Thông tư liên tịch 48/2008/TTLT-BTC-BNN

Joint circular No. 48/2008/TTLT-BTC-BNN of June 12, 2008, revision/addition of some contents in the inter-ministerial CIRCULAR NO.80/2007/TTLT-BTC-BNN dated 11/7/2007 guidelines on the management and use of state budget expenditure for RWSS NTP 2006-2010

Nội dung toàn văn Joint circular No. 48/2008/TTLT-BTC-BNN revision/addition of some contents


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 48/2008/TTLT-BTC-BNN

Hanoi, July 12, 2008




Pursuant to the Decree No.60/2003/NĐ-CP dated 10/6/2006 of the GoV regarding detailed regulations and guidelines on implementation of the State Budget Law;

Pursuant to the Decision No.104/2000/QĐ-TTg dated 25/8/2000 of the Prime Minister regarding approval of the National RWSS Strategy up to 2020;

Pursuant to the Decision No.277/2006/QĐ-TTg dated 11/12/2006 of the Prime Minister regarding approval of the RWSS NTP 2006-2010;

In order to meet the current conditions, MOF and MARD provides revision/adjustment of some points in the Inter-ministerial Circular No.80//2007/TTLT-BTC-BNN dated 11/7/2007 - Guidelines on the management and use of State budget expenditure for RWSS NTP 2006-2010 as follows:

1. Addition to the end of Item 2, Section I:

Besides expenditure items and cost norms stipulated in this Circular, subject to specific budget availability and conditions, provinces take the initiative to allocate budget and other eligible financial sources to realize provincial policies/mechanism to enhance the Program’s effectiveness.

2. Revision for Dash 2, Sub-point a, Point 1.1, Item 1, Section II:

- Skill training: expenditure for curricula, payments for trainers according to regulations; purchase of practice tools and materials (if any); expenditure for class management: drinks, venue rental, fuel for transportation of trainers and class managers; expenditure for per diems as per regulations (public transport cost, accommodation allowance, far-away housing fee, meal allowance) for Government staff, trainees participating in the training class. The agency/institution, who provides training class, should clearly notify in the invitation letter so that the participants’ agency/institution will not make payment for those costs.

3. Revision for Dash 4, Sub-point a, Point 1.1, Item 1, Section II – Expenditure for M&E system:

- Expenditure for M&E system of NTP II (including expenses for taken samples, water quality analysis).

4. Revision for Dash 2, Sub-point b, Point 1.1, Item 1, Section II – Detailed expenditure for a hygienic latrine model:

- Detailed expenditure for each model includes:

+ Expenditure for selecting project site, interviewing and data processing;

+ Expenditure for technical instruction staff: Contracted staff: maximum employment rate will be as much as 2.5 times that of minimum salary rate/month (22 days) for direct instruction on the model; Government staff involved will be paid with per diem according to current regulations;

+ Expenditure for social motivation and technical instruction for local population;

+ Expenditure for project inspection and acceptance;

+ Expenditure for part of construction materials (steel, cement, brick, sand...) for the people involving the model development, this expenditure will make up minimum 80% of the total cost of the model in a commune.

The subsidy for each household involving the model is defined as follows: For poor households and households in specially difficult communes, ethnic and mountainous areas, coastal capes and islands, boundary communes as already regulated by the Prime Minister, the State subsidy for the construction cost estimate approved by appropriate authority can not be higher than 1,000,000 VND/household; for households in other areas, the maximum subsidy will be 800,000VND/household.

For households supported to improve sanitation by Program 135 – Phase II as per Decision No.112/2007/QD-TTg dated 20/7/2007 of Prime Minister on the support mechanism for services, improvement of people’s lives, improved knowledge of legal issues, they will not be financed for latrine construction from the NTP II.

Household selection and subsidy amount for each household will be decided by the PPCs or authorised lower level PCs based on targeted receivers, order of priority but not exceeding the total subsidy for a commune.

5. Revision for Dash 4, Sub-point b, Point 1.1, Item 1, Section II – Expenditure for livestock waste treatment model:

-Expenditure for the model is similar to the expenditure for latrine model as stated in item (4) above.

+ For farmer households involving in the livestock waste treatment model, the State subsidy rate will follow the cost estimate approved by functional authority, but not over 1,000,000 VND/household.

For households supported to improve sanitation by Program 135 – Phase II as per Decision No.112/2007/QD-TTg dated 20/7/2007 of Prime Minister on the support mechanism for services, improvement of people’s lives, improved knowledge of legal issues, they will not be financed for livestock waste treatment model from the NTP II.

For those having biogas: the subsidy will plus 200,000 VND/household.

For any commune performing a model that mainstreams hygienic latrine and livestock waste treatment, the maximum subsidy from State budget for the mainstreamed model will be 200 million VND.

Supported household’s selection and subsidy amount for each household will be decided by the PPCs or PPCs authorised agencies based on principles and priority order. The maximum subsidy can not exceed the total subsidy for a commune.

6. Revision for Dash 3, Sub-point a, Point 1.2, Item 1, Section II – Support for the construction of water supply schemes:

- Expenditure for construction, rehabilitation and expansion of water supply schemes, including for schools (kindergartens, nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, rural vocational schools), health clinics, markets, rural public buildings and CPC offices; border posts and boundary residential areas.

7. Revision for Dash 3, Sub-point b, Point 1.2, Item 1, Section II – Subsidy rate for piped water schemes:

- Pipe water schemes: The State subsidy will support partial cost of steel, cement, bricks, sand and equipments for primary constructions, water treatment plants, and main pipelines. The specific subsidy amounts are defined as follows:

* Subsidy will not exceed 45% of the total cost estimate approved by functional authority, applying for small towns; not exceed 60% the lowlands and coastal areas; not exceed 75% for other rural areas.

* Subsidy will not exceed 90% the total cost estimate approved by functional authority, applying for the specially difficult communes in ethnic and mountainous areas, coastal capes and islands, boundary communes as regulated by the Prime Minister; for cases where the Prime Minister has decided to support water supply schemes using State budget: funding source and subsidy amounts are subject to the decision of the Prime Minister.

* For water supply facilities in health clinics, schools (kindergartens, nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, rural vocational schools) and rural markets, the State subsidy will not exceed 75% of the total cost estimate approved by function authority; for non-revenue institutes: PPCs will consider and decide an appropriate investment amount from State budget (including central budget and additional ODA fund for provincial budget; provincial budget for investment purpose).

+ Gravity water supply facilities (only in highland areas): State subsidy will not exceed 90% of the total cost estimate approved by functional authority.

Based on the above mentioned subsidy amounts: relevant Ministries, PPCs will decide specific subsidy amounts for projects at inter-village (inter-hamlet) level, commune level, and implement the projects in conformity with annual allocated funds.

8. Revision for Dash 4, Sub-point b, Point 1.2, Item 1, Section II – Subsidy rate for individual water schemes:

- Individual water facilities: State subsidy will support partial cost of construction materials such as pipe, hand drilling, cement, rain water gutter depending on types of water supply facilities for poor households, social privileged households and households in specially difficult communes in ethnic and mountainous areas, coastal capes and islands, boundary communes as already regulated the Prime Minister; for cases where the Prime Minister has decided to support investment of individual water supply facilities: funding sources and subsidy amounts are subject to the decision of the Prime Minister

- Specific subsidy rates: “small diameter tube well, dug well, rain water tank (4m3) and rain water jar (2m3): the maximum State subsidy will not exceed 60% for the midlands and 750% for mountainous areas as per approved cost estimate.

Particularly for households of Vietnamese heroic mothers, households with martyrs, households deserving credit for the Revolution: State subsidy will be 100% of the total cost estimate approved by functional authority; for households with the disabled, disadvantaged people: the PPCs will consider and decide appropriate subsidy rates.

9. Revision for Dash 1, Item 1, Section III:

1. MARD: “Planning and consolidation of capital demands for RWSS NTP based on proposals from related Ministries, agencies, unions and provinces/cites submitted to MONRE (recurrent budget), MPI and MOF for further consolidation and reporting to functional levels for review & approval; taking lead in providing the donors with annual work-plan and budget of the Program in conformity with the signed Agreement;

10. Implementation arrangements:

This Circular will take effect after 15 days from publication in the Official Gazette. Other contents stipulated in the Inter-Ministerial Circular No.80/2007/TTLT-BTN-BNN dated 11/7/2007 of MOF & MARD regarding the guidelines on management and use of State budget expenditure for RWSS NTP 2006-2010 are still valid.

If obstacles occur during the implementation process, implementing units are kindly requested to make feedback to the Inter-Ministries for any potential & appropriate adjustments.



Đao Xuan Hoc


Do Hoang Anh Tuan


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          Joint circular No. 48/2008/TTLT-BTC-BNN revision/addition of some contents
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          Số hiệu48/2008/TTLT-BTC-BNN
          Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn, Bộ Tài chính
          Người kýPhạm Sỹ Danh, Đào Xuân Học
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