Quyết định 332/QD-TTg

Decision No. 332/QD-TTg of March 03, 2011 approving the scheme on development of aquaculture through 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 332/QD-TTg approving the scheme on development of aquaculture


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 332/QD-TTg

Hanoi, March 03, 2011





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,


Article 1. To approve the Scheme on development of aquaculture through 2020 with the following contents:


1. General objectives

To rapidly develop aquaculture in the direction of industrialization, modernization,

high effectiveness and competitiveness and sustainable development; to develop it into a major production sector to supply raw materials for export processing and domestic consumption, and concurrently create a lot of jobs, increase incomes for farmers and fishermen, thus assuring social security and contributing to hunger eradication and poverty alleviation and maintenance of security and defense in the country's seas and islands.

2. Specific targets

a/ By 2015, the aquaculture output will reach 3.6 million tons and total area for aquaculture will reach 1.1 million ha; the aquatic product export value will reach USD 3.5 - 4 billion and jobs will be created for some 3 million laborers.

b/ By 2020, the aquaculture output will reach 4.5 million tons and total area for aquaculture will reach 1.2 million ha; the aquatic product export value will reach USD 5-5.5 billion and jobs will be created for some 3.5 million laborers.

In which:

- Tra (Asian) catfish output will be 1.5 - 2 million tons, with an annual growth rate of 4.8%.

- Brackish water shrimp output will be 700,000 tons, with an annual growth rate of 5.76%.

- Mollusk output will be 400,000 tons, with an annual growth rate of 16%.

- Marine fish output will be 200,000 tons, with an annual growth rate of 14.9%.

- Tilapia output will be 150,000 tons, with an annual growth rate of 7.9%.

- Sea weed and algae output will be 150,000 tons, with an annual growth rate of 7.2%.

- Blue-legged prawn output will be 60,000 tons, with an annual growth rate of 11.6%.


1. Development of production of breeds: To improve the system for research, production and supply of aquatic animal breeds from the central to local levels. By 2015, to supply 100% of aquatic animal breeds to aquaculture farms; 70% of supplied breeds of major cultured aquatic species (common tiger prawn, while-legged green prawn, Tra catfish, blue-legged prawn, tilapia and mollusks) will be disease-free. To strive for (he target that by 2020, 100% of supplied breeds of major cultured aquatic species will be of high quality and disease-free.

- Development of aquaculture: To expand areas for intensive aquaculture with high yield and applying clean and environmentally friendly technologies. To raise yield and output of existing zones for extensive aquaculture on the basis of upgrading the irrigation system and widely applying advanced technologies. To strive for the target that by 2015, 100% of aquaculture establishments and zones rearing major aquatic species attain modem standards on food quality and hygiene. To develop and widely apply technologies to rear aquatic animals in cages and rafts suitable to environmental and socio-economic conditions of coastal areas, islands and reservoirs.

3. Production of feed, biological preparations, supplies arid equipment for aquaculture: To rapidly develop the industry producing feed, biological preparations, supplies and equipment for aquaculture combined with building zones for rearing aquatic animals for use as processing materials, and at the same time assure high quality and reasonable prices of products.

4. Reorganization of production: To properly implement the master plan on aquaculture in compliance with regulations on requirements on production and assurance of food hygiene and safety, and at the same lime create a close link between aquaculture and processing and sale. By 2012. to finalize the national master plan on development of aquaculture and master plans on rearing of some major aquatic species and local detailed plans. To build synchronous infrastructure facilities in aquaculture zones, combined with organization and management of cooperative economic models, community-based management and implementation of the program to build a new countryside.


1. Perfecting master plans and organizing the implementation thereof

a/ To revise and supplement the development master plan and master plans on important zones and major cultured aquatic species in order to efficiently use various categories of land and water surface for aquaculture. To attach importance to planning the transformation of extensive aquaculture into semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture in Ca Mau peninsula; industrial-scale aquaculture in coastal areas, sandy areas, Red River and Mekong River deltas; to plan major cultured aquatic species, such as, Tra catfish, common tiger prawn, while-legged green prawn, mollusks, tilapia and indigenous fish strains of economic value, seaweed and micro-algae, and consolidated breed production zones;

b/ Based on the sector development master plan, localities shall revise and elaborate detailed plans and draw up lists of prioritized projects to build infrastructure in consolidated aquaculture zones; to attach importance to investment in irrigation works that concurrently serve agriculture, aquaculture, natural disaster prevention and combat and adaptation to climate change;

c/ To publicize master plans on aquaculture, and at the same time to inspect the implementation of these master plans on a regular basis and take measures to resolutely handle cases of aquaculture not in accordance with the master plan, assuring strict management of the implementation of the master plan.

2. Science and technology and fishery extension

a/ To research, develop and apply high technologies for aquaculture of major aquatic species and indigenous species of economic value; technologies for treating the environment and diseases; technologies for producing feed, biological preparations and products for treating and improving the aquaculture environment;

b/ To select and import new and modern technologies suitable to domestic conditions, and at the same time to build models of breed production and commercial rearing for quickest application and transfer of scientific advances from abroad or in the country to production;

c/ To research and transfer technologies for treating wastewater in aquaculture establishments and consolidated zones; to treat and reuse pond substrates for long-term monoculture which have degraded; to treat water supply sources and mitigate environmental pollution in aquaculture pond water;

d/ To revise and convert branch standards into national standards and regulations to meet international integration requirements;

e/ To study and develop models of rotational or alternative aquaculture; to review and widely apply good models of rearing Tra catfish, common tiger prawn, while-legged green prawn, lobster, mollusks of various species and marine fishes; to apply advanced technologies to culturing seaweed and algae of various species in tidal zones, at sea or in straits and sandy areas:

f/ To support research into and multiplication of new forms of aquaculture in order to minimize risks and suit investment capacity of farmers;

g/ To mobilize social resources for researches in the service of development of aquaculture and encourage economic sectors to research, develop and apply new technologies.

3. Enhancing the state management

a/ To revise, build and perfect the system of legal documents for the state management of aquaculture, step by step making rearing and breed production establishments comply with regulations on production conditions, assurance of food quality, hygiene and safety and conform with standards of the world market;

b/ To build and perfect the system for control of quality of aquaculture supplies (breeds, feed, biological preparations and environmental improvers), and at the same time to step up the socialization of quality control and testing of supplies used in aquaculture;

c/ To build capacity for the system managing, inspecting and supervising conditions of aquaculture zones; epidemic and disease environment; quality of feed, feed additives, biological preparations; products for treating and improving the environment, chemicals and veterinary drugs, etc., in all stages, from production to use; to step by step perform the tracking of origin to meet requirements on assuring quality and preserving the brand reputation of Vietnam's aquatic products on the world market;

d/ To review and strengthen the epidemic and disease environment observation and warning system from the central to local levels to serve the development of sustainable aquaculture, thereby minimizing damage for farmers and fishermen and protecting the eco-environment;

e/ To build the system for statistics on and forecasts about production output and outlets from the central to local levels as well as in enterprises and production establishments, meeting requirements of the modernized state management and international economic integration.

4. Reorganization of production

a/ To reorganize production along the value chain of products from rearing ponds to markets, with collecting, purchasing, processing enterprises and outlets playing the core role in linking and organizing the chain. To promote the signing of contracts between processing enterprises or outlets and farmers or representatives of farmer household groups, or cooperative economic organizations of farmers and fishermen. Stable farmers shall extend their production when associating with enterprises which assure markets. Processing enterprises and outlets may share profits and risks with farmers and shall make farmers feel secure in developing production and expanding the market. To apply on a pilot or wide basis models whereby farmers, supplies providers, processing enterprises and outlets jointly contribute equity, thereby creating a close link between production and sale of products;

b/ To reorganize small-sized production establishments under the mechanism of community-based management, attaching importance lo cooperative economic models, professional societies and line associations, in order lo intensify mutual assistance in production and product sale and to join hands in environmental protection for sustainable development of the community;

c/ To intensify the mobilization of farmers and fishermen to join chapters of such socio-professional organizations as fishery association, aquaculturists association, breeders association, etc., in order to protect their interests and assist their production and product sale, an al the same time to enhance the law observance supervision by the community, contributing lo supporting the state management of aquaculture in localities;

d/ To widely implement regulations on tracing of origin of rearing establishments in planned zones, and at the same time lo quickly build brands for aquatic products, aquatic rearing establishments and aquaculture zones in localities, with a view to creating products with prestigious brands on the domestic and world markets.

5. Mechanisms and policies

a/ To further diversify capital sources lo be raised, combined with capital sources of ongoing programs and projects, for continuing investment in infrastructure facilities; at the same time, to associate investment in building irrigation, power and road systems with the task of serving the development of aquaculture in localities;

b/ To study, supplement and complete incentive and supportive mechanisms and policies for farmer and fisherman households forming and operating economic cooperation models for aquaculture; aquaculture establishments applying advanced technologies in production and environmental and resources protection such as good aquaculture practice (GAP), wastewater treatment and economical use of freshwater; and enterprises procuring, processing and procuring for reserve aquatic materials; ensuring stable prices and profits for raisers; and policies to support development of aquaculture at sea and along remote islands;

c/ To further implement policies on investment and credit to support aquatic breed and feed producers, raisers and processors; provide risk support in aquaculture; to control the environment and epidemics; and build trademarks and conduct trade promotion.

6. Funds for implementation

Funds for scheme implementation shall be raised from the state budget, enterprises, households and individuals.

Of which:

a/ Central budget funds shall be allocated for:

- Implementing ongoing projects under the program on aquaculture development during 1999-2010.

- Investing in new projects on infrastructure development in consolidated aquaculture zones in coastal and inland areas, including level-I key irrigation systems (sewers, dykes, embankments, water supply and drainage channels, pump stations), roads, electricity supply systems, wastewater treatment zones, etc.

- Supporting localities in investing in new investment projects to build key works and physical- and technical foundations for aquaculture in consolidated aquaculture zones at sea and in gulfs, lagoons, islands and reservoirs.

- Building and completing environmental observation and warning systems (focusing on the Mekong River delta and Red River delta regions and consolidated breed production zones) building 3 inspection, assay and testing centers in the Mekong River delta, northern and' central regions; import and transfer new technologies for production of high-yield and disease-free breeds and advanced rearing and environmental treatment and improvement technologies.

b/ Local budget funds together with central budget supports shall be allocated for building key works and physical and technical foundations for aquaculture in consolidated aquaculture zones at sea and in gulfs, lagoons, islands and reservoirs; building level-I key irrigation systems (sewers, dykes, embankments, water supply and drainage channels, pump stations), roads, electricity supply systems, wastewater treatment areas, etc.; increasing management of rearing zone conditions and environment treatment and improvement; supporting households conducting aquaculture at sea and on remote islands in procuring breeds and making cages; supporting consolidated aquaculture establishments in applying GAP and obtaining certificates of application of advanced aquaculture processes; funding trade promotion activities, building of trademarks for aquatic products and fishery extension (training and short-term courses for officials, farmers and fishermen, model building, etc).

c/ Funds from economic sectors:

- Enterprises and farm owners building infrastructure works for aquaculture areas and breed production establishments, building or upgrading processing establishments into industrial and modern ones under approved projects; and building and promoting trademarks and conducting trade promotion.

- Individuals and households building rearing ponds and supply and drainage systems from level-II water supply and drainage channels; and procuring breeds, feed and chemicals for epidemic control and rearing environment treatment.

- Enterprises, organizations and individuals having aquaculture establishments shall proactively set aside funds for investment in meeting the conditions for applying GAP and obtaining certificates of application of advanced rearing processes and advanced standards on food quality, hygiene and safely and environmental protection.

7. Total capital for scheme implementation

a/ The total capital needed to implement the Scheme to 2020: around VND 40 trillion.

Of which:

- State budget: 10%.

- Investment credit loans: 10%.

- Commercial loans: 50%.

- Capital of and raised by organizations and individuals: 30%.

b/ Period-based investment:

- 2011-2015: VND 25 trillion.

- 2016-2020: VND 15 trillion.


- Investment projects to build infrastructure for consolidated aquaculture zones.

- Investment projects to develop aquatic breeds.

- Projects to study and transfer technologies for aquaculture, breed production, epidemic control and aquaculture environment improvement.

- Investment projects to develop production and sale of brackish shrimps, mollusks, seaweed and aquatic products raised at sea and in reservoirs.

- Project to build environmental observation and environmental and epidemic warning systems for aquaculture.

- Project on communication and statistical work for aquaculture development.


1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a/ Direct its functional units and coordinate with concerned ministries, sectors and localities in performing the tasks under the Scheme;

b/ Promulgate and guide regulations on inspection and management of input product rearing and production establishments; review and supplement development and regional master plans and master plans on aquaculture nationwide and in localities;

c/ Elaborate and promulgate legal documents and increase inspection and handling matters related to breed, feed and product quality, environment management, food hygiene and safety and aquatic animal health;

d/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Processors in taking specific measures to control export quality and prices.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the State Bank of Vietnam and concerned ministries and sectors shall, based on their functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in. balancing and allocating sufficient funds for localities to perform their tasks; studying, revising and guiding financial mechanisms for effective implementation; studying the supplementation of the list of projects entitled to state investment credit interest mechanism under Decree No. 151/20067ND-CP and Decree No. 106/2008/ND-CP; further studying and addressing problems related to borrowing conditions and disbursement procedures to create favorable conditions for economic sectors to access production development loans; coordinating with the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Processors in redressing export market-related work, renewing and increasing trade promotion; promptly handling problems and trade barriers in import markets to retain traditional markets and seek new markets and concurrently developing the domestic market to develop aquaculture.

3. Provincial-level People's Committees shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in reviewing and revising local master plans in line with regional planning; balance local budgets, set aside proper funds together with central funds to implement the Scheme; direct the formulation of specific projects for submission and approval under regulations; increase slate management measures, specially inspection of breed, feed, environment and product quality and production and business conditions; annually review and report implementation results to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

4. Professional societies and associations:

a/ To study the establishment of some line associations necessary for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of raisers and helping them reorganize production, and concurrently creating links between raisers and banks, science and technology transfer institutions, processors and traders, ensuring stable, quality and effective development.

b/ The Vietnam Fishing Association and Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Processors shall coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in taking measures to encourage and support development of their members in association with stricter management of product quality, particularly exports; boosting trade promotion, stabilizing and expanding markets; participating in the formulation of market development strategies; and frequently providing information on regional and world markets to enterprises and raisers for proactive export production and business.

Article 2. Implementation provisions

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Sinh Hung


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              Decision No. 332/QD-TTg approving the scheme on development of aquaculture
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              Số hiệu332/QD-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýNguyễn Sinh Hùng
              Ngày ban hành03/03/2011
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                  • 03/03/2011

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