve the quality of comprehensive education, especially the quality of education about culture, ethics, life skills, law, foreign languages and information technology.

c) Environmental protection:

- By 2015, 90% of solid waste in urban areas will be collected; 100% of industrial parks and coal mines, factories, hospitals and tourist centers will have sewage collection and treatment systems up to environmental standards; the forest coverage rate will increase to 53.5%; over 95% of rural population will have access to hygienic daily-life water.

- By 2020, over 90% of solid waste from households will be collected and treated; 100% of operating industrial parks will have centralized sewage treatment systems up to environmental standards; 100% of newly-built production establishments will treat waste up to environmental standards; 100% of medical solid waste will be treated every year; the forest coverage rate will increase to 55%; over 98% of rural population will have access to hygienic daily-life water.

- To apply air and water source pollution limits to tourist and residential areas according to international standards (European standards).

d) Building a new countryside:

To strive for target that by 2015, the province will basically satisfy the new-countryside criteria; 60% of communes will basically satisfy the new-countryside commune criteria under regulations; by 2020, 80% of communes will satisfy the new-countryside criteria; while the remaining communes will satisfy the new-countryside criteria in term of infrastructure development and poverty rate.

e) Security and national defense assurance:

To build firm national defense and ensure security, political stability and social order and safety in all circumstances. To create substantial changes in social order and safety and urban lifestyle; to prevent and fight crimes and social evils. To build Quang Ninh into a firm defensive zone of national defense and security and a defense line of proactive and active international economic cooperation and competition.


1. Development of trade, service and tourism

- To rapidly develop trade and services, especially tourist services, turn Quang Ninh into a gateway for international economic cooperation, especially with China, and one of leading economic locomotives for driving up the development of Northern provinces and the whole country.

- Tourism: To comprehensively develop tourism with focuses and priorities on the basis of available assets such as world natural heritages and wonders and cultural relics of the province; to conserve the natural and cultural heritages of Quang Ninh and step up environmental protection activities, especially at Ha Long Bay and the scenic relic area of Yen Tu, etc. To strive for target that by 2020, tourism will turn into one of major sources of economic growth of Quang Ninh with the number of tourist arrivals reaching about 10.5 million tourists.

- Trade: To develop trade on the basis of taking the current advantages of the province to create positive impacts on production activities and provide more services for the society, with the involvement of many economic industries to promote their advantages and support one another; to develop in the orientation of urbanization through gradually raising the efficiency and competitiveness of trade activities, protecting the environment and consolidating the overall social welfare system.

To attach importance to export development in combination with the development of domestic markets in rural, urban and mountainous areas and on islands. To invest in trade infrastructure facilities to increase competitiveness; to step up the development of warehousing and forwarding services; to strive for target that by 2020, the transportation and warehousing and forwarding sector will contribute 11-12% to GDP.

To apply many solutions for improving and modernizing financial and credit services up to international standards and increase the contribution rate of financial services to GDP of province up to 6-7% by 2020.

2. Development of industry and construction

- To develop the processing and manufacturing industry into a major driving force for growth in the coming period; to strive for target that by 2020, the added value of the processing and manufacturing industry will reach 14%/year on average. To attract foreign investment in electronic manufacturing services (EMS) and large-scale food processing industry in combination with strong development of medium- and small-sized enterprises in the food production and processing industry.

- To mine coal in a sustainable manner, ensure activities of mining in line with objectives of tourist development and life quality. To focus on research into advanced mining technologies with the aim to minimize impacts on the environment, and on salvage exploitation of natural resources and improvement of working conditions, attaching importance to settlement of environmental concerns. To strive for the growth of the added value of the coal industry at 3.5%/year by 2015 and 3.1 %/year in period of 2015-2020.

- To ensure sustainable, stable and environment-friendly supply of electricity for all households by 2015 so as to minimize electricity waste. To strive for the growth of the added value of the electricity industry at 25.3%/year by 2015 and 22.1%/year in period of 2015-2020.

- To maintain and develop such small industries as mining of non-metal minerals (construction materials); porcelain, handicraft goods and fine-art articles, especially for tourism, construction material production and mechanical engineering. The growth rate of the construction material production industry will be 10%/year by 2020.

3. Agricultural development

To develop agriculture toward centralized production of commodities and diversification of products with the aim to support the tourism industry with farm products, food and beverages, etc., and diversification of the rural economic structure.

- To form gradually hi-tech agricultural zones so as to create high-quality and competitive products. To build establishments to supply plant varieties and animal breeds for proactive supply of high-quality plant varieties and animal breeds, creating high-value products in industry. To restructure crops toward increasing the area for crops of high economic value while maintaining an appropriate rate of food crops, especially paddy, to ensure food security. To strive for target that by 2020, the growth rate of cultivation will be about 8%/year while retaining 20,000-25,000 ha of land for paddy cultivation (including 19,000 ha of land under 2-crop paddy), to increase the land area for cultivation from 70,400 ha to 80,000 and standardize paddy cultivation techniques for increasing additional yield by 1.3 tons/ha.

- To develop animal breeding toward industrialization for developing the animal breeding (pig and poultry breeding) into a driving force for growth and account for a higher proportion in agriculture. To strive for target that by 2020, to develop the pig herd to 1.7 million /year on the basis of developing an animal husbandry complex in Hai Ha.

- To set up 2 forestry production zones, including one of timber material trees for export processing, supply of mining timber for the coal industry and construction timber; and another of specialty forest trees for export (cinnamon, anise and pine). To strive for target that by 2020, the forest coverage rate in the whole province will reach about 55%. To combine development of the forest economy with objective of sustainable poverty reduction.

- To develop fisheries in a comprehensive and sustainable manner in all fields of fishing, rearing and processing, especially export processing industry of high-quality commodities. To protect the marine and coastal environment, especially environment for tourist activities. To strive for target that by 2020, increase additionally the fishing yield by 60,000 tons and the added value from aquaculture by 4 times, and further expand the coastal aquaculture area to about 18,400 ha.

4. Socio-cultural affairs

a) Education and training:

- To prioritize the training of high-quality human resources, to attract investment in building Ha Long multidisciplinary university up to an international standard university, to attract foreign investment in building international universities in Van Don and Mong Cai economic zones in order to train high-quality human resources for development need of sectors and fields being strengths of the province and meeting the demands of adjacent localities. To cooperate with domestic and foreign prestigious education and training institutions in the province’s priority areas, such as development of green and marine economies and services, for raising the quality of lecturing staff and training programs. To push up hi- tech application in serve of lecturing activities at all levels and in all disciplines, especially foreign language learning and self-learning.

- To push up the building of a learning society and raise the quality of continuing education and vocational training to meet the needs of human resources in serve of socio-economic development, to provide vocational training based on market demands; to attach importance to vocational training for rural residents. To continue supporting the development of education in difficulty-stricken and ethnic minority areas and for policy beneficiaries in order to step by step ensure fairness in education.

b) Health:

- To attract investment of all economic sectors in the health sector, to study the construction of international-standard hospitals in Ha Long, Van Don and Mong Cai, to invest in pharmaceutical production; to establish zones for conservation and production of valuable medicinal plants in Ba Che, Binh Lieu, Dong Trieu and Hoanh Bo, and a national medicinal plant garden in Yen Tu; to build new specialized hospitals, including a geriatric hospital in combination with a nursing home in Ha Long, and an eye hospital; to build new hospitals for islands in communes; to strive for target that by 2015, all commune health stations will have physical foundations and equipment up to national standards.

- To enhance international cooperation in disease prevention, medical examination and medicine manufacture for raising the quality of health services; to closely coordinate with international organizations and other aid agencies in improving the result of mother and child care, attaching importance to primary health care; to further study and apply creative ideas for providing low-cost health services on a large scale, especially in deep-lying and remote areas.

- To develop preventive medicine and epidemic and disease control networks; to intensify grassroots health care and raise the quality of services at commune health stations and district health centers in order to provide good health care for people, especially poor and ethnic minority people, etc.

c) Culture, sports and information and communication:

- Culture: To study the digitalization of all valuable documents in libraries; to strive to complete cultural works serving tourist development including Quang Ninh Library - Museum, the Provincial Fair Center and planning Exhibition Palace, Ha Long Ecological Museum, the Children’s Cultural Palace, Ha Long Flower Park, Bai Tho Mountain Complex of Cultural Works, etc.

To push up the conservation of, use and promote effectively, tangible and intangible cultures in the province; to enhance the state management, create a healthy cultural environment for socio-economic development. To attach importance to development of the entertainment industry on the basis of developing specific and typical cultural products and cuisine for people, especially tourists.

- Sports: To further concentrate resources on the sports being strengths of the province. To invest in infrastructure facilities, especially for large sport complexes, with synchronous competition and exercise equipment system; to equip basically for difficulty-stricken districts; to continue building the Northeastern Sports Center in Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province to meet the demands of not only the province but also the northeastern region of Vietnam. To build a new physical training and sports training and competition center for training high-achievement athletes of the province.

- To strive for target that the province will be in the 15-ranking top at National Physical Training and Sports Festivals; by 2015, the comprehensive physical education program will be implemented in all schools in the province.

d) Information and communication:

- To develop communication infrastructure, ensure the sufficient provision of public internet services and narrowing the gap in digital technology; to increase e-government services and establish “technology centers” for providing low-cost community internet services; to study the application of new wireless technologies such as WiMax and space optical communication technologies; to raise awareness and capacity of local communities in internet use.

- To strive for target that by 2014, to complete infrastructure and core components of e-government services; to build the provincial public administrative service center and 6 district-level centers for 4 cities including Ha Long, Uong Bi, Cam Pha and Mong Cai cities, Van Don district and Quang Yen town; after 2014, to strive to process administrative procedures online and upgrade service standards to grade 4.

- To build the provincial radio and television station to be modem with synchronous technical and technological equipment and a television tower to become a radio and television production center. In period of 2015-2020, to step by step achieve television digitalization in the whole province under the national master plan on television digitalization; to develop Quang Ninh Newspaper office to be an e-newspaper with technology convergence and multimedia (television, radio, print newspaper, etc.); to invest in physical foundations and modem equipment to meet the requirements and tasks of comprehensive renewal of the Newspaper; to increase the issuance of print newspapers in difficulty-stricken, deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas.

5. Infrastructure development

a) Transport infrastructure:

- Roads: To invest in construction of arterial roads for linking areas within the province with other localities nationwide and internationally in line with the province’s resource-balancing capacity in each period, including a road linking Ha Long with the Hanoi-Hai Phong highway (also known as Ha Long-Hai Phong road); the Ha Long-Van Don-Mong Cai highway; upgrading national highway 18; building the Noi Bai-Ha Long highway; upgrading national highway 4B; and building Van Tien bridge linking Van Don with Tien Yen, Lang Son and Cao Bang provinces, and Yunnan province of China.

To complete a road from Viet Hung industrial park to Cai Lan port; to upgrade the provincial road network for synchronously developing the mass transport system, prioritizing the development of a route linking Hon Gai, Bai Chay and Tuan Chau; a route linking Ha Long with Yen Tu and Cua Ong-Cam Pha, extended to Dong Trieu, to become a “historical route” aiming to exploit the system of historical relics of the Tran dynasty.

- Railways: By 2020, to prioritize investment in the Hanoi-Cai Lan railway; to prepare conditions for construction of the Ha Long-Mong Cai, Uong Bi-Lach Huyen and Lang Son-Mui Chua railways by 2030.

- Ports: To push up the development of seaport services at Cai Lan port and concurrently manage environmental impacts and raise the operation efficiency of the existing port and study its development and expansion up to 2020 in line with practical requirements; to study and assess the plan to transform Cam Pha port into a general port for fully tapping its unused capacity (because of adjustment of coal export activities), and study the development of a deep-water port at Hon Net, Con Ong area; to develop Tien Phong port for effective connection with and operation of Lach Huyen port, Hai Phong, and for serving Dam Nha Mac industrial park when conditions permit, and concurrently seize opportunities from commercial and seaport service activities of the Lach Huyen-Tien Phong port complex; to develop Hai Ha port upon the market, production scale and commercial linking conditions are satisfied; to develop Hon Gai port into an international tourist port.

- To invest in construction of Van Don airport in the future under planning and expand further it up to 2030.

b) Electricity supply infrastructure:

- To ensure continuous and stable electricity supply for strategic areas, including industrial parks and large tourist sites. To upgrade the accessibility to the national power grid for almost the province’s areas aiming to improve the quality of public services and living standards for rural people. To implement the second phase of the Plan on development of the national power grid with 55 projects on electricity supply for villages; to further implement plans on expansion of the national power grid being carried out in rural communes and villages on islands of Van Don and Hai Ha.

c) Water supply infrastructure:

- To prioritize investment in projects on water supply for the eastern Ha Long area-Cam Pha city, the western Ha Long area-Hoanh Bo-Uong Bi; and the Dong Trieu-Mao Khe area; water supply for Mong Cai area as well as economic zones and industrial parks in the province, especially Hai Ha seaport industrial park and Dam Nha Mac service industrial park.

- To study and plan the following water supply projects to meet increasing water use demands: the project on a water supply plant near Thai Binh river; the project on a water supply plant and reservoirs at the east of Ha Long city, Cam Pha, Cua Ong, Mong Duong and Van Don; the project on a water supply plant for Hai Ha, Mong Cai and Tra Co; the project on Luong Ky dam to increase the current capacity of existing Hoanh Bo water plant; the project on a water supply plant of Quang Yen town, which will be located in Minh Thanh ward; the project on a water supply plant of Ha Nam island to serve 8 communes on the Ha Nam island and Dam Nha Mac industrial-service-tourist zone and Tien Phong port commercial services.

6. Development of industrial parks and economic zones

a) Industrial parks:

To concentrate resources on developing the following 6 industrial parks, with the aim to ensure development of these industrial zones into manufacture centers.

- Cai Lan industrial park: To maintain the occupancy rate of 100% and regularly upgrade infrastructure for secondary investors to continue leasing land in this park.

- Viet Hung industrial park: To build it to become a special-use clean industrial park with synchronously-developed technical, social and housing infrastructure; to focus on the development of breakthrough industries such as EMS, and food and beverage production and processing industry, for attracting large domestic and foreign production and processing groups; concurrently improve roads linking with Cai Lan port for increasing competitiveness.

- Hoanh Bo industrial park: To further attract potential investors for infrastructure development in the park.

- Dam Nha Mac industrial park: To develop this park for providing logistics and transportation services to satisfy the expected demands of the Tien Phong-Lach Huyen port complex and Dinh Vu industrial park in Hai Phong; concurrently contribute in effective operation and use of the Hanoi-Hai Phong-Ha Long highway.

- Hai Yen industrial park: To push up the attraction of secondary investors, especially in advantageous fields such as textile and garment production.

- Hai Ha seaport industrial park: To develop this park to meet investors’ needs in heavy industry and hi-tech manufacture.

- To develop other industrial parks gradually according to the roadmap to meet socio-economic development needs of the province.

b) Development of economic zones:

- Mong Cai border-gate economic zone: To develop it to become an economic gateway for trade, tourist and production activities between China and ASEAN.

- Van Don economic zone: To build and develop it to become a special economic zone with an appropriate administrative apparatus; a dynamic, civilized and modem area; an entertainment-industry center with casino, high-grade marine-island tourist services and financial, banking and telecommunications high-grade general services; and an international trade gateway, creating status of interlaced benefits contributing to ensuring firmly national defense and security and maintaining independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

7. Environmental protection

a) To strive to successfully realize the objectives of the national green growth strategy regarding reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and increase in use of clean and green energies. To implement the “clean industrialization” strategy through reviewing and adjusting the existing sectoral master plans and effectively using natural resources.

- To restructure the economy in tendency of stepping up the transformation of “brown” economic activities into “green” ones and mitigating environmental impacts.

- To enhance pollution prevention and control, first of all focusing on mitigating air, water and soil pollution without reducing industrial output; to invest in development of the automatic observation system for improving observation and data assessment activities and take remedies when necessary. By 2015, to ensure the satisfaction of Vietnam’s current standards on air and water quality.

- To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and intensify measures to remedy and respond to climate change and sea level rise.

- To change irrigation methods in combination with more effective water distribution systems for minimizing water loss during distribution; to change cultivation methods to reach the efficiency of water use in agriculture; to apply measures to raise the quality and efficiency of daily-life and industrial water supply for reducing pressure on water use needs and protecting the water environment.

b) Biodiversity conservation: To fully implement contents of the approved plan of action on biodiversity;

c) Cross-border environmental protection:

- To invest in forming institutional capacity, formulating policies and advanced equipment in cross-border environmental pollution warning and control. To focus on measures to prevent the illegal transport of wastes or import of alien organisms; to strictly implement international conventions to which Vietnam has acceded.

- To enhance the hi-tech observation and assess cross-border environmental pollution issues in coastal river mouth areas along the border with China.

- To build a cross-border environmental database.

- To formulate agreements with China on scientific and technological cooperation and exchange involving border environmental issues. To cooperate with countries in region and world, and international organizations in environmental pollution prevention and control, natural and biodiversity conservation, and climate change response.

8. Combination of socio-economic development with national defense and security assurance

To build Quang Ninh to become a firm defensive zone of Vietnam’s northeastern region in terms of national defense and security, and a defense line of international economic cooperation and competition. To further strengthen national defense and maintain national security and social order and safety, to build all-people national defense and firm people’s security posture in line with the local practical conditions. To combine socio-economic development with strengthening national defense and security strength and closely combine economic development with national defense and security assurance in each socio-economic development strategy, master plan, plan and policy of the province.


To organize the territorial space of Quang Ninh into “one center, two multi-direction lines and two breakthroughs” in order to ensure the objective of linkage and synchrony for bringing into play the strengths of each locality in the province as well as the strengths of the province in the Red River delta and the northern key economic region. Accordingly, Ha Long is the center, the two multi-direction lines are the western and eastern corridors, and the two breakthroughs are Van Don and Mong Cai economic zones.

1. The central area (Ha Long city):

To develop Ha Long city into an economic, cultural and political center of the province, deserving to be a major tourist center in the country and the world in the future, and become a modem urban city within the Tonkin Gulf economic belt. To develop Ha Long city in association with conservation, restoration and promotion of the cultural values of Ha Long Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay. To expand the city’s space to the west and the north; at the west of city, Bai Chay zone will focus on tourism development; at the east of city, Hon Gai zone will become an administrative and trade center.

2. The western corridor line: To develop a chain of urban centers along the roads from Ha Long to Hanoi and Hai Phong; to develop green industries and spiritual tourism on the basis of cultural and historical traditions of the region, in orientation:

- To modernize coal mining and power industries toward green and clean production to ensure sustainable development and environmental protection; to develop coal mining support industries such as mechanical engineering and vehicle repair service.

- To diversify the construction material industry in Dong Trieu for producing competitive products such as floor tiles and construction glass; to develop cultural and historical tourism in Uong Bi, Quang Yen and Dong Trieu.

- To develop an industrial complex in Quang Yen, focusing on ship building and repair, commercial and warehousing services as well as aquatic product processing in association with aquaculture activities in the localities. To study the construction of a “smart city” in Quang Yen, embracing functional areas such as urban area, hi-tech and environment-friendly industrial park, free trade area, establishments for research and development of products with high added value, etc., being carried out according to the roadmap for development of modem industrial parks and smart urban centers.

- To develop forestry economy in Hoanh Bo and Ba Che in combination with eco- tourism and community tourism; to exploit the forest environment, the ethnic cultural identities and the advantage of proximity to Ha Long and Van Don tourist centers. To form a food supply area in Hoanh Bo to participate in the chain of supplying high-grade vegetables and flowers and cattle and poultry meat. To study the relocation of industrial operations from Ha Long and Cam Pha to Hoanh Bo and Ba Che so as to have more space for urban development of Ha Long and Cam Pha.

3. The eastern corridor line: To focus on the development of Van Don and Mong Cai economic zones in orientation as follows:

a) Van Don economic zone:

- Services and tourism: To develop high-class marine-island tourism associated with the advanced and modem entertainment industry with casino to facilitate the development of other trades and services such as shopping, fashion, art performances, film studios, fine arts and sports, and other specific modern entertainment areas; to develop a yacht center and tourist port services. To develop high-quality medical and educational services and high-class financial, banking, information technology and international communication service centers.

- Industries: To develop green, clean industries and high technologies (biotechnology, information technology, communication, electronics, etc.) to serve tourism development, entertainment industry and export.

- Agriculture: To develop eco-agriculture and hi-tech agriculture to serve tourist service demands; to push up fishing and aquaculture and develop forest resources in a sustainable manner in association with tourism; to build and develop an appropriate fishing fleet, and combine economic development with national defense, security, protection of sovereign rights and sovereignty at sea.

b) Mong Cai border-gate economic zone:

- Tourist services: To develop tourist services for tourists crossing the border gate with China, such as recreation and entertainment centers, cuisine areas, shopping centers, etc; to invest in tourist sites to meet families’ needs for attracting Chinese tourists from border-adjacent areas.

- Trade services: To develop transportation and warehousing services to strive to become one of trade center between ASEAN and China.

- Industries and production: To prioritize the attraction of large-scale investors in the fashionable textile and garment industry to fill up Hai Yen industrial park; to study the development of a large general zone for pig raising and pork processing.

c) Other districts and towns:

- To coordinate with Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries Group in implementing solutions for mitigating environmental impacts of the mining industry, ensuring sustainable development.

- To develop forestry in a sustainable manner, process timber with mode of creating added value, change low-value short-term crops into high-value perennial crops; to study the plan to turn into production of high-value commodities such as home furniture from forest materials for export and tourists.

- Agriculture: To apply modem cultivation techniques in agricultural production; to produce organic and specialty products with certificates and trade names; to develop centralized and large-scale cultivation and animal husbandry in association with processing and production in Hai Ha.

- Trade and tourist services: To develop border trade activities, especially for consumer goods and farm produce in Binh Lieu and Hai Ha border-gate areas; to develop eco-tourism and community tourism in Binh Lieu on the basis of exploiting the special landscapes of Binh Lieu with temperate climate and forest-hill terrain for the development of various specific tourist products and resorts; to consider the development of cultural tourism with folk melodies and traditional festivals.

- To ensure sustainable marine economic development, concentrate on the sea and island areas of the province, especially on Co To island district, focusing on such key fields as high-quality offshore fishing; logistic services, supply of fuel and essentials of life; exploitation of primitive islands and water areas for the development of tourism and high-class resorts.

4. Development of urban network

- By 2015: To upgrade Mong Cai city to a grade-II urban center; to expand and link Mao Khe and Dong Trieu urban centers of Dong Trieu district to reach grade-IV urban center standards; to upgrade Tien Yen township (Tien Yen district) to a grade-IV urban center and build Tien Yen to become a sub-region urban center with function of summing up, linking with, supporting regional centers, and an area for cross-border goods transshipment and logistic services for Mong Cai and Van Don economic zones.

- By 2020: To upgrade Cam Pha city to a grade-II urban center; and Troi township (Hoanh Bo) and Co To township (Co To rural district) to grade-IV urban centers.

To study the upgrading of Quang Ha township (Hai Ha) and Dam Ha and Binh Lieu townships to grade-IV urban centers, and Quang Yen urban center to a grade-III urban center; to establish Hoanh Mo new urban center (Binh Lieu) when the prescribed conditions are fully met.


The list of key investment programs and projects is provided in the enclosed Annex.


1. Solutions related to resources

a) Raising investment capital sources:

The total demand for investment capital from the whole society is estimated at VND 580-600 trillion by 2020, to attract full capital sources for such demand, it is necessary to focus on the following specific solutions:

- To actively and synchronously implement measures to raise different resources, with internal resources as an essential source and domestic investment capital as a main growth lever of the province.

- State budget funds (including ODA capital) are expected to meet 16.6% of the total demand for investment capital which is spent essentially for social and economic infrastructure development. Based on the annual state budget-balancing capacity, the province should take the initiative in drawing up plans and appropriate investment phases appropriately to ensure capital for key works and projects. To make use of central budget funds through development programs and incentive mechanisms and policies.

- To further open up the investment environment. To step up investment socialization and encourage state enterprises, private enterprises, cooperatives and business households, etc to invest in economic development. To study incentive mechanisms and policies for attracting investment resources, attaching importance to capital from land funds. To strive for target that domestic economic sector will meet 46.8% of total demand for investment from the whole society.

- To attract foreign direct investment (FDI) capital to meet 36.6% of the total remaining demand  through measures to improve the capacity of investment promotion agencies; to take the initiative in studying, accessing and introducing projects to potential investors and actively seek strategic investors. To improve the investment environment before and after licensing; to strive to increase the disbursement rate of FDI capital up to at least 60%.

b) Development of human resource:

- To strive to satisfy sufficient human resources for labor restructuring from agricultural and mining activities to service and industrial activities; by 2020, the rate of agricultural and mining workers will decrease from about 60% to approximately 40%; the rate of industrial workers will increase from 15% to about 25%; and the rate of service workers will increase from 5% to about 20%, of the total workforce.

- To develop human resources to meet the demands of growing economic industries through attracting migrant workers and intensifying the training for workers. Specifically as follows:

To raise the quality of provincial- and district-level officials. To study the formulation of solutions for attracting skilled workers for processing and electronic equipment manufacturing and assembly industries and industries requiring skilled workers; to attract unskilled workers for development of tourist and trade services and industries that do not require skilled workers.

To train new graduates and experienced workers through programs on training in occupations created from new working positions; to ensure that new graduates are equipped with appropriate skills to be able to work immediately without much further training; to improve skills of workers for current jobs through increase of working productivity and capacity.

c) Regarding land use:

To properly implement the master plan on land use of Quang Ninh province by 2020 and the 5-year (2011 -2015) land use plan in the principle of prioritizing effective use of land over use purposes to ensure no delay for priority projects. Assessment of land use efficiency in a regular, continuous and timely manner is important.

2. Solutions related to science and technology development and environment

- To attract industries and production stages for hi-tech products and products with the application of clean and high-productivity technologies, such as investment in large- scale factories for electronics assembly and packaging; expansion of the food processing industry, thermo-power production and coal mining with clean technologies.

- To raise the productivity and efficiency of current socio-economic activities in direction of sustainable development; to push up science and technology application and innovation instead of increasing mechanical labor, capital and natural resources; to apply modern cultivation techniques which can increase agricultural yield, instead of increasing labor force or cultivation area; to develop internet which can assist enterprises to raise productivity and effectively link with customers; to implement e-government solutions which will raise the operation efficiency of the local administration through reducing the time of dossier submission and processing.

- To provide health and education services and raise living standards with low costs: applying technology-based solutions such as mobile health stations, health switchboards and e-learning classes for providing low-cost health and education services for people, and concurrently serving different groups of residents, even in deep-lying and remote areas provided that internet or telephone services are available, with the support of high-quality direct health and education services.

- To protect environment more effectively: applying environment-friendly technologies in production and business for mitigating adverse impacts on the environment such as closed-conveyor belt coal transportation to prevent dust; application of high-effectiveness coal firing techniques in thermo-power plants to reduce gas emissions, etc.

3. Solutions related to regional, national and international cooperation

Enhancing cooperation with localities in the region, the country and the world is an important priority for tapping the comparative advantages of the province, expanding markets as well as attracting investment and human resources.

a) Regional and national cooperation:

- Cooperation with Hai Phong: To prioritize cooperation in infrastructure investment such as upgrading a road from Ha Long to Hai Phong center and Cat Bi airport; develop Dam Nha Mac industrial park in Quang Yen town in association with Lach Huyen port and Dinh Vu industrial park of Hai Phong; jointly developing Tien Phong and Lach Huyen ports in fields such as supply of means of transport, warehousing and transportation, and goods packaging and storage. To develop package tours to the Ha Long Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay and Cat Ba island.

- Cooperation with Hanoi: aiming to attract investment and skilled workers, develop education, training, economy, science and technology, and environmental protection; upgrading national highway 18 to Hanoi and Noi Bai airport to attract tourists, conduct the trade promotion and tourism development; to upgrade a railway from Cai Lan to Yen Vien. To develop the support tourist products, including ones in Hanoi, Tran dynasty relic (Dong Trieu), Yen Tu, Ha Long Bay, Cua Ong (Cam Pha) and Bai Tu Long Bay.

- To cooperate with adjacent localities and regions in the whole country in creating jobs and providing human resource training services for laborers; providing seaport services for adjacent provinces in the northeastern region of Vietnam such as Lang Son and Bac Giang; to provide international commercial services linking other localities nationwide with China via Mong Cai.

b) International cooperation:

To bring into play the existing relations between Quang Ninh province and China and the Republic of Korea; to expand cooperation with other partners such as Hong Kong, Macau, Chongqing (China), and localities within the Northeast Asia Tourism Forum; and traditional partners of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos. To raise level of the cooperation relationship between Quang Ninh and Japan, the Republic of Korea and Southeast Asian countries; European and American provinces and cities which have conditions similar to those of Quang Ninh province.


1. After the master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020, with a vision toward 2030 is approved, the province should publicize and disseminate it to Party committees and local administrations at all levels, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and people in the province. Based on the contents of this master plan, the province shall formulate specific action programs for implementation and supervision and inspection on obtained results.

2. To concretize this master plan’s objectives into 5-year and annual plans for implementation and assess the obtained results. On that basis, to review this master plan and submit to competent authorities for prompt adjustment or supplementation to ensure the conformity with local socio­-economic development tasks in each period. To study and implement master plans on development of sectors, localities, and detailed master plans; to set up plans for implementation of this master plan so as to reach high result and efficiency. All levels, sectors, localities, socio-political organizations and people shall examine and supervise the implementation of this master plan.

3. The organization of implementation of this master plan should be innovated to be suitable with practical requirements and international practices. To arrange enthusiastic leaders and capable officers with strong and independent managerial mechanisms for successfully realizing the transformation process in Quang Ninh province.

Article 2. The master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020, with a vision toward 2030 serves as a basis for the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of specialized master plans (construction master plan, land use master plan and plans, and other specialized master plans), and investment projects in the province under regulations.

Article 3. Based on the province’s socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations mentioned in this master plan, the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province shall coordinate with related ministries and sectors in directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of the following contents:

1. Master plans on socio-economic development of districts and towns; master plans on development of urban and residential area system; the general construction master plan; the land use master plan and plan; and master plans on development of the sectors and fields in the province to ensure comprehensive and synchronous development.

2. Studying to formulate, promulgate according to their competence or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation (for cases falling beyond its competence) mechanisms and policies to meet socio-economic development requirements of the province in each period and in accordance with law with the aim to attract and raise resources for implementation of this master plan.

3. Setting up long-, medium- and short-term plans, key development programs and priority specific projects in order to have plan on rationally allocating investment capital.

Article 4. Within the scope of their functions, tasks and powers, related ministries and sectors shall:

1. Guide and assist the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province in the process of implementation of this master plan.

2. Coordinate with Quang Ninh province in reviewing, adjusting or supplementing sectoral master plans to ensure adequacy and consistency of this master plan; and in studying to formulate and submit to competent state agencies for promulgation of mechanisms and policies in line with socio-economic development requirements of the province in each period; assist the province in mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital sources for implementation of this master plan. Accelerate investment in and implement of works and projects with regional scale and nature which have important role and serve as a driving force for the development of Quang Ninh province and of which investment have been decided.

Article 5. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing and replaces Decision No. 269/2006/QD-TTg dated November 24, 2006, of the Prime Minister, approving the adjusted and supplemented master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2010 and orientations toward 2020.

Article 6. The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall be responsible for implementation of this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(Attached to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 2622/QD-TTg of December 31, 2013)








Noi Bai-Ha Long highway



Ha Long-Van Don-Mong Cai highway



Yen Vien-Pha Lai-Ha Long-Cai Lan railway



Expanding national highway 4B



Van Tien bridge



Van Don airport



System of Tien Phong, Cai Lan, Hai Ha and Hon Gai seaports



Embankments for rivers and streams in border areas; system of sea dikes; reservoirs on island communes



Infrastructure of border-gate economic zones and coastal economic zones



The northeastern region’s sports center located in Ha Long city



Project on relocation, ground clearance and resettlement for the Hai Phong-Ha Long highway






Roads linking the highway with the centers of districts, towns and cities



Roads linking the highway with economic zones, industrial parks and seaport system



Inter-district roads; system of river ports and wharves in coastal communes



ODA projects on environment, agricultural, forestry and fisheries development; health, education and environment



Building Ha Long, Van Don and Mong Cai international hospitals; upgrading the system of provincial general hospital and specialized hospitals and district-level hospitals; building and upgrading health establishments in communes and wards



Projects on Ha Long multi-disciplinary university; international-standard universities; colleges, secondary schools and vocational training schools in the province



Projects on culture and sports such as museum, library, exhibition palace of master plans; the province’s sports center



Projects on system of canals, ditches, reservoirs and dams



Water supply and drainage systems in urban areas and economic zones



Projects on ground clearance and resettlement for industrial parks, economic zones and system of highways



Projects under program on building new countryside of the province









Ha Long-Hai Phong road with scale equivalent to an highway



Upgrading national highway 18 from Dong Trieu to Cam Pha city (remaining sections)



A road linking Viet Hung industrial park with Cai Lan port



Cai Lan port – port expansion



Non-tariff zone and clean industrial park in Van Don economic zone



Investment in infrastructure of Viet Hung, Hai Ha, Quan Trieu and Dam Nha Mac industrial parks



Investment in building golf courts, 5-star hotels and high-class resorts in Van Don, Ha Long, Mong Cai and Co To






Building system of 4-star and 5-star hotels up to international standards (7,500 bedrooms) and a project on ships with overnight stops at Ha Long Bay (2,500 bedrooms)



A high-grade tourist service complex, including casino items



Building a coastal pedestrian mall in Bai Chay



Project on development of upgraded tourist products for experiencing in the fishing villages at Ha Long Bay



Project on building self-contained luxurious tourist zones at Bai Tu Long Bay (yacht; rock mountain climbing; convalescence; conferences, workshops, etc.)



Restoring the closed coal mines to become attractive tourist sites (those may turn into coal museums, botanical gardens or reservoirs)



A resort complex and a family entertainment system



Establishment of a school for training in restaurant and hotel operations



Setting up projects on airport development, fashion and art performances at Ha Long Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay






Building plants for sewage, garbage and solid waste collection/treatment in localities



Building an environmental observation system



Building systems for wastes and sewage collection and treatment in coal mines



Project on treatment of sewage and wastes in urban areas, industrial parks and economic zones



Projects on environmental rehabilitation and restoration in landfills and coal mining places


Projects on treatment of environmental pollution at Ha Long Bay




Building large trade centers in cities and towns


A trade zone in Mong Cai, including an international trade center




Investing in infrastructure in Viet Hung, Hoanh Bo, Hai Yen, Cai Lan and Dam Nha Mac industrial parks and Hai Ha seaport industrial park


Electronic manufacturing services (EMS)


Building factories for food processing and packaging of products made of aquatic products and pork, etc in association with industrial-scale aquaculture and animal husbandry areas


Projects on development of auxiliary industries




Project on development of industrial-scale areas for breeding pigs for export and centralized poultry husbandry


Project on the change of the land use purpose to grow agricultural crops in association with product processing


Project on growing forest trees with high added value such as teak, energy crops, etc.


Project on expanding the aquaculture area, applying scientific and technological advances in production to supply products for processing factories to meet sustainable development requirements


Setting up projects on hi-tech agricultural zones in Dong Trieu, Quang Yen, Dam Ha and Hai Ha


Building a center of high-quality aquatic breed production and supply in Dam Ha


Building a factory for timber product production and processing




Building international education and training institutions in the province


Having private hospitals (up to international standards) in Ha Long city, Mong Cai and Van Don.

Note: The locations, sizes, land areas and total investment amounts for the works and projects on the mentioned-above list will be calculated, selected and specified in each investment project’ s stage of elaboration and submission for approval, depending on the demand for and capacity of balancing and raising investment capital in each period.

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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Lược đồ Decision No. 2622/QD-TTg master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020

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            Decision No. 2622/QD-TTg master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020
            Loại văn bảnQuyết định
            Số hiệu2622/QD-TTg
            Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
            Người kýNguyễn Tấn Dũng
            Ngày ban hành31/12/2013
            Ngày hiệu lực31/12/2013
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                      Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No. 2622/QD-TTg master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province till 2020

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