Quyết định 54/2009/QD-TTg

Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 54/2009/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 14, 2009





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 92/ 2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio­economic development master plans and the Government's Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;
At the proposal of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province in Report No. 32/TTr-UBND of May 15, 2008,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020 (below referred to as master plan) with the following major contents:


1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province in the 2006-2020 period must match the national socio­economic development strategy and the coastal central southern Control Vietnam and be set in the organic relation with the central key economic region and associated with the East-West corridor. Central Highlands provinces. Laos' southern provinces, Cambodia's northeastern provinces and Thailand.

2. To bring into full play internal resources, take advantages of external resources and create a favorable environment to strongly attract investment, speed up economic growth and restructure the economy towards industrialization and modernization.

3. To ensure fast and sustainable economic growth in combination with socio-cultural development and preservation and promotion of the national cultural identity.

4. To associate socio-economic development with promotion of the human factor and increase of human resource quality; to step up and attach importance to human resource development.

5. To closely combine economic development with eco-environmental protection to ensure sustainable development.

6. To associate socio-economic development objectives with the construction of a strong political system, consolidation of defense and security and building of the great unity among ethnic groups in the province.


1. General objectives:

To ensure sustainable economic growth and development, to restructure the economy, labor and size of urban centers towards industrialization and modernization; to increase industrial, construction and service ratios and relatively reduce agricultural, forestry and fishery shares in the economic structure. To strive that by 2020, Binh Dinh will have a modern industry and be one of socially and economically developed centers, playing an active role in the development of the central key economic region and the country: and its people's living conditions will be improved, eco-environment protected, and security and defense maintained.

2. Specific targets:

- The province's GDP will grow at 14.8% annually on average from 2006 to 2020. Specifically, it will grow at 13% in the 2006-2010 period; 15% in the 2011-2015 period and 16.5% in the 2016-2020 period. The average GDP per capita will reach around USD 900 by 2010; USD 2.200 by 2015; and USD 4,000 by 2020;

- The economy will be positively restructured, specifically: industry-construction will account for 37.4%. agriculture-forestry-fisheries, for 27.6%. and services, for 35% by 2010; these proportions will be respectively 40%, 22% and 38% by 2015 and 43%, 16% and 41% by 2020;

- The export value will reach USD 360 million by 2010; USD 750 million by 2015, and USD 1.4 billion by 2020;

- The urbanization rates will reach 35% by 2010; 45% by 2015 and 52% by 2020;

- The forest coverage will reach over 44% by 2010; 47% by 2015; and 49% by 2020:

- The natural population growth rate will be annually reduced by 0.6%o in the 2006-2010 period and stay stable after 2010;

- The poverty rate will be under 10% by 2010 (according to the poverty line for the 2006-2010 period) and basically 0% by 2015. Around 95% of urban inhabitants will have access to clean water and 85% of rural inhabitants will have access to hygienic water by 2010; 100% of inhabitants will have access to clean water sources for daily life;

- The number of employed laborers will be raised to 24,000-25,000/year in the 2006-2010 period and around 25,000-30,000/year after 2010, of which the number of local laborers will be 16,000-17,000/year.

- The program on commune-level healthcare standardization will be completed according to regulations. The rate of malnourished children (under 5) will be reduced to under 20% by 2010, under 14% by 2015 and under 5% by 2020.


1. Industry and cottage industry:

- To strive for an average annual industrial growth of 24.5% in the 2006-2015 period and 24% in the 2016-2020 period;

- To concentrate investment in and speed up the development of Nhon Hoi economic zone to create a breakthrough in the province's socio­economic development;

- To complete construction of Phu Tai and Long My industrial parks and continue developing Nhon Hoi. Nhon Hoa, Hoa Hoi, Ca: Khanh, Cat Trinh, Bong Son and Binh Nghi Nhon Tan industrial parks; to build industria clusters in districts and cities. At the same time to review and add industrial parks and clusters to the province's planning after 2010;

- To develop industries with material supply advantages towards increasing the rates of refined products such as aquatic produce, meat, processed wood, pulp, forest products, farm produce, processed minerals and pharmaceuticals;

- To gradually increase new industrial and hi-tech products that meet national and international standards in such sectors as electricity-electronics, petrochemistry, energy (thermo and wind power, hydropower on small and medium scales), seaport industry and mechanical engineering;

- To develop some other industries in rural areas in order to create jobs for local laborers and raise incomes in rural areas; and simultaneously restore a number of craft villages and traditional handicraft products.

2. Agriculture-forestry:

- To develop agriculture-forestry-fisheries toward commodity and export production; to raise productivity and quality of agricultural products by increasing varieties investment: to intensify the application of technical advances to production; to enhance training of scientists, technicians and administrators to meet requirements for agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization:

- To step up agricultural restructuring towards gradually reducing cultivation and increasing animal raising and agricultural services. To raise the animal raising proportion to 45% by 2010 and over 50% by 2020;

- To convert production land under 3 rice crops/year to 2 rice crops/year in a number of areas with unstable production due to weather conditions. To form and stabilize intensive cultivation and increase productivity of raw material zones to grow sugarcane (4,400 ha), cassava (4,400 ha), cashew, rubber and material plants for paper production to meet processing mills' demand;

- To develop animal raising on a consolidated and industrial scale; to build breeding facilities far from residential areas with reasonable sizes of herds. To improve breed animal quality and diversify products; to raise the number of cows to 300,000 with 65% being cross-bred by 2010; and 400,000 with a majority being cross-bred by 2020; the number of pigs to 800,000 with 90% being cross-bred by 2010 and 1 million with 98% being cross-bred by 2020;

- To complete the infrastructure system, including transport, electricity, irrigation, daily-life water, market networks and other services for agriculture and rural areas. To establish agricultural belts to serve Quy Nhon city, towns and industrial parks and clusters;

- To increase consolidated forestation, striving to afforest 5,000-6,000 ha annually on average.

3. Fisheries:

- To reach a total fishing output of 110,000 tons/ year by 2010 and a stable output of 150,000 tons/ year in 2015-2020. To build and uniformly equip a modem fleet of tuna fishing vessels with a capacity of 150-600 HP to increase offshore fishing and reduce onshore fishing;

- To strive for an annual output of 4,500 tons of reared pawn and aquatic specialties by 2010,6,500 tons/year by 2015, and 10,000 tons/year by 2020. To diversify aquaculture in salt, brackish and fresh water; concurrently to attach importance to solutions to raising production efficiency in combination with environmental protection;

- To develop fishing logistics services; to complete construction of Quy Nhon. Tam Quan and De Gi fishing ports.

4. Export, tourism, services and urban development:

a/ Export:

To develop strategic exports such as aquatic products, refined wood products, minerals, garments, footwear and handicraft towards reducing raw material exports, increasing refined exports and step by step producing high-grade exports.

b/ Tourism:

To strive for 1 million tourist arrivals/year (with foreign visitors accounting for around 16%) by 2010; and around 2 million/year (with foreign visitors accounting for 25%) by 2020. To adopt spatial planning on tourist routes, zones, clusters and sites and attach importance to developing the province's typical tourist products. To adopt investment incentives to attract investment from major national and international tourist companies in tourist sites along Phuong Mai-Nui Ba route to early form a national key tourist route.

c/ Services:

To develop finance, banking, transport, post and telecommunications and consultancy services; to develop market networks, combining existing markets with construction of new and wholesale markets.

d/ Urban development:

To strive to develop Quy Nhon city into grade-I urban center under the province; to develop Binh Dinh and Bong Son townships into towns by 2010, Phu Phong township into a town before 2015 and Cat Tien township into a town before 2020.

5. Infrastructure development

a/ Transport:

- By 2010, to upgrade Quy Nhon port-An Khe pass section of national highway 19 into grade-Ill delta road, with the 40-km Quy Nhon-Phu Phong section reaching grade-I delta road standards. From 2011 to 2020, to build Quang Ngai-Quy Nhon-Nha Trang expressway linked with the national expressway system;

- To build a route from Tuy Phuoc township to Nhon Hoi port: to upgrade national highway IDs section from Km 0 to Km 7 into a grade-I urban road;

- To concrete all provincial roads by 2010; to continue upgrading provincial roads after 2010;

- To complete construction of roads in Quy Nhon urban center according to planning. To invest in comprehensive construction of inner roads of newly established urban areas (towns);

- To concrete 100% of inter-communal roads and main routes of communes by 2010; to strive to concrete 60% of rural roads by 2010 and 100% by 2020;

- To invest in upgrading and expanding airfield, aprons and passenger terminals of Phu Cat airport to receive large-size aircraft. To strive for 0.2 million passenger arrivals and 2,000 tons of cargo, by 2010: and 0.3 million and 4,000 tons by 2020 respectively: to raise the frequencies of Hanoi-Quy Nhon-Hanoi direct flights and Ho Chi Minh City-Quy Nhon-Ho Chi Minh City flights. To provide Quy Nhon-Hue. Quy Nhon-Da Lat and Quy Nhon-Cam Ranh air services after 2010. To develop Phu Cat into an international airport soon;

- After 2010. to relocate Quy Nhon railway station; to make preparations to build a 23.2 km feeder railroad linking Nhon Hoi economic zone and seaports with the national rail route running through Tien railway station and Nhon Binh port;

- To raise Quy Nhon port's throughput capacity to a stable 4 million tons of cargo/year by 2010; and Thi Nai port's to 0.8-1 million tons/year by 2010 and a stable 1.3 million tons/year in the 2015-2020 period;

- To build Nhon Hoi port to receive 50,000-tonnage ships. To strive for a throughput capacity of 2 million tons of cargo/year and 11.5-12 million tons by 2020; to build Tarn Quan and I)e Gi into cargo ports.

b/ Irrigation:

- During 2006-2010: To complete construction of Dinh Binh reservoir (including Van Phong irrigation section) and Quang Hien. Can Hau. Nuoc Trong Thuong. Suoi Duoc. Da Mai. Thuan Phong and Phu Dong reservoirs. N1 canal in Thuan Ninh and some small reservoirs in Van Canh and Vinh Thanh to stably irrigate 80% of cultivation land by 2010. To upgrade and repair degraded irrigation works. To embank 100% of the province's grade-1 canals and 50% of grade-2 and -3 canals by 2010: to basically complete the canal embankment program by 2020;

- From 2011 to 2020: To build Dong Mit and Dinh river reservoirs (An Lao), Nui Thap reservoir and Lai Giang spillway (downstream Bong Son bridge), Can Hau (lower section), Vuon Moi and Da Ban reservoirs (Hoai Nhon); Kim Son and Nuoc Luong rivers and a number of reservoirs along rivers and streams in Van Canh and Vinh Thach.

c/ Water supply:

By 2010, to build centralized systems in rural areas with water sources to sufficiently supply clean water for industrial parks and clusters and residential areas; to build water supply systems in 10 townships; to build a water plant for daily supply of64,000 m3 of water for Nhon Hoi economic zone. After 2010. to raise Quy Nhon water plant's daily output to 100,000 m3 and upgrade water plants built before 2007 in townships and towns.

d/ Power supply:

By 2010, 100% of households will have access to electricity. Average consumed electricity will reach 792 kWh/person by 2010; 1,700 kWh by 2015; and 3,000 kWh by 2020.

e/ Post and telecommunications:

By 2010, 100% of communes will have cultural-postal centers. The rate of telephone subscribers will reach 55-60/100 people. The rate of internet subscribers will reach 6-8/100 people, around 98% of whom will be broadband internet subscribers. Internet users will account for 25-30% of the population. By 2020, the province will be among the provinces with relatively high telecommunications and internet development indicators.

6. Development of social branches and domains:

a/ Population, labor and employment:

To annually reduce the birthrate by 0.6%c in the 2006-2010 period, to stabilize the population size after 2010. From 2006 to 2010, to annually attract 24,000-25,000 laborers; to create around 168,000 jobs in the province during 2011-2020; to restructure labor towards reducing agricultural labor to 64% by 2010 and 40% by 2020. To strive to reduce the poverty rate to blow 10% and 0% by 2015.

b/ Education and training:

- By 2010, to assure that 100% of communes, wards and townships will have preschools at least 40% of which will reach national standards; 50% of primary schools will reach national standards; and 50% of primary school pupils will study two sessions a day. By 2015, 80% of primary school pupils will study two sessions a day. To transform all semi-public and a number of public schools into private ones while reorganizing public schools to ensure their high quality and efficiency;

- By 2020, to have at least 1 national standard lower secondary school in every commune. To additionally develop upper secondary schools in commune clusters and centers of commune clusters, with 100% of children aged 11-15 attending lower secondary schools and 75% of children aged 16-18 attending upper secondary schools;

- To increase vocational counseling for lower and upper secondary students, with 75-80% of them receiving vocational training by 2010 and 100% by 2015. To invest in developing Quy Nhon University and Quang Trung University (private): to build a vocational college, Hoai Nhon vocational high school and vocational training centers in Tay Son, Phu My and An Nhon; to build a medical college.

c/ Health development:

- To continue consolidating and completing the organization of, and qualitatively and quantitatively developing, grassroots healthcare networks. To standardize and increase training of health workers at grassroots level, paying attention to ethnic minority people;

- To continue investment in material foundations and equipment in order to step by step complete the healthcare system from provincial to grassroots levels. To diversify healthcare services and socialize healthcare activities. To strive to reach 100% of norms on improvement of healthcare networks from provincial to grassroots levels, to build health centers by national standards. To continue improving healthcare service quality;

- To upgrade the provincial general hospital into a grade-I hospital before 2010; to build a traditional medicine hospital; to establish eye. obstetrics and pediatrics hospitals; to continue upgrading and supplementing equipment for regional general hospitals, district and municipal hospitals and health centers;

- To encourage investment in private hospitals and a quality diagnosis center.

d/ Culture and information:

- To preserve, embellish and promote the value of traditional cultural heritages (both tangible and intangible): to invest in restoring and upgrading historical and revolutionary relics:

- To complete building a culture and information center, a culture center for workers and a culture center for young people; to upgrade Quang Trung museum and the general museum; to build Cham ethnic -minority museum;

- To complete and upgrade radio and television broadcasting facilities across the province. To raise the local radio broadcasting volume to 15 hours/day by 2010 and 20 hours by 2015. To raise the number of local television channels to 2 by 2015 and 3 by 2020; to raise the broadcasting volume of radio and television programs in ethnic minority languages.

e/ Science and technology development:

To effectively promote new motive elements (computerization, biotechnology, new materials, new energies and clean and environment-friendly technologies) and traditional motive elements of science and technology (electrification, mechanization); to promote internal resources, to promptly tap market opportunities and trends to properly achieve socio-economic development targets. By 2020, science and technology will basically become a significant driving force and a true production force of the local economy.

f/ Environmental protection:

To sustainably protect and develop the environment and natural resources: to reasonably exploit and economically and efficiently use natural resources within ecological and environmental protection limits; to effectively tackle and control environmental pollution, to remedy environmental degradation: to manage solid waste and carry out clean industrialization.


1. Development of urban systems and rural residential areas:

- To build Quy Nhon into a grade-I city, which will also cover Dieu Tri township and Phuoc An and Phuoc Thanh communes (Tuy Phuoc district).

- By 2020, to establish 4 provincial towns of which Binh Dinh and Bong Son townships will become towns by 2010, Phu Phong and Cat Tien townships will become towns before 2015 and before 2020. respectively: to build new urban centers north of Ha Thanh river, in areas of Phu Hoa and Cat Tien reservoirs, and Nhon Phuoc resettlement area.

- To build townships into developed centers to promote development of rural areas of districts.

2. Focal investment in Nhon Hoi economic zone development:

To promptly complete detailed planning on functional zones and invest in infrastructure construction. To well implement mechanisms and policies already approved by the Prime Minister: to increase investment promotion and attraction, to soon establish and operate industrial, service and tourism zones, creating a breakthrough in industrial, service and tourism development and economic restructuring so that Nhon Hoi economic zone will account for around 20-30% of the province's economic growth in the 2011-2015 period and 30-40% in the 2016-2020 period.

3. Socio-economic development in mountainous areas:

To prioritize investment in projects and programs for socio-economic development in mountainous districts and communes; at the same time, to adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in these areas to raise people's living standards.

4. Programs and projects prioritized for investment are specified in the enclosed Appendix.


1. To review, adjust and supplement plannings on development of branches, domains and economic areas in the province, ensuring temporal and spatial unity and conformity with the province's socio-economic development master plan; to raise the quality of planning management and implementation as a basis for socio-economic development and consolidation and maintenance of security and defense. To formulate key socio­economic development programs and set investment phases for prioritized projects under the master plan for appropriate development in each period. To make good preparations for investment.

2. To continue the effective implementation of promulgated mechanisms and policies; concurrently to study and elaborate a number of new policies suitable to the characteristics and situation of Binh Dinh province, especially solutions to encouraging savings for production investment and development; to promptly settle difficulties and problems in production, business, export-import and services; to increase inter-provincial cooperation to tap local economic potential and advantages, to ensure consistent mechanisms, policies and implementation direction in accordance with the master plan.

3. To enhance investment promotion, to adopt an export-led investment strategy and an export market promotion program. To actively develop new markets, specially rural markets, to boost production and consumption of agricultural commodities; to enhance and encourage the application of scientific and technological advances to produce quality and competitive products; to adopt mechanisms to stimulate people's consumption, especially in rural areas.

4. To enhance training and refresher training of cadres, public employees and business administrators to meet industrialization and modernization requirements and master administration, technological and market advances for proactive international economic integration.

- To improve human resource training quality to meet the labor market demand; to encourage all economic sectors to engage in vocational training, especially training as ordered by enterprises and investors; to enhance job services and labor export activities. At the same time, to adopt measures to closely supervise labor export enterprises and organizations to ensure lawful rights of laborers.

5. The total development investment capital is estimated at around VND 45 trillion for the 2006-2010 period; around VND 247 trillion for the 2011-2015 period; and around VND 329 trillion for the 2016-2020 period.

To meet investment capital needs, to work out capital raising solutions to boost and diversify investment, of which promotion of internal resources is essential, to raise and efficiently use capital from land funds, to encourage the attraction of investment capital from economic-sectors, to continue enhancing socialization of investment in health, education and physical training and sports. Capital will be raised for investment development as follows:

- State budget (central and local) funds will be invested in socio-economic infrastructure;

- Capital generated from land funds and the auctioning of land use rights will be invested in building infrastructure, new urban centers and industrial parks. To examine and recover land unused or improperly used under the land law;

- Other capital sources will be raised for investment, especially in construction of infrastructure and roads of industrial parks and clusters, ensuring favorable production and business conditions.

6. To enhance administrative reforms, especially administrative procedures, to reduce troubles for enterprises and people; to raise the effect of socio-economic administration; to better promote political and material responsibilities of organizations and individuals in branches, levels and enterprises.

7. After this master plan is approved, the province shall promptly notify it to party committees and administrations of all levels, branches, mass organizations, enterprises and people of the province; publicize and promote prioritized projects; increasingly supervise development investment under the approved master plan. At the end of each planning period (2010, 2015 and 2020), to evaluate the implementation of the master plan in each period and promptly supplement and adjust targets and investment portfolio to match practical situations.

Article 2. The master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020 serves as a basis for the formulation, submission, approval and implementation of plannings of branches (construction planning, land use planning and plans and plannings of other sectors) and investment projects in Binh Dinh province.

Article 3. To assign the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province to, based on the targets, tasks and orientations for the province's socio-economic development specified in the approved master plan, coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in. directing the formulation, submission, approval, adjustment, supplementation and implementation of the followings:

1. District-level socio-economic development master plans; construction planning; land use master plan and plans; development master plans of branches and domains to ensure overall and comprehensive development.

2. Five-year and annual plans; key economic, cultural and social development programs; and specific projects to reasonably concentrate and prioritize investment.

3. To study, formulate, promulgate or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation (for issues falling beyond its competence) a number of mechanisms and policies to meet the province's development requirements in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources for the master plan implementation.

Article 4. To assign concerned ministries and branches to assist the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province in studying and formulating the above plannings; studying and submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies to meet Binh Dinh province's socio-economic development requirements in each period in order to mobilize and efficiently use resources; and encouraging and attracting investment according to the socio­economic development targets and tasks specified in the master plan; accelerate the implementation of regional-scale works and projects which are significant to the development of Binh Dinh province and have had investment decisions; and study, consider, adjust and supplement plans on investment in related works and projects under the approved master plan to development plannings of branches.

Article 5. This Decision takes effect 45 days from the date of its promulgation.

Article 6. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 54/ 2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009)


1. Investment program to build Nhon Hoi economic zone.

2. Investment program to build Quy Nhon city into a grade-I urban center.

3. Investment program to upgrade Binh Dinh. Bong Son and Phu Phong urban centers into towns.

4. Program to invest in and upgrade socio­economic infrastructure systems associated with neighboring areas.

5. Program to develop key economic industries, including forestry-agricultural-fishery processing, handicraft, construction materials, leather footwear, garment, mechanical engineering, deepwater seaports, petrochemistry, electricity, electronics and power generation.

6. Program to develop tourism, maritime services, trade, export, banking services, post and telecommunications and financial services.

7. Program to develop quality human resources and science and technology capacity of the province.



1. Dinh Binh reservoir (including Van Phong irrigation section)

2. Dong Mit reservoir

3. Construction of a storm-sheltering mooring area and Tarn Quan, De Gi and Quy Nhon fishing ports

4. Upgrading of Quy Nhon fishing port

5. Upgrading and expansion of Quy Nhon port (4 million tons/year)

6. Construction of a non-tariff port (Nhon Hoi)

7. Construction of a special-use port (Nhon Hoi)

8. Construction of Tarn Quan and De Gi cargo ports

9. Upgrading of Phu Cat airport

10. Construction of Nhon Binh pre-port railway station

11. Construction of a feeder railway linking Nhon Hoi economic zone

12. Upgrading of national highway 19 (An Khe pass - Quy Nhon port)

13. Construction of Tuy Phuoc-Nhon Hoi port route

14. Quang Ngai-Binh Dinh-Khanh Hoa expressway

15. Quy Nhon university

16. Infrastructure works, arsenals, barracks

17. Underground works. Thi Nai military port


1. Quang Hien reservoir

2. Can Hau reservoir

3. Nuoc Trong Thuong reservoir

4. Suoi Duoc reservoir

5. Nl canal in Thuan Ninh

6. Da Mai reservoir

7. Thuan Phong reservoir

8. Thuong Son irrigation system

9. Main canal of Van Hoi reservoir

10. Song Dinh reservoir

11. Nui Thap reservoir

12. Phu Dong reservoir

13. Lai Giang spillway (downstream Bong Son bridge)

14. Upgrading of reservoir works

15. Embankment of canals across the province

16. Sub-project on irrigation downstream La Tinh river

17. Upgrading of systems of dykes and river and sea breakwaters (Kon, Lai Giang, Ha Thanh and De Dong rivers)

18. Control of water flow on An Du estuary (Hoai Nhon district)

19. Expansion of Thi Nai port (1.3 million tons/year)

20. Construction of Dong Da port

21. Upgrading of Go Gang-Cat Tien route

22. Road west of the province

23. Renovation and upgrading of Go Gang-Kien My road

24. Renovation and upgrading of DT631 and DT 634 routes

25. Upgrading of provincial road system

26. Xuan Dieu road (Quy Nhon city)

27. Construction of extended Nguyen Tat Thanh road

28. Construction of extended Hoang Van Thu road

29. Road running through Suoi Trau area

30. Dien Bien Phu road

31. Hoa Lu road

32. National highway lD-OngThoT-junction (adjacent to Hoa Lu road)

33. Consolidation of rural roads (1,600 km)

34. Nhon Hoi water plant project (64,000 m3/ day)

35. Upgrading of Quy Nhon water plant (100,000 m3/day)

36. Project to supply water for 10 townships of the province

37. Upgrading of water plants in 10 townships

38. Daily-life water supply for rural areas

39. Construction of 6 landfills (for solid waste treatment)

40. Project to improve environmental sanitation of Quy Nhon city

41. Crematorium and parks

42. Nhon Phuoc resettlement area

43. Mother and child healthcare project

44. Upgrading of the provincial general hospital into a grade-I hospital

45. Upgrading of district health centers

46. Upgrading of healthcare centers of communes, wards and townships up to national standards

47. Medical college

48. Eye hospital

49. Traditional medicine hospital

50. Obstetrics-Pediatrics hospital

51. Quang Trung university (private)

52. Vocational college

53. Hoai Nhon vocational high school

54. Upgrading and construction of schools

55. Provincial culture and information center

56. Culture center for workers

57. Provincial culture center for young people

58. Upgrading of Quang Trung museum

59. Provincial general museum

60. Provincial sport facility

61. Provincial center for information technology support

62. Restoration of Cham tower relics

63. Restoration of royal citadel relic

64. Restoration of Nui Ba relic

65. Upgrading of border guard stations

66. Upgrading and construction of office buildings of communal People's Committees

67. Improvement of material foundations of provincial and district public offices

68. Provincial Administration Center


1. Upgrading and expansion of existing frozen food enterprises

2. Construction of an export frozen food mill

3. Improvement, increase and diversification of cashew products

4. Construction of a bio-diesel oil plant

5. Expansion of a high-grade beverage plant

6. Construction of an animal feed and aquaculture plant

7. Civil and interior-decorative wood plant

8. Pulp mill

9. Construction of export garment plants

10. Construction of an export footwear plant

11. Construction of a consumer plastics plant

12. Construction of a titanium refining plant

13. Glass fiber and steel tube plant

14. Construction of a steel mill of 500,000-1,000,000 tons/year

15. Cement plant of 500,000 tons/year

16. Bauxite ore processing plant

17. Construction of a construction mechanical product plant

18. Construction of a plant to manufacture and assemble hydraulic and electric engines

19. Construction of a plant to manufacture and assemble civil and industrial electric and electronic products

20. Health equipment plant

21. Infusion fluid plant

22. Construction of an export auto tire and inner tube plant

23. Construction of a rubber latex mill

24. Construction of a petrochemistry plant

25. Construction of Nhon Hoi wind power plant

26. Thermo-power plant

27. Construction of Vinh Son hydropower plants Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5

28. Construction of Ka Nak hydropower plant

29. Construction of Tra Xom hydropower plant

30. Construction of small hydropower plants

31. Rubber tree development project

32. Agricultural varieties facilities

33. Aquatic breed and aquaculture facilities

34. Nhon Hoi industrial park infrastructure

35. Nhon Hoi new urban center

36. Nhon Hoi non-tariff zone infrastructure

37. Electricity supply for Nhon Hoi economic zone

38. Water supply and drainage for Nhon Hoi economic zone

39. Axial roads of Nhon Hoi economic zone

40. Nhon Hoi resettlement area

41. Construction of Long My industrial park, phase 2

42. Construction of Nhon Hoa industrial park

43. Construction of Hoa Hoi industrial park

44. Construction of CatTrinh industrial park

45. Construction of Bong Son industrial park

46. Construction of Binh Nghi-Nhon Tan industrial park

47. New urban center north of Ha Thanh river

48. Phu Hoa urban center

49. Cat Tien urban center

50. Construction of Quy Nhon city trade center

51. Construction of Hoai Nhon trade center

52. Construction of An Nhon trade center

53. Construction of Tay Son trade center

54. De Gi-Tam Quan coastal tourism route

55. Trung Luong-Vinh Hoi tourism zone

56. Quy Nhon-Song Cau ecotourism zone

57. Nhon Ly-Phu Hau tourism zone

58. Tan Thanh tourism zone (Phu Cat)

59. Hai Giang tourism zone

Notes: The locations, areas and total investment of the above projects shall be calculated, selected and specified in the elaboration, submission and approval of investment projects, depending on the needs for and capacity of balancing and raising investment capital in each period.-

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Thuộc tính Văn bản pháp luật 54/2009/QD-TTg

Loại văn bảnQuyết định
Số hiệu54/2009/QD-TTg
Cơ quan ban hành
Người ký
Ngày ban hành14/04/2009
Ngày hiệu lực29/05/2009
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Lược đồ Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020

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              Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu54/2009/QD-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýNguyễn Tấn Dũng
              Ngày ban hành14/04/2009
              Ngày hiệu lực29/05/2009
              Ngày công báo...
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              Tình trạng hiệu lựcCòn hiệu lực
              Cập nhật15 năm trước

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                          Văn bản gốc Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020

                          Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg of April 14, 2009, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020

                          • 14/04/2009

                            Văn bản được ban hành

                            Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực

                          • 29/05/2009

                            Văn bản có hiệu lực

                            Trạng thái: Có hiệu lực