Công văn 8909/BKHDT-PC

Official Dispatch No. 8909/BKHĐT-PC dated December 31, 2020 on implementation of the Law on Investment

Nội dung toàn văn Official Dispatch No. 8909/BKHĐT-PC 2020 on implementation of the Law on Investment


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 8909/BKHĐT-PC
Re. implementation of the Law on Investment

Hanoi, December 31, 2020



- People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities;
- Departments of Planning and Investment of provinces and central-affiliated cities;
- Management boards of industrial parks, export-processing zones, hi-tech zones and economic zones.


The Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 adopted by the 14th National Assembly of Socialist Republic of Vietnam on this 17th of June, 2020 during its 9th session has been effective since January 01, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as “the Law on Investment 2020”). The draft Decree on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Investment 2020 is now being perfected following opinions of the Government members for submission to the Prime Minister for signature and promulgation.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment has also drafted a Circular providing guidance on forms of documents serving investment procedures and reporting of investment activities in Vietnam, which will be applied after the Decree is promulgated.

To make sure that the Law on Investment 2020 is implemented as of January 01, 2021, the Ministry of Planning and Investment hereby requests that the following tasks be performed:

I. Receiving and processing documentation and procedures under the Law on Investment 2020

1. Regarding documentation serving investment procedures:

As of January 01, 2021, documentation serving procedures for approving investment guidelines, issuing and adjusting investment registration certificates and outward investment registration certificates, and other procedures to conduct investment activities shall comply with the Law on Investment 2020. To be specific:

1.1. Authorities receiving applications for approval for investment guidelines:

a) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall receive applications for approval for investment guidelines of investment projects subject to approval for their investment guidelines by the National Assembly and the Prime Minister as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 34 and Clause 1 Article 35 of the Law on Investment 2020.

b) Investment registration authorities shall receive applications for approval for investment guidelines of investment projects subject to approval for their investment guidelines by People’s Committees of provinces as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 36 of the Law on Investment 2020.

1.2. Applications for and contents of appraisal of requests for investment guideline approval are specified in Article 33 of the Law on Investment 2020.

1.3. Procedures for granting approval for investment guidelines of investment projects subject to approval for their investment guidelines by the National Assembly, the Prime Minister and provincial People’s Committees are specified in Articles 34, 35 and 36 of the Law on Investment 2020.

2. Regarding procedures for issuing investment registration certificates:

2.1. The power to issue investment registration certificates is specified in Article 39 of the Law on Investment 2020.

2.2. Applications for issuance of investment registration certificates to projects not subject to approval for their investment guidelines include the documents mentioned in Clause 1 Article 33 of the Law on Investment.

2.3. Procedures for issuing investment registration certificates are specified in Article 38 of the Law on Investment 2020.

2.4. Investment registration authorities and investors shall continue to follow investment procedures on the operating national investment information system (previously the national foreign investment information system).

3. Procedures for making investment by contributing capital, purchasing shares or purchasing stakes:

3.1. Any investor that contributes capital or purchases shares/stakes of a business entity must satisfy the conditions and follow the procedures set out in Article 26 of the Law on Investment 2020.

3.2. Procedures for registration of capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes are as follows:

3.2.1. A business entity to which foreign investors contribute capital or whose shares/stakes are purchased by foreign investors in the case specified in Clause 2 Article 26 of the Law on Investment shall submit 01 application for registration of capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes to the investment registration authority where the business entity’s head office is located.

If the conditions specified in Clause 2 Article 24 of the Law on Investment are satisfied, according to the written approval of the investment registration authority, the business entity to which foreign investors contribute capital or whose shares/stakes are purchased by foreign investors shall follow procedures for change of members or shareholders at the investment registration authority in accordance with regulations of law on enterprises and other laws applicable to each type of business entity.

3.2.2. An application for registration of capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes consists of:

a) A registration form for capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes, which specifies enterprise registration information about the business entity to which foreign investors contribute capital or whose shares/stakes are purchased by foreign investors; business lines; list of founding shareholders, list of shareholders that are foreign investors (if any); holding of charter capital by the foreign investor before and after capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes; transaction value of the contract for capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes; information about the business entity's investment project (if any);

b) Copies of legal documents of the individual or organization that contributes capital or purchases shares/stakes and of the business entity to which foreign investors contribute capital or whose shares/stakes are purchased by foreign investors;

c) A written agreement on the capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes between the foreign investor and the business entity receiving capital contribution from or selling shares/stakes to the foreign investor;

d) A declaration document enclosed with the copy of the certificate of land use rights of the business entity (in the case specified in Points b and c Clause 2 Article 24 of the Law on Investment 2020). The business entity shall take legal responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of the declaration document.

4. Several documents serving investment procedures are formulated according to the forms enclosed with this Official Dispatch.

5. Business lines allowed in market with conditions and market access conditions applied to foreign investors:

5.1. Business lines allowed in market with conditions and market access conditions applied to foreign investors are specified in Article 9 of the Law on Investment 2020.

5.2. Market access conditions applied to foreign investors are considered in accordance with regulations of applicable legal documents (including laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, ordinances and resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and decrees of the Government) and international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

6. Considering conditions concerning assurance of national defense and security:

According to the Law on National Defence No. 22/2018/QH14 dated June 08, 2018, Law on National Security No. 32/2004/QH11 dated December 03, 2004, Ordinance No. 32-L/CTN dated May 19, 1994, Ordinance No. 32/2007/PL-UBTVQH11, Government’s Decree No. 04/CP dated January 16, 1995 and Government’s Decree No. 34/2014/ND-CP dated April 29, 2014, the investment registration authority shall seek opinions of the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Public Security about the cases specified in Point c Clause 2 Article 26 of the Law on Investment and Point d Clause 1 Article 32 of the Law on Investment.

II. Processing investment project dossiers received before the effective date of the Law on Investment 2020

1. According to Clause 11 Article 77 of the Law on Investment 2020, as of January 01, 2021, if any valid dossier has been received as prescribed in the Law on Investment 2014 and Government’s Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP and the deadline for processing thereof has expired but the results have not been returned in accordance with the Law on Investment 2014 and Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP, such dossier shall continue to be processed according to the Law on Investment 2014. A valid dossier is defined as prescribed in Clause 11 Article 2 of the Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP.

2. If the valid dossier has been received as prescribed in the Law on Investment 2014 and Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP and the deadline for handling administrative procedures is after January 01, 2021, the investment registration authority shall instruct the investor to provide additional documents (if any) or adjust contents of the submitted dossier in accordance with the Law on Investment 2020 so as to follow the procedures set out in this Law.

 Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Official Dispatch should be reported to the Ministry of Planning and Investment in writing for timely instructions./.





Tran Duy Dong



(Enclosed with the Official Dispatch No. 8909/BKHĐT-PC dated December 31, 2020)

Form No. I.1

Application for investment project execution

(For projects proposed by investors – subject and not subject to approval for their investment guidelines)

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


To: ……….. (Name of the investment registration authority)

Investors hereby apply for investment project execution as follows:


1. The first investor:

a) Regarding the investor being an individual

Full name: …………………Sex: .....................................................................................

Date of birth: …….../............ /..... ………….Nationality:.....................................................

ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ..................................................

Date of issue: ....................... /..... /........... Place of issue: ...............................................

Other personal identity documents (if the ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport is not available): ......

Number of personal identity document: ...........................................................................

Date of issue: ....................... /..... /........... Expiry date: .............. /....... /....... Place of issue: ....

Permanent address: ..........................................................................................................

Current address: ................................................................................................................

Phone number: …………….Fax: ……………….Email: .....................................................

b)Regarding the investor being an enterprise/organization:

Name of the enterprise/organization: ................................................................................

Establishment decision or number of business/enterprise registration certificate or enterprise ID number or number of investment license/investment certificate/investment registration certificate or other equivalent document:

Date of issue: ................................................Issuing authority..........................................

Head office address: .........................................................................................................

Phone number: ……………Fax: ……………… Email: ……… Website: ...........................

Holding of charter capital by foreign investors (only applicable to the case where the investor is an enterprise/organization established in Vietnam):


Name of foreign investor


Contributed capital

Ratio (%)


USD Equivalent








Ratio of general partners who are foreign investors in the partnership (only applicable to the case where the investor is a partnership established in Vietnam): .........................................................................

Information about the legal representative of the enterprise/organization registering for investment:

Full name: …………………Sex: .....................................................................

Title:…………………Date of birth: …….../…../…….Nationality:......................................

ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ..................................................

Date of issue: ....................... /..... /........... Place of issue:.................................................

Permanent address: ..........................................................................................................

Current address: ................................................................................................................

Phone number: …………….Fax: ……………….Email: .....................................................

2. The next investors: information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor

II.INFORMATON ABOUT THE BUSINESS ENTITY EXPECTED TO BE ESTABLISHED (for the foreign investor making investment by establishing a business entity)

1. Name of the business entity: .....................................................................................

2. Type of the business entity........................................................................................

3. Charter capital: …….. dong (in letters) and equivalent to……………. USD (in letters)

4. Ratio of charter capital contribution by each investor:


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)


USD Equivalent








1. Name and location of the project:

1.1. Project name: ...............................................................................................................

1.2. Project location: ........................................................................................

 (For the project located outside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the address, ward/commune, urban district/rural district, province/city. For the project located inside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the number, street or lot number, name of the block, urban district/rural district, province/city).

2. Objectives of the project:




Name of sector

(under VSIC level 4)

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC, if any)


(Main business lines)










- The first business line stated means the main business line of the project.

- (*) Only CPC code is needed if the objective belongs to a conditional business line, applicable to foreign investors upon issuing the investment registration certificate.

3. Investment scale:

The scale is specified as follows:

- Expected area of land/water surface/premises (m2 or ha):

- Design capacity:

- Products/services to be provided:

- Architecture (building area, floor area, number of storeys, the height of works, etc.):

If the project is divided into multiple stages, each stage shall be specified as above.

If the objective for constructing a residential house (for sale, for lease or for lease purchase) or urban area is available, please specify:

- Area of land used: …. ha

- Population: …… people

- Whether the project is inside/outside the urban area.

- Whether the project is inside/outside the safety perimeter of the relic recognized by the competent authority as a national or special national relic.

- Whether the project is inside/outside the restricted development area or historic inner city (defined in the urban planning project) of the special-grade urban area;

4. Investment capital, and capital raising methods:

4.1. Total investment: …....(in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), where:

- Capital contributed by investors: …....(in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters).

- Raised capital: …….. dong (in letters) and equivalent to……………. USD (in letters).

- Other capital (e.g, reinvested profits, etc.): …………dong (in letters) and equivalent to … USD (in letters).

4.2. Sources of investment capital:

a) Contributed capital for project execution (of each investor):


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (% 

Contribution method (*)

Contribution schedule


USD Equivalent
















(*):Contribution method: specify value in the form of cash, machinery, equipment, land use right or technical know-how.

b) Raised capital: specify the amount of capital, methods for raising capital (borrowing from a credit institution/parent company, etc.) and expected schedule.

c) Other capital: ...................................................................................................................

5. Duration of the project: (specify years)........................................................

6. Project execution schedule: (specify by month (or quarter)/year, e.g, January (or the first quarter)/2018):

a) Capital contribution and raising schedule;

b) Schedule for fulfilling main objectives of the investment project:

- Schedule for completing investment procedures to transfer premises,

- Schedule for carrying out construction,

- Schedule for constructing work items,

- Schedule for completing the project and putting it into use/operation.

(If the investment project is divided into multiple stages, schedule of each stage shall be specified)


1. Take legal responsibility for the legitimacy, accuracy and truthfulness of the application and documents submitted to the competent authority.

2. Comply with Vietnam’s laws and written approval for investment guidelines/investment registration certificate.

3. Undertake to incur all costs and risks if the project is not approved.


- The documents specified in Clause 1 Article 33 of the Law on Investment.

- Legal documents on construction, housing and real estate trading regarding construction, housing and urban area projects

- Other relevant documents (if any). 



Done at……., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
Each investor’s signature, full name, title and seal (if any)

(*) Note: 

Investors are required to declare information about applications for issuance of the investment registration certificate on the national investment information system and submit 08 sets of applications, including 01 original set of application (for the project subject to approval for its investment guidelines by the Prime Minister) or 04 sets of applications, including 01 original set of application (for the project subject to approval for its investment guidelines by the provincial People’s Committee) or 01 set of application ((for the project not subject to approval for its investment guidelines) to the Ministry of Planning and Investment or investment registration authority within 15 days from the date of declaring information on the national investment information system.


Form No. I.2

Investment project proposal

(For projects subject to approval for their investment guidelines – set up by competent authorities)

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


(date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

1. Investment objectives................................................................................................

2. Project location: .........................................................................................

 (For the project located outside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the address, ward/commune, urban district/rural district, province/city. For the project located inside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the street number, lot number, name of the block, urban district/rural district, province/city).

3. Investment scale:

The scale is specified as follows:

- Expected area of land/water surface/premises (m2 or ha):

- Design capacity:

- Products/services to be provided:

- Architecture (building area, floor area, number of storeys, the height of works, etc.):

If the project is divided into multiple stages, each stage shall be specified as above.

If the objective for constructing a residential house (for sale, for lease or for lease purchase) or urban area is available, please specify:

- Area of land used: …. ha

- Population: …… people

- Whether the project is inside/outside the urban area.

- Whether the project is inside/outside the safety perimeter of the relic recognized by the competent authority as a national or special national relic.

- Whether the project is inside/outside the restricted development area or historic inner city (defined in the urban planning project) of the special-grade urban area;

4. Expected total investment capital: (total capital in VND.............................................................

5. 5. Duration of the project: (specify years)........................................................

6. Project execution schedule: (specify by month (or quarter)/year, e.g, January (or the first quarter)/2018):

7. Assessment of impacts and socio-economic efficiency of the project:

The most significant impacts of the project on local socio-economic development (job creation, payment to budget, exportation, technology transfer, etc.).

8. Information about land:

a) Current use of land at the project location:

b) Conditions for land appropriation for the project subject to land appropriation:

c) Expected demand for use of land (if any):

9. Preliminary assessment of environmental impacts (if any) in accordance with regulations of law on environmental protection:

10. Expected method for selecting investors and conditions applied to investors (if any):

In case of proposing selection of investors in accordance with regulations of law on bidding, specify the total estimated cost of executing the project in accordance with regulations of law on bidding. The total estimated cost of executing the project shall be determined according to the total investment of the project in accordance with regulation of law on construction, exclusive of the costs of compensation, assistance and relocation.

11. Regarding a housing or urban area construction project, the following is required to be added: explanation for executing an investment project for objective fulfillment, urban development orientation, housing development program or plan; preliminary construction design plan, expected division of component projects (if any); preliminary plan for phasing of investment with a view to synchronism assurance; preliminary structure of residential housing products and provision of land for social residential housing development; preliminary plan for investment in construction and management of urban infrastructure inside and outside the project. For the remaining construction projects, a preliminary construction design plan and expected division of component projects (if any) are required.

12. Special mechanisms and policies (if any):

13. Attached documents

- The documents specified in Clause 2 Article 33 of the Law on Investment.

- Legal documents on construction, housing and real estate trading regarding construction, housing and urban area projects.

- Other relevant documents (if any):



Done at……., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
Regulatory body
(Full name, title and seal)


Form No. I.3

Investment project proposal

(For projects proposed by investors subject to approval for their investment guidelines)

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


(Enclosed with the application for investment project execution)

date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)


1. Investors (specify name of each investor according to the application for investment project execution)

2. Investor selection method (if any)


1. Contents regarding project name and location, objectives, scale, capital, capital raising methods, project duration and project execution schedule: as stated in the application for investment project execution.

2. Proposed demand for use of land (for projects applying for land lease, land allocation and land repurposing)

2.1. Land area:

- Overall description of the land area (address, area, boundary, geographic location):

- Legal bases for determining the right to use the land area (if any):

2.2. Current land use structure (tabulating current land use structure and current land use map)

2.3. Expected demand for use of land (specify the area of land used, term, demand for use of land by each work item)

2.4. Explanation for the fulfillment of requirements for land allocation, land lease and transfer of land use rights under law.

2.5. Expected plan and schedule for land allocation, land lease or land repurposing under regulations of law on land.

2.6. Overall plan for compensation, land clearance and  relocation (if any).

3. Labor demand (specify the number of domestic workers, number of foreign workers needed for the project in each specific period): ......................................................................................................................

4. Assessment of impacts and socio-economic efficiency of the project:

- The most significant impacts of the project on local socio-economic development (job creation, payment to budget, exportation, technology transfer, etc.).

5. Preliminary assessment of environmental impacts (if any) in accordance with regulations of law on environmental protection:

6. Explanation for fulfillment of market access conditions applied to foreign investors (if any):

7. Regarding a housing or urban area construction project:

explanation for executing an investment project for objective fulfillment, urban development orientation, housing development program or plan; preliminary construction design plan, expected division of component projects (if any); preliminary plan for phasing of investment with a view to synchronism assurance; preliminary structure of residential housing products and provision of land for social residential housing development; preliminary plan for investment in construction and management of urban infrastructure inside and outside the project. For the remaining construction projects, a preliminary construction design plan and expected division of component projects (if any) are required.

8. Contents of the explanation for the technology to be used in the investment project if the project requires appraisal and collection of opinions on the technology in accordance with the Law on Technology Transfer.


1. Corporate income tax incentives:

Legal bases (specify names of applicable legal documents and articles):......................

2. Import tax incentives:

Legal bases (specify names of applicable legal documents and articles):......................

3. Incentives for exemption and reduction of land rents and land levies.

Legal bases (specify names of applicable legal documents and articles):......................

4. Incentives for accelerated depreciation and increase in the deductible expenses upon calculation of taxable income (if any)

5. Special incentives (if any): .............................................................................................

6. Proposal for investment assistance (if any): ................................................................



Done at……., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
Each investor’s signature, full name, title and seal (if any)


Form No. I.4


(For projects not subject to approval for their investment guidelines)

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


(Enclosed with the application for investment project execution)

date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)


(specify name of each investor)

hereby apply for investment project execution as follows:


1. Name and location of the project:

1.1. Project name.................................................................................................................

1.2.Project location: ........................................................................................

 (For the project located outside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the address, ward/commune, urban district/rural district, province/city. For the project located inside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the street number, lot number, name of the block, urban district/rural district, province/city).

2. Objectives of the project:




Name of sector

(under VSIC level 4)

Code of sector

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC, if any)


(Main business lines)










- The first business line stated means the main business line of the project.

- (*) Only CPC code is needed if the objective belongs to a conditional business line,, applicable to foreign investors upon issuing the investment registration certificate.

3. Investment scale:

The scale is specified as follows:

- Expected area of land/water surface/premises (m2 or ha):...................................

- Design capacity:........................................................................................................

- Products and services to be provided:......................................................................

- Architecture (building area, floor area, number of storeys, the height of works, etc.):

If the project is divided into multiple stages, each stage shall be specified as above.

4. Investment capital:

4.1. Total investment: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), where:

a) Capital contributed by investors: …... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters).

b) Raised capital: …….. dong (in letters) and equivalent to ……. USD (in letters).

4.2. Sources of investment capital:

a) Contributed capital for project execution (specify each investor):


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)

Contribution method (*)

Contribution schedule


USD Equivalent
















 (*):Contribution method: specify value in the form of cash, machinery, equipment, land use right or technical know-how.

b) Raised capital: specify the amount of capital, methods for raising capital (borrowing from a credit institution/parent company, etc.) and expected schedule.

c) Other capital: ...................................................................................................................

5. Duration of the project: .................................................................................

6. Project execution schedule (specify by month (or quarter)/year, e.g, January (or the first quarter)/2018):

a) Capital contribution and raising schedule;

b) Schedule for fulfilling main objectives of the investment project:

- Schedule for completing investment procedures to transfer premises,

- Schedule for carrying out construction,

- Schedule for constructing work items,

- Schedule for completing the project and putting it into use/operation.

(If the investment project is divided into multiple stages, schedule of each stage shall be specified.)

7. Labor demand: (specify the number of domestic workers, number of foreign workers needed for the project in each specific period)

8. Assessment of impacts and socio-economic efficiency of the project:

- The most significant impacts of the project on local socio-economic development (job creation, payment to budget, exportation, technology transfer, etc.).

9. Preliminary assessment of environmental impacts (if any) in accordance with regulations of law on environmental protection

10. Explanation for fulfillment of market investment conditions applied to foreign investors (if any):

11. Explanation for fulfillment of conditions concerning investment and workers used (if any):


1. Corporate income tax incentives:

Legal bases (specify names of applicable legal documents and articles):...

2. Import tax incentives:

Legal bases (specify names of applicable legal documents and articles):...

3. Incentives for exemption and reduction of land rents and land levies.

Legal bases (specify names of applicable legal documents and articles):...

4. Incentives for accelerated depreciation and increase in the deductible expenses upon calculation of taxable income (if any):     

5. Special incentives (if any): ............................................................................................

6. Proposal for investment assistance (if any):...............................................................



Done at……., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
Each investor’s signature, full name, title and seal (if any)


Form No. I.5

Registration form for capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


To: ……….. (Name of the investment registration authority)

Investors hereby register contribution of capital to/purchase of shares/repurchase of stakes from ………(name of the business entity)….as follows:


1. The first investor:

a) Regarding the investor being an individual

Full name: …………………Sex: .....................................................................................

Date of birth…../......./….Nationality: ...................................................................................

ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ..................................................

Date of issue:....................... /..... /........... Place of issue:...................................................

Other personal identity documents (if the ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport is not available): ......

Number of personal identity document: .............................................................................

Date of issue:....................... /..... /........... Expiry date: .............. /....... /....... Place of issue: .......

Permanent address: ..........................................................................................................

Current address: ................................................................................................................

Phone number: …………….Fax: ……………….Email: .....................................................

b)Regarding the investor being an enterprise/organization:

Name of the enterprise/organization: ................................................................................

Establishment decision or number of business/enterprise registration certificate or enterprise ID number or number of investment license/investment certificate/investment registration certificate or other equivalent document: .....................................................................................................................................

Date of issue:..........................................Issuing authority...........................................

Head office address: ...................................................................................................

Phone number: ……………Fax: …………… Email: ……… Website: ..

Information about the legal representative of the enterprise/organization registering for investment:

Full name: …………………Sex: ....................................................................................

Title:…………………Date of birth: …….../…../…….Nationality:.....................................

ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ..................................................

Date of issue: ....................... /..... /........... Place of issue: ............................................

Permanent address: ......................................................................................................

Current address: ............................................................................................................

Phone number: …………….Fax: ……………….Email: .................................................

2. The next investors (information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor):


1. Name of the business entity:

- Name in Vietnamese language.......................................................................................

- Name in foreign language (if any): .............................................................................

- Abbreviated name (if any): .............................................................................................

2. Enterprise ID number: ....................... Date of first issue: .............. Latest date of adjustment:........................

3. Type of the enterprise:

4. Head office address: (For the project located outside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the address, ward/commune, urban district/rural district, province/city. For the project located inside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the street number, lot number, name of the block, urban district/rural district, province/city).

5. Business lines:


Name of sector

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)







6. Charter capital:………….(in letters) dong.

7. Current holding of charter capital by foreign investors in the business entity (if any):


Name of foreign investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)


USD Equivalent (if any)












8. List of founding shareholders, list of shareholders that are foreign investors (if any);

9. Certificate of rights to use land on the island, border commune, ward or town; coastal commune, ward or town; other areas affecting national defense and security (if any).

Specify the certificate of land use rights No. .... at...... (location of the land area)



Name of foreign investor


Ratio of contributed capital to charter capital

Actual transaction value


USD Equivalent (if any)

Ratio (%)


USD Equivalent (if any)


















1. Name of the business entity:

1. Charter capital:………….(in letters) dong.

2. Holding:


Name of foreign investor


Ratio of contributed capital to charter capital


USD Equivalent (if any)

Ratio (%)













3. Business lines:


Name of sector

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC)









(*) Only CPC code is needed if the objective belongs to a conditional business line, applicable to foreign investors upon issuing the investment registration certificate.



(Explanation for fulfillment of conditions concerning holding of charter capital; investment method, scope of investment, capacity of investors, Vietnamese partners participating in the investment activities, and other conditions specified in Vietnam’s laws and international treaties)


1. Take legal responsibility for the legitimacy, accuracy and truthfulness of the documents submitted to the competent authority.

2. Strictly comply with regulations of Vietnam’s laws and regulations of the investment registration certificate.

VII. Attached documents

- Copies of legal documents of the individual or organization that contributes capital or purchases shares/stake and of the business entity to which foreign investors contribute capital or whose shares/stakes are purchased by foreign investors;

- Written agreement on the capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes between foreign investors and the business entity receiving capital contribution from or selling shares/stakes to foreign investors;

- A copy of the certificate of land use rights of the business entity receiving capital contribution from or selling shares/stakes to foreign investors;


Done at……., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….

Business entity receiving capital contribution from or selling shares/stakes to foreign investors

Legal representative of the business entity, his/her signature, full name, title and seal (if any).


Each investor’s signature, full name, title and seal (if any)

Form No. II.1

Written approval for investment guidelines


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. ….…




 (First issuance: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

 (Replacement: … time: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

Pursuant to the Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. ……… dated (dd/mm/yyyy) …. on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Investment;

Pursuant to…. defining functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of...;

Pursuant to the application for investment project execution and attached documents submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ..... and additional documents (if any) submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ..... by .....,

Pursuant to the appraisal report of ......... dated (dd/mm/yyyy)....... .;


1. Project name (if any): ……………………………………………………………………….

2. Project objectives: .......................................................................................................

3. Project location:..........................................................................................................

4. Project scale: ................................................................................................................

 (Specify work items, area of land/water surface used (if any): ........... m2 or ha; Origin of land:…..)

5. Project execution schedule:

Capital contribution and raising schedule:..........................................................................

Schedule for capital construction and putting a work into operation (if any):.................................................

Schedule for implementing each stage in the case of a multi-stage investment project:

6. Project duration

7. Investors executing the project (if any, in the case in Clause 4 Article 29 of the Law on Investment)

a. The first investor:

a) Regarding the investor being an individual

Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............. email: ....................

b) Regarding the investor being an organization:

Name of the investor ...................; Establishment registration certificate No. ................ issued by ..................... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ........

Head office address: ........................................................................................................

Legal representative: Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............. email: ..................., position: ..................b. The next investors (if any): information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor.

c. Expected total investment capital of the project: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), where:

- Contributed capital for project execution: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), accounting for ........% of the total investment capital;

- Raised capital (specify its value, sources): .............(in letters) dong, equivalent to ......... USD (in letters);

- Other capital: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters)

Schedule, ratio and method for contribution of capital (of each investor):


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)


USD Equivalent







8. Expected method for selecting investors (Conditions applied to investors executing the investment project)

9. Technology applied (if any):......................................................................................

10. Investment incentives and assistance: the project is eligible for incentives and assistance in accordance with applicable regulations of law.

Special mechanisms and policies: please specify legal bases for incentives, eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any).

11. Effective date of the investment guideline decision:.............................................

12. Duration of the project:.................................................................................

13. Total estimated cost of executing the project (if any);

14. Preliminary plan for phasing of investment or division of component projects (if any);

15. Preliminary structure of residential housing products and provision of land for social residential housing development; preliminary plan for investment in construction and management of urban infrastructure inside and outside the project in the case of a housing or urban area construction project (if any).

16. (In the case of adjustment) This written approval for investment guidelines comes into force from the day on which it is signed and supersedes the written approval for investment guidelines No. ....................issued by (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ... and adjusted written approval No. ....... dated (dd/mm/yyyy) ........

17. This document is issued to ………………. (name of the investor, if any); one copy is sent to …………. (name of the regulatory body submitting the application) and one is kept at ……………. (name of the authority deciding investment guidelines).





Form No. II.2

Investment registration certificate

(In the case of issuing new investment registration certificate)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness



Project code: ……………..

First issuance: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

Pursuant to the Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. ……… dated (dd/mm/yyyy) …. on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Investment;

Pursuant to the Written approval for investment guidelines No. .... of ....dated (dd/mm/yyyy) (if any);

Pursuant to…. defining functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of...;Pursuant to the application for investment project execution and attached documents submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ..... and additional documents (if any) submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ..... by .....,


Herby certifies that:

The first investor:

a) Regarding the investor being an individual

Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............., email: ....................

b) Regarding the investor being an organization:

Name of the investor ...................; Establishment registration certificate No. ................ issued by ..................... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ........

Head office address: ......................................

Legal representative: Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............. email: ..................., position: ..................

The next investors (if any): information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor.

(If there are 05 investors or more, the investment registration authority may select to include a list of investors in the enclosed appendix).


The business entity executing the investment project: ……………(name of the business entity), enterprise ID number/number of investment certificate/number of establishment decision ……….  issued by ……. (name of the issuing authority) for the first time on (dd/mm/yyyy)  ……………, TIN….

applies for investment project execution as follows:

Article 1. Contents of investment project

1. Project name (in capital letters): .......................................................................

2. Project objectives: ..........................................................................................................



Name of sector

(under VSIC level 4)

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC, if any)


(Main business lines)









The business entity established to execute this investment project is entitled to apply export processing enterprise regulations (only specify this if the business entity makes a request and satisfies the conditions applied to export processing enterprises in accordance with regulations of law)

3. Project scale: ...........................................................................................................

4. Project location: ...........................................................................................

5. Area of land/water surface used I (if any): .............. m2 or ha

6. c. Expected total investment capital of the project: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters).

Where, the contributed capital for project execution is: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), accounting for ........% of the total investment capital.

Value, ratio, method and schedule for contribution of capital (of each investor):


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)

Contribution method (*)

Contribution schedule


USD Equivalent











7. Duration of the project: ...... years, from the date on which the investment registration certificate is issued.

8. Project execution schedule:

a) Capital contribution and raising schedule;

b) Schedule for fulfilling main objectives of the investment project:

- Schedule for completing investment procedures to transfer premises,

- Schedule for carrying out construction,

- Schedule for constructing work items,

- Schedule for completing the project and putting it into use/operation.

(If the investment project is divided into multiple stages, schedule of each stage shall be specified.)

Article 2: Investment incentives and assistance:

The project is eligible for incentives and assistance as follows:

1. Corporate income tax incentives:

- Legal bases..............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any): ...............................................................

2. Import tax incentives:

- Legal bases:.............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any):...............................................................

3. Incentives for exemption and reduction of land rents and land levies:

- Legal bases:.............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any):...............................................................

4. Incentives for accelerated depreciation and increase in the deductible expenses upon calculation of taxable income (if any)

- Legal bases:.............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any):...............................................................

5. Special investment incentives and assistance (if any): .............................................................................................

Article 3. Regulations applied to investors executing the project:

1. Investors and business entity are required to apply for an account on the national investment information system in accordance with regulations of law.

2. Conditions applied to investors executing the project (if any):..........................


Article 4. This investment registration certificate is made into …. (in letters) original copies; each investor shall keep 01 copy, 01 copy shall be kept at:.... (name of the investment registration authority) and published on the national investment information system. 





Form No. II.3

Investment registration certificate

(In the case of adjustment of the investment registration certificate)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness



Project code: …………..

First issuance: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

Replacement: … time: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

Pursuant to the Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. ……… dated (dd/mm/yyyy) …. on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Investment;

Pursuant to the Written approval for investment guidelines No. .... of ....dated (dd/mm/yyyy) (or equivalent documents, if any);

Pursuant to the Court’s Judgment/Arbitration’s Decision…..(if any);

Pursuant to the Investment registration certificate/Investment certificate/Investment license/Business license No. ..... issued by ...... on (dd/mm/yyyy) .......;

Pursuant to…. defining functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of... ;

Pursuant to the application for adjustment of the investment registration certificate and attached documents ..... submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ....... and additional documents submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ....... by ......;


Hereby certifies that:

The investment project ..................(name of the project); project code................, issued by...... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) .......;;

is permitted to apply for adjusting ............... (write a summary of the contents to be adjusted, e.g. increase in investment capital or change of project objectives).

Information about the investment project after the adjustment:


a) Regarding the investor being an individual

Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............., email: ....................................

b) Regarding the investor being an organization:

Name of the investor ...................; Establishment registration certificate No. ................ issued by ..................... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ........ .......

Head office address: ........................................................................................................

Legal representative: Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............. email: ..................., position: ..................

The next investors (if any): information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor.

(If there are 05 investors or more, the investment registration authority may select to include a list of investors in the enclosed appendix).

The business entity executing the investment project: ……………(name of the business entity), enterprise ID number/number of investment certificate/number of establishment decision ……….  issued by ……. (name of the issuing authority) for the first time on (dd/mm/yyyy)  ……………, TIN….

applies for investment project execution as follows:

Article 1. Contents of investment project

1. Project name: .......................................................................................................

2. Project objectives: ..........................................................................................................




Name of sector

(under VSIC level 4)

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC, if any)


(Main business lines)









…………..(name of the business entity) is entitled to apply export processing enterprise regulations (only specify this if the business entity makes a request and satisfies the conditions applied to export processing enterprises in accordance with regulations of law)

3. Project scale: ...........................................................................................................

4.Project location: ...........................................................................................

5. Area of land/water surface used (if any): .............. m2 or ha

6. Expected total investment capital of the project: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters).

Contributed capital for project execution: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), accounting for ........% of the total investment capital.

Value, ratio, method and schedule for contribution of capital (of each investor).


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)

Contribution method (*)

Contribution schedule


USD Equivalent











7. Duration of the project: ...... years, from the date on which the investment registration certificate is issued for the first time.

8. Project execution schedule:...................................................................................

a) Capital contribution and raising schedule;

b) Schedule for fulfilling main objectives of the investment project:

- Schedule for completing investment procedures to transfer premises,

- Schedule for carrying out construction,

- Schedule for constructing work items,

- Schedule for completing the project and putting it into use/operation.

(If the investment project is divided into multiple stages, schedule of each stage shall be specified.)

Article 2: Investment incentives and assistance:

The project is eligible for incentives and assistance as follows:

1. Corporate income tax incentives:

- Legal bases..............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any): ...............................................................

2. Import tax incentives:

- Legal bases:.............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any): ...............................................................

3. Incentives for exemption and reduction of land rents and land levies:

- Legal bases:.............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any): ...............................................................

4. Incentives for accelerated depreciation and increase in the deductible expenses upon calculation of taxable income

- Legal bases:.............................................................................................

- Eligible entities and conditions for receiving incentives (if any): ...............................................................

5. Special investment incentives and assistance (if any): .............................................................................................

Article 3. Regulations applied to investors/business entity executing the project:

1. Investors and business entity are required to apply for an account on the national investment information system in accordance with regulations of law.

2. Conditions applied to investors executing the project (if any):..........................


Article 4: This investment registration certificate comes into force from the day on which it is signed and supersedes the investment registration certificate No. ....................issued by (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ... and adjusted certificates No. ....... dated (dd/mm/yyyy) ........

Article 5. This investment registration certificate is made into …. (in letters) original copies; each investor shall keep 01 copy, the business entity executing the project shall keep 01 copy and 01 copy shall be kept at:.... (name of the investment registration authority) and published on the national investment information system. 





Form No. II.4

Investment registration certificate

(In the case of replacement of the investment certificate/investment license/business license/…)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness



Project code: ……………….

First issuance: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

Replacement:… time: date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….)

Pursuant to the Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. ……… dated (dd/mm/yyyy) …. on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Investment;

Pursuant to the Written approval for investment guidelines No. .... of ....dated (dd/mm/yyyy) (or equivalent documents, if any);

Pursuant to the Investment registration certificate/Investment certificate/Investment license/Business license No. ..... issued by ...... on (dd/mm/yyyy) .......;

Pursuant to…. defining functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of .......;

Pursuant to the application for adjustment of the investment registration certificate and attached documents ..... submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ....... and additional documents (if any) submitted on (dd/mm/yyyy) ....... by ......;


Hereby certifies that:

The investment project ..................(name of the project); project code/number of the investment registration certificate/investment certificate/investment license/business license................, issued by...... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ....... is entitled to replace such certificate/license with the investment registration certificate;

and is permitted to apply for adjusting[2] ............... (write a summary of the contents to be adjusted, e.g. replacement of the investment license/investment certificate, increase in investment capital or change of project objectives).

Information about the investment project after the adjustment:


a) Regarding the investor being an individual

Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............., email: ....................

b) Regarding the investor being an organization:

Name of the investor ...................; Establishment registration certificate No. ................ issued by ..................... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ........ .......

Head office address: ......................................

Legal representative: Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............. email: ..................., position: ..................

The next investors (if any): information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor.

The business entity executing the investment project: ……………(name of the business entity), enterprise ID number/number of investment certificate/number of establishment decision ……….  issued by ……. (name of the issuing authority) for the first time on (dd/mm/yyyy)  ……………

applies for investment project execution as follows:

Article 1: Contents of the investment project (write all contents of the investment projects)

1. Project name: .......................................................................................................

2. Project objectives: ..........................................................................................................




Name of sector

(under VSIC level 4)

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC, if any)


(Main business lines)









…………..(name of the business entity) is entitled to apply export processing enterprise regulations (only specify this if the business entity makes a request and satisfies the conditions applied to export processing enterprises in accordance with regulations of law)

3. Project scale: ...........................................................................................................

4. Project location: ...........................................................................................

5. Area of land/water surface used (if any): .............. m2 or ha

6. Expected total investment capital of the project: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters).

Where, the contributed capital for project execution: ….... (in letters) dong and equivalent to …… USD (in letters), accounting for ........% of the total investment capital.

Value, ratio, method and schedule for contribution of capital:


Name of investor

Contributed capital

Ratio (%)

Contribution method (*)

Contribution schedule


USD Equivalent











7. Duration of the project: ...... years, from the date on which the investment registration certificate is issued for the first time.

8. Project execution schedule:...................................................................................

a) Capital contribution and raising schedule;

b) Schedule for fulfilling main objectives of the investment project:

- Schedule for completing investment procedures to transfer premises,

- Schedule for carrying out construction,

- Schedule for constructing work items,

- Schedule for completing the project and putting it into use/operation.

(If the investment project is divided into multiple stages, schedule of each stage shall be specified.)

Article 2: Investment incentives and assistance

Write all investment incentives (corporate income tax, import tax, exemption and reduction of land rents, etc.), and legal bases, time of application (if any) specified in the previously issued investment license, business license and investment certificate.

Article 3. Regulations applied to investors executing the project:

1. Investors and business entity are required to apply for an account on the national investment information system in accordance with regulations of law.

2. Conditions applied to investors executing the project (write all conditions applied to the project specified in the previously issued investment license, business license and investment certificate).


Article 4: This investment registration certificate comes into force from the day on which it is signed and supersedes the investment registration certificate No. ....................issued by (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ... and adjusted certificates No. ....... dated (dd/mm/yyyy) ........

Article 5. This investment registration certificate is made into …. (in letters) original copies; each investor shall keep 01 copy, 01 copy shall be kept at:.... (name of the investment registration authority) and published on the national investment information system. 






Form No. II.5

Notification of fulfillment of conditions for capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes by foreign investors

(Article 26 of the Law on Investment)


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.  …………

……(Place name), (dd/mm/yyyy)



To: Name of the investor

Pursuant to the Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. ……… dated (dd/mm/yyyy) …. on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Investment;

Pursuant to ....................;

Pursuant to…. defining functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of... ;

Pursuant to the Registration form for capital contribution/purchase of shares/stakes by the investor (name of the investor) .......submitted on  ..... and additional documents (if any) submitted on....,  

The Department of Planning and Investment of…..........province/city hereby notifies that:

1. The investor/The following investors has/have satisfied/fail(s) to satisfy the conditions for contribution of capital to/purchase of shares/stakes from  

The first investor:

a) Regarding the investor being an individual:

Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............., email: ...........................................................

b) Regarding the investor being an organization:

 Name of the investor ...................; Establishment registration certificate No. ................ issued by ..................... (name of the issuing authority) on (dd/mm/yyyy) ........

Head office address: ........................................................................................................

Legal representative: Mr./Ms./Mrs. ...................., date of birth.........., nationality............, ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport No. ................... date of issue…....place of issue..........., permanent address.................., current address.................., phone number: ............. email: ..................., position: ..................

The next investors

(Information to be declared is the same as that of the first investor)

Reasons (in the case of failure to fulfill the conditions): ………………

2. Information about the business entity after receiving capital contribution from/selling shares/stakes to foreign investors (in the case of fulfilling the conditions):

2.1. Name of the business entity: ........................................................................................

2.2. Enterprise ID number/number of investment certificate/number of establishment decision: ………  issued by ..…… (name of the issuing authority) for the first time on (dd/mm/yyyy) ……….., TIN:…………….

2.3. Head office address: ................................................................................................

 (For the project located outside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone and economic zone: specify the address, ward/commune, urban district/rural district, province/city. For the project located inside the industrial park, export-processing zone, hi-tech zone or economic zone: specify the street number, lot number, name of the block, urban district/rural district, province/city).

2.4. Charter capital (in figures): VND….

2.5. Capital contribution or purchase of shares/stakes by each foreign investor:


Name of foreign investor


Ratio of contributed capital to charter capital

Actual transaction value


USD Equivalent (if any)

Ratio (%)


USD Equivalent (if any)

















2.6. Business lines: 


Name of sector

Code of sector under VSIC

(level 4)

CPC (*) code

(for business lines specified in CPC)












(Signature and seal)




[1] If the law on construction requires formulation of a pre-feasibility study report, the competent authority is entitled to use the pre-feasibility study report instead of an investment project proposal.

[2] Applicable to the case of replacing the investment registration certificate and adjusting the investment project.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Official Dispatch No. 8909/BKHĐT-PC 2020 on implementation of the Law on Investment
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