Quyết định 66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH

Decision No. 66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH of December 29, 2008, promulgating the process of safe technical testing for elevators, lifts and escalator

Decision No. 66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH promulgating the process of safe technical testi đã được thay thế bởi Circular No. 07/2014/TT-BLDTBXH technical safety inspection procedures for machinery equipment subject và được áp dụng kể từ ngày 01/05/2014.

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH promulgating the process of safe technical testi


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH

Hanoi, December 29, 2008





Pursuant to the Decree No.178/ 2007/ND-CP dated 3//12/2007 of the Government stipulating functions, duties and organizational structure of Ministries, Ministerial-level agencies;
Pursuant to the Decree No.186/ 2007/ND-CP dated 25/12/2007 of the Government stipulating functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs;
Pursuant to the Decree No.127/2007/ND-CP dated 01//8/2007 of the Government detailing a number of Articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations;
Pursuant to the Decree No.06/CP dated 20/01/1995 of the Government detailing a number of Articles of the Law on Labor and the Decree No.110/2002/ND – CP dated 27/1/2002 of the Government amending, supplementing a number of Articles of the Decree No.06/CP;
At the proposal of Director of Bureau for Safe Work,


Article 1. Issuing together this Decision is “The Process of safe technical testing of machinery, equipment”:

1. The Process of safe technical testing for elevators (QTKD 001: 2008/BLDTBXH);

2. The Process of safe technical testing for escalators (QTKD 002: 2008/BLDTBXH);

3. The Process of safe technical testing for electric lifts and hydraulic lifts (QTKD 003: 2008/BLDTBXH);

Article 2. This Decision take effects 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.

Annulling the Decision No.04/2006/QD-BLDTBXH dated June 26, 2006 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs promulgating the Process of safe technical testing for elevators - lifts.

Article 3. Director of Bureau for Safe Work, Directors of Technical Safe Testing Units, organizations and individuals using machines or equipment with strict requirements on labor safety are responsible for the implementation of this Decision.





Bui Hong Linh



QTKD 001: 2008/BLDTBXH
(Issuing together with the Decision No.66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2008 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)


QTKD 001: 2008/BLDTBXH compiled, submitted for approval and issued by the Bureau for Safe Work according to the Decision No.66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2008 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

1. Scope and subjects of application

This process applies to the agencies, organizations and individuals having activities related to safe technical testing for lifting equipment to be of the list of machinery, equipment, materials and substances with strict requirements on occupational safety issued by the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs.

The technical testing for lifting equipment must be implemented in the following cases:

- After being installed, before being put into use;

- After being carried out renovation and major repairs;

- After the equipment caused serious accident, troubles and already has been recovered;

- Time limit for testing expired or before time limit at the proposal of the establishment of managing, using lifting equipment;

- At the proposal of the State inspection agencies on labor.

Enterprises, agencies, organizations and individuals using the mentioned above lifting equipment are responsible for coordination with the testing agencies in accordance with the law regulations.

2. Applicable standards

- TCVN 4244-2005: Lifting equipment - design, fabrication and technical testing.

- TCVN 4755-1989: Cranes - Safety requirements for hydraulic equipment.

- TCVN 5206-1990: Lifting machinery - Safety requirements for balanced and sustainable weight.

- TCVN 5207-1990: Lifting machinery - General safety requirements.

- TCVN 5209-1990: Lifting machinery - Safety requirements for electrical equipment.

- TCVN 5179-90: Lifting machinery - hydraulic requirements on safety.

The safe technical norm of some equipment objects under the different standards may be tested when having request of the using agencies, or manufacturers with the condition that such standards must have the norm on technical safety equal to or higher than the norms stipulated in the National Standards (TCVN) invoked in this process or the National Standards set forth above that have not yet defined the safe technical norm for this object.

3. Terms and definition

3.1. In this process, using the terms, definition in TCVN 4244-2005.

3.2. Annual inspection: means the periodic assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of internal rule and technical processes, technical standards during the course of use.

3.3. First testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety when the object is installed for the first use.

3.4. Periodic testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety periodically at the request in the testing result vote.

3.5. Irregular testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety when the testing object getting troubles, incidents or major overhaul.

4. The steps of testing

Upon the first testing, periodic testing and irregular testing, testing agencies must conduct the following steps:

- Testing outside.

- Technical testing – idle testing.

- Regimes of load testing – testing method.

- Handling of testing result.

5. Means of testing

Requirements for means of testing: The testing means must be consistent with the testing objects, must be calibrated and with the accuracy consistent with the provisions of the competent agencies and includes the following categories:

- Testing load measuring equipment (dynamometer).

- Diameter measuring device (calipers, pan me).

- Distance measuring device (measuring tape).

- Device to measure the velocity and spin velocity.

- Device to measure insulation resistance.

- Device to measure ground resistance.

- Other used specially testing measurement devices if necessary.

6. Conditions of testing

When the test is conducted, the devices must meet the requirements of manufacturing, renovation, repair and overhaul, installation and use consistent with the technical designs techniques and related standards

7. Preparation of testing

7.1. To unite the testing plan, preparing works and coordination between testing units with the establishment using equipment.

7.2. Inspection of technical dossiers:

Dossiers for inspection have at least:

- Equipment history, technical records of equipment (for repair, renovation equipment required to have further records of design, renovation and repair), the certificates of cable, hooks, parts, safety parts assemblies.

- Installing dossiers (for fix installed equipments), repair and renovation of equipment.

- Dossiers on result to measure the equipment safety parameters, related systems: ground system, lightning-resistance systems, electrical systems and other protection systems.

- Dossiers on use management, operation, maintenance and results of the previous testings (if any).

- The results of the inspection, examination and implementation of the recommendations of the previous inspections, examinations and testings (if any).

7.3. Fully prepare the devices and facilities to determine the safe technical specifications for the testing process.

7.4. To ensure adequate means, testing load, personal protective equipment and process, safety measures during the course of testing.

8. Carrying out of testing

When carrying out to test the lift equipment, the testing agencies must carry out the following tasks:

8.1. Outside inspection

Carrying out respectively following the steps:

- To check the equipment installation location, electrical systems, the guidelines of internal rules for use, protection fence, plan, distance and safety measures, the obstacles need to be paid attention during the testing process; the compatibility of parts, details and specifications of the equipment compared to dossiers, records.

- Respectively consider and the entire structures, parts of the lifting equipment, especially pay attention to the state of parts and details as follows:

+ Metal structure of the lifting equipment, welds, joints rivets, bolt joints of metal structures, control room, stairs, floors and shielding.

+ Hooks and details of hooks.

+ Cable and fixed part of cable.

+ Pulleys, shafts and pulley shaft fixed details.

+ Protection ground part.

+ Rails.

+ Safety equipment.

+ Brakes.

+ Balanced and sustainable weight (consistent with provisions in the equipment records).

- The outside checking result is considered as satisfactory if the checking process, damages or defects are not detected.

8.2. Technical testing – idle testing.

Idle testing is only conducted after the outside checking is satisfied and must be conducted respectively the following steps:

- Assigning specifically between those who join in testing: tester, equipment operators, assistants (cable worker, helper) and person who takes responsiblility to command for safety assurance in the load testing region during the course of load testing.

- Testers and equipment operators (the operators must have a certificate of operation consistent with the equipment) agree to exchange signals, equipment operators shall only implement following the orders of the tester.

- Conducting to test idle to the structures and equipment (item 4.3.2 TCVN 4244-2005), including all structures and electrical equipment, safety devices, brakes and other control devices, lighting, signals, signal sound.

- The above testing is done no less than 3 times.

- Idle testing is considered as satisfactory when the structures and safe devices of equipment work proper parameters and design features when being tested.

8.3. Regime of testing load – Method of testing

Load testing is implemented only after the idle testing is satisfied and must be implemented according to the steps as follows:

8.3.1 Static load testing

- Static load testing of lifting equipment must be carried out by loading with 125% of (Item 4.3.2-TCVN 4244-2005) designed load or the load at request of the using unit (the load at request of the using unit must be smaller the designed load) and must conform to the actual quality of the equipment .

- Static load testing of lifting equipment based on the type of equipment and implemented according to item 4.3.2-TCVN 4244-2005.

- Static load testing is considered satisfactory if with 10-minute load suspension, the load is unchanged, after downloading; the structures and parts of equipment have no cracks, residual deformation or other damages (item 4.3.2-TCVN 4244-2005).

8.3.2. Dynamic load testing:

- Dynamic load testing is implemented only after the static load testing is satisfied.

- Dynamic load testing of lifting equipment must be carried out with load by 110% designed load or the load at request of the using unit (Item 4.3.2-TCVN 4244-2005), the load lifting and lowering is conducted three times and activities of all other structures corresponding to such load must be checked.

- Dynamic load testing of lifting equipment is based on types of equipment and is implemented according to item 4.3.2-TCVN 4244-2005.

- Dynamic load testing is considered satisfactory if, after the above steps are implemented fully, the structures and parts of the equipment work proper designed function features and requirements of current safe technical regulations, have no cracks, residual deformation or other damages.

After the dynamic load testing is done, the equipment is needed to put into normal working position.

10. Handling of testing result

10.1. Making testing minutes, writing testing result into records

- Minutes of safe technical testing of lifting equipment based on category must be made properly​​ according to the forms prescribed in this process, the records must be written fully and clearly the contents and standards applied when conducting testing, including the standards that equipment owners required for testing with the safety criteria higher compared to the criteria specified in TCVN in item 2 of this process (when the equipment is made right standards, corresponding safety norms.

- Summarizing the testing results into equipment records (full name of tester, date, month, year of testing).

10.2. Passing of testing minutes

Minutes of safe technical testing of lifting equipment must be agreed and signed by members to participate in the testing that required having the members

- Tester conducting the testing.

- Owner or person authorized by owner.

- Testing eyewitness.

After the minutes are passed, the above mentioned members and owner sign and seal into them

Issuing testing resulting paper

When the tested equipment is satisfactory, the testing resulting paper shall be issued (Appendix - Form of testing results in accordance with provisions of the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs) and the testing minutes to the establishment.

10.3. When tested equipment is unsatisfactory, the unsatisfactory contents and recommendations to owner of equipment must be written clearly to have appropriate treatment measures.

11. Testing cycle

Testing cycle of lifting equipment shall be implemented in according to the provisions in item 4.3.1-TCVN 4244-2005: lifting equipment of design, fabrication and technical testing and based on the results of safe technical testing but not being longer than three years for periodic testing.

When shortening the testing cycle, the reason must be stated in the testing minutes.



QTKD 002: 2008/BLDTBXH
(Issuing together with the Decision No.66/2008/Qd-BLdTBXH dated December 29, 2008 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)


QTKD 002: 2008/BLDTBXH compiled, submitted for approval and issued by the Bureau for Safe Work according to the Decision No.66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2008 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.


1. Scope and subjects of application

This process applies to the agencies, organizations and individuals having activities related to safe technical testing for all types of escalators and conveyor to be of the list of machinery, equipment, materials and substances with strict requirements on occupational safety issued by the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs.

The testing for escalator must be implemented in the following cases:

- After being installed, before being put into use;

- After being carried out renovation and major repairs;

- After it caused serious accident, troubles and already has been recovered;

- Time limit for testing expired or before time limit at the proposal of the establishment of managing, using escalator;

- At the proposal of the State inspection agencies on labor.

Enterprises, agencies, organizations and individuals using the mentioned above escalator are responsible for coordination with the testing agencies in accordance with the law regulations.

2. Applicable standards

- TCVN 6397-1998: Escalator and conveyor – Safety requirements for construction and installation.

- TCVN 6906-2001: Escalator and conveyor – Testing method, safety requirements for construction and installation.

It may test according to a different standard at the request of the using establishments, or manufacturer, but it must have standards of safe technical norms equal to or higher than the norms specified in the National Standards (TCVN).

3. Terms and definition

3.1. In this process, using the terms, definition provided in TCVN 6397: 1998

3.2. Annual inspection: means the periodic assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of internal rule and technical processes, technical standards during the course of use.

3.3. First testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety when the object is installed for the first use.

3.4. Periodic testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety periodically at the request in the testing result vote.

3.5. Irregular testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety when the testing object getting troubles, incidents or major overhaul.

4. The steps of testing

Upon the first testing, periodic testing and irregular testing, testing agencies must conduct the following steps:

- Testing outside.

- Technical testing – idle testing.

- Regimes of load testing – testing method.

- Handling of testing result

5. Means of testing

Requirements for means of testing: The testing means must be consistent with the national standards, the testing objects, must be calibrated with the accuracy consistent with the provisions of the competent agencies and includes the following categories:

- Device to measure insulation resistance.

- Device to measure ground resistance.

- Device to measure electric current.

- Device to measure voltage.

- Device to measure length speed and spin speed.

- The mechanical measuring devices: measuring length, diameter and the gap.

- Device to measure luminous intensity.

- Other used specially testing measurement devices if necessary.

6. Conditions of testing

The testing of escalator, passenger convoyer shall be conducted only when its structure of installation works properly with the approved design and when they are in the standing-by state at the place of installation and before put into use.

7. Preparation of testing

7.1. To unite the testing plan, preparing works and coordination between testing agencies with the establishment using equipment.

7.2. Inspection of equipment dossiers:

Dossiers for inspection have at least

- Technical dossiers: drawings, sizes, technical characteristics;

- Installing dossiers: the installing location, the safe sizes, data on insulation, ground resistance, protection system;

- Technical management dossier, operation, maintenance, testing (if testing for the next time)

- The results of the inspection, testing and implementation of the recommendations of the previous inspections, examinations or testing (if any).

7.3. Fully prepare the devices and technical facilities for the testing works for each category of equipment.

7.4. To prepare adequate means, personal protective equipment and measures, safety process during the course of testing.

8. Carrying out of testing

When carrying out to test escalator and passenger convoyer, the testing agencies must carry out the following tasks:

8.1. Outside inspection

The outside inspection includes the following tasks:

8.1.1. To check the adequacy and uniformity of equipment.

- To check the adequacy of parts, cluster of engine.

- To check the specifications, the uniformity of the cluster of engine on technical criteria: speed, voltage, size of installation under Article 3.2 of TCVN 6906: 2001

8.1.2. To check the accuracy between the installor, manufacturer's records compared with the actuality (on the parameters, specifications, brands).

8.1.3. To check the defects, deformations of the parts, cluster of engine

8.1.4. To check the cluster of engine and parts of the escalator

8.1.5. To check the bearing structures.

8.2. Technical inspection – idle testing.

8.2.1. To check installed parts and the accuracy of the geometrical dimensions

- The gaps between the stairs and the side shield not greater than 4 mm at each side and 7 mm for total gaps of both sides measured at two opposite points, valuate under section 8.2.1- TCVN 6397: 1998.

- The gaps between the shields of adjacent rail installed one by one are not more than 4mm, valuate under item 6397: 1998.

- The gaps between the next steps: not more than 6mm, valuate under item 8.1 TCVN 6397: 1998.

- The mesh depth of the comb, valuate under item 8.3.1-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- The gap between roots of comb and the top edge of the steps’ surface, valuate under item 8.3.2-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- The gap between the handrail and guide: not more than 8mm, valuate under item 6.3.1-TCVN 6397:1998.

- The horizontal distance between the outer edge of the handrails and side walls or the vertical shield: not more than 80mm, valuate under item 6.3.1-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- Size of entrance and exit, valuate under item 4.2.1-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- Clearance height above the steps or plates: not less than 2,3m, valuate under item 4.2.3-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- The nearest distance between passengers to the zone of comb slab for escalators and passenger convoyers with automatically boot equipment.

- Entry point protection of handrails, valuate under item 6.5-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- Shields, valuate under clauses of item 4.1.1-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- Checking gates, valuate under clauses of item 4.1.3-TCVN 6397: 1998.

8.2.2. To check the uniformity, completeness, structure and rational distribution and ability to work safety of equipment, structure as follows:

- Anti-jammed devices at entry points of the handrails.

- The device to stop automatically when having strang object jammed into comb plate.

- Safety devices against handrails rupture (if).

- Quantity, location, structure and switch to stop.

- Verlocity controlling (if any).

- Automatically stopping device when happening irregular reverse (if any).

- Safety devices to prevent chain slack, breaking, slipping.

- Safety equipment against strange objects jammed in the middle of the below shield and the side face of the steps.

8.2.3. To check requirements on protection, safety system.

- To check lubrication system;

- To measure voltage, electric current intensity, compared to equipment records.

8.2.4. To check the operation of safe electricity system, including:

- Main switch, valuate under item 11.4-TCVN 6397: 1998;

- Safety switch, valuate under item 6397: 1998;

- Switch to stop escalator;

- Device against hand jammed;

- Device to stop escalator when having strange objects jammed into the comb plate;

- Verlocity controlling (if any);

- Device to stop urgently, valuate under item; 6397: 1998;

- Device to stop automatically – start automatically (if any).

8.2.5. To test idle load  

- To start up and let the escalator run idle load for at least 15 minutes in both moving directions.

- To valuate the ability to act if the escalators and passenger convoyers are set one by one without intermediary exit under item 4.2.1-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- To measure norm speed of the escalators or passenger escalators. Compared with the equipment records and must satisfy item 10.2.1 and 10.2.2-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- Velocity error < 5%, valuate under item 10.2.3-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- To measure velocity of handrails, valuate under item 6.1-TCVN 6397: 1998.

- To test idle load brake of the passenger convoyers

To implement under item 4.2.6-TCVN 6906: 2001, valuate under item 6397: 1998

8.3. The regime of load testing – Testing method

8.3.1 To test main brake:

- Testing of idle load brake of escalators is implemented according to item 6906: 2001, valuate under item 6397: 1998.

- Testing of brake with load of escalators

To implement according to item 6906: 2001, valuate under item 6397: 1998

- Testing of brake with load of passenger convoyers is implemented according to item 4.2.7-TCVN 6906: 2001, valuate under item 6397: 1998.

8.3.2. To test sub-brake (if any)

To implement according to item 4.2.5-TCVN 6906: 2001

9. Handling of testing result

9.1. Establishment of testing minutes (under form in the appendix of this process). Minutes of testing are made at the using establishment, in which it must be written fully, and clearly the contents and applicable standards.

9.2. Passing of testing minutes

Minutes of testing must be passed on site and agreed and signed by members to participate in the testing that required having the members

- Tester conducting the testing.

- Owner or person authorized by owner.

- Testing eyewitness.

9.3. To summarize the results of testing into equipment record.

9.4. When the tested equipment is satisfactory, the testing resulting paper shall be issued (Appendix - Form of testing results in accordance with provisions of the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs) and the testing minutes to the establishment.

9.5. When tested equipment is unsatisfactory, the unsatisfactory contents and recommendations to owner of equipment must be written clearly to have appropriate treatment measures.

10. Testing cycle

10.1. The implementation of testing steps from item 4.1.1 to 8.3.2 of this process and cycle not exceeding 5 years according to item A 2.1.4 Appendix A TCVN 6397: 1998.

10.2. When shortening the testing cycle, the reason must be stated in the testing minutes.



QTKD 003: 2008/BLDTBXH
(Issuing together with the Decision No.66/2008/Qd-BLdTBXH dated December 29, 2008 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)


QCVN: 2008/BLDTBXH compiled, submitted for approval and issued by the Bureau for Safe Work according to the Decision No.66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2008 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.


1. Scope and subjects of application

This process applies to the agencies, organizations and individuals having activities related to safe technical testing for electric drive lifts, hydraulic drive lifts to be of the list of machinery, equipment, materials with strict requirements on occupational safety issued by the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs.

The safe technical testing for electric drive lifts, hydraulic drive lifts must be implemented in the following cases:

After being installed, before being put into use;

- After being carried out renovation and major repairs;

- After it caused serious accident, troubles and already has been recovered;

- Time limit for testing expired or before time limit at the proposal of the establishment of managing, using lifts;

- At the proposal of the State inspection agencies on labor.

Enterprises, agencies, organizations and individuals using the mentioned above lifts are responsible for coordination with the testing agencies in accordance with the law regulations.

2. Applicable standards

- TCVN 6395-2008: Electric lifts – Safety requirements for construction and installation.

- TCVN 6904-2001: Electric lifts – Testing method, safety requirements for construction and installation.

- TCVN 6396-1998: Hydraulic lifts – Safety requirements for construction and installation.

- TCVN 6905-2001: Hydraulic lifts – Testing method, safety requirements for construction and installation.

- TCVN 7628-2007: lifts – Safety requirements for construction and installation.

- TCVN 5867-1995: lifts – Cabin, balanced weight, guide rails and safety requirements.

The safe technical norm of some equipment objects under the different standards may be tested when having request of the using units, or manufacturers with the condition that such standards must have the norm on technical safety equal to or higher than the norms stipulated in the National Standards (TCVN) invoked in this process or the National Standards set forth above that have not yet defined the safe technical norm for this object.

3. Terms and definition

3.1. In this process, using the terms, definition provided in TCVN 6395:2008 and TCVN 6396:1998

3.2. Annual inspection: means the periodic assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of internal rule and technical processes, technical standards during the course of use.

3.3. First testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety when the object is installed for the first use.

3.4. Periodic testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety periodically at the request in the testing result vote.

3.5. Irregular testing: means the assessment activity for the technical state of the testing objects in accordance with the provisions of technical processes, technical standards on occupational safety when the testing object getting troubles, incidents or major overhaul.

4. The steps of testing

Upon the first testing, annual testing, periodic testing and irregular testing, testing agencies must conduct respectively the following steps:

- Testing outside.

- Technical testing – idle testing.

- Regimes of load testing – testing method.

- Handling of testing result.

5. Means of testing

Requirements for means of testing: The testing means must be consistent with the national standards, the testing objects and must be calibrated with the accuracy consistent with the provisions of the competent agencies and includes the following categories:

- Device to measure insulation resistance.

- Device to measure ground resistance.

- Device to measure electric current.

- Device to measure voltage.

- Device to measure length speed and spin speed.

- The mechanical measuring devices: measuring length, diameter and the gap.

- Device to measure luminous intensity.

- Other used specially testing measurement devices if necessary

6. Conditions of testing

The testing of electric lifts and hydraulic lifts shall be conducted only when its structure of installation works properly with the approved design and when they are in the standing-by state at the place of installation and before put into use.

7. Preparation of testing

7.1. To unite the testing plan, preparing works and coordination between testing agencies with the establishment using equipment.

7.2. Inspection of equipment dossiers:

Dossiers for inspection have at least:

- Technical dossiers: drawings, sizes, technical characteristics;

- Installing dossiers: the installing location, the safe sizes, data on insulation, ground resistance, anti-lightening, protection system;

- Technical management dossier, operation, maintenance, testing (if testing for the next time)

- The results of the inspection, testing and implementation of the recommendations of the previous inspections, examinations or testing (if any).

7.3. Fully prepare the devices and technical facilities for the testing works for each category of equipment.

7.4. To prepare adequate means, personal protective equipment and measures, safety process during the course of testing.

8. Carrying out of testing

8.1. Electric lifts

When carrying out to test electric lifts, the testing agencies must carry out the following tasks:

8.1.1. outside inspection:

The outside inspection includes the following tasks:

a) To check the adequacy and uniformity of equipment.

- To check the adequacy of parts, cluster of engine.

- To check the specifications, the uniformity of the cluster of engine on technical criteria: speed, voltage, size of installation. To valuate under Article 3.2 TCVN 6904:2001

b) To check the accuracy between the installor, manufacturer's records compared with the actuality (on the parameters, specifications, brands);

c) To check the defects, deformations of the parts, cluster of engine (if any);

d) To check beams, cracks of the parts, cluster of engine.

8.1.2. To check techniques – to test idle load. To check engine-room and equipment in the engine-room

a) To check part of construction and parts of engine

- To check the installation location of the engine cluster, electricity cabinets in the engine room; to measure the safety distance between them and the construction structures in the engine room, valuate under item 5.4.4-TCVN 6395: 2008;

- To check technique of cabin’s suspension cable – balanced weight, valuate under item 7.9 TCVN 6395-2008;

- To check cable of the over-speed controller, valuate under item 9.3.6 TCVN 6395-2008;

- To check frame – bedding;

- To check the environment in the engine room: temperature, lighting, ventilation valuate under item 5.4.1, 5.4.2 và 5.4.3 - TCVN 6395: 2008;

- To check the engine room doors: the door – lock, 5.3.3-TCVN 6395: 2008;

- To check the engine room entrance, the altitude in the engine room: rails, stairs, valuate under item 5.2-TCVN 6395: 2008.

b) The actuators, electric brake and the tractor

- To check the installation of synchronus engine cluster to the base (crack) of engine must be solid and in good working condition;

- To check the electric brake: the technical status of the brakes wheel, brake pads, brake spring and valuate under items,, - TCVN 6395: 2008;

- To check the cable guiding pulley, the cable direction and the protection, valuate under item 6395: 2008.

c) To check the electric panel, electric lines, the wiring connection

- To check the arrangement of electric panels, electric switches in the engine room valuate under item 11.4.2 - TCVN 6395: 2008;

- To check the installation of electric lines from the main electrical panel to the electricity cabinets, from electricity cabinets to the engine parts and valuate under items from 11.5.1 ÷ 11.5.12 - TCVN 6395: 2008. Cabin inspection and devices in the cabin

a) To check the gap between the two cabins doors, the gap between door and frame of cabin valuate under item 7.5.4-TCVN 6395: 2008.

For doors hinge, valuate under item 7.5.5-TCVN 6395: 2008

b) To check the status of technique and operation of the device against the door jam, valuate under item 6395: 2008;

c) To check safe electric devices to control the status of opening and closing cabin, valuate under item TCVN 6395: 2008;

d) To check the status of ventilation and lighting in the cabin, valuate under item 7.7 TCVN 6395-2008.

- Total area of ventilation above and below not less than 1% of the utility area after the cabin;

- Cabin must be continuous lighting with the minimum intensity 50 lux cabin.

e) To check the backup power source of lighting when the main power source of lighting is lost;

g) To check the safety distance upon horizontal direction between the cabin threshold and the right floor threshold not more than 35mm;

h) To check the floor call button. To check the cabin roof and related equipment

a) To measure the safety distance between the cabin roof to the lowest point of the ceiling at least equal to 1,0 + 0,035 v2(m);

b) To check all the cable fixed end for both cabin and the balanced weight;

c) To check the trapdoor on the roof of the cabin and the operational status of electric safety contact points controlling the opening and closing the trapdoor, valuate under items 7.6.1, -:- 5 TCVN 6395-2008;

d) To check the cabin roof rail

- The height not less than 0,70 m;

- The distance from the outer of rail handrails to any parts is not less than 0,10 m.

e) To check the balanced weight frame, the situation of installing the balanced weight slab in the frame, the fixing of slab in the frame;

g) To check the cabin direction rail and balanced weight

- To check the ray fixing into the works;

- To check the distance between the rail clamps (crossing check with the installation dossier);

- To check the safety distance between the cabin and balanced weight including the overhang part of the above two parts not less than 0,05 m.

h) To check staircase pit

-  To make sure that there are no other devices installed in the staircase pit;

- To check the covering of staircase pit;

- To check the rescue doors, checking door (size, style of lock, contact point to control the opening and closing doors);

- Staircase pit ventilation: cross-section of ventilation hole not less than 1% of cross-sectional area of well;

- Staircase pit lights: to check on the brightness (+50lux) and the distance between lights not more than 7 m;

- To check the installation of the equipment of the above limitations and their operations. To check the floors’ doors

a) To check the gap between the two wings with each other, between the wings and the door frame.

This value is not more than 6mm (the old one may be up to 10mm).

b) To check equipment to control the floor opening and closing.

- To check technique and operational status of the mechanical locks.

- To check technique and operational status of electric contact points.

c) To check the floor door panel

- To check the display of the floor noting panels. To check bottom of stairway enclosure

a) To check environment of stairway enclosure

- To check status of sanitation in stairway enclosure

- To check the status of underground water, lighting in stairway enclosure.

b) To check the status of technique, installation position of the main electric panel of the stairway enclosure including the stairway enclosure electric switch, socket.

- To check the installation and operational status of the devices of below movement restrictions.

- To measure the depth of the bottom of stairway enclosure and the vertical distance between the bottom of stairway enclosure and the lowest part of the cabin floor, valuate under clause b, item 6395: 2008.

c) To check the damper

- To check the damper movement;

- To check the electrical contact point to control the location (for the damper of energy absorption).

d) To check pulley, balanced weight to pull the cable of overspeed controller.

- Swivel status of balanced weight brackets;

- Pulley protection;

- Electric contact point to control pulling-cable balanced weight movement. To test idle load

To let the lifts, cabins operate up and down for 3 cycles, to obseve the operation of machine parts. If there are no abnormalities, it is valuated as satisfactory.

8.1.3. Regimes of load testing – Method of testing To test dynamic load at rate of 100% of standard load

Loading steadily on the cabin floor, letting the lift operate at the standard speed and required to check the following parameters:

a) To measure electric current of the lift’s engine

- To valuate and compare with the equipment records.

b) To measure the speed of cabin

- To valuate and compare with the equipment records.

- Or valuate according to 10.7.1-TCVN 6395: 2008.

c) To measure the stop accuracy at the serving floors, valuate under item 8.7-TCVN 6395: 2008. To test dynamic load at rate of 125% of standard load

a) To test brake: Method of testing and valuation under item 4.2.1-TCVN 6904: 2001.

b) To test the over-speed controller

Method of testing under item 4.2.2-TCVN 6904: 2001

c) To test the brake of protecting cabin – the rescue by hand

- Method of testing and valuation is under item 6904: 2001.

- For the lifts carrying goods equipped with device against cable slack, testing and valuate under item 10.6-TCVN 6395: 2008.

d) To test the pull

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.4-TCVN: 6904-2001. To check overload limiting device

To check the operation and valuate under item 11.8.6-TCVN 6395: 2008 To test the brake of balanced weight insurance

Method of testing under item 6904-2001. To test the auto rescue (if any), the rescue by hand

To implement and valuate under item 4.2.6-TCVN 6904: 2001 To test the alarm for rescue

To implement and valuate under item 4.2.7-TCVN 6904-2001 To test the special operational program of the lifts

- The operational regime of the lifts when troubles happen: fire, earthquake.

- Priority running regime

- To valuate, compare with dossiers of manufacturer.

8.2. The hydraulic lifts

When carrying out to test hydraulic lifts, the testing agencies must carry out the following tasks:

8.2.1. Outside inspection

The outside inspection is implemented according to items from a ÷ c of part 8.1.1 of this process.

8.2.2. To check techniques – to test idle load To check engine-room and equipment in the engine-room

a) The inspection of installations and parts of engine

The inspection is implemented according to the steps of item a part of this process and valuated according to items 5.2;;; 5.4.3-TCVN 6396: 1998.

b) Inspection of drive machine and hydraulic devices

- To check the installation of drive machine and method of driving, valuate under item 10.1-TCVN 6396: 1998.

- To check the installation of pipeline system, valuate under item 10.3.2-TCVN 6396: 1998.

c) To check electric panels, electric lines, the wiring connection point

- To check the layout of electric panel - the main switch, valuate under item 11.4.2-TCVN 6396: 1998.

- To check the layout of power transmission lines, valuate under items from 11.5.2 to 11.5.4-TCVN 6396: 1998. To check cabin and equipment in the cabin

a) To check the gap between the cabin doors with each other, the gap between door and frame of cabin, valuate under item 7.5.4-TCVN 6396: 1998.

b) To check the status of technique and operation of the device against the door jam, valuate under item 6396: 1998.

- The next inspection is implemented from clause (c) to clause (g) of item of this process. To check on the roof of the cabin and relative equipment

a) To measure the safety distance between the cabin roofs to the lowest point of the ceiling, valuate under item 6396: 1998.

b) To check all the cable fixed end and joint beteen piston with cabin.

The next inspection is implemented from item (b) to item (h) of part of this process. To check the floors’ doors

The inspection of floors’ doors and valuation is implemented according to items from (a) to (c) of part of this process. To check bottom of stairway enclosure

- The inspection of bottom of stairway enclosure is implemented according to items from (a) to (d) of part of stairway enclosure.

- The depth part of bottom of stairway enclosure is valuated under item 6396: 1998. Idle testing

The inspection and implementation is as item of this process.

8.2.3. Regimes of load testing – Method of testing To test dynamic load at rate of 100% of standard load

Loading steadily on the cabin floor, letting the lift operate at the standard speed and required to check the following parameters:

a) To measure electric current of main pump engine

To valuate and compare with the equipment records

b) To measure the speed of cabin

To valuate and compare with the equipment records and valuate under item 10.7.2-TCVN 6396: 1998

c) To measure the stop accuracy at the serving floors, valuate under item 8.7-TCVN 6396: 1998.

d) To test the brake of protecting cabin

Method of testing and valuation is under item 6905: 2001.

e) To test stop cock

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.6-TCVN 6905: 2001.

g) To test brake valve

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.7-TCVN 6905: 2001.

h) To test floors floating

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.9-TCVN 6905: 2001.

i) To test electric equipment against floors floating:

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.10-TCVN 6905: 2001. To test dynamic load at rate of 100% of standard load

a) To test inserting equipment

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.3-TCVN 6905: 2001.

b) To test block equipment

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.4-TCVN 6905: 2001. To test the rescue of lifts

- To open the valve for the cabin to go down and stop at the nearest floor.

- To valuate under item to 6396: 1998. To test the rescue alarm

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.12-TCVN 6905: 2001. To test pressure

Method of testing and valuation is under item 4.2.8-TCVN 6905: 2001.

9. Handling of testing result

9.1. Establishment of testing minutes (under form in the appendix of this process). Minutes of testing are made at the using establishment, in which it must be written fully, and clearly the contents and applicable standards.

9.2. Passing of testing minutes

Minutes of testing must be passed on site and agreed and signed by members to participate in the testing that required having the members

- Tester conducting the testing.

- Owner or person authorized by owner.

- Testing eyewitness.

9.3. To summarize the results of testing into equipment record.

9.4. When the tested equipment is satisfactory, the testing resulting paper shall be issued (Appendix - Form of testing results in accordance with provisions of the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs) and the testing minutes to the establishment.

9.5. When tested equipment is unsatisfactory, the unsatisfactory contents and recommendations to owner of equipment must be written clearly to have appropriate treatment measures.

10. Testing cycle

10.1. The electric lifts: to implement the testing steps from item 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 of this process and its cycle does not exceed 5 years according to Appendix B TCVN 6395: 2008.

10.2. The hydraulic lifts: to implement upon the testing steps from item 8.2.1 to of this process and its cycle does not exceed 5 years according to Appendix A TCVN 6396: 1998 and 3 years for the lifts with parts and equipment related to safety and be made, produced from the countries that developed in this domain.

10.3. When shortening the testing cycle, the reason must be stated in the testing minutes.

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Decision No. 66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH promulgating the process of safe technical testi
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu66/2008/QD-BLDTBXH
              Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Lao động – Thương binh và Xã hội
              Người kýBùi Hồng Lĩnh
              Ngày ban hành29/12/2008
              Ngày hiệu lực08/02/2009
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