Quyết định 3212/QD-UBND

Decision No. 3212/QD-UBND of May 21, 2013, approving the plan to implement the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in Ha Noi city during 2013-2015

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 3212/QD-UBND 2013 the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene Ha Noi


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


No.: 3212/QD-UBND

Hanoi , May 21, 2013





Pursuant to Law on organizations of People’s Council and People’s Committee No. 11/2003/QH11 dated November 26, 2003;

Pursuant to the Resolution No. 13/2011/QH13 dated November 19, 2011, of National Assembly, on the national target program during 2011-2015;

Pursuant to Decisions of the Prime Minister: No. 135/2009/QD-TTg dated November 04, 2009, promulgating the regulations on management and administration in implementation of the national target programs; No. 2406/QD-TTg dated December 18, 2011, promulgating the list of national target programs during 2012-2015; No. 366/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2012, approving the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene during 2012-2015;

Pursuant to Decision No. 2283/QD-BNN-HTQT dated September 21, 2012, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, approving the Feasibility Study Report “Program on rural clean water and hygiene based on result in 08 provinces of Red river delta” for borrowing capital of the World Bank;

Pursuant to Decision No. 2863/QD-UBND dated June 11, 2009, of the City People’s Committee approving the program on rural clean water supply and environmental hygiene during 2009-2020;

At the proposal of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at the Report No. 56/TTr-SNN enclosed with the Plan No. 21/SNN-TTN on approving the plan to implement the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in Ha Noi city, dated May 14, 2013,


Article 1. Approving the plan to implement the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in Ha Noi city during 2013-2015 according to the principal contents as follows:

1. Name and agency presiding over organization of plan implementation:

a) Nam of the plan: The Plan to implement the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in Ha Noi city during 2013-2015

b) Agency presiding over organization of plan implementation: The provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural development.

2. Objectives:

a) Overall objectives:

To protect, increase healthy for people, strengthen reformation of rural water supply and environmental hygiene services; minimize environmental pollution, build capital rural area toward civilization, clean and beauty, sustainable development, contribute proactively into implementation of the national target program of rural clean water and environmental hygiene of whole country.

b) The specific objectives till 2015:

- 100% of rural population will be used sanitary water (in which 60% will be used clean water according to standard of the Ministry of Health);

- 100% of households will have sanitary latrines;

- 100% of public facilities Article rural areas (school, head offices of People’s Committees, communal medical aid stations, markets) will have clean water and sanitary latrines;

- Rate of households with sanitary barns will be 80%;

3. Subjects and scope of implementation:

Households, organizations and individuals in rural area of 19 rural districts/suburb towns of Hanoi.

4. Content of sub-projects of the plan:

4.1. Group of projects: Rural daily-life water supply and environment

a) Projects for rural daily-life water supply:

a.1. List of projects:

1) Group of 06 projects for inter-communal clean water supply of 06 suburb rural districts of Hanoi using the concentrated fundamental construction capital and other capital sources mobilized legally, include:

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Hien Giang, Tien Phong, Nguyen Trai, Tan Minh, Nghiem Xuyen, Dung Tien, under Thuong Tin rural district.

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Thuy Phu, Hong Thai, Nam Phong, Van Nhan, Nam Trieu, under Phu Xuyen rural district.

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Vien An, Vien Noi, Son Cong, Cao Thanh, Hoa Son – under Ung Hoa rural district.

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Phuong Trung, Kim Thu, Do Dong, Kim An, under Thanh Oai rural district.

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Hop Thanh, Hop Tien, under My Duc rural district.

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Tien Thinh, Van Yen, Chu Phan, Lien Mac, Thach Da, under Me Linh rural district.

2) Project of supporting 40,000 filter-begs for householders.

3) Group of project of building 7 clean water stations at scale of commune, inter-commune under 7 suburb rural districts of Hanoi using the WB capital source, include:

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes of Co Do, Phong Van, under Ba Vi rural district;

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes of Chang Son, Thach Xa, under Thach That rural district;

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes of Lien Phuong, Hong Van, Thu Phu, Ha Hoi, Van Tao, under Thuong Tin rural district;

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Hiep Thuan, Lien Hiep, under Phuc Tho rural district;

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Tam Hung, Thanh Thuy, under Thanh Oai rural district;

- Project for clean water supply of Huong Son commune, under My Duc rural district;

- Project for clean water supply of inter-communes: Lien Ha and Lien Hong, under Dan Phuong rural district;

4) Groups of clean water supply projects for communal cluster and communes which have been invested newly and in need of continuing completion, include:

- Clean water supply station of Tan Uoc commune – Thanh Oai.

- Clean water supply station of Cao Duong commune – Thanh Oai.

- Clean water supply station of Long Xuyen and Thuong Coc communal cluster – Phuc Tho rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Van Phuc, Van Nam and Xuan Phu communal cluster – Phuc Tho rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Lien Ha commune – Dong Anh rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Dai Cuong commune – Ung Hoa rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Hoa Xa commune – Ung Hoa rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Phuong Duc commune – Phu Xuyen rural district.

- Projects: Construction of clean water supply system for Tien Phong commune, Me Linh rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Dai Nghia township – My Duc rural district.

- Clean water supply system of Bao Loc, Phuc Tho rural district.

- Construction of clean water supply system for Chi Dong and Quang Minh townships, Me Linh rural district.

5) Projects of investment in expanding urban clean water supply network from Ha Dong, Son Tay, Da river, North of Thang Long water plants.

6) Groups of projects completing rural clean water supply works which are being invested but unfinished, include:

- Clean water supply station of Tam Hiep commune, under Phuc Tho rural district;

- Clean water supply station of Phung Xa commune, under Thach That rural district;

- Clean water supply station of Quang Phu Cau commune – Ung Hoa rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Lien Bat commune – Ung Hoa rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Xuan Duong commune – Thanh Oai rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Cu Khe commune – Thanh Oai rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Ninh Hiep commune, under Gia Lam rural district;

- Clean water supply station of Kim Lan commune, under Gia Lam rural district;

- Clean water supply station of Phu Dong commune, under Gia Lam rural district;

- Clean water supply station of Phu Nam An commune – Chuong My rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Tien Phuong commune – Chuong My rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Duong Lieu commune – Hoai Duc rural district.

- Clean water supply station of Thuong Cat commune – Tu Liem rural district.

a.2. Tentative capital sources for implementation:

- Group of project 1: capital source for concentrated capital construction – budget of city and other capital sources mobilized lawfully.

- Project 2: budget of city and reciprocal capital of households being beneficiaries.

- Group of project 3: allocation from central budget and receipt from loans provided by WB capital source; reciprocal budget of city and contributions of people.

- Group of project 4: budget of rural districts, communes and other capital sources mobilized lawfully.

- Group of projects 5 and 6: funding mobilized from socialization from enterprises and other capital sources mobilized lawfully.

a.3. Tentative agencies presiding over implementation of project:

- Group of projects from 1 thru 3: the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

- Group of project 4: People’s Committees of rural districts with projects carried out in their geographical areas or organizations, individuals will perform by form of socialization.

- Group of projects 5 and 6: organizations and individuals eligible to participate as prescribed by law.

b) Projects of building clean water works and sanitary latrines for preschool, secondary schools:

b.1. List of projects: Include projects of renovation, upgrading for 167 latrines at schools.

b.2. Tentative capital sources for implementation: Central budget will allocate from WB capital source.

b.3. Tentative agencies presiding over implementation of project: The provincial Department of Education and Training will coordinate with People’s Committees of rural districts/towns.

c. Projects of building sanitary barns:

c.1. List of projects: Construction of Biogas tank to process livestock waste.

c.2. Tentative capital sources for implementation: The own capital of households and enterprises.

c.3. Tentative agencies presiding over implementation of project: Households and enterprises will carry out project.

4.2. Group of rural hygiene projects:

a) List of projects:

1) Group of projects of renovation, upgrading for 63 latrines at communal medical stations.

2) Renovation, new construction of 22,100 hygiene facilities for households.

b) Tentative capital sources for implementation:

- Group of project 1: Central budget will allocate from WB capital source.

- Group of project 2: own capital of households and individuals.

c) Tentative agencies presiding over implementation of project:

- Group of project 1: the provincial Department of Health.

- Group of project 2: households and individuals.

4.3. Project of enhancing capability, media and supervision/ assessment about implementation of the Program

a) List of projects: Project of enhancing capability of management, supervision, technical support and media activities about rural clean water and environmental hygiene.

b) Tentative capital sources for implementation: Central budget will allocate.

c) Tentative agencies presiding over implementation of project: The provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Departments of: Health, Education and Training.

5. Tentative funding for implementation:

Total: 3,939,886 billion VND In which:

- City budget: 677.6 billion VND; anticipated to support for investment in the following projects:

+ Investment in 06 the inter-commune concentrated clean water supply projects (group of clean water supply project No.1).

+ Support for project of building 40,000 filter-begs for water treatment to householders (clean water supply project 2).

+ Reciprocal capital to perform projects of building 7 clean water supply stations at communal and inter-commune scales using WB capital source (group of clean water supply project 3).

- Central budget will allocate: 438.049 billion VND from capital source borrowed from WB.

- Central budget will provide loans of: 185.32 billion VND from capital source borrowed from WB.

(to perform the projects of: Construction of 7 clean water supply stations with scale of commune and inter-commune using WB capital source; renovation and upgrading of 167 latrines at schools; renovation and upgrading of 63 latrines at communal medical stations; enhancing capability of management, supervision, technical support and media activities about rural clean water and environmental hygiene).

- Budget of rural districts, communes and other lawful capital sources: 357.179 billion VND, support for investment in the concentrated clean water supply projects (under the clean water supply project group No. 4).

- Capital mobilized from socialization: 1,658.586 billion VND for investment in the following projects and project groups:

+ Group of projects of investment in expanding urban water supply network from Ha Dong, Son Tay, Da river, North of Thang Long water plans (group of clean water supply projects No.5)

+ To complete the unfinished rural clean water supply projects not put into operation (group of clean water supply projects No. 6).

+ Mobilize socialization in association with City budget to build 6 inter-commune clean water supply plants (group of clean water supply projects No.1).

- The own capital and reciprocal capital of people: 623.152 billion VND for the correspondence and self-implementation of the following projects and works:

+ Reciprocal capital for project of building 40,000 filter-begs for water treatment to householders.

+ Self-investment in construction of 5000 biogas tanks to process livestock waste.

+ Self- renovation and upgrading of 22,100 latrines at households.

(Funding to implement program, structure of capital sources, and agencies acting as investors of projects will be defined specifically and formally according to the capability of budget balancing at levels every year and according to result of selecting and assigning investor of each project already approved by competent authorities).

6. Duration of plan implementation: 2013-2015.

7. Solutions, policy mechanism to implement plan:

a) The master plans, plans:

- To complete and approve the master plan on rural water supply and environmental hygiene till 2020, with a vision by 2030. On that basis, concretizing the master plan down the district and communal levels.

- Building the annual plan on rural clean water and environmental hygiene.

b) Mobilization of capital and funding:

- Diversifying investment resources, especially credit capital, private capital and donations of international organizations. Strongly attracting capital sources from private sector through incentive, investment-promotion policies at Decision No. 131/2009/QD-TTg dated November 02, 2009.

- Prioritizing allocation of budget capital for building the concentrated water supply stations at inter-communal, inter-zone scales.

- Combining, integrating capital sources from programs, schemes, other plans with the aim to develop agriculture, increasing life of farmers in geographical areas so as to perform objectives of the Program.

c) To select the conformable methods of construction, construction management and post-investment management

- Ensuring the construction quality and sustainability of the rural clean water and environmental hygiene facilities.

- Prioritizing to unify the construction investors and units managing and operating the works into an object. In case the manager and operator fail to be eligible to act as investor, it must assign a competent person to participate in supervision of construction at the time of commencing so as to ensure quality of works construction and receipt, management and operation after investment.

- Consolidating the management model and regulations, especially the concentrated water supply works, adjusting the operational method from public service to service, taking demand of customers for the managing, operating and investing unit to change style, method of service provision.

- The works after finishing construction and putting into management and operation must have the operational process, in which prescribes time, order and contents of maintenance, repair and replacement of works and equipment. Technical officials and workers operating must master and comply with the operational process strictly and fully.

- Encouraging application of the model in which: Enterprises and non-business units with revenue will manage and exploit the works. The works too small, dispersed may be assigned to individuals, cooperatives for management and operation, non-business units or enterprises in geographical areas will provide technical support, supplies and repair the works so as to ensure the sustainability.

- The cost price of clean water must be calculated properly and sufficiently the rational cost elements during production and distribution of clean water, tax and profit with the aim to ensure the lawful rights and benefits of the water supply units and water users.

- About water supply: To diversify the technological types of water source exploitation and use rationally and ensure conformity with natural-socio-economic conditions of each region, ensure the sustainability principle. To prioritize the concentrated water supply with inter-commune, inter-zone scales, use the advanced and sustainable technologies, low cost price, water supply to households in the crowed and concentrated residential areas; upgrade and expand the existing water supply works so as to ensure quality of use water.

- About hygiene: To select construction of suitable latrines: Essentially building latrines with water and septic tanks. Households in need of using feces may build dry latrines: Tank divided in two parts on spot or one outside composting part.

- About technology of processing livestock waste: To concentrate mainly on processing cattle livestock waste with households scale and traditional technology; in which prioritize for application of technology about processing livestock waste by Biogas technology.

d) Information – education - communication

- To raise duty of authorities, sectors, mass associations at all levels in organizing implementation of the program.

- To create the basic change about consciousness and sanitary action of people, especially in mountainous, remote and isolated regions.

- To integrate various methods, to pay attention to direct communication at community.

- To consolidate, strengthen and increase capability of Information – education – communication network.

e) Participation of the community

To strengthen participation of the community, ensure advantage and equal opportunities for people to be enjoyed benefits and participate proactively and positively in activities of the Program.

f) Training and development of human resources

- To attach special importance to training and development of human resources, in which attach special importance to training and improving capability for cadres, civil servants in charge of state management at all levels, non-business and service organizations, especially collaborators at grassroots.

- Content of training is conformable with each object group, from timely popularization, guidance of legal documents, elaboration of master plans, plans, science and technology, construction investment and project management, communication, management of exploiting and operating the works…

- Forms of training: Courses of coaching, study tours, workshops… Using the positive training method which learners are center.

g) To expand international cooperation

- To push up international cooperation aiming to exchange experiences, share information, transfer technologies and mobilize capital sources from non-refundable aids and preferential credit loans.

- To set up a cooperation mechanism between agencies of Government and donors clearly and flexibly in order to create a transparent, advantage and effective environment for executing the Program; to push up partner relationship activities from Vietnam side with donors for sector of rural clean water supply and environmental hygiene.

- To use effectively capital sources of donors and ensure performance in accordance with the committed agreements.

Article 2. Organization of implementation:

1. Responsibilities of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural development:

- To preside over organization to carry out plan on program implementation and tasks related to the national target program of rural clean water and environmental hygiene under Hanoi city, ensure compliance with regulations and decisions of the Prime Minister: No. 135/2009/QD-TTg dated November 04, 2009, promulgating the regulations on management and administration in implementation of the national target programs; No. 366/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2012, approving the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene during 2012-2015.

- To build the annual plans on program implementation, check implementation of plans; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant Departments, sectors, the district-level People’s Committee, Bank for social policy, in guiding, carrying out plans on rural clean water supply and environmental hygiene. To combine, integrate the rural clean water and environmental hygiene projects with economic-social development programs, and the relevant programs, schemes, plans of agricultural development, increasing life of farmers in City.

- To preside over, propose, report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development in balancing, allocating WB capital for performing projects under program according to the annual plan.

- To preside over research, propose solutions to withdraw loans from WB and investment capital from City budget and mechanism of raising socialization capital when carrying out projects; to advise the City to promulgate documents in serve of state management and policy mechanism about rural clean water and environmental hygiene.

- To hold conferences to grasp thoroughly content of plans, and quarterly, hold briefing meetings with units carrying out work of clean water supply and environmental hygiene in order to perform effectively tasks and solutions under plans. To guide People’s Committees of district, towns in implementing professional tasks about clean water and environmental hygiene; adjust, supplement the specific solutions to solve difficulties, problems during course of implementation.

- To inspect, assess for learning experiences in implementation of the Program; to sum up, report results and give out proposals for solving the arising problems; make annual plans and funding need in serve of the program and submit them to competent authorities for approval and directing implementation.

- To direct the Center of rural daily-life water and environmental hygiene in carrying out content of the Program under this plan.

- To report, supervise, assess management and administration of the program; supervise, assess investment aiming to ensure compliance with current regulations of State and the City involving the national target program and use of state budget capital; to prevent loss or wastefulness of budget capital sources.

- To preside over summing up results of implementation and difficulties, problems during implementation, propose and report to the City People’s Committee for timely consideration and removal.

2. The provincial Department of Health shall: Execute the state management function in their geographical areas about medical and health affairs; to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural development, and relevant sectors, together with People’s Committees of districts/towns in carrying out group of projects on renovating and upgrading restrooms at communal medical stations and relevant affairs under Project of enhancing capability of management, supervision, technical support and communication activities involving rural clean water and environmental hygiene, using WB capital, ensuring quality, objectives of plans and schedule of plans as approved.

3. The provincial Department of Health shall: Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural development, and relevant departments, sectors, together with People’s Committees of districts/towns in carrying out group of projects on renovating and upgrading restrooms at schools and relevant affairs under Project of enhancing capability of management, supervision, technical support and communication activities involving rural clean water and environmental hygiene, using WB capital, ensuring quality, objectives of plans and schedule of plans as approved.

4. The provincial Department of Finance:

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant Departments and sectors in: balancing, proposing annual non-business capital sources for tasks in plans; studying, elaborating mechanism and plan to offset sale price of clean water from budget in case where clean water sale price to rural areas as prescribed by the City People’s Committee is lower than the cost sale of clean water production which is calculated exactly and sufficiently by the water supplier, report to the City People’s Committee to ask opinion of the City People’s Council for consideration and decision.

- Guide use and make final settlement of annual funding of units so as to ensure compliance with regulations.

5. Responsibilities of People’s Committees of rural districts, towns in Ha Noi City:

- Personally directing, grasping thoroughly, and carrying out the plan of City People’s Committee down communes, townships, functional divisions, boards; popularizing purpose, requirement of plan implementation down agencies, units and enterprises which located head offices in geographical areas in order to mobilize, coordinate in participation with each other. Organizing propagation, mobilization for all people, agencies and organizations to have voluntary consciousness in keeping environmental hygiene; mobilizing units, mass associations and local people classes for participating in performing weekly total hygiene.

- Directing elaboration of specific plan of each rural district in conformity with characteristics and conditions of rural districts. Allocating responsibilities for implementation, inspection, handling, urging, supervision of implementation of communes, townships, units executing mission of clean water supply and environmental hygiene.

- Presiding over mobilization of enterprises, organizations eligible for carrying out several rural clean water supply projects in geographical areas and balancing local budget under annual plans so as to organize implementation.

- On the basis of the approved master plans, arrange premises in serve of construction of water supply and environmental hygiene works. Organizing management, supervision of activities involving clean water supply, collection and treatment of garbage, sewage. Managing environmental protection, regularly conducting inspections, examinations and handling of violations on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in their geographical areas.

- Coordinating with relevant agencies in implementing communication, training to raise awareness of community; key projects and models about clean water and environmental hygiene in geographical areas.

6. Responsibilities of relevant agencies:

- Departments, sectors of Hanoi City shall, within their assigned functions and tasks, coordinate and help Departments of: Agriculture and Rural development, Health, Education and Training in carrying out the assigned tasks; solve relevant administrative procedures when carrying out the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in geographical areas.

- The provincial Departments of: Planning and Investment, Finance, City’s Investment and Development Fund, Fund for agricultural extension shall guide, coordinate with the provincial Departments of: Agriculture and Rural development, Health, Education and Training in carrying out projects, mechanism, policy related to capital sources for plan implementation (including capital sources from central budget and city budget), report to City People’s Committee for consideration and decision.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect from the day of its signing. The Chief of office of City People’s Committee, Directors of Departments, sectors, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of rural districts, towns, and heads of relevant units shall implement this Decision.





Tran Xuan Viet



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              Decision No. 3212/QD-UBND 2013 the national target program on rural clean water and environmental hygiene Ha Noi
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