Chỉ thị 02/2002/CT-TTg

Dirrective No. 02/2002/CT-TTg of January 30, 2002, on organization of the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly

Nội dung toàn văn Dirrective No. 02/2002/CT-TTg of January 30, 2002, on organization of the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 02/2002/CT-TTg

Hanoi, January 30, 2002



The National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 284/2001/NQ-UBTVQH10 on December 26, 2001, announcing that the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly shall be held on Sunday, May 19, 2002, and establishing the Election Council.

The Political Bureau issued Directive No. 07-CT/TW on January 25, 2002 on directing the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly, considering it an important political event for the entire Party, the entire army and the entire population in 2002; a festive occasion for voters throughout the country to democratically select deputies who have good morality and talents, deserving to represent their will and aspirations at the supreme State power organ.

The election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly is of extremely important significance as it is the first election in the new century. The elections success will greatly contribute to the process of further building and perfecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam State of the people, by the people and for the people; at the same time, through the National Assembly, the wisdom and strength of the entire populations unity bloc will be brought into full play in order to successfully implement the Resolution of the Ninth Party Congress, thus meeting the requirements of the cause of national industrialization and modernization, making the people rich, the country strong and the society equitable, democratic and civilized.

In order to ensure that the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly be conducted in a truly democratic, lawful, safe and thrifty manner, and to create a festive atmosphere for people to exercise their right to democracy, the Prime Minister hereby instructs:

1. The presidents of the Peoples Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities to take initiative in coordinating with the standing bodies of the Peoples Councils and Vietnam Fatherland Front committees of the same levels, and at the same time direct the Peoples Committees of lower levels to make good preparations under the guidance of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Election Council, the Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front and the superior Party and State agencies.

On the basis of the criteria, structure, membership and number of deputies to the National Assembly, to recommend persons having good morality and talents to stand for the election to the National Assembly, the supreme State power organ, thus contributing to raising the quality and efficiency of operation of the National Assembly and accelerating the process of further building and perfecting the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

In localities, with newly adjusted administrative boundaries or lack of deputies to the Peoples Councils, the additional election of deputies to the Peoples Councils should be held together with the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly according to the provisions of the 1994 Law on Election of Deputies to the Peoples Councils (amended). The Government Commission for Organization and Personnel shall provide specific guidance for localities to organize such election in strict accordance with law provisions.

2. The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government and the presidents of the Peoples Committees of all levels shall base themselves on their respective functions and tasks to expeditiously deploy the election plan; direct organizations, units, officials, public servants and employees in their respective branches to actively participate in organizing and well servicing the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly; ensure necessary facilities and material conditions for the election; draw up plans to cope with unexpected occurrences of natural disasters, promptly precluding acts of abusing democracy to cause disorder, thus affecting the process of election preparation and schedule.

To organize a timely and widespread propagation among State officials and public servants, armed forces and people of all strata about the significance and importance of the election of deputies to the National Assembly, the important position of the National Assembly in the States apparatus, the principal contents of the 1997 Law on the Election of Deputies to the National Assembly and Law No. 31/2001/QH10 of the Xth National Assembly, 10th session, amending and supplementing a number of articles thereof, as well as the implementation-guiding documents of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Government, and the Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front, so that all citizens can well understand their rights and obligations, and at the same time thoroughly grasp law provisions and the State agencies guidance on the election work. On that basis, to raise the sense of mastery and consciousness of agencies, organizations, units and voters in participating in the election.

The Ministry of Culture and Information, the Ministry of Communications and Transport, the General Department of Post and Telecommunications and mass media agencies at the central and local levels should draw up plans to propagate and campaign for the election day, ensuring the smooth traffic and communication during the election.

The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Public Security shall work out plans for the coordinated deployment of their forces and performance of their tasks of maintaining order, security and social safety in each locality and the whole country on the election day.

The Ministry of Finance shall ensure funding in timely service of the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly and the additional election of deputies to the Peoples Councils, the 1999-2004 term, according to the prescribed tempo and plan, and guide and closely examine the use of funding in order to ensure the thrift spending for the right purposes.

The Minister-Director of the Government Commission for Organization and Personnel shall be accountable to the Government for guiding the organization of implementation of the election work, examining and urging various levels and branches to observe law provisions and other regulations on the election of deputies to the National Assembly under the Governments guidance; closely coordinate with the National Assemblys Office and the Governments Office in monitoring the work of preparation for the election by localities, ministries and branches throughout the country in order to synthesize and report thereon to the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Prime Minister and the Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front according to the tempo set by the Election Council.


Phan Van Khai


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              Dirrective No. 02/2002/CT-TTg of January 30, 2002, on organization of the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly
              Loại văn bảnChỉ thị
              Số hiệu02/2002/CT-TTg
              Cơ quan ban hànhThủ tướng Chính phủ
              Người kýPhan Văn Khải
              Ngày ban hành30/01/2002
              Ngày hiệu lực15/02/2002
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                    Lịch sử hiệu lực Dirrective No. 02/2002/CT-TTg of January 30, 2002, on organization of the election of deputies to the XIth National Assembly

                    • 30/01/2002

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                    • 15/02/2002

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