Nghị định 18/2022/ND-CP

Nội dung toàn văn Decree 18/2022/ND-CP Diplomatic Ceremonies


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 18/2022/ND-CP

Hanoi, February 18, 2022




Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19, 2015; the Law on Amendments to the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of the Local Government dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on Guard dated June 20, 2017; 

At the request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs;

The Government promulgates the Decree on Diplomatic Ceremonies.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

1. This Decree provides for diplomatic ceremonies, including:

a) Receiving of high-ranking foreign delegations on state visits, official visits, working visits, unannounced visits, private visits, or in transit; receiving of Ministers, Directors of Agencies of the Congress or equivalences and other foreign guest delegations;

b) Receiving and seeing off Leaders of the Communist Party and State attending international conferences abroad; drafting congratulatory letters and telegrams, condolences, enquiries of High-ranking Leaders;

c) Organizing ceremonies for heads of foreign representative missions, including heads of diplomatic representative missions; heads of consular missions, and heads of representative missions of international organizations in Vietnam.

2. In special cases, the presiding agency shall request a competent authority to organize the reception of other guests.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Decree applies to agencies of the Communist Party and State, units of armed forces, and related organizations and individuals when performing diplomatic ceremonies prescribed in Article 1 of this Decree.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

For the purpose of this Decree, the following terms shall be construed as follows:

1. “High-ranking Leaders of the Communist Party, State” include the General Secretary, President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, and President of the National Assembly

2. “Leaders of the Communist Party, State” include High-ranking Leaders of the Communist Party, State, Politburo members, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Deputy Prime Minister, and Vice-president of the National Assembly.

3. “High-ranking foreign guests” include the Head of State, Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party and Deputy Head of State, Deputy Head of State who is also the leader of the Governing Party; Head and Deputy Head of the Government; Head and Deputy Head of the Congress and equivalences; other foreign guests are prescribed in this Decree.

4. “Head of the Congress” is the Head of the Legislature of nations including the President of the National Assembly, President of the Upper House, President of Lower House, General Commissioner of the Steering Committee of the National People’s Congress, and equivalences.

5. “Heads of Agencies of the Congress” include Heads of Specialized Councils or Committees of the Congress and equivalences.

6. “State visits”, “official visits”, “working visits”, "unannounced visits”, “private visits" are titles of visits of high-ranking foreign guests, indicating the nature and extent of the visit:

a) “State visit” is a visit with the highest extent of state ceremonies for a Head of a guest nation who is also the Head of the Governing Party and the guest of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; a Head of a guest nation who is the guest of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

b) "Official visit" is a visit of high-ranking foreign guests to Vietnam at the official invitation of the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State with an extent of ceremonies and reception measures lower than a state visit and specified in this Decree.

c) "Working visit" is a visit of  high-ranking foreign guests to Vietnam at the invitation to work of the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State with a working program consulted and agreed by both parties to apply minimal and simple reception measures;

c) "Unannounced visit" is a working visit that is not publicized on means of mass communication of high-ranking foreign guests to Vietnam as agreed by the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State to discuss private issues in the relationship of the two parties;

dd) “Private visit” is a visit for personal purposes and may be utilized to strengthen bilateral relations by the individual-to-individual relationship between the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State and high-ranking foreign guests.

7. “State-level welcome ceremonies”, “official welcome ceremonies”, “state-level meetings”, "official meetings", "state banquets", and "official banquets" are main activities in the visiting program of high-ranking foreign guests presided over by the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State.

8. “High-ranking reception” or “audience” is a meeting of high-ranking foreign guests with the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State.

9. “Presiding agency” is an agency that presides over organizations of activities of welcoming and receiving foreign guest delegations and organizes international events.

10. “Special case" is a case where the presiding agency proposes to apply reception measures or reception measures of higher-ranking foreign guests prescribed in this Decree in order to meet the requirement of the political tasks; competent authorities shall approve such a proposal.

11. “Foreign representative missions” include diplomatic representative missions, consular missions, and representative missions of international organizations of the UN system and international-intergovernmental organizations outside of the UN system in Vietnam

12. “Heads of the diplomatic mission” include resident Ambassadors in Vietnam and non-resident Ambassadors in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as "Ambassadors").

13. “Head of the consular mission” refers to the head of local consular missions (hereinafter referred to as “General Consul”)

14. “Heads of representative missions of international organizations in Vietnam” are heads of representative missions of international organizations of the UN system and international-intergovernmental organizations outside of the UN system in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as "Head of Representatives").

15. “Decennial anniversary” and “other anniversary” are anniversaries of events:

a) “Decennial anniversary” is the anniversary that occurs every 10 years;

b) “Other anniversary” is the anniversary that is not the decennial anniversary.

16. “Assignment of honour guards” refers to the arrangement of two or a number of honour guards, "Assignment of honour guard formations" refers to the arrangement of honour guards into two rows of honour guards.

Article 4. Principles of organizing diplomatic ceremonies

1. The presiding agency organizing diplomatic ceremonies shall comply with regulations of the Constitution and the law of Vietnam as well as the international laws and practices.

2. The organization of diplomatic ceremonies shall be uniformly performed in the entire political system including agencies of the Communist Party and the State, serving political and diplomatic requirements of the Communist Party and the State and affirming the leading position and role of the Vietnam Communist Party regarding the political system of Vietnam.

3. The presiding agency shall propose measures of diplomatic ceremonies on the basis of equality and reciprocity; focus on handling differences between the political system, practice, and culture of Vietnam with the political system, practice, and culture of the guest nation.

4. Special cases shall have their separate plans; competent authorities shall decide the approval of such plans.

Chapter II


Article 5. Titles of high-ranking visits

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall come to terms with the guest nation on titles of each visit of the Head of State, the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Head of the Government, Deputy Head of State, Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, or Deputy Head of the Government:

a) The Head of State shall conduct the visit under one of the following titles: state visit, official visit, unannounced visit, and private visit; the Deputy Head of State shall conduct the visit under one of the following titles: official visit, working visit, unannounced visit, and private visit;

The state visit only applies to the Head of State and the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of the guest nation visiting Vietnam;

Each year, organize the reception of no more than 3 delegations on state visits. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall come into terms with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the guest nation on the visiting program from 3 to 6 months in advance of the actual visit;

b) The Head of the Government or the Deputy Head of the Government of the guest nation shall conduct the visit under one of the following titles: official visit, working visit, unannounced visit, and private visit;

2. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly shall come into terms with the guest nation on the title of each visit of the Head or Deputy Head of the Congress of that nation according to the following titles: official visit, working visit, unannounced visit, and private visit.

Article 6. Reception of the Head of State on a state visit

1. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hanoi city, Director of the State Reception Department, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

b) Protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation;

Arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation;

Gift flowers to the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

Allow the representative community of the guest nation to come to the airport and greet the delegation if the foreign representative mission requests.

2. State-level welcome ceremony:

a) The President of Vietnam shall preside over the welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: The spouse of the President of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of State also accompanies him/her), Deputy Prime Minister, Vice-president of the National Assembly, Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hanoi city, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation; heads of ministries or central authorities corresponding to the composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the reception.

c) Reception protocol:

The President of Vietnam and his/her spouse shall receive the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse at the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation;

Children gift flowers to the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

Children wave flags of both nations;

d) Reviewing protocol of the Honour Squad of the People’s Army of Vietnam:

The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall step on the honour podium; the spouse of the President of Vietnam and spouse of the Head of State of the guest nation shall be invited to the front row of Vietnamese officials;

The military band shall play the national anthem melody of the guest nation and Vietnam; 21 rounds of cannons shall be fired while the national anthem melodies are being played on the basis of reciprocity or according to the approved plan;

Captain of the Honour Squad of the People's Army of Vietnam shall greet, report, and invite the Head of State of the guest nation to review the Honour Squad;

The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall review the Honour Squad together;

The Honour Squad shall wish the Head of State of the guest nation good health;         

The President of Vietnam shall introduce the Vietnamese officials attending the welcome ceremony to the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse. The Head of State of the guest nation shall introduce official members of the delegation to the President of Vietnam and his/her spouse;

The Director of the State Reception Department shall introduce some Ambassadors (if invited) to the Head of State of the guest nation, the President of Vietnam and their spouse;

The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall return to the honour podium.  The spouse of the President of Vietnam and the spouse of the Head of State of the guest nation shall be invited to the position behind the honour podium;

The Honour Squad shall start the marching;

dd) After the welcome ceremony, the President of Vietnam and his/her spouse shall take pictures with the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall go to the small-meeting room or the state-level meeting room.  The spouse of the President of Vietnam shall separately receive the spouse of the Head of State of the guest nation;

Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall;

e) In case of inconvenient weather, the official welcome ceremony will be held at the National Assembly House. Cannons shall not be fired during the national anthem melodies of both nations. The Honour Squad shall not perform the marching after the review.

3. Small meeting and state-level meeting:

a) The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall have a small meeting before the state-level meeting according to the agreement of both parties;

b) The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall preside over the meeting together;

c) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

d) During the small meeting and state-level meeting, there must be honour guards arranged.

4. High-ranking reception:

Arrange the high-ranking reception of the Head of State of the guest nation with the General Secretary, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, and other leaders according to specific requests and conditions of the visit.

5. State banquet:

a) The President of Vietnam shall preside over the banquet;

b) Roll out a carpet from the entrance of the banquet room to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation; Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall; and arrange guarding honour guards;

c) Participants:

Vietnamese side: the spouse of the President of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of State of the guest nation accompanies him/her), Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, President of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, members of the Government, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hanoi city, President of Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, President of the Friendship Association of Vietnam and the guest nation, President of Friendship Parliamentary Group of Vietnam and the guest nation, members who participate in the state-level welcome ceremony and meeting, former Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest country, and special individuals or representatives of the enterprise that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Vietnamese participants invited to the state banquet shall correspond with the composition of the guest delegation and political requirements of the visit;

Guest side: official members, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any) and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

d) Protocol:

The military band shall play the national anthem melody of the guest nation and Vietnam at the start of the banquet;

The President of Vietnam shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of State of the guest nation shall respond to the speech;

dd) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

6. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

7. Other special measures that can be performed according to the reception protocol plan: mobilizing people to participate in the welcome ceremony at the airport or the Presidential Palace; inviting the President of Vietnam and his/her spouse to participate in a number of official activities with the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse; inviting a number of Ambassadors to participate in the state-level welcome ceremony and state banquet; organizing welcome art performances at the Hanoi Opera House.

Article 7. Reception of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on a state visit under two titles

1. The organization of the reception of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on a state visit at the invitation of the General Secretary and the President of Vietnam is as follows: 

a) The General Secretary shall preside over the state-level welcome ceremony, meeting, and reception of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party (hereinafter referred to as “Head of the Guest Delegation”);

b) The President of Vietnam shall preside over the state banquet with the General Secretary, hold a private audience and invite the Head of the Guest Delegation to a friendly meal.

2. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Head and Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department, Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, Deputy Chief of Office of the Vietnam Communist Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the People's Committee of Hanoi city, Director of the State Reception Department, Director of the Reception Department of the Central Diplomatic Department, Director of the Area of the Central Diplomatic Department, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

b) Protocol: same as prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 6 of this Decree.

3. State-level welcome ceremony:

a) The General Secretary shall preside over the welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: The spouse of the General Secretary (if the spouse of the Head of Guest Delegation also accompanies him/her), Deputy Prime Minister, Vice-president of the National Assembly, Head of the Central Diplomatic Department, Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hanoi city, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation; heads of ministries or central authorities corresponding to the composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the reception.

c) Reception protocol:

The General Secretary and his/her spouse shall receive the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse at the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Guest Delegation;

Children gift flowers to the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse;

Children wave flags of both nations;

d) Reviewing protocol of the Honour Squad of the People’s Army of Vietnam:

The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall step on the honour podium; the spouse of the General Secretary and spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation shall be invited to the front row of Vietnamese officials;

The military band shall play the national anthem melody of the guest nation and Vietnam; 21 rounds of cannons shall be fired while the national anthems are being played on the basis of reciprocity or according to the approved plan;

Captain of the Honour Squad of the People's Army of Vietnam shall greet, report, and invite the Head of the Guest Delegation to review the Honour Squad;

The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall review the Honour Squad together;

The Honour Squad shall wish the Head of the Guest Delegation good health;

The General Secretary shall introduce the Vietnamese officials attending the welcome ceremony to the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse. The Head of the Guest Delegation shall introduce official members of the delegation to the General Secretary and his/her spouse.

The Director of the State Reception Department shall introduce some Ambassadors (if invited) to the General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation and their spouse

The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall return to the honour podium. The spouse of the General Secretary and the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation shall be invited to the position behind the honour podium

The Honour Squad shall start the marching;

dd) After the welcome ceremony, the General Secretary and his/her spouse shall take pictures with the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse

The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall go to the small-meeting room or the state-level meeting room.  The spouse of the General Secretary shall separately receive the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation;

Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall;

e) In case of inconvenient weather, the official welcome ceremony will be held at the National Assembly House. Cannons shall not be fired during the national anthem melodies of both nations. The Honour Squad shall not perform the marching after the review.

4. Small meeting and state-level meeting:

a) The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall have a small meeting before the state-level meeting according to the agreement of both parties;

b) The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall preside over the meeting together;

c) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

d) During the small meeting and state-level meeting, there must be honour guards arranged.

5. High-ranking reception:

Arrange the high-ranking reception of the Head of the Guest Delegation with the President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, and other leaders according to specific requests and conditions of the visit.

6. State banquet:

a) The General Secretary and the President of Vietnam shall preside over the banquet;

b) Roll out a carpet from the entrance of the banquet room to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Guest Delegation; Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall; and arrange guarding honour guards at the entrance of the banquet room;

c) Participants:

Vietnamese side: the spouse of the General Secretary and spouse of the President of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation accompanies him/her), Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, President of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, members of the Government, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hanoi city, President of Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, President of the Friendship Association of Vietnam and the guest nation, President of Friendship Parliamentary Group of Vietnam and the guest nation, members who participate in the state-level welcome ceremony and meeting, former Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest country, and special individuals or representatives of the enterprise that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Vietnamese participants invited to the state banquet shall correspond with the composition of the guest delegation and political requirements of the visit;

Guest side: official members, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any) and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

d) Protocol:

The military band shall play the national anthem melody of the guest nation and Vietnam at the start of the banquet;

The General Secretary shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of the Guest Delegation shall respond to the speech;

dd) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

7. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

8. Some other special measures may be carried out according to the reception protocol plan prescribed in Clause 7 Article 6 of this Decree or the separate plan approved by competent authorities.

Article 8. Reception of the Head of State on an official visit

1. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director of the State Reception Department, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

b) Protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation;

Arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation;

Gift flowers to the Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse.

2. Official welcome ceremony:

a) The President shall preside over the official welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: Spouse of the President of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of State also accompanies him/her), Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, and heads of ministries or central authorities corresponding to the composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the reception.

c) Regarding the reception protocol and reviewing of the Honour Squad of the People’s Army of Vietnam, carry out as prescribed in Points c, d, dd Clause 2 Article 6 of this Decree and do not fire cannons while national anthem melodies of both nations are playing;

d) In case of inconvenient weather, the official welcome ceremony will be held at the National Assembly House. The Honour Squad shall not perform the marching after the review.

3. Small meeting and official meeting:

a) The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall have a small meeting before the official meeting according to the agreement of both parties;

b) The President of Vietnam and the Head of State of the guest nation shall preside over the meeting together;

c) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

d) During the small meeting and official meeting, there must be honour guards arranged.

4. High-ranking reception:

Arrange the high-ranking reception of the Head of State of the guest nation with the General Secretary, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, and other leaders according to specific requests and conditions of the visit.

5. Official banquet:

a) The President of Vietnam shall preside over the banquet;

b) Roll out a carpet from the entrance of the banquet room to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of State of the guest nation; Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall; and arrange guarding honour guards;

c) Participants:

Vietnamese side: The spouse of the President of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of State of the guest nation accompanies him/her), members who participate in the official welcome ceremony and meeting, and former Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest country. In necessary cases, invite some special individuals or representatives of enterprises that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any) and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

d) Protocol:

The President of Vietnam shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of State of the guest nation shall respond to the speech;

dd) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

6. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

Article 9. Reception of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on an official visit under two titles

1. The organization of the reception of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on an official visit at the invitation of the General Secretary and the President of Vietnam is as follows: 

a) The General Secretary shall preside over the official welcome ceremony, meeting, and reception of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party (hereinafter referred to as “Head of the guest delegation”);

b) The President of Vietnam shall preside over the official banquet with the General Secretary, hold a private audience and invite the Head of the Guest Delegation to a friendly meal.

2. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Head and Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department, Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, Deputy Chief of Office of the Vietnam Communist Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the People's Committee of Hanoi city, Director of the State Reception Department, Director of the Reception Department of the Central Diplomatic Department, Director of the Area of the Central Diplomatic Department, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

b) Protocol: same as prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 8 of this Decree.

3. Official welcome ceremony:

a) The General Secretary shall preside over the welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: The spouse of the General Secretary (if the spouse of the Head of Guest Delegation also accompanies him/her), Head of the President’s Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, and heads of ministries or central authorities corresponding to the composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the reception;

c) Regarding the reception protocol and reviewing of the Honour Squad of the People’s Army of Vietnam, carry out as prescribed in Points c, d, dd Clause 3 Article 7 of this Decree and do not fire cannons while national anthem melodies of both nations are playing;

d) In case of inconvenient weather, the official banquet ceremony will be held at the National Assembly House. The Honour Squad shall not perform the marching after the review.

4. Small meeting and official meeting:

a) The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall have a small meeting before the official meeting according to the agreement of both parties;

b) The General Secretary and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall preside over the meeting together;

c) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

d) During the small meeting and official meeting, there must be honour guards arranged.

5. High-ranking reception:

Arrange the high-ranking reception of the Head of the Guest Delegation with the President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, and other leaders according to specific requests and conditions of the visit.

6. Official banquet:

a) The General Secretary and the President of Vietnam shall preside over the banquet;

b) Roll out a carpet from the entrance of the banquet room to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Guest Delegation; Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall; and arrange guarding honour guards at the entrance of the banquet room;

c) Participants:

Vietnamese side: The spouse of the General Secretary and spouse of the President of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation accompanies him/her); members who participate in the official welcome ceremony and meeting and former Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest country. In necessary cases, invite some special individuals or representatives of enterprises that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any) and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

d) Protocol:

The General Secretary shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of the Guest Delegation shall respond to the speech;

dd) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

7. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

8. Some other special measures may be carried out according to the reception protocol plan or the separate plan approved by competent authorities.

Article 10. Reception of the Head of the Governing Party who does not hold a State position and is the guest of the General Secretary

The reception of the Head of the Governing Party who does not hold a State position and is the guest of the General Secretary shall be in accordance with a separate plan. The Central Diplomatic Department shall cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in proposing measures to hold a ceremony that is equivalent to the ceremony for a state visit, official visit, working visit, unannounced visit, and private visit and presenting them to competent authorities for approval based on political requirements of the visit.

Article 11. Reception of the Head of the Government on an official visit

1. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Director of the State Reception Department and Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

b) Protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Government of the guest nation;

Arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Government of the guest nation;

Gift flowers to the Head of the Government of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

2. Official welcome ceremony:

a) The Prime Minister shall preside over the official welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: The spouse of the Prime Minister (if the spouse of the Head of the Government of the guest nation also accompanies him/her), Minister, Head of the Government Office or escorting Minister, Vietnamese Ambassador in the guest nation, and heads of ministries or central authorities corresponding to the composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the reception.

c) Reception protocol:

The Prime Minister and his/her spouse shall receive the Head of the Government of the guest nation and his/her spouse at the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Government of the guest nation;

Children gift flowers to the Head of the Government of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

Children wave flags of both nations;

d) Reviewing protocol of the Honour Squad of the People’s Army of Vietnam:

The Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall step on the honour podium; the spouse of the Prime Minister and spouse of the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall be invited to the front row of Vietnamese officials;

The military band shall play the national anthem melody of the guest nation and Vietnam;

Captain of the Honour Squad of the People's Army of Vietnam shall greet, report, and invite the Head of the Government of the guest nation to review the Honour Squad;

The Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall review the Honour Squad together;

The Honour Squad shall wish the Head of the Government of the guest nation good health;

The Prime Minister shall introduce the Vietnamese officials attending the welcome ceremony to the Head of the Government of the guest nation and his/her spouse The Head of the Government of the guest nation shall introduce members of the delegation to the Prime Minister and his/her spouse;

The Director of the State Reception Department shall introduce some Ambassadors (if invited) to the Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation and their spouse

The Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall return to the honour podium The spouse of the Prime Minister and the spouse of the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall be invited to the position behind the honour podium;

The Honour Squad shall start the marching;

dd) After the welcome ceremony, the Prime Minister and his/her spouse shall take pictures with the Head of the Government of the guest nation and his/her spouse at the Government Headquarter;

The Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall go to the small-meeting room or the official meeting room. The spouse of the Prime Minister shall separately receive the spouse of the Head of the Government of the guest nation;

Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall;

e) In case of inconvenient weather, the official banquet ceremony will be held at the Government Headquarter. The Honour Squad shall not perform the marching after the review.

3. Small meeting and official meeting:

a) The Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall have a small meeting before the official meeting according to the agreement of both parties;

b) The Prime Minister and the Head of the Government of the guest nation shall preside over the meeting together;

c) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

d) During the small meeting and official meeting, there must be honour guards arranged.

4. High-ranking reception:

Arrange the high-ranking reception of the Head of the Government of the guest nation with the General Secretary, President of Vietnam, President of the National Assembly, and other leaders according to specific requests and conditions of the visit.

5. Official banquet:

a) The Prime Minister shall preside over the banquet.

b) Roll out a carpet from the entrance of the banquet room to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Government of the guest nation. Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall; and arrange guarding honour guards.

c) Participants:

Vietnamese side: The spouse of the Prime Minister (if the spouse of the Head of the Government of the guest nation accompanies him/her), members who participate in the welcome official ceremony and meeting, and former Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest country. In necessary cases, invite some special individuals or representatives of enterprises that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any) and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation.

d) Protocol:

The Prime Minister shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of the Government of the guest nation shall respond to the speech;

dd) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

6. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

Article 12. Reception of the Head of the Congress on an official visit

1. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly or Head of the National Assembly Office, representative of the Friendship Parliamentary Group of Vietnam, Director of the Department of Reception, the National Assembly Office;

b) Protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation;

Gift flowers to the Head of the Congress of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

2. Official welcome ceremony:

a) The President of the National Assembly shall preside over the welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: The spouse of the President of the National Assembly (if the spouse of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation also accompanies him/her), Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, General Secretary – Head of the National Assembly Office, heads of agencies of the National Assembly and the Government, Friendship Parliamentary Group of Vietnam, a number of members of the National Assembly corresponding to the official composition of the guest delegation, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs;

c) Reception protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the entrance of the National Assembly House to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation. Arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the red carpet;

The President of the National Assembly and his/her spouse shall receive the Head of the Congress of the guest nation and his/her spouse at the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation;

Gift flowers to the Head of the Congress of the guest nation and his/her spouse.

dd) After the welcome ceremony, the President of the National Assembly and his/her spouse shall take pictures with the Head of the Congress of the guest nation and his/her spouse; The President of the National Assembly and the Head of the Congress of the guest nation shall go to the small-meeting room or the state-level meeting room; the spouse of the President of the National Assembly and the spouse of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation shall part at the parking place of the vehicle of the spouse of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation.

3. Official meeting:

a) The President of the National Assembly and the Head of the Congress of the guest nation shall preside over the meeting together;

b) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

c) During the small meeting and official meeting, there must be honour guards arranged.

4. High-ranking reception:

Arrange the high-ranking reception of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation with the General Secretary, President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, and other leaders according to specific requests and conditions of the visit.

5. Official banquet:

a) The President of the National Assembly shall preside over the banquet;

b) Roll out a carpet from the entrance of the banquet room to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation. Arrange honour guard formations in the main hall; and arrange guarding honour guards;

c) Participants:

Vietnamese side: The spouse of the President of the National Assembly (if the spouse of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation accompanies him/her), members who participate in the official welcome ceremony and meeting. In necessary cases, invite some members of the National Assembly and special individuals or representatives of enterprises that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any) and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

d) Protocol:

The President of the National Assembly shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of the Congress of the guest nation shall respond to the speech;

dd) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

6. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

Article 13. Reception of the Deputy Head of State on an official visit

1. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Deputy Head of the President’s Office, Head of the State Reception Department, Head of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

b) Protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation;

Gift flowers to the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse.

2. Official welcome ceremony:

a) The Vice-president of Vietnam shall preside over the welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: The spouse of the Vice-president of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Deputy Head of State also accompanies him/her), Deputy Head of the President’s Office, members who participate in the official meeting, Head of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Head of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

c) Reception protocol:

Roll out a carpet on the step from the entrance of the Presidential Palace to the packing place of the vehicle of the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation. Arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the red carpet;

The Vice-president of Vietnam and his/her spouse shall receive the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse at the parking place of the vehicle of the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation;

Children gift flowers to the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

The Vice-president of Vietnam shall introduce members participating in the welcome ceremony on the Vietnamese side;

The Deputy Head of State of the guest nation shall introduce members of the guest delegation;

d) After the welcome ceremony, the Vice-president of Vietnam and his/her spouse shall take pictures with the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation and his/her spouse;

The Vice-president of Vietnam and the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation shall go to the meeting room;

The spouse of the Vice-president of Vietnam and the spouse of the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation shall part at the parking place of the vehicle of the spouse of the Vice-president of Vietnam or the spouse of the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation.

3. Official meeting:

b) The Vice-president of Vietnam and the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation shall preside over the meeting together;

b) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content.

4. High-ranking receptions: arrange them according to the agreement of both parties.

5. Official banquet:

a) The Vice-president of Vietnam shall preside over the banquet;

b) Participants:

Vietnamese side: The spouse of the Vice-president of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Deputy Head of State of the guest nation accompanies him/her), members who participate in the welcome official ceremony and meeting. In necessary cases, invite some officials, special individuals, or representatives of enterprises that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, officials, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any), and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

c) Protocol:

The Vice-president of Vietnam shall give a welcome speech;

The Deputy Head of State of the guest nation shall respond to the speech;

d) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

6. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

Article 14. Reception of the Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on an official visit under two titles

1. The organization of the reception of the Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on an official visit at the invitation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vice-president of Vietnam is as follows: 

a) The Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee shall preside over the official welcome ceremony, meeting, and reception of the Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party (hereinafter referred to as “Head of the Guest Delegation”);

b) The Vice-president of Vietnam shall preside over the state banquet with the members of the Secretariat Standing Committee, hold a private audience, and invite the Head of the Guest Delegation to a friendly meal.

2. Airport greeters:

a) Composition: Head or Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department or equivalences, Deputy Head of the President’s Office, Director of the State Reception Department, Head of the Area of the Central Diplomatic Department, Head of Reception Department of the Central Diplomatic Department, Head of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Head of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

b) Protocol:

Roll out a red carpet from the base of the airplane stairs to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Guest Delegation;

Children gift flowers to the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse.

3. Official welcome ceremony:

a) The Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee shall preside over the official welcome ceremony;

b) Composition: Spouses of the Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee (if the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation also accompanies him/her), Head or Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department, Deputy Head of the President’s Office, members who participate in the official meeting, Head of the Area of the Central Diplomatic Department, Head of Department of Foreign Affairs of the President’s Office, and Head of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

c) Reception protocol:

Roll out a carpet on the step from the entrance of the Presidential Palace to the parking place of the vehicle of the Head of the Guest Delegation. Arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the red carpet;

The Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee and their spouse shall receive the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse at the parking place of the vehicle;

Children gift flowers to the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse;

The Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee shall introduce members participating in the welcome ceremony on the Vietnamese side;

The Head of the Guest Delegation shall introduce members of the guest delegation;

d) After the welcome ceremony, the Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee and their spouse shall take pictures with the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse;

The Politburo member, the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall go to the meeting room;

The spouses of the Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee and the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation shall part at the parking place of the vehicle of the spouses of the Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee or the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation.

4. Official meeting:

a) The Politburo member, the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall preside over the meeting together;

b) The composition of Vietnamese participants corresponds with the official composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content.

5. High-ranking receptions: arrange them according to the agreement of both parties.

6. Official banquet:

a) The Politburo member, the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee, and the Vice-president of Vietnam shall preside over the banquet;

b) Participants:

Vietnamese side: Spouses of the Politburo member, the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee, and the Vice-president of Vietnam (if the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation accompanies him/her); members who participate in the official welcome ceremony and meeting. In necessary cases, invite some officials, special individuals, or representatives of enterprises that have many cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, officials, servants, representatives of enterprises (if any), and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

c) Protocol:

The Politburo member and the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee shall give a welcome speech;

The Head of the Guest Delegation shall respond to the speech;

d) Organization of welcome art performances at the banquet.

7. The see-off delegation at the airport: same as when welcoming.

Article 15. Reception of the Deputy Head of the Government, Deputy Head of the Congress, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the guest nation on an official visit

1. Airport greeters and see-off delegation:

a) Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs shall receive and see off the Deputy Head of the Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the guest nation;

b) Director of the National Assembly Office shall receive and see off the Deputy Head of the Congress of the guest nation.

2. Welcome ceremony, meeting, and reception:

a) The Deputy Prime Minister, Vice-president of the National Assembly, and Minister of Foreign Affairs shall preside over activities for their equivalent guests;

b) Welcome ceremony: receive and take pictures with the Deputy Head of the Government, Deputy Head of the Congress, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the guest nation;

c) The composition of Vietnamese participants regarding the welcome ceremony and meeting shall correspond with the composition of the guest delegation and requirements of the meeting content;

d) Banquet:

Vietnamese side: members who participate in the official welcome ceremony and meeting. In necessary cases, invite some special individuals or representatives of enterprises that had cooperation with the guest nation;

Guest side: official members, servants, and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

The host shall give a toast speech;

The Head of the Guest Delegation shall respond to the speech;

In special cases, there may be art performances organized during the banquet.

3. High-ranking receptions: arrange them according to the agreement of both parties.

Chapter III


Article 16. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on working visits

1. Regarding the reception of the Head of the Government of the guest nation on a working visit: carry out as an official visit but without an official welcome ceremony, street decorations, honour guard formations at the airport, and escorting motorcycles.

2. Regarding the reception of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation on a working visit: carry out as an official visit but without an official welcome ceremony and escorting motorcycles.

3. Regarding the reception of the Deputy Head of State, Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Deputy Head of the Government, or Deputy Head of the Congress of the guest nation on a working visit: carry out as an official visit but without an official welcome ceremony.

4. Lunches and dinners of working visits:

a) Participants:

Vietnamese side: members who participate in welcoming, seeing off, and working with the guest;

Guest side: official members, servants, and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

b) The host shall give a toast speech and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall respond to that speech.

Article 17. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on unannounced visits

Regarding the reception of a high-ranking guest on an unannounced visit: carry out as a working visit with a smaller composition of participants and perform reception measures according to the approved reception plan.

Article 18. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on private visits

Article 18. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on private visits

1. Regarding a Head of State or Head of the Government on a private visit: the Director of the State Reception Department and the Director of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

2. Regarding a Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on a private visit: Head or Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

3. Regarding a Deputy Head of State or Deputy Head of the Government on a private visit: the Head of the State Reception Department and the Head of the Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

4. Regarding a Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on a private visit: the representative of the Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

5. Regarding a Head of the Congress or Deputy Head of the Congress on a private visit: the Head of the Department of the National Assembly Office shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

6. In special cases, equivalent Heads of Vietnam shall receive and invite the Head of the Guest Delegation to a meal.

Article 19. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests in transit

The reception of high-ranking guests in transit shall comply with the following regulations:

1. Regarding a Head of State of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head of the President’s Office or equivalences shall receive the guest.

2. Regarding a Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall receive the guest.

3. Regarding a Head of the Government of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Minister or equivalences shall receive the guest.

4. Regarding a Deputy Head of State of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Deputy Head of the President’s Office or equivalences shall receive the guest.

5. Regarding a Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head or Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department or equivalences shall receive the guest.

6. Regarding a Deputy Head of the Government of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Deputy Head of the President’s Office of equivalences shall receive the guest.

7. Regarding guest delegations of the Congress of nations or International Parliamentary Organizations transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee or the Head of the National Assembly Office shall receive the guests.

8. Regarding high-ranking guests transiting at local airports: Heads of provinces or centrally affiliated cities shall receive the guests.

9. If a high-ranking guest delegation wishes for accommodations, the focal agency shall cooperate with the foreign representative mission in arranging the accommodation and travel for the delegation.

10. According to the agreement of both parties, it is possible to arrange an equivalence or a level lower than the agencies mentioned above to work and preside over the banquet for the guest delegation. 

Chapter IV


Article 20. Reception of Ministers and Heads of Agencies of the Congress or equivalences

1. Reception of a Minister or equivalences:

a) Heads of Departments shall take charge of the diplomacy or the assigned unit of the Ministry or the inviting agency shall receive and see off the guest at the airport;

b) The Minister or inviting equivalences shall preside over the reception, meeting, and banquet.

c) High-ranking receptions: arrange them according to the agreement of both parties;

d) The Minister or inviting equivalences shall decide on the composition of participants of official activities.

2. Reception of Heads of Agencies of the Congress or equivalences:

a) Director of the National Assembly Office shall receive and see off the delegation at the airport;

b) The Head of the corresponding Committee or inviting equivalences shall preside over the reception, meeting, and banquet;

c) High-ranking receptions: arrange them according to the agreement of both parties;

d) The Head of the Committee or inviting equivalences shall decide on the composition of participants of official activities.

3. The Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Public Security shall take charge and cooperate with related ministries and central authorities in developing regulations on reception ceremonies of the Minister of National Defense, Minister of Public Security, and Head of the Armed Force of a guest nation visiting Vietnam consistent with international practices and the guest reception extent of Vietnam prescribed in this Decree. 

Article 21. Reception of other guests

1. Regarding the President of the European Council on an official or working visit, as the guest of the President of Vietnam, the extent and reception ceremony of such person are the same as when a Head of State of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of the visit.                    

2. Regarding the President of the European Committee on an official or working visit, as the guest of the Prime Minister, the extent and reception ceremony of such person are the same as when a Head of the Government of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of the visit. Regarding the Vice-president of the European Committee on an official or working visit, as the guest of the Deputy Prime Minister, the extent and reception ceremony of such person are the same as when a Deputy Head of the Government of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of the visit.

3. Regarding the General Secretary of the United Nations on an official or working visit, as the guest of the President of Vietnam, the extent and reception ceremony of such person are the same as when a Head of State of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of the visit but without playing the national anthem melody and reviewing the honour squad. Regarding the Deputy General Secretary of the United Nations on an official or working visit, as the guest of the Vice-president of Vietnam, the extent and reception ceremony of such person are the same as when a Deputy Head of State of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of the visit.

4. Regarding the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the President of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), or presidents of other inter-parliamentary forums on an official or working visit, as the guest of the President of the National Assembly, the extent and reception ceremony for such person are the same as when a Head of the Congress of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of that visit. Regarding the Vice-president of the IPU on an official or working visit, as the guest of the Vice-president of the National Assembly, the extent and reception ceremony of such person are the same as when a Deputy Head of the Congress of a guest nation visits Vietnam under the title of the visit.

5. Regarding an Heir to the King or Queen of a guest nation, as the guest of the Vice-president of Vietnam, the extent and reception ceremony are the same as when a Deputy Head of State of a guest nation visits Vietnam.

6. The Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall preside over the reception of other members of the Foreign Royal Family who are guests of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

7. Each ministry or central authority shall preside over the reception of its own guests who are members of the Foreign Royal Family who lead the delegation of economy, culture, society, or international organizations of specialties outside of the UN system.

8. Each ministry or central authority shall preside over the reception of its own guests who are leaders of international organizations of specialties outside of the UN system.

9. Regarding the ASEAN General Secretary, as the guest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the extent and reception ceremony are the same as when a delegation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of a guest nation visits Vietnam officially.

10. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall preside over the reception of former Heads of State, Heads of the Government, Deputy Heads of State, and Deputy Prime Ministers of guest nations visiting Vietnam at the invitation of the President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, Vice-president of Vietnam, or Deputy Prime Minister.

11. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly and the National Assembly Office shall preside over the reception of former Heads or Deputy Heads of the Congress of guest nations, the General Secretary of AIPA or IPU, and other inter-parliamentary organizations visiting Vietnam at the invitation of the President or the Vice-president of the National Assembly.

12. Each agency shall preside over the reception of its own guests who are former Heads of State, Heads of the Government, Heads of the Congress, Deputy Heads of State, Deputy Heads of the Government, and Deputy Heads of the Congress of guest nations.

13. Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State shall arrange to receive the Head of the Guest Delegation according to specific requirements and conditions of the visit.

Chapter V


Article 22. Wreath-laying ceremonies at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs; ceremonies of laying wreaths and visiting Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

1. The wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs and the ceremony of laying wreaths and visiting Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum shall be in accordance with the agreement of both parties.

2. Regarding a Head of State, Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Head of the Government, or Head of the Congress of a guest nation on a state visit, official visit, or working visit:

a) At the Monument, the Head of the Protection High Command of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum shall receive and guide the delegation; arrange honour guard formations. During the minute of silence for martyrs, the military band shall play “Hồn tử sĩ”;

b) At Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, the Head of the Protection High Command of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum shall receive and instruct the delegation to lay wreaths and visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum; arrange honour guard formations on two sides of the stand and in front of the entrance of the Mausoleum. During the minute of silence for Ho Chi Minh President, the military band shall play “Lãnh tụ ca”.

3. Regarding foreign guests with the rank of Ministers or equivalences to higher, the Head of the Protection High Command of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum shall instruct the delegation to lay wreaths at the Monument and lay wreaths and visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Article 23. The escort and the order of the reception

1. The escort:

a) The Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall escort the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of the guest nation on a state visit or official visit. In special cases, invite the Politburo member or the Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party Central Committee to escort the delegation;

b) The Head of the President’s Office or the Minister or equivalences shall escort the Head of State of the guest nation on a state visit or official visit;  

c) The Minister or equivalences shall escort the Head of the Government of the guest nation on an official visit in Hanoi; Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest nation shall escort such guest on an official visit in provinces;

d) The Head or Deputy Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly or the President of the Friendship Parliamentary Group shall escort the Head of the Congress of the guest nation on an official visit;

dd) The Head of Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department of the Vietnam Communist Party or equivalences shall escort the Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of the guest nation on an official visit;

e) The escort of the Head of the Guest Delegation shall participate in activities of receiving and seeing off the guest delegation, welcome ceremony, and banquet and escort the Head of the Guest Delegation in official activities.  The escort of the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation shall participate in activities of receiving and seeing off the guest delegation, welcome ceremony, and banquet and escort the spouse of the Head of the Guest Delegation in activities according to a separate program in Hanoi;

g) Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest nation shall return to Vietnam to participate in the reception and escort of the Head of State, Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, or Head of the Government of the guest nation on a state visit, official visit, or working visit. In special cases, the presiding agency shall consult and come to terms with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. The order of reception of Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest nation:

In diplomatic activities, the order of reception of Vietnamese Ambassadors in the guest nation is right after members of the Vietnam Communist Party Central Committee, members of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, and members of the Government.

Article 24. Rules for flying the National Flag

1. Regarding a state visit or official visit of the Head of State or Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party or an official visit of the Head of the Government of the guest nation:

a) Fly the National Flags of both nations in front of the entrance of the honour guest house at the Noi Bai international airport, at the welcome ceremony, in the meeting room, the guest reception room of high-ranking leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State, document signing room, press conference room, on Hung Vuong - Hoang Van Thu - Doc Lap (Hanoi) streets, and at the lodging place of the Head of the Guest Delegation and the place where the Head of the Guest Delegation visits.;

b) Fly National Flags of both nations at the entrance of the Presidential Palace, at the 5-way intersection of Doc Lap – Dien Bien Phu – Chu Van An – Chua Mot Cot – Ton That Dam streets and the intersection of Hung Vuong - Phan Dinh Phung streets (Hanoi)

c) Fly National Flags of both nations along the first 2 km of the way from Noi Bai international airport to the center of Hanoi for a state visit of the Head of State of the guest nation;

d) Aside from the above regulations, fly National Flags of both nations at the entrance of the headquarter of the Vietnam Communist Party Central Committee regarding a state visit or official visit of the Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of the guest nation.

2. Regarding an official visit of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation: fly National Flags of both nations at the entrance of the honour guest house of Noi Bai international airport and local airports where the delegation will come to visit, in front of the National Assembly House (Doc Lap street), in the meeting room, guest reception room of high-ranking Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State, document signing room, press conference room, banquet room, and at the lodging place of the Head of the Guest Delegation and the place where the Head of the Guest Delegation visits.

3. Regarding a working visit of the Head of the Government or the Head of the Congress of the guest nation: fly National Flags of both nations at the entrance of the honour guest house of Noi Bai international airport and local airports where the delegation will come to visit, in the meeting room, guest reception room of high-ranking Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State, document signing room, press conference room, banquet room, and at the lodging place of the Head of the Guest Delegation and the place where the Head of the Guest Delegation visits.

4. Regarding an official visit or working visit of the Deputy Head of State or Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of the guest nation: fly National Flags of both nations at the entrance of the honour guest house of the international airport where the delegation arrives, at the welcome ceremony or reception place, in the meeting room, document signing room, press conference room, banquet room, and at the lodging place of the Head of the Guest Delegation and the place where the Head of the Guest Delegation visits. Fly National Flags of both nations at the front of the Presidential Palace.

5. Regarding an official visit or working visit of the Deputy Head of the Government, Deputy Head of the Congress, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heads of Agencies of the Congress, and equivalences of the guest nation: fly National Flags of both nations at the reception place, in the meeting room, document signing room, press conference room, banquet room, and at the lodging place of the Head of the Guest Delegation and the place where the Head of the Guest Delegation visits.

6. Place small National Flags of both nations on the meeting tables of officials with the rank of Ministers or equivalences to higher.

7. Place small National Flags of both nations on the meeting tables of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee headed by officials with the rank of Deputy Head and the meeting tables of officials with the rank of Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs.

8. Place National Flags of both nations on the vehicle of the Head of the High-ranking Guest Delegation on a state visit, official visit, or working visit or the vehicle of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, National Defense, or Public Security of the guest nation on an official visit.

9. Fly National Flags of both nations in the guest reception room for guests with the rank of Ministers and equivalences or higher (reception of the same rank). In case the guests have a lower rank than the host, only fly the National Flag of Vietnam.

10. Do not fly National Flags of both nations in activities, except for special cases according to the approved plan regarding unannounced visits, private visits, or transits of high-ranking foreign guests.

11. When flying the National Flag of Vietnam and the National Flag of the guest nation or the National Flag of Vietnam and flags of International Organizations in diplomatic activities, the National Flag of Vietnam shall be on the right, the National Flag of the guest nation or flags of International Organizations shall be on the left in the direction of looking from the outside in or from the bottom up. National Flags of nations, ensigns of Heads of State, and flags of International Organizations must be sewn in accordance with regulations and samples and hung horizontally.

12. In case of receiving two guest delegations at the same time, fly the National Flag of Vietnam in the middle and arrange the National Flags of guest nations respectively on the left and right of the National Flag of Vietnam in the order of the English name of the guest nations in the direction of looking from the outside or from the bottom up, except for special cases according to the approved plan.

13. Regarding a visit of the King or Queen or members of the Foreign Royal Family of the guest nation, if the guest requests for the use of Royal ensigns, the reception agency shall satisfy the requirement of the guest.

Article 25. The honour guest room for receiving or seeing off foreign guests at the airport

1. At international airports in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang city, and other localities, the management agency of the airport shall arrange the honour guest room to receive high-ranking foreign guest delegations and private jets of official with the rank of Minister, Head of Agencies of the Congress and equivalences to higher.

2. The arrangement of honour guest rooms for receiving delegations with the rank of Minister, Head of Agencies of the Congress, and equivalences of guest nations visiting by commercial planes shall be in accordance with the actual condition of the airport.

Article 26. Escorting motorcycles and police vehicles

1. The vehicle of the Head of State or Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of a guest nation on a state visit or official visit shall be escorted by 9 escorting motorcycles and led by police vehicles.

2. The vehicle of the Head of the Government of a guest nation on an official visit shall be escorted by 7 escorting motorcycles and led by policed vehicles.

3. The vehicle of the Head of the Congress of a guest nation on an official visit shall be escorted by 5 escorting motorcycles and led by police vehicles.

4. The escorting of motorcycles only applies when receiving or seeing off guests at the airport and in official activities in the urban districts of Hanoi Capital and Ho Chi Minh city.

5. Regarding a private visit of the Head of State or Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party; a working visit, unannounced visit, or private visit of a Head of the Government or the Head of the Congress of a guest nation, there shall be leading police vehicles in main activities and no escorting motorcycles.

6. Regarding an official visit, working visit, unannounced visit, or private visit of the Deputy Head of State, Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Deputy Head of the Government, Deputy Head of the Congress, or Minister of Foreign Affairs of a guest nation, there shall be leading police vehicles in main activities.

7. Regarding an official visit or working visit of the Minister or Head of Agencies of the Congress and equivalences of a guest nation, there shall be leading police vehicles in main activities.

Article 27. Sponsorship

1. The sponsorship for foreign guest delegations visiting Vietnam shall be in accordance with regulations of Vietnam and on the basis of reciprocity.

2. Sponsorship of lodging places:

a) Sponsor the Head of State or Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party and his/her spouse of a guest nation on a state visit or official visit and 9 official members of the delegation to stay at a 5-star hotel for the maximum period of 5 days and 4 nights (including the maximum of 3 days in Hanoi);

b) Sponsor the Head of the Government and his/her spouse or Head of the Congress and his/her spouse of a guest nation and 5 official members of the delegation to stay at a 5-star hotel for the maximum period of 5 days and 4 nights (including the maximum of 3 days in Hanoi);

c) Sponsor the Deputy Head of State or Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party and his/her spouse; Deputy Head of the Government, Deputy Head of the Congress, or Minister of Foreign Affairs and his/her spouse of a guest nation and 2 official members of the delegation to stay for the maximum period of 3 days and 2 nights;

d) Sponsor the Minister and equivalences and Heads of Agencies of the Congress on an official visit in accordance with the approved reception plan.

3. Vehicle sponsorship:

Sponsor vehicles for guest delegations as follows:

a) A state ceremony vehicle for the Head of State, Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party and his/her spouse; Head of the Government and his/her spouse in activities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city; a 4-seat vehicle regarding other localities;

b) A 4-seat vehicle for the Head of the Congress;

c) A 4-seat vehicle for the Deputy Head of State, Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Deputy Head of the Government, Deputy Head of the Congress, and Minister of Foreign Affairs;

d) A 4-seat vehicle for Ministers or Heads of Agencies of the Congress and equivalences on an official visit. Regarding the Minister of the guest nation and equivalences escorting the high-ranking foreign guest, arrange 2 people per vehicle;

dd) A 4-seat vehicle for the spouse of the high-ranking foreign guest according to a separate program;

e) A vehicle with many seats for other members of the delegation;

g) A luggage vehicle for the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse (regarding the delegation of the Head of State, Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Head of the Government, or Head of the Congress);

h) A luggage vehicle for the delegation on the basis of reciprocity.

4. In special cases, the presiding agency shall propose sponsorship policies different from this regulation and reception costs according to the operational program to the competent authority.

5. Regarding working visits, unannounced visits, or private visits: sponsorship policies are applied based on specific requirements and conditions of the visit.

6. The sponsorship for subjects not in the scope of this Decree is in accordance with the basis of the reception plan or the decision of competent authorities. The expenditures on these sponsorships are in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

Article 28. Presents

1. Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State and presiding agencies shall gift presents to the Head of the Guest Delegation and his/her spouse regarding high-ranking guest delegations on state visits, official visits, or working visits. In special cases, arrange the gifting of presents for official members and servants of the guest delegation according to the approved plan.

2. Presents prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article shall be produced by Vietnam, expressing the nation’s cultural identity, solemnity, and thrift.

Article 29. Receiving and seeing off high-ranking foreign guests arriving and returning by road, rail, or waterway.

Receive and see off high-ranking foreign guest delegations arriving and returning by road, rail, or waterway like when receiving and seeing off delegations arriving and returning by air. However, the procedure shall be performed based on the actual conditions of the place of the organization.

Article 30. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests visiting localities

1. Provinces or centrally affiliated cities shall organize the reception of foreign guest delegations visiting their areas in a respectful, thoughtful, safe, and economical manner.

2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with related ministries and central authorities in providing guidelines on the reception ceremonies for foreign guests visiting localities in accordance with current regulations.

Article 31. Reception of foreign guests attending international events or conferences in Vietnam

The reception of foreign guests attending international events or conferences presided over by Vietnam shall comply with the plan approved by competent authorities in accordance with regulations of the law of Vietnam, international practices, and practices of each event or conference.

Chapter VI


Article 32. Arrange foreign guests to greet Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State

1. The presiding agency shall arrange foreign guests to greet Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party through the Central Diplomatic Department of the Vietnam Communist Party; greet the President and Vice-president of Vietnam through the President’s Office; greet the Prime and Deputy Prime Minister through the Government Office; greet the President and Vice-president of the National Assembly through the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly.

2. The presiding agency that arranges foreign guests to greet Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related authorities of the result of the reception to cooperate in implementing.

3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the focal point and consult, propose, and make arrangements for Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State to receive Ambassadors and Chief Representatives through the Central Diplomatic Department of the Vietnam Communist Party, President’s Office, Government Office, and Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly.

Article 33. Honour guards

1. The Ministry of High Command and Ministry of Public Security shall arrange honour guards when the General Secretary, President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, or President of the National Assembly is receiving foreign guests with the rank of Minister and equivalences or Heads of Foreign Representative Missions in Vietnam. Regarding international events attended by Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State, the arrangement of honour guards shall be in accordance with the organizational plan approved by competent authorities. Regarding other compositions of foreign guests, arrange honour guards at the request of competent authorities.

2. The position and quantity of honour guards in the honour guard formations shall be suitable for the topographical characteristics of each place of implementation.

3. The arrangement of honor guards during the reception of guests of Leaders the Vietnam Communist Party only applies to headquarters of central agencies, the National Conference Center, International Conference Center, Presidential Guest House in Hanoi, and Independence Palace in Ho Chi Minh city.

4. The position of honour guards shall be suitable for the topographical characteristics of each place of implementation. There shall be 2 honour guards at the main hall and main entrance of the headquarters.

Article 34. Receiving and seeing off high-ranking leaders attending international conferences abroad

The see-off and reception delegation at the airport is as follows:  

1. The Politburo member or the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee shall receive and see off the Head Secretary.

2. The Head or Deputy Head of the President’s Office shall receive and see off the President or Vice-president of Vietnam.

3. The Minister, Head or Deputy Head of the Government Office shall receive and see off the Prime or Deputy Prime Minister.

4. The Vice-president of the National Assembly, Head or Deputy Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, and Head or Deputy Head of the National Assembly Office shall receive and see off the President or Vice-president of the National Assembly.

5. The Head of the Central Diplomatic Department or the Head of the Central Office of the Communist Party shall receive and see off the member of the Secretariat Standing Committee.

Article 35. Congratulatory letters and telegrams, condolences, enquiries of High-ranking Leaders

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and propose and draft congratulatory letters and telegrams, condolences, enquiries of the General Secretary, President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, and President of the National Assembly.

2. The Central Diplomatic Department shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in proposing and presenting congratulatory telegrams and enquiries for Head of State of nations and Heads of Parties with special relation to the General Secretary for approval.

3. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly shall cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in proposing and presenting congratulatory letters, enquiries, and condolences for Heads of the Congress of nations with special relations to the President of the National Assembly for approval.

Chapter VII


Article 36. Receiving and seeing off Ambassadors who start or end their working term

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall appoint officials to receive, see off, and arrange honour guest rooms at the airport for Ambassadors who start or end their working term in Vietnam. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall not arrange vehicles for receiving or seeing off guests at the airport.

Article 37. Presentation of Credentials or Letters of Authorization

1. Ambassadors presenting Credentials:

a) The Ambassador shall present the President of Vietnam with Credentials at the Presidential Palace;

b) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with the President’s Office and related agencies in organizing 4 periods of submission of credentials a year, approximately in the middle of each quarter. In special cases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall propose the organization of private periods of submission of Credentials;

c) Composition of participants of the Credential Presentation Ceremony: Head or Deputy Head of the President’s Office, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director of the State Reception Department, Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the President's Office, and Heads with the rank of Director or Minister regarding foreign affairs;

d) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall appoint officials and arrange vehicles to transport the Ambassador to present Credentials. The vehicle transporting the Ambassador to present Credentials shall have 4 escorting motorcycles. After presenting the Credentials, the transporting vehicle shall bring the Ambassador back to fly his/her National Flag;

dd) At the entrance of the Presidential Palace, there shall be honour guard formations arranged to greet the Ambassador when he/she arrives and leaves. At the entrance of the room for submitting Credentials, there shall be honour guard formations arranged to open the door. There shall be one honour guard arranged to open the door of the vehicle transporting the Ambassador at its stopping place;

e) Before presenting the Credentials, the Director of the State Reception Department shall receive the Ambassador to receive copies of the Credentials and introduce the ceremony for presenting Credentials.

2. UN Resident Coordinators presenting Letters of Authorization:

a) The UN Resident Coordinator shall present the Letter of Authorization to the Prime Minister at the Government Office;

b) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with the President’s Office and related agencies in organizing the presentation of the Letter of Authorization.

3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall receive the Letter of Authorization of the General Consul.

Article 38. Ambassadors greet and bid farewell to Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State

1. After the Ambassador presents the Credentials to the President of Vietnam, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall arrange for the Ambassador to greet the General Secretary, President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the request of the foreign representative mission and according to permitting conditions.

2. When the Ambassador ends his/her working term, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall arrange for the Ambassador to bid farewell to the President of Vietnam and Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the request of the foreign representative mission. In special cases, arrange for the Ambassador to bid farewell to the General Secretary, Prime Minister, and President of the National Assembly.

3. The representative of the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall invite the Ambassador to a friendly meal to bid farewell and gift presents to the Ambassador when he/she ends his/her working term.

Article 39. Awarding Friendship Medals and other titles

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and propose the consideration of awarding Friendship Medals or appropriate form of awarding for the Ambassador, General Consul, Head and Representative who has actively contributed to the friendship of development and cooperation with Vietnam; make proposals to grant, award, and organize the awards ceremony.

Article 40. Ambassador, General Consul, and Head Representative attending activities

1. September 2 National Day Anniversaries in Hanoi.

a) Regarding decennial anniversaries of the National Day:

The General Secretary, President of Vietnam, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly and their spouse shall preside over the banquet of Ambassadors and Head Representatives and their spouse in Hanoi;

b) Regarding anniversaries of the National Day that are not decennial anniversaries:

The President of Vietnam and his/her spouse shall preside over the banquet of Ambassadors, Head Representatives and their spouse in Hanoi;

c) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall organize the wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs and the ceremony of laying wreaths and visiting Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum for Ambassadors and Head Representatives in Hanoi;

d) The Head of the province or city that has foreign representative missions shall organize the meeting of General Consuls.

2. Lunar New Year.

a) The Prime Minister and his/her spouse shall preside over the banquet for Ambassadors, Head Representatives, and their spouse in Hanoi on the occasion of the Lunar New Year;

b) The Head of the province or city and his/her spouse shall rely on the condition of their area to organize the meeting of General Consuls on the occasion of the Lunar New Year;

c) Ministries and central authorities shall not organize private meetings for Ambassadors, Head Representatives on the occasion of the Lunar New Year.

3. The Prime Minister shall receive Head Representatives of the UN system together in Hanoi on the occasion of the annual United Nations Day (October 24).

4. Ambassadors and Head Representatives in Hanoi shall attend the opening of meetings of the National Assembly via invitations.

5. Regarding other major events of the nation, Heads of Foreign Representative Commissions shall attend them via invitations in accordance with plans or programs or at the request of competent authorities.

6. Ministries and administrative divisions that organize events or activities for Ambassadors, General Consuls, and Head Representatives shall consult and come into terms with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before inviting them.

Article 41. Authorities that attend banquets on the occasion of foreign National Day anniversaries or anniversaries of the establishment of the diplomatic relations

1. Participants of banquets on the occasion of foreign National Day anniversaries:

a) Regarding decennial anniversaries, the Head with the rank of Minister is the main guest and represents the Government to give a congratulatory speech;

b) Regarding anniversaries that are not decennial anniversaries, the Head with the rank of Deputy Minister is the main guest and represents the Government to give a congratulatory speech;

2. Participants of banquets on the occasion of anniversaries of the establishment of the diplomatic relations: the Head with the rank of Deputy Minister is the main guest and represents the Government to give a congratulatory speech. In special cases, matters related to anniversaries mentioned above shall follow the approved plan.

3. Regarding other events organized by foreign representative missions: related ministries, central authorities, and administrative divisions shall cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in proposing and consulting competent authorities about the decision on the appointment of high-ranking heads or heads of ministries, central authorities, and administrative divisions attending such events in accordance with relevant laws of Vietnam, international practices, and practices of each event.

Article 42. The signing of the Funeral Notebook at foreign representative missions in Hanoi

1. The Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall come to sign the Funeral Notebook when the foreign representative mission opens it.

2. In special cases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall propose the Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State should come to sign the Funeral Notebook at the foreign representative mission.

Chapter VIII


Article 43. Entry into force

1. This Decree comes into force as of April 10, 2022.

2. This Decree replaces some content of the Diplomatic Ceremony and Reception of Foreign Guests (from Chapter 8 to Chapter 13) of Decree No. 145/2013/ND-CP dated October 29, 2013 of the Government on organization of anniversaries; protocol of awarding and receiving commendations and emulation titles; diplomatic ceremonies and receptions of foreign guests.

Article 44. Implementation responsibilities

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall:

a) Take responsibility for unifying the state management on the implementation of diplomatic ceremonies and receptions of foreign guests;

b) Propose the extent of receptions of high-ranking foreign guest delegations, international organizations, and organizations in other regions not included in this Decree.

2. The Ministry of Finance shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related ministries and central authorities in reviewing, amending, and supplementing regulations on policies on the reception of foreign guests coming to work in Vietnam in an appropriate manner.

3. The Ministry of National Defense shall:

a) Arrange military bands and honour guards in accordance with regulations of welcome ceremonies at the airport; state-level or official welcome ceremonies; ceremonies of visiting Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum; wreath-laying ceremonies at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs;

b) Arrange honour guards in accordance with regulations of state-level small meetings or meetings, official meetings regarding a Head of State or Head of State who is also the Head of the Government on a state visit or official visit and other cases at the request of competent authorities.

4. The Ministry of Public Security shall:

a) Take responsibility for arranging honour guards in accordance with regulations of the following events: small meetings; official meetings regarding visits of high-ranking foreign guests except for cases prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article; high-ranking receptions within the framework of visits; banquets; social meetings, audiences, and works between Leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and State and foreign guests; Presentation Ceremonies of Credentials and Letters of Authorizations, and other cases at the request of competent authorities;

b) Take responsibility for implementing escorting motorcycles and leading police vehicles as per regulation.

5. Heads of agencies of the Vietnam Communist Party and State, units of the armed force, and related organizations and individuals shall implement this Decree when performing diplomatic ceremonies and receptions of foreign guests./.





Pham Binh Minh


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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