Quyết định 725/QD-TTg

Decision No. 725/QD-TTg of May 10, 2013, approving the master plan on Hanoi capital’s drainage through 2030 with a vision toward 2050

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 725/QD-TTg plan on Hanoi capital’s drainage through 2030


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 725/QD-TTg

Hanoi, May 10, 2013





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Law on Urban Planning of June 17, 2009;

Pursuant to the Law on Construction of November 26, 2003;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2010/ND-CP of April 07, 2010, on the elaboration, appraisal, approval and management of urban planning;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 88/2007/ND-CP of May 28, 2007, on drainage in urban areas and industrial zones;

At the proposal of the chairman of Hanoi city People’s Committee, and the appraisal opinions of the Ministry of Construction,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on Hanoi Capital’s drainage through 2030 with a vision toward 2050, with the following principal contents:

1. The scope of research and planning

- The scope of research: entire drainage system within the administrative boundary of Hanoi Capital with a total area of 3,344.47 km2 and the areas expanded out of the administrative boundary of Hanoi, belonging to Hoa Binh, Ha Nam, Bac Ninh and Hung Yen provinces in the same river basin.

- The scope of planning:

+ For storm water: entire administrative boundary area of Hanoi city’s urban center, satellite urban areas equivalent to grade-III urban areas and suburban areas with direct impacts on the storm water drainage system.

+ For sewage: Hanoi city’s urban center and satellite urban areas equivalent to grade-III urban areas.

2. The planning viewpoints:

- To conform with the master plan on socio-economic development; the master plan on land use; the general plan on Hanoi Capital’s construction through 2030 with a vision toward 2050; the drainage master plan for three key economic regions of northern, central and southern Vietnam; orientations for drainage development in urban areas and industrial zones through 2030 with a vision toward 2050; and other relevant specialized master plans already approved by competent authorities;

- To take account of impacts of climate change into the master plan Hanoi drainage, towards stable and sustainable development; on the basis of building the synchronous storm water and sewage drainage systems from collection, transport to treatment for every urban basin, in conformity with the socio-economic development conditions.

- The master plan on storm water drainage applies the technical model of sustainable drainage system, increasing the storm water absorption and storage ability, contributing to the minimization and gradual elimination of flooding situation in the Hanoi Capital’s central urban areas and other urban areas within the scope of planning.

- Planning the concentrated sewage drainage and treatment systems for urban centers (especially the central urban areas); to orientate the drainage for small urban areas, outlying and suburban areas, industrial and medical zones, with the aim to improve hygiene condition, environmental protection, meeting the socio-economic development requirements.

- To encourage various economic sectors to invest in construction of Hanoi Capital’s drainage systems.

3. Planning objectives:

- To concretize the orientations for development of Hanoi Capital’s drainage in the general plan on Hanoi Capital’s construction through 2030 with a vision toward 2050, already approved by the Prime Minister.

- To determine drainage zones and basins. To forecast the storm water drainage requirements and total urban sewage volume; to determine the schemes on drainage and sewage treatment for each urban basin.

- To gradually remedy the flooding situation in urban areas based on rain volumes projected for a 10-year cycle for focal facilities while being able to proactively regulate floods with higher cycles.

- The rate of population provided with sewage collection and treatment services in the planning scope will reach 90% by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

- To define the demand for investment in drainage systems in each period, serving as a basis for elaboration and implementation of drainage projects in Hanoi Capital; and meeting the state management requirements involving drainage operation.

4. Planning contents

a) Flood drainage and zoning drainage

- The flood drainage in Hanoi must comply with the master plan on Red river-Thai Binh river flood prevention and control in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 92/2007/QD-TTg of June 21, 2007, and the detailed master plan on Hanoi city’s flood prevention and control.

- It must combine with the Hanoi’s irrigation master plan to ensure the urban drainage to rivers; concurrently, the water facilities will be built to create continuous flows and minimize environmental pollution for Tich, Day, Nhue and To Lich rivers.

- Zoning drainage: Hanoi city comprises of three main drainage zones: left-bank zone of Day river, right-bank zone of Day river and northern Hanoi zone.

+ The Day river’s left-bank zone: To drainage water with forcibly pumping, covering the urban drainage basins of To Lich, Dong My rivers, left and right banks of Nhue river, Phu Xuyen and townships, with an area of about 47,350 ha.

+ The Day river’s right-bank zone: Self drainage combined with urban pumping and irrigation, including the urban drainage basins of Son Tay, Xuan Mai, Hoa Lac, Quoc Oai, Phuc Tho, Chuc Son and townships, with an area of about 31,310 ha.

+ Hanoi’s Northern zone: To partially combine self-drainage with urban pumping and irrigation, including the urban drainage basins of Long Bien, Gia Lam, Dong Anh, Me Linh and Soc Son, with an area of about 46,740 ha.

b) Storm water drainage planning

- The calculation norms:

The calculation norms of storm water drainage system are based on relevant standards and technical regulations as prescribed.

The main criteria in master plan on Hanoi Capital’s storm water drainage:


The planning standards

The focal regulating rivers, canals, sluices/lakes, storm water pump stations

Main canals, sluice gates for storm water drainage

Sluice gates, branch canals for storm water drainage


Repeated cycle of calculated rain

10 years, taking into account of the rainfall increasing under the climate change scenario by 2050

5-10 years

2-5 years


Calculated rainfall volume

310 mm/2 days for core urban areas in southern of Red river and higher than 200 mm/day for each specific urban basin for rains with the repeated cycle of 10 years;

- Areas within the scope of storm water drainage planning are divided into main basins and small sub-basins, ensuring fast and complete drainage of surface storm water.

- To promote to the utmost of ability of self-drainage of surface water, increasing the storm water-absorbing areas, arranging system of rational water reserve and storage facilities aiming to regulate storm water volume, in combination with solutions on rational forcibly drainage pumping; to limit the change of current surface water areas for other purposes.

- For urban areas:

+ To renovate and build newly systems of network of sluice gates, canals, rivers and pump stations for drainage, and storm water absorption, reserve and storage facilities.

+ To improve, preserve, and minimize the environmental pollution of the existing lakes, promoting the general functions of regulating lakes and scenery lakes.

+ For old urban areas: To improve and upgrade the existing drainage systems, to additionally build and complete the common drainage systems for storm water drainage, in combination with the solution of building newly the facilities to collect and transport sewage to treatment plants.

+ For new urban areas: To build separate drainage systems in synchronism with urban infrastructure development, including the storm water drainage networks, canals, regulating lakes, pump stations and on-spot drainage facilities (storm water absorption and storage facilities...). Storm water will be drained to rivers, canals and lakes; pollution due to storm water will be treated in the future.

+ Projected construction of main storm water drainage focal facilities for Hanoi Capital through 2030, with a vision toward 2050, as follows:


Name of zone/basin

Acreage (ha)

Regulating lake (ha)

The required pump capacity (m3/s)

Discharging source


Day river’s left-bank zone






To Lich river basin




Red river


Dong My basin




Red river


Nhue left-bank basin




Red and Nhue rivers


Nhue right-bank basin




Red, Nhue and Day rivers


Phu Xuyen basin




Red and Nhue rivers


Township basins






Day river’s right-bank zone






Son Tay basin




Tich river


Xuan Mai basin




Bui river


Hoa Lac basin




Tich river


Quoc Oai basin




Tich and Day rivers


Chuc Son basin




Tich and Day rivers


Phuc Tho basin




Tich river


Township basins




Tich river


Hanoi Northern zone






Long Bien basin




Red and Duong rivers


Gia Lam basin




Red and Duong rivers


Dong Anh basin




Red, Ca Lo and Ngu Huyen Khe rivers


Me Linh basin




Red, Ca Lo and Ngu Huyen Khe rivers


Soc Son basin




Cau and Ca Lo rivers







Planning of storm water drainage sub-basins and main drainage pump stations for urban areas, see Annex I for details.

+ The storm water drainage networks include canals, lakes, major sluice gates already planned in direction and size for every drainage basin and sub-basin, which will be specifically calculated in the stage of elaboration of construction investment projects to ensure conformity with the practical conditions.

- Suburban and outlying areas:

+ To select drainage systems suitable to the irrigation systems and local conditions.

+ To improve and reinforce the banks of rivers and streams running through residential areas against erosion and slide.

+ For residential areas at the mountain sides, it is necessary to build facilities to collect storm water from the hill or mountain tops, preventing storm water from overflowing on the residential areas.

c) Sewage drainage and treatment planning

- Norms for calculation of sewage drainage and treatment planning:

- Norms for calculation of sewage drainage and treatment systems are based on the standards and technical regulations as prescribed.

+ Sewage drainage standards:


Drainage area

Sewage drainage standard

By 2030

By 2050


Central urban areas

(254-321) liter/person/day

(312-379) liter/person/day


Satellite urban areas, Quoc Oai urban area

(239-274) liter/person/day

(312-350) liter/person/day

+ Post-treatment sewage quality will reach the environmental standards and technical regulations as prescribed.

- Forecasts of total collected and treated sewage volume for the central urban areas of Hanoi Capital and satellite urban areas (Son Tay, Hoa Lac, Xuan Mai, Phu Xuyen and Soc Son) and Quoc Oai eco-urban area will be as follows:


Urban area

Number of basins

The generated sewage volume (m3/day)

By 2030

By 2050


Central urban areas





Satellite urban areas, Quoc Oai urban area









- The sewage drainage and treatment planning:

+ For urban areas:

- The central urban area at the south of Red river (in To Lich river basin and part of the Nhue river left-bank basin), is divided into 5 main sewage collection and treatment basins: To develop mixed drainage systems on the basis of the existing common drainage networks and building new sewage collection networks to transport sewage to the concentrated treatment plants of each basin.

- The central urban area at the south of Red river (in the area from the Nhue river right bank to Day river and the remaining part of the Nhue river left-bank basin), is divided into 11 basins; the urban area at the north of Red river is divided into 13 basins; the satellite urban areas and Quoc Oai urban area are divided into 10 sewage collection and treatment basins: To gradually build and complete separate drainage systems for storm water and sewage. To improve the sewage collection systems for old urban areas inserted; to gradually develop separate sewage collection networks. Sewage will be transferred to the concentrated sewage treatment plants for treatment satisfying the standards and technical regulations as prescribed before being discharged into the environment.

- The sewage collection networks include the graded pump stations, surrounding culverts and sewage-separating wells, culverts for separate sewage collection, which have been planned in direction and scale, and will be specifically calculated in the stage of elaboration of construction investment projects, meeting the requirement of transporting all sewage to the sewage treatment plants.

+ Industrial zones and health establishments: To build separate drainage systems for storm water and sewage; sewage will be partial collected and treated to satisfy the standards and technical regulations as prescribed before being discharged into the urban drainage systems or the environment.

+ The main concentrated sewage treatment plants expected to be constructed for urban areas:


Urban area

Number of the concentrated sewage treatment plants

Combined capacity of the sewage treatment plants (m3/day)

Type of drainage system

By 2030

By 2050


Central urban areas






At the south of Red river (in To Lich river basin and part of Nhue river left-bank basin)




The mixed drainage system


At the south of Red river (in area from Nhue river right-bank area to Day river and part of Nhue left-bank basin)




Separate drainage system


At the north of Red river




Separate drainage system


Satellite urban areas






Son Tay




Separate drainage system


Hoa Lac




Separate drainage system


Xuan Mai




Separate drainage system


Phu Xuyen




Separate drainage system


Soc Son




Separate drainage system


Quoc Oai (eco-urban area)




Separate drainage system







The planning of sewage drainage basins and main concentrated sewage treatment plants for urban areas, see Annex II for details.

+ Orientations for drainage in small urban areas and suburban areas: For areas with low population, the scattered sewage treatment facilities will be built.

+ Orientations for sewage drainage in craft villages: Sewage from craft villages will be partially treated before being discharged into the environment or urban drainage systems.

d) Technologies of sewage treatment and mud treatment

The technologies and equipment for sewage treatment and mud treatment satisfying the sewage treatment requirements, standards and technical regulations and suitable with the socio-economic conditions are used; prioritizing the use of environment-friendly technologies, modern and energy-saving equipment, taking into account of the upgrading possible in the future.

-  Technologies of sewage treatment:

+ For the concentrated sewage treatment plants: To apply the sewage treatment technology by biological method to ensure the post-treatment water quality satisfying the environmental standards and technical regulations as prescribed; for long-term orientations, the more advanced and environment-friendly technologies will be applied.

+ For the scattered sewage treatment stations: To make the fullest use of treatment technology by natural biological method.

+ For industrial and medical sewage treatment: To apply advanced sewage treatment technology for partial treatment stations.

+ For disinfection: chlorine disinfection is applied, and more environment-friendly alternative technologies, such as ultra­violet ray or ozone treatment technologies, will be applied in the future.

- Technologies for waste mud treatment: For mud discharged from sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, mud generated from dredging activities or maintenance of drainage networks will be collected and treated to satisfy the standards and technical regulations as prescribed. To prioritize the application of environment-friendly treatment solutions, creating reusable products, renewable energy, or building materials.

5. Overview estimation of investment fund, funding sources and investment phasing

a) Overview estimation of investment fund:

The fund for implementation of master plan on Hanoi Capital’s drainage by 2030 is estimated at about VND 116,500 billion (calculated according to 2012 prices). In which, about VND 53,350 billion for the period by 2020, including VND 21,550 billion for the construction and renovation of storm water drainage systems and about VND 31,800 billion for sewage collection and treatment systems and environmental improvement.

b) Investment funding sources

- Capital from state budget;

- Capital from ODA loans and foreign donations;

- Investment credit capital;

- Domestic commercial loans;

- Capitals from domestic and foreign investors;

- Other lawful capital sources.

6. The priority investment projects in the period by 2020

- The storm water drainage system:

+ The drainage project aiming to improve Hanoi environment - Project II, storm water drainage for To Lich river basin (the ongoing project and additional project);

+ The investment project for construction of the storm water drainage system at Nhue river basin;

+ Project for construction and renovation of 3 drainage pump stations at Co Nhue, Dong Bong 1 and Dong Bong 2, in the western area of Hanoi;

+ Investment project for construction of drainage systems in Ha Dong district;

+ Projects for construction of grade-I focal facilities (canals, regulating lakes and storm water pump stations) in Long Bien district;

+ Projects for drainage against the partially flooding in central urban areas, satellite and eco- urban areas.

- The sewage collection and treatment and waste mud treatment systems:

+ Project for construction of Yen So sewage treatment plant;

+ Project for construction of sewage collection systems at S1 basin for Yen So sewage treatment plant;

+ Project for construction of Bay Mau sewage treatment plant;

+ Project for construction of Ho Tay sewage treatment plant;

+ Project for construction of Yen Xa sewage collection systems and sewage treatment plant;

+ Project for construction of Phu Do sewage collection systems and sewage treatment plant;

+ Project for construction of sewage collection systems and sewage treatment plant at western of Nhue river;

+ Project for construction of sewage collection and treatment systems in Ha Dong and Son Tay areas;

+ Project for construction of An Lac sewage collection systems and sewage treatment plant.

+ Project for construction of plan treating mud discharged from sewage treatment plants at Yen So dump site;

+ Projects for improvement and against pollution in inner-city lakes.

7. Strategic environmental assessment:

a) Positive impacts to environment:

- To ensure the urban flood and storm water drainage management to be suitable to current hydrological and topographical characteristics and other master plans in Hanoi Capital;

- To minimize pollution caused by sewage through sewage collection and treatment for central and satellite urban areas; to improve the water quality for rivers and lakes and create flows to increase the self-cleaning ability;

- To contribute to create urban environment and landscape; to minimize epidemics caused by polluted water sources and increase people’s health;

- To contribute to the construction and sustainable development of a green, clean and beautiful Hanoi Capital.

b) Forecasts of environmental impacts upon implementation of the master plan

- The construction of storm water drainage and sewage collection and treatment systems will cause impacts on the natural and social environment in the area such as air, noise, vibration and surface water pollution, urban traffic, or land recovery for ground clearance,...;

- The non-firm drainage operation management will result impacts to the environmental and water source quality.

c) Solutions to minimize the environmental impacts:

- Applying rational designing and technological solutions toward re-use satisfying the protection of the eco-environment and water resources and restricting the utmost of ground clearance and resettlement;

- Applying the advanced construction technologies and reasonable measures to minimize the impacts on the environment and prevent influences to areas containing cultural values;

- Elaborating and carrying out the plans on environmental management and supervision in accordance with regulations;

- Setting up the early-warning systems to serve for management and operation of drainage systems in case of heavy rains;

- Elaborating an environment observation process to ensure for prevention, detecting and handling of incidents of sewage or waste mud treatment facilities;

- Improving capacity for management and operation of water drainage, sewage treatment and mud treatment systems;

- Other support measures.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Hanoi city People’s Committee shall:

- Organize the implementation of master plan on Hanoi Capital’s drainage through 2030 with a vision toward 2050;

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and sectors in, the effective implementation of investment projects under the master plan on Hanoi Capital’s drainage through 2030 with a vision toward 2050;

- Elaborate the financial plans suitable to investment plans for development of drainage systems in each period; elaborate mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources for the implementation of this master plan. On which, encourage various economic sectors to invest in the construction and management of drainage systems in the localities;

- Review and elaborate plans on land use for drainage facilities (pump stations, regulating lakes, sewage and waste mud treatment plants,...);

- Direct the synchronous implementation of projects on development of sewage collection networks with investment projects for construction of sewage and waste mud treatment plants;

- Formulate and promulgate regulations on management of urban drainage systems; and strengthen inspection and supervision of their implementation under the master plan;

- Improve the drainage organizational structure and management; build appropriate models of drainage enterprise in Hanoi city.

2. Relevant ministries and sectors:

Ministries and sectors shall, depend on their respective functions and tasks assigned by the Government, coordinate with the Hanoi city People’s Committee in implementing the master plan on Hanoi Capital’s drainage through 2030 with a vision toward 2050.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Ministers, heads of relevant agencies and the president of Hanoi city People’s Committee shall implement this Decision.




Hoang Trung Hai


This translation is made by LawSoft, for reference only. LawSoft is protected by copyright under clause 2, article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property. LawSoft always welcome your comments

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              Decision No. 725/QD-TTg plan on Hanoi capital’s drainage through 2030
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu725/QD-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýHoàng Trung Hải
              Ngày ban hành10/05/2013
              Ngày hiệu lực10/05/2013
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