Quyết định 51/2008/QD-BNN

Decision No. 51/2008/QD-BNN of Apirl 14, 2008, on issuance of the monitoring and evaluation indicator set for clean rural water supply and environmental sanitation

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 51/2008/QD-BNN on issuance of the monitoring and evaluation indicat


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No: 51/2008/QD-BNN

Hanoi, April 14, 2008





Pursuant to the Decree No.01/2008/ND-CP dated January 3 rd 2008 by the Government stipulating the mandates, tasks, responsibities and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
Pursuant to the Decree No.42/2002/QĐ-TTg dated March 19 th 2002 by the Prime Minister on management and operation of national target programmers;
Pursuant to the Decree No.277/2006/QĐ-TTg dated December 11 th 2006 by the Prime Minister on approval of the National Target Programme for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation period 2006-2010;
At the proposal of Director of the Water Resources Department;


Article 1. Issue enclosed herewith the monitoring and evaluation indicator set for clean rural water supply and environmental sanitation, including 2 categories of indicators:

1. Sectoral level indicators

2. Programme level indicators

Article 2. People’s Committees of the provinces and centrally run cities shall organize to direct the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation of clean water supply and environmental sanitation; report annually the implementation results to the national Target programme Steering Commitee for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation period 2006-2010, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis and report to the Prime Minister .

Article 3. This Decision will take effect in 15 days since the date of the issuance in Government official gazettes.

Article 4. People’s Committees of the provinces and centrally run cities, the Chief of the MARD’s Administrative, Director of the Water Resources Department, Director of the National Center for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation, leaders of relevant agencies shall take responsibilities to implement this Decision.



- As indicated in the article 4;
- the Prime Minister and Vice Ministers;
- The Minister and Vice Ministers;
- NTP Steering Committee for RWSS;
- Line ministries: MPI, MoF, MoET, MoNRE, MoD, MoS;
- MARD’s Agencies;
- Hochiminh Youth Union;
- Vietnam Women Union and Farmers’ Association;
- DARDs of the provinces and centrally run cities;
- The Legal Document Control Department under MoJ;
- Government’s website and official gazettes;
- Kept by MARD’s Archive.


Dao Xuan Hoc


(Issued following the Decision No.51/2008/QĐ-BNN dated 14 April, 2008)

1. Sector level Indicators

Indicator: 1

Proportion of rural population using clean water (%)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Population using clean water from dug well

2. Population using clean water from tube well

3. Population using clean water from tap

4. Population using clean water from other water sources (spring water, rain water, treated surface water)

5. Total population (in the commune or the surveyed sample)

Indicator value :

= (1+2+3+4) /5*100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: Household survey forms which is filled out by a commune, village/hamlet appointed staff .

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of the year.

Supportive definition:

Clean water : is a water for direct use or after filtration, it satisfies the following quality requirements: No color; No smell; no strange odor; No harmful components that can negatively affect the human health and it can be used for drinking after boiling.

This definition is qualitative and need to link with the observations using the following guidelines.

Clean dug well:

- It should be 10 m away from latrine, animal shed or any other contamination sources

- a minimum height of the dug well wall is 0.6m and be built by stone or brick or protected by concrete rings at least 3 meter down from the ground surface.

- The platform of the dug well should be concrete or brick built without cracks.

Clean tube well :

- The tube well should be 10 m away from latrine, animal shed or any other contamination sources

The platform of the tube well should be concrete or brick built without cracks

Other Clean water sources:

- Spring water or surface water should not be contaminated by human or animal wastes, chemicals, insecticides or industrial wastes and trade villages wastes

- Rain water is properly collected through the gutter and roof (made of GI sheet, tiles or concrete slabs) after flushing out the first dirty water. Rain water is stored in a clean tank or jar with cover

- Spring is artesian water occurred in a rock or ground mountain and should not be contaminated by human or animal wastes, chemicals, insecticides or industrial wastes and trade village wastes.

Indicator: 2

Proportion of rural population (%) using safe water satisfying the safe water standard in decision No.9/2005/QD-BYT dated 11/3/2005 issued by MoH (hereafter called TC 09 for short)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Population using safe water satisfied TC 09 standard

2. Total population (in the commune or the surveyed sample)

Indicator value :

= (1) / (2)*100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

The survey instruments: Water testing based on the TC 09 standard

Sampling : should be 100% for piped systems; as for the household scattered water supply, it will be applied an appropriate choice of sampling depending on budget available.

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year. The 22 parameters will be tested for the first time sampling, and for the followings (6 months for the variable parameters from 1 to 12 and parameters 21 and 22). Test of other parameters will be specifically decided, depending on the circumstances

Supportive Definitions:

Water is considered to be safe if all 22 tested parameters in TC 09 are met within the allowed limits.

Indicator 3

Proportion of schools having clean water and hygienic latrine (the latrine should satisfy the TC 08 standard (3A), (%), of which proportion of schools having safe water, met with TC 09 standards (3B), (%).

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of kindergarten having clean water and hygienic latrine (1a), of which a number of kindergarten having safe water under TC 09 standard (1b).

2. Number of primary schools having clean water and hygienic latrine (2a), of which a number of schools having safe water under TC 09 standard (2b)

3. Number of Secondary schools having clean water and hygienic latrine (3a), of which a number of schools having safe water under TC 09 standard (3b)

4. Number of Mixed Secondary Schools (a mix of primary and secondary) having clean water and hygienic latrine (4a), of which a number of schools having safe water under TC 09 standard (4b)

5. Number of Mixed High Schools (a mix of secondary and high schools) having clean water and hygienic latrine (5a), of which a number of schools having safe water under TC 09 standard (5b)

6. Number of High schools having clean water and hygienic latrine latrines (6a), of which a number of schools having safe water under TC 09 standard (6b)

7. Total number of kindergarten

8. Total number of Primary schools

9. Total number of Secondary schools

10. Total number of Mixed Secondary schools

11. Total number of Mixed high schools

12. Total number of High schools

Indicator value :

3A = ( 1a+2a+3a+4a+5a+6a) / (7+8+9+10+11+12)* 100%

3B = ( 1b+2b+3b+4b+5b+6b) / (7+8+9+10+11+12)* 100%  

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement:

Survey instrument: survey forms (for main school points only) which is filled out by a commune, Village / hamlet appointed staff and checked by observation.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

Definition for clean water is given under indicator 1.

Definition for safe water is given under indicator 2.

Definition for hygienic latrines is given under indicator 6.

Indicator 4

Proportion of commune health centre having clean water and hygienic latrine (the latrine should satisfy the TC 08 standard (4A), (%), of which, proportion of commune health centre having safe water, met with TC 09 standards (4B) (%).

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of commune health centres having clean water and hygienic latrine (1a), of which, a proportion of commune health centre having safe water under TC 09 (1b)

2. Total number of commune health centres

Indicator value :

4A = (1a) / (2)*100%

4B = (1b) / (2)*100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement:

Survey instrument: Commune health centre survey form, which is filled out by a commune,

 Village /hamlet appointed staff and checked by observation.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: one a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

Definition for clean water is given under indicator 1.

Definition for safe water is given under indicator 2.

Definition for hygienic latrines is given under indicator 6.

Indicator 5

Proportion of public works (Market, CPC office) having clean water and hygienic latrine (the latrine should satisfy the TC 08 standard (5A)), (%), of which proportion of public works having safe water met with TC 09 Standard (5B), (%).

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of markets having clean water and hygienic latrines (1a), of which having safe water under standards TC 09 (1b)

2. Number of CPC offices having clean water and hygienic latrines (2a),of which having safe water under standards TC 09 (2b)

3. Total number of commune markets

4. Total number of commune CPC offices

Indicator value:

5A=(1a+2a) / (3+4)*100%

5B= (1b+2b) /(3+4)*100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: Public works (Market, CPC office) survey forms, which is filled out by a

 commune, village /hamlet appointed staff and checked by observation.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: one a year, starting in the first quarter of a year. 

Supportive Definitions:

Definition for clean water is given under indicator 1.

Definition for safe water is given under indicator 2.

Definition for hygienic latrines is given under indicator 6.

Indicator 6

Proportion of households (HHs) having hygienic latrine met with TC 08 standard, (%).

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of HHs having a hygienic double vault latrine, on-site composting.

2. Number of HHs having a hygienic VIP latrine.

3. Number of HHs having a hygienic pour flush water seal latrine.

4. Number of HHs having a hygienic septic tank latrine

5. Total number of HHs

Indicator value:

= (1+2+3+4) / (5) * 100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: Household survey forms, which is filled out by a commune, village /hamlet appointed staff, and checked by observation.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

The definition of hygiene latrines is given in Decision No.08/2005/QD-BYT dated 11 March 2005 issued by MoH on the hygienic standards of all latrines types.

Indicator 7

Proportion of HHs having hygienic cattle shed (%)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of HHs having hygienic cattle shed.

2. Total number of HHs having cattle shed

Indicator value:

= (1) / (2) * 100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: a HH survey forms which is filled out by a commune, village /hamlet appointed staff.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

“Hygienic cattle shed” – The following 2 criteria are temporarily applied:

1. The cattle shed is completely separated from the living house

2. The animal excreta are safely treated and managed.

Indicator 8

Proportion of trade villages having waste water and solid waste treatment system (%)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of trade villages having waste water and solid waste treatment system

2. Total number of trade villages

Indicator value :

= (1) / (2)* 100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: Survey form on trading village which is filled out by a commune staff official

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

“Trade village”: is a village scale unit which manufactures/processes agricultural product, food, forest product, mineral, metal, chemicals, ceramics and fine-art product. During the production process, materials are used to produce end-products. At the same time, the trade village also discharges liquid waste (waste water), or solid waste (solid garbage), or both that need to be treated to ensure safety for human heath and the environment (stipulated in the Government Decree No.132/2002 ND - CP)

2. Program level indicators

Indicator 9

Total settlement budget of the programs, projects for RWSS (9A), Proportion of the settlement budget compared to the planned budget (9B) (%)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

A. Settlement budget of the RWSS programs, projects (by sources):

1. State budget (central and local)

2. International Donor supported budget

3. Budget source from credit investment

4. Budget source from people self-investment and contributions

5. Budget source from private sector investment

B. Settlement budget compared to the planned budget of the National Target program (NTPII)

1. Settlement budget of the NTPII program

- Total expenditures of the Agriculture sector (1a)

- Total expenditures of the Health sector (1b)

- Total expenditures of the Education sector (1c)

- Total expenditures of other sectors (1d)

2. Planned budget of the program (2a)

Indicator value:

9A = 1+2+3+4+5

9B = ((1a+1b+1c+1d) /2a)*100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: is form of statistic records which is filled out by a commune/district/provincial staff.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

The annual plan is a Budget and Work Plan of the National Target Program (NTP) for rural water supply and environmental sanitation approved by PPC.

Programs, projects budget for RWSS are including those of the 134, 135 programs, Rural Infrastructure, resettlements, Biogas, schools solidification projects, and projects of the Government institutions and NGOs…

Indicator 10

Number of designed people using water (10A), and practical number of people using water (10B) from the newly constructed or upgraded water supply facilities per year.

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of designed people using water from the piped system, newly constructed or upgraded per year.

2. Number of designed people using water from the HH’s scattered water supply facilities (dug well, tube well, rain water tank, spring water), newly constructed or upgraded per year.

3. Number of practical people using water from the piped system, newly constructed or upgraded per year.

4. Number of practical people using water from the HH’s scattered water supply facilities (dug well, tube well, rain water tank, spring water), newly constructed or upgraded per year.

Indicator value:

10A= (1) + (2)

10B= (3) + (4)

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: Survey form which is filled out by village/commune/district/provincial appointed staff.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

Number of people using water: is calculated, based on the designed capacity and the reality of use of the newly completed and put into operation piped system during the year.


Indicator 11

Number of newly constructed latrines per year

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

6. Number of HHs having a hygienic double vault latrine, on-site composting.

7. Number of HHs having a hygienic VIP latrine.

8. Number of HHs having a hygienic pour flush water seal latrine.

9. Number of HHs having a hygienic septic tank latrine

Indicator value:

= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: : Survey form which is filled out by village/commune/ district/provincial appointed staff.

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

Hygienic latrine was explained in the indicator 6.

Indicator 12

Average investment per capita of a piped system (VND/person)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Total investment for the construction of a new piped system

2. Number of served people from the piped system, based on the designed capacity.

Indicator value:

= (1) / (2) in VND/p

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument: Is a consolidated table of invested fund for the completely constructed piped systems, and number of served people from these systems which is filled out by the commune/village surveyor.

Sampling: 100% sampling applied for the piped systems serving over 30 households.

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

Piped system is the water supply facility with a pipeline to households or groups of households

People served from piped systems are determined, based on the designed capacity of the approved system

Indicator 13

Proportion of piped systems sustainably operating (%)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of piped systems operating sustainably.

2. Total number of current piped systems

Indicator value:

= (1) / (2) * 100%

Survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument is a consolidated table to be completed by a commune staff, based on practical surveys

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.


Supportive Definitions:

Piped systems operating sustainably (based on marked scale) must meet the following criteria: appropriate management model, more than 70% of the designed capacity utilized, sufficient collection of water tariff, healthy financial mechanism.

Indicator 14

Proportion of piped systems operating under recognized management models (%)

Variables to be measured:

Determination of indicator value:

1. Number of piped systems applying the management models:

 a. Community-based management model (1a)

 b. Cooperative management model (1b)

 c. Provincial CERWASS management model (1c)

 d. Private management model (1d)

 e. Enterprise management model (1e)

2. Total number of current piped systems (2)

Indicator value:

14 A = (1a) / (2) * 100%

14 B = (1b) / (2) * 100%

14 C = (1c) / (2) * 100%

14 D = (1d) / (2) * 100%

14 E = (1e) / (2) * 100%

Notes on survey instrument, sampling and frequency of measurement

Survey instrument is a consolidated table to be completed by a commune staff, based on practical surveys

Sampling: 100% sampling

Frequency of measurement: once a year, starting in the first quarter of a year.

Supportive Definitions:

1. Community management model: is a collective organization set-up by the beneficiaries to manage and operate which recognized by grassroots local authorities.

2. Cooperative management model: is a cooperative organization of which beneficiaries are involved in a management, operation and maintenance of the water supply schemes and operate under the Law on Cooperative.

3. PCERWASS management model: an enterprise with incomes and revenues directly involves in management and operation of water supply scheme.

4. Private management model: one or some individuals manage and operates water supply scheme.

5. Enterprise management model: an enterprise is responsible for managing and operating water supply scheme (Joint Stock companies, Private company, Limited liability companies), and it operates under the Law on Enterprises.


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